Local Authority News Vol.33 No.5

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Tel: 00353 46 9072841 Email: info@localauthoritynews.ie Website: www.localauthoritynews.ie

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ISSN NO. 1393-0394 LAN is available FREE OF CHARGE to all Local and Central Government Bodies throughout Ireland. Published bi-monthly it is disseminated to Local Authority Managers, Assistant Managers, County Secretaries, Finance Officers, Principal Officers, Department Heads, County Engineers, City Engineers, Chief Quantity Surveyors, Senior Architects, Plant Superintendents, Senior Executive Engineers, Town Clerks, Purchasing Officers, Administrative Officers, Inspectors, Park Superintendents, County Librarians, etc. in all Government Departments, County Councils, Corporations, Office of Public Works, Urban District Councils, StateSponsored and Development Bodies and Agencies.








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The road to Aarhus: Sustainable Infrastructure energy projects in Ireland for decades across the regions and it will take some time for people to get used to this intensity of energy endeavour now under way.

J Rudden RPS PJ Rudden, Director of Energy and Environment at RPS Group, emphasises the need to involve communities when planning Irelandʼs new wave of energy projects.


We have got to accept that the only way in communications terms to build a new national infrastructure is through dialogue. Communications exercises by infrastructure providers have to be open, honest and respectful. It is very much the case of “Tell me – and I will forget” … “Show me – and I will remember” but “Involve me – and I will understand.” We need to involve people in the process from the start when they see the study area only on a map and no threatening lines but a positive engagement on the power needs of a nation finally recovering from recession. What policies are currently guiding our infrastructural development and are they reasonable?

The geographic scale of infrastructure projects in Ireland has increased significantly over the past year. To power the next energy generation in Ireland for instance, we now require infrastructure over wider spatial areas and landscapes. We also need a greater public awareness of the need to decarbonise our energy system to make it more environmentally sustainable. The recent storms and other weather extremes are clear evidence that the climate around us is changing. We therefore must adapt and mitigate our lives and our approach to projects. Never before were we so challenged and never before had we such an opportunity to outline our vision for a carbon free environment.

Ireland finally ratified the Aarhus Convention on public participation in decision making in 2012 and it became effective in Irish law in 2013. This new EU and thus Irish law gives rights of information, rights of participation and judicial review to citizens on projects before they enter the planning process i.e. in the non-statutory phase of consultation. It recognises that every person has a right to live in an environment adequate to his or her health or wellbeing. That needs to be publicly stated and acknowledged at the start of the project but it is also never too late to say it, even when a later confrontation with residents may arise and needs to be resolved.

Yet while most people accept ʻwhyʼ we have to have a cleaner, more energy efficient way of powering our future, there is a greater human challenge to gain acceptance of the ʻhowʼ and the ʻwhereʼ, especially if we live close to one of these new energy creations bringing lower carbon power. It requires a quantum leap in our imagination to accept a greater density of infrastructure as acceptable features on our landscape.

At the start of projects, the ʻroad to Aarhusʼ is not easy, quick nor inexpensive, but if implemented properly will save overall public communications costs on the project or indeed may end up saving the project entirely from total failure.

West Pier Business Campus Dun Laoghaire Co. Dublin T: +353 1 488 2900 E: pj.rudden@rpsgroup.com

Our grandfathers and grandmothers possibly thought the same of rural electrification but did not have the learning nor the voice nor the means to proper information to counter what they may have seen as dangerous incursions in the name of progress. Indeed, we havenʼt had such a confluence of new



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Conserving Waterford’s Natural Heritage through Citizen Science populations of four target mammal species (Otter, Squirrel, Pine Marten and Bats) involving citizen science, trialling novel survey techniques and using DNA based analysis in order to establish baseline data on key mammal species as indicators of future change in habitats and species. Monitoring and conserving biodiversity are increasingly being recognised as critical for sustainable development and delivering strategies to maintain biodiversity requires baseline information on the current status and ecosystem requirements for each individual species. This is the basis for the MISE project.

he remit for heritage protection which is recognised in Section 67 of the Local Government Act, 2001 has been realised in local authority functions since 1999 with the development of a national Heritage Officer Network,supported and part funded by the Heritage Council. A Heritage Office service has been part of Waterford County Council since 2004.


In order to achieve the objectives of the project, Waterford County Council and the project partner organisations appointed project officers to work with community groups, Tidy Towns groups and schools in developing workshops and training courses in surveying local mammal populations. Data collected through MISE has served many uses, from environmental education to biodiversity projects in Tidy Towns competitions and informing a Waterford Habitat Map used to inform policies for natural heritage in development management and forward planning.

MISE Project Team on field survey for bat roosts

A key part of the Heritage Service is delivery of projects under the Waterford Heritage and Local Biodiversity Plans which contribute to the heritage and environmental assessment functions of the local authority. One such project involves habitat survey and digital mapping towards development of a comprehensive Waterford Habitat Map that can inform biodiversity management and obligations of the local authority under the Habitats Directive.

Since its inception in 2011, the MISE project has hosted forty fieldwork events attended by just under 800 survey volunteers. Approximately 80km of river and coastline has been surveyed for presence of Otter, 60 new sites for bat roosts have been recorded including a comprehensive bats in churches survey and extensive tracts of woodland have been surveyed for red squirrel and pine marten. School visits were also a key element of the project and thirty five schools both primary and secondary were visited to enhance understanding of mammals and their habitats in Ireland.

The Mammals in A Sustainable Environment Project (MISE) was undertaken by Waterford County Council in 2011 in partnership with W.I.T, the National Biodiversity Data Centre, Natural Resources Wales, Vincent Wildlife Trust and Snowdonia National Park. The project was successful in a funding bid to the Ireland - Wales programme under INTERREG 4A – Climate Change and Sustainable Development, receiving €1.4 million for a 4 year project. The aim of the project was to collect data on the distribution and

In support of the species population data collated through the MISE project it was recognised that information was also required on habitat networks i.e. areas of habitat that are functionally connected allowing a species to move by nature of connecting ecological corridors providing food and cover. By taking a landscape approach and developing maps of habitat networks and ecological connectivity a



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INFORMATION NOTICE Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland merges with the Environmental Protection Agency With effect from 1st August 2014, the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland (RPII) has merged with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The merger follows a Government decision and is underpinned in legislation by the Radiological Protection (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2014.

The Office of Radiological Protection has been established in the EPA and will be dedicated to the delivery of radiological protection in Ireland. Further information and contact details can be found on www.epa.ie.



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better understanding is gained on how areas of habitat function in the landscape. This mapping can then inform actions to improve ecological connectivity within a policy framework which is a desirable outcome of the MISE project. It is long recognised that habitat fragmentation and climate change could have serious negative impacts on biodiversity. Fragmentation of habitats impacts on the size and viability of species populations and their ability to move within the landscape. Climate change can impact on habitat types through increased occurrence of extreme weather events including flooding and drought affecting vegetation

management of high ecological value areas in the context of habitat connectivity. Commenting on the value of the project, Heritage Officer with Waterford City and County Council, Bernadette Guest, considers the MISE project has delivered significant value for the Council through identifying opportunities to strengthen links for biodiversity projects under the Waterford Climate Change Strategy whilst the availability of a Habitat Map including wildlife/mammals data has proven to be of great benefit to local community groups and Tidy Towns Committees in guiding local biodiversity projects.

“We have obtained a considerable amount of data through this project and we are now interested in exploring potential for its practical application. The habitat map can be used to inform the Appropriate Assessment screening process in plans and projects that may affect the Natura 2000 Network and also inform identification of local biodiversity areas. The data is useful to a wide range of council staff including planners, engineers and community development officers by informing work programmes for roads and bridges, conservation works and development of heritage tourism Figure 1. Habitat suitability for mammals in Co. Waterford initiatives including walkways. Other based on Corine Land Cover. possibilities include use of the habitat map to inform referrals to the local composition. authority for felling applications from the Forest Service, or referrals from the Department of In 2013 Waterford County Council commissioned Agriculture under the EIA (Agr) Regulations for BEC Consultants Ltd. and Blackthorn Ecology to hedgerow /scrub clearance. carry out a survey of habitat networks and ecological corridors in Co. Waterford and to collate The success of the project has been recorded information in a GIS dataset. The acknowledged by INTERREG with the approval of objective of this survey was to identify and analyse a six month funding extension which will now see priority habitat networks and opportunities for the project run until June 2015. Further information enhancing ecological corridors between sites of on the MISE project can be found on known conservation value such as proposed www.miseproject.ie or by contacting the Heritage NHAs, county wetland sites and MISE species Office of Waterford City and County Council. survey sites. The outputs of the survey include a detailed GIS map of habitat corridors in the county and recommendations for the conservation



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Quality Equipment

Exceptional Service

See More, Spend Less with GridSmart® Electro Automation are delighted to launch the GridSmart® Traffic Management Solution, encapsulating the following products:

• • • •

GridSmart® Road GridSmart® Traffic Light GridSmart® Count GridSmart® Software

GridSmart® is a video-based, traffic light loop replacement system. It is also a traffic counter providing turning movements and volumes. This system is a single-camera, single-wire installation, with instinctive software, attached to the industry's most powerful computing instrument and is the one solution that meets your needs, from a single actuated junction or motorway counting station to the largest coordinated system. These site-based solutions manage and improve traffic at a single location or series of locations. The software allows you to connect, view, manage and optimise an entire corridor or region. View real-time measures such as minute-by-minute arrivals on green or just watch the traffic flow with your iPhone® or iPad®.

GridSmart® Traffic Light – To Replace Loop Sensors Gridsmart® Traffic Light replaces in-road loops at signal controlled junctions. It emulates the loop input to the controller without the need for loops, cabling or associated works. It simply requires the installation of one unobtrusive Fish Eye lensed camera to cover most junctions. • Traffic Light Sensor Replacement • Connects to existing controllers (emulates loop output) • Compatible with existing loop systems • Stop Bar Actuation and Zone Detection • No more loops to repair - ever! Night Works and Traffic Management are a thing of the past • No in-road devices • Small to large junctions • One time installation cost • Unobtrusive, attractive dome A feature rich product, Gridsmart® Traffic Light options are:

• • • •

Virtual PTZ (Pan, Tilt, Zoom) no moving parts, no aim or focus Object Tracking and Detection Traffic Counting and Origin and Destination Surveying GridSmart® uses adaptive vehicle tracking algorithms to provide data for signal optimisation and intersection efficiency

GridSmart® Road Gridsmart® Road is a derivation of Gridsmart® Traffic Light, using the same algorithms but providing • Vehicle Counting

Turning Movements



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• • • •

Length Based Classification Live Video, Virtual PTZ (Pan, Tilt, Zoom) Incident Detection Ghost Driver Detection

All at the same time from one camera: White Light/Thermal/Infrared.

GridSmart® Count - Option This is an optional extra that can be added to any Gridsmart® Product • Vehicle Counting • Pedestrian Counting • Turning Movements • One camera/sensor • Non-intrusive • Length-Based Classification • Directional Counting (people and vehicles) for junctions, roads and pedestrian areas

GridSmart® Software GridSmart® Central provides tools that automate and enhance the management and visualisation of junctions, motorways or corridors from a central location or traffic control centre. • GridSmart® Central • Unlimited GridSmart® sites • GridSmart® site and camera auto-discovery • Multi-monitor video wall support, virtual CCTV • Map-based view • Integrated alerts • Remote configuration • View other IP cameras Determine, display and output travel time within a motorway segment or urban corridor, which integrates with alerts and VMS signage. Electro Automation is a wholly Irish limited company and was founded in 1984 in Dublin. Since then the group has expanded to four companies employing nearly 200 highly trained and motivated staff. It has separate divisions in Dublin, Lisburn, Surrey and Erfurt Germany. Our ITS Division is at the forefront of providing motorway operators, local authorities, government, road construction companies and police forces with the latest products available on the market. Using its skilled ITS maintenance resources Electro Automation can provide customers with an installation, support and calibration service, nationwide, 24/7. Other products in our ITS Division include: • On-Street Parking • Cycle & Car Counters • Weigh in Motion Systems • Vehicle Activated Signs & Dynamic Lane Markings • Overheight Vehicle Detection Systems.

For more information, please go to http://www.electroautomation.com/sectors/ITS LAN LOCAL AUTHORITY NEWS


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Contact: +353 41 9802811 Email: info@Enviroteam.ie

Enviroteam Enviroteam DUH VXSSOLHUV RI %RVFKXQJ (XURSH¡V OHDGLQJ ZLQWHU HTXLSPHQW SURYLGHU :H DUH ORFDWHG in Drogheda, Co. Louth and are the sole suppliers for both Ireland and the UK. What sets us apart from other suppliers is that we KDYH \HDUV¡ H[SHULHQFH in the winter servicing industry. The frustration of working with other suppliers equipment and dealing with poor after sales service, poor response to breakdowns and all around poor quality equipment, led us to Boschung. Boschung in Switzerland have been developing spreading vehicles that use the unique Op ti i -We W tŽ and Co mb iWetŽ technologies.They now have the ability to turn dry salt spreaders into full wet brine spreaders with their new FlexiWetŽ technology. We can also provide weather stations for your road network that actively test the road for de-icer. The sensors embedded into your road network will actively freeze a tiny section of the road to determine what temperature the entire road will freeze at. All of Boschu management Please conta Our product ž ž ž ž ž ž

Mobile Fixed Snow S f Surfac Data M Weath & Acti



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The Use of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) on the National Roads Network he National Roads Authority is the national body responsible for securing the provision of a “safe and efficient network of National Roads” in the country. The completion of the Major Inter-Urban motorway / dual carriageway network as part of Transport 21 programme has created the need for these routes to be managed and operated differently to the remainder of the network. In common with other national roads administrations in Europe, an increasing emphasis has been put on the management and operation of the national road network, particularly in the more heavily trafficked areas such as the M50 and radial routes around Dublin.


a modern high-quality road network expect a high quality service from the operator, and the whole country benefits from having a dependable efficient national road network. ITS can deliver clear benefits in terms of safety and efficiency as well as enhanced sustainability and amenity for the road user. Over the past decade the National Roads Authority has deployed significant amounts of ITS equipment on the motorway network to assist in the objective of enhancing the safe and efficient management and operation of the newly developed motorway / dual carriageway network. A Motorway Traffic Control Centre (MTCC) has also been established to monitor, operate and control the various elements of ITS infrastructure on the network and to assist in the coordination of motorway operations by contractors and other stakeholders such as An Garda Síochána and the emergency services.

What are Intelligent Transport Systems?

In addition, in the past year a number of Motorway Maintenance and Renewals Contracts (MMaRC) have been put in place on the motorway network to facilitate the efficient and timely maintenance and operation of these routes, to preserve the considerable value of the asset that has been provided as well as ensuring the safe and efficient operation of the network. In order to manage a road network effectively an operator needs to be able to monitor activity on the road and respond quickly to incidents and other unplanned events, to communicate and coordinate with emergency responders, road users and other parties and to apply the experience gained to promote a process of continuous improvement. The use of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) plays a major role in the effective management and operation of a modern road network. Road users on

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are defined as the integration of information and communication technologies with transport infrastructure, vehicles and users. Essentially this amounts to having in place a coordinated suite of traffic monitoring, detection and control devices linked to a central computer system and communications network to gather and process data from the network and communicate with the road user in order to actively manage the road network. The collection and dissemination of travel information via the use of ITS is playing an increasing role in the management of modern road networks, particularly on high-speed, highvolume roads and in major urban areas. Good quality information can significantly influence driversʼ behaviour, enhancing road safety and helping to minimize delay and congestion.



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Providing Services to the National Roads Authority in maintaining motorways and dual carriageways in the greater Dublin area on the M1, M2, M3, M4, M7, M9 and M11.


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• Drainage • Safety Barrier • Signage • Pavement • Structures

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The three key elements in an ITS system are Monitoring, Control, and Dissemination. Monitoring is essentially knowing what始s going on out there. There is a wide range of devices and equipment available to provide operators with information on activity and conditions on the road network. These include Closed Circuit Television Cameras, Road Weather Stations, Automatic Incident Detection equipment, Emergency Response Telephones, Automatic Number Plate Recognition equipment and Traffic Monitoring Units.

Control or active management of the traffic provides the ability to react to varying conditions and is made possible by Traffic Control Signals, overhead Lane Control Signals, Variable Speed Limit signs and other devices that enable the operator to use the data collected from the network and to actively manage the traffic to improve flows, minimise delays and enhance the safe operation of the road. Dissemination involves getting the relevant information out to road users and other relevant parties. Information is conveyed to the road user by means of Variable Message Signs deployed along the network, web and traffic app services, SMS text alerts and traffic information radio services. This knowledge of prevailing conditions such as traffic flows, congestion, weather, incidents and roadwork activity enables the driver to make informed decisions on the journey to be undertaken, such as to determine travel times or possibly whether to defer the trip to a more favourable time.

traffic volumes will have to be accommodated through means other than the construction of additional lanes. In recognition of the fact that an effective transportation network is a key element of a modern economy, the European Commission has set out its policy objectives in a series of White Papers and Action Plans setting out policy guidelines for member states in the transportation area. A number of initiatives were also instigated to help the promotion and development of ITS services across the Union. Ireland benefitted from these in the form of the STREETWISE and INSTANT programmes which were co-funded by the European Commission. The STREETWISE programme formed a blueprint for coordination between the Republic of Ireland and UK Regions and focussed on cross-border synchronised deployment of ITS. The INSTANT programme, implemented in partnership with the Roads Service Northern Ireland (now Transport Northern Ireland), delivered a travel time information system on the busy M1 Dublin to Belfast route. It is an automated system utilising a series of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras (for journey time information purposes) and Variable Message Signs (VMS). Data is shared between the control centres in Dublin and Belfast (using the Datex II protocol as mandated by the EC), allowing journey times on the full route between the two cities to be displayed on both sides of the border. The system was launched in January 2008. In a further effort to promote more widespread and better coordinated use of ITS across the EU to

EU context Over many years, the EU has encouraged the greater use of ITS technologies across European road networks as an effective means of delivering enhanced safety and reduction in congestion without the need for additional major road building. With increasing congestion on Europe始s roads, driven by economic growth, it was recognised that we could not continue to build our way out of congestion and alternative means of managing the increasing traffic volumes needed to be employed. The M50 ring around Dublin is a typical example of such a motorway, where the inevitable future increases in

enhance the efficiency and safety of Europe始s roads the Commission published an Action Plan in 2008 setting out its principal objectives in respect of ITS deployment and the benefits that the Commission considered would flow from this deployment. The Action Plan identified a total of six priority areas containing twenty four different actions covering areas from the optimal use of road, traffic and travel data to freight management and road safety and security.



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d) the harmonised provision for an interoperable EU-wide eCall; e) the provision of information services for safe and secure parking places for trucks and commercial vehicles; f)

The publication of the 2008 Action Plan was followed by the ITS Directive (Directive 2010/40/EU) in December 2010. The Directive sets out a schedule of priority actions in respect of ITS deployment on the TEN-T network, and provides a legislative framework for enhancing coordination and ensuring interoperable deployment in a pan-European approach. The Directive highlights four priority areas (in line with the ITS Action Plan) and lists 6 priority actions. The priority areas are: a) the provision of EU-wide multimodal travel information services; b) the provision of EU-wide real-time traffic information services; c) data and procedures for the provision, where possible, of road safety related minimum universal traffic information free of charge to users;



the provision of reservation services for safe and secure parking places for trucks and commercial vehicles. The National Roads Authority is also a participant on the EasyWay project. This is a pan-European ITS deployment project supported by the European CommissionĘźs Directorate General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) via the TEN-T programme and focuses on harmonised traffic management and deployment of ITS on the TEN-T road network across Europe. The main goal of EasyWay is to reduce congestion, improve road safety, and reduce COâ‚‚ emissions through the deployment of harmonised ITS services for the European road user and haulier.

Current ITS deployments on the national road network The Authority has successfully employed a range of ITS technologies on a targeted basis over many years in order to address a particular road user need or enhance the experience of users of the network. In general the deployment of ITS infrastructure has focussed on the busier higher-volume sections of the network. Hence there is a greater concentration of ITS coverage on and around the M50 and the Greater Dublin Area than elsewhere on the network.

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WWW.WINTERTECHSYSTEMS.COM Contact: +353 41 9802811 Email: WinterTechSystems@gmail.com

WinterTech Systems WinterTech Systems Ltd design, develop and manufacture state-of- the art brine saturation and storage solutions. We are located in Drogheda, Co. Louth and are the only manufacturer of brine saturators in Ireland. Our flagship model, the BS7000, is currently the market leader in Ireland with 90% market share. Due to its reliability and supportability we have now won customers abroad and are now exporting to the UK and Europe. Our BS series control system is technically superior to all other saturators currently on the market: 9 The system is completely automatic. Once production begins all valves are controlled by the system and the brine concentration is automatically controlled. 9 The system also has the ability to be remotely supported, allowing our service team to remotely diagnose any problem/ issue in minutes. Machine down-time is practically eliminated. And any site visits are to fix NOT diagnose. 9 Our unique control system informs the operator of the need to fill with salt through alarms and also via SMS messaging to any assigned mobile numbers.

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M1, M50 and Immediate Radial Approaches As described above, a range of ITS equipment was deployed along the M1 between the M50 and Belfast under the INSTANT programme. The major upgrade of the M50 route incorporated significant provision for the future deployment of ITS equipment in the design of overhead gantry structures and other infrastructure as well as the provision of ducting, chambers, inductive loops, hardstands, support structures and bases. A major deployment of ITS infrastructure followed in 2011. This included the provision of 35 Variable Message Signs, 60 CCTV and 50 ANPR cameras and Incident Detection equipment. In addition fibre optic cabling was installed along the full length of the M50 to provide more resilient and efficient communications with the deployed infrastructure. Dublin Tunnel The deployment of advanced ITS systems is central to the management and operation of the Dublin Tunnel. CCTV coverage extends over the full length of both tunnel bores and activity in the tunnel is monitored in the Tunnel Control Centre on a 24/7 basis. The tunnel uses a state of the art SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system to monitor and control the various tunnel systems including safety, electrical and ventilation systems.

Motorway Traffic Control Centre (MTCC) The Motorway Traffic Control Centre currently operates from the Control Building of the Dublin Tunnel. All ITS deployments on the network are managed and operated through the MTCC. CCTV cameras and Automatic Incident Detection equipment are monitored on a 24/7 basis by operators for early detection of incidents and traffic disruption. Messages bringing relevant information to drivers are posted on the Variable Message Signs at the appropriate locations. The Centre manages event and incident management on the network. At

present there are in the order of 400 incidents per month on the motorway network ranging from debris on the road, to breakdowns, stray animals and road traffic collisions. (See pie chart on page 19) There are a further 40 or so planned events per month including major music festivals and other events which have an impact on traffic flows. The MTCC also manages the centralised Road Space Booking System which facilitates the management and control of essential maintenance and construction operations on the motorway network and helps to minimise disruption to road users. Emergency Roadside Telephones A network of 1400 Emergency Roadside Telephones (ERT) is deployed across the motorway network. All calls made from ERTs are answered by operators based in the Motorway Traffic Control Centre (MTCC). The ERT system indicates to the operator the precise location from where the call is being made and the direction of travel along the motorway, allowing clear directions to be provided to the emergency services in the event of their assistance being required, and significantly enhancing the safety of road users who find themselves in the situation of having to make a call.

Road Weather Information System A total of 85 Road Weather Stations are deployed across the entire national primary and secondary road network. These provide essential weather and road condition data that feed the Ice Net Road Weather Information System (RWIS). Each weather station contains a bank of sensors to measure such data as temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed and direction, visibility and pavement temperature. The majority of the weather stations also include a weather camera. This system is used extensively by Local Authorities and network contractors to determine the need for winter treatment of roads on a given night in an informed and efficient manner. Up-to-the-minute road weather data is also available on the NRATraffic website, and via the new



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Smartphone APP launched in 2013. Current images from the network of weather cameras is also available on the website, providing road users with a useful snapshot of potential conditions that they may encounter before setting out on a proposed journey. NRA Traffic Website and Smartphone App The NRA Traffic website (www.nratraffic.ie) provides up-to-date information on traffic conditions on those sections of the network covered by ITS deployment. This includes road weather data, current messages posted on VMS, journey time data and CCTV images. This enables motorway users to check on conditions on their route prior to setting out and to plan their journey accordingly. The NRA Traffic Smartphone App launched in 2013 provides the same information to mobile users. Both media allow users to define and save favourite journeys thus filtering only information and alerts that are relevant to them. Traffic Counter Network The Authority has for many years operated a network of traffic counters across the national road network and has made traffic flow data available on its website. Traffic data is essential in the planning of new road schemes and other developments adjacent to main roads and junctions. The Authority has recently upgraded and substantially expanded the network of traffic counters across the country, bringing the total number of units to its present figure of 268. Each unit counts and classifies the passing traffic and transmits this data to a central server. Many of these units are powered by a hybrid solar / wind-powered generation unit. Electronic Tolling The Authority has been a leading administration in

the area of electronic toll collection (ETC) and has actively promoted this on all Irish toll roads, providing full national interoperability for all ETC users across the network. This proactive approach has benefitted Irish road users by improving traffic flows, reducing congestion and improving road safety across the national road network. Other ITS Infrastructure The provision of ITS infrastructure continues to be rolled out as funding and demand dictate. In addition to the deployments of ITS on the M1, M50 and the Greater Dublin Area radial approaches and the other equipment described above, there is a considerable additional amount of ITS equipment elsewhere on the network. This includes Variable Message Signs installed at strategic locations, School Warning Signs, Ghost driver (Ghost driver is a term used for a motorist travelling in the wrong direction on a motorway or dual carriageway) and other Driver Feedback Signs, incident detection devices, traffic cameras and communications equipment. Overall, at the present time the NRA has some 90 Variable Message Signs, 60 CCTV cameras (with access to approximately 100 more provided by Local Authorities), over 150 km of optic fibre, 126 ANPR Cameras, 416 Traffic Monitoring Units, including Traffic Counters and Automatic Incident Detection devices and over 1000 3G/GPRS/GSM SIM Cards on the national roads network.

Future deployments of ITS Over the coming years the objectives of the Authority in respect of the deployment of ITS will be guided by the EU ITS Action Plan and Directive described above and will align with the Priority Areas set out in these documents. Given the high cost of the



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installation and operation of ITS equipment, it will be important of course to tailor the deployments in a manner appropriate to the particular requirements of the Irish road network. All deployments will continue to be implemented to standards and specifications and that are compliant and compatible with those set out at European level and promote the interoperability and continuity of ITS across the Union. The Directive itself states the need for deployments to be cost-efficient and proportionate, recognising that different levels are appropriate taking into account the local, regional, national and European specificities and the inherent differences in the transport network characteristics in terms of traffic volumes and road weather conditions. There is a strong emphasis in the Directive also on the sharing of traffic related information between public and private bodies and for this information to be available across borders. This will facilitate the provision of seamless Real Time Travel Information (RTTI)

services across all modes of travel within Europe so as to enable more efficient routing and reduction of delays due to non-recurrent congestion on the proposed Ten–T network. It will also be a key part of the provision of universal Safety Related Traffic Information (SRTI) free of charge as set out in Priority Action (c) of the Directive. Priority Action (d) sets out the objective of the provision of harmonised eCall facilities. This eCall initiative aims to deploy a device installed in cars and light goods vehicles that will automatically dial 112 in the event of a serious road accident, and wirelessly send airbag deployment and impact sensor information, as well as GPS coordinates to local emergency services. It is estimated that the eCall system can reduce the response times of emergency

services by 40 per cent in urban areas and by as much as 50 per cent in rural locales. Another area that is getting increasing attention and emphasis particularly in terms of vehicle research is Cooperative ITS (C–ITS), in which the vehicles communicate with each other and / or with the infrastructure. C-ITS can greatly increase the quality and reliability of information available about the vehicles, their location and the road environment. This will bring new services for road users, which, in turn will bring about further social and economic benefits and lead to greater transport efficiency and increased safety. Although C–ITS is not yet a Priority Action of the ITS Directive, it represents an important initiative which has the potential to evolve rapidly over the coming years. On a national level, the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport (DTTAS) is currently working on the development of a National ITS Policy and which will deliver greater coordination and cooperation among stakeholders across all modes of transport. The Policy will set a framework for the sharing of smart and innovative ideas. It will also seek to deliver a national ITS architecture, work with data creators towards an open data environment, and create a national ITS data repository. Further deployments of ITS on the national road network will tend to follow the more heavily trafficked sections of the network. There is a strong objective to increase the provision of coverage along the Major InterUrban (MIU) routes with particular emphasis on the TEN-T Core network comprising the M7 and M8 routes. Increased VMS availability in these areas would facilitate the management of incidents on the network and assist the Gardai and other emergency services in their response to such incidents. The increased availability of ANPR and Bluetooth equipment would facilitate the earlier detection of collisions and other incidents as well as delays on the network and the more efficient management of traffic. A pilot scheme is currently underway on a number of the MIU routes to evaluate alternative means of erecting and powering VMS units along the network. A number of large solar-powered VMS, erected on light-weight aluminium support structures are being installed on the M7, M8 and N11 routes. In addition a number of other VMS units are being installed on existing cantilever sign structures on the M7, M8, N11 and M18 routes. These pilot installations are exploring possible means of providing more cost


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effective solutions in the provision of VMS and if successful will facilitate the deployment of additional VMS units along the MIU network. Another pilot scheme currently being pursued is the installation of a Bluetooth system along with the Traffic Counter units on the M7 motorway. This pilot is exploring the viability of using Bluetooth as an alternative to ANPR to provide for the gathering of origin and destination information and the provision of journey time information. The recently published M50 Demand Management Report (April 2014) confirmed the need for the implementation of demand management measures to cater for the future increases in the volumes of traffic on the M50. Provision has already been made

for these with the existing infrastructure and it is envisaged that measures such as Variable Speed Limits, Lane Control Signalling and Ramp Metering will need to be put in place as congestion increases on the route. Similarly, a Demand Management Study is currently being prepared in respect of the N40 ring around Cork City and it is likely that similar measures may be required as traffic volumes continue to grow there. This approach accords with the recognition across the EU that we cannot continue to build our way out of traffic congestion and with the stated policy objective of increasing the use of Intelligent Transport Systems to provide cost effective solutions to deal with the ever-increasing volumes of traffic on our road networks.


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Access Covers and Drainage Gratings for Ireland’s transport projects.

Systems Integrators Birr, Co Offaly. T - 057 91 23100 ireland.sales@ejco.com ejco.com

Bandwidth Telecommunications Limited 25 Finglas Business Park, Tolka Valley Road, Dublin 11 Tel: 01-8110200 Fax: 01-8140086 Web: www.bandwidth.ie

Cavanagh is now EJ


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Tracking Behaviour using Bluetooth / Wi-Fi Signals rish Traffic Surveys Ltd is a traffic data consultancy company carrying out Traffic Surveys in both the public and private sector throughout Ireland, delivering innovative solutions using the latest in Bluetooth & WiFi short range signal technology. We specialise in tracking movement & behaviour of traffic through unobtrusive methods.


Key applications for the technology:

development of full real time traffic patterns for a · The given road corridor, city, local area. This data can then be used to assess changes in patterns over time or changes due to the implementation of measures such as infrastructure, policy changes, road closures/bans, changes to tolling etc. The data can also be used to compare times of year, impact of weather etc.

We can provide information in real time on Traffic behaviour and Patterns including specific Origin Destination & Journey times, leading to further intelligence for those making decisions relating to our transport network.

technology can be used to provide real time · The journey times between locations on a road/rail/bus network. This information can be used to monitor congestion and/or incidents on a transport network.

Our units allow the user to collect information on peopleʼs travel and behaviour through unobtrusive methods whilst ensuring peopleʼs privacy is maintained and respected. The units obtain this data by measuring signals from mobile phones, hands free kits, satellite navigation devices via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. The MAC addresses are tagged with anonymous IDʼs using a complex hashing algorithm before being analysed to ensure peopleʼs privacy is maintained. These anonymous IDʼs are collated over time to develop an understanding of peopleʼs travel and behaviour. Hashed IDʼs from numerous sites can be combined to provide data over a specific study area providing an accurate understanding of movements over any time period. The measuring of the signals can be accurately focused to ensure signals are only collected from the userʼs area of interest i.e. specific road, railway station platform, retailer etc.

traffic forecasts for large road schemes · Tosuchdevelop as bypasses, bridge, tunnels etc. The units can be used to assess the volumes of traffic which would use a town bypass or a new bridge. can be placed at rail/bus stations along a · Units corridor to allow the client to develop a full origindestination matrix. The use of the units ensures all customers including those with free passes, monthly/yearly tickets are captured in the survey. have adapted the outputs to be compatible with · ITS a number of market leading transport modelling software packages. can be fused with an existing traffic system · Outputs providing real time journey time and routing information which allows long term trends to be analysed and fed into the traffic system. Data could be used to optimise traffic signal systems and provide notifications for any short term changes to patterns.

Flow View - Matrix

Flow View - Map

IRISH TRAFFIC SURVEYS LTD 120b Greenpark Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow Ireland Tel: +353 (01) 2116544 / Fax:+353 (01) 2116550 / Web: www.irishtraffic.ie LAN LOCAL AUTHORITY NEWS

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New Company For med agan Operations & Maintenance specialises in the area of hard asset operation and maintenance, supporting government, local authorities, highway agencies and utilities companies alongside private businesses and other organisations with their routine periodic and life time maintenance requirements. In addition to maintenance works they also offer their clients the ability to undertake and deliver small scale civil engineering or building works to complement the delivery of their maintenance activities.


As a further improvement to the services they can offer their clients they are pleased to announce a new sister company, Lagan Barrier Solutions Ltd, which provides a wide range of Vehicle restraint systems, Environmental Noise barrier, Bridge Parapet and Temporary Barrier solutions. This will be on a supply and supply & installation basis to suit their customerʼs requirements. They will deliver this service via their sister company Lagan Barrier Solutions Ltd.

standards therefore presenting their clients with an affordable and compliant safety solution. Lagan Operations & Maintenance Limited, have a proven track record in managing the long term operations and maintenance of major infrastructure and buildings.

Lagan Barrier Solutions hold a vast product range enabling them to meet their Clientʼs needs and the requirements of the countryʼs road infrastructure. Their products meet En1317 standards and CE marking. Through their partnerships with leading manufacturers their product range allows their customers to acquire products that meet the requirements of the road infrastructure in which their clients operate. They offer the most innovative industry solutions so their clients are offered safer vehicle containment levels. Lagan Barrier Solutions operate a 24 / 7 nationwide service from a specialised and experienced workforce dealing with vehicle restraint systems, environmental noise barrier, bridge parapet and temporary barrier solutions. Having an array of capabilities and experience in this sector Lagan Barrier Solutions aim to help their clients find the most appropriate systems whilst offering value for money solutions. They evaluate your requirements and present affordable systems to meet your needs. They aim to identify systems that meet both their clientʼs necessities and the appropriate system

They aim to add value, increase efficiency and improve service delivery to customers in every area where they work – striving to produce cost savings and achieve improved quality. Lagan Barrier solutions will further improve the service they can provide to their Clients.


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Engineers Ireland Launches New Local Authority Engineering-Led Award The search begins for Irelandʼs leading engineers, as Engineers Ireland calls for entries to its Excellence Awards – with two new categories for local authorities and in the area of conservation/flood management.

Year. The hotly contested award is intended to highlight the particular influence or benefit a specific engineering project has on society, in addition to recognising exceptional engineering skills. Previous

Engineers Ireland is calling for entries to the annual Excellence Awards in association with ESB. Local authorities, organisations and engineers can enter the awards which recognise key projects, innovations and talent in Irish engineering online from today at EngineersIreland.ie/excellenceawards.

Tuesday, 26th August 2014: Engineers Ireland is calling for submissions from engineers and engineering organisations around the country to enter the fifth annual Excellence Awards, in association with ESB. This year sees the introduction of a new award category titled, ʻLocal Authority Engineering Initiative of the Yearʼ. The professional body for engineering in Ireland is seeking entries from local authorities on an engineering-led initiative which positively contributes the community in which it has been introduced. Online entries are being accepted at EngineersIreland.ie/ExcellenceAwards from today until September 5, 2014.

winners of the acclaimed prize, voted for by the public, include the East West Interconnector, a hugely significant engineering project that spanned electrical, mechanical, environmental and other disciplines of engineering, and the Mizen Head Footbridge in Cork, which was a major civil engineering and logistical achievement. Other categories open for submissions include Protecting the Built Environment award, Technological Innovation award, International Engineer of the Year award and the Engineering Education award.

One of the most competitive awards in the competition is that of the Engineering Project of the


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economically and socially, that engineers create for Ireland. “The Excellence Awards is an exciting process for us. It never ceases to amaze me how the ingenuity of engineers and impact of engineering manifests itself around the country every day, in so many ways, for the good of society" “We are seeing definite signs of recovery in industry, most notably through increased jobs announcements and projects in development. In the last three years over Pictured here on the Samuel Beckett Bridge, voted for by the public in 2010 as winner of the 17,500 jobs have been inaugural Engineering Project of the Year, is ESB chief executive, Pat OʼDoherty, chartered engineer; John Power, chartered engineer, director general, Engineers Ireland and Dr Niamh announced by technology companies. Given the Shaw, engineer, scientist, performer and MC at this yearʼs awards. phenomenal growth in this John Power, Chartered Engineer, Director General at space we are looking forward to receiving Engineers Ireland, said the Engineers Ireland outstanding, innovative entries from organisations Excellence Awards showcase the value, both and engineers in this sector.” Chief Executive of ESB, Pat OʼDoherty, Chartered Engineer said, “As one of the largest employers of engineers in Ireland we are dedicated to investing in engineering expertise and developing critical skills to support Irelandʼs future growth and development. While engineers are achieving success in Ireland, there is also a large Irish Diaspora working on major engineering projects around the world. Hence, it is important that we recognise Irish engineering talent both in Ireland and overseas.” This year, Dr Niamh Shaw, an engineer, scientist, performer, columnist and budding astronaut, will host the awards. Voting for the Engineering Project of the Year will open in October and the winners of all the Excellence Awards categories will be announced, on November 7, at a ceremony in the Four Seasons Hotel. For more information on the awards and details on how to enter, log on to: EngineersIreland.ie/ExcellenceAwards


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Cork firm, VERDE LED, win contract to install energy efficient CREE LED streetlighting for the town of Ballymahon VERDE LED who specialise in the design, supply and installation of LED efficient lighting solutions for commercial and industrial applications have announced a contract to replace existing sodium street lighting with CREE LED streetlights resulting in energy savings of up to 70% . CEO of VERDE LED, John Keohane is excited about the shift of public lighting in Ireland to energy efficient LED public lighting “We are thrilled with the opportunity to work with Longford county council and Electric Skyline on this project. The end result will be improved light quality for the public and reduced energy and maintenance costs for Longford County Council. I would like to thank and commend the leadership shown by Longford County Council to embrace new technology that when rolled out across the whole country will result in annual savings of tens of millions.”

Verde LED headquarter

Now that the Irish economy has turned a corner there is a noticeable change in energy efficient public lighting projects according to CEO John Keohane. “Energy is a huge cost for every local authority so it makes complete sense to invest in LED streetlighting to save money that could be used elsewhere for badly needed services. In the past 6 months we have seen a significant increase in demand for our LED lighting systems and have completed numerous public lighting projects across Universities, GAA sports grounds, Belfast City Airport and have also just supplied CREE XSP streetlighting to Laois county council through project partners, Profile lighting, for 10km of roadway lighting.” The CREE range of LED streetlights are triple E approved and come with a 10 year warranty which gives the end customer peace of mind.

UCC project streetlight

“When local authorities are investing in energy efficient projects they need to have the assurance of getting a quality product but also quality service so that they get the complete service package. VERDE LED have a team of lighting designers, applciation engineers and energy engineers all available to support our customers in all of their requirements and this is a huge added benefit to make the change to LED lighting seemless.”

For further information on VERDE LED, the product range and information about case studies visit www.verdeled.com LAN LOCAL AUTHORITY NEWS

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EPA and RPII merge The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland (RPII) merged today. RPII staff transfer to the EPA and RPII functions will now be carried out by a newly established Office of Radiological Protection within the EPA. The merger brings together the committed and dedicated staff of the EPA and RPII to create a strong scientific organisation which will continue to place the same high value on both environmental and radiological protection. The EPA mission statement has changed to reflect the wider scope of its work, functions and responsibilities: The EPA mission statement is: To protect and improve the environment as a valuable asset for the people of Ireland. To protect our people and the environment from harmful effects of radiation and pollution. The EPA website www.epa.ie has also changed. It now includes a new dedicated section about radiological protection. 1. Merger of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland (RPII): The merger is underpinned by new primary legislation – the Radiological Protection (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2014. This legislation transfers the RPII functions and staff to the EPA and takes effect from 1st August 2014. 2. EPA Roles and Responsibilities: The Environmental Protection Agency is at the front line of environmental protection and policing. We ensure that Ireland's environment is protected, and we monitor changes in environmental trends to detect early warning signs of neglect or deterioration. We are also responsible for ensuring that the people of Ireland are protected from the harmful effects of radiation. Our vision is to have a clean, healthy and well protected environment supporting a sustainable society and economy. Protecting our environment is a huge responsibility, and we work with a number of organisations that carry out our functions. The EPA is an independent public body established under the Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992. The other main instruments from which we derive our mandate are the Waste Management Act, 1996, and the Protection of the Environment Act, 2003 and Radiological Protection (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2014. We have a wide range of functions to protect the environment and people, and our primary responsibilities include: • Environmental licensing • Enforcement of environmental law • Environmental planning, education and guidance • Monitoring, analysing and reporting on the environment • Regulating Ireland's greenhouse gas emissions • Environmental research development • Strategic environmental assessment • Waste management • Radiological protection 3.

Radiological Protection information and services The following information about Radiation is now available on the EPA website at www.epa.ie/radiation.


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M inister Alan Kelly Publishes 2 key Water Framework Directive Documents:

(a) Consultation Document for Second Cycle of River Basin Management Plans (b) European Union (Water Policy) Regulations 2014 Mr. Alan Kelly, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, today announced two key steps in Ireland始s on-going implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The Minister has published a consultation document on the Timetable and Work Programme for the development of the 2nd cycle of River Basin Management Plans. The Minister has also made new Regulations which re-assign functional responsibility for WFD implementation to local authorities, to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and to the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government.

Following a review of first cycle structures, new governance and administration arrangements have been put in place. In the second cycle, there will be a single national approach for the development of river basin management plans within the State. The technical analysis and planning tasks will be advanced on the basis of appropriate water or catchment management units to be decided by EPA. Specific administrative arrangements will be put in place to coordinate requirements with Northern Ireland in relation to cross-border waters, encompassing water management units in the Neagh-Bann, the North Western and the Shannon River Basin Districts which flow into or out of Northern Ireland.

The Water Framework Directive was adopted in 2000 and requires member states to manage their water resources on an integrated basis in order to achieve at least 驶good始 ecological status. The first cycle of River Basin Management Plans for Ireland was published in July 2010 and planning for the second cycle is underway. Today始s consultation document seeks the input of interested parties on the approach proposed for the second cycle of plans which will be adopted in 2017 and will run until 2021.



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A new three-tier governance structure has been established. At Tier 1, the key national actors – led by the Minister – will deal with policy and resource matters. The EPA will lead on the underpinning science at Tier 2 and local authorities at Tier 3 will lead on implementation, enforcement and public engagement at local river level. The Minister recently signed the European Union (Water Policy) Regulations 2014, which give effect to these new structures and provide specifically for a Water Policy Advisory Committee to advise the Minister at Tier 1. These Regulations are available online here. In announcing the changes, the Minister said “The

new governance arrangements will bring clarity and certainty to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive. I intend that the outcome will be robust and effective river basin management plans that will secure environmental objectives and underpin sustainable economic investment and growth. Central to this is meaningful public participation and I would like to encourage all interested parties to engage fully in the consultation process.” The Consultation Document is available on the Departmentʼs website. The consultation period is open until 31 January 2015.

First “Coca-Cola Zero Bike” unveiled by Minister Kelly – striking red-and-black design, automatic gear-change for users chemes in Cork, Limerick and Galway to launch to the public this autumn


The first viewing of the new, specially-designed bike for the regional citiesʼ Coca-Cola Zero Bikes scheme took place in Corkʼs City Hall this morning, where Minister Alan Kelly TD and the National Transport Authority were joined by the scheme sponsors CocaCola Zero and operators An Rothar Nua.

Featuring a distinctive black design with bright red accents, the new bikes will soon be a striking presence on the streets of Cork, Limerick and Galway, when the three public bikes schemes launch to the public in the autumn. And uniquely amongst bike schemes world-wide, these bikes have built-in gear-shifting technology, enabling automatic gear-changes which will contribute towards easier and safer cycling for users. Minister Kelly said: “We are becoming a nation of

cyclists. Having bike-rental schemes will do more to improve and promote a cycling culture across the country than any other initiative. There is increased investment in cycling infrastructure with all junctions and streets becoming more cycling friendly. In CocaCola Zero, we have one of the worldʼs best marketing companies actively engaged in cycling promotion. The benefits to the cities of Cork, Limerick and Galway will be huge and I look forward to it taking off in these cities just as it has done in Dublin.”

Hugh Creegan, Director of Transport Investment for the National Transport Authority said: “Having developed and awarded the operation contracts and secured sponsorship, we are delighted to see these new bikes coming into production – launch day is within sight. With our partners in the local authorities we are confident that the schemes will be very successful – with locals and visitors alike – when they are launched later this year.”


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Monika Grauer, Coca-Cola Ireland said: “Coca-Cola are delighted to partner with the government, the National Transport Authority, the local authorities and An Rothar Nua to help bring the Coca-Cola Zero Bike Scheme to Cork, Galway and Limerick. Today is an exciting milestone for the scheme and weʼre very excited to be unveiling the bike here in Cork. Working with our partners, we hope to replicate the success of the Dublin Bike Scheme, helping to make cycling accessible to thousands of people throughout the country.”

Comprising 740 bikes in total, the scheme details are:

• Cork – 320 bikes, 31 bike stations and 635 bike stands • Galway – 205 bikes, 19 bike stations and 395 bike stands and • Limerick – 215 bikes, 23 bike stations and 445 bike stands. Depending on the success of these schemes, additional schemes in other cities, such as Waterford, and other locations in Ireland may be introduced.

Minister Kelly announces €23 million for important improvement works to Social Housing stock The Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, Alan Kelly T.D., announced the allocation of €23 million capital funding to 31 City and County Councils to undertake very important improvement works to social houses. €8 million will be provided to local authorities for adaptations and extensions to social houses to meet needs of tenants with a disability or to address serious overcrowding.

Under the Social Housing Investment Programme, local authorities use suitable vacant stock to meet particular needs, however there are also situations where there is no option other than adapting or extending an existing dwelling. The Minister has assessed the requirements for such works with each local authority and announced allocations per authority based on the level of need identified. In announcing this €8 million allocation, the Minister stated: “While the local authority social housing stock provides homes to almost 130,000 families, as people age their needs change. Some people require adaptations and extensions to their homes in order to continue to live independently. Iʼm allocating €8m this year for these necessary adaptations and

extensions and Iʼm confident that over 300 families will have an improvement to their quality of life as a result of this investment”. The Minister also announced that he is allocating a further €15 million to be invested in upgrading the energy efficiency of local authority homes this year. This is part of a three year jobs stimulus programme that will see the energy efficiency of 25,000 of the poorest insulated local authority homes improved. The Minister stated: “Iʼm happy to be able to continue the programme of energy retrofitting of social houses. These will benefit from improved attic and wall insulation, with consequent improvements in the thermal efficiency of the homes and improved comfort levels all around”. The energy retrofitting programme will also see lower energy bills to thousands of local authority tenants. It is also supporting hundreds of jobs in the green energy sector, in work which is labour intensive by its nature.

The Minister added: “As a result of the further €15 million for energy retrofitting works to social houses, I expect to see over 4,000 houses becoming warmer homes, with reduced fuel bills this winter”.


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PRODUCT PRODUCTinfo info uilding Control (Amendment) Regulations 2014 came into effect on the 1st March 2014. This revised process of building has generated significant discussions over the last number of years. Now that it is finally implemented, we all have to change focus and adhere to these regulations.

Barry, Technical Manager Firebird, notes: “It is key that the design and build team speak with the client on the various heating options available. It is the responsibility of the team to ensure the client obtains the dwelling they want and a key factor to this is that they are given heat and comfort, especially when they require it. We are all aware that the regulations require us to build more energy conscious houses with respect to insulation, heating and orientation. At Firebird, we are confident that we are the best in our oil heating industry in Ireland and that we have the best products to give you the heat you need when you need it”.

One of the many additional sections to be enforced in these new regulations is the completion of a BER assessment, both from the plans and also upon completion of the dwelling. To date BER assessors have primarily focused on SEAI grant upgrade assessments. The DEAP software, that the BER assessor completes to calculate the energy assessment of the dwelling, can be a complex package to undertake, at times. The engineering team within Firebird Heating Solutions, working with BER assessors, have completed a vast number of assessments from house plans and are achieving at least an A3 rating (2011 TGD L) on these dwellings with Firebird products as the heating source.

With Firebirdʼs vast range of products, the client/householder has choice. The typical arrangement that is outlined is a High Efficiency Condensing Oil Boiler, Solar Thermal and Wood Inset Stove. Other options include a Range Cooker, Wood Gasification Boiler or Wood Pellet Boiler.

Firebird Heating Solutions produce quality heating products and have done so for over 30 years. Nicola

For more information please contact us today via our website at www.firebird.ie or on (026) 45253.











EMAIL US YOUR PROJECT OR INITIATIVE TO info@localauthoritynews.ie


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hoses, the other is being replenished by ESS Safeforce from its new Northern Ireland depot in Lisburn*.

ESS Safeforce equipment helps asbestos removal

Especialists keep their cool

Specialist breathing air trailers from ESS Safeforce are keeping asbestos removal specialists supplied with fresh air. The lives of asbestos removal specialists maintaining the boiler house and steam generation room of a Northern Ireland hospital are being kept safe, and as comfortable as possible, with specialist equipment from ESS Safeforce. A team of four from Irelands largest asbestos removal contractor, The Precision Group are nearing the end of a two-month contract, which makes first use in Northern Ireland of this ESS Safeforce equipment, for Belfast Health and Social Care Trust at the cityʼs Royal Victoria Hospital.

The ESS Safeforce equipment is helping them meet three particular challenges – the presence of asbestos, temperatures exceeding 40˚C (and sometimes up to 60˚C), and high levels of humidity. The first challenge requires fully-enclosed breathing systems which make working in what amounts to a tropical environment even more challenging. The constant supply of filtered air they require is being supplied by two 10-cylinder breathing air trailers. While one is parked at the hospital basement entrance and supplying The Precision Group team with up to 80 hours, or five days, of filtered air via 30m

The breathing air road-towable trailers are selfcontained units capable of supplying up to six people wearing positive-pressure demand-type or constantflow breathing apparatus. Enclosed via powdercoated steel panels with lockable access doors at the front and rear and a user-friendly control panel, the system can deliver up to 90m of hose per operative and a maximum operating pressure of 300 bar. ESS Safeforce sales representative Ruairi OʼNeill said: “The presence of asbestos creates a high risk to personnel working in such an environment so a fully-enclosed breathing system capable of delivering five daysʼ supply is key to the work being completed. Boiler houses cannot be shut down because the sensitive areas in the hospital to which they supply heat require that service constantly. “We provided technical support, initial on-site assistance and handover, and on-going site assistance with rapid changeover of the trailers which are filled via compressor at our new premises in Lisburn. The equipment is all certified to the highest industry standards including the air quality so vital for the workforce.” Seamus McCallan, Asbestos Removal Division Contract Manager for The Precision Group, said: “The ESS Safeforce trailers have played a vital part in keeping our workforce supplied with air in such a challenging environment.” For further media information please contact: Lynn Campbell @TLC pr T: 07764 635550 E: lynn@tlcpr.co.uk


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EJ designs, manufactures and distributes high quality Access Covers and Drainage Gratings for water, sewer, drainage, telecommunications and utility networks throughout Ireland and worldwide. Our comprehensive range of manhole covers and gratings comply fully with the NRA specification for Road Works and are used extensively on national roadway and motorway projects throughout the country.

Whole-life costs are a significant consideration for service providers and local authorities when specifying municipal castings. Selecting EJ products offers you features that help improve operator safety, allow for ease of operation and are designed to last, which will deliver you cost savings over the life time of the product. Asset Security The theft of manhole covers is increasingly becoming an issue for local authorities and to reduce this risk EJ has introduced a solution to enhance security. Available on our new MAESTRO cover and our bestselling manhole cover the BRIO is a captive hinge facility which prevents the removal of the cover. It can be factory fitted or fitted on site after installation. For more information on this innovative feature and our product range, please contact our Sales team on 057 91 23100 or ireland.sales@ejco.com

ULTRA-BAND ltra-band is a BBA HAPAS approved filling, sealing and over-banding material for cracks and joints. It provides a flexible, impermeable and extremely durable repair that will prolong the service life of bituminous and concrete surfaces. Cracks and joints are treated up to a width of 40mm and the over-band seal may be applied up to a width of 200mm. Ultra-band is a unique, single component, hot-applied, polymer modified, resin-based compound incorporating a mixture of fillers and aggregates. It has superior crack filling and sealing properties along with very effective adhesion. Formulated to have excellent load bearing and anti-oxidation properties, in its molten state the material flows and penetrates deep into cracks and joints setting to a resilient finish. A curing time of less than 30 minutes means minimal disruption to road users.


Ultra-band has been used on a number of National Primary and Motorway Routes including the M50, M1 and M4.

For more details contact Tel: 046-9541300 info@highwaymarkings.ie www.highwaymarkings.ie LAN LOCAL AUTHORITY NEWS

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Imtech Traffic & Infra; building presence in Ireland At Imtech Traffic & Infra (Imtech), we recognise society始s fundamental need for infrastructure to connect. With over 2,000 professionals in our Division (part of the stock exchange listed Royal Imtech N.V. that achieves, with approximately 26,000 employees, revenues of over 5 billion Euro annually), we enable the movement of people, data and goods through our traffic and infrastructure solutions. Imtech has continued to develop its footprint in Ireland with a recent contract to provide the ITS Equipment Maintenance Services for the Strategic

Road Network over the next five years. The National Roads Authority始s (NRA) primary function is to secure the provision of a safe and efficient network of National roads. For this purpose, the NRA has overall responsibility for the planning, supervision of construction, road network management and maintenance on National roads (inclusive of all Motorways and other National Primary and Secondary roads). Technology Assets The contract calls for the maintenance of technology equipment including: preventative and reactive maintenance, inspection, fixing of defects as well as ancillary works relating to the maintenance and provision of replacement ITS equipment on designated national routes. The broad array of technology assets to be maintained include: ANPR cameras, CCTV, Emergency Roadside Telephones (ERT), loop vehicle detectors, RADAR traffic monitoring sensors, vehicle detection systems, school warning signs, variable message signs, and the fibre optic communications network. Imtech will commence mobilisation of the contract and delivery of services from the 1st July 2014. Capabilities The addition of this contract to the wider services already being provided across Ireland, not least the Dublin City Council traffic technology contract, demonstrates Imtech始s ability to offer Clients solutions to a majority of highway technologies and the communications networks that connect them. Our collaborative approach to innovation, local presence, knowledge and support enable our Clients to benefit from specialist knowledge, expertise and manpower.

Dublin +353 (0)1 885 3360 Cork +353 (0)21 432 2988 Email: info@imtech-ireland.com Web: www.imtech-ireland.com LAN LOCAL AUTHORITY NEWS

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PRODUCT PRODUCTinfo info MS Pavement Management Services Ltd. (PMS) is a civil engineering consultancy firm specialising in testing, evaluation and management of roads and airports. The company was founded in 1992, and has offices in Galway and Dublin. PMS is INAB accredited for all of its pavement services


Skid Resistance (SCRIM) Surveys: We own and operate two SCRIM machines to cater for the needs of our Irish clients. We are the only commercial operator of a SCRIM machine in Ireland. We provide SCRIM measurement and analysis services to the NRA, PPP firms and Irish local authorities. Asset Inventory Network Surveys: PMS can carry out an inventory of roadside items in order to populate a complete Route Asset Inventory of a given road section. The relevant video or LiDAR data is collected at speeds of up to 115kmh. The data collected is normally referenced to GPS coordinate systems allowing integration to GIS, if required.

Road Surface Condition Surveys We own two Dynatest Road Surface Profiler vehicles to simultaneously measure pavement performance parameters at high speed (c. 70-80 km/h). These parameters include Rut Depth, IRI, Geometrics, Surface Texture and Video.

Structural Surveys: For structural evaluation, we now own three Falling Weight Deflectometers (FWD) for use on roads and airports. PMS now own and operate a high-speed Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) system. Since PMS has introduced GPR capabilities we have carried out pavement construction surveys for the NRA and a wide range of local authorities.

Laser Crack Measurement System (LCMS) The Laser Crack Measurement System (LCMS) is a highspeed and high-resolution transverse profiling system. Typically, the LCMS system can capture one road profile every few millimetres (5 mm at 100km/h) by using two laser profilers that acquire the shape of the pavement. Each profile gives full 4-meter width 3D profiles with 1mm resolution allowing for the characterization and the visualisation of high quality images and shape (texture) of the road surface. Highway Testing Laboratory (HTL) HTL offers a full suite of laboratory material testing on granular, bituminous and cementitious materials to local authorities, material suppliers and contractors. It also offers a comprehensive on-site testing programme for pavement materials, and has carried out QA/QC programmes for DAA, NRA, local authority project staff and specialised surfacing contractors. Mix design for new and recycled materials have also been carried out for a number of material suppliers.

www.betterpavements.com LAN LOCAL AUTHORITY NEWS

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In order to ensure that the correct information is displayed, our software can monitor and control all signs within the network. The content of any sign can be seen, in real time, via a web portal in the traffic control room. If necessary, for example, in the case of an emergency road closure, that same web portal can be used to post a road closure and then automatically divert traffic using linked signs within that network. It is clear that type of system can avoid the build-up of traffic in the case of an accident and divert it through a pre-defined diversionary route.


As commuters demand improved journey times and more reliability from their transportation modes, road and public transport authorities around the globe are turning to ITS to ease congestion and sooth nerves. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) rely on technology to provide information to both traffic managers and the travelling public which can direct, inform and allow for intelligent decision making. The long term goal is to make more efficient and safer use of the transport network. Data Displays contribution to ITS is twofold, we provide VMS displays and we provide the software which can monitor and control those signs within a given network.

In August of this year Data Display were acquired by NASDAQ listed manufacturer Daktronics. Daktronics is a world leading manufacturer of large format LED video displays, message displays, scoreboards, digital billboards and control systems in sport, business and transportation applications. Founded in 1968 as a USA based manufacturing company, Daktronics has grown into the world leader in audio visual systems and implementation with offices around the globe. Adding the strengths of Daktronics will allow our combined organizations to better serve our customers and invest in future technology. The VMS (Variable Message Signs) displays are built to EN12966 standards which are the international standard to which road signs must operate. Our displays can be seen on Ireland始s motorway network as well as in and around our cities. The EN standard demands exacting standards in terms of the brightness, colour and consistency of the LEDS used in our signs as well as the longevity of the overall display. This is achieved through diligent engineering followed by stringent testing to ensure the standards are met. These displays have the ability to show not only text indicating possible delays or issues ahead but also pictograms showing, for example, road closed or road works ahead.

Data Display, A Division of Daktronics Deerpark Industrial Estate, Ennistymon, Co Clare, Ireland Tel: +353 7072600 | Fax: +353 7071311 | E-mail: sales@data-display.com


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Website: www.data-display.com | www.daktronics.com

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FRONT COVER LAN 2014 Sept. 10/09/2014 19:10 Page 3



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FRONT COVER LAN 2014 Sept. 10/09/2014 19:10 Page 4

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