How to Renew a Member—Girl Use these instructions to register a girl who was a registered member Girl Scouts last year. If she is New to Girl Scouts use the “New Member” button to register her. The membership year runs October 1st to September 30th. It does not matter when you register during that time the price will always be the same and the membership will always expire on September 30th. When a girl renews her membership it will automatically put her into the troop she was in last year. Go to https:// default.aspx?pid=23
Step 1a—If you already activated your account or know what your username and password are enter that in the Login area and click “Login”. Then continue to step #6.
Step 1b—If you have never activated your account or set up a username and password click on “Current & Past Members”
Step 2—Type in the First Name, Last name, and email address for whom you are setting up the account for. Click Continue then check your email for further instructions.
If you get one of the following please use the contact tab to contact Customer Support do not create a new account.
How to Renew a Member—Girl Continued
Step 3—Click on the link in the email you receive.
Step 4—Create a User Name and password, then choose your security question and answer. Click on “Create Account”.
Step 5—Once you get the green check mark letting you know you were successful, click on my account from the left side to continue.
How to Renew a Member—Girl Continued
Step 6—To renew the membership click on “Renew for 1 year”.
Remember our membership year runs October 1st to September 30th. It does not matter when you purchase the membership during that time it will always expire on September 30th.
Step 7—When you get to this page if the order line has a red “Add” then the account needs information updated before you can check out. If you put in your payment information without updating the transaction will not process and you will stay on this screen. Click on the red “Add” Or If you have a green “Edit” at the end of the order line skip to step #9.
How to Renew a Member—Girl Continued Step 8—Updating the profile.
School and Participation Information will auto populate based on previous year information. Please verify and update if necessary. If you need to update the school click on the School Field it will bring up a search window for you to type in the school name. To search you must click on the search button; hitting enter after typing the school name will not work. If you can not find the school try searching by the first few letters or use “Other”.
“In Custodial Care of” is a drop down box. If you select “Both” then you will need to fill in information for both Guardians. If you select either “Mother Only” or “Father Only” then you only need to fill in Guardian-1 Information. Remember fields labeled in bold with a * are required to continue. If entering a second Guardian use this to copy the address from above or enter in a different address.
A phone number is required if you are entering a second guardian; even though it is not bold.
Not required please do not re-enter the guardian information from above here. Step 9—Click on “Save” to continue.
If the girl has more than one address you can add the second address to the appropriate guardian in this section.
How to Renew a Member—Girl Continued Step 10—Payment The order line for the product you are purchasing.
Enter in your credit card information.
Process Payment.
After the payment is processed it will give you a receipt. You can print this for your records. Next watch your email.
How to Renew a Member—Girl Continued Step 11—When a girl’s membership is renewed online it will automatically put them into the same troop as the previous year. If this is the case then you do not need to do anything further and you can disregard the confirmation email you will receive. If she is switching troops or looking for a new troop then please watch your email and follow the link to the Adobe Form. Please fill out the information on this form so we know how to place you in our system in order to serve you better. A copy of the form is on the next page.
How to Renew a Member—Girl Continued
Step 12—Complete the Adobe Form only if the girl is looking for a troop or is switching troops. We ask for some of the same information again on this form so we know we are pulling up the correct membership. A “Juliette” is an individually registered girl.