Giorgia Anastasio Architect - Portfolio

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PORTFOLIO 2010-2020 Giorgia Anastasio

Curriculum Vitae

Giorgia Anastasio born in Venice on 31th July 1984 Via Col San Martino 15, Favaro 30173 (VE) +39 349 25 30 926 The accademic graduation with the degree in Architecture for Sustainalbility and the interest for the Nature flow into the need to direct my profession in a solid action of responsability and social utility. I believe the work experience is a great opportunity for a permanent education and constant debate where I always invest with curiosity, enthusiasm and professionality. During the managment and development of projects and assignements, I had the opportunity to work in different context that enriched my skills expecially in the filed of design, detail design development and project managment. Working at David Chipperfield Architects and BBW&L I learnt and strenghted the abilities of team managment in an international context. I am looking for collaborations and assignments where I could share my profiency for complex project in Italy and abroad working together with a spread team and to proceed my growth learning by doing in a social and challenging environment.

Education ° 01/2012: registration at Ordine degli Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti e Conservatori di Milano Architecture qualifying examination ° 10/2010: Master degree in Architecture for the Sustainability at IUAV, note: 110/110 cum laude Thesis: “Megacities and tropical storm, adaptation stategies for New York and Kolkata” Tutors: B.Albrecht con G.Mar, L.Schibuola, M.Frate. ° 2009 - 2010: Erasmus at TUM (Technische Universität München) ° 07/2007: Bachelor Degree Science of Architecture at IUAV (Istituto Universitario di Archittettura di Venezia) ° 06/2003: technical high school diploma in surveyor at ITSG G.Massari

Jobs ° Currently Freelance Architect and Project Manager for private client and company assigments ° Assistant Professor for Landscape Design and Urbanism at IUAV and Politecnico di Milano on Accademic Year 2014-15, 2017-18, 2018-19 ° 2014 - 2016: David Chipperfield Architects, Milan -

° 2014: BBArchitetti, Milan - ° 2012- 2013: A4A Monti Savioni Rivolta architetti and A4Adesign, Milano - / ° 2009: Hess / Talhof / Kusmierz Architekten und Stadtplaner, Munich - Internship ° 2007-2010: SuperLandScape, Padua - Lichtblau Architekten, Munich - KGA Architects, London -

Pubblications ° YAC - Web Site, competition result: finalist, 2017 ° Internal annual review, David Chipperfield Architects Projects Yearbook, 2016 ° Wettbeverb Aktuell 6/2011: “Realisierungwettbewerb Königsbrunn Mitte“, competition result: 3° place, 2011 ° PostMedia Books, “Learning from Cities” for 10th Biennale of Architecture of Venice cured by Francesco Garofalo, 2006

Software ° Autocad, Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Microsoft Office - advanced knowledge ° Weather Tool, Design Builder and Ecotech clima design software - basic knowledge ° Operation systems : MAC and Windows - advanced knowledge

Languages ° Italian - mother tongue ° English - advanced knowledge (spoken and written) ° German - good knowledge (spoken and written) ° Spanish - basic knowledge

Soft Skills ° Focused on detail design, sustainaible architecture and renovation ° Very high networking & social skills, management attitude, good working in team and independent ° Advanced skill in Project Managment for architectural / interior and exhibition works

Selected Projects

Van Cleef & Arpels Team

Freelance with BBW&L




Exhibition Set-Up


Palazzo Reale, Milan, IT


Van Cleef & Arpels Jewels Exhibition


Project Manager

CAVA Mansion Team







Neon Bay - Silver Beach, Saudi Arabia


CAVA Mansion at Silver Beach


Competition Team Architect

Roccamandolfi Resort Team







Roccamandolfi (IS), IT


New widespread hotel and resort


Competition Team Architect

Bally New Store Concept Team

David Chipperfield Architects, Milan




Architecture and Retail




Bally Store Concept


Project Architect

Padilion for Domus Team

David Chipperfield Architects, Milan








Domus Pavilion at Triennale


Team support

QuantoMais! Team





Exhibition Set-Up and Urban Design


Milan, IT


Temporary urban installation



Casa Baffa-Coizet Team







Inveruno (MI), IT


Conservative restoration


Project Architect

Megacities & Tropical Storms Team

IUAV - UniversitĂ di Venezia




Research - Thesis


New York, USA and Kolkata, India


Sustainable adaptation strategies



Van Cleef & Arpels



Freelance with BBW&L




Exhibition Set-Up


Palazzo Reale, Milan, IT


Van Cleef & Arpels Jewels Exhibition


Project Manager



Appartamento del Principe, Palazzo Reale, Milan

In the historical spaces of Sale degli Arazzi and Appartamento del Principe at Palazzo Reale in Milan, the biggest and most important Van Cleef & Arpels: Time, Nature and Love exhibition took place in winter 2019/2020.



The exhibition designed by Johanna Grawunder, curated Alba Cappellieri and produced by BBW&L, is showing the masterpieces of the Maison in a unique collection organized by sections and focusing on the peculiarity and artigiananlity of the jewels. The set-up project worked together with the strong architecture of the rooms and the jewels creating an immersive path for the visitors throught light, material, brilliance and trasparency. The showcases are together boxes for the jewels and decorative elements for the sourronding rooms. Light effects and fluo colors are leading the experience in a mystical environment.


oom Botanica

Room Exoticism

Copyright Santi Caleca - all rights reserved

pyright Santi Caleca - all rights reserved

oom Love

pyright Santi Caleca - all rights reserved

Room Multiplicity

Room Flora

Copyright Santi Caleca - all rights reserved

oom Fashion

pyright Santi Caleca - all rights reserved

Copyright Santi Caleca - all rights reserved

CAVA Mansion Team







Neon Bay - Silver Beach, Saudi Arabia


CAVA Mansion at Silver Beach


Competition Team Architect

View from the main entrance

CONCEPT With its compact rectangular shape, the CAVA Mansion aims to create an intimate space where interiors and exteriors blend with the surrounding landscape. The presence of the nature is visible from every point of the house, in form of a garden, the blue sky, the sea, or the finest desert sand. Two main axes structure the building. The first path connects the entrance to the main hall, the swimming pool, and the garden descending to the sea. Along this line, two ceiling vaults define the main space. It is here where the house displays its public character: an empty space that hosts the daily life in all its facets. This is the vault of a cave with all its primitive symbolic power. The second path develops itself from a cut made between the two big arches. A system of stairs and floors ends in two private patios, where rectangular openings in the ceiling frame the sky with its changing colors. From these two patios the paths lead to the private rooms. Outside of the building, in front of the sea, an enclosed space hosts a garden. The water defines an Oasis, a place where to listen, to think and meditate, to stare at the time through the succession of days and nights.

.green roof with local plants



CELEBRATION VAULT .main living spaces facing the sea


.ventilate stone massive facade .stone suppled by local cave .crossing ventilation


.internal curtyard with water and plants .shaded outdoors spaces


.paradise Oasi with local plants


confort and micloclima local resources construction and materials

CAVA Mansion SUSTAINABILITY While developing this concept for the Mansion, we put a great effort in using natural resources rationally. In the present times, a house has to be sustainable in both its planning process and its life. To achieve this objective, we developed different strategies by mixing the newest technologies with traditional methods.

The whole outer facade is massive but constructed with a ventilated system to shade and protect the interior rooms. The building itself is planned around the possibility of opening windows in different points to guarantee cross-ventilation. The interior surfaces and finishes are made with precious materials, but the internal separation walls are built with rammed earth and hempcrete to ensure an optimal level of insulation. Both construction materials are produced with a low carbon footprint and have high thermal inertia. All roofs of the building are “green roofs� to improve insulation and absorb air contaminants. The Oasis in front of the building creates a pleasant microclimate. Desalinated sea water can be used for the maintenance of the vegetation. The stones for the facade are taken from a local cave (Jura Beige Limestone – Saudi Arabia) to minize transport and strengthen the belonging of the Mansion to the place where it arises.

J. Turrel - Roden Crater

Madain Saleh

Desert Oasis

View from the private rooms courtyard

View from the master room and private pool courtyard

Roccamandolfi Resort Team







Roccamandolfi (IS), IT


New widespread hotel and resort


Competition Team Architect

Richard Long, Walking a Line in Peru, 1972

A sign, an addition to the natural environment by ordering the material that constitutes it, is enough to show the human presence in a place and to indicate a way in a boundless landscape. In its work Walking a Line in Peru (1972), the british artist Richard Long makes its way right acting on it and turns it into a specific place, in which the human artifice leads the feeling of security and familiarity. Castle Resort project is inspired by this simple gesture to define a line on the ground within the natural landscape. It is a path starting from the bottom of the cliff, going through the pines forest and reaching the fortress ruins on its top. The architecture is the path. The designed buildings are placed below walking level and they are built on the natural slope and show their presence through panoramic

View from the fortress

General plan

Roccamandolfi Resort terraces aimed at symbolic places on the territory. The fortress is the end of the path. Here the original rooms are preserved according to the medieval design, hosting spaces for meeting, resting and eating. The large terrace on the roof, which is the ideal end of the path, traces a new horizon on the landscape. Here architecture is not the subject, but the aid to contemplate the nature entirely from the ruins. The overall emphasis moves from single buildings to the natural elements. The language of the Castle Resort Concept is simple and rigorous using materials and tones that remind site peculiarity. Wooden structures with ash tones for permanents buildings echoes the grey of the local stones, while the dark wooden structure of the modular cabins defines the mimicry among the trees. The rise to the fortress starts near the visitors centre: here the architecture, which lies on the side of the cliff showing in several points the bare rock, offers to the trekkers a place in where they can find information on the park path , overnight accommodation and activities inside the Castle Resort. Leaving the threshold of the visitors centre, guests have the freedom to walk the path without interruption up to the fortress or to visit the architecture inside the park throughout the access ramps on the terrace that lead into the rooms of the castle apartments and suites at lower level. Here the spaces are equipped with full comfort facilities offering reading, relaxing and resting areas, far from the crowd and entirely drop into the nature. Complementary to the main path system, we find a second one located into the forest, lighter and more flexible and subordinated to the first. It is characterized by small, ephemeral and modular architectures that host landscape cabins and Tree-house Hotel placed inside glazed rooms completely embedded into the landscape and separated from it just by curtains. This design Concept involves the use of two systems: a wooden framework as bearing structure fixed to the ground and a secondary one, placed inside it, which accommodates minimum living space, as strictly necessary for an experience of simplicity. The overall Castle Resort design shows at a glance, the desire to create an architectural project content in size, in order to avoid distorting the essence of the place. The 1.750 sqm of the complex is considered as suitable dimension for living an exclusive experience in which Nature and Architecture could enhance each others.

View of the lounge area of Castle Resort

View from the suite

Padilion for Domus Team

David Chipperfield Architects, Milan








Domus Pavilion at Triennale


Team support

View from the garden, Triennale of Milan, 2016

DAVID CHIPPERFIELD AND MICHELANGELO PISTOLETTO ARCH AND ART Domus Padilion has been included in the project Arch and Art during the Salone del Mobile 2016. David Chippefield took part to the event together with Michelangelo Pistoletto designing a room with a room. The project explores the connection and the relatonship between art and architecture. This work expresses a duality that is principally between architecture and art, but also between architect and artist. The two rooms lead one to imagine two halves of a thing, but at the same time they make one think of a difference, a dichotomy, of something doubled or divided. They communicate two faces of a single idea, two things that compliment each other.


Bally New Store Concept Team

David Chipperfield Architects, Milan




Architecture and Retail




Bally Store Concept



Bally Shop Spiez, Switzerland, 1930

The Bally Store Concept is based on a series of ideas that combine together, work as global idea generating the Concept Store. First architectonic idea is the wall. This is formed of different types of store walls typologies in order to generate the spaces and the perimeter display system. The second idea of flooring and ceiling, is made up of rough and smooth materials in order to complete the Store spaces with surfaces drawing attention on the perimeter wall first. The third idea of display furnishing, is based on and inspired by Marcel Breuer’s first Bally Stores and inspired by the work of Swiss/French designers of the Modern Movement such as Pierre Janneret, Jean ProuvÊ and Charlotte Perriand. Indeed, it was Marcel Lajos Breuer (1902-1981), one of the masters of Modernism, who designed one of the most inspiring Bally Stores, and it is from here that most of the ideas for the Store Concept are taken and re-elaborated, as in the stock wall concept in which display and stock coincide, and as in the idea of a shoe salon in the store where light furniture based on a re-invention of bicycle-handlebar inspired tubular metal f urnishing is generated to include foot-rests and shoe-mirrors.

Copyright David Chipperfield Architects - all rights reserved

Copyright David Chipperfield Architects - all rights reserved

Bally New Store Concept

Copyright David Chipperfield Architects - all rights reserved

Copyright David Chipperfield Architects - all rights reserved

The wall which creates appropriate spaces for the Store, becoming principally either a display wall or a stock wall. In its two different variants, the perimeter wall is seen not only as a technical component for the Store, but also as decoration. The wall is formed by a three-dimensional timber slat on which it is possible to attach a series of display elements in american walnut and aluminium, in order to display, hang and illuminate products. The way in which the products are displayed can differentiate the various areas of the stores. Continuous floor combined together with a continuous ceiling is the second architectonic idea defining the Store Concept. The ceiling is a continuous white, horizontal surface working in contrast with the flooring, which is a continuous, horizontal reconstructed stone surface, interrupted with coloured carpet inserts in order to define the different lounge areas.




QuantoMais! Team





Landscape and Urban Design


Milan, IT


Temporary urban installation



QuantoMais! urban installation finds its place and meaning in the center of Milan during the preparation of the international event of Expo 2015. Collateral un-official and complementar exibitions and performances have taken hold in the city involving public spaces and population. The installation designs a new geometry in one the most important and iconic square of the city, just in front of Castello Sforzesco. Grow corn plants is a sperimental action that transforms classical urban scene in a new agricultural landscape. People were invited to across corn plants or tto rest using the seats placed among the installation. Extra activities as lectures, laboratory and performance have been promoted there for the entire August 2014.

Casa Baffa-Coizet Team







Inveruno (MI), IT


Conservative restoration


Project Architect

Elevation - current situation

Casa Baffa-Coizet is an 18th century building listed by the office of Architectonic Heritage of Milan. The complex was originally used as family residence and manufacturing facility for silk. The whole buildings system and functions were organized around three courtyards. Courtyard is the typical archetype and spatial elements around which every activities were organized. The main buildings are the Villa, which was the residential building of the family, the Gallettiera, which was used to house the silkworms and the Filanda, where the silk yarn was produced. In addition, there is a series of other small simple buildings with different functions. The complex was in a severe state of decline and a dedicate full restoration project has been necessary and requeired. First analysis involved materials and architectonic elements, study of the degradation and punctual intervation as last stage. Purpose of the project is to define a reuse project of the abandoner portion preserving, on the same time, the Casa Baffa-Coizet. The restauration project was mainly about the wood roof structures and the facades: materials and technologic details are studied in order to maintain the historical value and the characteristics of the complex.

Elevation - material analisys

Megacities & Tropical Storms Team

IUAV - UniversitĂ di Venezia




Research - Thesis


New York, USA


Sustainable Adaptation Strategies



Climate change and adaptation strategies for endangered regions are the main topics of this subject. New York and Kolkata are two megalopolis which have both more than 10 million inhabitants. Both cities are located in a very high-risk area for tropical storms making them vulnerable and making adaptation strategies necessary to protect them accordingly. Working on two different places so different has been a great opportunity to develop different coping strategies. In the first case study, Kolkata, the intervention are focused on future guidelines for a sustainable development, in the second case, New York City, the strategy involves the de-construction of the costal line in order to create a liquid city more resilient to natural disasters. The metropolitan area of Kolkata includes a big central area along the river where the very dense city centre is located. While the urban core is packed with buildings the outer parts of the city is still very rural. The project focuses on developing this rural area in a much more sustainable way and takes the needs of its population into account. New residential settlements must be safe for the population both during normal and emergency situations with flooding and tropical storms. To prevent flooding surplus water will be carried to underground tanks and reused later for the daily needs and during the dry season. New York city is a complex urban system and new buildings and skyscrapers and it is almost impossible to succeed with any redesign proposals to make is less prone to natural disasters. To nonetheless improve the vulnerability of the city during tropical storms, it was essential to take the costal areas into consideration and use it as a kind of protection buffers. Therefor various old industrial sites along the cost of New York have been converted into green protection areas and new functions with a low population density. A complete catalogue of protection measures has been designed with a specific focus on the regeneration of the costal ecosystem and related technologies.

“Perhaps what is needed is not just more towns and cities (in the conventional sense) but a new comunity which is quasi-urban and quasi-rural, one which products densities high enough to support an educational system and a bus service, but low enough for each family to get a buffalo or a goat or a banana tree” Charles Correa in Space of Freedom, 1989

“The edge becames soft and the limit of the city is now liquid. New modern way to think the society is liquid. All what is rigid is too vulnerable”.

for further information please contact me at: +39 349 25 30 926

Giorgia Anastasio

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