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News | Federal Election
Candidates have their say
AHEAD of this Saturday’s Federal Election, the Gippsland Times, invited the six contenders for the seat of Gippsland to have their say on why you should vote for them. Incumbent Darren Chester (Nationals) is the $1.01 favourite to be returned for another term in Canberra according to bookmaker Sportsbet. Mr Chester, who was first elected in a by-election in 2008, polled 66.7 per cent on a two-party preferred basis at the 2019 Federal Election. Gippsland has been held by the Country/ Nationals Party since Thomas Paterson first won the seat in 1922. The electorate is the third largest in Victoria, covering nearly 15 per cent of the state’s land area. Despite Mr Chester’s strong position, five other contenders have thrown their hat into the ring in 2022. Labor’s contender is Jannette Langley, who is looking to build on the 23.2 per cent primary vote gained by candidate Antoniette Holm in 2019. Marjorie Thorpe is the Greens candidate, with the party aiming to increase its 6.0 per cent vote from the previous Federal Election. United Australia Party has thrown a number of resources at this election from a national point of view and interest surrounds how big an impact it will make at the ballot box. Gregory Forster is its candidate as the party looks to grow from a 4.4 per cent primary vote from 2019. One Nation did not run a candidate in 2019, but Greg Hansford is standing for the party led by Pauline Hanson at the 2022 election. Jim McDonald from the Liberal Democrats is the other contender, although despite repeated attempts, Mr McDonald was unable to be reached for comment in the lead-up.

1 6 2 6 4 2 P 1 G
Marjorie Thorpe
GREENS Marjorie Thorpe

Gregoryr Forster
I BELIEVE our biggest responsibility is to care for our country and the people who live here. In Gippsland, we need better access to better servr ices like healthcare and education. We need urgent action to tackle the climate crisis and to transition our homes, our businesses, our economy to renewable energy. To strengtg hen our resilience across all of Gippsland’s communities, we need to lift standards of social justice and improve preparedness for natural disasters. Together we can create new employment opportunities in power generation, industry and agrg iculture and build a better future for us all. I am a proud Gunnai, Gunditjmara and DjabWurrung woman. I campaigng ed to save the Grandmother trees on Tjapurong, the land of my grg andmothers, and will continue to advocate for the protection of our forests, rivers, native vegetation and animals. The health of our environment is essential for our social and economic well-being, but it is under threat. As an elder my responsibility is to protect the land, water, and people, by participating in the community with integrg ity and passion. To ensure a safe future for us, for our children, and for future generations, we need to do the right thing and fif ght climate change, protect water resources, and halt the shocking loss of biodiversity now. Your vote is powerful.
Vote 1 Marjorie Thorpe in the House of Representatives and Vote 1 Greens in the Senate. Send a message loud and clear for the next federal government to hear. We care about our wellbeing now and our future. WHEN you go to vote, ask yourself, “WhW at future am I voting for, for my children?” The United Australia Party (UAP) has a vision and a plan to take Australia out of debt, and into a bright future. Our national debt has exploded to a mind boggling one trillion dollars. One million millions. The UAP is the only party with a plan to pay off the debt. By putting a 15 per cent license on Australia’s iron ore exports, our debt will be paid off in 20 years, rather than the 180 forecast by the current government. Less debt means more money for Australia. More money for hospitals, schools, infrastructure and other essential servr ices. We will cap home loan interest rates at 3 per cent to save your home from rampant rate increases. I want to see you able to keep your roof over your head and your kids to feel secure. In addition to this measure, we will bring back a trillion dollars of Australian Super funds that are currently invested overseas, back to Australia to invest in Australian industries. It is time for a real plan to invest in regig onal growth. We will introduce a 20 per cent tax concession for all Gippslanders living and working more than 200km from Melbourne’s CBD. This will invite real, long-term investment in our regional areas. The current piece-meal approaches offering incentives for ‘city folk’ to fif ll short term roles don’t work. We will establish reliable, affordable energyg , as well as on-shore processing of our resources. This will allow us to promote manufacturing of Australian goods here, in the Valley, and more broadly across Gippsland. Thriving businesses means jobs for you and your children. Like you, I want a bright future for my children. Isn’t it about time we actually became the clever country?


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