The Precious Project Friends of Precious habari! We are at last back in Tanzania and there is exciting progress to report. Our primary school is complete, awaiting inspection from the authorities and scheduled to formally open with the new school year here in January. This building was built using all local labor and without a single injury, an exception here where workers wear flip flops and have no hard hats. Workers were so invested in the success of this school in their village that they willingly put in extra hours and made sure that not one nail was stolen. Construction site theft is a common occurrence here but not when local ownership is this high.
Here is a primary school classroom‌. all of the rooms are painted these cheerful colors!
Building the school was the easy part. Our challenge now is to find and hire staff of the highest quality, child centered, fluent in English and committed to the values we share. Staff interviews begin tomorrow morning. Meanwhile at our existing rental site we are bursting at the seams with 81 children enrolled in nursery school, kindergarten and 1st grade. We know many of these children come from families that will not be able to afford to send them for schooling. Please consider offering a scholarship so that more children will be able to join us in the new school. Our goal is to fund 50 children with full scholarship and we have 28 to go to meet that goal. Please visit our website for more details.
Finally we want to thank you once again from the bottom of our hearts for the trust that you have placed in us. You are literally saving the lives of so many children! With much gratitude The Precious team
Susie Rheault / Sponsor, Co-founder Precious Project Inc. +1.781.259.0970 Donate Online or Mail Check to: 77 Parkman St, Brookline, MA 02446