1 minute read
Historical Background: “Asian American” Origins
• Political identity in the 1960s
• term that first coined in 1968 by University o Cali ornia raduate students Emma Gee and Yuji Ichioka. Inspired by the Black Power movement, the American Indian movement, and the anti-war movement, Gee and Ichioka wanted a term that could serve as an umbrella term to brin to ether disparate Asian ethnic roups to ether in one voice to advocate or their ri hts.
• AAPI = Asian American and Pacific Islander
• Asian Americans = 28 different countries
• Pacific Islander Americans = 22 different countries
• Commonly used re ional roupin s:
• East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, and more)
• South Asia (India, Pakistan, Ban ladesh, and more)
• Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, and more)
• Pacific Islands (Hawaii, Ton a, Guam, and more)