front page
Ginevra Serena
contents 3 4
curriculum vitae 5 16
17 24
re botics pittsburgh
the linear forest
25 32
33 36
up and down
contact m t n i +39 3403263075 31.01.1993 via Carestia 21, Borgosesia 13011, (VC), Italy
professional skills Autocad Revit Sketchup V-ray
Photoshop Illustrator InDesign
personal trait Smiling Empathic Meticulous Trustworthy
languages Italiano EspaĂąol English
mother tongue B2 B2
education WORKSHOP
July 2018 International Workshop “Save the traditional village” in Shanghai, in collaboration with SJTU-Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
February 2018- May 2018 Thesis research at CMU-Carnegie Mellon Universiy, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
September 2016 - June 2017 E+/ EU Erasmus programme at UPV-Univesitad Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
September 2015 - September 2018 Master degree in Architecture Sustainability at Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
September 2012- July 2015 Bachelor degree in Architecture at Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
September 2007-June 2012 Scientific High School “Gaudenzio Ferrari” in Borgosesia, Italy
work experience INTERNSHIP
March 2015 - May 2015 MG2 Architetture, corso Vittorio Emanuele II 25, Torino, Italy
RE BOTICS Pittsburgh This is a master thesis project that invesigates the integration of the urban manufacturing concept through the reuse of a modernist functionalist building as a warehouse in the city of Pittsburgh. In particular this new kind of manufacturing is linked to the theme of Industry 4.0 and to the use of industrial robots. Pittsburgh is a post industrial city with a glorious but also troubled past in the back, related to the heavy production of iron, now converted in research and development in new technologies. For this reason Pittsburgh has a consolidated cluster of business and corporations in this field and represent an ideal contest for the development of the project. At a neighborhood scale the design wants to solve some problems that the urban planning of the last century let in several cities in North 5
America. Some urban choices focused on the use of the car let areas completely disconnected to each others, like the neighborhoods Chateau and Manchester in Pittsburgh. The urban design suggests the integration of other types of transportation, implementing the public service too. In which way do the changes of the system of production influence the architecture? This was the main question that walked me for the design choices at both urban and architectural scale. The prototype of the Vertical Urban Factory embodies all these new characteristics: in this way the project investigate through this model a new type of manufacturing, in which the relation between the human work and the robotics one is the main purpose.
The two neighborhoods present an both in the urban fabric and in the architectural typologies. This saparation is the consecuence of an urban design choice from 60s, when the highway Pennsylvania Ohio Route 65 was constructed, breaking into the area and fracturing the morphology of the neigborhood. From there the two sites began to get away from each others more and more even if nowadays there is an element that resists in both: the multi-storey warehouse. This was the starting point of the urban design project, that suggests to make punctual operations in the area, like the reuse of these buildings for the urban manufacturing, to catalyze the whole neighborhood and to define an identity already lost.
The development of the street element proposes the integration of other transportation systems, first of all the light railway transit to improve the connection between the downtown, the business district, and the project area. Also the integration of bicycle lines, bigger and flexible curbs, smart solutions to enhance the pedestrian safety and the disposal of road traffic, help to make .
the street a very usable urban space
The choice of the building for the reuse process pins this warehouse for its strong identity. It is a very interesting building, completely integrated in the contest, that presents itself as a , one of the most iconic material of the 20s american architecture. The vertical structure lends itself to develop the prototype of the vertical urban factory, and the assence of windows suggests the robotic work, that must be complemented by the humans one through the project.
huge mass of red
v v
Mezanine floor
First floor
Ground floor
Fourth floor
Third floor
Second floor
v 13
Perspective longitudinal section
The consuption of production is the tendency to sell not only a product but also its supply chain. The architecture can help this marketing strategy through the transparency between the different spaces. Now that you can admire directly from the same building.
the production is like a show
The stairway is the main character. It rapresents the vertical distribution typical of the vertical urban factory for the products, but as a human retabling. This path allows to the different companies in private and public spaces to explore the manufature world and also to facilitate the sharing and the collaboration between the several businesses.
walk across
The Linear Forest The city of Nichelino, closed to Turin has been for a very long time the “dormitory place� of the Mirafiori industry. Today is a little town with some weaknesses that this project tries to settle. We found two different ways in two different areas of the town, in which Nichelino deals with its inhabitants: as a Forest City, rich in naturalistic spaces and elements, and as a Market City, more rigorous in functions and in composition. These two separate spheres are completely disconnected to each others, so the main focus is to suggest a link to compose a single and unified city, through the choice of the element of the tree. The starting point was to define a grid of 10 x 10 metres for the placement of the trees, inserted in every free point of the main axis in the project area, creating a linear forest with the use of 700 trees in total. 17
The analysis of the areas in which was possible to plant the trees revealed five different clusters caracterized by several theme and compositions. So the intention to bring the forest in the city is followed by the will to define areas with new functions that complete and support the existing ones, defining a main function for each cluster that could be also the link for the different areas. We found this file rouge in the theme of the sport, declinated in a different way in each cluster with diverse attitudes and approaches, to be interesting and stimulating for every age brackets. These specific functions are selected according to the ones already present in the individual areas, in order to ensure a continuity approach with the status quo.
Forest City and Market City
“Shopping, relax e rock’n’roll”
Shopping, relax and rock‘n’roll
Psycho-physical wellness
“Il nido nel bosco”
The nest in the woods
Sport par excellence
pista ciclabile
Bike lane
Old-style sport
“Lo sport per eccellenza”
“Gli sport di una volta” 18
Vacant buildings
Vacant buildings
School facilities
Bike lane
Pre-post school facility
Educational gardens
v 19
Large-scale residential
Small-scale containers
Large-scale residential
Workshop spaces
Play yard
Safe paths
The nest in the woods, actual and project
In this area the presence of three different tipes of school, all related to the first educational steps of the child, named this cluster Here the sport is declined as the recreational moment of the kid, through spaces for workshops, a play yard and eductional gardens, all inserted in a little and safe fruit trees wood.
“The nest in the woods�.
After the theme of the five clusters, the most important hub in the area needed to be deepened. The crux connenting the Forest City and the Market City coinceded with a large-scale vacant building, , that created a barrier between the two areas that had to be connected. This building was imagined like a high permeable element that follows the character of the whole project. The emptying process of a portion of the place allowed to create a visual and physical link, by preserving the structural grid as a connection to the present. The new functions enrich both the areas, and create a new centre for the leisure in the town.
the Woodness
Structural scomposition
Gym Spa Shops Restaurant Accesses Paths Pedestrian area
Covered pedestrian area
Equipped area
Functions and distribution 22
v 23
Hub area’s axonometry
UP & DOWN This is a project located in Valencia, in an area close to the beach, in Cabanyal neighborhood. A re-elaborated shape of the street was foundamental in order to align the two lots near the project area that were not lined up on the street, creating inconsistency in the area. This new shape of the parcel create also a new hortogonal grid that shames the design of the residential buildings and of the park. This orientation enriches the value of the flats overlooking the sea, and optimizes the exposition. A peculiaric characteristic of the project is the presence of a platform that exploits the landfill of the existing parcel and creates a difference 25
of quotes between the street level, the internal courtyard and the access zone to the residential part. The recicle of people is guardanted by the presence of working spaces, offices and services for the residents on the floor under the street level, i n the courtyard. The most stimulating part of the project is the interior design. All the apartments of the two buildings have the same dimension and the same exposition. What characterizes every flat is the presence of a longitudinal settlement of componible blocks in order to define different spaces according to the different inhabitants’ needs.
Alignment street
Openness to the sea Closure to the building
Overlook to the sea Quote 0
Connection with the park
Integration with the park
The internal courtyard rapresents an intimate and sheltered space. The differences of quote, the theatrical stairs and the tangency with the residential building, create a suggestive volume touch. This big open space is not directly connected to the street, as a form of protection and privacy. From there is possible to accede to the common spaces of the building and also to the park, physically and visually connected. organizes and regulates the people flows.
The platform
Sud prospect, longitudinal section
First floor 28
block a
block b
block c
There are several fixed points in every flats, like the dimension, the central blocks settlement and the presence of a double bathroom. The blocks system, allowing the creation of a divides and organizes the spaces at the same time. There are three different types of blocks: the first one, block A, is the biggest one (320x60 cm) and it is thought for the upper zone of the house. The second one, block B, is smaller (170x60 cm) and it is for the middle part of the apartment. The last one, block C, has the same dimensions of the
customized apartment,
block B, but it is made of different material because its collocation is outside.
v 31
Young couple flat
Family with children flat 32
Re-Shapu Save the traditional village is the title and the main purpose of this workshop in Shanghai. The incredibly fast progress of the chinese culture is letting lots of villages in the suburban territory uninhabited because of the shift to the big cities of the local people. The dimensions of the cities as well as the distances between them in this country are not comparable with the european ones; that makes impossible for the villagers to live there and to work in a big city. The valorization and the preservation project of these little villages must consider not only the architectural side but also the economic one. It is a complex design to bring back the villagers based on an economic plan to revitalize this small reality. The life expectancy of Shapu Village is 81.7 years old. The local natural ecological environment is good, the air is fresh, and the negative oxygenion content is high. Vegetables, fruits, tea, rice and 33
other agricultural products are abundant. And it has a lot of water and forest resources, which gives investors more attractiveness. For this reason Shapu Village has all kinds of agricultural products, and because of the local climate and natural environment, the crop production has a great market potential. So the design starts with a short term project that puts the foundations for a new economy based on the old traditional uses and resourches, and trough the restoration of an old vacant school into a sanatorium. The long term project consider all the benefits derived from the hotel development and from the tourism growth. More investors will be attracted to the village to invest and stimulate the economic growth, providing more jobs; young people could return to their hometowns and the popularity of villages can continue to increase. The village could prosper again.
A very important part of the design was the branding of local products and the village visibility through the app WeChat. Framing this QR code with a WeChat account you can visit the page of Shapu that we made, with all the village informations, photos and curiosity. Also of the three principal product of Shapu, the honey, the tea and the fungus, could help the economy and the valorization of the village.
the branding
The architectural part of restoration of this old school is based on the principle of the chinese traditional architecture, in order to continue, link and respect the soul of Shapu. This concept consist in bringing the nature that surrounds the building inside the building, not only physically in the courtyard but also with its . Trough the senses of the view, the hearing and the touch, the nature is perceived into the building to complete the purpose of the sanatorium and to valorize the Shapu environment.
You’ve been watching too many movies, you idiot, you’ve forgotten what life is about. Paolo Sorrentino, Youth, 2015
Promoting local products
Sustaining local culture
Enlarging population
sanatorium Providing healthy services
Creating job opportunities
thank you
ginevra serena +39 3403263075