Overview of Girl Account Navigation Menu: this will appear on each page of the online registration site. Need Help? Click on “Contact Us� to find the information on how to reach our Customer Support Dept. Print a membership card. See page 3.
Add, edit and delete communication methods. See page 4.
Edit Guardian Information. See page 5.
Edit Emergency Contact Information. See page 5.
Edit the address. See page 3.
Features of Girl Account Changing Account Login Information You can change your Username, Password and even security question. Changing UserName Step 1—with your mouse hover over “My Account” from the menu on the left. A menu will appear on the right. Step 2—Select Change “UserName”.
Step 3—Enter Current Password and the desired UserName. Select “Change Username” to update.
Changing Password Step 1—with your mouse hover over “My Account” from the menu on the left. A menu will appear on the right. Step 2—Select Change “Password”.
Step 3—Enter Current Password and the desired password. Select “Change Password” to update.
Changing Security Information Step 1—with your mouse hover over “My Account” from the menu on the left. A menu will appear on the right. Step 2—Select Change “Update Security Info”. Step 3—Select a question and enter in your answer.
Features of Girl Account Print a Membership Card Print a membership card for the current year. If you have already registered for the next year the card will update on October 1st when we start the new membership year.
Step 1—Click on Print Membership Card. Step2—A window will open with your membership card click on print again .
Edit Address Please do not use the add a new address link. If you are changing your address please use the “Edit” link to change the information. Our system uses the US Postal Service to validate addresses. If you are having issues please use the contact tab to contact Customer Support for assistance.
Step 1—Click on Edit in the Address window. Step2—Update information as necessary.
Features of Girl Account Update Communications Methods From your account you can add, edit and delete communication methods such as phone numbers and emails. To add a new communication method such as an email or phone number Step 1— Click on “Add new communication method”.
Step 2—Choose the Communication type and location.
Step 3—Add in the email or phone number. Then click “Save”.
To edit a communication method such as an email or phone number Step 1—Click “edit” next to the one you want to update.
Step 2—Make your changes then click “Save”.
To delete a communication method such as an email or phone number Step 1—Click “delete” next to the one you want to remove.
Step 2—Select “ok” to delete.
Features of Girl Account Guardian and Emergency Contact Information Guardians can be added if the information below is blank. If you need to remove or change a guardian you must contact Customer Support for assistance. Our information is on the contact tab on the left menu.
If the girl has more than one Address, you can add the second address to the appropriate guardian in this section.
If adding a second guardian, you can use this to copy the address from above or you can enter a different address.
A phone number is required if you are entering a second guardian, even though it is not bold.
Remember to click update when you change any information in the Guardian Info Section.
Not required. Please do not re-enter the guardian information from above. This should be someone other then the Guardians.