Matilda 1923 vol 01 no 02 sep

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Vol. 1.


No. 2



Post 1d. Ixtra


















Open Daily (Saturdays excepted) from 9.30 a.m.- 1 p.m.; 1.30 p.m.- 5.30 p.m. Mondays and Fridays, 9.30 a.m.-l p.m. and 2·30 p.m.- 5.30 p.m.

September, 1923,



and only one of the six candidates was there, or ever can1e, and not even a note or D1essage. But I feel sure that as soon a~ Guides and Guiders realise the difficulty of considering everyone's free time anel fitting it all in, and then no one comes, they will be more: careful. In the ::0J otices column you will see that the ollice is now open to supply (;uiclers' wants, all day, and we hope it will n1ake it much nlore cOllvenien t for busy Guiders . I had a letter of thanks from our State Comn1issioner last Inail for a wireless of "good luck" when she sailed. \\-e are looking forward to being 2..b1e to \-velcnme her back quite soon now; and also l\Iiss I 1a 1111 lton, who, you will all be glad to h ear, arrives this month. Her ll1essage YOU will find further on. In the first nun1ber, when I gave the price of "l\IT atilcla," I gayc it very badly. J t should have read "9d. per copy, post extra," v.rhich con1es to 10el. a copy, post free. Guioers who sent 0cl. clown for a year's subscription, remarking on the cheapness of the ll1agazine. will. I am ;rfraid, be "ery disn1ayed about our cost! By the time "lVTatilda" is finally printed. \ye wi 11 be well i 11 the middle of "1\1 acedon." I only wish we could take lTIOf(' than thirty for a week. It is so Ycry disappointi}1g to have to turn so many down, but perhaps we can haye another week later. \Yith Guide greetings t() you all. Yours sincerely. .I

Editorial .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~otices and Coming E,'ents Guider. Examining for the Tenderfoot, J .""".R. ., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Letter, Lady Helena 'Rous ., .. .. .. Proficiency Badges (1:\lel hourne an d Subs.). F. Y. Barrus . . . . . . :'. Brownie Page, .\ Brown Owl .. .. ., :\lore :\lerry Thoughts .. .. .. .. .. Patrol Cornel s and Row to :\Iake them Interesting, by a One-time P. L ... ::\Tews of Companies .. .. ., .. .. .. .:'\ey; Local _\ssociations and .\p~oint­ meuts .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Letter, Hobina Hamilton .... .. Patrol Colours (Alt2ratiollS and Additions in the S;tate) Price List .. .. .. .. .. .,

2 2 'I



4 6 8 8 9



EDITORIAL. Dear Fello\\"-(;uidcrs.I feel that .. ~I a tilda" ha~ started her H\Vallabv Track" with a real "Guidey" ,velcon1c-' fron1 Yun all, and we Guider~ know ,yhat that can n1ean-it will certainly help her to do that extra tnile she couldn't haye done before! I am afraid t ha t 1n our fi rs t n l11nber several error ~ crept 111, and we had t(l add '-'e\"eral ne\\' i tern ~ to the H eadquarter's price list afterwards-there :s one in particular I "'ould like to mention to you all here, and apologise for. ~Ir~. Behan. lllember for Exalllinations, was left out of the list of the Executiye Council. and had to be written in afttn"ards. \ Y e all know how ~imply splciHlid ~rrs. 13eha'l has been, ,,·ith ~ri~s Barfus to help her, and \"hen we in ~r ('lbollrne take a Proficiency Badge. nothing could be smoother. c!-'pec' ally ",hell we realise how (luickh' the \\'h"le 1 hing- lns been nrgani<..,ed to cope \\'ith (' ur ,:;]('rn1'lUS illcrease ·jn numbers. .\nd \\'hil"t wr arc thinking: -(If Proficiency B?dg-:..'s in ),J elbourne and suburb~. I w;>ttld like to just point 0ut to YOU a11 a lack of a little 'g-uidev thoughtfulnes~. I went to nearly all the Pro· ficiencv Badg-e Examinations. and I was most -awfulh- sorn' to see that so man,' had entrre(1. ~nd then at the las~ min~te not turned up. The Exa:lliners had arr:,-ccl. probab1y in pouring rain,

JOAN \Y. fIOGARTH. NOTICES. The enroltnent cards ,,·hich Guides are {'ntitled to after payi1lg their sixpence Registration Fee will be fonvardcd from the office to Captains at the earliest possible date. ~ othi ng has been arranged yet wi th the Tramways about reduced rates when in uniform, although many conductors give them. The office is no"r open daily (Saturdays excepted) from 9.30 a.m. to I p.m., ann




1.3 0 to 5.30 ~ [()ncl~ \" and Frid~ y. 0.3 0 to I p.m .. and 2.30 to 5.30 p.m. The "Guide l;~zettt'." which \"as due l11an\" months si11ce to subscribers. has still "not turned up frotH England. 1 hayl' cabled. and. -w ill let all who ordered them haye t11en1 on arrival.

STRAYED? STOLEN?? OR LOST??? Can it be that the photograph albu111 of the fIrst ~ I acednn Trai ni ng \ Y eek is lost in the post? '\\,il1 anyone \\'ho ha" it or has just had it rcl ie\'e anxiety by letting me i~nnw at once where it is, and the nall1CS relnaining nncrossetl-ont on the li~t? The book is tn remain at IIeadquarters Office when tlni"hecl with.



ht'lp for the ~lho\'e badge . . '0 fllrllll'r rt,krt'llt't' \\"ill lw llt'('{kd to the p/11ce. l~t1idt'~ ~ht)tlld. l)i t'()tlr~l.'. wear tht'ir Tl'ndl'rfn{)t~.


Athlete Badge. ~lr. llay. Ill ¡ Hi<.'lkl' - PderSt'l1 Pln'si 'al Culture S~h()ol. (iuk Cl)11ins-strect. has kindly oHen'tl t(1 help a icw l ;uidl'rs, with a ,iew to helping thcm tl) train their Guides in corrcrt phy~ical culture. Please a pply to the S ta tc Secretary. Child Nurse. Dr. ~Iary Ilcrring 11a..; \l'ry kindly ofkrcd tl) gi\ l' lecture" Oil the a\)o\l.' :-;nb.j t' et i i C 11 0 tl n'11 an.' k l'l.'11 t () a \.a i I the 111 sl'h cs (If her oflcr.\pply tIll' ~tatc Sl'C ~



COMING EVENTS. There have not been cnough na1l1es receiycd for dasses to hc arranged, as suggcs ted be low. Cui ders may still a vai 1 themsel\Ts of thesc killll offers of help until October 31. , after which elate, if enough na111es have not bcen received, they will be withclrawn. Guiders -w ishing to join shoul<l send their nan1es allcl the tin1l'S at 'which they would he free to the ~tat(' Secretary, Cirl Cuicle Office'.

Cook's Badge. :\I i"s Keiller, of th(> D0111estic Arts School, Bell-street, Fitzroy, has very kindly offerecl to take classes of 110t less than twel\re (~t1i(les and Guiders, to help then1 with their baclge, at 2/6 for TO lessons. The class will b~ arranged when t\\'elve entries have been received. Domestic Service Badge. l\Tiss Dunne, the Domestic Arts 1Iostel, Park\Tille, will be very pleased for any Guiders (or Guides in charge of a Guider or Patrol Leader) to go to the hostel on Thursday or Saturday lTIorning, where they could \Va teh the s tuc1en ts ,"vi th a \Tie\\'


GUIDERS EXAMINING FOR THE TENDERFOOT. There i" a cllstonl growing up in the ~tatc of giying "marks" for the Tenderfnot test. \\'lH'tlH'r or 1lot they ~h ~)uld be ~' i \' C n is a 111 a t tt' r \\' 11 i c 11 (' a 11 "1> cdc b a tc d ht1t may I g'iyc herc sC\,(,Tal reasons "\\' hv c>

n(). t






'T'n begin with, from a practical point (If yin" . it is most unsatisfactory. You may haYe a (;uldc who kno\\' ~ cvcrvt hi I, g. ex C e p t , say, t 11 c 1 T11 i () 11 Ja c k . 1 l~' r \' crv gooel marks for the ()th~'r subjects will prohahly pull her up to a pas.:; stan (lareL and she gets thr()t1~'h, hut vet, from a (~l1ide point of view, she docs not know her tendcrfoot. Again, a child, who is still quite at the beginning' of her (~l1idc 1i Fe (taki 11 g h cr te n clcrfnot) wi 11 not al ways han' quite the Guide spirit, and after all, "It's rather n1ce to be able to tell :\T ary she got six 111arks less than you." !\nel, thinll)', Cllicling is not' school, and "cho()l things cIo not \vant to cre?p in tn the extcn t of percen tages, clisti l1ctinns, passe's, etc., and we want tn keep it all a hig gan1C'. These are a "cry few of the "vVhv Ilots," but T expect you will hayC' ll1an~r good reaS011S for using them. a11(1 T think when they are used for exalninill~ pros-

· 4

September, 1923.

pcctiyc (;uidcrs they are yery useful, beLa nse it helps a fu turc Guider or 1. res en t nne to know just ho\\· "bad" she is! J. \ V .1-1.



A ucllcy-strcet \Y., June 16, 1923.

Dea r 11 iss Barfu~,Thank you very 11luch for ~ending the bonks of the First ~Iace<loll \Yeek oyer to l11e, and will you plca~e thank those who joincd in sending the111 and Inaking thel11 up. I t was a great surprise when I got thel11. I was sorry to think I hac1 111i~secl sL'cing the 111('nH.' nto of the week, which I 11l1<icr-..tood was to he handed round from one to another of us who were there, and then kept at H eadquarter~. I thank you again for your kind thought. I have been ill ,yi th the "fl ue" since I canle to London. so I ha ' -c missed a good deal of fun, but I anl fairly bookccl up with engagenlents n(H'-. In Australia I 111acie the excuse for girls that in the:r fir~t "year out" they really ha\-e not the time for anything but seeing life, and nnw here I nlake the same plea for 111)"sel£, so clon't picture nlC in Illy nnifornl too often! \Yitll all good wishes for yourself and IllY other friends! Guide greetings frOI11 II ELEN ~-\ RO-CS.

MELBOURNE AND SUBURBS. Proficiency Badge Tests. The not quite compltte table given hereafter is of interest when cOlnpared with the pre\·i ou~ one, published in the July number. The fo]]r)\ving points, arising out of the 1ast Tests. should be carefu11y noted by (;uielers entering candi<lates in future. 1. It is sugge:;ted that Guiders collect entries for X o,-ember Tests at once. so that (;uicles may get on ''lith the \vork prescribed, instead of rushing at the last 111inl1te. \\ ' hen entries arc called for ill

October, Guiders should check off the first list, and if Guides haye not finished the work required strike off their names. This should obviate the startling number ()f wi thdra \Vals; it is 0 bvious that much n1l1H.'cessary inconvenience is caused when, after arrangement.') have been tnade to examine 32 candidates on two separate nights, on account of the large number, only 19 appear for Test. 2. (;uiders need to see that all work subn1ittecl is certified as to Guide's own work, and countersigned by Captain. In such Tests as HOl11e 1\J aker, Thrift, Landworker, the Exanliner has to rely a good deal on inclependen t certificates. (~uiders should see that canc1iates are provided with these when presenting thenlselves for Test. This applies also to the "breathing exercises" for Athlete Test. 3. Candidates need to be ret11inded that C;uicles wear either conlplete uniform, or ju~t ordinary clothes. Though Llnifonn should be wor11 if possible to Tests. Guicles \vho do not wish to wear a Guide hat to business should not wear their Guide unifornl under a coloured overcoat, surnlounted by, say, a red hat! The effect when they renl0ye the coats is· ., start 11l1g

Entries for the November Tests should be sent by Guiders to Miss Barfus, T'oorak College, Malyern r6, to reach her not later than October I, enclosing 60. for reply postage. Cuides may not enter for nlore than three l'adges at a tinle. Entries should state:Candidates' nanles, and Conlpany. Badges entered for ("wi th choice of alternativ1 es in Athlete', l-Iandy-woman. Clerk, 1\1 usician, etc., otherwise entries will be disqualified). Days and times it is absolutely impossible to attend for Tests. I t is hoped that it will be possible to arrange in future that Tests are not all croweled into one week, so that Guiders are requested to be very punctual wi th entri('~. anel to comply with suggestions in paragraphs 1 and 2 ahove, as this \vill



September, 1923.

cunsiderably lighten the rather o\"er,,-helming ~task of arrJnging the next Tit1le Table.

SUMMARY OF EXAMINERS' REPORTS. August Proficiency Badge Tests. Ambulance.-Candidates keen, with quite a lot of useful knowledge, hut did not seen able to apply it intelligently tu the case in hand. PrJctical work ,"ery poor. Guiders should see that candidates ha ye a good deal of pract; cc in bandaging, etc., as this branch of Test is a \'i tal one. Athlete.-T,vo (~uidcs failed Oll account of t heir carriage (shoulder); the other failures were 110t nearly up to .\t11lete's standard. Examiner reco111111ends that future candidates pay 11111Ch 1110r(' attenfan to posture and deport111ent, and regularly, for three 1110nths beforehand. practise a good set of corrective exercises (which l\Ir. llay will suggest if desired). Good carriage and grace of lllovemcnt are a11-in1porta11t for girls. Bee-Farmer.-Test can be helel ~n No\-ember only, as the bees arc asleep in August. Cook.-Slight in1prOVe111ent, but poor methods and obvious want of practice the cause of failures. Future condidates arc recomillended to have S0111e systelnatic tra1J1ing before presenting the111Sclves. Recipes should be known by heartguessing quantities is 110t pern1issible. Candidates rely too n1uch 011 their household "tradition" \vithout a knowleclge pf main principles. Child Nurse.-The work showed that the candidates haye not grasped what is requircd for this 'rest, so lVI rs. Herring has very kindly offered to gi \"c a course of three or four lectures anel den10nstrations, which will, no doubt, be gladly attended by intending candidates, as well as Cuic1ers anxious to help their own Guides. ,. The suggested course of talks will be held at S0111e central ,place, beginning the

la~t \,~'\..'k ill ~\.'ptt'lnh\..'r lH' tlr~t wcck in l ktnj)I..'r, ~o <.. ;t1i(kr~ art' (l~kl..'d to send llal1lC~ of <";uid\..'~ \\htl ",ill attl..'lHl to l\li~~ Barfus at t)ll(', l)r at k:t:-;t ~l)nn. ~() that place and datc~ (all he ttrrallg-cd. Knitter.-(;llide~ must (umply with re · g:Ulati()11S I"or thi~ T('~t. ~e\-eral candi-

~lac~ produced half- tlnl:-;hcd g-arlllcl.lts, and onlv 011e ~()ck. thuug'h the rcqtllrc111(.'l1t is di~tillctly a pair of ~()d.;:s (\\111ch. by the ,yay. :-;hould match cxactly). Laundress.-Standard of work good. thnrot1 D0 'h know lcd~'e of Badg'e Hook in(,..--, ... structions, and intcr(':-;ting' \ aridy of ideas un qne:-;ti o l1s which cuuld n()t be answered merely from book, e.g., usc of starch. T 11 u u g' hill d i y i d t1 a 1 t a ~ t l' \' a ric s as t u degrec of sti ITening req nircd ill personal clothe~. a 11urse's aprOll i~ generally re quired to be stiff (it kcep~ ckan longer) ; but linen, hecause of thl' nature of the fl b r l' S , s t i A' ens 111 t1 chill () r ere a <l i h· t han cotton, so that a "linen ta blcc 1ut h'" :-.hn111d C01l1e at or near the end of the li·. . t givC'n at Test. Net curtains (cotton) require 11loclerate degree of ~tlf(ening to make thC111 look \Yell 11I1ish'ccl; most of Ule candidates gave it t()O little ~tarch. ,\nswers to questions re planning of housc\Yurk on washing-day showed knowledge of planning. though 0111y two candidates inc) uded becln1aki ng as a l1ece~sary i tcnl, and only one made mention of cleaning Or tidying the laundry after linishing the washing. r11 practical work, thc chief fa ul tin a 11 U 111 her of ani c lcs \Yas da III pness, which tends to :-,po11 the fini:-;hec1 appearance of gannents, and Inakcs them unfit to be wurn or put away in that state. Musician.-.\t the Examiner's yery kind in\"itation, tIte candidates 111et one cvcning at her house, and she ga\-c them some ycry helpful and inspiring hints rc their 'Te:-;t work, beside~ opening up a vi sta of w ha t Cuicies cando wi t 11 111 u...,i c. ~riss Cocks pointed out the help of \'isual,sing what one is doing-having a nlcl1tal picture of what onc is trying- tn represcnt. E.(~.-Natiol1al .\nthe111. Fix centre of attention on the central fignrc and thought-the King and Empire-and try .I




to catch the ~plnt uf th<.: song. Forget In thc ~larch, imagine 011e is giying the inlage~ in sound, of a Cuide Cumpany, ~trong and ~tcacly, 1110ving ahead with a cheery spirit, and not an undecided weak, knoc k-kneed gathering of people! Ii ere rhythm is the chief poillt needing attention befure the 111i nd-pictl1 re can be satisfactori ly represell ted. The culti Y3. tion of the power of practising 11lcl1tally, away frotn the pianu, and of reacli ng 111 usic as one' would a hook, was urged hy .i\Iiss Cocks. This also is an aid to sight-reading. as it trains the nlind to grasp a phra~(' at a glance. Importance of singing "a. cInphasised, as (~ C01l1panv lTIllSician who could lead singing or teach a song when no piano was available would be a practical help to the others. The influence of a sincere nhlsician in a Conlpany can be ,"ery great. COll1nlunity singing is rccugn ised as 2. powcr for pro111nting a spirit (If g()od fellowship. If good 11111;-;jc bc cho...:en, it is also an llPIi fting influence. A Com pa 11 y 111 nsician, by ~tartil1g with c\"en jl1..:.t a slnal] nUl11ber of (;uidcs, can create a cheery spirit, ,,"hich may grow to unthought-of proportions. Singing is a magic-the ll1tlsician has this magic. and her's is the responsibility nf using it fur the bcnefit uf the Company. (~uiders and (;uicics who propose to enter for this Te<.;t may apply for help, arb-icc, delnollstrations, etc., to ~Iiss 1I arion Sinclair (Captai n, 2nd 1Iah'ern Co). who, at the Exall1iner':-; suggestion, has kindly offered to share her gift with others in the :\IOYel11ent. Needlewoman.-Candidatcs 11Ulst read regulations, and sec that thcy ha,'e prepared all the work beforehand. It is nC'cC'..::;;ary to reach a pas:::. standard in each branch, so that candidates who do good work in e\'crything el'c may fail in the Tcs t on aCC(lUll t of her bu ttnn-holes or darning. Sick Nurse.-Papcrs and practical work generally good; \vcakne. s is in knowledge of simplf' inya1id conking. which is es~en­ tial in all sickness. Baclgc Book docs not help 111 nch i.1 this directinl1, so Examiner ~clf.

September, 1!) 2 3.


r<':co1nmcl1cls future candidates to look up in an y good cookery book the recipes for such sitnple prepared foods as are used in cases of feycr. Of SC\'cn candidates, only un ~ kncw how to l11ake bed tca correctly !


Entries Candidates

,-\lnbulance . \ uthoress .\thlete .. Artist . . · . · . Basket \ Vorker Clerk .. . . · . Cook . .. · . . . Child Nurse .. DairYl11aid . . .. DOlnes tic Seryice Elllbroiclercr Entertainer · . ( ~ardel1Cr · . · . rIorsewoman II 0]11 e 1\ a k c r r [anclywoman Health .. Kni tter .. La unclress l\lillincr .. !\I usician · . · . N eecllew0111an Photographer Sick N ursc · . Signaller · . · . Tovmakcr .. "








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not yct to hand




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" "






















F. \T. BARFUS, Exal1l. Sec., l\[l'lbournc and Suburbs. . \ ugnst 20, 102 3.

BROWNIES. To a Brown Owl there is nothing 1110re engrossing than a room ful1 of Brownie recruits, excited, full of fun, and ready to

) 7

September, 1923.

enter in and enjoy an:' little pleasure 13ro,,"n Owl has prepared for thein. An\.1 what a tinle BrO\\,ll Owl ha~, one var trying to catch the excited string of disjointed news about pus~\"s little kitten~, \\'hilst she snlilingly tries to escape a \'ery hot and sticky lolly whi\.'h is being pushed into her hand b\' a s111a11 "Sprite," fnll of the self-sacrific~ of a Brownie, and quite determined that. 111l1Ch dS ~he would like it, Bruwll 0\\'1 should have the beautiful p ink and white striped lolly. TInt what is to be done lIOW we han.' the Ina terialkeen, bright little things, all hangillg on your e\-ery \\'ord? l ;a11ll's? Rather! and away they fly to learn 811 unknown how to l~lake -a stew. Each one is a part"Inca 1." "potatoes"- cyerythi ng to Inake a real Irish stew. EYerl bit of nleat and e\"cry potato hangs nn Brown Owl's \'cry words, to see if she is to be the lucky one tn tcar up the room anJ round the post anel back to her place. then the worel "Stcw," and one mad ntsh from tweh'e s111all people, 13ro\\,11 ()\\,1 sways :.IS they all run round her, like the happy, jolly Ii ttl c \Va yes rOll ncl the friendly big rock on a blue-skyecl Sllmll1er clay. . \l1uther game, and away they go whilst Dr()\\'l1 Owl brings chalk out of one of her 111any pockets (for what's a Drown Owl wi t hout p()ckets for surpri scs), and <ira ws stepp! ng-sto11cS an(l awful "Boggarty" things on the floor to catch any unwary Brownie who fails to hop on one leg across the fairy ri ver s:tfcly into a fairy ring on the other side; and the Brownie neyer knows she's learnt to balance-to be llght on those little feet far too llsed to big and clumsy shoes, or clogs-with all their ligh t, airy little j U111pS lost so very few weeks after they learnt to use their little feet. And what return does a Brown Owl get? Think of the bright, happy little faces, full of fun, full of happiness, a11(Iwell, what 1110re can we \vant. Those Brown Owls who have stood like a Pied Piper, with a ~eething nlass of bright and happy Brownies, have had all the return a Brown Owl can ever want.


11appy facc'"', laughing l':TS. , R r ÂŤ..) \\' 11 0 \\" \. ~ 111 C IT \. H r 0 \\' II l h \' 1 S Little pCIJpll' \\ rigg-lillg rlHllH.l. T.()t~ uf magi\.' lll' \\' ly ilHIIHl. That's a nn)\\'Il O\\l's lill'.

\\' 1S e



of pka~un', Bumps and smiles, ~mell of 10llies Hrollght for miles. That's a Brow\1 th\'!'s life_




WI-fAT BROWNIES CAN MAKE. To n B 1'0wni{' t lu']'c is a i l'cnwnc1ous plcasurc ill "lllukill[J S())}lclhillg",' ann somet imcR a Bl'OWll Owl fc<,Is the1'(, really can't bc anything I('i't to mak(', In ease she has not t hong hi of <luit(' ('\,(')'y1 hing I 1- ('8, , , \\,1'11' g'lYC HC'YCl'H 1 1>1'i1(' t'l('a 1 ,. ']1 () 17IJ ~ a. and oncs my owu Brownies found" P('(l1'fully citin{J~" Th('re is furnitur(' for a Dolly'R llow-ie- Hud hcttel' still - make a roon; from a ];;: e 1'00('11(' box. ()ne Brownie can SlllOoth wit h sandpnpcl', and finally (well-wrapped ill un oYel'all), paint it outside. Allo1h('r ('Hn pap('1' it with odd \\(111-

paper Brown Owl founel at home-then the al'ti8t will paint the pidul'CS for the wall; allother u matehbox eheHt of dl'UWerH, then a tahle and (¡hairs; the eurpet has to be hem m('d 01' hlu nket -st itdw{l, and for tl u it e a fcw IH'llC'l' B 1'00rn 0",1 ('an hcl p t h('l11 to fit up wit h ('lcct I'ic light - ( 1 flashlight hulb and batter."- Bu1 IH'J'haps yon have dOBC that oftell- ",ell, the\'e al'l' still the weird. anu wonderful ' animal~ made with ('orks; feat 1H'1's and ha11'pin~, and. a box of paintf.; and a little imagination; 01' those hlotter eoyers with stencilf.; on coloured canvas or cross-stitehed. A Noah's Ark



made ",1th allilllal~ cut out from an old book of B l'mYl1 Owl 'H cllld painted, stuck on cal'dboard and finnlh- put illtO a cardboard Noah'R Ark. PCl'hapR Brown Owl haR ma(lc all these too, hut pcrhaps her imagil1ation has stal'ted 10 work by now, and will collect some morc for 1he next .J I at i 1cla. ' , BRU\Y~ U\VIJ. I •

MORE MERRY THOUGHTS. Gui<le: to Captain: "Please, Captain, whell may I start work for TIly second feet? ,~ XC1'YUUS Dair),wulllHn: "P-Pleasc, is it a taIllC cow ~" Tenderfoot, tleserihing Ireland's flag: "Cross of SL Pcril'ick~ patient saint of Ireland .. , 1(not8-Beef knot for Anlbulance work. TII 'trnctions for trcatment of foreign body in the eye: ., Pour sonle drops of "-arlll oil in the eye. then tie a pad and bandage round the eye and take it to the dortor. " Tenderfoot drawing" I haye gone home" sign-means ,. I'm not at hOlne to-day." }Iost cOllYenient I shouhl think on the doorstep. Guidcr in ';the office" tn-ing to think what sh(' nceds: ",Vas it a lanyard~" "011. no! I :111 sure that's not it-it's only a whit(' ,,-igg1y (-01'<1 to fasten round Inc." IIeadquartel's has t,,-o inlportant additions to its staff-" \Yillianl, " a large billy for camp who is fur too pOlnpous for such a familial' nanw as ,. Bill)-" and" J arnes, " his ('ompanion. a 1a l'ge camp dixie. "Turn to the Right.)' , , T \\'0 blazers on a tree."

September, 1923.

PATROL CORNERS. And How t.o Make Them Interesting. By a One-time P.L. '1'hc)'c a 1'e two sorts of Patrol Cornerst he sort you can" leave up" and the sort that has 10 vanish altogrthel' between ParaclrH. I will deal altogether with the lattCl'-t hr former certainly has its joys, but I thillk the patrol rather 1akrs it for grantcd, after all; it's ahvays there and 0110 "gets used to it." First of all, before you "make" things you Blust have Homew]1('1'C to put thCln between whiles, and if you ran get permission the best way is to hayc a box (or Homething cquivalent) that you can lock up and put out of sight until the l1C'xt parade; a kCI'osene box, which ('an be put to pl'actieally any usc, could have Oll(' of his fellow's side's put on for a lid with a pair of slllall hinges-two staplcs and a padlock-and the Patrol has a private box of its own. Nmv, to make it 11101'C pi('tu]'csqnc a plane will probably be n('edcd to smooth the ends and ren10ve the namcs '\"hich are usually rath('r deeply ~~~arked. Thc bcst way of making a darkbreH\'n polishcd box is to sandpaper it down well, th('n give it a coat of ordinary dye (dark brown) ; when dry, coat wit]~ si~e, which ('los{'s th(' pores and 1)l'CYCnts it d1'i11 king up the varnish stain like a piece of blotting paper. ,\Then thc size is dry, givl' a coat of varnish stain all over, and )'011 have a neat job. Nmv paint on the patrol ('mblem and you arc rC1:1(.l)-_ Now what to havc in your cornel'. There arc all endlcss numbcr of ('harts to choose from, and make knots, Law, Promise, P'ltrol Emblcm and l\Iotto, Guid(' Charts un Swi mIlling and other Pronciency Badges. Th ('11 1he)'e is the Patrol I)og Book, full of the' fum1)-, !-;prions, and intercsting Patrol IH'\\,!-;, aud if you arc lucky enough to poss('ss a II artist, you ('an ma ke ]'00111 for her little !-;kct('hcs and you poet 111Ust have her ('or]1CI' too. (['h(,11 thr]'("' a1'(' the intercsting' rollertions fo:' yOUi' Jlature collections and dial') , )'Olll' photograph alhnm and your autograph, Hnll all the wondcrful g~dgcts that


September, 1923.


ean h(' mitdc to hold t h(' Patrol signalling flags; the Patrol library Hud th(' Patrol flag, and, of eourst', therc are th(' pho~o­ graphs anel ne'YS-C'uttillgS. and to an 1nterested and keen patrol t he 1'(' is no end to the" Things" in the ('orner.

F,,'rntrec t ;ully: \ C"l' 1. . t ~. ~ I]'s. . \. ('. ~ In l" :\ T .\ 1:\ . \Ya 1'1',\ n1 ed ('a pt;1 illS. The 1\)llo\\illg nn' \Y"1l'1'<tntpd Cnptnill~ in thl' ~tntt' l;r \~i('tn\,la: ~l iSSt'S "I on~s! Burfns. Slnt·lt\11' . •1(\1'1';1111. \Yhitt'. ~wln­


bur1l. \\'{'ston. St(\plwwwn, Andt\l'SOll, Jiontll·Ol1H'l'Y. l{iyt'l's. ~alllloll. Bush, Il01lalld.\""> \Yill';'l'll. \Yils()1l. Bullough. ~Iilh~.

Please send your news in for next nUllllwl' hefore :i\O\:eml)(ll' I.-Ed. 2Hd HU/llilfoH.-C'nptaill, :Jlis!-{ Ijl'akc. They had their firHt Jll('eting 01: .. \.p1'il ]7. Thi~,ty-four arc now E'l1roll('d. including the Captain alll1 Lieutenant. They hay~ also a Brownie Pat1\: numbering thirty-one, induding the Brown Owl. Guides attend \\'('ekh~ Fil'~t -.Aitl LcdUl'(,H. H1u..1 nrc workillU' strntlil •\~ for 211t1 Cli.1HH. During July h the Company tlonate<1 a pail' of blankets to the loeal hospital. 1st 11 c id e7 [;cl'y.-Ca pta in, :JI1'8. Brady. Are ypry hUHY with their Bask('t-ball teanl anl1 ~(~el;l to 1;(' playing a lot of other COlllpalll(,S.

211 d

('(/)11 be I'Il'cll.-Ca pta in,

:Jliss "\Yeston. ~\hlO H('('lll to he Y(,l'V hus~' \\"ith Basket-ball. 1st ((nd 211d B}:IlHSll'ick.~Joillec1 toget11('1' with a Sorinl eY(,Iling. lsI Fit z}'o,lj.-Captaill, .:\11s8 :Mil1s. IIac1 a .i()ll~~ outing on Satul'(la~r afternoon. 1st 1r (II1?101I.-(\q)tain, 1\Iiss Pabuer. If a y(' he(\11 gl'O\ving y('geta blrs and making raffia things for Company funds. Also 11ul'Hing' anl1 taking' food to the influenza I:mffp1'('rs.

NEW LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS REw GISTERED AND APPOINTMENTS. IJoral Assoriations. Swan IIill and c1istriet: l(prang and K )udl'ook and <1i8t1'1rt; Bpnc1ig0 fInd distl'irt. Distri('t Serrrtari,:s Kerang and Koondrook: 11 i ss E. 1fcDONALD. Di~tl'iC't rommissionrrs. City of Can1hcfwcll and 1\font .\lbert to Elg-ar Road, north of Ri\Tcrsc1ale Road and Cllrrajong Road: ACTING, 1\1rs.

.:. CEELE.

TIH.' ~hif'"


lIawt born, Palmt'l'. Brake. PUl1s1wl1, Lam-

bert. nrown Owls. :Jliss('!-{ Ilall and ~l('l('a1l'. Lnlllloll,


~O, ID~:1.

neal' Clnid('1'H and Cll.litll~s, Afttll' 11tl\' ing' NJH'111 n I\'w

(1n~' H at. Fox111(' II (lIlH' nf <lllidillg', 1 \,(,(11 1 mnst just S('lH1 you a lllPSSilg'(' 10 t'lwlos(' olle f)'om thr 11(,<1{1 of '1']'(lilll11g', and 10 1('11 ~'()n 1hat th(> Guitl('H 11<']'(' a]'r so 11l11('h Intrl'('st('d 1n YOU all, HlHl <1]'(1 ()111~' ;lnxiolls to w('lrnme ~lny of 0111' Ris1el'11o(Hl who ('OJ11r tn t11iR, the 1h~ndquill'h'l's of 1he .i\IOY('l1H'll1.


II on. 8t a t r Rrel'ej n I'y, III hop(' yon H1'(, all pJ'OSl)('I'iIlP: (\l\(11hat your Com panic's a I'r gJ'OWil1g'. \Vil1 you all arr('pt llIy hcst WiHIlPS fo]' yonI' wplfarc. T shall HO look f01'wal'd to H('('illg' ~'OU when I ('omc hark to Vidol'ia." YOU1'S HillrCl'cly,

HOBINA lfA:\rrr./rON. Cnnada also HrlHls gT('('tings 1hl'ough one of theil' 111lIllh('l' at Foxlt'HHC. Foxlem~r,


IIants. A11 the Onidpl's at FOX](,HSC ask 1\1iss ITamilton to (,Ollye~' to the Guiae::; of Victoria theil' gl'(letings and hrst wishcs, and would bkp t lWlll to know wlta t a very gTea t pleasul'c it haR hpen to them to have Miss lIamilton with them J and to hu,'(' h('ard ahout theil' doings. and to have H(,(ln their photos. 'rh('y ('ongl'atulat(' thPlll Y('ry heartily on their splr]l<lid Pl'Og']'C'SH, alla hopc to see many of thenH h(']'(' bC'fol'e long in their own Onide ITolllC', Foxh'HSf'.

April 16, 1923 .


PATROL COLOURS-VICTORIA. 'Ye arl' printing- th(' Pat 1'01 colours in the hope of being able to help Captains and Patrol leaders; so llHllly Patrols out here have such YUl'ie<.1 ideas about thr colours ",hi('h ilt the n<1 tive bil'(h~ best. 'V e have taken ill all ('aSl'S 111(' ('oloul's 1hat are most usr-cl out here all'cadY.-Bditol'. Birds.-Kookahu~>u, Cl'~aIn and Brown; :Jlag..,te J Hlack and " Yhite; Blue Cran~ Slate r, rey and 'Yhite; Blue \Vl'enylBlack and Blue; :JIountain Thrush. Dove Grey and rmber Brown; El}tll. 'Yhite and Grcyish Brown; Blaek Swan, B1ack and Red"., FloH'(,l's.-\Yattle, Yellow and Gl'eeli; Flowering' Owu, Hell and Dark Green' Sal'saparilla. ~ky Blue and Dark Green. '


September, 1923.




lIelp the State lIeadqunrtrrs.


Books and Music. Be Pl'epm'cd (Offirial Cinide Song) Brownie Handbook .. .. .. .. .. .. Brownies of the 'Yide, 'Yicle 'Yorlcl

l/G 9el.

SOllg .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . , .. HI'O\Ynie Song Book .. .. .. .. ..


OHmes! hy Davidson .. ., ., .. .. GamC's, hy Bch1'0llS .. .. ., .. .. (;l:rl (; !Lid c Badges, and 11m!' 10 lf1'n {11 ('})! ()'ryised cditioll) .. .. Gil'l Gnic1p Song Book . . . . . . Girl Guiuing .. .. Knot Book . . . . . . . . . . . .

JJatiZda .. .. .. .. .. . . . . }'Je1nbe'l'ship Cards ('with Law and Pyomisc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ()xfol'U Confcl'cnrc .. ..... .. Prl1'pnts' Consent Forms (1 doz.) Patrol Roll Book (pocket size) Pa t1'ol System .. .. .. .. .. Pm;t Card of Chief Guide .. .. Pl'oficielH'Y Bauge Certificate Book (to Commissioners only) . . . . . . RulcR, Policy and Organisation, ] 923

l/G 2/3

5/3/3/1/6 9d. 5d.

1/3 4d. 4d. 9d. 4u. 6d.


" " " " 1922 6d. Seventh Annual Report, 1021 1/3 Steps to Girl Guiding .. .. .. .. .. 9d. 11<1路 . Taps (sheet) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Girl Guide Gazette for the year (post free) .. .. .. .. .. ., 7/1'11<' Girl Guide 1\Iovement, by Lad~T Baden-Powell .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4d. "The Guicle" (a nlagazine for Guides) 2Jc1. prl' copy; post f1'ce, ~Tear 15/2 'rl'aeking and Stalking .. .. 2/3 Train ing Girls as Guides . . 1/6 tTnion .Ja(路1\: Saints.. .. .. .. 2/-

3/Guider's Equipment.

Country Dan('es (hound volume) ('011t ainillg': 1. Hl'ig'htol1 e~mp; 2. 1~hr Bntter:ft~~; 8. S,,-ert 1(atc; 4. Black Nag; fl. rrhe Xew Bo-P(\e}); O. Ruf1)" Tufty; 7 (i-oddessrs; R. nathering Pease-ods: If All the 'Yodel wcrr Papp)'; ]0. Halfr - IIClllllikin; 11. }Iage on ~l Crr0; ]2. Thp Heslton Furry P]'oeessiona1 Dal1ee . . . . . . Country na11ec :Jfnsir (separate piecps) : Oathrring Pe(}s('o(ls; Threc }Ieet or t]l(' Pleasul'ps of the Town; ~ "'onesu(路h, OJ' a 1:1 )f()(k (le Paris; The :JIel'l'y C011r('it; ({od(lesses: The Blark Kag'; Sell/'ng-r}"s ROUllCl (each) .. .. .. .. Drill Books .. .. .. .. .. ..

8el. l/G

Flower Legen rls .. .. .. .. .. Games (Team) b)" Tl'ot1Cl' ..


26, 28, ~O, 82 and !1-J. 4/.~ rheapcl' <1uality .. .. .. ., 2/('or-kadcs-Rrown Owl .. .. .. 2/3 Captain . . . . . . . . . . 2/3 District Captain .. .. 2/3 nistl'iet Commissioner 2/3 Diy. Commissionrr (price'S on applieation) CoHon Tunlr and Skirt, to order (prices on application) GloyrH (ul1 8iz0s) , . . . . . 13/6 Irnts (ple'Hse g'ive head ll1casurempn ts) .. .. .. .. .. 15/.. cheaper quality .. .. .. .. .. 8/6 Haversacks (navy blue) .. .. . . . . 3/6 K11iv('s (sl11a11, with 1na1'line spike) 3/6 r,.路('111 \Ta 1'(18. .. ,. .. , .......... . 9d. l~eltR-~iz:es





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