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GIORGIO SITTA www.giorgiositta.com
Born in Venice in 1967, I live in Milan, Italy. I am a professional photographer, a journalist and a writer, author of more than forty books, many of which are dedicated to photography and multimedia. I’m specializing in reportage, outdoor, sport, action, corporate, portrait, food and commercial photography. Among my clients are companies, public agencies, publishers, companies, tour operators, photographic studios and creatives. I’m member of Afip and TAU Visual and a CMAS certified Divemaster. In addition to activities closely related to photography, I work as a consultant, a creative strategist and a trainer. I propose workshops, courses, travels and trekkings, also personalized (individual and for small groups). I love the fusion between different languages and cultures and I have a deep aptitude in sharing experience and knowledge and working with other professionals. Most of all, I hope to be surprised and fascinated by my life and my job, every day.
We can not tell what we do not know. So at least it is for me.
On account of this, commercial photography is something I can not do without. Always curious, I love to immerse myself in the reality of the companies that I have to tell with my images, with experiences ranging from tourism to the medical sector, through clothing, sports equipment, food and beverage, nature and environment, and much more. My conception of storytelling is very simple: to develop, each time, the best language and visual message to attract people towards your products and services.
Sport is not only a movement, but a lifestyle, a real and deep attitude.
In my whole life I’ve attended the sports and outdoor environments, not only professionally. What I find most fascinating in sport photography, and I try to realize in my every shot, is the intriguing contradiction between a moving subject and a static media, such as photographic image. This is my biggest challenge: making dynamic a static image, with style.
Photography is also a dialogue and an investigation, a deep relationship that leads me to the continuing search for a key for a visual interpretation, which extends from portrait to landscape.
In both cases, what interests me most is the enhancement of a human experience, the creation of a sensual and almost loving relationship between the subject that I photograph, myself and the audience who will watch the picture.
Photography is, most of all, freedom. Freedom to be inaccurate, have fun, trying “dirty” images, with an almost punk and psychedelic attitude. These images were all taken and edited with a smartphone, on the fly, often during travels. They represent a game, but a serious game, showing another part of my way of interpreting photography.
Contacts www.giorgiositta.com email: info@giorgiositta.com phone: +39 02 87167140 mobile: +39 340 3468347
Social http://it.linkedin.com/in/giorgiositta/ https://facebook.com/ giorgiosittatellingyourstories https://twitter.com/giorgiositta http://instagram.com/giorgiositta