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GIOVANNI ZELI 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 2 0

Giovanni Zeli

PORTFOLIO AAM Bc1 - Ms2 2014 - 2020 In this portoflio You will find the projects that I developed during career in Acaddemia in Mendrisio. The preparation of this document useful both to review the work I have produced in these years but at the improvements that I have managed to work in different conditions ferent professors.

my university has been very the same time and with dif-

I believe that architecture is a complicated subject; new project has always offered the possibility of improving skills and expanding knowledge in a very huge area. As You will see, the projects that I wanted to deal with often have different contexts and aims, precisely because I think it is useful for an architect to face different challenges and enhance their cultural background. In the period of my studies, facing different tasks, different sites and different conditions, I tried to find my way of making architecture, showing it now in this portfolio as a starting point for the future. Therefore I decided to send You my application, hoping You will find it interesting enough to be taken into account.



P ersonal I nformation Name: Address: Phone


E-mail: Nationality: Birth:

E ducation


Giovanni Zeli Via dei Fiori 6, Cantù (CO) 0039 345 71 33 722 giovanni.zeli@usi.ch Italian / Swiss 09 Febbraio 1994

T raining Dates: 2014 - 2020


and type of education and training institution:



AAM (Accademia Architettura Mendrisio) Master in Architecture

Dates: 2009 - 2014 Name

and type of education and training institution:


P rofessional


Scientific High School Enrico Fermi di Cantù (CO) Scientific High School Diploma


Dates: 2016-2017 Name

P ersonal

and address of the employer:

skills and competences






English - High level Deutsch - basic level

interpersonal skills:


P ersonal

Armon Semadeni Architekten - Grubenstrasse 40 8045 Zürich


I am good in teamwork both in the planning and in the executive phase, respecting and promoting the ideas of others componente. Archicad (2D - 3D) Adobe Cloud package Rhinoceros Grasshopper Revit Enscape Twinmoton


I often practice sport in my spare time; in addition to physical activity, cinema, reading and cooking are also part of my interests that I cultivate regularly. During the university period I worked as a waiter in some restaurants to satisfy some personal pleasures. 3

Design Studios


fs2014 Bc1

Atelier Botta

ss2015 Bc1

Atelier Botta

fs2015 Bc2

Atelier Bearth

ss2016 Bc2

Atelier Bearth

fs2017 Bc3

Atelier Arnaboldi

ss2018 Bc3

Atelier Tropeano

fs2018 Ms1

Atelier Sergison

ss2019 Ms1

Atelier Valero

fs2020 Ms2

Atelier Bonnet

ss2020 Ms2 Diploma

Atelier Collomb

professor M.Botta, M.Briccola; assistants M.Ghilotti, R.Russo, M.Zanetta introductory exercises, patio house for a new neighbourhood in Balerna

professor M.Botta, M.Briccola; assistants M.Ghilotti, R.Russo, M.Zanetta maisonette unit inside a linear building, corner openings three-storey house

professor V.Bearth, assistants A.Nardi, D.Scardua, F.Torzo la casa di Adamo in Paradiso: a guest house in Kornati National Park, Croatia

professor V.Bearth, assistants A.Nardi, D.Scardua, F.Torzo ca’ su Canal Grande: a short-stay apartments building for students and researchers in Venice

professor M.Aranboldi, assistants T. Delorenzi, L. Gianellini Minorca, Porto di Mahon: rehabilitation of the largest natural harbor in the Mediterranean

professor R.Tropeano, assistants F.Belloni, D.Marci Vivat San Bernardino: renovation of the hubs in the area

professor J.Sergison, assistants F.Belloni, D.Marci Urban Villa in Zurich: densify the city with urban villa

professor E.Valero, assistants V.Tuccillo, M.Solano Strategy of reuse, the port of Motril

professor F.Bonnet, assistants J. Pimas,A.Gilaschera Loire Estuary, Donges;A Belvedere in between

professor M.Collomb, assistant S.Larotonda CentralitĂ transfrontaliera, A new front along railway 4

Essays, analysis



Cinema Teatro Blenio: realization of technical drawings and models of 1956 G.Mina’ s theatre construction systems and processes; professor F.Graf


Leventina valley: a territory-analysis elements of landscape architecture; professor J.Gomes da Silva Naturum Kosterhavet: analysis and calculations of an existing timber structure timber structures; professor A.Frangi


The transformation of the abandoned city: the particular case of London Docklands the contemporary city: economy and society; professor A.Calafati


Introduction to BIM redesign of a car park: Rotunda Parking; professor Lidor Gil Ad, Silvan Oesterle Sustainable Design: Methods and Tools Bonatical City: riqualification of an existing area with sustainable aim


Domestic space: replecate a real picture with a model 1:10 Atelier Sergison, MS1 Survey exercise: redesign a urban villa in Zurich Atelier Sergison, MS1 Sesto San Giovanni: persistence of urban voids e consequences Physical City and Social City: urbanization and ordinary architecture in the hinterland of Milan; professor A. Calafati Pavillion in 3 mm Integrated Digital Fabrication; professor J.L. Gay, S. Oesterle An IDT Pavillion in the atrium of the palazzo Canavée Integrated Digital Tools; professor J.L. Gay


An Pavillion in the atrium of the Teatro dell’architettura Integrated Computational tools; professor J.L. Gay, S. Oesterle


Kalkbreite and collective housing in Zurich: historical developments and social motivations that have raised Kalkbreite as an example of cohousing Thesis electives, professor M.Vegetti 5

Atelier Bearth professor V.Bearth, assistants A.Nardi, D.Scardua, F.Torzo


casa di Adamo in Paradiso: a guest house in Kornati National Park, Croatia


During the trip to the Kornati islands we have been able to study the territory in its various aspects in order to better execute the future project. The archipelago of Kornati islands is a primordial landscape that we can call paradise : it is a place that remembers our origins and that this leads us to reflect on our present and our future. Imagine the project of a house in this context means to question the idea of a ​​ first home , remembering and discovering the essence of a building made ​​ for man , where the sense of origins is a mirror to the desires of the contemporary. Each student will have to design a guest house in one of the seven project areas identified in the Natural Park. The detailed program is left to the interpretation of the student who will have to propose a spatial concept and a scenario of life appropriate to the context. The task will be to draw up specific types of houses and differentiated between them , reinterpreting the living culture of the place and the historical references through an individual memory. Each student will also have to reflect on the landing spaces , parks , stairs , paths , fences , imagining the inside and the outside as scenes of the same landscape.




Atelier Bearth professor V.Bearth, assistants A.Nardi, D.Scardua, F.Torzo

ca’ su Canal Grande: a short-stay apartments building for students and researchers in Venice


An architectural design on the Canal Grande in Venice: a task of extraordinary complexity and possible difficulties was project’s theme for my fourth university semester. The assignment of a vast and deep land area, the program for a low-fare short-time residence for students, researchers and artisans and the memory of a palace, which was until 1900 on site, have strongly influenced my project. The building has the main facade, which goes into the water of Canal Grande, contributing to its strong visual impact. Trying to leave untouched the system of canals, ways (calli) and squares (campielli) the building gets a great width and an extraordinary depth which is a main theme for the project. In fact with its depth the residence provides a good balance with the void represented by the garden, which was part of the Palazzo Querini Papozze. The building is characterized by a central courtyard which overlooks the corridors of the ground floor and the following floors.


Atelier Bearth Semestre Primaverile 2016 Ca' su Canal grande Ca' Remer Pianta piano terra 1:50 Giovanni Zeli


Atelier Bearth Semestre Primaverile 2016 Ca' su Canal grande Ca' Remer Pianta piano tipo 1:50 Giovanni Zeli


Atelier Arnaboldi professor M.Aranboldi, assistants T. Delorenzi, L. Gianellini

Minorca, Porto di Mahon: rehabilitation of the largest natural harbor in the Mediterranean


During the trip to Mahon on the island of Menorca we could learn more about the territory and its architecture. Starting from the idea of recovering the largest port in the Mediterranean, each group had to question what were the greatest potential that could serve to this intent. Our idea was born after the interest in the naval craftsmanship and its now outdated habits. It is now known that all these artisan shops are located inland and therefore lose visibility with respect to possible buyers and interested parties. Wanting to provide a new life to this theme, taking advantage of the area assigned to us during the semester (current place of arrival of the cruises), the choice was that of positioning a building containing functions that range from naval craftsmanship on one side and repair of sports boats typical of the island, thus combining two epochs and two different worlds that can coexist and help each other.




Atelier Tropeano professor R. Tropeano, assistants F.Belloni, D.Marci

Vivat San Bernardino: renovation of the hubs in the area


The study of the spring semester saw the interest in the city of San Bernardino. The city was synonymous with great development throughout the twentieth century, especially thanks to the opening of the tunnel under the mountain occurred between 1961 and 1967. Following the construction of the gallery, the city is the center of a large number of builders and entrepreneurs who make this place a point of reference for many people, it is precisely during these years that the founding of many hotels and the most well-known are noticed Albarella hotel, closed in 2009, after the deep crisis of the whole area. Our theme started from this decay, give back to the country new sap able to bring it back to the charm of the past. My project focused on the Confin 2000 cableway, closed in 2013 and no longer reopened. Through a renovation and a change of functions inside, maintaining that of cable car and implementing a terrace restaurant, I tried to give a new shape to the building, making it more visible than the nearby highway, also using a path that starts from the parking in the city so as to be connected more easily.


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Atelier Sergison professor J.Sergison, assistants J.Wellinger, M.S. Aejmelaues-Lindstrom

Urban Villa in Zurich: densify the city with urban villa


During the Atelier Sergison I was able to experience the theme of the Urban Villa as a synonym for densification. The place where we worked is the city of Zurich, especially for our group the area of ​​ Niederdorf, the place where the old town and its surroundings are located: Altstadt, Zürichberghalde, hochschulgebiet and weinberg-universitätsstrasse. After several studies and investigations on these neighborhoods, having to combine the issues of densification and urban villa, I took into consideration the last area as the site of the project, in particular positioning the main building as an urban front able to rehabilitate the part of the area in my opinion weaker. The main project is spread over three blocks connected to the ground floor by an intrelude occupied by public functions, able to unite physically the three complexes. I wanted to use a particular movement of the facade to resume the fluidity of the typical floor, characterized by a road-park axis enriched by large spaces that give the resident the opportunity to experience different moments during the distance within the appartment.






Atelier Valero professor E.Valero, assistants V. Tuccillo, M.Solano

Strategy of reuse, the port of Motril


In the spring semester, during the atelier Valero, i had the possibility to study more the reuse in architecture, expecially in the area of the port of Motril. My intention was to create at the same time a public space, more connected with the open part of the port, and a private space of the fish market in the back. I reused most of the metal structure with the only addition of concrete frame that bring shadows inside the building. In therm of reuse i also think about using shipping container as main module of my project because helped me in many decision of the project: dimension and structure. I try to use container as they are, with a minimum change of it (colour).






Atelier Bonnet professor F.Bonnet, assistants J.Pimas, A. Gilaschera

Loire Estuary, Donges A Belvedere in between



The project area I chose is located in the city of Donges, and more precisely I identified a strip of land slightly raised above the protected wet land and an existing road. The site looks like a belvedere that relates to both the farthest horizon,the Loire, and the refinery that is part of the landscape heritage. The project site acts as a filter in the limit that exists between the city of Donges, the wet lands and the refinery itself, and tries to unite the three components of this territory through materiality and language. Since a fundamental part of the work was to dialogue with what was present on the site, I tried to take advantage of the contour lines to construct a concept and a language that could give uniformity to the project and tie this strip of raised land, almost completely abandoned.






Atelier Collomb professor M. Collomb, assistant S.Larotonda

CentralitĂ Transfrontaliera, A new front along the railway


The project develops in the area between the Chiasso’s station and the ex - Lechler area in Ponte Chiasso. The attempt is to unify these two macro areas by attending on the urban tissue, now seen as a back and not as a front of opportunity. The building develops mainly with a connection between the two infrastructural functions, which dialogue throughout the day, and at the same time unifies the two flows perpendicularly with the regeneration of the Italian part which is now almost completely abandoned and in many cases degraded. The connection takes place both horizontally on the project site and perpendicularly thanks to the arrangement of the three buildings that run orthogonally to the two parallel flows, rail and road, which fit into the empty spaces of the urban fabric, reinforcing the idea of a court already present in the area.











Construction systems and processes professor F.Graf

Cinema Teatro Blenio: realization of technical drawings and models of 1956 G.Mina’ s theatre


The course of Systems and Processes of Construction concernes the elaboration of 3 drawings (plan, facade and section), an axonometry and a model (each one in 1:20 scale) of a professor-selected building. With another student I had to analyse the original drawings of a cinema, built in Acquarossa in 1956: Giampiero Mina’s Cinema-Teatro Blenio. Understanding the original plans and sections and completing them with the help of logic, consultations and basis given by Professor Graf and his assistants, we could realize a complete dossier of drawings of the existing building and develop awareness on the particular intelligent solutions adopted and in general on the themes of building in the mountain landscape and of low-budget building.




Integrated digital tools professor J.L.Gay

An IDT pavillion in the atrium of Palazzo Canaveè


The basic concept from vilion has started is spiral, mathematically a formula that we used

which this idea of pa​​ that of the Nautilus the Fibonacci spiral, as a starting point.

Using Rhinoceros and Grasshopper, starting from the spiral, we initially created a full surface, on which we subsequently applied the pattern seen in the model photographs. The pattern was created thinking of the internal shape of the Nautilus, composed of arches that go in one direction; our idea was to create other arches thus forming an interweaving of multiple bands.



Integrated digital tools II professor J.L.Gay, S.Oesterle

Tree of the Theatre


The project start from a module in order to create a pattern on a grid that allow me to give a variation of shadow in the pavvilion. Using a flat surface inside the module, stiffness and connection work better. The shape of the pavillion reminds the idea of a tree inside the empty space of the Teatro dell’Architettura, rising from the ground floor till the upper level. Next step was to fix the pattern on the structure and use the extrusion on a single point to complete the shape.




Giovanni Zeli giovanni.zeli@usi.ch +39 345 7133722

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