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media kit GIOVANA VEGA
tHe BooK Description The term term “Financial “FinancialMarkets” Markets,”can canseem be intimidating. The quite intimIt’s a world of symbols, graphics, probability, idating. The financial market is a world of symbols, and numbers which only make less attractive to graphics, technical language, and numbers. This can get the attention of women inespecially general. toBut what make it seem quite unattractive, women. if the financial markets were more psychology, What if I told you that financial markets are more feelings, behaviors and learned the skills? Would based on psychology, feelings, behaviors and we understand it better then? learnable skills as opposed to numbers. Would this make point it less inintimidating? At some my life I asked myself these questions, and now I am asking you: What is the real reason that there aren’t many women trading? Do youinhave enough cash flow? Did you start with the right investment? you managing Could it be because of a lack of Are confidence or knowlyour finances right? Are YOU in control of edge? Could it be because the word “risk” is intimiyour life? Are you a working mom struggling to dating? Or could it be a lack of interest in the finanMaintain -Life-Balance? take cial sector?Work Whatever the reasonWhat may does be, theit truth to gain financial freedom? is that women can be very successful in this sector. You might think youshares have the explored all possible Trading for Success knowledge, experioptions to be financially independent, but ences, challenges and failures of successful female there's so sothat much more towoman discover than what traders the average can understand you already know. what the financial market is. This book includes stories of women transitioning from part-time fullIn Trading for Success, Giovana Vega will to inspire time and covers a wide range of trading you trading to takeroles advantage of one of the many ways experiences. While you might initially think finance to promote wealth. In this practical & insightful isbook, an industry with shares long hours, of testosterone Giovana the lots necessary tools and too much stress, many women enabling women to develop the have right achieved mindset great success, and work-life balance in for trading andsatisfaction reveals the secrets of successful this There are amazing for adfemale traders from allopportunities over the world! vancement if you work hard and prove yourself.
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" You have the power to choose what you deserve in life. invest in yourself and learn new skills to get different results." -Giovana Vega
media kit GIOVANA VEGA
• Learn to trade successfully;
Welcome! to the fascinating world of the trading. It’s the most real-life virtual reality, where anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can earn a living from anywhere in the world. It is the fairest profession in the world, where everyone has a chance to become wealthy if they work hard. Race, gender, age, nationality or language doesn’t matter in this reality. This book offers successful advice on integrating women into the trading sector.
• B ecome the best version of yourself every single day by understanding that we all have the potential for greatness; • R un the financial market from anywhere in the world; and • Prioritize yourself by being independent.
IMAGINE ALL THE POSSIBILITIES IF YOU KNEW HOW TO: • D iscover new opportunities that the foreign exchange market offers; • H ave a confident approach before you get started in the field; • Overcome Barriers to achieving your full potential; • L earn the insights into the world of currency trading and other financial markets from successful female traders; • G et inspired by other successful female Forex traders from all over the world; • D evelop a positive attitude towards generating money in the Forex market; • L earn how the Foreign Exchange market works and develop the skills you need for trading; • H ave the right mindset while you are trading, not a gambling mentality;
Media Kit 3
media kit GIOVANA VEGA
iovana is ais Forex trader, Certified Speaker and Author. iovana an Author, Trader of She the grew up inMarket Trujillo, and Peru. Entrepreneur. After finishing secondary Forex She has school, Giovana knew Law studies weren’t for her. two passions in life; they are the Foreign Exchange Market and personal development. She She decided to move to Madrid to study marketing, was born Peru, to Madrid to study marketing where she inmet herwent husband. Together, they decided to move to themove Netherlands in 1997 in and1997. have Since lived there and finally, to Amsterdam then since. Giovana is always ready for new adventures and she lives in The Netherlands. never hesitates to make decisions. She loves to learn new things and is always open to new opportunities. Giovana worked 15 years in a major cacao and Giovana integrated very inwell Netherland’s culture; coffee trade Company theinto finance and controlling she learned to speak Dutch and studied bookkeeping department in Amsterdam. She decided to learn in Dutch. After her studies, she found a job in a major more and about the trading forex exchange Markets because cacao coffee company in Amsterdam and of the there several market finance offers. worked for advantages many years that in thethis company’s and controlling department. time she In 2014 Giovana came in During contacther with thethere Foreign decided to learn about the foreign exchange market Exchange Market. Her first impression with the because of the abundance of advantages the market Financial Markets quiteherconfusing because she offers. In 2014 shewas started journey into the world couldn’t the charts, so she found it difficult to of foreignread exchange. understand. Giovana remembers asking herself, how Giovana is a verythat curious by nature. Her inability it is possible my person trader-colleagues can read to read financial charts made her want to master them those charts? even more. Through researching the financial market sector, a field dominated mostly by men, Giovana disBy nature, is a very curious person, she covered that she the foreign exchange market is an so exciting world. research, Giovana sought market out indecidesThrough to makeher research about this financial formation on how todominated trade properly and Finally, effectively. sector, traditionally by man. whatIt turns out that the foreign exchange market is far less she found isthan thatshe thecould foreign market an complicated everexchange imagine. An even is more exciting discovery world. Sofor Giovana decided to being learn aabout it exciting Giovana was that woman is in the knowledge Forex trading This is andadvantageous get the necessary to market. make her able because to be more patientGiovana and arefound likely to trade women properlytend in the forex market. to trade less frequently than men, which makes a sigat that the foreximpact marketonisthe less complicated nificant positive performance of that stock.she In thought and learnable for anyone. 2016 she completed her training program as a trader of the foreign exchange market and received her certificate the University Rey Juan Carlos and She at learned that being a woman canForexDuet have it Academy, Madrid. advantages in the forex market because women tend to be more patient and trade less frequently
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She what practical knowledgedifference is needed to to thandiscovered men, which makes a significant be successful inAnd Forex importantly, it is performance. thattrading. is oneMost of the reasons that unnecessary to be a financial or mathematical wizard to women are often better traders. be successful in the financial market. The key to consistency is finding a strategy that matches your personality, your and what learning not to knowledge make decisions based She lifestyle discovered practical is needed on to emotions. be successful in forex trading. Her discovery is that it is unnecessary to be a financial or Giovana is aware that there is a need to empower wommathematical wizard to be successful in this financial en through financial market education. Giovana’s goal The key to success to find financial a strategy ismarket. to empower females of all agesis through education and to your assist personality, them in achieving their highest that matches your lifestyle and potential in the Forex market. Giovana strongly believes to be able to control your emotions. Giovana’s that women can become amazing Forex Traders. vision is to empower female of all ages through financial awareness and education because she believes there is a critical need to Empower women through financial education. Giovana knows deeply in her heart that women can become amazing Forex Traders.
media kit GIOVANA VEGA
Book Info Book Title:
Trading for Success
8 Secrets Why Women Are Better Forex Traders
Release Date:
EUR 34.00
Phone Number:
+31 6 34822641
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Black Card Books Suite 214 5-18 Ringwood Drive STOUFFVILLE, Ontario Canada, L4A 0N2 Tel: +1 877 280 8536