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As we move towards 2023, itʼs more than apparent that the hybrid model of work is here to stay. For those who are not place dependent to be able to carry out their work, the hybrid model makes sense for employers and employees alike.
Whilst hybrid has bedded in this year, post-pandemic, the challenges remain however to ensure that whilst colleagues are working remotely, they still feel connected to their team, and that service levels are maintained to the highest standards.
IP Telecomʼs solution suit for business is built with hybrid and remote working in mind. Our communications systems are location agnostic, so whether you are in the office, working from home or onsite – calls to your deskphone number ring wherever you are. Simultaneously or in sequence, calls can ring on desk phones, mobile devices and PC/Mac devices.
And because our VoIP based solutions utilise data packages, calls to mobile avoid expensive forwarding to mobile. Internal calls between mobiles, via data, are treated as internal calls within the organisation and thus are free of charge. Video conferencing and calling are also included as standard within all our packages.
Our suite of products also includes a dynamic new reporting suite known as Dimensions. This allows supervisors and management the ability to have an exceptional overview of callersʼ experiences, whoʼs answering calls, wait times and call outcomes, with real time and historical data to ensure that callers are getting the best possible experiences. Furthermore, our system integrates fully with CRM systems and other software to give both staff and callers exceptional experiences, no matter where they are located, maintaining staff connection and high degrees of caller service.
IP Telecom is an independent, Irish-based, purely B2B service. We help thousands of businesses, NGOs and state bodies deliver exceptional experiences for staff and callers alike.