Choose two matured male and one matured female at least 3 years old. Check the males if they have ample of milt by applying gentle massage in the vent. Separate the male and female for a month Feed them plenty of high protein rich food, if possible, live foods, daphnia,earth worm, etc, and also vegetation like duckweed, azola, fruits melon, orange, etc. Place them together in the breeding tank after a month during full moon at 6 pm.
Observe their behavior if they start to aquaint each other and observe if the males are going to chase the female.
Once the males are agressively chasing and bumping the female to the pond wall and nesting media this indicate that the female has starting to lay eggs. You need to wait them to finish laying eggs for an hour since they will start eating their eggs after laying.
Once the males quit chassing the female and the female stomach became smaller it's time to take out the breeder from the breeding tank.
Change the water 90% if possible since the water will became foul because of the sperm cell.
Put aerators and Methylene Blue It is usually used to protect newly laid fish eggs from being infected by fungus or bacteria. This is useful when the hobbyist wants to artificially hatch the fish eggs The eggs will hatch in 3 to 4 days depending on the temparature if it is warmer the faster it hatch. after 2 days the eggs will start to hatch and you will noticed baby kois clinging on the pond wall and filter media.