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No Better Gift

REPORT ON GIVING 2021-2022 16 Anne Winter West established the Christopher R. and Anne W. West Scholarship nearly a decade ago in honor of his 45th reunion because she believes “there is no better gift than a gift of education. Education is the key to everything.”

The Wests benefited from attending excellent schools themselves — Chris at Gilman and Anne at Roland Park Country School. He had a partial scholarship during his Gilman years and the Wests decided they wanted to “do unto others” by providing the same opportunity for those with demonstrated need for tuition assistance.

The Wests contribute to their scholarship fund every year, in addition to making annual gifts to the gilman fund, thus providing for Gilman’s long-term future while helping address the School’s current needs. He notes, “You can start small — it doesn’t have to be a lot of money — and build on it year after year.”

“We have reached a point in our lives where we don’t need any more stuff,” he says. “We’re giving stuff away. Instead of buying for ourselves, we can use the money to add to the scholarship instead.”

The Wests’ goal is to grow the Fund over time. Their planned gift will round out the difference between what they have given during their lifetimes and the amount needed to support a full scholarship.

When asked their reason for making a bequest, he points out that it’s an easy way to make a gift while still providing for daily living expenses. She adds that planned gifts are a great way to leave a personal legacy that will be remembered.

Their advice to others considering planned gifts? “Think of others. Pay it forward.”


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