Progress Pineridge: Darville for Pineridge

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Dear Pineridge Constituents: I am delighted and humbled to once again be granted the opportunity to engage you, and to offer myself as the Progressive Liberal Party’s candidate for your constituency, in the 2017 general election. We all have plans, whether they are written, mentioned or stored within our souls. These plans, when partnered with purpose and passion, create unique

PROGRESS : Movement forward or toward a place. The process of improving or developing something over a period of time.

opportunities for us to make significant progress; and a meaningful difference in our communities. For this reason, I have chosen to serve my community, firstly as a physician, and also as a politician. This booklet tells you about me, and highlights my plans for Grand Bahama Island, and more specifically for Pineridge. It also provides a snapshot of the achievements of the Progressive Liberal Party, an organization of rich legacy, that aligns with my philosophical view of assisting those that are in need, and creating opportunities for many. Over the past 5 years, I have represented you in the House of Assembly; and have given focused, comprehensive, and dedicated service, which has allowed Grand Bahamians to take advantage of tremendous opportunities for growth and development.

Acts 20:24

But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus ...

FROM THE HEART. . . Residents, I humbly ask you to once again come with me on this journey, as we seek to develop the great community of Pineridge, through citizen engagement and partnerships; and to ensure that our people are healthier, happier and more prosperous. I look forward to continuing to represent you, assist you in achieving your plans; and collectively realize our plans for progress for the great constituency of Pineridge, Grand Bahama Island, and The Bahamas, in general.

Progress Forward; Together we can!


Dr. Michael Darville

Development | Growth | Advancement Moving Forward, Upward, Onward, Together



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a. Major Food Store (Down Town, Freeport) b. Empowerment Center (Down Town) c. Authentic Bahamian Experience (Down Town)














Entrance Signage

Street Lighting

Community Park [New]

[Reconnection and Ongoing Maintenance]

New Entrance

Road Repairs

Extensive Clean-Up following

Bulk garbage collection and clean up

Hurricane Matthew

The PeoPle’s RePResenTaTive


PineRidge! FREEPORT RIDGE ESTATES Road Grading [2013 | 2017]

REGENCy SUBDIVISION Neko Grant Park Enhancement

GARDEN VILLAS Ongoing Clean-Up Roof repairs Free medical clinics and health seminars for children Feeding programs Pineridge Mother’s Day Appreciation Luncheon & family fun day


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Entrance Beautification

a. Reach Out Ministries

Round-About at Freeport Bible Church

b. Falcon’s Boys Club c. Grand Bahama Children’s Home



Entrance Beautification

Bulk garbage collection and clean up

Round-About installation

Park Enhancement

Road Paving

d. Burrows Home for the Aged e. Family Empowerment Youth Mentoring Organization f. Numerous churches within the community of Pineridge

“My purpose and my passion is helping people!” --Dr. Michael Darville

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A MASTER-PLAN FOR PINERIDGE We have developed a master-plan for the way forward for Pineridge, which is people-powered and involves citizen-governance. The plan will include: Monthly constituency meetings, at which constituents will be engaged. ‘Empowerment Centers,’ which will offer resources and services to the community of Pineridge. Increased employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. Engagement of our young people. Greater educational and scholarship opportunities. Healthier lifestyles; mind, body and soul!

Pineridge Empowerment Centers will facilitate the following: i. Embracing Entrepreneurship 1. Entrepreneurship Education Series 2. The Downtown Experience ‘Entrepreneurial Opportunities’ 3. Fishing Hole Causeway Cultural Village Opportunities 4. Enhancing Cultural Celebrations: Festivals and Fish-Frys. 5. Promoting Authentically Bahamian Products

ii. Taking advantage of Government Initiatives 1. National Health Insurance 2. Mortgage Relief Programme 3. Public Private Partnership Training & Employment Intiatives

iii. Accessing Educational Opportunities 1. Career Fairs 2. College Fairs 3. Scholarship Opportunities

iv. Pineridge Career Opportunities 1. 2. 3. 4.

Skills Bank Grand Bahama Job Opportunity Database Partnerships with Corporate Grand Bahama Job Readiness Programme, in conjunction with the National Training Agency (NTA)

v. Pineridge Neighborhood Watch Programme 1. Our Brother’s Keeper

vi. Healthy Lifestyle Programme 1. Team Pineridge Exercise Club 2. Healthy Living Series

vii. Community Restoration Projects: 1. Park Refurbishment Programme 2. Community Clean Programme, in conjunction with private sector partners 3. Road Improvement

viii. Homeownership 1. New Housing Developments

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Biography of Honourable Dr. Michael R. Darville, M.P. Minister for Grand Bahama The Hon. Dr. Michael Darville, is one who has been

The Hon. Dr. Darville was appointed as a Senator in 2009, by The

described by many as a man of valour, vision, love and

Right Honorable Perry Gladstone Christie. It was in that honourable

compassion. He was born on July 11, 1960 in New

chamber that he fought tirelessly to bring the concerns of, and

Providence. He received his early and secondary educa-

agitated on behalf of the residents of Grand Bahama.

tion at Queen’s College in Nassau, Bahamas. He began his

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tertiary education at The College of the Bahamas where he

In June 2010, the Hon. Dr. Darville was nominated as the Progres-

received an Associate’s Degree in Engineering. He went on

sive Liberal Party’s candidate for the Pineridge constituency and

to complete a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering

on May 7, 2012, he was elected the Member of Parliament for

at the University of Windsor in Canada, and University of

Pineridge. On Friday, May 11th, 2012 the Hon. Dr. Michael Darville

London College of Engineering Studies. He later went on to

was sworn in as the first Minister for Grand Bahama

study Medicine at the University of the West Indies. He is married to Mrs. Susie Darville, is a father of two sons and has The Hon. Dr. Darville is a well-established businessman who was the partner, President and owner of a number of businesses, including The Grand Bahama Family Medical Center. Prior to this, he served as a medical doctor for the Bahamas Government in the Ministry of Health. He was also self-employed as an Engineer. The Hon. Dr. Darville is also a member of the Bahamas Medical Council.

one granddaughter.

WHy PLP FOR ME? The Progressive Liberal Party (PLP), formed in 1953, is an organization born out of fight for equal rights for our people. This party was established to bring help and hope for the Bahamian people; at a time when only a few could vote; more specifically those who owned properties. The voting age at that time was 21, voting was not a private matter, and females could not vote. The brave men and women of the PLP changed this reality, and brought about the

Not only is the PLP the party of the people, but it is also the party that brought about landmark initiatives, without support by the official opposition: Majority Rule Independence Secondary Education for all Bahamians The Royal Bahamas Defense Force National Insurance The College of The Bahamas

freedom we now enjoy today.

In essence, the PLP built the modern Bahamas.

Eight dissident PLPs, who opposed one of our nation’s most notable

Today, the PLP continues its rich legacy of creating people-focused

achievements (Independence), joined the United Bahamian Party (UBP), which led to the formation of the Free National Movement (FNM). The core values of The PLP, after 64 years of existence, still remain intact. We remain focused on the party’s philosophy and preamble of bringing help and hope to the Bahamian people, and creating opportunities for all.

programmes for the people of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, with policies and initiatives such as: National Health Insurance Mortgage Relief The University of The Bahamas Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Institute National Training Agency These, coupled with other achievements during its 2012 – 2017 term in office, its stable leadership, and ‘people-driven’ policies, make it the best political organization to take this country forward.

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PLP PREAMBLE IN November 1953, the people of the Bahamas Islands having for centuries endured the injustices of slavery and second-class status in their homeland, acclaimed and embraced the formation of the ProgressIve LIberaL Party, as a political organization established by the founding fathers to seek and secure the improvement of the lives of the poor, the downtrodden and the dispossessed and to bring hope and promise to the young.

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sINCe the dawn of Majority Rule on the 10th of January 1967, all Bahamians have seen the dreams of our ancestors brought to reality, not by accident, but through deliberate determination, perseverance, commitment, hard work and an abiding respect for the Rule of Law and the principles of good governance. agaINst that noble backdrop of fortitude, vision, courage and commitment to the philosophy of this ProgressIve LIberaL Party as displayed by our founding fathers, let us go forward then with Almighty God’s continuing blessing, and as brave defenders of those lofty ideals to build this Country of Islands, Cays, Shallow Banks and Shoals as a beautiful, safe, secure, prosperous and enlightened Nation to be proudly passed to future generations of Bahamians. WItH our heads and hands lifted in praise, let us continue as a beacon of hope to the people of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas.


NHI Bahamas

The Progressive Liberal Party has a strong legacy,

* Redevelopment of PMH (Children’s ward, A&E, male wards)

and continues to move forward to build a stronger

* Construction of new BAIC Coop Building

Bahamas, through initiatives such as:

* Creation of new Radar Centre at Lynden Pindling

* Introduction of National Health Insurance * Reformation of the Road Traffic Department * Reformation of Social Services (RISE programme) * Creation of the Civil Aviation Authority * Implementation of Swift Justice * Establishment of Public Defender’s Office * Implementation of Mortgage Relief Programme * Revamp of Consumer Commission * Implementation of E Records * Implementation of 2014 Immigration Policy * Establishment of Urban Renewal Home Repair Programme * Increase of manpower for all uniformed branches * Regained 2% Economic Interest in BTC * Implementation of VAT * Tax Reformation * Decriminalization and Reformation of the Gaming Industry * Establishment of Parks and Beaches Authority * Establishment of new Government Border System * Cellular Liberalization * Construction of a new National Security Building

International Airport * Construction and renovation of Criminal Courts * Redevelopment of Potter’s Cay Dock * Redevelopment of San Salvador Airport * Construction of new Government Complex in Bimini * Construction of new clinic in Cat Island * Renovation of all clinics on the island of Grand Bahama * Construction of Sea Wall in Cat Island and Grand Bahama * Construction of the Bahamas’ beach soccer complex * Construction of Andre Rodgers Baseball Stadium * Construction of Moore’s Island Sports Complex * Construction of new roads in Central and South Abaco and Andros * Installation of Potable Water (New Providence and East and West Grand Bahama) * Purchase of Defense Force Ships * Chartering of The University of The Bahamas * Introduction of National High School Diploma * Establishment of BAMSI * Increase scholarships from $6 million to $16 million * Establishment of the National Training Agency

* Completion of industrial agreements * Signature of Visa Waiver Agreements for numerous countries * Establishment of National Energy Policy * Expansion of the Marine Protection Areas * Passage of Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities) Bill, 2014 and Correctional Services Bill, 2013 * Increase in Sports Tourism (World Relays, Beach Soccer Championships) * Establishment of Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival * Creation of National Heroes Day through legislation FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENTS * Bahamar * Bakers’ Bay Project * Pointe Project * Albany Expansion * Bimini Bay Resorts * Children’s Bay Project And many more...

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98% 18-yEAR PLAN

5 yEARS 1 2

A FACT: PROGRESS yOu KNOW! 98% of the objectives articulated in the PLP’s 2012 Charter for Governance [An 18-year Plan] for Grand Bahama Island have been achieved. Whilst Hurricane Matthew posed a major set-back, Grand Bahama is on the right track, and headed for progressive development, with your PLP administration. > 98% of an 18-year plan was accomplished in less than 5 years!

That’s what you call RESULTS!!! PLP GOVERNMENT’S GRAND BAHAMA ACHIEVEMENTS [2012 – 2017] Establishment of the Ministry for Grand Bahama;

Extension of clinic hours and creation of a family practice clinic

Strengthened relations with The Grand Bahama Port Authority;

at The Rand Memorial;

Reviewed expiring concessions of the Hawksbill Creek Agreement;

Employed an additional twenty eight (28) medical

Reduced taxes on hotel properties by 50%;

doctors and support staff throughout Grand Bahama;

Reopened the Reef Village;

Upgraded fleet of vehicles for doctors and nurses to

Reopened Blue Marlin Cove Resort & Marina;

provide domiciliary medical care;

Attraction of numerous international; conferences and events

Provision of additional clinical and bed space at the Rand Memorial Hospital;

Purchasing of New fire trucks and ambulances;

Re-established ZNS Northern Service;

Construction of a new Fire Station;

Renovations of the downtown Farmer’s Market;

Purchasing of State-of-the-art mammogram equipment at the Rand Memorial Hospital; Renovations to medical clinics in all outlying areas of Grand Bahama;

Re-established the Grand Bahama Meteorological Centre;

Establishment of the TCN program which will train and

Establishment of the National Training Agency in Grand Bahama;

employ 25 young Grand Bahamians as nurses;

Revamp of the Fresh Start Program;

Extension of duty free concessions to East and West

Renovation of docking facility, installation of water tank and refurbishment

Grand Bahama.

of the teacher’s residence on Water Cay;

Completed drawings and preparatory works for

Construction of a cemetery for East End;

Freeport Community Clinic (Phase 1 of the new hospital);

Establishment of the Jack Hayward Junior High School;

Installation of an eNose monitoring network in communities

Renovations of the Harold DeGregory Building;

surrounding the industrial park;

Ongoing construction of the Fishing Hole Road Bridge;

Completion of Safety assessment in communities

Re-commissioning of the Fire Sub-Station in Eight Mile Rock;

surrounding the industrial park;

Renovations of the Police Station in East Grand Bahama;

Establishment of Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival Kick

Construction of a Storage facility at the C.A. Smith Complex;

off Celebrations;

Construction of thirty-six (36) single family homes in Bahamia;

Renovations to the GB Sports Complex.

On-going small home repairs through Urban Renewal 2.0; Re-Opening of Lighthouse Point hotel; Construction beginning of a new junior high school in West Grand Bahama; Creation of new vendor entrepreneurial opportunities at the Fishing Hole Road; Construction of a sea wall for Smith’s Point; Establishment of an island-wide annual high school maritime, technical and industrial career fair; Installed potable water in East and West Grand Bahama; Redevelopment of West End Clinic; Negotiated for the exclusivity to be lifted, which allows for a new cruise port to be built in East Grand Bahama; Establishment of the Earn While you Learn Program, which has trained and employed 200 Grand Bahamians;

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Establishment of an Employment Program at GB Shipyard to train 600 Bahamians to replace expatriate workers. 200 hired by March, 2017;


Contracted PAHO/WHO to conduct an Independent Environmental and Health Risk Assessment in the Pinder’s Point, Lewis Yard, and surrounding areas;



Construction of new dormitories at The university of The Bahamas (uB);


Creation of a State of the art Technology Centre at East End Primary School;


Relocation of the Lewis Yard Primary School;


Took over the Operation and management of Air Traffic Control Tower at GB Airport;


Construction of a Museum for Freeport.

PRIVATE SECTOR INITIATIVES, WITH GOVERNMENT SuPPORT: $150 million dollar expansion of PharmaChem Technologies $250 million dollar, Phase 5 expansion of the Freeport Container Port $2 million dollar Expansion of The Bahamian Brewery Opening of Okyanos Heart Institute, after the enactment of stem cell legislation Construction of the Sir Jack Hayward Bridge by Devco Gold Rock Creek Expansion



OVER $100M in Capital Works Projects allocated for Grand Bahama Island from 2012 - 2017: M.= MILLIONS $= DOLLARS

Fishing Hole Road Bridge

$6.5M. Holmes Rock Jr. High School


Improvements at Rand Memorial Hospital


Potable Water Fire Station


for East and West Grand Bahama


Smith’s Point Sea Wall

New Freeport Community Clinic

Renovations of ALL clinics

Diagnostic Equipment for the Rand

$4.2M. $2.5M.



Urban Renewal Offices

Renovations to Government Buildings

$.04M. $6.8M.

Renovations at the GB Sports Complex

C.A. Smith Complex Storage Facility



Renovation of

Construction of 36 Government Homes

Administrator’s Complex via PPP (Eight Mile Rock)


Harold DeGregory Building



New Ambulances


Total funds allocated for Grand Bahama at the end term in office


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