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My Turn By Bob Jackson

A man asks his wife, “So how come you can give me a honey do list but I can’t give you one?”


Did you grow up near the woods and go exploring without supervision and lived to tell about it?

If you have ever rinsed the worm guts off your hands in the river or lake to eat a bologna sandwich, you are probably immune to the virus.

Ernte Fest in Freistatt has been canceled. Will there be fans in the stands at the first football game on August 28? What about September Daze in Lockwood, September 2020?



When you spank a kid on the butt, you are just moving the brains up where they need to go!

Wife asks her husband to find something. Husband responds, “Babe it is not in there.” Wife comes back, “If I find it, can I hit you with it?”

I wish my brothers and sisters would stop calling me a spoiled brat because I am the baby of the family. The fact is my parents kept having children until they found one they liked is not my issue. HOW SOUTHWEST


One point for every food you have eaten: peach cobbler, chicken and dumplings, frog legs, chicken livers, fried green tomatoes, red eye gravy, rabbit stew, fat back, peanuts and Coke in a Coke bottle, poke salad, fried gizzards, rocky mountain oysters, po’ boy sandwich, jambalaya, pea salad, boiled peanuts, and fried bologna.

Tear It All Down by Frank Berry

Tear down these statues! Break them down - remove all these great tombs and monuments! Why? They were built for weak, ignorant, decrepit and stupid men of ages past! Men who had no moral values at all! Men who owned slaves because they were much too weak to defy the laws of their Lands and even the devices of their States and times! We men of today are so much better men than those men were. We stand so high above them, do you not agree? Yes, we are truly taller, though we did come here and were strained from within their very roots, from these men of old, yes, even coming directly from their varied veins and shining examples and ways! Sometimes! Yes, we are their progeny, coming from their very hearts! We came, however, with so many strikes, ranks, and instincts standing against us, that did often fall out and totter among those men of old. Yes, these are the men we did rise from! These men of 300, 200 and even 100 years ago! They were all bad you know, very harmful to our Nation’s course, completing many bad acts and deeds in their doings and days! So let us rise up now and toss out these relics of trash belonging to them, these statues, these monuments made in proclamation of their great deeds, while loudly proclaiming these men who are long since dead! They are nothing to us but trash now! It is correct! They are mere particles of damning and shaming dust! So let us take down and toss out all these statues and devices into roiling, boiling and tumbling seas! Boil them all away! Let their atoms become dissolved forever into complete and total spots of chaos and nothingness! We will fling out their many history books far away from us “because we can do this if we wish!” We need no history books praising these men of old! We need not those old fellows to hold on to! No! No sir! No Madam! We don’t! We can toss them all completely away, while even throwing out these statues and elements into the brinks of the seas of infamy! The seas of destruction! The seas of eternal and damnable torment! We will even burn off the old mustering rolls, those pictures, those many older things of those older men! Yes! Let us forget those men ever existed! Completely! And ever! And their history! Even Abraham Lincoln’s - his Gettysburg Address! Let’s forget it, too! “Four score and seven years ago.” So let’s burn it! And Thomas Jefferson’s work? Should we burn it, too? He once owned slaves: “We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal.” Why then do we mention these things? It is because we are the men who will take full and complete charge of the changes across this great Nation! We are the perfect men to do this! We are the men who must and should always stand to do this! We are not the “bad apples” those men were. We are men of much higher planes, standards and events, we are the men of greater strain, course and deliberation! We remain calm! Always! We therefore will burn and destroy any and all these things we have wished to! Even Thomas Jefferson’s work? What about it? As we have said he was a slave holder! Did you not know? We will go ahead now! And do this thing we aim to do! This duty is ours! This damnation! Of burning! Burning! Breaking! Breaking! Destroying! Destroying! We will punish those men of olden times for being such fallible human beings! Just as we good men of the earth today certainly are not! We will punish those men’s children, too! And likewise even their children’s children! Off we go now! To release ourselves into deep, dark drains and terrible days! These terrible days of infamy, shame and woe! We will cling together in deep paths, in terrible new worlds of tragedy - these new worlds made completely by us and our devices and affairs! We will give ourselves “high fives” though! Glowing happily in these greatest moments of destroying the earth and its greatest parts! We go now! Because! We have wanted this day to come, no matter what, no matter when, no matter where, no matter how many slings, arrows and bullets come flying across our paths! No matter how many great masterpieces of tragedy we create to become involved in, as we unravel this once powerful and great land! This former castle of jubilation, hope, security and destiny!

Backroads of So. Greenfield By Carmen Hargis Baker

Birthdays: July 16th- Afton Burns 5, Ruby Johnson 6, Molly Killingsworth the big 30, Shawn Russell 37, Elliott Harmon 43 and Konya Knackstedt 54; 17th-Diane Dunham, Bun McLemore, Ronnie Litle, Jennifer Davis, Bailey Beeson 26, Curtis Mills 45, Beth West 66, Cathy Harrington 69, Dalis Julian 82 and Gloria Bowles 82; 18thBob Blakemore, 19th-Kevin Spain, Shelly Marshall, Braylee Yocom 8, Maxen Feller 10, Carrington Ruark 21, Kaily Cobb 27, Amanda Makatchie 38, Missie Creed 58 and Patsy Fox 67; 20th-Wade Jones 13, Sharla Beuerlein 68 and Suetta Litle 87; 21st-Bowen Welsh 5, Keisha DeJager big 30 and Tom Crull big 60; 22nd-LeRoy Spain, Myka Griggs 7, Briar Myers 9, Landon Burns 16, nephew-Oakley White 17 and Katie Robison 27. Wishing you all a wonderful day!!

Anniversaries: July 16thDave and Sara Jean Engroff 11 years and Perry and Susie Hawks 9 years; 17th-Jeff and Rachel Witt 38 years and Josh and Erin McGee 16 years; 18th-Larry and Judy McGuire 56 years, Randy and Dixie Weimer 45 years and Steve and Tiffany Lewis 17 years; 19th-James and Crystal Wood 9 years, Brad and Alicia Shorter 17 years and Luke and Lauren Shelton 6 years; 20thFred and Doris Johnson 46 years; 21st-Tony and Theresa Morgan 32 years. Wishing you many more years of happiness together.

In memory: Rodney Hollingsworth 7-16-2013, Chad Clayton 7-17-2011, Virginia Lowry 7-17-2014, Tonda Hargis 7-17-2017, Louis Tolbert 7-17-2001, Frank Keopke 7-18-2008, Joe East 7-18-2011, Stanford Friend 7-18-2016, Ima Jean Theurer 7-19-2016, Clifford Hail 7-19-2008, Johnny Jones 7-20-2004, April Hurd 7-20-2009, Lack Allen Fitzpatrick 7-20-2019, Florence Siders 7-22-2016. Gone but never forgotten.

Kelby Davis and Sierra Watson are excited to announce the arrival of their baby girl, Miley Ella Jayne Davis. Miley arrived at 6:14 p.m. on July 9, 2020 tipping the scales at 5 lbs., 14 oz. and was 19 inches long.

Nathan and Karen Roby are ecstatic to announce the arrival of their first grandchildren, twin girls, Nora and Natalie. They arrived on July 9, 2020 with Nora weighing 6 lbs., 12 oz. and 18.5 inches long. Natalie weighed 6 lb., 1 oz. and was 19.25 inches long. Proud parents are Tyler and Stacey Roby.

Also Raiona Martin and the late Darrell Gott, Jr. had a baby girl, Evelyn Rosalie born on July 11, 2020. Little Evelyn was born the day after her father’s funeral. She tipped the scales at 6 lbs., 15 oz. and was 20.5 inches long. She almost arrived on her Grandma Jackie Baker’s birthday the 13th. Great-grandparents are Rick and Carmen Baker.

Congratulations to newlyweds, Taylor Shepard and Justin Sekscinski who tied the knot July 10, 2020. Taylor is the daughter of Steve and Angie Shepard.

Derek and Keisha Donnell and family spent the last week on the beach at Sirata Beach, Florida. They got to do lots of fun things and really enjoyed the food.

Joel and Amanda Gray and kids spent the week in Gulf Shores, Alabama where their son, Roper was playing baseball with his team, Tribe. They are happy to come home Champions. Also Roper got his picture and autograph of a Tampa Bay Rays player.

Juli Toler Pascoe and family vacationed last week at Taylor Park near Gunnison, Colorado. They were there for a Pascoe family reunion and had a blast.

Millie Pirtle and her team Bolte won the Championship in an all-day, very hot, ball tournament on Saturday. Grandparents Beth and Greg Killingsworth were there to cheer her on.

Roger Hall is still in the hospital and if you would like to send him a card, his address is Cox Medical Center South, 3801 S. National Ave., Springfield, MO 65807.

Last Friday was the funeral service for Rick’s grandson, Darrell Gott, Jr., 18, who was murdered in Springfield on July 2, 2020. There was a large crowd of family and friends to help this sad situation with lots of support. A friend of his dad’s had made a special trailer to carry the casket to the grave site and it was beautiful with his picture being the entire floor. Such a young life to be gone so soon. Thanks for all the phone calls and condolences for the family.

I was sorry to hear of the passing of longtime Pennsboro native, Amy Lee Allison, 90, who passed on July 7, 2020. She leaves a very loving family behind and many friends including husband, Eugene, children, Theresa Russell, Steve Allison and Marla Gillen along with grandchildren and greats.

Also Joseph “Tub” Gilmore, 67, passed away on July 7, 2020. His service was July 9 with burial at Liberty Church.

I want to extend sympathy to all those who have lost a loved one.

Saturday, I got up and went into Springfield to spend the day with granddaughter, Lucy Hawkins. Hadn’t got to see her much with this virus stuff and she was wanting some Granny time. We had a great day and they are all settled into their new home with a pool.

After I left, they had a pool party with the families of Hannah “Walters” and Darcy Parrish. With six extra kids, Lucy had a blast.

One day last week, several men got together at the Flint Hills National Golf course in Kansas for a day of good golfing. Those partaking were: Mike Fox, Coach Jim Dykens, Dean Meadows, Randy Meadows and David McNeel. I bet they talked about some good old days at Greenfield High.

Kim Kinder and her son, Caden, celebrated his high school graduation with a trip to Colorado. They took in Pike’s Peak, Garden of the Gods, white water rafting, Royal Gorge and zip lining in San Juan Mountains. Now that was a lot to do and don’t you know they will remember this trip forever.

Kelly Long had her body building competition this weekend and she did great. We are proud to report she won third Place in the 2020 NPC Missouri State Championship. All her hard work that she has put in at the gym paid off. Congratulations Kelly!

Sunday evening, Rick Baker went and spent some time with his father, Jim Baker in Ash Grove.

Rick’s niece, Candace “Hollis” from Texas has been here helping Jackie Gott this past week. It was wonderful having her here for Jackie.

Getting to the Point

By Jean (Mincey) Mausehund

Sunday, July 5, morning services included a new way to observe communion. Instead of passing the plates for bread and juice, individual cups were placed in the cup holders throughout the sanctuary. Each person opened the top layer to access the bread, and then they opened the second part for the juice. Well, it was supposed to work that way, but anyone with old fingers may have had a little trouble separating the layers–at least I did.

Over the years of moving around and attending many churches, I have seen several ways to observe communion. Many years ago, too many churches held closed communion–meaning that visitors could not participate because they were not members of the local church or of a certain denomination. As the world has opened more to traveling and people realized we are all one in Christ, open communion has become more the norm and a wonderful way to share Christian love.

Plans are going ahead to have a short version of VBS (vacation Bible school). From the information already laid out by Vickie Flenniken, the time will be a blessing for the children, the workers, and the congregation come Sunday morning. In fact, this change brought on by the Covid-19 virus may prove the old saying “It is an ill wind that brings no good . . . .” In the future, the short version might be repeated a few times during the summer months and provide ways to open VBS classes to accommodate vacations, ball games, and other summer activities. Something to think about anyway.

A work day will be held between now and the time for VBS to install the basketball goals and do a few other jobs around the building. Arrangements are being made to get some cement delivered for the goals, which will probably determine when will be the work day.

The latest trip to Wal-Mart resulted in seeing one more return to normal–jigsaw puzzles are back. Just hope it isn’t in time for another form of hunkering down because the Covid-19 is rearing its ugly head again. Like many, I was wondering why churches couldn’t meet but hundreds if not thousands were gathering in streets to protest and just plain tear up things.

Friends back in Delaware were disappointed on July 5 as churches were supposed to be able to open, but the governor said “No.” Also, the schools have not been given the go-ahead to start planning for schools to open this fall. We surely do have it much better out here in Missouri.

As I write this on Thursday the 9th, I can report that the sudden dip in temperature this morning was nice and that a little rain even came with it. Sure was grateful while it lasted. But, alas, the forecast is back to hot and dry–seems too much like August already.

As of now, the camping and “Services at the Lake” are still on for the week end of July 24-26. I plan to go to the lake for the services on Sunday, but my idea of roughing it (AKA, camping) is making it from one Marriott to the next when traveling.

Be in the know wherever you go!

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