AIESEC in Lithuania EST application

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Entity Support Team AIESEC


EST positions iGV



Timeline January 22nd

January 25th 23:59 (GMT+2)

Open Applications

Application Deadline

January 29th

Interviews Deadline

January 30th

EST Announcement

• To submit the application you only need to submit the form: • All general and specific questions should be answered • All positions are only for only locals, except “TM Process Coordinator”. • The following information in this booklet is in the form as well.

General Questions 1. Position/-s you are applying for 2. Personal information 1. Name, Surname 2. E-mail 3. Entity/country and LC 3. List and comment top 3 AIESEC experiences and relevant skills for position that you are applying for 4. What are your personal and professional motives to apply for this/these EST positions?

iGV Content Coordinator - Creation of entity template materials for promotion, consideration and post-experience for different stakeholders. - Supervise the brand alignment of LCs. - Design and constant improvement of entity landing pages for iGV stakeholders.



Our IR partners need information about Lithuania and our different projects to support their attraction and consideration of EPs. What materials should we create? Indicate in how many different individual elements the information is divided (different booklets, videos, a webpage...), the topics to cover in each and what how deeply. Write a pitch (max. 400 characters) for a external partner about the value of enabling an iGV project and translate it to Lithuanian.

TM Process Coordinator - Ensuring TM process implementation and understanding - Delivering personal meetings with LCVPs to finding gaps of performance in TM process and finding gaps in knowledge; - Educating LCVPs on TM process - Reporting for MCVPTM and collaborating on TM process education


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Case study: imagine in your meeting with LCVPTM you find out that LC is struggling with a DEVELOP phase of TM process. What could be the possible issues? What action steps you would make to help LC? Imagine: MCVPTM tells you that in next meeting with LCVPTM you should cross check KEEP part of TM process because MCVP foresees that LC has difficulties in that part. How would you evaluate LC keep fulfillment and what could be the possible action steps for improving the implementation? Name at least 3 things what could be improved in TM Process implementation in the entity.

Partnerships Development Coordinator -

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National product portfolio development Market research of potential partners New partner raising by selling national product portfolio Ensuring quality servicing of current partners Weekly report to MCVP iGT&BD

What are the possibilities for developing our B2B pull strategy? Comment on the focus actions needed to take. Create a pitch (short value proposition) for potential partner to participate in Achieve'19 conference as key note speaker and/or workshops space.


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