Eng_Curriculum Vitae Giovanni Asmundo

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PERSONAL INFORMATION First name / Surname Telephones E-mail Skype contact Nationality Date of birth


GIOVANNI ASMUNDO Mobile +393471748425 glasmundo.arch@gmail.com glasmundo Italian 30th December 1987


I’m a young architect focused on Sustainability, believing that the past could help to positively shape our future.

WORK EXPERIENCE • Dates • Name of employer • Main activities and responsibilities

• Type of work or sector • Dates

14th July - 13th October 2015 European Programme INFOBC Tempus, MeLa Media Lab (Università IUAV di Venezia) Designing and execution of didactic activities. Topic: representation and multimedia communication methods about cultural property. Collaboration to the Project “L’INNOVATION DANS LA FORMATION POUR LES BIENS CULTURELS: un nouveau curriculum euro-méditerranéen pour la préservation de biens culturels - TRAINING IN INNOVATION FOR THE CULTURAL PROPERTY: A New Euro-Mediterranean curriculum for the preservation of cultural property” of the EU Programme INFOBC Tempus – MeLa Media Lab (Università IUAV di Venezia). Interactive media and research March - May 2015

• Name of employer

Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, via Cornarotta 7-9, 31100 Treviso

• Main activities and responsibilities

Drawings and graphic elaborations about Maredolce-La Favara arab-norman site in Palermo for the volume and the documentary exhibition of the “Premio Internazionale Carlo Scarpa per il Giardino 2015” (Treviso, Paris, Grenada, Palermo). Survey drawings and graphic elaborations

• Type of work or sector • Dates • Name of employer

August 2013 onwards MeLa Media Lab, based at Università IUAV di Venezia

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• Main activities and responsibilities

• Type of business or sector • Dates

Research activity in the Representation Unit and collaboration to projects with external customers. Teaching Assistant since 2014. Production of 3D models, videos, web interfaces and websites concerning architecture and arts. Main works and contributions: - 3D modelling and video editing in collaboration with the Peggy Guggenheim Collection. - Reconstruction proposal, 3D modelling and video editing. In collaboration with Castelvecchio Museum for the exhibition “Paolo Veronese. Illusion and reality”. In partnership with the National Gallery, London. - Web design and realization of the Culture del Progetto Department website. - Teaching assistant in Drawing and Digital Drawing, course in collaboration with Centre Pompidou, Paris. Interactive media and research in Architecture. Teaching Assistant April 2010 - September 2010

• Name of employer

StudioZordan Architecture Firm (Venice)

• Main activities and responsibilities

Support to design process, from initial ideas to construction documents. Developing of plans/elevations/section drawings and detail sheets (restoration of the Ex Lanificio Conte Museum, Schio). Experience in restoration sites of hystorical buildings (Palazzetto Bru Zane, Venice). Site visits, meetings and reports. Contribution in architectural public design competitions (Brixen Public Library; Trebbia New Church). Architecture design

• Type of business or sector

EDUCATION AND TRAINING • Date • Organisation • Title of qualification awarded • Date • Organisation • Qualification awarded • Level in international classification • Date • Organisation • Qualification awarded • Date • Organisation • Qualification awarded

16th January 2014 Faculty of Architecture, Università IUAV di Venezia Architect Professional Practice Diploma 29th March 2013 Master’s Degree of Architecture for Sustainable Design Faculty of Architecture, Università IUAV di Venezia Final grade: 110 / 110 ISCED 7 (2011) 29th April 2010 Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Architecture Faculty of Architecture, Università IUAV di Venezia Final grade: 108 / 110 2006 Liceo Classico Statale Umberto I High School Diploma (focusing on humanities) Final grade: 100 / 100


September 2015 Curators: Giuseppa Novello, Anna Marotta “Disegno & Città / Drawing & City” Atti del XXXVII Convegno Internazionale dei Docenti della Rappresentazione, XII Convegno UID (ISBN13: 9788849231243 978-88-492-3124-3, ISBN10: 8849231245 88-492-3124-5)

• Pubblication

• Date

Malvina Borgherini, Alessandro Forlin, Giovanni Asmundo, Rita El Asmar Title: Palazzo Venier dei Leoni: la forza dell’assenza Gangemi Editore May 2015

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• Publication

• Date

• Publication

• Date

• Publication

• Date

Curators: Giuseppe Barbera, Patrizia Boschiero, Luigi Latini Maredolce-La Favara. Premio Internazionale Carlo Scarpa per il Giardino 2015 (ISBN 978-88-977-84-70-80) Giovanni Asmundo Title: Planimetries of the Maredolce-La Favara site (pp. 21, 102-103) Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, “Memorie”, Antiga Edizioni 2015 Curators: Giovanni Carbonara, Mario Centofanti, Roberto Mingucci Ita/Eng Periodical: “Disegnarecon” (ISSN 18285961), Vol. 14 “Disegno per il Restauro: oltre il rilievo” Giovanni Asmundo, Rita El Asmar Title: The drawing of an absence: efficacy and research applications of semantic digital models July 2014 Curator: Margherita Bolla Paolo Veronese, l’illusione della realtà. Il percorso espositivo, le proposte didattiche Quaderni didattici del Comune di Verona Direzione Musei e Monumenti Giovanni Asmundo, Rita El Asmar Title: Il modello digitale della Soranza: un’ipotesi ricostruttiva Cierre Grafica 2013 - Publishing now Università IUAV di Venezia

• Publication

• Date

• Title of publication

Publication of Master’s Degree Thesis Giovanni Asmundo, Francesco Barea Title: Ancient is more. Sustainability of an ancient urban concept. Chan Chan, Peru Supervisors: Benno Albrecht e Sara Marini, Università IUAV di Venezia 2012 Shenyang Jan Zhu University (China) Periodical: “D1 - Shenyang Jan Zhu University of Architecture and Urban Planning” Publication of project “Superimposing Courtyards” Title: Venice International United Design Competition

ARCHITECTURE EXHIBITIONS - 2016. Collaboration to the exhibition “Dall’Archivio. Rimontaggi radicali”, about students videos and papers from the 2014-16 courses by curators S. Marini and M. Borgherini (Aula G. Valle, Iuav) in partnership with the Centre Pompidou (Paris). - 2015. Drawings for the exhibition of the “Premio Internazionale Carlo Scarpa per il Giardino”, Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche (Treviso). - 2014. Reconstruction hypothesis and realizationof the video “The Paolo Veronese frescoes in Villa Soranzo at Castelfranco Veneto. A reconstruction proposal”, scientific supervisor M. Borgherini, for the exhibition “Paolo Veronese. Illusion and reality” (National Gallery, Londra; Museo di Castelvecchio,Verona), curators P. Marini and B. Aikema. The video was also shown in the exhibition “Veronese nelle terre di Giorgione” (Museo Casa Giorgione, Castelfranco Veneto), curator di E. M. Dal Pozzolo. - 2012. Presentation of the research “Learning from Hydraulic Venice. Adaptive strategies and resilience” during the exchange programme with the Faculty of Architecture of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) - 2012. Participation in Inter-University design competition “Atelier International de l’Architecture Construite” and workshop “Extra Italy. Export strategies from Italy”. Exhibition of the project “Superimposing Courtyards” in Venice and at Tsinghua University (Bejing, China).

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- 2011. Honorable Mention in International Design Competition 2011 organized by ArchMedium “New York City Theater”, with team AACDLS Venice. Exhibition of the project at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya ETSA Barcelona (Spain) - 2010. Exhibition of the project “Limit and crossing. Living the boundary” during the Urban Planning Award “Premio Luigi Piccinato” in Legnago (Verona, Italy)

WORKSHOPS • Dates • Name and type of organisation providing education and training

• Dates • Name and type of organisation providing education and training

June 2015 International Design Workshop Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche In the Montello Wood. The Volpago Armoury and its future landscape Prof.: Thilo Folkerts, Anna Lambertini, Luigi Latini, Simonetta Zanon 2007-2009 Intensive International Design Workshops Università IUAV di Venezia, Faculty of Architecture - July 2009. Workshop with Diébédo Francis Kéré Final mark: 30 / 30 cum laude - July 2008. Workshop with 5+1 Architetti Associati Final mark: 30 / 30 cum laude - July 2007. Workshop with Arbau Studio Final mark: 30 / 30




OTHER LANGUAGES CEF Self-Assessment European level (Common European Framework of Reference level) • Reading, Writing, Spoken interaction • Certifications

CEF Self-Assessment European level (Common European Framework of Reference level) • Reading, Writing, Spoken interaction



ENGLISH C1 - C1.2, Centro Linguistico di Ateneo, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, 2015 - PET B1, University of Cambridge ESOL Examination, 2004 FRENCH B1 Strong interpersonal, mediation and exchange skills, maturated in multicultural environments and travels. Ability to plan effectively and work in team, particularly increased in music, sports, university and work envinronments. -ECDL Licence (European Computer Driving Licence), 2005, AICA Palermo - Expert user in Autocad 2D e 3D - Good skill in model treatments in 3Ds Max for realistic and non realistic simulation; 3D animation - Proficient in 3D modelling with Rhinoceros - Expert user of Adobe Creative Suite CS6, expecially Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere, After Effects - Good skills in design web interfaces with HTML5, CSS3 - Excellent in use of CMS Wordpress for creation of customized websites - Proficient in Mac OS as well as Windows, Office applications and common web browsers - Able to use JVap, JTempEst, DesignBuilder - Able to use Mapbox, Tilemill and CartoCSS - Able to sketch and construct models in various materials

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- Good skilled digital photographer; 2010-2016: various personal and collective exhibitions. - 2016: Architecture photos published in “Palermo Normanna” by Ferdinando Maurici, Edizioni d’Arte Kalòs, Palermo - 2015: Participation to art exhibitions as “Mediterranea XVII Young Artists Biennale”, organized by Biennale des jeunes créateurs de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée and EXPO 2015 at La Fabbrica del Vapore (Milano) - Keen on poetry and reading. 2013-onwards: organization of the travelling exhibition “Perìploi. Topography of a Loss”. 2015: organization of “Congiunzioni international Festival of Poetry and Videoart”. 2003-2016: participation and awards in poetry competitions and publications in international anthologies. - Piano, vintage organs, keyboards and melodica player. Particularly interested in sustainability, humanities, archaeology, cinema Clean driving licence (Patente di guida B)

Venice, 5th April 2016 Giovanni Asmundo

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