==== ==== Find out what are the 4 essential entrepreneurial thinking of successful people in The 4 Essentials of Entrepreneurial Thinking: What Successful People Didn't Learn in School by Cliff Michaels. ==== ==== The 4 Essentials of Entrepreneurial Thinking Review
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Real-Life Advice, January 24, 2012 By K. Johnson (US/Asia) - See all my reviews I like books like these. The author has proven experience over many years in a variety of areas. Cliff Michaels was not and is not a "sheeple." Most people are. I've never been an entrepreneur, nor a "business man" per se, although I did run my own business for 6 years in a foreign country. This book is a book that can help anyone but I particularly think it's useful for people in 2 situations: 1. young people who know they want to pursue their true goals and dreams and/or work for themselves by starting his/her own business and, 2. working and middle-class people who may have a good idea(s) and may want to actively
pursue it/them. As we now know, the "M.B.A." has come under scrutiny in recent years both statistically on how much it helps its graduates and what skills it imparts on those that spend the time, effort, and money on a Master's in Business Administration. 50% of CEOs who have an MBA say it did not help them; 50% of CEOs who do not have an MBA say they did not need it to carry out their jobs effectively. The Master's in Business Administration *may* be useful if one attends the top 15% MBA business schools and wants to work for a corporation. If you're in the lower 85% of MBA schools - forget it, as it's a waste of time. The traditional Master's in Business Administration teaches the academically diligent and uncreative who to fit into the ever diminishing corporate culture of America today: conform, do what you're told, and "think outside the box" but only in limited corporate confines. And have fun trying to get a job if you're over 50 with the "coveted" MBA. The Master's in Business Administration is a dinosaur program designed to make sheep out of academically "book smart people" - and IT makes them worse. Studies prove this. Classroom and real world simply do not mix. Cliff Michaels comes up with the Master in Basic Abilities. Michael's book is helpful because the sheep-like mentality of recent decades is not only antiquated but harmful to those who wish to succeed in this new era. We have already entered a new economic paradigm. Every successful person I've met was not an office-dweller in a corporation that filled a box in an organizational chart. The business mind comes with street smarts, social skills, a positive attitude, ability to accept constructive criticism, ability to foresee future trends, and the ability to constantly adapt and change. I highly recommend the "4 Essentials." Source : From Amazon.com Find out what other readers have to say after reading this book under the customer reviews at Amazon.com.
==== ==== Find out what are the 4 essential entrepreneurial thinking of successful people in The 4 Essentials of Entrepreneurial Thinking: What Successful People Didn't Learn in School by Cliff Michaels. ==== ====