==== ==== Learn why people are terrible with their money in The Psychology of Wealth: Understand Your Relationship with Money and Achieve Prosperity by Dr. Charles Richards. ==== ==== The Psychology of Wealth Review
20 of 22 people found the following review helpful: 4.0 out of 5 stars Take Control of Your Life, January 17, 2012 By Green Interior Designer (New York) - See all my reviews I accepted an advanced copy of this book to help me understand why so many people are terrible with their money. The Psychology of Wealth by psychotherapist Charles Richards attempts to explain how, through consciously understanding our relationship with money, we can become prosperous. This book is written from a psychologist's point of view and puts change in ones behavior squarely on the individual. Richards defines the psychology of wealth as a sense of comfort and control in ones relationship with money. How individuals spend/borrow money is a complex issue and is a result of many factors...this book illustrates how to become conscious of your spending/borrowing habits and to act accordingly. It was the 2008 economic crises that got the author thinking about money...he interviewed many successful people in different careers to help him understand what common qualities prosperous people possess. People who possess the "Psychology of Wealth" have the following attributes:
Self esteem Responsibility Determination Achievement Furthermore, Richards blames "unconscious spending" and behaving inconsistently for getting so many people in trouble financially. The answer, according to Richards, is that healthy people deal with money consciously. They take responsibility for their spending. (This means that back a decade or so ago, when almost anyone could get a mortgage, the responsible person would say "no" if they couldn't afford it.) Responsible people, in short, are adults taking charge of their lives. They educate themselves and understand what they can or cannot afford. Pretty simple stuff...but it all makes sense. In my experience with people who spend more than they can afford, they do so because they feel "entitled." The whole issue of being "conscious" of what you are spending makes sense...as does the concept of being conscious in order to add prosperity into your life. With all the stimulus surrounding our hectic lives, being conscious of anything can be difficult. That said, I have helped my clients who want to change something in their lives--from finding love to wealth-with simple Feng Shui. The book I always recommend is HARMONIOUS ENVIRONMENT: BEAUTIFY, DETOXIFY & ENERGIZE YOUR LIFE, YOUR HOME & YOUR PLANET because it simply describes how to use a couple of objects to HELP you be conscious of bringing into your life what you desire. Recommended. Source : From Amazon.com Find out what other readers have to say after reading this book under the customer reviews at Amazon.com.
==== ==== Learn why people are terrible with their money in The Psychology of Wealth: Understand Your Relationship with Money and Achieve Prosperity by Dr. Charles Richards. ==== ====