Girlfriends Talk Magazine

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Girlfriends Real People, Real Issues, Real Talk% !




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Digmata By Janice Carter

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Letter To Family And Friends Of Girlfriends Talk From Founder And Editor 窶的N Chief

Health: How To Have Good Posture Page 10 For the month of August , I want to do something a little different. I wanted to highlight a group of men that I had the pleasure of meeting a couple of years ago , who are pulling together to make a difference. EMD ( Every Man Dream) from Mansfield , Ohio are doing it all from T-Shirt Printing, Car Wrapping to Music. These guys are determined to be susseccful in one way or another as they build relationships around the world adding to the EMD family窶ヲ make sure you check them out, their movement is strong.

Girlfriends Talk Magazine has been nominated for 2014 Ohio Hip Hop Awards Best Media Outlet . I cant tell you all the feeling behind this nomination. I just know that it is so hard to follow a dream, to truly believe in yourself and get others to believe in you as well. At times it all seems like a waste of time and all the odds are against you. Then that something special happens to remind you of why you even tried in the first place . All the long nights , the asking people to support me, the frustration and so on was all worth it . I appreciate everyone who took the time out to vote and offered encouraging words and wished me luck. Now the sad par窶ヲIt's hard to believe we lost Robin Williams, some people have spirits that you think will last forever. He was a genuine funny guy that I grew up on and it saddens me to know that he took his own life. The saying " Everyone is fighting their own battles" is so true, so please remember to be mindful of others.

Did You Know? Maya Angelou Becomes First Black Female Streetcar Conductor Page 14 Personal Fitness Navigators Page Rokki Bonner Page 17

Crunkfest III Page 21

If you missed CrunkFest 3 you really played yourself, that event was fire. On top of that , Silk The Shocker graced the stage at Skully's and sealed the deal. Make sure you all check out the healthy recipes Rokki has for us and spice up your life just a little bit with the tips our Life Coach Nikki Ransom shares with us! If you have any comments, contributions or suggestions please email me at

Life Coach Nikki Ransom- Alfred

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Janice L. Carter


Page 26

August 2014 Contributors Place Your AD Here Place Your Ad Here Place Your Ad Here

Personal Fitness Navigators 2803 Delmar Bexley, Ohio 43209 614-207-7170!

Nikki Ransom-Alfred !Certified Master Sex Expert & Coach !CEO of Naughty Angels LLC !"Naughty Done the Right Way" ! YouTube !Twitter

Please Follow Janice Carter Twitter@Cogirlfriendmag Facebook/Girlfriendstalkmagazine MySpace/Cogirlfriendmag Instagram / Girlfriends Talk LinkedIn/Girlfriendstalkmagazine Google/ Girlfriendstalkmagazine PrintExpress

Frank Comer # 190531 P.O Box 5500 Chillicothe, Ohio 45601

What’s Happening In The C.O?!


! Digmata- David Bronson was my brother-in -law, who treated me like his little brother. David stared me to rapping when I was 14 years old. He was the first person in Mansfield with a home studio. He was making moves… then he lost his life protecting my sister. GT: Sorry to hear that.


Digmata- (He looks away) GT- where did the name Digmata come from? Digmata- My brother. They use to call me Dig, and then it just went to Digmata…I don't know why he gave me that name but that’s how it happened. It came from David Bronson. GT: The other CEO of EMD is Kevin Burton right? Digmata - Yea, also known as Big Kev. He was David Bronson cousin. So after David's death, Big Kev took me up under his wings, making sure I kept the music poppin in the memory of DB (David Bronson). GT- In what way was Big Kev able to keep your flame for music lit? Digmata- Big Kev provided opportunities for me to do what I was doing bigger. GT- Big Kev is incarcerated at the moment, right? Digmata - Yes, He was on probation when he caught a federal drug charge. He's just been sitting there waiting a little over three years, but thanks to God he will be coming home in July. GT- Any special plans when he touch down? Digmata-We working on something big for the fans!

GT- With David being deceased and Kevin's incarcerated, where does Digmata search for the energy to keep going on with the music now? Digmata- I had to stand up and step up to plate. I'm responsible for making the team successful. GT-Did you have to rebuild EMD with new members? Digmata- These members around me are new (referring to the guys with him). A couple of years ago a few of the original members also got locked up in federal penitentiary. GT- So, EMD consist of…? Digmata: Family, friends, neighborhood fellas. We were all being targeted by the Feds, everybody went down, we formed a new crew and we are focusing on the music and staying out of the Feds way. GT- How hard was it to (I don't want to say replace) but to find other valuable team members? Digmata- You mean finding people to fit in? GT- Right! Digmata- It was difficult, but I didn't really have to look, they came to me. Real niggas recognize real niggas!

They got to feel you, they got to understand you, they got to see what you been through to understand where you came from. Then they will ride with you! "True Story"-Digmata

! GT- What were you looking for in potential members?

GT- Who is Digmata?

Digmata- Making sure they are real. I don't want no cowards around me and no snitches. I want somebody that is really dedicated to the music. I feel like all these guys are, they really about it.

Digmata- a man on a mission I can’t be stuck doing the same thing and I always try to be successful doing what ever I do. Rather it's selling *****, doing music whatever…I'm trying to be the best at it.

GT- Rewind… 10 years later since you began this music thing, you are preparing for the release of " Digmata The Life 2014" So why now? Why are you ready to tell the world about your life now?

GT- Did you say selling… never mind.

Digmata - We are becoming more successful. So, now it is time to let people inside of my life to see why I am who I am.

GT- 10 more years later, where do you see yourself?

GT- What type of music intrigue your attention? Digmata- Hip Hop and some R & B. It was different hearing someone doing music, being in a personal setting and going to shows seeing someone perform. Also being back stage. That's what made me want to do music even more. GT- So what song on this new album best express yourself proclaimed reintroduction of Digmata? Digmata- " Save Me" - I talk about everything I have been through on there. It is a real deep song. J Dubb is singing on it. Very powerful. I talk about losing my brother, the other man who stepped in and other things. Now it's just me, I'm asking the Lord to save me and help me make it through it. GT- How do you think people perceive your music? Digmata- Unique! GT- What’s unique about it? Digmata- Because we can do it all. We are not stuck in one genre. We do it all. GT- Like what? Digmata- When you get one of our albums, you're going to get hip hop rap, that party club music, that music that touches you in certain situations. GT- You are a family man right? Digmata- Yes I am. GT- How does this EMD movement work with that because we all know the devotion the rap game calls for, it is a consistent hustle that pulls you away and often requires traveling and lots and lots of late nights. Digmata- It is difficult sometimes. I have to stop doing what I'm doing with my family to take care of business but at the same time I'm taking care of business for my family. So it all works out.

Digmata- Hey I’m just saying be successful in what ever you do.

Digmata- I this being an opportunity to get away from the stuff I have became a custom to. (like being locked up and stuff like that). It gives me a positive avenue. GT - 10 years, a decade, what advice would you give someone with the dream to do music? Because that’s a long time and some people give up on themselves. Digmata- Don't give up! If you want to do it, you have to keep doing it, don't give up, don't let the little bumps in the road stop you. Keep pushing, that’s the only way you can make it.




Do it for my fam!

Do it for my fam! It's not just a song or a Slogan for a t-shirt. It's the way Dig Mata lives his life. Whether it's going to a game, a beauty pageant or just being around to give a few wise words of wisdom. When one of his nieces, nephews, little cousins or even the neighborhood children need anything they know they can come to Digmata. Learning from his late grandfather Arthur Jack Bailey, who treated everyone like family until you crossed him. Family is essential to the whole structure of the Digmata END movement. Sponsoring numerous teams and donating to charities like 3 Lo Living Loving Learning organization. One team, One Dream, One family. "Digmata EMD"

What Digmata EMD means to me is family. Not everyone can be a rapper. So my role as being a manager was just right for me. The bigger the label get the more I learn. Watching Digmata grow into what he is today is amazing along with EMD, nothing but straight spittas. I'm proud to be one of the OG of the team. We have some of the team that are not currently here due to FBOP but they are still here in spirit. Bishop, who is one of the realest people you will ever meet, will be home soon. Then there is Al, he is on the same level, "loyal"! And my brother Big Kev, what can I say he taught me a lot as we grew up and to this day we remain close as ever. Moving forward my focus is to work hard everyday to make sure the label is always on top and giving the fans what they always loved about Dig Mata END " Realness" I'm DJ Breakdown a member of Emd, “Shaken But Not Stirred “ENT, and 3rd finger records and all-star DJ’s. My specialty is soulful mixes with a touch of turntablism. I've been DJing for 20 years. Currently I'm the resident DJ at REDZONE on Saturdays and I am the Official DJ for Freshcode Fridays. Some of the other events you might of heard me at , First Friday's Of Columbus and Mansfield, Longstreet, Lounge 62, Cantina, Patio, Endzone, as well as a variety of after parties when artists come to town. If you have been out in Columbus lately you have heard me DJ. If you’re looking for a DJ that plays good music, check me out! booking Twitter @Djbreakdown IG:Iambreakdown FBfan page

Health How to Improve Your Posture Good posture is an easy and very important way to maintain a healthy mind and body. When you practice correct posture, your body is in alignment with itself. This can alleviate common problems such as back or neck pain, headaches, and fatigue. Being in good general health and standing (or sitting) tall will also boost your bearing and self confidence. This article will show you several ways to develop and maintain good posture. Being able to assess someone's posture could also lead you to reasoning behind an injury. Also, if a patient is having a knee, hip, or ankle problem it could be stemming from other parts of the body. Assessing posture can help us locate these problems. The first thing one does when assessing posture is look at the person's gait when they walk in. Do not tell the patient that you are assessing their posture because this will immediately alter their posture. When assessing posture, one should look bilaterally to see if there is any change from side to side. This includes muscle mass, definition, height of body parts, and any faults in the posture. One should be assessed from the front, back, side, while walking, and while sitting. 1 Identify good posture. Good posture is nothing more than keeping your body in alignment. Good posture while standing is a straight back, squared shoulders, chin up, chest out, stomach in, feet forward, your hips and knees in a neutral position. If you can draw a straight line from your earlobe through your shoulder, hip, knee, to the middle of your ankle—–you've got it. To find yours: Using a mirror, align your ears, shoulders, and hips. Proper alignment places your ears loosely above your shoulders and above your hips. Again, these points make a straight line, but the spine itself curves in a slight 'S'. You'll find that this doesn't hurt at all. If you do experience pain, look at your side view in a mirror to see if you're forcing your back into an unnatural position. If you do not have pain, then posture should not be altered, because this could cause other problems. The spine has two natural curves that you need to maintain called the 'double C' or 'S' curves. These curves of the back are also called lordotic and kyphotic. A lordotic curve is a curve in the lumbar spine, and when there is a increases angle this is called lordosis of the lumbar spine. A kyphotic curve is present in the thoracic spine, but when this curve exceeds 50 degrees it is called kyphosis of the thoracic spine. These are the curves found from the base of your head to your shoulders and the curve from the upper back to the base of the spine. When standing straight up, make sure that your weight is evenly distributed on your feet. You should feel comfortable in this position in order to correctly assist your posture.

2 Train your muscles to do the work. Exercises that strengthen the muscles across your upper back and shoulders will help you to maintain good posture.

You don't need to develop a body builder physique—–it's more important to build "muscle memory" so that you unconsciously and naturally maintain correct posture without fatigue. When you lift weights, you should exercise the agonist and antagonist muscles evenly. This means that you should exercise your hamstrings as much as your quadriceps, chest as much as your back, and so on. This will help with correct posture. Try the following, with or without hand weights: 3 Be a penguin. While you wait for a web page to load or the bread to toast, place your elbows at your side, and touch your shoulders with your hands. • Keeping your hands on your shoulders and your ears aligned, raise both elbows (count one, two) and lower them back down (count one, two). Do as many reps as your wait allows. You'll be surprised how much exercise fits into 30 seconds. 4 Do stretches. This can greatly help if you find that you have a sore back or neck. It's also good to do during the day, if your job requires you to sit for long periods. ! Tilt or stretch your head in all four directions over your shoulders (forward, back, left, right), and gently massage your neck. Avoid rolling in a circle, as it may cause further strain. ! On your hands and knees, curl your back upwards, like a cat, and then do the opposite. Think about being able to place a bowl in the hollow of your back. ! Repeat the exercises a few times each day. Doing them in the morning helps your body stretch out the muscle lethargy of sleep. Done periodically throughout the day, it will help to raise your energy level without a heavy workout. 5 Practice yoga. Yoga is excellent for posture, and for your health in general. It can also improve your balance. Yoga works your core muscles, making them stronger and helping you to keep a proper body alignment. • Exercise One Square your posture, head upright, so that your ears are aligned over your shoulders. Raise both arms straight out, alongside your ears, palms up. Bend forearms in and back, toward shoulders, in an effort to touch your shoulder blades with your fingertips. Do ten repetitions with both arms, then alternate ten reps for each arm singularly. • Exercise Two Align ears with shoulders as in Exercise One. Raise both arms out to sides at shoulder height, and hold for a slow count of ten. Slowly lower arms to sides, counting ten as you lower. Slowly raise arms back to shoulder height, counting to ten as you raise arms. Do ten reps, constantly checking your alignment with each rep. If ten reps are too many to start, do as many as you can. You should at least feel a slight fatigue in the shoulder muscles. ! Yoga will also help by teaching you on how to hold an erect posture while sitting, standing, and walking. Look for classes in your area, or scout YouTube for instructional videos.

DJ Popeye!

Encouraged by his brother “R.I.P JASON E. JEFFRIES” to explore music as an outlet of a troubled youth. DJ Popeye began his close association with Hip Hop in beat boxing initially for fun while at school. He also played the drums but never forgot his DJing passion, as it was also his duty to provide music for his crew although he didn't have the appropriate DJ Tools. He further developed his DJ skill's also by purchasing a Gemini table and used his first apartments closet for practice area! (BIG THANKS TO HIS WIFE/BEST FRIEND). It wasn't until '99 that DJ Popeye took a much more dedicated role in his DJing. DJ Popeye has incredible ability to steal a show with his creative, technical and smooth scratching. He has been inspired by his wife and two children, as well as artists and fellow DJ’s alike! However, he is also known for his club savvy and ability to get a room moving with a connection to the dance floor. He always looks to learn more of the staple moves and has never been afraid to push the level to create daring hip hop sets that sound so perfectly natural you wonder why nobody ever thought of playing it that way before. Since the late’90s, DJ Popeye has produced a seemingly endless series of party-friendly mix-tapes because he loves music so much he always finds away to be privy to some of the hottest and most exclusive tracks in the game. DJ Popeye has worked with many artists, such as RIKK REIGHN, FLIP TOWN RECORDS, DA HIT SQUAD, TWISTA, FRENCHIE, MOOK DA STAR, RAINDROP, GEL from UGK records, TAJ (Mr. Mansfield) Torrence, Rico Relz, KEV LAR, THE COMMISION, YO BOI PHATS, DIGMATA, EMD ENT., Ourglaz Records, Pipeline Records, Higher Level Ent. and many other. He has also worked with many Ohio clubs The Blitz, Level One Lounge, Secretz, Questions, Hoppys, and was house DJ for The "Bar"ber Shop Lounge....DJ POPEYE also has a graphics company NORTH END GRAFIX.....He has completed artwork for OURGLAZ RECORDS, EMD ENTERTAINMENT, DIGMATA ENTERTAINMENT, KIDD FRESH, RICO RELZ, DA TEAM, TRE'SEAN, MIC P THE TRUTH, ROC STAR BAND, SECRETZ, FLIPTOWN RECORDS, ALLEYCAT ENT, BOSSD UPD ENTERTAINMENT, LEVEL ONE LOUNGE, MJ CO CLOTHING, KAHLZ DETAILS, HARLEY DAVIDSON AND MANY OTHERS. NORTH END GRAFIX can complete any graphic need you have.... DJPOPEYE78@GMAIL.COM NORTHEND GRAFIX DESIGN PAGE

Competition, from Mansfield Ohio, born and raised since 1986. " Music is the passion of life. " A motto that I think about every time I step in the booth. There is also something about how my name sounds coming from the crowd, that makes me wanna go harder. I started rapping a few months before leaving high school but I have loved music since forever. Even after only a few years of going full time, I feel that me and the game are ready for each other. EMD is more than just a team; we are a family, a family that has a deep passion for music as well as a determination for success. Along with the business side of the game, we still keep the music coming.!

Olivia P. Porter a 22-year-old American Cinematographer, screenwriter, and music video director. A fifth year student in film studies at The Ohio State University. All of her work is under the name, O.P.P. Productions, which she created from her initials. Growing up Olivia had always used O.P.P. Production as a way to identity her work and since then and still to this day O.P.P. is a name people approach her by. She began her career in 2009 but didn’t get serious until late 2013 when she released her first official music video, “Girls in the City” for the Ohio artist Talan. Since then Olivia has worked with numerous artists and groups throughout Ohio and hopes to expand her visual talents across the map. When asked, “What do you want to do in the film industry?” Olivia response is, “Anything I can get my hands on, I want to do everything.”! Olivia wants to create movies with positive messages that’ll help change this world for the better. Her biggest film influences are Robert Kurtzman, Mr. Morich (12th grade teacher), Alfred Hitchcock, Steven Spielberg and Tyler Perry. Olivia says working with E.M.D. so far has been a blessing. Everyone that’s apart of E.M.D. are talented. She appreciates the faith they have in her. E.M.D has many creative minds; the ideas for the work we do are endless. “They all have a story to tell and it’s my job to bring those stories to life for others to see.” I started rapping when I was about 17 just having fun most of my friends rap so it turns into a hobby yes it would be nice to put my mark on the game I'm a key trying to find the key hole to unlock the game and put my state on the map Alabama

Olivia wants to gives a big thanks to her amazing mother, grandmother, supportive family and friends.

Ita7y is an up and coming artist/writer/entertainer out of the Mansfield 419 area. He has been with Digmata EMD ent. for the last 3 years and has been rapping since age 11 and writing for as long as he can remember. Since then he has grown and changed as an artist but all for the better. He has taken his talent and molded it to bring you his own unique style and says that he doesn’t restrict himself to any one type of music or sound. He has potential to make music for the streets, the club, and the ladies but is most engaged in letting people know who Ita7y "The DAGO" really is, where he came from and what he is all about. He is also part of the group "GMB" (Get Money Boys) that he and 3 close friends and family members started as teenagers. Looking to further and better himself and the groups career he came across D.I.G. and the EMD movement in 2010 and was offered an opportunity that got him where he is today. His first appearance with Digmata EMD was on D.I.G.'s "The Sick Tape vol. 1" and has been featured on all albums and mix-tapes since. Ita7y is currently finishing up his first solo project "Mi7e Away" which is scheduled to drop shortly after the group compilation "EMD or Nothing". The DAGO says he has something that everybody can listen and relate to on the mix-tape and is very proud and pleased with the way it’s coming together. He would also like to show appreciation to his family, friends, fans, and especially his EMD/GMB family for all of their love, help, guidance and support throughout his life and career. "Much 7ove from The DAGO! Its EMD or Nothing"!

Did You know? Maya Angelou Becomes First Black Female Streetcar Conductor% In 1944, at the age of 16, Maya Angelou walked into Muni's personnel department to ask for an application to become a streetcar conductor. She had moved to San Francisco from St. Louis with her mother, Vivian Baxter (described in today's NYT obit as "beautiful and volatile"), and dropped out of high school two years earlier. She had always admired the tailored uniforms the female streetcar conductors wore, outfitted with change dispensers on the front, and she thought to herself "that's a job I want." But San Francisco's Municipal Railway had hired only a few black people by that point, and they refused even to give Angelou a job application. (Some reports that she was the very first African American hired have been debunked by the MTA, which points to anecdotal evidence that there were a couple before her, but she was likely the first black female.) Also, because she was only 16, her mother feared for her safety working this job in the very early mornings. So for a while, Angelou's mother would drop her off for her shift at 5:30 or 6 in the morning, out by Ocean Beach, and follow the streetcar in her car with her pistol beside her on the passenger seat, watching to make sure she saw everyone who got on, all the way down to the Ferry Building and back to the beach, until after sunrise. Then she would honk to signal she was going home. Much later on Poet Maya Angelou would received a lifetime-achievement award from the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials during a program celebrating “Women Who Move the Nation.�

The Conference of Minority Transportation Officials, which was founded in 1971 at Howard University with a mission of increasing minority participation and leadership in the transportation industry, each year celebrates the contributions of women leaders who work in transportation.

1947, and among them you'll see several African American women.

Nydema Entertainment !"#$%&'()*$+*&,)%$)*'


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Just the wake up call you needed It happens to everyone. That moment when you realize that it's time to do something about your weight. It may happen when you're looking in the mirror or standing on the scale. Your first thought is to go on a ‘diet' but as quickly as that enters your mind the ghosts of a hundred diets past return...along with all the frustration. Then you wonder, why bother? The weight will come back, as it always has. Then you'll be back in front of the mirror as discouraged as ever. The answer is not to go on another diet. The answer is to change your lifestyle. You've heard this before, and it makes sense, right? So why haven't you done it? Your Lifestyle Obstacles.Most people resist changing their lifestyle for two reasons. 1. Change is scary. Whether you realize it or not, your life is in a constant state of change. Though you cling to the familiar, it's a futile struggle. Change always wins. The most consistent thing in life is change. Since you'll never escape it, you might as well channel it. It's time to make the change in your life purposeful and positive. 2. Lifestyle misconception. How many times have you heard the term ‘healthy lifestyle' only to picture a health nut with celery sticks in one hand and tofu in the other? The truth is that most people think that changing their lifestyle will be an extreme and unpleasant experience—and that's not true. Improving your lifestyle does not mean swearing off chocolate or living in the gym. You don't have to eat wheat germ for lunch and you can still enjoy a nice plate of pasta. The key is moderation. Making the Change It's time to lose your ‘all or nothing' mentality. Embrace simple, small changes that will add up to big improvements in your lifestyle. These are your main venues for change: What You Eat. Let's face it, most of the foods you eat aren't the healthiest. Some are downright terrible (the burger and fries you had last week). While others are simply excessive (the snacks you eat while watching TV). The solution to cleaning up your daily diet is NOT to go back on a ‘diet'. In fact, I never want you to go on a ‘diet' again. (Yes, you heard me right!) Instead I want you to make permanent healthy changes to your eating habits. Here are some practical examples: • Choose salad over chips or fries • Don't add butter to your food • Eat fresh produce with every meal • Purchase fat free dairy products • Limit desserts to one or two per week • Cut out mindless snacking • Drink water, not soda

I don't expect you to eat a perfect diet every day of the week – that'd be ludicrous. You should, however, make MORE healthy choices every day than unhealthy ones. What You Do. Exercise is a huge component to a healthy lifestyle, and quite frankly you're not getting enough of it. How often does an entire week go by without you ever lacing up your tennis shoes? Don't disregard the importance and power of a good workout. Your new healthy lifestyle means exercising on most days of the week. This may seem tough, but I have the perfect solution – my training programs were created for busy people just like you who only have so much time to dedicate to exercise. I understand how hard it is to find the motivation to stay consistent and to push yourself. Make exercise a no-brainer—contact me to get started on a lifestyle enhancing program today. Here are simple ways to move more: • Watch less TV • Stretch stiff muscles every day • Play at the park with the kids • Go for a jog • Do some pushups every morning While none of the above are meant as substitutes for a solid exercise routine, they are great ways to become more active and to improve your lifestyle. Of course, the best thing that you can do for exercise is to come see me at least 3 times each week for fat-melting workout sessions. Call or email today to get started. Your lifestyle is the balance of all the choices that you make regarding your body. Swing the balance in your favor—make a majority of your choices health conscious. So the next time you're in front of the mirror you won't worry about your weight. You'll relish it.

Mediterranean Lettuce Wrap This wrap is savory and refreshing, and is the perfect meal to get you beach ready. I recommend roasting your own bell pepper, since most store bought roasted bell peppers are packaged in oil. To do so simply throw it on the grill until soft and then peel the skin after it cools. Servings: 1 Here's what you need... 10. 1 large leaf of lettuce 11. 2 slices lean turkey 12. 1 roasted red bell pepper, cut into 4 segments 13. 2 tablespoons garlic hummus 14. 1 tablespoon olive tapenade • Lay the lettuce leaf flat and spread with 1 tablespoon of hummus. Place the turkey slices on the lettuce and spread with remaining hummus. Sprinkle the olive tapenade over the turkey and top with the roasted bell pepper. Wrap the lettuce, use a tooth pick to hold it together.

Get Beach Ready in 1-2-3 It's time to get beach ready! Here's what you need to know in 3 simple steps: Step One: Cut out the junk. The best way to do this is to start by purging your kitchen. Get rid of sugary, processed and fat-filled foods. Once the junk has been cleared out don't buy any more of it. Remember that your beach ready abs depend on what you eat – don't eat junk!

Flat Abs Pasta Salad Here's a pasta salad recipe that you can indulge in while still getting flat abs! The secret is to use a vegetable peeler to turn zucchini into long pasta-like strands. This recipe is filled with fiber and is the perfect side to a lean chicken breast. Servings: 4 Here's what you need: 3. 3 organic zucchini 4. 1/2 cup organic cherry tomatoes, quartered 5. 2 Tablespoons olive oil 6. 1 clove garlic, crushed 7. juice from 1/2 a lemon 8. 1 teaspoon dried basil 9. dash of salt and pepper • Trim the zucchini ends. Peel down the length of each zucchini until you reach the seeded center, creating long, noodle strands. • Place the noodles in a medium bowl, add the quartered cherry tomatoes. • In a small bowl combine the oil, garlic, lemon juice, dried basil, salt and pepper. Pour over the noodles and mix to combine. • Chill for at least 20 minutes in the fridge. *Optional, garnish with drops of balsamic vinegar glaze before serving.

Step Two: Focus on whole foods. Replace the junk food in your life with plenty of the following: cooked and raw vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, moderate amounts of seeds and nuts, lean meats and low fat dairy. Clean eating really is that simple. Step Three: Come train with me. This is the most obvious step. You're ready to get into great shape and I'm in a unique position to make that happen for you. Call or reply to this email to get started on an exercise plan that will make you look great on the beach, and all year round.

Our condolences to the families of… Aug 2 2014 – Michael Johns, 35, ex American Idol finalist, is dead. Johns was a singer and songwriter who caught the attention of America when he auditioned during the contest. One of his staff handling his Twitter account announced Mike Johns’ death.

August 11, 2014 – Robin Williams died. Williams committed suicide with asphyxiation. His body will be sent for an autopsy and toxicology reports will be prepared. However, the Marin County Sheriff’s department said initial findings indicated death caused by lack of oxygen to the brain and body. He was last seen on Sunday night, 10 pm, at home. His third wife and new widow, Susan Schneider, confirmed Williams died on August 11, 2014. His assistant forced open the door to a room and found Williams seated with a belt around his neck. The actor had several superficial cuts on his wrist. Williams had long suffered from depression, a type of mental illness. Few knew the comedian actor was battling a personal battle privately. Williams was known for his decades old struggle with drugs and alcohol. He quit drinking but relapsed and sought treatment. He was in a Minnesota rehab for alcohol addiction, as recently as in July 2014. He used to champion the 12-step program to treat addictions. Williams left behind his third wife Susan Schneider and three children, Zachar Pym Williams, Zelda Rae Williams and Cody Alan Williams

Corey Griffin, 27, is dead. Griffin was one of the first trend setters behind the Ice Bucket challenge to raise money for ALS patients. He used this dare to raise money for Pete Frates’ cause.

Stephen Lee, 58, died. He was best known for his character role in Star Trek. Lee died on August 14, 2014, after a heart attack.


Crunkfest III Midwest has proudly reached an elevated level, that requires a larger venue, with a bigger stage. This year this event will took place at one of the most respected venues in Columbus, Ohio, Skully's. No doubt about it this years Crunkfest III really took on a whole different life of it's own. What a great theme as well, I must say. From the decorations to the performances to the all the surprises that night had to offer. Crunkfest III was definitely the best so far hands down. Shawn " Big Jazz" Raimey really out did himself, he had a lot going on and everyone down to models and the dancers got a chance to shine, As most of the crowd waited for the headline artist to arrive, the Crunk girls worked the venue all night wearing masks and passing out beads making sure to keep people entertained. The Crunk dancers were…lets just say super crunk! (Hmmm is that what we are calling it these days? lol), body and face painting tattoos were on site. Everyone seemed to be having a great time. This night was so eventful. The artists from all over did their thing. It was actually like a mini hip-hop concert. Jazzylife Music Group brought Crunkfest to Ohio in 2011 and 2012. What is Crunkfest? It is a Multi-Cultural affair with a mix of assorted music from Hip Hop, R&B, Rock, Heavy Metal and more! His special guest for the night had some of us in suspense, as the night came closer to the end some people believed he wouldn't show up and even questioned the idea of inviting this person. It was only right to have this artist there, not only do he come from one the hottest Rap groups back in the day, he also represent the home of the Maudi Gras… In walks Silk The Shocker (who had missed his flight by the way) He was really behind, pretty much cutting it close to closing time, I bet he wondered as well what he was walking into as some of the hecklers sat outside and cracked jokes as he entered the event. When that No Limit beat dropped and Silk The Shocker hit the stage the crowd went wild!!! All eyes were on Silk The Shocker and there were no questions about it, there were some real Silk The Shocker and No Limit fans in the building.

As he performed hit’s from the past that took the crowd back, he also had some new music, that was just as crowd moving as his classics. Silk The Shocker even had a look of amazement from all the affection he was receiving. As he promised to return back to Columbus with other No Limit members real soon. From beginning to end with Silk being the icing on the cake, Crunkfest III was a huge successful event that everyone will be sure to remember. I’m already looking forward to next year, but the question is “how will Shawn "Big Jazz" Ramiey top this”? !

Five REALLY Good Reasons to Watch Porn

Believe it or not, there are couples that have been married over 20 years that have NEVER discussed sex with each other. Can you believe that? An act that you DO with your partner...but you just don't TALK about the DO-ing. Makes no sense right? Nope. Yet there are thousands of couples that just go along in the relationship and allow day to day responsibilities, chores, and children to interfere with their sex lives. It is neglected, not discussed (unless you're arguing about it), and the relationship suffers. Sex and sexual desires, wants, likes, dislikes, etc. are not talked about among couples as much as they should be and then couples wonder why the fire fizzles, why the relationship becomes dull and boring, why the friendship and romance are lacking in the relationship, or why a partner cheats. Sex talks often make people uncomfortable and embarrassed and it shouldn't. The word 'sex' alone make some people freak out and it's how we all got here. (I'm shaking my head right now.) Why? Because we've been taught that sex and sexual desires are bad things, sins even, when they are not. Sex is a wonderful gift and natural act that is to be used, enjoyed, and explored. Sex with someone you love is the most amazing experience to have as a human. Great sex really takes life to another level, if you ask me, and once you've experienced great sex, you will really comprehend its importance and you won't want to live without it again. Great sex enhances one's life and relationship in so many ways and is sadly so often overlooked. I'm glad that you're not one of those people that's going to allow mediocre sex to creep into or live at your house. Discussing sex with your partner is actually one of the best things that you can do for your relationship to keep you two connected, bonded, and happy with each other. Even if you're nervous to have this talk with your lover, push through the nervousness and DO IT! You will be so glad that you did! I promise after the first time, it will be sooo much easier and the convo can get kinkier and kinkier if you let it (wink). Remember studies have shown that kinky is GOOD! Below are ten very simple questions to ask your mate that will produce some excellent results in the bedroom (and out of it too, of course). These questions will help you to learn a lot about your partner and their desires in the bedroom. Who doesn't want to knock their partners socks off every time? I sure hope that you want to be an amazing lover for your partner and that's one of the reasons you signed up for my newsletter. Grab a glass of wine and grab your honey and have this sexy conversation. Be open and honest and do not just talk without actually taking action based off of the answers you two get. Listen to the tips and info you receive from each other and then do them. If it's an act that you aren't familiar with or would like assistance with, that's what I am here for.

Reason No. 1 - Arousal assistance. Has your significant other ever wanted to “get it on” but you just couldn’t get in the mood? You may be able to really get the juices flowing by watching porn (pun very much intended). It is wellknown that one of the reasons men enjoy porn is because they are visual creatures. Women are also very visual creatures but unfortunately many of us have a negative stigma when it comes to watching porn. Watching porn does not a pervert make but it can make you a better lover. Let go of any shameful thoughts that you may have regarding porn, pop in a movie, and enjoy the feelings that come over your body as you watch some hot, steamy sex.!! Reason No. 2 - Research. Watching porn is an excellent way to learn new moves and add to your sexual expertise. From foreplay to oral sex to a new use for a household item, you can learn all sorts of new tricks. The best part is that right after your research; you can practice what you’ve learned on your mate (or yourself). Who says learning can’t be fun?!!!! Reason No. 3 - Sex Vixen purposes. Every man loves a woman with a little “naughty” in her. Any man that doesn’t is just, well…weird. As a woman you can impress your man with your Sex Vixen ways and join him in the bedroom for a movie viewing. Maybe when you’re done, you can make a movie of your own!!! Reason No. 4 - “Sexploration”. Watching porn can take you into a fantasy world of sex that you are extremely curious about but just too afraid (or didn’t know how) to dive into. For example, perhaps you are interested in group sex but you’re still nervous about the experience. You can watch porn to safely explore what it’s like to have sex with a group of people. Another example would be a fantasy about having sex with someone from a race you’ve never experienced. Watch a few movies with the ethnic fantasy of our choice and watch the action. I know personally I’ve always wanted to know what it would be like to have a Latin Lover and as an engaged woman, it looks like porn will be my only way of ever finding out. Porn can be a way of living vicariously. You may even find that after your exploring, you may realize that you no longer want to participate in this type of fantasy. It’s better to know now. Pineapples.!! Reason No. 5 - Out-of-this-world Orgasms. Many people are unaware that when you fail to incorporate all five senses: sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch; you actually diminish the intensity of your orgasm. You are literally robbing yourself of a powerful orgasm. Having a porn movie on during sex will take care of the sight and hearing, you can figure out the rest. Watching and hearing two people go at it while you’re enthralled in your own passionate escapade will lead to one hell of an orgasm, I promise. Pow!! ! Happy Lovin'!!! Nikki Ransom-Alfred!Certified Sex Expert & Sex Coach, & Speaker!Book me for a class or your next event or party!!Visit me at!

September 2014 horoscope

Aries Horoscope (March 21-April 20): The way you express yourself may change over the next several Months. In fact, perhaps you want to relate to others but are finding it very difficult? Perhaps you're creating controversy and don't know why? This is a good experience for you to understand the valuable aspects of peace making. It begins with intentions of goodwill. Study courage. Taurus Horoscope (April 21-May 21): You are being tremendously selfless. This is good. But it's only exterior. Internally, you're exhausted, tired of caring for others, need time for self, and wish others would be as charitable as you are. You think these thoughts are harmful. No, they're truthful. Unresolved problems arise that are not pleasurable. You will endure. Ponder serenity. Gemini Horoscope (May 23-June 20): You are to assess your group activities, what you do with friends, and how to better make yourself more agreeable with associates and business people. Also consider what you feel is lost by participating in group endeavors. Do you help everyone achieve their goals? Or are your goals the priME concern? Compromise gracefully and compassionately. Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 20): "Usefulness" is the key word you need to consider when attracting situations and people to your life. It may be difficult to work harmoniously with others. A level of solitude is thus required. Venus wants to beautify and harmonize. Does your work environment need to be more attractive and comforting? Having beauty is professional. Have sincerity of purpose. Leo Horoscope (July 21-Aug. 22): If you are not involved in artistic, philosophical, or religious work, you are missing an expansion of consciousness that will create your future. If you're not being challenged by new thought, new music, or an entirely different environment, then you're missing a life encounter. Regard the strange and different as educational. What are you doing? No matter, just be reverent. Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): If thoughts and ideas seem to be intertwined in veils of confusion, then you're on track, Cap. It's most important to maintain structure and order with finances, both what comes in and what goes out. You also need to coordinate, and listen carefully, to what others are saying. A Pisces has information for you and will speak to your deepest needs. There's work ahead. You can do it. Just maintain a calendar of events.


Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Balance is the key working model for the next four Months. Balance between your thoughts and ideals, between work and love, self and other, the state of your physical body and your Soul. Your state requires patience and caution. Should you display coldness and pride or criticism of others, you'll have trouble keeping your relations in a state of harmony. Practice tolerance. Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Some difficulty in relationships not handled prior to now will surface and what you found amusing won't be anymore. Check if agreements between you and others are clear and discuss everything openly. Be practical, share your resources, look at struggles as evolutionary tests, and have the intention to love with ease and restfulness. Do not dash about. Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20): Your idea of self will expand as the old, restricted self fades away. Your Gemininess will incorporate Sagness, integrating higher mind qualities and new ideals. Joy will result from deep study, and a broader religious and/or spiritual identity will emerge. If you look at the glyph of your sign you'll see two pillars standing side by side. Do you know what those pillars represent? You might need a horse. Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20): Instead of being at home you might feel impelled to go here, there, everywhere in search of contact. What you're seeking is Love because that's the outcome of contact. For love to occur, you have to give it. Because you're a Cap who only understands what's useful, this is a useful statement. Concentrate more on philosophical studies and common sense. Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18): A great surge of love may be encountered from external sources which, in turn will stimulate you to love in return. The discovery that love is all around is an experience many do not know about yet. Therefore, during this time, you are to be an ambassador of love to all realities, kingdoms, people, places and things. This will integrate your Leo shadow side. Think of what the Sun provides, ceaselessly. Mentor it.

Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20): Finances again. Difficult or good, you'll have to handle them. Prosperity, a book written by esotericist Katherine Ponder, teaches us that to have appropriate resources, we must project praise and gratitude so that the Life quality is always available to us. Visualize money shifting from the

Ohio Missing



Zaden Mcknight!

Missing Since Mar 25, 2014 Missing From Dayton, OH DOB May 25, 2009 Age Now 5 Sex Male Race Black Hair Color Brown Eye Color Brown Height 3'0" Weight 45 lbs Both photos shown are of Zaden. He was last seen at home on March 25, 2014. Zaden was last known to be wearing blue jeans, a yellow hat, a yellow and blue coat, and red velcro shoes with "Lighting McQueen" on them.

Trent Skeene!

Missing Since Apr 4, 2014 Missing From Ripley, OH DOB Jul 18, 1997 Age Now 17 Sex Male Race White Hair Color Black Eye Color Brown Height 5'6" Weight 120 lbs Both photos shown are of Trent. His ears are pierced and he has tattoos on his arms.


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