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Wheat stalk
Applications open for dairy study tour
THE 2022 UDV-Gardiner study tour of Victoria is now open for applications from young people in the Victorian dairy industry – either on or off farm. The eight-day study tour showcases the best of Victoria’s cutting-edge dairy and agricultural industries.\ United Dairyfarmers of Victoria (the dairy commodity group of the VFF) and Gardiner Dairy Foundation are inviting young people in dairy (aged 18 to 35) to join the study tour from July 4-11. “This is a rare opportunity for emerging dairy leaders to gain a unique insight into the Victorian dairy industry, the largest and most sophisticated in Australia,” UDV president Paul Mumford said. “The dairy industry is evolving rapidly with new cutting-edge science and technology and changing farming practices.” Gardiner Foundation chief executive officer Allan Cameron said the Victorian dairy tour is an exciting opportunity for young people from across dairy the supply chain. “Across Victoria there are so many diverse dairy businesses that are innovative, well managed and with an eye on growth. The tour provides an opportunity for young people wanting to expand their knowledge and skills to explore the different farming systems, industry structures and service resources this world class industry has to offer,” he said. Successful applicants can expect a comprehensive eight days full of insights and inspiration covering the full range of Victoria’s leading dairy facilities as well as visits to other agricultural industries. There will also be an opportunity to learn about the inner workings of industry advocacy through meetings with senior representatives of the Victorian Farmers Federation and the UDV. Mr Mumford encouraged all those interested in expanding their industry knowledge to apply quickly. “The tour provides a great opportunity for young people in dairy to expand their professional networks and to directly interact with industry leaders,” he said. “Those who are selected will visit a variety of farms and be taken through state-of-the-art research and processing facilities.” Applications for the Victorian study tour are now open and close at 9am on Monday, May 16. Further details about the tour, including application forms and contact details can be viewed at www.gardinerfoundation.com.au/studytour To be eligible, applicants must be aged between 18 and 35 years, live and work in Victoria, be actively involved in the Victorian dairy industry, either on farm or in the supply chain and be available for travel between July 4-11, 2022.
Bundy Hall to host screening of the film Regenerating Australia
On-farm event at Hinnomunjie
MANAGING the impacts of erosion after bushfires, severe storms and floods will be discussed at an on-farm event in the Gippsland high country at Hinnomunjie tomorrow. This event will discuss options for managing the impacts of erosion on farm dams and tracks as well as the inevitable run-off of sediment into farm dams that can follow bushfire, severe storm events and floods. Gippsland Agriculture Recovery Manager Darren Hickey said in recent years the region had been hit by the impacts of bushfire, and severe storms and floods coming off the back of a lengthy drought. “Soil erosion and the associated movement of sediment into water storages is a common occurrence following bushfires and floods," he said. “Erosion impacts on dams can be quite devastating and can sometimes result in dam walls being breached and dams overflowing. “This on-farm activity aims to assist producers in developing strategies that will help them manage these impacts on their properties." Agriculture Victoria land management officers Kerri Goschnick and Brad Costin will lead the discussion and share their collective expertise in managing surface water runoff, soil degradation and conservation. JOIN Maffra and Districts Landcare Network on the Friday, April 29 at the Bundy Hall to view the short film Regenerating Australia. The film has been produced by the creative team of the award-winning film 2040. This will be followed by a panel discussion and a guest speaker on the topic of landscape restoration and wildlife support in Gippsland, chaired by Darren McCubbin. To ensure everyone’s safety current COVID-19 rules apply. Light refreshments provided. All are welcome, no charge. To book contact Bonnie Reeves: 0484 002 296 or email: bonnier@mdln.com.au
Upcoming workshops recognise importance of succession planning with agricultural land
THE rising price of agricultural land has made succession planning more important than ever, and for some families, this issue is more complex. Agriculture business consultant Paul Blackshaw said the rise in farm values has increased interest in the family farm, and in some cases from family members who once weren’t interested in the business, but now see the increasing value in farm assets. “Dividing the farm so that everyone gets what they need is becoming increasingly challenging,” Mr Blackshaw, from Meridian Agriculture said. “Even when families have planned well and invested off-farm or in shares to provide for non-farming members of the family, these assets haven’t increased in value as much as the farm.” To support families to navigate the succession planning process, Agriculture Victoria is presenting a series of three one-hour webinar workshops presented by Mr Blackshaw along with succession planning specialist Mike Stephens. The webinar workshop series address the issues involved in a succession plan and take participants through the steps to develop a plan. “Communication is really important,” Mr Blackshaw said. “The task here is to keep everyone talking for the best chance of resolving the issues so everyone can live with the decision. “At one end of the spectrum is to give everything to the farming children and nothing to everyone else, and at the other is to split everything evenly. Families need to find where they sit on this spectrum.” The workshop series is free and available for 20 people. Fire-affected landholders in North East Victoria and East Gippsland are encouraged to register for this program. Registration is restricted to 20 people. A free one-on-one session with Meridian Ag is also available to those who attend at least two webinars. Register at: https://succession-planningessentials.eventbrite.com.au.
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