editor's letter At 12:30 AM, my sister calls me from the other room to dim her light. She's supposed to be sleeping since she has to get up early for work tomorrow, but she’s wide awake. So am I. I come over and lay next to her, the room dark, the diffuser on. She asks me, “So do you really like coding?”. I wasn’t expecting that, but I immediately say
yes. Yes, I really like to code. I like finding ways to communicate with the computer and solving problems. I like taking game ideas in my head and implementing them. I like the logic behind it, but it gets kinda tough when there are not many people to help you. Not
many people, no females, who are interested in what you are doing. Not many people who are exposed to the concepts you have grown to love. But the fact of the matter is that there are people who have
girlgeniusmagazine. wixsite.com/official
like-minded interests. There are millions of females passionate about STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math), but are all separated by miles and miles. The status quo of women in STEAM is lonely and Girl Genius Magazine aims to change that by connecting all girls interested in STEAM through our platform.
Here’s the first issue of Girl Genius Magazine. We hope it changes
stay updated
the status quo for the better.
Shivali Gulati | Founder Of Girl Genius Magazine
girl genius team highlight
meet katie hall
Hey! My name is Katie Hall and I am so honored to
IYet, a part of me also wants to pursue illustration
be the first team member highlighted for an issue!
or graphic design. hope to inspire other girls, as
I am one of the artists for the magazine. I found
well as other people in general, to think about
my way to this magazine through another
creating their own art, whether it be painting or
magazine I work on, Soliloquie Magazine. I am
photography, or dance, or music. I want to change
also one of the video editors for Girl Genius
people’s outlook on artists, and have my own
Magazine’s Youtube channel. As my love for video
stamp (is that the right wording?) on the world
production has grown over the past few years, so
(uhh what is the saying?? Is there even a saying
have my skills. I never thought I would have the
like this?? Or am I just thinking wrong??).
chance to collaborate with so many amazing creators – other artists, writers, girls in STEAM, and
I think my biggest piece of advice for anyone
entrepreneurs. So, before I introduce myself I
going into the art field is to put yourself out there,
would like to highlight the many other
even if it might make you a bit uncomfortable.
people/teams who’ve given me the opportunity to
Obviously, know what your limits are, but don’t let
work with them.
anything hold you back. It could be as simple as starting a social media for your art to
(a big round of applause for Shivali for creating
creating/joining a magazine to publish your art! I
this magazine! And another big round of applause
definitely wouldn’t be where I am, creating
for the girls on the STEAM/GG Mag team!)
multiple pieces for online magazines and wishing to pursue some type of art career in the future, if I
Here are some things I’ve done for the magazine!
hadn’t put myself “out there”. I think there will
- inspirational women in science graphic
always be the stigma of a “starving artist” but if
- inspirational women in math graphic
creating art makes you happy, go for it. Embrace
- edited weekly videos for the magazine’s
the “starving artist” but show people that you’re so
Youtube channel
much more than that.
- conducted an interview for the science section - the graphic for this team highlight Xoxo I am currently a junior in high school (only about a
month away from becoming a senior). I have no idea what I want my future to look like, except
***Katie Hall is an artist on the Girl Genius
that I want to be happy. I can see myself working
Magazine Team who was picked for her artistic
in the art field most definitely, and I’m wanting to
abilities, involvement in the content of the
dive into logos and packaging design.
magazine, and uplifting attitude!
meet our team
S T E A M Science Team
Technology Team
Engineering Team
Art Team
Math Team
Andrea Gonzalez
Shivali Gulati
Shivali Gulati
Esther Duong
Kauther Almamori
Hailey J
Andrea Gonzalez
Karen Huynh
Ayushi Malhotra
Sneha Pullanoor
Sena Atesoglu
Chloe Wang
Katie Hall
Aarushi Choudhary
Jasmine Serna
Aaashna Gajaria
Chloe Jazzy
Aarushi Choudhary
Katherine Navalto
Rajvee Patel
Aarushi Choudhary
Hailey J
Jasmine Serna
Nyla Choates
Yutika Pandit
Sena Atesoglu
Madeline Sullivan
Rajvee Patel
Annika Agarwal
Ananya Patel
Yutika Pandit
Ayushi Malhotra
Izzy Lapidus
Sarah Meredith Priyanshi Nigam Queenie Joyce Katherine Emeline Mariya
table of contents
Science Team
Technology Team
Engineering Team
Art Team
Math Team
Inspirational Women In
Inspirational Women In
Inspirational Women In
Inspirational Women In Art
Inspirational Women In Math
Art Portfolios
Math Projects
Science Projects
Technology Projects
Engineering Projects
Creative Writing: Hey
Career Pathways
Career Pathways
Career Pathways
Career Pathways
Google, what's art?
Interview: Advanced Math
Interview: Del Ehemann,
Interview: Lidia Kuo,
Your Careers: Intern At
Creative Writing: The
Teacher From California
chemistry teacher and
RICE Alumni
Influence Of Art
Final Additions
former chemist
Your Careers:
Programs In STEAM:
Career Pathways
Interview: Nivedita Rajiv,
Technology Scholarship
Letting Off Steam
Final Additions
Rutgers University
Interview: Female Artists
Applications: Letting Off
Programs In STEAM:
Your Careers: Intern and
In Their Own Words
Stanford's Smash
Counselor-In-Training at
Applications: Girl Genius
Programs In STEAM:
Startup Wonder
Veterinary Camp
we thank all of the inspirational women in steam for being themselves
Inspirational Inspirational Women In Science Women In Science SCIENCE TEAM SCIENCE TEAM "Let us choose for ourselves our path in life, and let us try to "Let us choose for ourselves our path in life, and let us try to strew that path with flowers." Emilie du Chatelet strew that path with flowers." Emilie du Chatelet
Michelle Choi (@theseoulsearch) is a UC Davis (University of California, Davis) junior majoring in Physics, originating from the Los Angeles area. She once said, “Physics, to me, is knowing for the sake of knowing; when our large gaps in understanding the universe are so vast that it keeps you up at night. That’s why I’m majoring in physics.” Choi continues to promote being an Asian girl pursuing STEM through her YouTube channel, where she documents her life and discusses various topics, and her podcast series The Science of Being Human, which features other girls in STEM. Learn more about Michelle on her website and YouTube channel, The Seoul Search, and her podcast available on Youtube, website, Apple & Google Podcast.
credit: theseoulsearch
michelle choi chosen by esther duong
physics physics
#everyonedeserveshealthcare #everyonedeserveshealthcare #everyonedeserveshealthcare Although Eleanor Roosevelt is known primarily for being a First Lady, she made advancements well above her time, specifically in the role of healthcare. Roosevelt truly believed that everyone deserves access to healthcare, a conviction that has drastically shaped our world today. In 1948, she was appointed as the head of the UN Human Rights Commission. She helped write the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a proclamation that not only stated political freedoms, but also medical ones. Through this declaration, many medical mission groups, such as the Red Cross, were formed to make our world medically fair. Today, women are more determined than ever to pursue a career in medicine.
first lady of the united states an inspirational woman
credit: wikipedia
eleanor roosevelt chosen by annika agarwal
Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not and should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science and separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and
Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyda and should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Scie everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should n separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday l should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science a life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be sepa and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and shou separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated.Science and everyday li should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science a life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be sepa and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and shou separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday l should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science a life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be sepa and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and shou separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday l should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science a life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be sepa and everyday life cannot and should not be separated.Science and everyday life cannot and shou separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday l should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science a life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be sepa and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and shou separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday l should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science a life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be sepa and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and shou separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science and everyday l credit: katherine navalta should not be separated. Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science a
Didn’t we all once believe our world would come to an end in 2012 when there were a plethora of theories floating around?
Let us dive into a few of the major theories. December 21, 2012: this was officially announced as the Earth’s ending date. This date was significant because it indicated the end of the Long Count Calendar, developed by the Maya civilization. The Mayas dominated central America and Mexico before the 16th century. They were renowned for their skills in astronomy.
The Long Count Calendar has 5,126 years and reached the end on December 21, 2012. So everyone just deduced that the Calendar meant the end of the world!
How exactly was the world supposed to end in 2012? A planet called the Nibiru, would collide with the Earth, sweeping away all of the living race. Turns out, there were very few evidences to confirm the existence of
are we really doomed?
the planet.
why our world survived and ways it could end in the future.
The answer is: Yes. Perhaps by a ginormous meteor which will slam into Earth or
sneha pullanoor
Is there a possibility that the Earth will be destroyed? when the Sun swells into a red colossal monster in billions of years from now; swallowing Mercury and Venus, and Earth.
Are meteors so menacing? Most of the mini meteors burn before they can reach the Earth’s surface. But, there have been occurrences when this did not happen.
The Tunguska event is one of them which happened in the recent years. A massive meteor exploded over Siberia in Russia on June 30, 1098. It emptied the entire taiga forest and flattened the area which was within 2000 sq. kms.
On February 15, 2012, an asteroid named 2012 DA14 flew extremely close to the Earth.
To kill species, an asteroid needs to be at least a kilometer wide. Large asteroids, around 10 kilometers in diameter can be a cause of mass extinctions. According to scientific researches, the asteroid that hit Earth and resulted in extinction of dinosaurs 66 million years ago, was about 10-15 kilometers wide, and created a crater of about 180 kms.
The after-effects are appalling. Meteors so big produce in a lot of dust and debris that no or very little sunlight enters the Earth. As a result, plants die
Meteors will always be present in space. To save the earth, the first step is to see it coming. Scientists mainly detect asteroids by the use of telescopes, but we have not come close to finding all the asteroids yet. Whether it be a meteor strike or a zombie apocalypse, everything that begins comes to an end, and Earth might have an ending too.
soon. The energy of the asteroid is transferred to the earth, imparting heat and sound waves which travel radially outwards, similar to that of an atomic bomb. The Tunguska event produced an energy as much as 10-15 megatons of TNT. In few regions, there can also be earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes. It can also vaporize all of the earth’s oceans.
---- Sneha Pullanoor
the pendulum- how things work
Another example is the pendulum.
Almost every object around us provides us a lesson in physics- the swings in playground, the ticking of the clock and even walking.
What is a pendulum?
sneha pullanoor
It is an object suspended from a string, which swings back and forth under the action of gravitational force. Â It is made up of two parts- a bob, which is the weight suspended; and a string.
What is pendulum motion? When the bob is displaced from equilibrium and then released, it begins its back and forth vibration. The motion is regular and repeating after an interval of time. It is called periodic motion.
Force analysis There are two dominant forces acting on the bob at all times. there is the force of gravity that acts downward upon the bob. It results from the Earth's attraction, and there is a tension force acting upward and towards the pivot point of the pendulum. There is also a third force known as the air resistance, which is very weak compared to the other two.
The aim of this project was to create a pendulum wave apparatus which consists of strings of different lengths, which when aligned together, produce
varying patterns- spirals, helixes which repeats after a certain period of time.
T max stands for the amount of time we would like the pendulum to take before
The amount of time it takes from the time it starts swinging to when the patterns
we see repeating patterns.
repeat can be determined by using the lengths.
K should be solved, by using the first pendulum. The length of the first pendulum Materials used
should be decided beforehand.
Wooden boards/planks Pins
The number of times a pendulum will swing can be calculated by using the
Weights to use- nuts/bolts
Strings Also, the time periods of each pendulum can be calculated by using the formula
Procedure Evenly space the pins on the plank to hang the pendulum, you can use as many as you want.
Hang the nuts and bolts by the pins, by varying lengths.
Formulae The length of the pendulum can be calculated by the formula given below
L stands for length N stands for the number of pendulum. Example: if you want to calculate the length of the second pendulum, n would be 2.
When performed, it is really interesting to watch the varying patterns.
animal testing - the inhuman crimes industries commit Several rats, monkeys, guinea pigs, cats, dogs, are tested on every day. Kept in horrific conditions- in enclosed spaces, chained up, with little or no food, and zero sanitation, they suffer. They are separated from their own species, resulting in loneliness and frustration. Most of them are euthanized after the testing is carried out. They are burnt, mutilated, electrocuted and drowned.
Industries ranging from tobacco to cosmetics, all conduct animal testing.
Animals are purposefully bred, which results in genetic abnormalities. A lot of the animal shelters and pounds supply animals to the laboratories, in exchange for money.
In 2016, the number of laboratory animals used in research at 820,812, a 7% rise from previous year. Credits: The Weekly Standard
In a brutal experiment carried out by a tobacco company, rats were subjected to inhaling toxic fumes for 90 days, until they died. Virulent
animal testing: from olay to revlon sneha pullanoor
substances are injected into animals and 50% of them die, and the rest are killed, in the LD50 experiment.
Although there are implemented laws such as Animal Welfare Act, most of the animals used for experimentation are not covered under it.
This includes mice, rats and rabbits, which contribute a vast majority to
Also during the testing, laboratories dispose of millions of bodies of animals,
animal testing. Also most drugs tested on animals do not work on humans,
causing serious damage to the environment, cruelty free testing can help
and sometimes drugs can turn out to be fatal for animals.
curb this.
The Fen- Phen drug, invented to treat obesity, turned out to cause heart
Whilst there are many methods, we have a long way until we can achieve our
valve problems in humans, while no such damage was caused in animals.
mission of eradicating animal testing completely.
Over 80 HIV vaccines have proven to be effective in chimpanzees, but not in humans in clinical trials. Flosint, an arthritis drug which passed animal testing,
“The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our
had adverse effects on humans.
treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only
Aspirin, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, is toxic to cats. Penicillin,
― Arthur Schopenhauer
guarantee of morality.”
which is used to treat numerous infections in humans, is noxious to guinea pigs and resulted in growing of tumors and gallstones.
Animals are angels disguised with fur. They are arguably the best companions- filled with love, compassion and kindness. Testing on animals is
Because of technological advancements, it is now possible to conduct
therefore, useless and unnecessary. Our minimal contribution to achieving
experiments without animal testing in fields of neurosciences and drugs in a
the goal is to not use products which are not cruelty free.
more cost effective, time saving manner. Computers can be used to replicate human body and virtual trails can be carried out. Life like computerized human- patient simulators which respond to drugs can be used.
Three dimensional human skin models such as the EpiDerm, EpiSkin and SkinEthic can be used to carry out various experiments related to skin irritations. Quantitative Structure activity relationships(QSAR) make estimates. In Vitro (test tube) method can be carried out to determine toxicity. Stem cells can also be used.
Save a life. Be the voice they wish they had. Save a life. Be the voice they wish they had. Save a life. Be the voice they wish they had. Save a life. Be the voice they wish they had. Save a life. Be the voice they wish they had. Save a life. Be the voice they wish they had.
del ehemann chemistry teacher
" I’m very proud of the fact that we have so many girls that take AP Chemistry because it has been a male dominated field. " Background My name is Del Ehemann. I’ve been at Highlands for 10 years. I teach chemistry and have been teaching since the past 15 years. Before then, I was a chemist in various capacities at independent testing laboratories.
What was it like working as a chemist, before becoming a teacher? Honestly, it was fun. It was really interesting. I got to work on a lot of different things. I worked on pharmaceutical products, I worked on consumer products like personal care and health care, I did a tiny little bit of environmental testing – not a ton, I used to do some food testing. So I got to do a wide variety of things and I enjoyed that. I found it fascinating!
Were you involved in any internships or jobs besides becoming a chemist or a teacher? No, I just worked for a lab while I was in college, like a part-time job. And then that turned into a full-time position when I quit – or when I graduated.
What got you into chemistry?
What are some misconceptions about being a female in chemistry?
Honestly, when I was a junior in high school. I just really, kinda liked it. It wasn’t because of my
What are some misconceptions? That’s a hard one.
teachers, but it was just that – and I’m not saying
Well, when I was going through all of this, there were
anything bad against my teacher, but it wasn’t that –
plenty of classes where I was the only female in the
it just really made sense to me. I just thought it was
room. That didn’t bug me, I didn’t care. It was like I
really intriguing. The way it went together, you know, I
didn’t pay attention to that. I think back on it now
thought it was very elegant the way it went together.
and I can see why that could bother some people. I
And so I just kinda fell in love with it then and there
think that it’s still a very male dominated industry. So,
was really no turning back. I majored in chemistry, but
I don’t really know if I would call that a
I kept going back – chemistry or math? Chemistry?
misconception, but you’re not going in there to make
Math? Because I really liked math as well. And then I
friends. You’re going in there because it’s something
threw a little engineering in there in the middle of it
you’re very interested to do. Having said that, I was
as well but then just stuck to chemistry and finally
never made to feel like, from a chemistry standpoint,
decided that “I’m just doing chemistry.”
that I had to prove myself because I’m a woman.
For the first time, I really had to struggle, I really had to study to get good grades. I would always get good grades in lab, but my lecture grades would always be lower. It’s hard. And so I felt like I shouldn’t major in chemistry because I didn’t get all A’s. Especially here, in this environment at Highlands, I would caution, if you don’t get A’s, doesn’t mean it’s not the field for you. I finally, after all my iterations of “Oh, I’m gonna do chemistry.”, “Oh, I’ll do math.”, “Oh, I’ll do chemistry.”, “Oh, I’ll do engineering.”, “Oh, I’ll do chemistry.” etc. going back and forth in my head, I finally decided: I like it. It doesn’t matter if I get A’s in the lab and B’s in lecture. I like it. And you have to have a passion for what you’re doing before you can do it well. So, I really had to come to terms with that. And that’s what it always boils down to.
Maybe I had to prove myself as a manager or as
What courses would you recommend to any student interested in pursuing a field in chemistry?
someone in a position of authority being a woman. But never the chemistry part. It was almost like the gender part of it, being male or female was taken out of it when discussing the science, which I think is
Science and math. As much math as you can take
because math itself and the whole thinking process required for math is a big part of chemistry.
Do you have any advice for females in chemistry?
Obviously, the courses we have here are Chemistry, AP Chemistry, Physics (takes similar thought
If you love it, do it. By far, and maybe I shouldn’t say
processes although the application is different). So
this, but I’m going to anyway, because that’s what I
anything like that you know, that’s an application of
do – I’m very proud of the fact that we have so many
chemistry. And other science courses as well – the AP
girls that take AP Chemistry because it has been a
Environmental course is an interesting application of
male dominated field. So, I’m very proud that I’ve
chemistry. That was another thing when I was in
turned that many girls onto chemistry. That is
college that really made me want to study chemistry
something I’m super proud of. Just do it. If you like it,
because I was really interested in the Love Canal
do it. I do know this, that I run into people thinking –
issue or environmental disaster that went on up in
especially here – that you’ve gotta get an A, gotta
New York. So, that was something very interesting to
get an A, gotta get an A. When I was in college, you
me. I would say that if it’s something that you’re
know, I mean, I got good grades in high school. And
interested in, do anything you can do to feed that
then, all of a sudden, I hit the wall when I got to
photo credit katherine navalto
nivedita rajiv
aspiring biological science student at rutgers university Background: My name is Nivedita Rajiv and I’m a first-year majoring in Biological Sciences at Rutgers University, New Brunswick. I am originally from Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, where I grew up and finished school at Delhi Public School, Nerul. I currently live with my family in Edison, New Jersey. When I’m not working on assignments, I enjoy listening to music or going to pretty spots on campus with my DSLR!
How did you know you were interested in Biological Sciences? For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by science, which probably stems from all the time I spent poring over encyclopedias laying around the house. These books covered topics ranging from dinosaurs to dolphins and whales and even before elementary school I had amassed so many fun facts about these animals. In high school, I developed an interest in learning about genetics which I shared with one of my closest friends at the time. My memories of us bonding over our fascination and curiosity makes it one of my favorite subjects to learn.
My passion for photography around this time also allowed me to explore nature as we went on vacations and all my subjects were usually birds or
What skills and/or courses would you recommend any student interested in pursuing a field in biology takes/acquires?
animals and their markings. This probably seems like it goes without saying, but if
Were you involved in any jobs or internships while studying in college?
one wishes to pursue biology, one should have a very strong interest in the subject and not study it just because it may have seemed easy in high school. As
I will begin working with a lab at the Genetics
a first year, I have only taken very general biology
department of Rutgers later this semester, which I
classes, which itself covers a lot of topics that are
am very excited about. As the only undergraduate
vital to more difficult classes later on. It would be
member of the lab, I believe I will get to learn a lot
impossible to do well in those classes unless I found
more about scientific research from the other
it fun and had a genuine interest in learning more. It
members who are current graduate school students.
is always helpful to stay informed about the latest
The lab I am part of is conducting research on Lesch-
innovations in science, and by reading the news or a
Nyhan syndrome and developing mice-models to
preferred science journal, one can find inspiration
better understand the disease to develop a better
which reminds them why they started in the first
cure for it.
It makes me happy to see an equal representation of both men and women in the classes I take and I hope this will carry on to whichever professional paths we choose in the future. Do you have any advice for females in biology? It is important to remember that you are more than
How different is learning biology in high school than in college?
What are some misconceptions about being a female in Biology?
just a stereotype and more than your gender. Women can do everything that a man can and it is important to keep that in mind no matter what path one
Having taken the PCMB track in a CBSE high school, I
Last semester, I had the chance to speak to a
chooses to take. Be open to new experiences,
felt that biology was given less importance as
woman scientist working at the Cancer Institute of
especially ones in STEM because it could lead you to
compared to physics, chemistry and mathematics
Rutgers, and this conversation about the general
something you might want to pursue as a career. It’s
because of the difficulty levels of these subjects in
demographics at the Institute revealed some very
easy to lose sight of those because not many women
entrance exams. Studying science was mostly
alarming statistics. It seems to be a male dominated
might have done it before you, but keep track of
geared towards cracking challenging problems on
field with very few women and almost zero women
internships that spark your interest. Lastly, and most
the NEET and JEE, and biology especially was only
from minority backgrounds. I learned that dropout
importantly, always give yourself credit where it is
taught with greater emphasis on memorization
rates for women in graduate schools are high
due, because pursuing STEM careers is hard, but
without really understanding course material. In fact,
because of societal pressures of marriage and
being a woman in STEM brings its own unique
once I was done with my board exams I started
starting a family. There aren’t many policies in place
second guessing my interest in biology, because the
to help them continue education while also
last two years of high school made even the most
managing their lives at home. The misconceptions
fascinating topics like Biotechnology and Genetics
about being a woman in Biology are similar to the
seem drab and uninteresting.
misconceptions about being a woman in any field, regarding assumptions about our competency.
#womeninscienceunite #womeninscienceunite #womeninscienceunite
stanford's smash: a summer i'll never forget nyla choates
It was spectacular to see first handedly what it was
In the program, I learned more in those 5 weeks than
With all the learning and skills I was taught at
like to live in a college dorm and eat in the campus
I had ever imagined. It pushed me to try new
Stanford, the part I loved the most was the lifelong
dining halls. Many students never get the chance to
abilities that, before, I would have never thought I’d
friendships that I created. The other scholars in the
even step onto a college campus, let alone live in
enjoy. The other students and I took rigorous STEM
program were just as driven as I was to learning.
one for 5 weeks! So, I took this opportunity to heart
based classes that pushed our problem solving and
Since the program focused on underrepresented
and took in as much of the college experience as I
thinking capabilities to new heights. What I enjoyed
minorities, we were able to understand and relate to
most about these classes was that everything that
each other through our diversity. Each weekend, we
was taught to us was interconnected. We had the
went on field trips and outings to places like San
To get into this program, I had to go through a
role of being epidemiologists and studied various
Francisco, Santa Cruz, and we did activities like
rigorous process that included applications, essays,
disease outbreaks. The capstone project was to
bowling that made us miss home less and less.
teacher recommendations, and an in-person
create a community-based solution for a potential
interview. When I found out that I got in over 200
outbreak of a chronic/infectious disease. It was
other applicants, I was ecstatic; but, I honestly
interesting to see how all the classes merged
wasn’t quite sure what I was getting myself into. I
together to teach us how all aspects of the STEM
was nervous leading up to the summer but mostly
field worked in our project. My favorite classes that
anxious to see what was ahead of me. It was
were taught over the summer were Computer
spectacular to see first handedly what it was like to
Science, Social Justice, Personal Finance, and
live in a college dorm and eat in the campus dining
College Success.
I never thought I could have a summer that would impact my life as much as
halls. Many students never get the chance to even
Stanford’s SMASH program did. Getting into this program drastically changed
step onto a college campus, let alone live in one for
my life in many shapes and forms and, overall, gave me the experience of a
5 weeks! So, I took this opportunity to heart and
lifetime. SMASH stands for Summer Math and Science Honors Academy; I’ll be
took in as much of the college experience as I
honest when I first heard the name, I wasn’t exactly jumping for joy. Essentially,
I thought the 5 weeks I was going to be spending there would be spent stuck in a classroom listening to boring lectures, but I couldn’t have been more wrong! Stanford’s SMASH program was so much more than that, not only did I get the chance to spend 5 weeks living in the college dorms, but it also gave me the opportunity to learn entirely new skills, make lifelong friends, and challenge myself in the STEM field. Apart from the innovative skills I described above, I
To get into this program, I had to go through a rigorous process that included
gained knowledge of how to network with top
applications, essays, teacher recommendations, and an in-person interview.
business executives. Once a week, we had a session
When I found out that I got in over 200 other applicants, I was ecstatic; but, I
called “networking night” where we had the chance
honestly wasn’t quite sure what I was getting myself into. I was nervous
to talk to and learn from executives from Google,
leading up to the summer but mostly anxious to see what was ahead of me.
Facebook, and interns at Stanford.
I am looking forward to another invigorating session of SMASH at Stanford this summer and also reconnecting with the other SMASH scholars.
the ultimate dream: veterinary camp madeleine sullivan
Out of hundreds of applicants I was accepted and that was
It was absolutely amazing, and it is definitely something I will
one of the most surreal moments I’ve ever had; it was like all my
never forget. Being able to attend Vet Camp further solidified
stars were aligning. So for a week in June, I got to spend a
my dream of becoming a Veterinarian which is something I am
week on Auburn’s campus, traveling to the Veterinary School
extremely thankful for. It opened me to new fields I had never
daily to have lectures and hand on experiences. It was such an
considered in Veterinary medicine, like microbiology.
amazing learning opportunity most don’t get until college. The
Experiences like this are so important to me, because not only
camp was run by current Veterinary students and some of the
did I get to experience what Veterinary school is like, I also met
some amazing friends that I am still in contact with today. They will forever be friends, especially when we one day enter the
I was able to be immersed into the different fields of Veterinary
same field.
Medicine! One day, we learned all about small animal medicine, which includes domestic animals like cats and dogs.
Chasing your dreams isn’t silly and it definitely is not out of
We learned how to give dogs actual physical examinations, as
reach. By being committed and dedicated to my future career,
the students’ own pets were brought in for us to practice on. It
I have been able to do so many incredible things during my
was so exciting learning how to assess a dog for health issues
academic career so far. I won’t forget this, and I will never
and getting to view how this is done in a clinic environment.
forget what this passion has brought me and allowed me to
Another thing we got to do was learn about the skeletons and
makeup of these animals. We had bone ‘quizzes’ where we would reach into a bag, feel the bone, and then name what it Hi I’m Madeleine Sullivan and I am a high school Junior. For me,
it has never been a question as to what I want to pursue when I am an adult- I’ve always wanted to be a Veterinarian! Of
But, my favorite thing I did over all was getting to stick my hand
course, this dream has gotten more focused as I have become
into a cow’s stomach, through its rumen fistula! A rumen fistula
more determined to reach this ultimate goal of mine. I have
is a hole in the side of the cow, which is used for research on
always tried to gain as much experience as I can in this field to
the bacteria that lives in the stomach of the animal. It is a
be even more prepared for my future!
permanent hole that is plugged when it is no longer in use, but it is extremely useful in research and in making sure a cow herd
I recently got the opportunity to do just this. Over the 2018
is healthy. After we had reached our hands into this hole like
summer, I was fortunate enough to be accepted into Auburn
actual Veterinarians do, we all had the chance to look at a
University’s Veterinary Camp. I was very nervous applying but I
sample from the stomach under a microscope. Under the lense,
was ecstatic for this amazing opportunity. And I got in!
we could see all different bacterias and microbes that were living inside of the cow!
Inspirational Women In Technology TECHNOLOGY
“If you can find something you’re really passionate about, jump on that. If you’re passionate about [something] and you bring your talent, you’ll be unstoppable.” Megan Smith
Andrea Hutchinson is a Computer Science Teacher and the lead Digital Business Academy teacher at Milpitas High School, California. Prior to teaching at Milpitas High School, Andrea was a Marketing Specialist intern at ISME and subsequently, a technical writer at Synopsys. Graduating from San Jose State University (SJSU), she has taught students critical computing, web design, and technology concepts for the past eighteen years. Andrea teaches young students interested in using technology in their personal and business lives through credit: mercury news
andrea hutchinson chosen by shivali gulati
the courses: Principles in Technology, Foundations of Web Design, and Computer Science Principles. When she’s not teaching, Andrea can be found spending time with her family and supervising students on Digital Business Academy field trips.
#01100011 01101111 01100100 01100101 #01100011 01101111 01100100 01100101
reshma saujani chosen by shivali gulati Reshma Saujani is an American lawyer and politician who is best known for founding the technology organization, Girls Who Code. Â Through her national non-profit organization, she hopes to reduce the disproportional gap between men and women in technology fields as well as equip girls with computing skills for success in the twenty-first century. With their afterschool chapters in high school, campus summer classes, and free Summer Immersion Program, Girls Who Code has reached over 90,000 girls in the United States and hopes to impact one million girls by 2020. By participating in Girls Who Code events, female alumni are choosing to major in fields relating to Computer Science at a rate fifteen times the national average.
photo credit @girlswhocode
#girlswhocode #girlswhocode #girlswhocode
photo credit: UMBC
dr. cynthia matuszek chosen by hailey j Dr. Cynthia Matuszek is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). She works in the field of humanrobot interaction, and she is the director of the Interactive Robotics and Language Lab; this lab studies robotics, machine learning, and natural language processing. Her lab’s primary goal is to design robots that can interact with humans and process human language and communication in real time. Dr. Matuszek’s lab has designed robots that can grasp and pick-up objects, respond to voice commands, and play chess against a human opponent. The image on the bottom is one of her designs.
autoCAD cassette tape design technology projects | by shivali gulati As I am a part of my high school’s Engineering and Technology Academy, I am constantly creating 3D objects using the software, AutoCAD. Through AutoCAD, I was able to design the internal wireframing of a cassette tape key chain for my AirPods and print my design by using our class’ 3D printers. Designing a cassette tape key chain required me to follow a design process. This involved drawing the design on paper, using AutoCAD to gradually build the layers of the cassette tape, and using the 3DText Command to engrave words, like “in and out” on my key chain. I also added a hole onto the side of my cassette tape block, using the subtract command, to make my creation into a key chain. Although this is one of my early AutoCAD designs, developing my cassette tape taught me critical CAD concepts, such as extruding, which I consistently use for my other creations.
#womenintech #womenintech #womenintech #womenintech #womenintech #womenintech #womenintech #womenintech #womenintech #womenintech #womenintech #womenintech #womenintech #womenintech #womenintech #womenintech #womenintech #womenintech #womenintech #womenintech womenintech = "awesome" womenintech = "awesome" womenintech = "awesome" womenintech = "awesome"
womenintech = "awesome" womenintech = "awesome" womenintech = "awesome" womenintech = "awesome"
womenintech = "awesome" womenintech = "awesome" womenintech = "awesome" womenintech = "awesome"
womenintech = "awesome" womenintech = "awesome" womenintech = "awesome" womenintech = "awesome"
womenintech = "awesome" womenintech = "awesome" womenintech = "awesome" womenintech = "awesome"
scholarly, your academic best friend technology projects | by izzy lapidus
Using JavaScript, I created my first ever app: SCHOLARLY. This app allows a user to input his or her grades, convert them into weighted averages on an AP scale, and calculate one’s unweighted or weighted average. As someone who cares tremendously about performing in school, I wanted to create an app that would be useful to me and my academic endeavors. With the creation of SCHOLARLY, I no longer have to spend time entering all of my grades into a calculator, adding them up, doing the division, etc. in an effort to calculate my average; I now have an app that does it all for me. My favorite part about SCHOLARLY, besides its aesthetically-pleasing interface, is that it allows the user to calculate both one’s unweighted and weighted average. At my school, we are never given the option to see how we are performing academically without our grades being inflated by the AP scale. I programmed SCHOLARLY to calculate both the unweighted and weighted averages simultaneously, allowing the user to compare the differences with ease.
Through the creation of this program, I ran into some troubles. The most difficult part was the execution of my ideas. In my head, I knew exactly how I wanted the program to look and perform, but figuring out the code I needed to make it function accordingly was definitely a challenge. What helped me throughout this process was thinking literally. I had to make sure not to assume anything of the computer. Another challenge I faced was finding a method to keep track of all the data. SCHOLARLY keeps track of one’s full list of grades, AP class grades, and non-AP class grades. In an effort to keep track of all of these different numbers, I used variables (from the letter A to X) to represent each different grade. When it came to performing the actual calculations, the 24 different variables came in handy. This is only the first version of SCHOLARLY, and I plan on advancing it to a point where it can calculate semester averages and even GPAs. As of right now, I am super satisfied with the turn out of my application and hope that people find it as useful as I do.
One class assignment was to work with my school’s literary magazine to redesign their website. In a team of four writing and design students, we used our knowledge about writing online content, web standards, and minimalist design principles to revamp their website. While the literary magazine uses a WordPress theme as a design template, our team provided recommendations to improve the site’s functionality and usability while keeping their minimalist vision in mind. It’s awesome to see how they have updated their website with our revisions!
The image on the right is a redesign of their contact page.
magazine web application technology project | by hailey j
One year ago, I created and designed my first website from scratch for a web design course. It’s similar to a studyblr or studygram, where site visitors can learn new studying resources and methods, read reviews about new stationery and writing supplies, and get inspiration for their planner or bullet journal. At first, I was a bit nervous about creating a website for a graduate-level class, but with my beginner’s background in HTML and CSS and an encouraging female professor, I created a basic, but aesthetically pleasing and functional site. I hope to one day keep updating and improving it once I learn more about coding.
studyblr web application technology projecrt | by hailey j
software engineer by shivali gulati Computer Software Engineers use critical engineering and computing principles to develop effective programs for computers. In the workforce, software engineers have several tasks, such as organizing data, predicting the capabilities of programs, and extracting data from various sources. Software engineers must have a strong foundation in mathematics and science in order to design software systems.
On average, software engineers in the United States made $100,000 annually. Most software engineers must have a bachelor’s degree, but many companies, like Google and Apple, hire workers if they can code even without a degree. Although software engineers are primarily males, a HackerRank’s study
career pathways in technology
finds that women now make up more than half of new computer science graduates and junior developers entering the workforce.
technical writer by hailey j
Technical writers serve as communicators for a company or organization by creating, editing, and designing documentation such as instructional guides, user-manuals, standard operating procedures, and much more. They often work in technical industries such as medicine, manufacturing, and software development.
On average, the median pay for a technical writer is about $70,000 per year, or $30 per hour. Most technical writing positions require at least a Bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree, with a demonstrated ability in writing and general knowledge of the subject matter (coding, web design, engineering, medical terminology, etc.). Â About 54.5% of technical writers are women.
while girlsintecharerecognized ==Â True: print ("Girls change the world") print ("Girls change the world") print ("Girls change the world") print ("Girls change the world")
startup wonder internship your careers | by shivali gulati Although taking on an internship as a rising sophomore in high
How Did I Get The Startup Wonder Internship?
school seems daunting, I most certainly recommend that every
I found out about this internship through an email sent by my high
high school student tries to intern at a company (big or small!),
school's college and career counselor. Â Immediately having seen
even if you're not sure of your passion. Over the past summer, I
the email, I applied for the position as a high school intern who
was fortunate to get the opportunity to intern at the company,
was responsible for teaching students at least four hours a day,
Startup Wonder, which focuses on teaching young youth of the
supervising students at lunch, and assisting the other
Bay Area coding, marketing, business, app design, and game
college/high school teacher during the second half of the day.
design through weekly summer camps. Despite the long morning
Successful high school interns would be hired officially by Startup
commutes and tiring workdays, my internship at Startup Wonder is
Wonder to develop engaging curriculum for students attending
an experience that I hope everyone gets a chance to have.
the summer camps and teaching at multiple locations.
To clarify, I was not paid during this internship, as they only pay
The Internship: 8 Weeks Of Teaching
students eighteen or older; I received community service hours instead. After submitting the application, I received an email from the company informing me of my acceptance through Round One and my phone interview later in the week. During my interview, I
Timing: 7:30AM-3:30PM, Monday-Friday Duration: 8 Weeks Location: Two local high schools in California.
consistently brought up the extracurriculars I had listed in my application, like my previous experience teaching children coding
The everyday lesson was split between myself and two college
concepts and how my past experiences at coding summer camps will
freshman. The curriculum alternated every week. From 8AM-12PM, we
help me better their current program. The interview lasted an hour
would teach about thirty students either Python, Game design, or
and was with the CEO of the company.
app design. My main responsibility was walking around, helping students with their syntax and explaining why their syntax
A tip that I recommend everyone to follow is to be authentic and
works/does not work. After a one hour break, I would assist one of
honest. While answering the application questions, I was uncertain
the college freshmen while she taught marketing, business, and
about my knowledge of some answers, considering that my
innovation for another four hours. We worked with students to build
background of business/finance was not as great as my knowledge
their own startup and to create a website and business plan to
of technology. If I had attempted to craft my application answers by
implement their product. At the end of the week, students would
reading several finance articles, I could guarantee you that I would
have presentations for their parents and for employees at Startup
have not received this internship, as this “knowledge” of finance was
Wonder regarding their business and programs they created
not supported by any of my extracurriculars.
throughout the week.
What I learned from my first internship.
2. Everyone learns at a different pace. Since I had learned a majority of the curriculum taught during
1. Â Always interact!
elementary school, I found the practice problems very easy to
The students we taught ranged from 3rd graders to 8th graders. I
solve and explain. However, I initially struggled explaining coding
found that consistently interacting with them about their projects
concepts to the younger students and found myself checking on
helped them stay on track and made them work together as a
them more frequently and explaining at a slower pace. I also
team. Although not required by Startup Wonder, I taught them
utilized visuals and real-life situations that these students could
how to make graphics using the program, Canva, and Google
visualize and, thus, easily understand.
internship was receiving an email from a parent of two children
 What I wish I knew before applying.
who attended the camp saying how her sons are actively using
1. Be more confident in your abilities! I was very nervous during my
Canva and MIT Scratch. I also remember a parent thanking me
interview, but I gradually gained confidence as the interviewer
after seeing his daughter come home with a whole notebook filled
kept asking me questions.
Slides to build an interactive website. The best outcome of this
with Python syntax. Outside of the students, I found that consistently communicating with the college teachers helped me
2. Apply even if you think you might not get in. Getting an
explain coding concepts in various ways which further helped
internship can be very difficult, despite what passion you want to
students understand and follow the lesson plans. Moreover,
pursue, and applying can only help your future chances, whether
interacting helped me build a bond with two aspiring students,
that would be filling out applications or receiving feedback on
who I am still very good friends with today.
what you could do better.
stem scholarship position your careers | by hailey j While I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t currently work in my desired career field, I support and nurture a strong community of women in STEAM on a daily basis. My job entails running a scholarship program for women in STEAM at a local university. My organization awards scholarships to high achieving students committed to reshaping STEAM to eliminate gender discrimination and bias, thus increasing the number of women in these fields.
How I Contribute I help write, edit, and design documentation such as standard operating procedures, instruction guides, user manuals, and annual reports. As a technical writing student, this is what I enjoy the most. I write a weekly newsletter that provides women in STEAM opportunities for internships, jobs, and other
opportunities. I coordinate events and workshops for students to
The Positives:
learn more about academic and professional development, issues
I am more confident about standing up for women against
of women in STEAM, how to become involved with research,
oppression and am able to identify sexism or gender discrimination
graduate school, and much more. I coordinate programs for high
more clearly. I gained experience writing technical and software
school girls to come to the university to learn more about STEAM,
documentation for a workplace, not just for a class assignment. I
especially for underprivileged women with no prior experience in
was able to gain an editing position helping students compose
these fields.
technical documents.
This position has helped me grow as a girl who thought I would
The Negatives:
never be involved in anything related to computer science or
On countless occasions, I witnessed sexism coming from male
engineering to a woman in STEAM. I have learned more about the
students and professors that have discouraged female students from
issues that women face in these fields, and techniques and
continuing with their STEAM degree. Some have switched majors
resources for combating sexism in STEAM. Without this
while others have dropped out of school altogether. It can be very
experience, I don’t believe I would feel as confident in myself as I
emotionally taxing, and as a busy student, I sometimes feel as if I’m
pursue graduate level coursework in web design. I also like
not doing enough. Deciding who receives a scholarship is very
knowing how my work is helping other women on a daily basis.
difficult. There are so many factors that shape a student’s high school performance. I am very saddened to deny a committed student an opportunity based on the fact that they didn’t pass their AP class, or never had the opportunity to take.
How I found this Opportunity: After graduating college, I was looking to stay local and saw the job opportunity available on the universityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website. I am lucky my local university offers such a program, as many other schools in my area have no program dedicated to women in STEAM. To those searching for scholarship opportunities while applying for college, keep your eyes open!
“I think it’s very important to get more women into computing. My slogan is: Computing is too important to be left to men.” Karen Sparck Jones
Inspirational Women In Engineering ENGINEERING
“One thing I always tell young girls: Never let anybody tell you you can’t do it." Michelle Haupt
hedy lamarr De ve lo per of the fou n da t io n o f B lu et o o th Hedy Lamarr, an actress by career, is less known for her hobby of inventing. Although Lamarr received no formal education or training, she worked with the support of American inventor Howard Hughes to tinker with objects and to become an inventor herself. In order to combat radio-jamming and frequency-hopping in World War II, Hedy Lamarr and composer George Antheil developed the technology that would later become the foundation of Bluetooth. Her story was recently implemented into a movie called Bombshell, highlighting the hardships of her life that allowed her to advance communication technology in the 1940s and create a foundation for today's technology.
WRITTEN & CHOSEN BY HAILEY J source: the new yorker
debbie sterling Fo und er & CEO o f G o ld i eB l ox With an engineering degree from Stanford, Sterling is one of the leading voices in the movement to encourage girls' interest in STEM. She developed GoldieBlox, a RETRATSKCIK :TIDERC
combined book-and-construction toy that allows children to go through adventures of problem solving by building machines. She was once told that “girls only want dolls and you can’t fight nature”, so she went to Kickstarter, where she doubled her $150,000 goal. GoldieBlox is available for purchase at hundreds of retailers. Her company was named one of the World's Most Innovative Companies in 2014 and she was named TIME's Person of the Moment and Business Insider's 30 .CNI :TIDERC
Women Who Are Changing the World. She is one of the foot soldiers we have for fighting gender stereotypes and inspiring the next generation of women engineers.
autoCAD logo by catherine navalta
Original design
This school year I joined my school's Engineering Academy. One of our first projects was for each student to use AutoCAD to design a logo for Etech. These logos would then be judged, each with the possibility of becoming the new Etech logo.
I do not consider myself gifted at graphic design. In fact, I am terrible at almost everything artistically related. However it was a graded assignment, so I had to make something. In the
Original design, extruded and from the side
end, my design was a simple gear incorporated with the word, “ETECH.” To my surprise, my logo was chosen.
There were two additions to my design. Notably, the addition of, “Milpitas High School” and the slogan “Design Create Innovate.” Please note that the slogan was created by another student.
Final design with additions
autoCAD glider by aashna gajaria This design that I have CADed was made to make the glider go a certain distance. There is a hook on the bottom in order for it to be flung with a rubber band. On this glider there are two layers. The bottom layer is wider than the top. The top one was made in order for the wings to be more aerodynamic. The glider can go far if launched correctly.
warriors logo
#3Ddesign #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad
by aashna gajaria
For our final exam for CAD class we were told to make a medallion. I am a huge fan of the Golden State Warriors and when i got the opportunity to make a medallion for CAD class I decided to make the warriors logo. In this Warriors piece, the bridge tapers and the basketball in the back is domed.
#autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad #autocad
“One thing I always tell young girls: Never let anybody tell you you can’t do it. Growing up, they’d look at me like, Really? Even when I did my college visit, I had someone tell me most people change their minds after the first year. I never gave up. Even when I was having teachers tell me, just take a break from math, you can take this class next year. I said, ‘No, I’m going to take it now.’ I kept pushing for it.” michelle haupt
career pathways in engineering engineering team
biomedical engineer by hailey j
Biomedical engineers synthesize biology and engineering to design, build, and enhance medical devices and equipment to improve modern healthcare. Most biomedical engineering positions require at least a bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree, but some positions may require higher education. Biomedical engineers typically work in hospitals, universities, and research centers. Their median pay is about $88,000 per year, or $42 per hour. Biomedical engineering has a more equal gender distribution than many other engineering fields, such as electrical, mechanical, and computer engineering. Women compose about 40% of biomedical engineers.
environmental engineer by rajvee patel
What would happen if a natural disaster were to come? How would you stay safe from their adverse effects? These are just a few out of the numerous questions environmental engineers face. They work to improve public health, pollution, and waste disposal. Depending on where you work, environmentalist engineers have a salary between $85,000-$100,000. This field is thought to be a mostly male-dominated area, but about 30.9% of workers here are women! The skills needed to apply for a job in this area include environmental consulting, engineering and designing skills, technical writing, project management, data analysis, construction site inspection, and the ability to create useful ideas!
“One thing I always tell young girls: Never let anybody tell you you can’t do it. Growing up, they’d look at me like, Really? Even when I did my college visit, I had someone tell me most people change their minds after the first year. I never gave up. Even when I was having teachers tell me, just take a break from math, you can take this class next year. I said, ‘No, I’m going to take it now.’ I kept pushing for it.” michelle haupt
“One thing I always tell young girls: Never let anybody tell you you can’t do it. Growing up, they’d look at me like, Really? Even when I did my college visit, I had someone tell me most people change their minds after the first year. I never gave up. Even when I was having teachers tell me, just take a break from math, you can take this class next year. I said, ‘No, I’m going to take it now.’ I kept pushing for it.” michelle haupt
Your Careers In Engineering ENGINEERING
Internships and Engineering Programs our team has participated in.
interning at oath inc.
by chloe wang
Google this - “student internships”. Almost every
A total of 21 MHS students (15 rising seniors and
During the five weeks at Oath, our group of
A Priceless Experience
One of those connections is a mentor I
article or listing will talk about or ask for a
5 rising juniors) spent five weeks at Oath over
interns were taught basic Java, as well as about
look highly upon, who has continued to
college student. Everyone has heard it;
the summer of 2018, and I was fortunate to be
APIs and other aspects of web design.
give me amazing opportunities, be it a
“internships are for college students. Internships
one of them. These 21 students are all part of
However, we learned much more than simply
tour of Facebook and introducing me
are for undergraduates and graduate students
Milpitas High’s NAF Academies program, which
how to create a web app; we learned how to
to managers there or large social
and tend to start with menial tasks like making
includes the Digital Business, Engineering and
speak professionally, present a product to an
networking events. She is a vehement
copies or fetching coffee. Especially as a high
Technology, and Travel and Tourism Academies.
audience, expand our network by making
advocate of women in STEM and has
schooler, you can forget about getting a good
By making this possible for us, NAF gave us an
connections, market our personal brands to
helped me gain more experiences in
internship at a big company.”
invaluable opportunity to kickstart our careers.
showcase ourselves in the best possible light,
the field. Do not let anyone tell you
and work in the fast-paced industry of the
that connections do not matter,
Hence, imagine my surprise when I realized that I
Silicon Valley. These skills will undoubtedly help
because connections can give you
would be spending the summer of my sophomore
us in the next stages of life, and some already
incredible opportunities that you
year interning at Oath Inc. (now called Verizon
otherwise would not have gotten.
Media). Oath is a subsidiary of Verizon that owns Yahoo!, AOL, HuffPost, Tumblr, and so
My mentor and the internship at Oath
much more. Not only was it incredible that I had
through which I met her have both
an opportunity to intern before my junior year in
further encouraged me to let STEM be
high school, but my internship would also be a
a larger part in what I have planned for
paid internship at a tech giant here in Silicon
my future career in business. Because
of them, I have a much better idea of the full implications of living in Silicon Valley, and its opportunities. My During the five weeks, our teams of four to five
internship at Oath opened many new
students designed and built web apps centered
doors for me, and I know I will have
around the idea of inclusion. My team created a
peachy time exploring them!
web app that sought to “break the ice” around
Milpitas High’s 21 Oath interns of the summer of 2018
mental health issues, specifically depression
My internship at Oath may have officially ended
and anxiety. Teams also worked on optimizing a
on July 20th, 2018, but I still feel the impact of it
mentor’s existing product within Oath (such as
on myself today and am certain I will continue
Yahoo! Mail for Android or Yahoo! Sports) to
to do so for years. Through the month I spent at
help improve Oath’s various brands by looking
Oath, I made a few connections that I have
at products from a fresh point of view.
kept in touch with.
“One thing I always tell young girls: Never let anybody tell you you can’t do it. Growing up, they’d look at me like, Really? Even when I did my college visit, I had someone tell me most people change their minds after the first year. I never gave up. Even when I was having teachers tell me, just take a break from math, you can take this class next year. I said, ‘No, I’m going to take it now.’ I kept pushing for it.” michelle haupt
Inspirational Women In Art ART
“I am happy to be alive as long as I can paint.” Frida Kahlo
shivani bhagwan & chaya kumar Growing by the second, the
More importantly, Shivani and
social media following of Shivani
Chaya have redefined success
Bhagwan and Chaya Kumar has
in the Asian community. Many
created an uproar in today’s
girls are told from a young age
society. The two South Asian
that they must have an
females have not only shattered
“academic career;” they must
the norms of dance, but also the
be a doctor, a lawyer or an
walls of race and stereotypes by
engineer. But Shivani and
transfusing Bhangra, an
Chaya have shown young girls
energetic dance form from
like me that anything is truly
northern India, with Hip-hop.
possible; passions do not have
With a popular movement behind
to remain passions, but can
them, they have gone on a North
actually blossom into careers.
American tour, holding workshops in over 40 cities.
annika agarwal
anna ancher written by katie hall Anna Ancher was a Danish artist who was part of the artist colony, the Skagen Painters. The Skagen Painters were Scandinavian artists who were influenced by Realist movements and French Impressionist painters. Archer was the only one of the Skagen Painters actually raised in Skagen. She started creating art at a young age and studied at the Vilhelm Kyhn College of Painting before traveling and studying drawing in Paris. Some of her pieces include Harvesters (1905) and The Girl in the Kitchen (18831886). Her realistic depiction of everyday life and natural light draw many to her paintings. Archer was part of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Modern Breakthrough,â&#x20AC;? a Scandinavian movement of art and literature. It focused more on reality, furthering the tone of French realism. She is considered to be one of the
art by queenie l
greatest Danish visual artists to this day.
sue tsai
chosen by karen hyunh Born and raised in New York to immigrant parents, Sue Tsai has made a name for herself in the world of art. She is a fine artist, designer, and entrepreneur.
Having a lifelong
dedication to the visual arts, Sue’s works are bright, eyecatching, and reflective of today’s society. Her goal is to create pieces of fine art for the younger generation to connect to and appreciate.
Sue’s masterpieces aren’t just
limited to canvases; her self-made brand has opened doors to many different businesses ventures with big name companies and major collaborations with celebrities. Sue’s latest collaborations with the company Puma features her signature bold floral prints on shoes, jackets, and gym bags. Sue’s strong drive and ability to manifest her dreams makes her an inspiration to young female artists. credit: instagram @suetsai
joni eareckson tada written by b.b. hatt
If there was one word to describe Joni Eareckson Tada, it would be perseverance. Raised in an athletic family, Joni enjoyed an active lifestyle until at the age of 17 when she got paralyzed from the neck down due to an accident. Racked by grief and chronic pain, Joni was left with two choices: to wallow in self-pity or to make her life as beautiful as possible. She chose the latter.
A talented artist, Joni learned how to pencil sketch using her teeth, and has created many beautiful portraits and landscape pieces. In addition to sketching, Joni has written an autobiography, numerous articles, and released music. Her kind heart and beautiful artwork have uplifted the spirits of many. Her organization, Joni & Friends, is dedicated to helping those with disabilities and teaching people about how to overcome adversity through community and spirituality. PHOTO CREDIT: AMBASSADOR ADVERTISING AGENCY
girl genius magazine art portfolios girl genius magazine art portfolios transition page!
it's not always about the petals art portfolio by sena atesoglu
I initially was in search of something beautiful, stunning, and admiring to draw. Immediately a flourishing flower on the verge of a blossom came in mind. It looked beautiful to me, yet a thought crossed my mind.
Was it always the beauty of the flower that kept her strong?
no, it was the thorns
Deep down below, if you go close enough to prick your fingers, the blood emerging from those curious fingers will tell you a story. That it was indeed the thorns that kept her strong. Although she feigned fragility with the embrace of her rosy cheeks, the thorns stood firm and tall—unfazed. In the end, when you bash her with vile words, her petals may wither along with her smile. However, a thorn will always remain unwithered, allowing a new flower to resurrect with towering courage
"i want to be a living work of art." Marchesa Luisa Casati
credit: katherine navalto
Nothing like a pop of color in a
My favorite band had an intriguing music
monochromatic scene! I let the piece
video that very heavily inspired this piece.
revolve around the color red and
The cluttered composition and execution of
included a pattern in the sunglasses
it was fun to replicate, with the different
to draw attention to the face.
shapes and patterns in the background as well as the side profile of one of the members with different overlays over it.
transition page!
Nothing like a pop of color in a
My favorite band had an intriguing music
monochromatic scene! I let the piece
video that very heavily inspired this piece.
revolve around the color red and
The cluttered composition and execution of
included a pattern in the sunglasses
it was fun to replicate, with the different
to draw attention to the face.
shapes and patterns in the background as well as the side profile of one of the members with different overlays over it.
boldfaced alainah cabradilla
ABOUT MY WORK A majority of my finished pieces are done digitally, and I tend to focus on a more cartoony style of art. I enjoy drawing whenever I can, whether it be people, backgrounds, etc. Often, I prefer using bold and bright patterns and colors, as that sort of juxtaposition is fun to
Nothing like a pop of color in a
My favorite band had an intriguing music
work with. Thus, I selected the
monochromatic scene! I let the piece
video that very heavily inspired this piece.
following pieces, which
revolve around the color red and
The cluttered composition and execution of
execute that sort of style.
included a pattern in the sunglasses
it was fun to replicate, with the different
to draw attention to the face.
shapes and patterns in the background as well as the side profile of one of the members with different overlays over it.
transition page!
g n i t i r w p o t don't s g n i t i r w p o t s don't g n i t i r w p o t s don't g n i t i r w p o t s don't g n i t i r w p o t s don't g n i t i r w p o t s don't
There was a dragon in my backyard. There was a dragon in my backyard.
dragon in the backyard by esther duong
The dragon came to my backyard every night landing on top of the old birdhouse at the The dragon came to my backyard every night landing on top of the old birdhouse at the edge of edge of the left fence. He would groom his silver scaled wings before hopping onto the the left fence. He would groom his silver scaled wings before hopping onto the ground to search. I ground to search. I didn’t know what he was searching, but he kept sniffing the air and the didn’t know what he was searching, but he kept sniffing the air and the ground and digging into ground and digging into the dirt. the dirt. Maybe he was hungry or thirsty. Or he lost something really special. Maybe he was hungry or thirsty. Or he lost something really special. Or maybe, it was something else entirely. Or maybe, it was something else entirely. I would watch him from the window of my room, squishing my face onto the glass and I would watch him from the window of my room, squishing my face onto the glass and craning my craning my head to try and get a better look at it. He was always in the corner of my head to try and get a better look at it. He was always in the corner of my eyesight, but I saw eyesight, but I saw enough of him to know he was a dragon. With his scaly silver wings to his enough of him to know he was a dragon. With his scaly silver wings to his unnatural yellow eyes, unnatural yellow eyes, nobody could mistake him for a bird or lizard. He just looked so out of nobody could mistake him for a bird or lizard. He just looked so out of this world—too mystical, to this world—too mystical, to be anything but. be anything but. He never saw me, but always seemed spooked by something because near midnight, he He never saw me, but always seemed spooked by something because near midnight, he would would suddenly jerk his head up before flying into the night sky and to the moon. I had suddenly jerk his head up before flying into the night sky and to the moon. I had wondered if he wondered if he lived in the moon. Maybe all dragons originated from the moon and that was lived in the moon. Maybe all dragons originated from the moon and that was why he was as silver why he was as silver as it. as it. I told my mom once that there was a dragon in our backyard. I had to tell her, it was a big I told my mom once that there was a dragon in our backyard. I had to tell her, it was a big dealdeal- dragons were real. Proven real by me. dragons were real. Proven real by me. She smiled, that smile adults gave me when I fended off imaginary monsters at the park. She smiled, that smile adults gave me when I fended off imaginary monsters at the park. “Oh, Ruby, that’s nice. Maybe show me this real dragon sometime soon?” “Oh, Ruby, that’s nice. Maybe show me this real dragon sometime soon?” I was young, but I knew she didn’t believe me. But what I saw was true. It was real, it had to I was young, but I knew she didn’t believe me. But what I saw was true. It was real, it had to be be real. All those times staying up late just to wait for the dragon to perch on the birdhouse real. All those times staying up late just to wait for the dragon to perch on the birdhouse and and search for that one thing he needed. It couldn’t just be some practical joke. search for that one thing he needed. It couldn’t just be some practical joke.
So I decided to go beyond my window and see for myself if the dragon was real, really. Making sure my dad’s snores and mom’s wheezes lasted for a while, I flopped out of bed and snuck out of my room to sneak down the stairs like a ninja. Or a really small dragon who floated rather than walked.
Drawing the door to the backyard back, I took in the chill of the navy blue Utah night-
it's not always about the petals by sena atesoglu
sprinkled with a touch of cookie stardust. I shivered in the cool temperature but persisted toward the left fence and the old birdhouse. I drew near it, but couldn’t go any further. Because a small, silver dot in the sky grew and grew until I could see its golden eyes trained on me. Up close, they weren’t just a yellow color, more of a mix of dull green and bright
I initially was in search of something beautiful, stunning, and admiring to draw. Immediately a flourishing flower on the verge of a blossom came in mind. It looked beautiful to me, yet a thought crossed my mind. Was it always the beauty of the flower that kept her strong?
yellow, chartreuse.
The creature landed on the birdhouse, same as nights before, but he didn’t bend his head to
no. it was the thorns instead.
groom. He continued to stare at me with his chartreuse eyes without breaking, unfazed. He was bigger than I expected, but that didn’t scare me. None of his physical features scared me. In fact, not even the one tooth hanging out of his triangular mouth scared me the slightest.
Deep down below, if you go close enough to prick your fingers, the blood emerging from those curious fingers will tell you a story. That it was indeed the thorns that kept her strong. Although she feigned fragility through the embrace of her rosy cheeks, the thorns remained firm and tall-unfazed. In the end, when you bash her with vile words, her petals may wither
I didn’t say anything and neither did he. We kept staring and staring at each other—two totally different faces of a human and mythical creature. We didn’t share any special, magical telepathic connection that happened in stories, but I felt something. It was a feeling that blossomed into something beautiful and different and indescribable. Scientists said they could solve the meaning and purpose of life on Earth with numbers and theories, but they could never explain this. About why a mere kid like me got to see a live dragon from out of this world and not an adult with more knowledge and wisdom than I could ever have.
And then, the dragon jerked his head up like on other nights before, probably sensing things I could never. Without a single look back, he took off- flapping his silver wings skyward and soon turned into nothing but a sprinkled stardust in the night sky.
After that, I never saw him again- the birdhouse looking barren without resistance and the ground clear of holes and bird-like pecks. I had always wondered if he ever found whatever he was searching for—if he actually did and moved home content or was still looking, just in a different place. Or maybe I scared him away for good and lost his chance of finding it. I may never know.
along with her smile. However, a thorn will always remain not withered, allowing a new flower to resurrect with towering courage.
credit: catherine navalto
it's not always about the petals
it's not always about the petals
write write write write write write write write writer write write write write write write write write write write write write writer write writ
write write write write write write write write write write writer write write write write write write write write write write write write write
write write write write write write write write write write write write writer write write write write write write write write write write write write writer write write write write write write write write write write write It write writer write write Flash write write write write write write writ deserves forward
write what you can't speak
favorite pen writer the page is torn in write write write writer write write write write write write write write write your write writeink write write write write write write write writ that’s always
tear stained by your
between your fingers.
mother’s pride,
write write write write write writer write write write write write write write write write write write write writer write write write write writ by emeline kuether write write write write write write write writer write write write write write write write write write write write write writer write write writ Sometimes the words aren’t
Your mouth opens
just slightly
they get lost
but the world stops
write write write write write write write write write writer write write write write write write write write write write write write writer writ and blown away on that
scratched perfect day spent write write write write write write write write write write write writer write Carefully write write writeonto write write write write write write write write the
at the beach
writer write write write write write write write write write write write write writer write write write write write write write write write writ in the journey the words freeze write write
from your brain your lips writer write writetowrite write
the finest stationery,
write write write write write write write write writer write write write write write write write writ
your voice always hidden in a
How can the beauty
of your brain
the margins of your
But even if
write write write write writer write write write write write write write write book, write write write write writer write write write write write writ the page disappears the back of write a day old write write write write write write writer write write write write write write or write write write write write writer write write write writ be exposed
The words
write write write write write write write write writer write write write write write write write write write write write write writer write writ But the words are out loud never will
out there write write write write write write writer write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write write somewhere
When it deserves
whirling around inside that
so much
head of yours
Every other word is
write write write write write write write write write write write write writer write write write write write write write write write write write crossed out
When you speak,
write writer write write write write write write write write write write write your write writer write write your write write write write write writ handwriting voice can write get lost page write write write writer write write write write write write write write write slants writeacross writethe write writer write write write write write write writ and the ink is visible
But when you write,
in the smudges on your
your voice is finally
write write write write up write writer write write write write write write write write write write write write writer write write write write writ Bubbling before you speak anticipating their debut write write write write write write write writer write write write write write write write write write write write write writer write write writ
write write write write write write write write write writer write write write write write write write write write write write write writer writ
write write write write write write write write write write write writer write write write write write write write write write write write write writer write write write write write write write write write write write write writer write write write write write write write write write writ
don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop
when it drops
don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop
by rajvee patel
don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop
In the morning, always in a rush
Could my phone’s glassy screen possibly have a
From PE to Math class, where my mind turns into
a slush
The suspense was too much
At the end of the day, when the bell finally rings
How could’ve it escaped from my clutch?
How much joy and delight, to me, it brings
The time had arrived To see if my phone had survived
I walk as fast as I can
I pick it up, bending my spine
I had to get home fast, so I ran
As I shut my eyes hoping everything was fine
From here to there I scurry
I flip it over to face the screen
All in a few moments of hurry
I look, I gasp, it is clean!
don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop
Once, as I was waiting around for the bus
My happiness soars as I leave my grief
“My phone is safe!” I think in relief
I accidentally tripped and fell painfully
I let out all the breath that I had been holding in
As I was falling, my hands slipped
On my face, I plaster a joyful grin
Slipped on what? My phone, it flipped!
My screen is all good, so I’m delighted from
I tried to catch it before it fell too
But, unfortunately, away and away it flew
don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop
I got up quickly and ran over to see Where had my phone landed, where could it be? To my horror, there it lay My phone, face flat, on the ground- my world
don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop
turned gray
don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop
My heart skipped a beat
don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop
As I watched my phone in fear, lay on the street One question flashed across my mind as I had a panic attack
don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop don't drop
is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beautyart is communication art is writing art is beauty
communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art
mmunication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is
mmunication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is
mmunication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is
mmunication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is
mmunication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is
mmunication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is
mmunication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communicaation art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art i
mmunication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is
mmunication art is writing art is beautyart is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is
mmunication art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writi is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beautyart is communication art is writing
beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art
auty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is
auty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is
auty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is
auty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is
auty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is
auty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is
auty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art is beauty art is communicaation art is writing art is beauty art is communication art is writing art i
People are shouting.Men are raising slogans while women are crying and screaming.Their shrieks touching the doom of sky.Army men with their fingers on triggers of kalashankoves are standing at a small distance.The procession of people is now moving towards laal chowk.The dead body of 15 years
hey google, what's art?
art is peace by mariya azad
old is carried on sholuders of his father and brothers .His mama begins to weep more loudly.After all ,he was the youngest of her sons.
I'm watching this sad spectacle from the window of my room, trying to hide myself from soldiers behind the curtain. Its a common thing in my valley. Bullets,deaths,protests, more bullets,even pellet guns,more deaths and eventually more protests.Every time,when such an incident happens,I feel a severe pain in my head,my heart begins to move like a drum and my body starts shivering. And in such conditions, writing relieves me, liberates my thoughts,gives me hope that I would be able to make the world a better place although it seems very difficult.The torrent of my grief and anger transforms itself into beautiful words.
It's my mission to raise awareness about kashmir issue, obviously through my writings.
They always thought that I was asleep. I would go hours
My eyes followed the grass to the horizon, trying to
without speaking a word.
discover when the earth ended and the sky began; or perhaps they’re one and the same.
They would look back every once in a while, expecting to see my little self conked out, my head resting on the
As the night drew on, the sky absorbed the colors
illuminating from the golden grass and the blooming clouds. Together, the colors were nearly unrecognizable.
hey google, what's art?
art is writing by emeline kuether
But I could never sleep. Not with everything that was
It was as if they were swirled around with a paintbrush,
awake around me.
strokes grazing the horizon.
First, the city lights would whirl past. The streetlights
The world grew darker, but the night grew brighter as
illuminating the path in front of us.
the car drove on. My eyes drifted upward to the perfectly imperfect arrangement of sequins standing out
The sky was outlined by the curves and lines of the
against the navy blue sky. Some seemed to flicker and
buildings. The warm yellow lights flickered and rippled
draw closer to the earth, but others disappeared into
as they reflected on the river.
the void of the night. Each one a story. Each one a life.
Looking out through the slats on the bridge, the water
My eyes started to close, and my head had found its
seemed to stretch on towards infinity.
way to rest on the windowsill. Sometimes you have to rest, while the world keeps moving.
In the next second, the city buildings became leafing trees, lining the endless road.
But in the morning I’ll wake, and open my eyes to the same masterpiece I left.
The drive by was a mesmerizing green blur, with an occasional hello from the sun peeking through the
Through all the drives, adventures, and journeys, I’ve
leaves, shining a glare upon the window. But mostly, the
discovered one thing:
blooming trees would dot the clear blue sky, like nothing more than paint on a canvas.
Some trees were large, itching to be climbed. Others were small, just young growth in this new world. The tress turned to grass; then prairies and farms.
The wind whipped my hair out the window as I watched the prairie grass blowing back and forth.
Art is however you choose to manipulate the world’s beauty into your own. I choose to write about it.
You stare at the mirror and run your fingers through your skin over your prominent scars and burns You stare at the mirror and loathe yourself
hey google, what's art?
art is beauty by sneha pullanoor
Force yourself to accept what you see; Tears burst forth like a storm on a sombre day Recalling every indelible memory, Every throbbing remark You’re vulnerable. You’re sick But little did you realize Out of the embers You rose like a flame Shimmering in the gusty winds; So affable. So divine. Darling Sharpen your sword and mend your soul Fight like a knight You have a story to tell, People to inspire Don’t become “just another girl” Become an expression
You're beautiful
hey google, what's art?
art is communication by rajvee patel
I sip on the remnants of the sweet concoction. The
Now shoo,” she says while flicking her hands. Her voice is
sounds of emptiness and bubbles can be heard through
robotic-like and emotionless, but her words surprisingly
the green straw. I shake the cup, with its iconic mermaid
provide relief.
logo, one last time in hopes to conjure the lasts of the
We all dreadfully get back up and start packing our
caramel drink.
“There’s literally nothing left in that. What are you
“MacBook, check. Annoying timer, check. Paper & pens,
drinking?” my friend, Noelle, says behind the screen of
check. Butterflies in my stomach and crippling anxiety,
her computer.
“It’s a way for me to cope with having to go to another
My mind felt like slush and I was so tired, but it felt nice.
long, treacherous round,” I say while I stand up and
I was achieving something. Doing something that I love.
throw the Starbucks cup away. I plop back down.
“Who’s your opponent, again? Someone from SoCal,
“It’s go time.”
right?” Noelle asks. “Yeah, some kid from a fancy charter school down
south, why? Have you heard about any of her
The way we feel is art- happiness and color. Art means
arguments?” I asked, interested in knowing my chances
painting, music, memories.
to win. “I heard she runs some really easy arguments,”
Art is the love we express to our loved ones.
“Really? I’ve heard different, apparently, she runs something called counterplans,”
Art is what makes life worth living.
My team responds. I sigh, roll my eyes and rest my head, facing the ceiling.
Art can be anything and everything.
“I don’t want to lose another round. I need to make it to finals this time.”
Art is also the way everyone communicates. News,
“You should start heading to your round, it’s a 10 minute
media, and most importantly- politics.
walk from this building,” my coach says as she approaches the circle of comfy seats my team and I have made. “But this sofa is so comfortable,” “I’m hungry and it’s raining outside,” “I don’t feel ready, I feel like I need to rewrite my whole case,” We all complain, glaring at that one overachiever who still has the energy to do even more debate work. “You guys can do it, it’s your last round of the tournament. I’ll be here.
Art, to me, is debating the worldly issues I so strongly have a passion for.
career pathways in art ART TEAM
music producer
by rajvee patel
by karen hyunh
In today’s world, media has become an important form of
A song is nothing without its beat. It gives the song flow and it
communication and has infused itself into many daily routines.
allows the lyrics more depth and feeling. Music producers are
Whether it be celebrity gossip or politics, news is an essential
the masterminds behind the catchy beat of the song you love.
tool to learn about current world events that are occurring
Their job is to engineer beats by layering different sounds and
around you. You may ask, “Who powers this significant
instruments, modifying their pitches, and adjusting the timing of
necessity?” Journalists. It is their job to gather information of all
each component. With access to technology and apps like
sorts and put it out there for the world to see. Depending on
‘Garageband’, it is fairly easy to learn and produce your own
what paper is being written for, the average journalist can earn
beats for fun. However, to be a professional music producer,
anywhere from $60,000-$100,000. Even though journalism is
knowing the basics of sound engineering and music theory is a
said to be mostly a male-dominated area, about 40% of
must. Berklee College of Music, Belmont College and many
females work in this field. The skills necessary to work in this
others offer a course in music production. After that, it all
field involve excellent communication and writing abilities,
comes up to following the trends and methods you know to
research skills, self-confidence, the capability to absorb
create the beat of the next big hit. The salaries of music
information quickly, and lastly, determination to go to any
producers can range between $25,000 and $1,000,000
lengths to get interesting details on a story.
depending on your skill and the record label you work for.
fiction writer
by b.b. hatt
by karen hyunh
Unlike many other art fields, fiction writing has been represented fairly equally by
Animators provide the aesthetically pleasing visuals in the
both men and women in the last two-hundred years. Because the writing market is heavily saturated, and often undocumented, it is difficult to know just how many female authors actually exist. However, their work has been seen and loved by the public just as much as male authors. No library is complete without
movies and video games we love and cherish. They use their creative art skills and knowledge in special computer softwares to bring a story to life. Being an animator
classic authors such as Jane Austen (Pride and Prejudice), Frances Hodgson Burnett (The Secret Garden), Louisa May Alcott (Little Women), and Emily Bronte (Wuthering Heights).
requires artistic talent, an eye for details, and ability to work with different computer softwares. Animators typically have degrees in relevant subjects like film,
Fiction writers may struggle generating an income right away, but it is possible. The annual median salary for successful writers is around $60,000. While a college education is often helpful for aspiring authors, they tend to draw more from life experience and reading high quality writing. Keen observation skills, a
illustration, or computer-aided engineering. Catching your first break as an animator is difficult, but once you do catch it, your career is smooth sailing from there.
vast imagination, and empathy are among the most important attributes for fiction writers. Using these skills, they can dissect important parts from the real world and incorporate them into their created world, making it viable for the reader. Fiction writers must have good research skills, a healthy dose of curiosity,
Animators are typically employed in film studios, video game companies, or web design companies. The median salary of an animator is $64,000, but it fluctuates with the
and must be self-disciplined. Many failed writers believe that writing springs only from “inspiration.” This is a romantic but very impractical way of viewing the world. Like anyone else, a writer must set goals and accomplish tasks. A true writer simply writes.
company and project you work for.
Inspirational Women In Math MATH
"Without mathematics, there's nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers." Shakuntala Devi
dr. hannah fry chosen
Dr. Hannah Fry is a British mathematician who focuses her studies on the mathematics behind human behavior such as dating and relationships, and also the prediction of the movements of people in large areas such as cities. She went to the University College of London (UCL) and was researching after completing her PhD, but has since moved into public speaking to promote interesting mathematical concepts to the public, so you may have seen her on TV, on the radio, or on YouTube, spreading her enthusiasm for the subject to engage more people and improve the reputation of mathematics in the public. Fry also has a big background on fluid mechanics, basing her PhD on the topic and thoroughly exploring the movement of liquids using math and physics, which is a very sought-after topic in the mathematical and scientific industry and thus makes Fry a very inspirational person for women seeking to do math in their future, as she is just one more example of how women can engage with mathematics so deeply. PHOTO
maryam mirzakhani chosen
Maryam Mirzakhani is the only woman to
Other works of her include: Weil-Petersson
have won a Fields Medal, awarded to
volumes and intersection theory on the
mathematicians under 40 years of age, for
moduli space of curves (2007); Simple
their works in mathematics. She was a
geodesics and Weil-Petersson volumes of
professor at Stanford University who made
moduli spaces of bordered Riemann
salient contributions to geometry and
surfaces (2007); Random hyperbolic surfaces
dynamic systems. Her childhood was
and measured laminations (2007); Growth of
difficult, as she grew up in Tehran during
the number of simple closed geodesics on
the Iran-Iraq war from 1980 to 1988. During
hyperbolic surfaces(2008); Ergodic theory of
her undergraduate education at Sharif
the earthquake flow (2008); and (with
University, Maryam published papers on
Elon Lindenstrauss) Ergodic theory of the
various mathematical subjects which
space of measured laminations (2008).
included a decomposition of complete
Mirzakhani won many honors during her short
tripartite graphs into 5 cycles, a simple
lifetime in addition to what we have
proof of a theorem of Schur. At her time at
mentioned. She was diagnosed with breast
Harvard for graduate school, Maryam
cancer, even before she won the Fields
published a 130 page thesis on Simple
Medal. She died at the age of 40.
Geodesics on Hyperbolic Surfaces and Volume of the Moduli Space of Curves.
sophie germain chosen
Marie-Sophie Germain grew up in 18th and 19th century France where being a female mathematician was looked down upon. Despite this, she continued to learn mathematics by reading books from libraries written by famous mathematicians like Leonhard Euler and by interacting with mathematicians like Gauss and Legendre at the time. Germain worked primarily with the elasticity theory—the developing theory about how certain objects return to their original shape after being stretched—but she also touched on number theory, working on Fermat’s Last Theorem and providing basis on which new number theory could be developed. Since Germain was female, she was not allowed to pursue a career in math, but she, nevertheless, worked independently before she died. She was awarded a prize from the Paris Academy of Sciences for her work on elasticity and has since had a prize named after her to remind everyone of what an inspirational and hardworking woman she was.
fermat's equation x^n + y^n = z^n PHOTO
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career pathways in math
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1
research scientist | by eve o'leary
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 a 10 research scientist is 6 one of9the ways can keep 5 6Being 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 for 8 9mathematics 10 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 only 1 2 3 4 5you 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a love of pure math alive â&#x20AC;&#x201C; with most other math-related jobs leading into other
8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 fields like economics or physics. Research scientists in mathematics are the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 ones who prove all of those conjectures you can find in math, and their
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 v1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 research helps develop how people do math in the modern era, further
7 8expanding 9 10 1 2 3 4 knowledge 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5and 6 7therefore 8 9 10 1 expanding 2 3 4 5 6 the 7 8subject 9 10 1 as 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 our on 1the topic we it.6Research if you 10 1 2 know 3 4 5 7 8 9 10scientists 1 2 3 4 are 5 6 the 7 8future 9 10 1of2mathematics, 3 4 5 6 7 8 so 9 10 1 2feel 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 dedicated to math this is definitely a road you should consider.
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data analyst | by eve o'leary
cryptographer | by sneha pullanoor
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 If statistics are your favorite part of math, then you may want to think about a
Internet is used by a vast majority of our population, so it’s necessary to keep
7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 career in data analysis, where you have to be able to understand data and
the internet safe and secure. A cryptographer writes and develops ciphers,
10 1 2 3 4 5 explain 6 7 8 9it10 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9This 10 1type 2 3of 4 career 5 6 7 is 8 great 9 10 1if2you’re 3 4 5 6 7algorithms 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 system 8 9 10 to 1 2 3 4 5information. 6 7 8 9 10 You 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 1 2 analyse and thoroughly to 6 others. and security encrypt would be7in complete these from 3interested 4 5 6 7 8in9math 10 1 because 2 3 4 5 it6is7still 8 9centered 10 1 2 3around 4 5 6 numbers 7 8 9 10and 1 2 number 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 responsibility 5 6 7 8 9 10of 1 2 3 4codes, 5 6 7 and 8 9 protecting 10 1 2 3 4them 5 6 7 8 9hackers. 10 1 2 3 4 5 analysis, but it’s a bit more of a practical job in terms of being able to link to
Cryptography opens various doors to opportunity such as working with the
businesses. Data analysts also have the capacity to work in a lot of different
government, agencies, universities etc. Most employers will expect at least a
areas, like finance, business intelligence, sales, and data quality.
bachelors degree in Mathematics, Technical skills are the backbone of a
6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 successful career in cryptography. You are trusted to keep important
5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2information 3 4 5 6 7 confidential. 8 9 10 1 2 3Computer 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Science, or3Computer Engineering. numbers range from $80,000 to6 $144,000. 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5Average 6 7 8 9salary 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 v1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 106 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3
math teacher interview interview by karen huynh
I had a sit-down interview with my math teacher who wishes be anonymous. She has been a math teacher for about fifteen years and my math teacher for two years. This interview means a lot to me as she is retiring after this school year and has made such a positive impact on my life. I hope for this interview to be just as impactful and enlightening to you as it was to me. So we can start with a little introduction of you and what you have done in the STEM field. I was interested in science when I was in highschool. I had a particular liking of biology, chemistry, and math. I actually studied biology in college and I actually had a masters degree in genetics. I was fascinated by that, but then after we got married and we moved to Texas, there was no genetics studies in Texas. And so I was bored, just got married, and thought, ‘Well, when I was writing up my thesis in genetics, I was using the computers and softwares’. I published, actually, my thesis book many years ago. So, by basically typing and all that, I got interested in computer science. I went back and studied math in the computer science and mathematics department at UT, University of Texas. That was were I began my math career. I started working as a programmer, and in my mid-life, I got bored. My kids said, ‘Mom, you’d be a good teacher’. And so I thought, ‘Well, if I’m bored now and my own kids think I will be a good teacher, then I should try it’. I started with subbing and I liked the school environment, so I got my credentials and now I’m a math teacher.
Why did you get bored as a programmer?
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Because, I like to talk and socialize, but as a programmer, you’re basically coding and typing all day. There’s not a whole lot of interaction, you’d be interacting with your colleagues, but through emails. You know me, I like to talk.
Was it challenging for you everyday, or was it just redundant work?
but then I talk more about how to manage and disciplining yourself and push yourself to be the owner. But in the honors, I don’t need to do that a whole lot.
As a teacher, have you noticed how competitive high school students have gotten?
It’s challenging, coding is pretty challenging. When I was working at Stanford, it was like, ‘Well today we need to finish working with the computers at Berkeley and link up with the Harvard library, so students can borrow their books’. It was challenging, but I got bored.
So just wondering, but in your previous job, you were doing new things everyday and then here, you’re reteaching the same thing over and over again every year. Does that get boring to you, doing the same thing every year?
I think the high school track is more, I wouldn’t say competitive, but it is more pushed. Now, kids are trying to accomplish as many classes as possible, but my own kids just followed the regular path. It was a lot more of a slower track, now it’s faster. It’s actually sometimes because our brain is still developing, so some things will click later on. Life is long, it’s okay. Some things will blossom later on, it’s okay.
Was it difficult for you to do whatever you wanted to do? Did you face any challenges or discrimination, in terms of your ethnicity or gender?
No, for me, it’s like each year, it’s a little different. Yes the concept is the same, but when I was developing Math 3A, it’s brand new work. Every few years, I change. I taught Calculus, Pre-Calculus, 3A, just regular Common Core, Consumer Math. Not only that, but I like to talk and impart some lessons from life to my students. I really like to teach kids about life and that actually has become the strongest motivation. You know how I am different in my honors and regular classes? Yes. In the regular classes, the content is a bit easier,
I grew up in Taiwan, I attended an all girls high school, and so I didn’t see any discrimination there. Here in the United States, I realized I was discriminated against with my first job as a programmer. I realized my male colleague was earning more that me even though I had a masters degree and he only had a bachelors degree, so I realized there was discrimination. If you read the recent news at Google, it’s actually the male that is paid a little less. I think they noticed the discrimination part and tried to reverse that trend with big companies because they’re under more scrutiny. But for regular jobs, I am not
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quite sure. When there is a lot of discrimination, I think for girls, if we have strong self-esteem and we’re confident in ourselves and our skills,
we’re not going to let that discrimination intimidate us. We need to stand up and make our voices known.
How do you juggle being a mom and having a career? Like how do you juggle the role of being a mom and wanting to pursue your dreams?
a2 + b2 = c2 a2 + b2 = c2 a2 + b2 = c2 So I think when you make that choice, it’s already been predetermined. I think life is long. For example, when I was a mom for the first many years, I put in a
Actually, all my life, I tried to balance those roles very much. So, some of my
lot work for my kids. Life is long, I’ve got all the time now.
friends from high school, they are all very accomplished; they are COOs, IT directors, and professors. When I started out as a programmer, I started with IBM, which is like the company to work for, I figured it was taking up a lot of my time. I decided to work for the state government, which is eight to five. Five
That’s interesting, because I feel like I think I should rush to get all of my goals accomplished, but I can just take my time to enjoy my life and enjoy my kids.
o’clock, I go home and I can be a good mom versus some of my friends who were struggling with that balance. I think it’s up to the person, but balance is on my mind all the time.
I find that, in a lot of situations, many mothers I find that, in a lot of situations, many mothers are expected to put their dreams on hold to take care of their kids and that is kinda sad. Yeah. That is because, not only does society put a lot of pressure on and
Yeah, that’s what I did. I took the time, enjoyed my kids and actually didn’t work for a few years. I made sure that their school path was set up right and that they were on the right track to work. I didn’t have any care or worry when they were in school, because they were doing great. I don’t have any worries now because I knew they’re doing okay. If I did not take to time off, I don’t know if they would be doing as well now. It’s all about choosing wisely.
Who is the most inspirational women to you?
expectations on us females, but I think as females and mothers, by nature, we just want to tend to our kids. I think we need to embrace that. Finding that balance takes some wisdom. Seeing my successful friends, they really struggle with finding that balance a lot of times. For me, I am very happy.
I would say my mom. My mom was born in China, but then she went through the civil war and she fled China to Taiwan. You see how I’m pretty progressive right? Yes. When my mom was growing up, as a little girl, she would stand in the middle of the street in her city and speak out against the warlords of China.
Is it hard to find that balance?
She was a refugee student when she was fourteen, she never went back to her home. She raised us with amazing grace. But here in this school, Ms. Sherbakov is my inspiration.
a2 + b2 = c2 a2 + b2 = c2 a2 + b2 = c2
m a e t s f f o g n i lett
Letting Off Steam is Girl Genius Magazine's brand new video series featuring stories of girls in STEAM. The series is produced and hosted by Priyanshi Nigam, a new member of the interviewer team, and edited by Katie Hall and Ayushi Malothra, two long-time members of Girl Genius. We created this series to show girls that people just like them were part of the tech industry and so we could highlight more female role models! Episodes are released every Friday on our YouTube channel at 5:00 PST. Our social media managers also update our followers of new episodes via Instagram @girlgeniusmag.
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acceptance rate for the video series is 100%, but if there are too many time conflicts, we will email you the questions and feature you on our website instead. Please answer all of the questions honestly. Our founder, Shivali Gulati, will look at your application and respond to you via email within 2448 hours. You must respond to the email to be officially accepted! If there is anything you would like to change with your application, please let Shivali and our main interviewer, Priyanshi, know when they respond. If there any unexpected schedule conflicts, please email us at
girlgeniusmagazine@gmail.com or directly message us on instagram @girlgeniusmag.
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If you have any questions, the best way to contact us is at girlgeniusmagazine@gmail.com.
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join girl genius! Are you a female high school or college student interested in Science, Technology, Design, Music, Creative Writing, Engineering, or Mathematics? If so, Girl Genius Magazine is the place for you. Girl Genius is an online magazine created by aspiring girls in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) which provides a platform for girls to learn about women in steam, showcase their projects, as well as connect with girls nationwide. We are looking for girls interested in writing, editing, creating graphics, developing magazine layouts for our magazine. Outside of developing content, we are also in search of girls interested in managing our social media accounts on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Girls can join multiple teams of STEAM and have many roles.
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Currently, our acceptance rate is
100%, but if you cannot dedicate at least 1-2 hours of your week on the magazine, we will not be able to accept you. At Girl Genius, we understand that school is everyone's number one priority so we never want this fun extracurricular activity to come in the way of that. Please answer all of the questions honestly. Our founder, Shivali Gulati, will look at your application and respond to you via email within 24-48 hours. You must respond to the email to be officially accepted! If there is anything you would like to change with your application, please let Shivali know when she responds. If you do want to be a guest writer/designer/editor and only submit a few pieces, please email us at
girlgeniusmagazine@gmail.com or directly message us on instagram @girlgeniusmag. If you have any questions, the best way to contact us is at girlgeniusmagazine@gmail.com.
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