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Cookie Calendar
girl scout 2022 cookie calendar
Use these dates to keep track of submission deadlines during the Cookie Program. Make sure to fill in troop specific dates on the parent calendar in the Parent Cookie Guide.
SEason Dates
Use the following dates to track major submission deadlines. Please note that while these dates are NOT flexible, should you encounter any issues please reach out to your Product Program representatives.
Date Event
January 7
January 24
February 4
Order Taking Begins Digital Cookie Opens Troop initial order and rewards due in eBudde @ 11:59 PM Troop banking info due in eBudde Extended Product Program customer service hours (via Diamonds Swap Facebook group and product@girlscoutsdiamonds.org) Troop Penny Draft
February 11
Cookie delivery to service units begins Cookie booths begin February 18 Cookie delivery to service units ends Cupboards open February 18-20 National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend
March 13
March 15
March 16
March 18
Digital Cookie Closes Boothing Ends Troop final rewards due in eBudde @ 11:59 P All cookie cupboard locations close Final money due to Troop Cookie Manager Parent Debt forms due to council
April 8
Cookie Draft (100% council owed funds via eBudde sales report) End of April Service unit reward deliveries (Rewards arrive to the service unit at the end of April. Check with your SUPM for when you can help sort or pickup girl rewards.) Month of May Residual cookies can be sold at a discount during this month to recoup funds
Month of September Product expires this month and should not be distributed
Date #1 Notes:
Date #2 Notes:
Date #3 Notes:
*Collect money often. Remember the Troop Cookie Manager must fill out a Parent Debt Form on March 20. All Parent Debt Forms turned in must include all required accompanying paper work.