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ABOUT FEW O BVIOUS THINGS We live in times where almost every major question has been answered. if you don't believe you can just ask. immediately you will feel at least embarrassed if not ashamed by irrelevance of your question right in the moment you heard it from your own mouth. just for an example: does every body have freedom of choice? are we all equal? was Nazi wrong? should we all have equal possibilities no matter of family descendant, appearance, color of skin or what so ever? you can bring many more of this sort of question. whole set this sort of questions. and just try to ask them publicly you'll have fun.

universal values - End of The History we are talking about basic principles which become Universal for whole world. almost every civilizations new beginning comes from the mythology of Great catastrophe. as old mythology of great flood in the bible the second world war is the great catastrophe that our time is coming from. for us who receive it as gifted it's hard to imagine that this pretty simple and basic things have come very violent way. They lay on corps of millions of people. that mainly this lays on global catastrophe that we call second world war and all the basic human rights are outcomes of this mythological catastrophic event of our times.

and the victory of this Universal values is in this sense as Francis Fukuyama would say End of The History. because every major values that humanity was fighting throughout the History on a degree of moral legitimating and pretty much also on a degree of institutions has been accomplished. in a form of civil and human rights, freedom of speech and religion, freedom of expression etc... those are the basic set's of the values according to what international and internal law operates and simply justifies what is right and what is wrong...

Political End of The History Ironically enough to admit that there was two major Ideologies right after second world war who would fight for better and precise defense of those Universal values - Socialism and Capitalism. it took another 40-45 years after second world war for one system(Ideology) Capitalism to win and become greatest and best defender of this Universal values. By assuming that he is the best and most precise in realization of this values so called “western capitalism" or if you want "liberal democracy" become a main moral authority all over the world. so, that's where the new concept of "ever developing" democracy will come in use. since there was no more ideological enemy in a face of socialism it direct it's dynamic upon himself and stated that democracy is not a static thing but it is a process of society moving towards ideal democracy. this discourse directed inside, redirection of focus upon himself was ideological I might even say almost religious move, making system of liberal-democracy (capitalism) only one legitimate system, almost with no alternative. again, we have come to the term of Francis Fukuyama End of The History from another angle. from the angle that there is no more system to be seeking for. we have reached the perfect system. well, it is not perfect but it is self sustained, it's circulates and develops upon himself. and every new movement can be directed (let me say digested) inside this system. it has been legitimized with almost religious category (God does not need alternative). there is no need of seeking for a new forms of political system Historically. so History has come to it's end also in this sense. Every alternative against this category is regarded as - De vil. (as it was literary put down by Bush administration) another words Terrorism. only alternative, only challenger against system is - Terrorism. and this state is described in so many fantastic futuristic movies. Iʼm not going to bring Matrix as an example. Instead may be more amusing and funny but for me very precise too. A perfect parody on the system. Particularly Iʼm talking about Demolition Man (1993).

showing the future totally high-tech., clean, clear, fair, advanced on the degree of social and urban development, governmental and social order and yet there are some uncontrolled places inhabited by strange hybrids, strange creatures that are not develop enough to be on the level of current civilization. sort of aborted creatures stuck between past and future, not belonging to neither of them, out of any time context. and jet they are exist!!! and rightful civilization permanently makes a raids against this dirty, aborted, chaotic places posing the threat to whole civilization. Sometimes Hollywood movies can be so helpful. anyhow it precisely characterizes the state of the political END OF THE HISTORY now. as we like to imagine ourselves in the futuristic movies. Ruling "democratic" countries against outcasts, small people that doesn't identify with this system. doesn't recognizes the moral authority of it. living in poverty and extreme condition of life. living neither in past nor present, excluding from the wealth and possibilities of dominant system. this is the places, nest of evil - Terrorist.

cultural End of The History Our culture that was brought by movements of crazy people, making radical and many times

anarchistic breakthrough, challenging normality and ordinary by daring and extraordinary actions (what ever the artistic form it has) miraculously ended up being a culture of normality in the system of democracy. in the system where everything is tolerated unless it disobeys the law made in past very radical and risky business art very harmless. and again we have come to the term of Francis Fukuyama - End of The History. now from the cultural angle. Everything that Historically culture was fighting, particularly emancipation of a human being and acceptance of the OTHER has come to it's end. let's say on the level of theoretical legitimization. as a set of the values it is widely accepted. of course it is not ideal but as it was in case of the term liberal democracy it is “ever developing� and stable in development. The End of The History means that times are Obvious. End of The History means that now is a times of answered questions. it means that every question has been answered even before you asked it. End of The History means total availability of answers for everybody on any question. internet and google is just a symptoms of this term. it is easily distributed all over the globe. especially with this degree of globalization that we have now. End of The History - means that obvious answers is possible to apply to any culture. it is multicultural. Even more - End of The History - means that it can be applied and accessible for every little bit educated person. End of The History - means that it has already made a paradigm similarly as in political paradigm and has defined the perspective and vision of what each and every individual has to achieve in order to feel fulfilled and similarly to any other cases of End of The History whether it is political, universal or cultural this vision has become extremely monopolized leaving no alternative to any other alternative to exist. and if something can exist "Hypothetically" outside of this self sustained discourse of democracy it can be only outcast, only aborted hybrid creature falling out from any time context. while it suggests paradigm, perspective for every single individual towards which each of us can measure how far he or she has reached. this perspective is so rooted in our mode of life and is so overwhelming that is really hard to summaries or verbalize. but still I'll try to draw the shape of it, though knowing that it will look generalized and dry.

I'll just drop the typical and very familiar sentences down: good education - good college - University - good career - good income. in some cases fame and still it means even greater income. five working days and Friday friends to hang out with... good socializing skills, Ideologically - every vote counts. every tree you plant counts. one cup of saved water is a relieve for ecology... one kilometer less passed by your car in total with whole population of world can make a difference... lot of strategies like this for making you feel part of whole global community.

I don't know, a lot of examples might be brought up. tell me what ever the reasonable think you might come up (things with collective responsibilities such as: green energies, recycling culture, non violent-velvet revolutions etc‌ ) it is already written by this paradigm and is already in a perspective, into the book of Obvious things - in other words unwritten bible of our times. again we have come across Francis Fukuyama and his End of The History. now in the sense of defining what has to be achieved by one single individual and in fact whole societies, throughout his life time. temptation of one of what he should accomplish in his life has come to the end. everything is deadly clear... the way of one which he has to pass from very birth till the death. this is the End of The history of defining human achievements, goals, challenges. Now I think it's appropriate to bring up the article of Jean Baudrillard about 9/11 where he states that liberal democracy with it's political, moral, cultural, what ever kind authority you might bring leaved no place other than symbolic sacrifices and act of non recognition of his authority. It gave no choice for some who didn't identify with it to become other then the terrorist. to put up against civilization of absolute normality, rationality and OBVIOUS, civilization of right things - paradox of absurd, error and horror of killing themselves with such a horrifying manner - to be blown up in many unrecognizable pieces. no talking of thousands of innocent victims. In times of OBVIOUS alienates and doesn't recognizes the notion of error and mistake, (the notion of error and mistake is excluded from the vocabulary of how things happening again means the End of the History). Jean Baudrillard would say we lost our shadow. as he formulated it bipolar world is over. now is the time for singular systems which working mode is similar to clone, or cancer cells - cells that are not creating a new cells by defusing to one another but by copying, repeating itself endlessly.

in this sense democracy is also similar system - constantly repeating and cloning itself extending as much as it can in every direction. In the singular structures the notion of error and mistake naturally excluded because mistake happens when two things have bipolar relationships to each other. Two different things relate to each other in some sort of way where if there is not right ways founded than it is a mistake, on another hand if the diffusion was successful than creates something new different from him self. like a baby is a combination of mothers and fathers genes, who has very similar genes as his parents but yet it's different, new. That basically means bipolar, whereas on the contrary in the notions of singular structures the notion of mistake is impossible because there is no other to relate to. everything is reduced to one singular structure that can repeat, copy past itself over and over again. and actually this is it's strength and power of this structure. Therefore, anything and anybody who doesn't sees themselves in to this singularities, paths, structures, representations, ideologies is destined to be aborted, evil, terrorist, whatever. they (terrorists) have chosen the strategy(God) of crazy error and absurd, believing in something that might Blow them up in the end instead of believing in this God of reasonable, obvious, logic. I just can not refuse to bring up the example of the footage I saw on the TV. footage of a suicide bomber recorded while going on the mission. he says that he never felt so calm and happy. each and every moment is a revelation of God. even simple things bringing him joy and happiness. just take out the context of terrorism and you can regard it as classical example of enlightenment starting from teachings of Zen philosophy till the Christianity. that was the moment when I have come across of limitations of my consciousness. something that I couldn't classify and put it into any knowing by me criteria I had - how can somebody going to kill masses of people (not to mentioning himself) have such an intense almost chromatographic religious revelation? that was the question I couldn't answer at all... at least not in the conventional knowledge or suggested singularities of democracy, liberal rights, friendly politics, capitalism etc...

simple three-five minute footage have brought me to the limitation of my consciousness. it was able to brought me to condition I've been desperately looking for in my profession. particularly in Visual art for so long.

conditions that made me know where is the limitations of my consciousness, provide with the question and provide with something that I think art should be providing - crises. something that Institutionalized art can not provide. as it was it's Historical function in 20th century. (at least as I see it - to provide crises. to play on the field of Abstract before it steps out on the fields of reality as it was famously said by Antonin Artaud - the horror the crises should be displayed in the frames of theater otherwise it will get out in reality) institutionalized art can not provide with the any alternative vision of life. simply because it's so much incorporated with established institutions, systems, winning ideologies etc... so can we apply the term of Francis Fukuyama - End of The History to art? I have no idea and honestly do not give a shit... my main question is where to place such a categories as MISTAKE, ERROR, Stupid, I DON'T KNOW in the singular and OBVIOUS times where I live in. in times when every question is answered even before you ask?

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