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Smoker’s choice
Cars • FORD G6E F 180,000kms, alcon no 2009, road 2006 MITSUBISHI worthy, brand and roof new liner, battery reg. 280SX Sport., tinted win- 1 5 / 4 / 2 02 2 , 1 6 0 - 1 L B dows, reverse camera, $12,000. Phone 0447 737 rear spoiler, GC., 157,435 704. km., reg 1TR-9YQ, $4,000 ONO, Ph: 0427 916 408.
Advertise in the Gippsland Times and Latrobe Valley Express
Motoring Deal
$53 without a picture,or $66.90 with a picture
A total of16 issues! Twice a week for 4 weeks in both papers
*price is for line advertising which includes a headline and 4 lines of type with additional lines $7.50 per line Cash or credit card, through our Sale of ce only
Situations Vacant •
Bairnsdale Road Services Pty. Ltd. is looking for an experienced HC truck driver to join our team carting asphalt and quarry products.
The successful applicant:
● Must have a HC Truck licence and experience with tippers and trailers. ● Must be able to drive road ranger gearbox. ● Must be able to use a wheeled loader. ● Must have Red/White Card. ● Must be hard working, punctual and work as part of a team. It would be an advantage to have tickets and experience in earthmoving machines. Please email resume to: construction@brs.net.au or call Grant 0409 101 132 HOLDEN Cruze Z auto '16, hatchback, exc. cond., one owner, 7 mths reg, heated seats, 59,000kms, r.w.c., 1HN-8ZK $16,000. ono. 0427 342 945. RENAULT Megane 2006, black convertible, auto, a/c, tinted windows, good cond., service history, 109,000km, AZH-193 $6000. Ph 0427 956 960. Caravans •
MOTORHOME, A v an Ovation 2016, M7, 5 seater, 16,000km, sep. bathroom and toilet, fridge, stove, hot water, 2 TV indoor and outdoor, diesel heater, solar panel, 5 seat belts, air cond., auto, cruise control, reversing camera, toolbox, bbq, towbar, 6 speed, 3.2L, only car licence required, 1IE-1YB $165,000. 0419 593 526. ROYAL Flair, 18ft, dual axle, 2 sgle beds, reverse cycle a/c, cook top and oven, full annexe and cover and other extras $20,000. 0407 445 596.
Cash paid for older caravans. Phone Ken 0418 547 047. Marine •
BOAT 4.2m alum. Quintrex, 40hp, elec. start, 35 hrs, fwd controls, all safety gear, EPIRB, 2 radios, 2 depth sounders, swivel seats, fish box and heaps more $10,000, must sell due to ill health. 0417 751 933.
FOUR Winns Bowrider '12, 17.5ft, fibreglass, 135hp Merc, Dunbier trailer, e.c., done little work, safety gear, $3000 ski equip., tubes etc. $44,000 neg. 0458 746 427. Machinery & Plant •
Casual First Aid Trainer (Traralgon / Sale)
Casual Field Sales Agent (Bairnsdale / Traralgon)
GEHL 1400, runs well, manual string tie, spare belts, $2250. Phone 0407 865 291.
Birthdays •
Mal McKenzie
Mons. John "Seeny" 18/8/1925 - 10/12/2021 96 years young Treasured uncle of Tim and Di, Rosemary (dec.) and Phil, Jeromy and Trish, great uncle of Britt, Maddi, Anthony, Mark, Kym, Leah, Jordan, Ben, Darcie and their partners, great, great uncle of Ollie and Harri. A selfless man with a great sense of humour who loved spending time with family and friends. Now dealing the cards and partying in Heaven. CHESTER, Arthur Stanley 16/5/1944 - 10/12/2021 Brother of Robert (dec.), Kathie Wright, Libby Thomson and John (dec.). Uncle of Jane, Ann, Helen Wright, Penelope (dec.), Andrew and Robert Thomson. S i n ce r e t h a n k s t o Ashleigh House for their kind care. Privately Cremated.
Raymond Graeme. It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Raymond Graeme Lacey November 16, 2021 in Brisbane, aged 88. Brisbane and formerly Port Macquarie, Moree and Sale. Much loved husband of Viv (dec.), adored dad of Denise (dec.), Gary and Sue. Proud poppy of nine and great poppy of fifteen. Ray will be fondly remembered by family and friends for his cheeky smile, as a loving father, dignified businessman, farmer and champion marlin fisherman. A private family service will be held.
John Maxwell (Johnny). Passed away peacefully at Maffra Hospital on December 8, 2021 after a short illness. Aged 83 years. Dearly loved husband of Bev. Cherished father of Darren and Jacqui, Jane and Shane. Loved Pop of Ella, Sophie, Lucy; Maree, Kade, Cooper and Koby. Adored great grandfather of Rose. The sun still rises in the East And darkness falls at night But nothing now seems quite the same Each day is not as bright - Your loving wife Blossom. Dear Dad/Pop, We were so lucky to have you in our lives. You will never be forgotten. Thanks for all the wonderful memories. Forever in our hearts. - Darren, Jacq, Ella, Soph and Lucy. Remembering you is easy Dad, I'll do it every day, Missing you is the heartache, That will never go away. 'Love ya Dad' - Minnie. A place in our hearts is yours alone A piece of love no one can own, Deep in our hearts the memories are kept For a Pop we loved and will never forget. 'Love ya Pop' - Reesy, Kade, Coop, Koby and Rose (Popsyanna).
John Maxwell (Johnny). Sincere condolences to Bev, Darren, Jane and families on the passing of Johnny. We have a lifetime of fond memories and he will be sadly missed. - Terry and Vyda, Janice and Gavin and families.
A funeral service for Mrs Beverley Fays Hutcheson WAS HELD on Thursday December 9, 2021.
Bethia Joy (Biff) Passed away peacefully a t M c Do n a ld Wi n g Nursing Home on 12th December 2021. Loved wife of Bob (dec.). Loved mother and mother in law of Belinda and Alan, Brenda and Bill. Loving grandma of Christopher and Bec, Damien and Taryn, Anthony, Lee and Ruth. Great grandma of Lenni and Parker. Forever In Our Hearts PECK, Arnold William 7/4/1929 - 8/12/2021 P a s s e d a w a y o n December 8, 2021 aged 92 years at Ashleigh House. Dearly loved only brother of Margaret, brother-inlaw to David. Uncle to Shannon, Leanne, Joshua and Nathan. You will be sadly missed, thinking back of the wonderful times on our trips with the Garden Club. You are now at peace, no more suffering, you can now join your dear wife Shirley. Thanks to the wonderful staff at Ashleigh House who looked after my brother for nearly three years. From your loving sister, Margaret Scott. PECK, Arnold William. 7/4/1929 - 8/12/2021 Passed away peacefully at Ashleigh House. Dearly loved brother of Joan and Des (dec.). Uncle Arnold of Katrina and Terry, Nigel and Margaret and their families. He will be sadly missed. Many thanks to Ashleigh House for all love and care shown to Arnold. STEWART (nee Spencer) Sharan Patricia 20/11/1963 - 8/12/2021 The time had come for you to pass through the golden gates Sharon. Daughter of Royce (dec.) and Betty Spencer. Sister to Debbie, Jan and Diane. M o t he r t o J e re m y , C h r i s t o p h e r , S h a n e , Daniel and Amanda (dec.). Rest in peace, no more pain. Our tears will fall but memories will always be there. Love Deb.
The funeral service for Mrs Lorraine Thomas will be held at Delbridge Funeral Chapel, Marley Street, Sale at 11am on FRIDAY (December 17, 2021) followed by a private cremation.
Covid Restrictions will apply.
THOMAS Lorraine 28/6/47 - 4/12/21 Passed away at Laurina Lodge. Adored wife of Reg (dec.). Cherished Mum of Paul and Christine. Mother-in-law of Marie and Travis. Loved Nanna of Aurora, Teejay, Krystal, Sarah, William, Grant, Matt, Charlie and Steven. We love and miss you to the moon and back Mum… Chris, Trav, Aurora, and Teej ♥
Solemn Pontifical Mass of Christian Burial for the repose of the soul of Monsignor John Patrick Allman PA will be offered at St Mary's Cathedral, corner Pearson and Foster Streets, Sale at 11am on MONDAY (December 20, 2021). Following Mass, the funeral will leave the above Cathedral for the Sale Cemetery. Vigil Mass will be offered at St Michael's Catholic Church Traralgon at 6.30pm on Sunday (December 19, 2021) preceded by Rosary at 6pm. Following Vigil Mass, the funeral will proceed to Sale for the Rite of Reception at St Mary's Cathedral.
TILLEY, Phylis 24/1/1949 - 12/12/2021 Aged 72. Loved sister to Bob, sister-in-law to Deb. Loving aunty to Chris, Bobby, Brett, Dennis and families. You will be sadly missed and loved. Always be thinking of you. Rest peacefully beautiful. Until we meet again. WRIGHT, Casey. 7/7/1982 -25/11/2021 You were the love of my life, my soul mate. Until we walk hand in hand again. Forever in my heart. Rest well my love. - Peter. Casey, You were so much loved and have a place in my heart forever. Proud you called me mum. - Vicki.
People who have recently lost loved ones are respectfully invited to contribute life stories and photos for publication in the Gippsland Times. There is no charge for this service. This is separate from the Death notices in the Classifieds section. Those who would like to honour a loved one in print by telling the story of their life journey are invited to email details and images to: news@ gippslandtimes.com.au with ‘obituary’ in the subject line
Funerals •
A funeral service for M r S t a n l e y N o e l Grimshaw WAS HELD on Wednesday December 8, 2021.
The funeral of Mr John M a x w e l l ( J o h n n y ) McConnell is appointed to leave the Maffra Football Club Function Room, Newry Rd Maffra after a service commencing at 1pm on THURSDAY (December 16, 2021) for t h e M a f f r a L a w n Cemetery. Covid restrictions will apply, all attendees must be fully vaccinated and are required to show proof of vaccination. McLAY, Justin Richard. We would like to express our sincere appreciation and thanks to each and every one of you who h a v e s h o w n s u c h kindness, support, compassion, cards, meals, flowers and anything else to help ease our suffering after the recent passing of Justin. Your support at this difficult time is very much appreciated and a great comfort to all of the family.
Please visit our website for the livestream of Johnny's service.
Funeral arrangements for Mrs Bethia Joy (Biff) McEwan are not yet confirmed, please visit our website or contact:
The funeral of Mr Arnold William Peck will arrive at the Sale Lawn Cemetery for a service commencing at 1:30pm on WEDNESDAY (December 15, 2021).
Honour your loved ones and share their story
When you lose someone close to you, it can be hard to put your thoughts and feelings into words All notices placed in print also go in our digital edition A personal message in the Latrobe Valley Express can say so much For friendly advice on how to place a message contact The Classified Department 5143 9333
Funeral Directors •
www.semmensfunerals.com.au 24 Hour Service Our Family Caring For Your Family Since 1979
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We offer care, compassion and service with dignity, for the people of Gippsland Caring and personal 24-hour service Chapel facilities available.