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Matthews Retires From Pennington Seed

From Linda Perkin Pennington Seed, Inc. Training/Publications


Deb Matthews was honored for her many years of service to Pennington Seed with a party of cake and ice cream on Friday, February 28 in the conference room.

At a Distribution luncheon the previous week, Deb was awarded a clock inscribed with: “Presented to Debra Matthews in grateful appreciation of your 26 years of outstanding service and dedication from Pennington Seed, Inc., 1994-2020.” She also received a tray decorated with a photo of her standing alongside her forklift and signed by her co-workers in Distribution.

Matthews had the choice of several jobs 26 years ago, but she chose Pennington because of “the security.” She started out in the Return Center and has worked in every department since. “I do what I do with the talent the Lord gives me. I’ve learned a lot and had a lot of guidance from each of my bosses.” In fact, that was what Deb described as the highlight of her career – “those who guided me along the way. I tried to be a teacher, like they were to me, and I’m hoping I left an impact.”

Matthews has lots of memories stored from her years at Pennington. One she shared with us was sweeping the concrete slab that was poured many years ago to support the Distribution warehouse. “Mickey Stark wanted the slab swept every day and it was a large slab and took a while, but I cleaned it every day.”

Her plans for the future include catching up with everything from housework to crafts. “I’ve got a lot of work to do.” She’ll have the help of her husband of 45 years, John, along with her two adult children, Ryan Matthews and Sherry Evans, married to James Evans, and four grandchildren. Matthews has a nickname that has stuck to her like glue– “K-Deb.” She shared with us that the name came from a couple in Dadeville that would use it while they were all together playing cards, saying, “K-Deb” meaning “okay, Deb, go ahead, it’s your turn to play.” Her son is a ham radio/CB enthusiast and the nickname became her handle on the radio. “We all had handles and mine was K-Deb27.”

What she will miss the most about her work at Pennington is “being there, because Pennington is a family and I’ll miss my family.” JB King, operations manager of Distribution, had kind words of praise for Matthews: “She was always here and ready to help get the job done EVERY DAY.” Marilyn Douglass, Distribution, summed it up for all of us when she said: “K-Deb has been a friend to all in our department and beyond. She is always thinking of others and how she can help them. We will miss her and her caring ways. A new adventure is beginning for her and I hope the very best lies ahead for her. She deserves it!”

Willis-Eccher Engagement

Walnut Grove Elementary February Leaders of the Month

Tim Willis of Golden City, Missouri, and Jim and Shonna (Shorter) Kramer of Lockwood, Missouri are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Melandra Brooke Willis to Colton Eccher, son of (the late) Shawn Eccher and Bobby and Angela Berlekamp of Lockwood.

The parents of the bride and groom hosted an engagement celebration in Neosho, Missouri during the Fourth of July weekend, 2019, at the Undercliff Restaurant and “I do BQ,” at Waters Edge.

Melandra’s and Colton’s hometown is Lockwood Missouir where they both graduated. Colton is employed at Lockwood Packing Company and Melandra is employed at Lamar Schools. The couple plan a June 2020 wedding in LaRussell. Missouri.

Front row, left to right: 2nd grade Woody-Kaleb Lollis and Kinsie Gott; 2nd grade. Arnall-Eli Ragan and Dean Brower; 1st grade June Carter and (not pictured) Colby Creed; kindergarten-Lilly Hancock and Nelaya Stockstill. Back row, left to right: 5th grade Sam Voris and Reece Crook; 4th grade Case Shuler and Charlie Smith; 3rd grade Kira Buckner and Max Hanak. Congratulations!

(Submitted by Cathy Kelley, Secretary, Walnut Grove Elementary)

Five Reasons to Register Your Dogs

From Sara Hurd Dade County Animal Control

Why should we register our pets? This question has been going around not just in your mind but your neighbors and friends too. As the Animal Control Officer of Greenfield, I will tell you five good reasons to register your pets.

The number one reason to register your pets and receive a city license for your animal is because it is the law. You can look up all the local ordinances online through the Greenfield city website. If you have any questions, you can also call or go down to city hall and leave your name and number for the animal control officer to call you. The second reason to register is because it will cost you less money for the license, than it would to pay the fine for failure to license. This allows you to spend your money to support your community and stray animals and save yourself a heavy fine to pay.

The third reason to register your dog(s) is it becomes easier to find the scared, lost and lonely animal their home when it is registered with the city. This allows the animal to go back to the comfort of their own home and not spend as much time in the city pound that is unfamiliar to them.

The fourth reason is to know your dog and your neighbor’s dog that is registered are safe. To receive a license the animal must be up-to-date on the rabies vaccine. This help prevent with the spreading of diseases, aggression, and harm caused by animals. This will bring less worry to the community knowing all pets are healthy and vaccinated. The fifth reason is the registration fees are used to support the local pound for the stray dogs that come in malnourished, sick and scared. We feed them high nutrition food, socialize them with people and heal their injuries when they come in hurt. To register your dogs, please go the Greenfield City Hall with proof of the rabies vaccination and $3 per year up to three years. If you have any complaints or concerns, you can call the Dade County Dispatch at 417-6371911. Remember to give as many details for,them to pass on the animal control officer.

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IN RE: Lawrence Wayne Shorter and Carolyn Kay Shorter, husband and wife Trustee’s Sale:

For default in payment of debt and performance of obligation secured by Deed of Trust executed by Lawrence Wayne Shorter and Carolyn Kay Shorter, husband and wife dated August 13, 2004 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Dade County, Missouri in Book 376, Page 1249 the undersigned Successor Trustee, at the request of the legal holder of said Note will on Wednesday, March 25, 2020 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., (at the specific time of 10:30 AM), at the East Front Door of the Court House, City of Greenfield, County of Dade, State of Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, described in said Deed of Trust, and situated in Dade County, State of Missouri, to wit:

ALL OF THE SOUTH 100.00 FEET OF LOTS SEVENTEEN (17), EIGHTEEN (18), NINETEEN 919) [(19)], & TWENTY (20), OF BLOCK FOUR (4), R.L. HAYES ADDITION TO THE CITY OF LOCKWOOD, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. DADE COUNTY, MISSOURI, SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS AND RIGHT-OFWAYS AS MAY NOW EXIST. [THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN BRACKETS HAS BEEN ADDED TO MORE ACCURATELY REFLECT THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION] Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.

To be published in The Vedette on February 27, 2029, March 5, 2020, March 12, 2020 and March 19, 2020.


In the Estate of LAVERNE HICKEY, Deceased.



You are hereby notified that the undersigned Personal Representative will file a Final Settlement and Petition for determination of the persons who are the successors in interest to the personal and real property of the Decedent and of the extent and character of their interest therein and for distribution of such property, in the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Dade County, Missouri, on March 30, 2020, or as may be continued by the Court, and that any objections or exceptions to such Final Settlement or Petition or any item thereof must be in writing and filed within twenty days after the filing of such Final Settlement.


ATTORNEY 206 West 10th Street Lamar, MO 64759

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