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Sale Mobile Blood Donor Centre

GOT a bit of time next month? Time to give blood and change lives? One in three people in Sale will need blood, and they need people like you to give it. We’re rolling into town from March 15 to March 25. Don’t forget to pre-book your spot at lifeblood. com.au, on our app or on 13 14 95.


World Day of Prayer

THE World Day of Prayer is celebrated on March 4, 2022. W o r l d D a y o f P r a y e r a s a n international, inter-church organisation enables us to hear the thoughts of women from all parts of the world; their hopes, concerns and prayers and is celebrated in over 170 countries. It begins in Samoa, and prayer in native languages travels throughout the world –through Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas before finishing in American Samoa 39 hours later. The Combined Churches of Maffra issue a warm welcome to our World Day of Prayer service. It will be held at Maffra Uniting Church, Pearson Street on March 4, 2022 at 2pm. COVID Rules will apply. Contact Joan on 5147 2718 for more details.

Stratford Neighbourhood House

THE next Stratford Neighbourhood Watch Meeting which will be the AGM is to be held on Wednesday, February 23 from 7.30pm at Seque Community Meeting room – in front of the Stratford Library. All are very welcome to attend.

Sooty Owls to perform at the Stratford Courthouse Theatre

SOOTY Owls are a three-piece punk rock activist band from Warburton with award winning documentary filmmaker PCD (guitar/vocals), Ryan Tews (drums) and Doc Proctor (bass). They will be performing at the Stratford Courthouse Theatre on Saturday, March 5. Doors open at 6.45pm for a 7.45pm start and the Wits End bar will be open. Entry is $15 per person. C o n c e s s i o n c a r d h o l d e r s c a n g e t f r ee ad mi s si o n b y e n t e ri n g t h e g i f t certificate/promotion code CompTicket2021. Tickets are available at stratford courthouse. com. Please note that proof of vaccination will be required.

Briagolong Creators Market is inviting stallholders

INVITATION to stallholders to join the Creators’ Market at the Briagolong Hall on Sunday, April 24 from 9am to 1pm. If you cook, grow, draw, sew, weave, paint, recycle, knit or design, you can be part of the market. Stalls will be set up inside and outside the hall. Power, kitchen, toilet facilities, tables and chairs available but no marquees. $20 per stall. Call Annette 0402 537 283 to discuss your needs and book your place.

Friends of Sale Botanic Gardens

WHILE we can still enjoy the outdoors it is the perfect time to experience our beautiful Botanic


with Gregor Mactaggart

Gardens, explore the different living collections and learn a little about its history. It is the only surviving botanic gardens of colonial times in Gippsland that owes its botanical heritage to William Guilfoyle, a prominent landscape architect, and Ferdinand Von Mueller, a distinguished botanist. Both were former directors of the Royal Melbourne Botanic Gardens. The Friends of Sale Botanic Gardens will be operating free guided tours on the second Thursday of each month. One of our friendly tour leaders will meet you at the main entrance in Guthridge Parade at 10am. Special group tours are available by appointment only. Phone Heather 0413 919 537.

Maffra Music Academy

THE Training Band is up and running again this year and welcomes anyone who would like to learn a woodwind or brass instrument or percussion. T h e r e a r e a f e w i n s t r u m e n t s available for loan to get you started. Several of our members used to play years ago and are rediscovering their love of music by playing in the band. This is a true community band with ages ranging from 11 to the 70s - it is never too late to start learning an instrument! Just come along to the band room at the very end of the main building at the Maffra Recreation Reserve (Showgrounds) on the Maffra/Newry Road, on Tuesdays at 6.30pm to 7.30pm. For more information please ring Claire on 0408 036 627.

Heyfield Community Market and Car Boot Sale

HEYFIELD Community Market and Car Boot Sale will be held on Saturday, March 5 at John Graves Memorial Park in Temple Street. Cakes, baked goods, Devonshire Teas, barbecued food and a variety of goods will be available to buy. New market stallholders are welcome. The Car Boot Sale will provide an opportunity for residents to offer their surplus goods for sale. The market will be conducted strictly in accordance with COVID-19 safety rules and regulations. For more information phone Ray on 5148 3408. Starts from 9am.

Briagolong Art Gallery showcasing a quality collection

LONG-TIME local art patron and collector Ian Rees is having to grapple with the galling reality of finite wall space, and therefore has decided to make a select number of pieces available from his collection. The exhibition comprises approximately twenty pieces by Australian artists, whom are collected both nationally and internationally. The works include a wide variety of genres and a mix of media, including oils, watercolours, and prints. The exhibition runs for three weeks with the extended opening hours including Friday nights 6pm-9pm, and the Monday of the Labour Day long weekend. The opening will run the entire first weekend from Friday, March 4 to Sunday, March 6, with the exhibition running until Monday, March 21.

Maffra and Districts Landcare Network

MAFFRA & Districts Landcare Network annual general meeting will be held at the Heyfield Wetlands Centre on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 at 6pm. Light refreshments provided. Guest speaker Dr Deb Archer, Environmental Sustainability coordinator at Gippsland Water, presenting on wetland biodiversity, restoration and landscape rehydration. RSVP Bonnie 0484 002 296 or Carmen 0457 786 582.

Sale Brass Academy

THE Sale City Band is re-commencing the Sale Brass Academy for 2022. This learners’ music group is open to all ages who wish they could play a brass instrument but never had the opportunity or for anyone that used to play and is looking for a chance to get the cobwebs cleared and make music again. The group will meet in the Sale City Band Hall, Foster St, every Monday from 5pm to 5.45pm. There is a nominal tuition fee and instruments can be provided. For more information you can check the website www.salecityband.com.au or email secretary@salecityband.com.au

Sale Museum openings

SALE Historical Society has a schedule of regular openings for each of its four museums. The Foster Street Museum, which still has the Leslie exhibition and some early Alfred Bock portraits on display, is open from 1.30pm-4pm each Wednesday and Sunday. Sale Water Tower, in the original brick water tower in Victoria Park, opens from 2pm-4pm each Saturday. Sale Powder Magazine will hold regular open days from 2pm-4pm on the first and third Saturdays from February. Sale Railway Museum in the former Signal Box in Reeve Street, Sale will continue with regular Saturday openings from 10am-2pm on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. Further information: salehistory@outlook.com

Monday Tucker

EVERY Monday evening, Monday Tucker and community volunteers serve hot family style meals to those who seeking community support or who simply want to meet new people in a safe and supportive setting. We recently recommenced our service after a break over the holiday s e a s on us i n g o u r n e w ly re f ur b i s he d facilities in the Gippsland Veterans Centre situated in the West Wing of the Memorial Hall complex. Our recent Christmas celebration was well attended and enjoyed by all. We plan to be offering hot two-course meals to all comers free of charge every Monday evening. We encourage all our long-time patrons and new friends to join us commencing at 4.30pm for coffee and chat with meals served between 5pm and 6pm at the Gippsland Veteran Centre on the right-hand side of the Memorial Hall. All volunteers will be double vaccinated and patrons must be able to show evidence of double vaccination prior to entering the dining room. Masks must be worn inside except when eating or drinking as per the current government regulations and QR Codes need to be used.

Justice of the Peace duties have resumed

A JUSTICE of the Peace will be on duty at the Sale Police Station Signing Centre every Wednesday and Friday from 11am to 2pm, and on Thursday from 4pm to 7pm for the purpose of witnessing signatures and certifying true copies of documents.

Sale and District Family History Group

THE Sale and District Family History Group rooms have now re-opened to the public, between 10am and 4pm, and at other times by appointment. Regular monthly meetings have resumed on the second Friday of each month from 3pm at the Temperance Hall, 78 Macalister St, Sale. For more information, phone 0428 411 603 or view the group’s Facebook page.

Stratford Medieval Market and Faire Day’s call for stallholders

SUNDAY, May 1 sees the Medieval Market & Faire Day return to Stratford in 2022. After a hugely successful day in 2021 the fun returns to our new site adjacent to the train station including the ArtCOLT (community of lost trades) and the Village Green alongside the kindergarten. This year, faire day goers can join in the fun of the children’s games run by Groundwork Youth Theatre, craft their own sword and see other lost trade demonstrations. There will be local stalls, Stratford Historical Society’s famous Avonshire Teas, street performers and exhibitions. The Shakespeare on the River festival is currently looking for stall holders to join our day. The Faire Day & Market is a brilliant opportunity for local businesses and individuals to have their products displayed and get involved in an excellent community festival. If you are an artist, food vendor or entertainer and would like to know more, please contact faire day coordinator Aynslie Watson on 0405 633 456 or email: shakespearefaireday@gmail.com Find the application forms at stratford shakespeare.com.au, applications must be received by Monday, April 25, 2022.

Munro Hall garage sale

A GARAGE sale will be held at Munro Hall on Saturday, February 26 from 9am-3pm. The sale will feature vintage and workshop tools, collectables, books, manuals, household items and more.

Sale Music Festival

THE Sale Music Festival is on at the Botanic Gardens, Guthridge Parade on Sunday, March 13. The free community event will showcase the best of local Gippsland talent.

North Gippsland Group CWA seeking expressions of interest

THE North Gippsland Group CWA is seeking expressions of interest from craft stall holders to be part of their exhibition to be held on Saturday, March 19, 2022 at the Sale Showgrounds Pavilion. Those interested do not have to be members of CWA. The cost per stall is $20 and stall numbers are limited, with indoor and outdoor positions available. Phone Jenny on 0422 941 326 to register.


Who is eligible?

You are eligible if you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, 26 years of age and over, meeting one of the following criteria:

 Hold a Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card  Hold a DVA Gold Health Repatriation Card  Hold a DVA White Health Repatriation Card

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