Matilda 1925 vol 03 no 01 jun

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Vol. 3.

JUNE, 1925






Post ld. utra



















Open Daily (Saturdays excepted) from 9.30 a.m.-l p.m.; 1.30 p.rn.- 5.30 p.m.




.. Foxl ea,Sp .. .. .A wardl;-~ilvel' Cross .. Blue Cord Diploma, .. \Vhy Knot Knot s? . . " District ~()t(>s .. COll1pan~' :-\ ot('~ . . .. " "Ask Matilda"



The ~ ta l' DaisiC's .. .. Camping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E~xaminations .. .. . . . . . . . . Training .. .. .. .. Warrants . . . . . . Girl Guides' Picnic Pl'ic(' LiRt .. .. ..


and then went to the assistance of Miss I ~ak('l', who was also in a '-cry C'xhausted con-


dition. The StatC' ExecutiYe Council recommended that the Silyel' Cross 1:>-e awarded to Guide Jean KPlso, and the award was appro(wed by Imperial Headquartf'rs. The Silver Cross will 1)(' presented to :\liss Kelso, who is now Lieuh'nant in the 1st ~-annon Company, at the ~ta tC' Rally in ~eptember.


3 .(

6 7 7 8

9 10 10 11


Tlw BluC' Cord Diploma has been awarded by J mperial H ('adquapters to Miss D. M . . \ n(11'(,ws (Acting-Captain, 1st Victorian Cad~t Corps).



At Foxlease. the Training Schoo'] given to Guiding b~' our Pre~ident. Princess l\Iary, the various rooms havE' hef"n furnished by Guides in the British Empil'e. and in all countries where Guides exist. For some time it has been felt that Victoria ,,-ould like to give a reminder of hf'r gratitude to the Home of Guiding, and it is proposed to send a pic-ture-we hope a truly Victorian one. Xaturally, we wish it to be of the best. and to be from everyone of us. So, Guides and Guiders arE' asked to send any contribution to Miss IrYing, G.G.H.Q. AWARD OF SILVER CROSS.

While bathing at Portland during the Christmas vacation, l\liss Thelma McD<mald (who is not a Guide) got ont of her depth, was carried out the shore, and was unable to get back. Ait-el' some time she a ttracted the attention of her feHow bathers, and Miss Norma Baker (non-Guide) went to her assistance, but not knowing how to rescue a drowning person she wal" also in danger. Jean Kelso,

of thC' 1st ,,"lannon Company, who was

~{ fpt~·,


At the last meet in.:':' of the \"ictorian Executive Council. l\liss ~I. HpITing, Head of Training and Camping, was g'l'Hnted leave of absence during her visit to England. and Miss Bush was appointed Acting-Head of Training and Camping. During 2\lr. Charles Lyon's absence in England, :\Iiss Irving will :lct as Head of Publicity. Captains are reminded that, hefore decidil1g to hold any entertainments. the permission of the Divisional or DiRtri<:t Commissioner must first be ohtained. Ac-ting Captains and Lieutenants; who m'e without Divisiunal or District Commissioners, should apply to Headquarters for a paper to do for their 'Yarrants. Those with a Commissioner. of course, apply to her. Credit. accounts may be opened by country Guiders. The accounts are sent out at the enq of the D1{)nth, and prompt payment is· appreciated. Exchange should be added to country cheques. For the next issue of "Matilda," District and Company ne,Ys, and any literary contrilJUtions, should reach Headquarters l~T August 8." X , furthE'l" reminder will be given.


till' third m0mber of the party, promptl~r swam nllt and brought .:\.Iiss :McDonald back to

Pa gr· ~utices

June, 1925



If you arc not suffiCiently sure of the full a.nswel' to tbis <luestion, y,ooU are missing something, and so are :\"OUl' Guides. You must work it out fol' yourself, but it may be helpful to hu \"(~ a few hinlts here, In teaching knots to Guides, it is to be rem.embered that, whelleas the true lovers' "knot" in embroidery designs is purely for ornament, Our knots an,' for use; and the se\-en Second-class knots all have the essential e)lal'acteristics of a "useful" knot, viz.:(a) they are quickly and easily tied; (b) they are quickly and easily untied; (c) they will not slip while tied. .'\. few practical hints may be of use to those who have not yet fully realised that the Second-class Test (and the Motto) require more than mere ability to tie knots. Taking, first, the three kno,ts that are used to join l'opes:(a) Reef-Joins two rope-ends of same thickness, 01' the two ends of one ropE'. (b) 8heetbend-.Joins rope - ends of different thicknesses, or joins any rope to a l,oop. (c) F'isherman's--Joins two wet rop€!ends, or two ends of diffellent thicknesses if a special strain is likely to appeal'. It is to be noticed, therefore, that though tbere are three knots available, the ropes heing used regulate the choice of knot. In teaching Guides, it is adYisable to insist from the first that different sizes of rope or cord (pn~ferably not string) are aYailable, otherwise "two !'opes of different sizes" become merely a book-phrase. .\lso, when learning to tie a fisherman's knot, it is well worth while going to the little extra trouble of providing actually wet !'opes. It is to be noted that, in the above three knots, the increase in effiCiency involves a decrease of flatness and neatnes·s. It is inter('sting to think ont a number of occasions and places where 1'0Pf'S would need joining, and decide which knot would be best to, use. For instancc, it is not advisable to jOin two ropes with a sheetbend to form a skipping rope, even if they are both dry and of different thicknesses; let the Guides try this, and find out why it undoes.

June, 1925









loops - bowline and

are both non-slip loops,

1mt whereas the former is made in the end of a rope, the In tter is used when neither end is <lyailable. It seems impol'tant. when teaching these, to require the ropes used to be long enoll!:;'h and thick enough to makt:> <1 loop large and strlng enongh to haul a per~()n IlP or Id them down in. It b: startling' to S(>(' (iuio('<-' make a middleman's loop quit<' ('olTt?ctl~', and ~:et, when asked to show how t11t'Y \Yould g(>t into it, they quite oft('n {HIt themseln's in h0tn' een tlH' t \Yo knots (WhORC purpos(' is to lock each oth(>1'), and thus prmt' tht'~· haY(' neyer INu'ned the use of the knot. Bowlincs are al.o milch ahused: it matters quit" a lot to the pl:'l'son hE'ing rescl.lpd that he shonld not f'ither slip out while in mid-air, or 1)(' strangled rOl1nd the waist hC'canse tl)(' loop "as not larg-E' eDough to tit ronnd und " !' his arm-pits so that he ('cul<l 8tead~' 1111n8('l1' with hiR hnn(l hy gripping the lonp near tl1(' knot, Sm'<,1 \' a g"ood deal of tl)(' fUlllt li('s in 01(' usC' of littlC' hits of string 1'01' practice. \YIH'n two t~nds art' only within a f('w inch (' s of ('ncll other, it is rliftknlt to r('I1H'mh('l' which is the 10DR(, f'nd and wllieh tlw Rtanding part. anrl if tlH' cord is sJlOl't. t hf'l"C' i!-' not 0noogl1 "Plldding" to allow of t11(' stanoing part hC'ing actl1nlly a ttached to sOll'lrtlling ])0fol'l(' t hl' aC'tllu 1 knot is tif'd. Th€' ~IH)f'pHhank St'('l11s to slli'1't'I' least of tlH' "('\,('11 knots, hut 011C' still S('('s Recruits at their Te>nd0rfoot. Test t~-ing tlw pnds of string (!) l'Otlnd th(' loops in a hnH-hitch, inst<'nd of t wisti ng the standing- pn 1't i 11 to n loop n nd lllltting tlw shank throngh. This mistakC' could not hI' mndC' if they 11,)(1 lea rnt t11(' SllP<,pshank as n l1l('t hort of shorh'ning a rop(' thut is attached at !'ith!']' OJ' hoth ('mho;; ;111(1 1h('~' wOlllrt also knm,v 01at til(' sheC'pshank is qnite impJ"actica hl0 to shOl'tf'n :1 skipping rope with-why? Th0 ml1cll-ma lig-n<.'d ClovC'-ll itcll s('emR to hxmhlf' ('ven tl1<' othf"I'S, hr'sid(,R Recruits . .\g<"lin, it mllRt 1)(> hecam,(' it is often 1it?d, hut rarf'ly nscrt h.\' the ({uides wl10 ll'nrn it. \~TJlpn tiNl, the two 1'01111<1 turns shollle] li<' clos(' hE'sid<; PHch otl1('1', and the strain ShOllld h(' ('x('rted straight in th(' di1'('ction in which tIl(' ('nel fa('cs \"Ilen tlH' kn01 is tipd, not a.t right-angles. If the pull is Rtra.igllt, this hitch will not slip, ilu t 1ightE'ns its(']f as tlH' strain increasE's. It is the only sa tiHfactor~' way to tif' liP anything eirClllaI\ Hueh as a roll of mllsi(', n hun/II, of stick:;;. g'\1m-tips, f)owI'l'S, dc.

In conclusion, would add a rew g-en('ral ]'('ma rkfi on knots. .\ llitell is a me·thod of nttaching- a rope to Romf'thing' ('IR(" sllch as ,I, pole: a h('nd is 11 method or joining a ropf' to anot}wl' ropf'. .\ loop is t!a)]pd a hig-ht. Each rope has u loose' end-a hauling part anll :1 Rtanding- parl. Tllf' lattC']' is tIl(' attacJwcl pu rt, the otlwT's sp('u k fOl' t11C'mselvf's. Tn scme knots it is difficult to d('cid? whicl1 is llauling- ano whicl1 standing. TJw test of a. knot is that the hauling par,t should jamh tll(' loose E'nd (this is particularly conspicllons in howline and c1ove-hitch), .\R knots arc for use, and th<, fact of joining 1'Op('s 11ints that tIle length is not adequatC'. lhe ninth Guid(' Law Rhould hf' ('xerciseo. ff tilt? loos(' end is jam])('d so that it cannot slip. ther(' is no need to leaY!" feet of it flang-ling, wh<'l'e it will g'('1 in the way: Iwsid('s, thos(' Y0ry incheR may he l1rgently needed at the otlWl' end! There1'01'(' s('{' tl1a t the ('n(1 is extn'm('ly small anel


in('on:--IH('UlHl," alld it j~ RllIl)J'ISlIlg h) w \\ ~ll it the' I,lllit i~ pn'Jwl"ly tit'd, Stvl!" t('ll~ in \""I.' l'ytllill~·. an] (;uitlt ~ Iii' It) ~c wh o l'an lllal\:l' till' llf'at('st l'I1Pt. In lI~ing- thiC'k. hHl~' l'Olll'~ \\ hiC'h will h[l\-l' to ~tand 11 ~l' n t \\Pig-ht. it is, Ill1\\'t" ' \'I', llt'l '!'~nl' ,\ tl) leave ulnple "t' llll" to <"tllt)\\' fOl' tilt' llil'((' 1' til ' l':lu~('(1 in tllt' :-:i;t,\., of till.' I'. l }) In thl' ~t 1':\ i n , 'rIll' \ ' t'l".\' la~t \\ Old i~ In h 0 lIhl)]lt Otll' fricn.' tIll' HI'I.'/' 1']1ut. \\"11I'1l u:-;h' d t hI' lISt' of :\, },I'l'f, a Het'l'uit almost inYnl'iahl~' I'pplit's : "l "' ~l'd for al111l\llalH' " to tit' h;uldng-\':-:," and ~lH' canlH'\1 tllink of ;t" singl(' nthl.'l' l1:-;l , ~ll1'l'l.\ thi~ i~ till' \\ long' \\ <l.\' round: thl Hi'I.' !' klwt il" IlSt'd for t.\ ing' t\\O I ntis or tht' :-;;IllIC thic'kn('ss: is a tl,tt lOll t. \\ill not slip, and i~ (' asil~' 1II1tiOllL'. Because of these virtues, it is I1S( t1 to ti thl" ('nds of a handngl', whkh an' . pf COIll'S('. tllf\ sa 1lH' til klo1t'ss, :t nd, hring ;1 ria i I~n\)t, it dol'S not huI"t t Lt' t11':;;h llnd l'l'l1 (';1 t h \\ ith too I1Hlcll lll't'ssun' on ont' Sl)Ot. Tllt'I'!' 1'(':lIly is 111) I'IH1 to tIll' {',,('iting: things (lIlt' t'an :111 t IH' tillH' })(' I('arnin"~' al ' out \,T\()iR, HlHl thi~ P:ll'! nf lh~ Uuicic \\ 01'1\ ('l'rt<linl~' i~ 011t' ",hidl is applil'rthll' to llHU1~ ()('t'n~ions in on(":;; dr)il~' liro.

holds wht n

- - l<'.v.n,

DISTRICT NOTES. Ballarat. (;uide work in HotlJ:lI':L! is Pl'Ovel'y Hati::;factol'ily so f;11' l.hi!'l YC1H, ill lhe fad tha t ,".e lla V(' Imit Olll' able and muC'h-Hchnil'ec1 l!oll1ll1issi()llPI ' , Ul·. l'oopCl'. We all miss hpl' t(,lTihly, nnt1 f('(~l Ill:l( ({uicling iR a very <liffel'c'l1l gallH'> withollt Iwl': hut we arE> trying' to "c:an'Y 011," \·hN'I·rlllly wcaring the Brownie f-il1lile. It was det!ide<.l to hold ,I Hal'" ('arl\' lhi~ YC'ur, while titp weather WClS f;tVIIUI"aJdl' , :in(1 til have it in the [Ol'll1 of II ~P()rts Day, :\TiJ1Pt~·­ two (tllic1es alltl Guidel's \\'('nt t ( ) j,akp j.earlIlontil in (;llul's-a-Illlncs (llll' glol'iow~ f-i~lll1rc1av aftel'noon. and 1 all1 Hlln' tlw I 11:1.\' will not h~) soon forgot tell by any who \\'PI'(:, then', It Wr)::; ~he jolliest I'ally pUHsilJl(', <llld t ilp Ii.€'£>!lcs( mterest waH ta\{f'1J in till' Llltl'I '- I ' OIlIP;lllY Rpol't::-; ~~()mpetition, in whi(,h nll the (;uiu('s took part. III the hope of gaining ~omt-' points for t111'il' ('ompany. Thi:-; (,vent wi l l probably he: nIl annual one, il11d :tn()tll(~I' g"PIH'I'"1 Rally will hI' held later in the year. Befol'(' OUI' Commi:-;:-;il)nt'1' l e ft ns, Rhe S11ggested .t~at there should 1)(> nn Il1t(,l'-company l'ompehtlOl1 every yea!', for \\ lIich a shield should he' WOI1, and held, ",hl' l1 \\,flll fo}' three yea~'!'l by the same COmpa11 ~' . This yea l' it waR declded to hay\' a choil' ('11111 flt,tition, to be held abou.t Odobel', and U1l' pl'('grammr: WaH to l'onSl::>t of the Guid(' Hong, one opell sel('ctiol1 a,n~ Taps, Gl'('at illtel'(;·~t i:-; being taker, IIY th~ (,uldes, a.nd 110 (louht thl·~· will sOlin all hI \\onoerful warblers. ~Tessjng ~pite of


June, 1925

Hamilton and Coleraine.-'rhe annual meetlngs of the DiRtrict Association w('re held in l-tamilton and in Coleraine short1y hefore Xmas. The reports presented ~howed a fmtisfactory ~tate of affairs in hoth placeR. The halancl'Rhe('ts were well 011 the credit side. After the holidaYR. the Companies were all in full swing again in ]4'E'hnUln". SonH' Guiders haye left the district or l'es~gned. 'Mrs. Henty (Captain 1st Hamilton) reSIgned on account of lack of tim<'. ,Ve are for~1.lnatc in having appointed .Miss Bradley, a GUIder from England. as Captain. Miss Brake (Captain 2nd Hamilton) left the district after most "alllable setTice to her Company. and to the ,,-hole ::\Io,,('ment in th(' district. Miss ~CO\llJal' (11('1' Li('utenant) has been appointf'd Captain. Miss :\larsha 11 l'esig'ned from being Captain of thE' 31'd Hamilton. Rhe is still doing- splendid work a~ Brown 0"'-1 of the 1 st Hamilton Pack. As she is not at all strong at prE'sent, l"hE' felt sh(' could not do justice to hoth her Pack and the 31'd Company. Miss ),Iackie (late Lieutenant to the Ballarat High ~chool Company) has heen appointed Captain of the 3rd Company. ~Iiss Palmer. Brown O,v] of the 1st Coleraine Pack. and Lieutenant of the 1st Coleraine Company. has lcft the di1'>trict, to take up nursing in l\Telbourne. All the PatrolLeaders of the 1st Coleraine have left the rlistrict. It is an uphill way for the Captain (:\fiss Punshon) at present. ,Ye hope. however, that things will hE' easier for her Roon. At the 1st Training '\Yeek at Murndal in ~Ial'ch. 1923. we had sixteen GuidE'rs; of these \Ye only haye six left. eight haYing gone from the district. one malTied and resigned. and one resigned. The YHcancies \"hich have IIccurred in such a short time make one think of the future. and of how serious it will be if Companies or Packs have to close owing to lnc-k of Guiders. The energetic Captain of the 1st Wan non Mounted Pack. and BrO\vn Owl in the same place (Miss McDonald). is carrying on with the small 1st Tahara Pack. as the B.O., Miss Short. left in Octoher last. Miss McDonald has to driYe (per hug-gy and horses) 16 miles to Tahara and back-no light undertaking. Amhulance lectures arE' heing held in Hamilton. and are ,yell attended. The District Guiders' meeting- ",-as held in March in Hamilton. and was most he1pful to those who were there. The attenrlance was not as good as it might haye been. -~f.

"Tinter Cooke. District Commissioner.

COMPANY NEWS. Ballarat.-The 1st and 5th Companies (heing thE' two at C.E.G.G.S.) ha"e joined forces this ~-ear to form on~ strong Company, no",' consisting of 26 enthusiastic Guide>s and sevC'ral reeruits. The Company is divided into Patrols, one of 'which is a Ranger Patrol for the older 01lidE's. This ~'par tl1(>~- ha"C' their own clubroom. which the~v have furni~hed most originally, ~ll1d decked its walls ,,,ith ('harts and vprses. anrl they are alRo very fortunate in ha.ving a large Hall in \\'hi('h to play games rluring the wintel' afternoon;.;. \'~e must congratulate them on winning the Inter-company Sports Competition hpld at the Rally on April 4, and are glad to see the littl(' hlue pennantflag <1eeOl'ating their dub-room for the first yenf'. 'f'he Guic1e~ are nn'" hllsy wOJ'king for

the ProficiC'l1cy Exams .. to bc' held early next month. The ('ommissionel' paid them a farewell visit. when the Guides presented her with a small token of rememhrance and a pprE'cintion of her goodneRs to them. 2nd Ballarat if'; delighted to have their Captain, Miss Ling, hack with them again, and. they are exceptionally IlH'ky in also having their Lif'utenant. Miss ,Yatson, who so capably carried on the ('ompany during Miss Ling's absence for a year in England. The Company commenced this year with 12 Guides, nnd 15 Recruits, nine> of whom ha'"f' now passed their Tenderfoot Test, and hf'en enrolled. This Company came second in the sports held at the Rally, and will, I think, give the 1st Company a difficult taRk to hold the fiag anothE'r year. They were also visited by thE' Commissioner hefore she left Ballarat. and great sorrow waR expressed hy all the Guides at her departurE'. 3rd Ballarat.-This Company seems to developed quite a nevv spirit of freshness and keenness about Guiding this year, and they are to he congratulated upon having 1'>0 large a Company. We were glad to see so many of the l'E'cruits at tho Rally, and feel sure' that now they know how jolly Guiding really is, they will be most enthUSiastic ahout it. This Company hopes to hold a Rocial evening on April 30 to augment its funds. 4th Ballarat has now 20 Guides and. 8 recruits, moRt of whom have no,,' passed their Tenderfoot TeRt. and will shortly he enrolled. The Guides w(>r(> all very thrilled over the Rally. nnd thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon'R outing, hut hope. with some trainil1g, by next year to be quicker in the sports. But we hear that this Company will have a splendid choir, and are determined to have the shield for their cluhroom. A concert and display is to be held soon for charity and Company funds. to which Guides and Guiders from other Companies are invited. -K. Must. District Secretary. 1st Bairnsdale (St. John's).-Our first meeting was l1eld on Octobol' 20. 1924, and, since then, the Company has 1'>teadily progressed. Money to obtain hooks. etc., was on(' of our first considerations, and a Social was held on Octoher 30, when ahout ÂŁ8 was raised. Up to the end of the yem', OUl' mE'etings were held once a week, on altel'nnte Mondav and TueRday nights, hut no\\' we meet eve;'Y Thursday night. We hwve been out for se\'eraI hikes on ~aturday aftermoons. and on March 28. Carnival Day, 'we offered our ser\'ices as waitresses at the luncheon and afternoon tea, the proceeds of this carnival being- for the local hospital. Two of our Guiders have passed Second-claRR and gained five Proficiency Badges; they also a.ttended a _Training School at Berwick last .January. ""'e are now preparing for an Open Company Evening, which iR to takE' place Rhortly. and we arE' looking- forward to havingour District CommiRRionel' with llS for the occasion. -H. RtokeR. Acting-Captain. 2nd Brunswick.-On March 30, we had a visit from 1st Moreland Company, and alRo two Guides from 1st South Melbourne and one from 1 st Bendigo. We were very pleased to 11a YC thorn with liS. Eight Hours' Day we had a. jolly outing at Vermont. Anzac Sunday we attended a combined Church Parade with the Boy Sc6uts, when the Perpetual Light in the ..\femorial Chnpel was lit and dedicated. VV(' \\'f'J'(' VE'l'~- pleasrd to han' thf' C'aptnin uf the


June, 1925 1st Traralgon Compan~ with us on April 22. The Company is steadily ~rowing. and "'e have fiye recruits r€'ady for Bnl'olmenL The Baskl'tball Team is getting ready ior Hl'thm in the forthcoming matches "'e shall sol1n be the proud possessors of a Company Cuphoard.. which is in cour:;;e of construction. A number of Guides attended the Rally in conncction with the Church Congress, -E. Booth. Captain. 3rd Camberwell.-\Ye huse had several recruits during the last few months, and last Company meeting one of them was enrolled. \Ye were "Very sorry to say good-bye to Zoe Xicholson, who ,\'as recently appointed Company-Leader, She is leaving Melbourne for a time. On April -1 our Company, together \Yith 1st Canterbury. had a Camp-tire night by the river at Camber'\"ell. \Ye all enjoyed ourselves \'ery much. The Proficiency Bndgt' Tests \Yere held in April. The Child ~ Tll l'se Badge was especially popular, nine of u~ sitting for it, while two were untlvoidnbh' absent. Sick Xurse Badge was also popular among the Leaders and Seconds. Some uf the c'olllpany attended the <"~irls' Ral1~' held in the Majestic Theatn' on May 3. -Florence ~all1lon, Captain.

1st Fitzroy.-Sincl' last issuc of "Matilda," we LayE' been forging <Ihead in OUl' GuidI' work, slowly hilt surely. Four new l'ecl'uit~ havc heen enrolled, and four Tenderfoots are nearly l'eady for their S0cond-clHHs Test. Our second"class people h<:1YC I}een "\\"orldng hard for badges, and so far the results 11<1 \'e been most chpering, as eyery one haH passN'I.-but as therc are stEI some results to ('0111<' out we IUUst "toLlch wootI." In ~lal'ch we had a stall fOt· tying up rmrcels and "cloaking" coats, l)arcels, umbrellas, etc., at the All ),;atioll's Fair, which lasted a whole week. \\re would lil{c to thank the 1st Carlton, 'who came to s\\'ell our nUlnbers in a UUHl'd of Honour fOl' our President (Lady Forster), and also l\'fiSH Dowling (Lieutenant, 1st Carlton) and 1\1iss Pati011ce (Lieutenant 31'd 81. Kilda), who took the Htali fol' us one CYelling, so that 'Ye could have parade. On the Tuesday night of the Fail' we gave a short, impromptu display of Guide W01·k. There was g'l'eat excitement in the Company one 11ig'ht when the told llS that we had been invited to send a s4,uad down to Richmond to demonstrate SOIne Guide wOJ'k at a meeting of parents, which was being held in the vV.C.T.r. Kindergarten, prior to Miss Andre\\'s starting a Company there. Seven of us were able to go, and we did some First Aid, and made a rope ladder, and we a 11 enjoyed ourselves very much, playing different games. \Ve have now a new IJieutenant, Miss Ahern, and we hope she v..-ill like being with UH. On Sunday, May 3, we had t"\yO Church Parades; in the afternoon we all went to the Girls' Service at the ~lajesti(', and in the evening some of us went to St. Mark's for tlw Declication of their l 'olours. ,\Ye hope it will not he' long; now he fore we have our own Colour. -Alison MeA. Call1pbc~ll. Capt:'lin. 2nd Fitzroy (8t. 1iark's).-The Company i8 working steadily, and the attendance is good. ,\\Te spent A.N.A. ,'\'eek-encl at Seaford, with Guides from two othel' distl'icls, and had a very happy timE'. Miss BarFus Yisit ed us on April ~3, ann enrolled thrce l'ecruits; alRo presented :-<ervice ~tal's to thr'ee P.L.'s. Our Union Jack, which was pI'esented to the Company by the ('aptain, \Va,s dedicated by the Rev. R. G. Xicholls on Sunday evening, May 3. \Ve were

n'I'y plf'as(>11 In ha Yt'> ~l is~ !l·Ylng .•\1 iss B'll'illS, Guid<'r~ and GlIi<h>~ 1"1'\\111 l.:-'t. Hnd :~l'li Fit:t.l·t l ) . I~t Ke\\' alld 1:-:>1 • -pl"{ht'n\\;' with U~ I'll thnl




l 'apl:l


1st Richmond.- Al1l1ual Hepol·t. \\"e 11:1YO no\\' l'l';t('heo (lUI' 81'Ct)IHl :\lllli\"\'l':-,;\l'Y, and the past yE':ll' h;u~ bt>cn a gTea t :-;t\('('t~~S. \\ . C t'ntl'l't d n Band ' lcam fl.')' the BnskN-hall C{HnlH'tithlns, and. tlwu,,·!t we did lwt 81H'Ct'Cll in g-:1111CS, WE' gallH'ti ill lwnlth. SpPI·t anl1 t'tlllll';\(le~hip, lllE'eting- nH\ll~' otiler tl,11ll8, \\"110 !lella'll to impart the l'l'al llllidt' 8pirit :1l110ng' 0\11' g'irls. l\liss Le\\is. then our Lit'llt~'nilnt. dnnnh'd tn liS our haskN-hall. \\'1..' slH'nt Ilt:lllY aftl'l'lllhll1S in the country and at the Ill'Hell. Ull l\l;1~ .! some \)( the B tpam attended tIlt:' Call1hpl'\\ l'll ni~­ trict COIll'('}'t, and g-ailHd BUIll) hilltH \\e also went to till' Fal'\.'\\('ll l1'il'ltt 1);ty g'i\'(lll tn 1\1 is~ Hogarth, and had a lllost inspiring' tillll'. .\ ft'''' of OUI' 13 team ~'lH'nt a lllt>a:-:all( (,\'t'tlillg ;1t I~t Kew's B Team Prel1li~'l'~hip ~(\dnl. In ~cp­ tl'mh,' l' \\l' WCrt' SOI'l'~' tL) lost' OU)' Lieutenant, l\liss Le\\is. But \\' p \\'t'I'l' fortllnate ill 1I:1\i\11;' ~riss Gross, who joilled ut': :tH ;t l·pl.'ruil, \\Iw thE'1l HI'cepted. the Lh'tltl'IlHlH'). 111 O('(nj)(,l' \\ l' jOined tlw 31'(1 Hil'ltmnntl ~l.'nllts in :l QUCf'll Competition, finishing' up wit 11 a QlIl'en-cro,nl ing sodal, and n profit til' Ifi ('<lell . On N ovem · 1>('1' 2~, throngh the kindlll'SS or tlw Richmond {'OU1lei 1, we held a Hodn I a lid 11111H'e at the Tm\']) llall, nll(l. thl'Oligh til(' 1l111il'illg' efrortH o{' l'1'. G. \\'. Kt'mp and ntlw)' (i'iends, we nnishell up "ith a halClllt'e (lj' £10/10 /-. \YP thank all tl1<' visiting Guicles and Chlillel's ,,,ho joined us. III J)ecem))pl' W(> agn ill joined the :~l'd Ri elll11 011 <1 ~COl.lts, ..\11(1 had n hreak-ll}1 sodal, nul' CompallY ('losing foJ' six WC(\k8, slal'ting again in !"(,\)I'IHtry. In April 1\11'. Bryant gave us <Ill evening' it t the Richmond cahll\ powerhouse, showing ;llln telling us evcl'Ythi ng. \\'e spent n mORt inlel'('Rting and instructive ('Yening'. On Anza(' Sunday Brigadiel'-General Fors), th kindly Pl'csE'llted UH with tlw .\tlstl'alian Flag which ("I'. O. Vo/. Kemp ga,re to Uw ("ompany. ~. 1\[, Hutchison (anl Richmond ~eol1 ts) also took part in the ceremony. HrigatliC'l'-G<'lll'J'al b'on·;yth ga\'l' a very nice addrcss on tIl(' aim oj' Uuhling. \V(' were very pleased to 11 a\'(' a good numi>l'l' of Visiting Guides, Gl.lid(>I"s and Brownie-s. We havc sccu]'C'd. Hi ProficiC'ncy Badges. \V<, now fnrniRh Olll' l'C'J>Ol't. tllunking all '\\'ho llUY(' hclped lIH in any wa~r. -H. lIathaway, A('ting-Captain. 1st Kew.-On Fehruary 1-1, we visited the Church of J~ngland Home for Children at Rrighton. 'Ve had visions of adopting' a. bu by, but finding that thif; would cost .£ 15 a year, we had to be ('ontl'nt \dth only making a donation to their "Boot and Hhoe l"und," and we 1LIso took down a parcel of toys for the children. Wf' }1[u'I an Op<'n l'ig-ht on April 28, and wcre pleased to welC'onw our pal'en tR and friE'nclH, Ulf;O Guides and GuiderR from oth('1' ("ompanies. EaC'h I'atl'ol was madc ref;ponsihle for contributing to the programme for the evening, ann 011 their own initiative made up sho)'l dialogues illustrating the Guide t1w use of knots: first aid, etc. Ribhons wel'e pl'eHented to the winners of OUl' Inter-Patrol Competitions. ,,\Ve ,,'ere pleased to be with the ~nd Fitzroy Company at the Dedication of their ('olour~, and also with the :h'd .\fnlve1'n Company at their hirthday party. . At present we are looking forward to thE' Dedication of UUl' own COIOUl' on l\lay 17. -1\1. Oliver, Captain.



31"(1 Malvern. III J\1'; J)1(' 11 fhe Company g<l\'C (I Uispla:\" 10 which parents :1I1cl fl'iendH werC' in ,'il d. The l)l"ogl':I mmf' ('ullsistl' tl (If signa 1ling- eli'ill, ('ountlT dance:::>. first aid. marching, g'aIlH~ S alld songs, On (;OOl} Friday we aHend('<i ('hlll'<:11 to ]1('<11' the Crucifixion l"'ncicl'ed; tll(' aflcl'noon of BasteI' J'~\' l' was spent in polishing tIl(> Church brass, and ill helping- with the Easter decorations, ,111(1 011 EastC'l' ~JoJ1(lay the Company ~pellt a very l' njoyahle day at Grcensborough, \\'e hay!' l'e<:eived a second batch of letters from the 40th Bdinuurgh Company, with which \\'e an.' cOlTesponding. As May 11 will he the third annin' rsHl'Y of ollr tin,t Enrolment, Wl' are having cL birth(hl~' party un that night, "'hich will include n hirthday cake with candles. OIl(> IIf our Lil' utt: n ants, .\liss Townsend, as heen appointed Acting-Captain of the 1st h-anhoe CUll11Hln~- , :1 n<l a llllther, ~1iss Forecaste, Acting-Tawll~' Owl (If IIH' 1st St. Kilda Pack 1st Moreland.- \\-e ha\-e now 17 ::3econd-clasl; Guides. and all an~ wlll'king hard for ProJ1ciency Badges. In.1 une we will he celebra.ting our sel'ond hirtllda.\·. 1 )Ul'illg the past year Wl' held a Que('ll ('arnival and a C'om:ert, at wl1ieh Lad.'- ;:-;tl'udl.)l'okf' was present, and t..:l'owned thf> Winning- queen. \\'e raised r5~ to\\,(ll ' ll~ il1l' E'l'er'tiOll (If H Guioe Hall of our

0'''11 .

-i>nJ'oth.'- .\laddison, Secretul'y,

2nd North Melbourne.-As recruits, we all fell ill love \\' ith Guiding at the intl'uduction, and the higher Wp climl) the more enraptured we heeollle. :::;ix of us have been tested and enru lIed by ,\1 i:,;~ Morton and 1\Iiss Booth, and the !'ix l'ecl'uits aee tackling their "knotty" pl'o}J !em:,; like teue Guides! 2nd Bl'umnvick Company invited us to their tina.l 11le('ting in l~j~4, and we had a tip-top time. One Saturday morning- saw u~ in the ~letl'opolitan Ice \Yorks, and Kia Ora Ice Cream Factory. It was so intel'esting and cold-could freezl' anything but our enthusiasm for Guiding. Travels have takf>n us through an Orphanage Home, too, and "'e haye ueen for lots of hikes. Last time each Patrol cooked its own ste,Y, and foul' styles of firf:'p laces werE' used. Greetings to. all ~ -L. Button, Captain. 1st Tallangatta.-After the long summer Yacation, OUl' Guides were more than ready to get to work again. The Court of Honour met to discuss the work for the ensuing year, but the first function in which the full Company took part was a picnic, followed by a Camp-fire evenillg. A number of new recruits applied for admission to the Company, and these were accepted: and haYing satisfactorily passed their Tendf'rfool Test, ten were enrolled on .\.nzac ::::unday, and two at other times. The :. nzac Day Enrolment was, yery impreSSive. It took place at the GuidE' Hall prior to the Compun." marching to an op('n-air Anzac l\Iemorial :-:elTicp, TJle majority of the girls enrolled are -,=,pniors. Both Guide::,; and Scouts were prCHent in force at the Anzac BelTiee, and also at a ::3pecial ~cout's Service, h(>ld that night. The girls are no\\- presenting theml;elves for Seconc1('lass Badges, four having qualified during the past week. Others have done part of the Test. The Company is now fuP strength, and every Uuide seems kef>ner than ever_ This week, we had a delightful "moonlight hike" along a c1JUnu'Y road. It was a sparkling, frosty night, and the girls marched merrily along in ranks cd foul' abreast. singing marches and jingles, oC'Nlsionally y;u'Ying pro('(>eclings by dOing

.JUlle, 1925

"S('out~' pa('!"," 1'11(' tIm!' fn!' "Hol11ewa rdl'i Turn" ('an1/:' n I I I no soon, hu t Wf' are hoping fOl' many Hl1othel' f-;uch hike during the ('old \\'('ather. \\-e expect our next Red-Letter Un" til h(' wh€'n \\,P. have our Empire Day Rally. . -All-s. l\f('Kay, Captain.

2nd Victorian Lones.-The Company Magazine was i~sued in April. Myrtle McLaren, Prudence and E'sie Lye have passed their Second-class Te!'lts. Margaret Lee has taken on the L('adership of the Sassafras (Ranger) Patrol. t:rsula Hug-hf's has l'ecovf>red from her H('C'ident, and has resumed th(' Leadership of t 11<' Nc'ag-ul! Patrol. N. H. Irving, Acting-Captain. 1s~ Wannon.-On Saturday, AP1'il H, we had FIeld Day, which we spent on the cricket ground~. \\-e entel·tained the Captain of the l1-:t <-'oIel'aine Company, Miss Punshon, fOl' the day. The District Commissioner, l\11's. "\V'intel'Cooke, anc1 some friends. motored over from Murnda] [or the afternoon. After lunch MisH Punshon told us a story, and aft('r the District Commissioner arrived we played a stalking gamE'. W(' then had afternoon tea, and when the Dish'ict Commissioner left W~ e.scorted :\-liss Punshon to the train, We all agreed we had spent a mo~t jolly day. On the evening of .\pril ~5, A nzac Day, we had a Camp-fire down hy tlH' l'ivf>r, not far from OUr Club-room, BC'fol'P we lit the Camp-fire we formed a l101'8('8hoe, and our future Ta\\,ny Owl, Miss Archard, was euro.led. An Enrolment by the I'unning- rivel' with lanterns for light is most ent?ralling. 'rhe Colour Party hore the Colours, ,yhlCh the hearel' helel dUl'ing the ceremony. After the Enrolment we lit the Camp-fire. vVe told jokes and stories and sang Camp-fire songs, The Captain then talked to UH of Anzac Day. \Ye ended our Camp-fil'C' evening by sing-il~g­ Taps, Hnd rode home. -J, Kel~o, Lieut. it






could Brownies Perhaps an could give some

Illake with ('mpt~' cotton reels?

ingeniolls Guide or Guider ic1f'uH on tl1(' subject.

Larnoo, Monbulk, 4th May, 1925,

My Dc'al' :\lutildaJ>rl'sllming that YOll ha Yf> a pigeon-hole for Ideas, I am aHking yon to tuck away a word from 1110, jw.:;t in case you may have a snare momf>nt at son1(' time for consid6>ring the samf'.

To P1lt lIw caR(' very briefly, [ have just l'('C'c'in'd from Oil!' Necl'J€tan- the "Guide Birthda~' nook," which r requested her to purchase ror me. I wishf'd to have the record of the birthdays (If the girls in my Company-1st 1\lonlmlk. So I Ol'dE'l'f>d a little Guide Book. Onc(' again the sam(' old disapPOintment, My Dec. mhe}' girls of white frocks and sun-hats are to disport thems01ves on the ice instead of sitting under a gmn-tree eating an tce-cream; and so on ad. innn. Browsing for days on this suhjf>ct. J came acr-ORS an idea. Can you pictllre to yoursel ( an Australian Girl Guides' Birthday and _\ utograph Book made possible on these lines'! Through "Matilda," Guiders

June, 1925


Illlgh t be \l1\-ited to send h'" sum of one half· t'rown (or any ~l1('h ~llm as mig-ht he thonght most l'easonabltO'). also a suitahle Guidl'~- lnotttl (r quotation. and their nanH', and Company, l' te. \\"hen the 36:; ~Ilitahle contrihutions w{'remade. ~onl(' notice mig-ht be giycn. perhaps in t 1w dail~' papers, so tha t three thou ~and should not bE' showered upon you. Qnih' <l good Slun would he rea lis d hy this for the purpose of cost I... f printing, <:Ind then the sa h~ of the book would he carried on indefinitely Olll' goes so fur as to imag-iIH' that Guides lwx(' an artist 1'1 iend fil'pd \Yith a , desire to help on tht enliSt' \\itl1 local colour in the way of suitable illustrations. It l'olllct prohahly he an Tntr>l'state mattl'r. rj'he oYersNtH proli1lct is eel'tainb- a man"el 101' the sum of ::! / 6. nat! 1 an1 sure no one would grudge two or tll),(~(' shillings fot' such a I lOOk. [t is (Iuite possihle thnt this has nil been discussed hefore. but being in the Huck 0' Hcyond (where the Guidt' moyement is a God~('nd. as a mattel' of fact). 1 \Y(luld be ig'norant ot' an~- othel' Ii U It' pig't'on - hol(' hillets-dollx \nth heal'tie:-;t Guhh' Un'l'tings,

Bl-"licy(' me. (~gd.)

Yours sinc('rely, B . . \rmstrong.

Kn thlyn



TIll"' 1st VitZI'(l~ t 'ompnny are hoping to hold a JlImble ~ale at tIl(' cnd of ,J line to raise money for a Colour, \Ve would he yery glad 10 l~'eeiyp parcPl~ of clothing. boots and shoes. and t'specially \Yl)OllieH of all sorts. No parcel is tOll small 01' tou lal'gt-', and W(' hope that ot11('r Gui.des and Ouidol's will do us a good tllrn hy ~ending along "jumbles," white t'le>phants. und things tl1('y have gTOWn., out of. Parcels cun be left at Guide Headqnarters. or s 'nt direct to 1\1iss A. Campbell, Presbyterian ~('ttlcment, Kapier st., Fitzl'IOY, hefore June 15.

THE STAR DAISIES, OThCt' upon a time, away back at the beginning of tIle world, the stars were vel'Y discontented, Evcry little twinkling star in the sky has its own special fairy, whose duty it is to light and keep the star lamp burning all night. All through the long sunny days the fairoies play in fairyland; but when the sun goes down behind the hills he tells Venus, who is the l·eader of tlle star fairies, and s11<' lightR her lamp us a signal for the others. Sometimes the fairies are having such beautiful games in Fairyland that they are late, and have not time to clean their lamps, and then they blink and blink in the sky. But one night a very long while ago a much more serious thing happened. Some of the fairies were dneadfully hard to please. They did so wish to see the earth. "All day long' we play in Fairyland, and all night we mind the lamps; we do so want to see the great world below," they cried. So they asked their deal' Mother if they might take just one peep at the world; but :Mother Night stood up very tall and beautiful in her dark-blue dress and said, "No, you al'C


. tar fniries; ,,-11n t would h '0111(> of tilt litth' lnmps if Y<' U Wt'l'(' do"n on 111(' efirth'!" :--:(1 i>:1ek to thl'ir plnc('!' Wl'IH thl littlC' fairi's tl1:11 l'\'clling, ;ll1tl all nig-ht OlC'Y tall,t'd nbout t1H~ \\"ontli~ l'flll L':1rth tllat t1H'~' had IH'VC'l' ~I;:t n.


inh 1'l'stC'ti



t1lt'~ -





hnld theil' lamps :-;t('ad,\. and far down in tIll \\'(wld I)(.'opl(' :-;:titl. "ill)\\' tIl\' ~t:l1'S do t\\'inkh> tn-night! " 1<::1<'11 da~ til\' fail'k~ tall'ld. ,nnd Inng'l'(l to :-:l'l' 11lt' I.'al·th. until at la:-:l ~Ol1h' or tilt' 1ll01'1' \·\.' nl 1I1'C'SI11l1C' ()I1C~ dt'ci(kd t lin t t hl',\' \\' llllld jll::>t 1:11,(' O}l{' PI..'t'P during tIll' ni!.!'ht. TIH'r thought that wIlt'}) tlll'~ ~n\\ \'lllllS going to Iwd tIH'~ hack 1(l Fa it~ la nd :1 ntl lll)htlll~' W(}ltlt1 that tllt'i!' lamps h;td llt'V('r l)l't'll lit. 80 that \'1..'1')- ni~'ht till' had lit til' f:til'il'S (T('pt dO\\11 from 1h €" slo' 011 III tltv t'arth, But \\'11('11 '~C'nl1:-; ::;<l Ilk low ill til(' sky. till'), \\,!'!'l' too l'llSY pla~' ing' in theil' !H'\\' playg-round to ~('t' her, and ~n th(' (ja~' daWl1t'tl antI til(' stal' would







lr rt o}) tht' t'arth.



. "lgh! fOllllt! ont Wl1,\ t her bad fairil's had dl)l}('.

sll( could not lIa,€' tlll'lll bncl\. again, ::;0 silt' vhangl'd tlH'l1l all inll1 daisip::;, TIll' stal' daisit's [ll'C ,'('n" S('IT~ nu\\ that t1ll'~ ('\"l'I' l('rt their plac('~ in tIlt' l4k) \11 day lung they 110 III ll}) tlwil' go!lll'll lamps to the sk~, with tl1('i1' faC'l'H IO\\(1rds till' sun, I;ut \\ 1H'11 tIlt, evening' <'OI1ll'S, and \·enl1s l4('t,~ till' tinll' t'Ol' t h0 stars. tIl( <In i~it:-: fold liP their whitt' pdals lU'Olll1d tl1dl' lamps I'llI' ~hallH'. lest pC'opl(' Hhouhl l'I 'IlH'Ill Jl('I' tlwt thl'~ ' \\'PI'P uncI' I-dal' fairi<'s.

D. I!.

CAMPING. State Rules (F<,b., HI21): - ".-\11 Camp site'!" mllst \1(' il1Hlll'ctec1 ,1 ntl a PPI'(l\-ed 1)('[01'1' :1 Caml) by one..' of ti1l' Statl' CHIllP .\(l\'isol'l-; and the local He" It 11 OflicPI'. \\'I1('I'P:1 loca I Ilealth Officer is not. H.\'nila.lJlf>, it shollid 1)(' ins}l<>cl f c1 1>y till' Doctor, TlH' '<llllP Hl!o\lld ag'nill 1)(' inspc'ct('<l hy hoth \\ l1il(' t)H~ ('amp is standing."

(.June, 192-1).- "1\0 Call1I> Ilu.ty IJl' held !J~ an,\" Guider who hUH not an ('11<101'::;('<1 LicencC', a,n<1 cannot 11(' 11('ld unless on an approved ~iU'. '('amps' include J lolitlH~ TIonles, fut'nished IIOllH(,:-l, (,{,e. J'l'ogTlllllll1eS of any ('amps sllould be sent hefon'hand t l ) 11(:<.1(1 of Camp i l1g Jor app L'ova I." P('nding the uIJl'ointlllC'nt uf Camp AdviHOI'S 1'01' Victoria, til(' Victorian }<;xeclltive ha~ app()intecl Miss Andrews, l\fi~s Harrll~ :lna l\LiSH l{w.;11 as Camp Inspc'ctorH, TIH'He Guidel's will act. in till.' capa.c.:ity or Camp Advisors. and will inSIH'(;.t Ca.nlp Sitcs l'l'rort' a. Camp is lwld, and t he camp i tHeIr \\ llile "standing." (~\!ic1cl's who haye lmdol'Isl'd Liclmces a.nd who wish to canlp are l'mnindl'd that, before ;1 n~' arrangements aI" mad(' for the holding' flf' ,L Camp, it is IH'ct'ssary fo!' UH'tn to apply f'or permisHion to tllE'ir Commil:lsioner:-;, who will then get in t(l11ch with t Ill' I lead of Campi J1g-. In Districts Wl1l'l'C t1H'IX' is no Conunissionc'l', Guider!:; should apply direct to the Hl'ad oj' Camping for }.>ermiRsion or information. .\pplications should be made on the specia.l I'orms olJtn inahle from Hea.d(lUartel's. In vie".of til(' fuct that the Camp Insp(ctorR a 1'1:' busy (,olk, apart frorn Camping, it is urged that ample notice be given of any Camps to be held. .\pplication to the Head of Camping for permi~sion tf) hold the t:ump sho1l1d be made at

June. 1!1:?5



!-'ix \\'(>('I.;s hefol'(' ria tp of camp, and a~ long hf'fol'f' this rwrioct as possible, to ayoid llt/ssihl!' di!-'appointmpnt 1'f' in!'lpE'ctiQn of 81t(', It should 110 not<>(] also that, lInl~ss undet· (''\c'('ptional circumstances, no mOl'e- than thirt' (;llid<,s would II(' allo\\'0(] 10 ('ach Camp; an~l tlw t ti1os(' planning tlH~ ("amp would he responsillie' rOl' t Ill' Camp Tnsp " ctOl"~ ('xpenSNl.


- .M. E, Bush. ,\ Head of (;amping'.

HarJgps. It is r!'(juil'ed. under HlIle 36h. 3 (1925). that tlw Cc'!'t inca tr> should be- of I'('cent date.

(':-uic1c·s who Ilolcl slIch cprtificates and


t () Ila \'f' tilt, (;OITPS}Hm<1 ing- Proficiency Badge t 'Cl'ti fica les iHHlIf'cl to them. SIHJlIW l'iuhmit the I·;ctllc(l tion DC'pHl'tmpI1t Cert ificate to their Dis-

trict S(>cl'ptan' (or tile .r~xamination Secretary, in thf:' .:\Ielbol1l'n(' DiYiRion), \\'110 will have tllP (~.U. Cat iticat(·!'; sig-ncd by the l'f'spectiYe loc'al J<~xamilH'rs in tl1(' difff'l'ent slIhjects. jf

RENEWAL OF PROFICIENCY BADGES. Captains arc' l'c'minded that it is necessary t.lH'm to check the dates of renewable Pro'liCi('llcy Badges held hy Guides in their ComJl<.tny. It is to be noted that the Thrift Badge J'('(lllil'('s rf'nC'wing annually; that the Cyclist nadgE' must be handed back if the ownership or the' bicycle; and that the fonowing Badg(·s arc to be renp\V('d after two years:Ambulance, Interpreter, Pathfinder, Sick Nurse, Signaller. Whf n entering fol' any of tllC abo\'c Badges. fur r('newal, candidates should mcntion the fact, and send in original Certificates for eithel' endorsement or oancellation. ,,\ new Certificate will not he issued biennially. 1'01'






E11.t l'it·s r(ll' t Iw October Proficiency Badge Tests should reach the Exanlination Secretary at HeadqllarteJ'~ not latel' than 21st August, 1925. ;.\ 0 flll't1wJ' not1(,p of tllis datl' 'w ill he scnt to C'ompani s. Guiders are reminded to enclose tid. in stamps witll llw t'ntri0s. As this is not consistently done. it n1H~' he necpssary to levy ('ontrihll hons t () til(' pOs Cagp expenses in another wa~' in future. C;l1idf's may not t'nter for 1l10re than three Badge:, at onf' tinH'. Entries must state, in columns (this It' Rsens the work tremendouRI~') :-Xames of candidates. and of Compan~': Badg-f'~ entered fol' (,,,,ith choice of alterna tiyes whf'l'l' t1lf's e HI'f> offered. See Rules for each Badge), If candidates fOl' Domestic Arts subjects are att ~ nding, OJ l1aye recently attended, a Domestic .\ rt....; ~chool 0/' Technical College, the name of their teachel'. <lnd the subject entered foJ' mllst hp l"tntN1. (~(>e Rule 361', 192!1.)

GENERAL REMARKS. The entries for the ProfiCiency Tests held in .\ pl'il last, for thc Divisioon of lVlelholllnf> and ~llhlll'bs, show a slight falling-off. This is to hC' expla in0c1 in one or 1wo wa~'s :-(a) It is alway;:) more difficult for the Gl1ides to preP<1.I·C for th(' first Tests of the ~'f'ar than for tlle later ones; (I» the want of a centra.l room makes it hard for tIle Guides to attend Test ExaminatioD-R at the time' required, as some of them haye a long way to go. Though we arC' quite ready to make every reasonable excuse for non-attendance at the Test Exam., 71 et w ·e feel sure tllat Guides are not careful enough about coming after having sent in tlll'il' entries, and we would urge Captains again. to bring this point Yep}, insistently to tl1(' notice lo.f their Companies. The standard of work ~mbmitted was, on the wltole, good.

EXAMINERS' REPORTS AND HINTS. BROWNIE EXAMINATIONS. Hl'own O\VI~ I'equil'ing' Examiners for Brownie Fil'st-claRs and Proficiency Badge Tests should I-'pnd in applications to the Examination Secl'.f'ta ry for the Division of Melbourne and ~lIIHll'bs. G.G.H.Q. Tests will bp 11E'ld twicf> a year. Special arrang'pnH'nts will he' madf> this first time as soon as the' nnmber of ('ntriNi is known, Entl'if's mllst reach thc· }jxam. Secl'f'tan' h~' the (~nd of .J u ne. Xamf's of proposed J<':xa.minel's must he sublIlittNl 1'01' appronll to l\Iiss Hamilton, Head r Rxaminations. I

The Education Department's Domestic Arts Certificates, both 1st and 2nd year. are accepted (l s qualifying thf> holders to Domestic Service, Cook. Laundress anc1 ;.\r:edlewoman ProfiCiency

Needlewoman. Prepared Work Brought to Test. Keady all seaming W:lJS worked backwards. l\lan~' of the darns were square in shape instead of octagonal or nlfid~·ked. Patches WelE', in mnny places, clums~', nnd stitches n,ot al ways worked in correct pla.ces. Seams sometimes worked on right side, instead of wrong'. In some eases two different 8 2an1S were w:;ed on ~anw garment. Often the general effect ",as good, hut the t0chni('al points faulty. Work Done at Test. Gatheri ng.-l\Iain fault was that gathers \\(>1'<' too coarse, a.nd stitches uneven in length. Stroki ng - needle he-ld incorrectly so that the Inatel'ial was badly scratched. Setting-in.(ia t hNCI'S m llRt he set in on both sides of the l>un(1. ~lany of the gathers hayc been hemmed



)1 ..\ TII.OA.

<>n to th" he:; nd. ~tit<.'hes not YI..'l'tie::lI. Buttonho/e.-In some (,:1.$(,S an incorl'('ct :::titeh was llsed. ~l nd thE' bar incolTl:'ctl~· worked. Tlw har1"cd (nd should he on thE' insidl f'nd of tIl(' huttonholp. Stitches l.llw"en in leng·th. Round pud should hay€' nine !:nitches. Pattern.ACCUtatl" Oil tl1(\ wholl.... ~pIYE'dg-(' dil'ecti,)!l inCOIT('C't




cuff in S0111(,


Cook. TIH' p('I"L'f'ntag-p or 11<J.sses shows an in1lH'0'"t'll1C'lH on tl1(> <1Y('rag"f'. hut t1H'l"P an' still far t()(.l man.\' faillll'l's. Candidates should study I' ?cipes from an.\· good local Cookery Book, and not ]~o('P tu thol:>c of th(, Guide Hook. RecipE'S for tlw spcciall.\·-requir('d dishes could be prepalf'd ann snpplied: but an.\· g'ood local hook is slIfficientl.'· pas.\" to obt~lin.

APRIL PROFICIENCY BADGE TESTS. Division of Melbourne and Suburbs. Enl i~s.

,\ llthol'e::;s .\ mhlllanee Buskd \\'OI'],e1" C'[prk ('11 ilrl

Nul'S!"' Dornest ie SCtTic<.'

Em hroidE'rer .. }'i rc Dri g'a de ., Fripucl to ,\ nima]~ H t'alth .. .. 1-1 () ,t1<' .oM u k<"l' Laltn<lrp~s

.. .. ..

MusiCian 1\1 illiner 1'\ ('C'd lewoman Sig'nallC'l" " Sick 2'\u I'SC' ~CTihE' " Thrift ..

'l'oymal,cr S\\imln0l"






1 28 3S 21

1 21 33 9







1 .t


IS 1

9 1



nl \\'


\\ l'<IPJh'd in l'o\'t'ring's whi('h It':\\·p 11111<'11 to 1)(' dE'~in'd 1'10111 all n11tisl'ptk }H int PI' \ 'j!,\\,. It St'('lllS \' , 1'\ han1 In ('omil,,! igl1nral11'~' in l'pgnl'll 10 tn'atllll'nt oj" pt'llpll' \\h() :11',' vktiln~ of in.illrh'~ fnllll f1r~'. \\'(' :1\",' n(l! \"".\ 1':1 r I','lllo\'pd ('\'pn .\d ft"nrn 1lIP coj)\\,(,]) as a sl ~ pUc In ('as(' of h II' (' <l in g, ill till' tl1 i 11 d s () I I\(' P 11 h Ii (', n 11 d lllE'~' lllostI~ npP<'<l1' too \lP~1'I wilh til!' sig-h1 of a hadl~ -11111111 IH'l'SOI1 til Ilo 1ll0l"l' 11tn11 ~Tnan

~Yll1pntl1y \\ith 1111' "ictim." ,\spil'antg to til" I"il'si class n"d.~'l' \\ ill np .' d to consult till ' nt'\\' H 11 It's, \\ ltiell S('\"('I'1II nlt<.'l"ntions.

1 L 1











732 2 '2 13 7 7 774 13 8 7


1 12

~t1~() ~d\"('

(Sg·d.) Hollina 11 'lll1i[ton, 111'nd




t'andldah's rp' !, 1111' Fin' Hl'ig-ndt' nadl!"1 will in futlll'l' nt'I'd ttl h.)ld lIlt' .\\nillll:IIH t' l1n h~'p 1 '1'1'.)"(' l'nh.'rin~· 1'1)1' tIlt' FiI't' I ~J'h~'~\(k nn. rll C<.lI11H'<.'tion \\ith this Ill',," l"liling, it i:-: init'l'(stilH~' It' qunlt' fr' Jll :1 10t il'l' Ilr rill' Mt'lilPlll'TH' E"\;llllinell. :\1,·. hl'lllp. or tlh' '\11'tl"npnlitnn 1"'11'1' Hri~adt': , "HI all.' tlw plthlk .'0111\' 1\l()I'P in to\1ch \\itll tlw injll!'i(:-- n\sltltin~' frOllt til',' thall till' actual 111'1'. S(l tlt:11 tl1l' h('sl lIst';1 P:ISS<'I' h~' can makt' nf Ilis PI" h.'1' tillll' is I',':lll~' til a llt'\'i:\ t t' P:I inn I' Ill'" \'\'11 t a h~1 II h I I I'll from h('(,OTl1ing- \\"Ol'st'. T"I'a t IIlt'nl rot' shnl'k is «lnl' of tIl\' nH)sl f!"('<IIII'nt, lind tlwn tIll' ('(lv""ill~ up injllril"';, \\itll Pl'olHpl p'IlHI\'nl to :t IIWdie;ll man's ;It\cntioll. " s o fn'qllt'ntl.'· haPIH'lls Ihal hllnwd p nph' ,II', kl'pl in n~'on~' in a \1\':11'\1.\' h(llts('. <lntl \("1"\ rl'('\IIl!'nl I~'





4 10










~ ~~~






11 1






Knitter ..





hOlll'ne, :1 H fo I]()\\'s: Mondays (l'x('ppl





1\1 oll<ln ~




ilion I h >.

. .,

p .m., at lTo ly Tl·init:. Parish I Tall. nff Cl'IJl'g(' l::->1TPE't. l·jUHt 1\1 pl1>lllll·lll'. :\1 iSH H:ll'fus,

e; l1itlet' ill ('harge.

Tuesdays, 10.:30 3

1 30


1925 VARIATIONS OF PROFICI ENCY BADGE TESTS. Guiders who havc not y(,t ohtained a. C()p~' of tIle 1925 ('clition of tIle H..P. and O. may rH' interested to know of a.. fcw of the Badges fOI' whicll ill<' rel/uirenH'n1..s show a sligh1 <lltcra t ion. .\rtist, ,\tl1lete, Clerk, all llaYC' minol' additions or alterations. Booklover has, of C()lIr~p, a nt'w list of books for this year; Cook, X r p(lle\\'oman and Fri~nd to _.\.nimals have ,p]tenltiol1fl ·which, as these are all popular I~adg(>s. will affect a largc}' numher of candidate.:;. Jt is intel'f'sting to ::lee that. in every case. the alterations are fluch as we should lla vc wished io ma},e ourselves. The l\Illsician naclg(' nll<."s flllOW an additional paragruph tllat is interl'Hting', as encuuraging more classiCal \\ol'ks than one .ll<tS heen in the hal)it of listE'n-

.1.111., ;t I \ '. \\',t' .A. II ct 11, I {"HHell ~tl·C'et. l\fpIl HHlt·)) ('. l\1 iss I). 1\1. A \Ull'('WS, Blue Conl ()ipl()l1\.1. <:Ui<lI'I' ill ('h,lI'g\',





l::->treet. MelhouJ'np. eharg-e.

'1'he (~Iasg. ('on1C.

Y. \\' .( '.A.

ila II.



1\1 iss Barfus. Ou idf'1" in

fer' tor tlw ltlJ()VE' C'I;U-Is("'s is ;{d. per Visiting Countl'.\' GlIi<i('l's ill'(' \'('ry \\'('1-

State Rule.-"l'\o (]uider may slal·t wor), ill a. Company or Pack (either as ('uptain, LiNJtenant. B.O. Ul" T.O.), unlesR slH' has PHSR!'(] through an approy('(l Training Class. "Guiders unah1e til attend Clll :luth()ris{'d Training (,lasR III ust unc1<'}'tn k(' a ('OllJ'S!' Ilf Train ing- by COlTesponrlelH'e. and ~a tiHl"y ;111 H uthot'isecl Trainer that they Ht·(, capnlll(' of undertaking- the gf'neral m:lllug-Cll1ellt of it C()l}Il1any. ~u('h a Guider to lip a uthoriHE'(l for ('OlTf'spondC'nce Tl'aining- \Yol'k ll~' thl-' flearl of Training.') The ('orn.'spondel](·/·

TI":lil\ill~ ('(1l11'S~' fOI' Guidel"H has now heen (11"111) itel v III'g';t 11 is('d "LeRsons" will hc pORted fortnig-htly, t11f' posl;Ig-p being' defrayed by 01<' Tl"nin€'(·s. ThiR pORtag-e, nnel the ))l'i('e of a few llecess.u·\' texthooks. "'ill 1)(' the OJ1I~' C'XIW)1SP :1 t tn('hNl' u) 'ttl!' ( 'ourfle. A large numbel' uf ('ollntl'Y }J1"()SIH'(.tl\'P (}1tiders arC' no\\' in Training- b.\' CunesJjolldl'lH'l'. :\n~' otherR wishing to tnk(' :1(]Yill1tllI..!P or till' ('ourse shou]cl appl~' til tl1l' S(,(T( tal:Y. Tnlill-

June, 1926


ing Department, put


thelll in tOtH: h


f·ipaflqual'lers. who will once with a 'rrainPl' ,

Training Course. A Training- Course will he 11('1<1 in Melhoul'J1(' during- Show \\~eek fol' the bf'nefit of ('ountn' Uuide-l's a ncl teachers who are in the cit\' a't that t ime, and may wish to augment the CC;l'},('spondencf.' Tl'aini Ilg' ,,~it h practical work The Coul'se will I.'onsist of dailv eiasses to II( ' held in th(' morning, from 1 () till 12. Opportunity will he IU'oYic1ed for re<:l'uits to he enl'oIled, am1 for Gllic1c'l's to do the practical parts of the :::-;ecoJ1d-class TI'sL Arrangemc'nts will l,e made for T'rainel's to visit n ::;eries of Companies in the evenings if they wish to fH'f' actual Companies of GuideR l'unning their wwa 1 prog-rammes. If the numbers warrant it, a Field Day wil l also he arnlnged, in conjunction with the city Training- Classes, The Cours(' "'ill include Company Management. Test ,,'ork, Drills, Country Dancing, etc . :\ --mall fee (not ('xceeding 5/-) will be ('harged to coyer cost of hit'e of n. hall, ctc. As the Cour~e is l)bnned primarily fOI' tlw f'onvenience uf ('ollnto' Guiders and prospective Guiders, the holoing of it depends on tI1<' numher of apI)1iratiol1s . Those intending to ('0111(' are therefol'e urged to make ear:y npplien t ion-hefort' A ug'ust "i-to th(' ~ec)'('tary, Training Depnrtnwnt. G.G.H.Q. Brownie Training. Trnining Classes for Bl'o\\'nie Guiders will he hE'ld in t he third '''eek of each month, the actu~l clat('s and place being posted on the Notice Board at Headquarters. and also advertised ill Tuesday's "Argus." . OWing to difficulty in securing a suitabl(' hall till' the <:lasses, dates cannot he more definitely fix('d, hut the next Class will })p held on ThuI's'rla .\~. ] I\t11 .T11ne. -~rer:e Rush, Heafl of Brownies.


Divisional Commissioner: :\T('IIJolIl'ne an(1 ~uhllrhs- .i\Iiss R. Hamilton, Toorak College, ThTalvprn. District Commissioners: Dallamt- :\Iiss ~r. :\fontgomery, 1305 Bturt ~t.. Ballarat. BrunswiCk. Royal Parl\: and Carlton-Mrs. :\Tephan Fprguson, Sydney Rd" Royal Park. H a wt horn and K e w-Mrs. Edmondson, 46 K(} o ~~ongkoot Rd .. Hawthorn. )Ti)(lnl'a-Miss Mc\Villiams, Langtree Park. .:\J il (lnra.


Captains. I (> ~' E. .\1 ana llac){, )'T. McKay, :\Irs. .\Iills. ~r. :\To;'ton, D. '\ll)rt'i~. :.\1.

1: t' a d

r 'pte>I' S , E. "ottr' r . '\Irs. HUl1lsay, K. ~inclail', ~tokes.

:'-./. H. \\'pst, E. J\I.

Brown Owl. )faeDonald , J.

GIRL GUIDES' PICNIC. J\ IJlizp. was offered for tlw best essay by a mcml)f't' describing a picnic held by the Girl Chides at Taliangatta on Saturday, 21st ult. Thet'(' WE'l'{' tiv(' competitors. Following is a copy of the PI ize essay:~(mH' w('d,~ ago our Commissioner made the sllggestion that we should open our New Year's wOl'k with a picnic and Camp-fire, This sllggll~'jtion was reccived with great enthusiasm. The (1ay was eagerly looked forward to by one and all, and all indications pointed to fine weather. A t last the much-looked-for day arrived, and all spirits wCIIe high, as the weathel' was perfect-j1lst the day when all nature seemed to be awake and inviting everyon0 Ollt. At 3 p.m. we were all gathered at the appoint" d meeting place to await the arrival of Mr. Lamond's motor lorry, which was to convey us to the picnic grounds. }<Jxactly at the appointed hOllll the lorry drew llP, and liP scrambled thiry la.ughing Guides, each holding tightly her plate, cup, knife and fork. Never has ,such a happy party travelled the road to the ~how Grounds. On our arrival there, a case of soft drinks, kindly donated by l\1'rs. Thomson, was opened and welcomed in tt'liP Guide fashion , all Guides unanimously decla,ring Mrs. Thomson a true and faithfl~l friend. Dllring the ~ext half-holll' onr Captain and some of the younger Guides went out in search of wood [or the Camp-fiire. Latell all leaders were called together to arf!ange u "tracking game." The tracks were laid- using wood-craft signs-by each PatrolleacLE'l'. The Patrols were then called together and set off on their respective trails. Four Patl'ol~ W('!'c very quich: tIll following-up the trail and finding the hidden message; but the fifth Pa tr01 were much slower, and, when at last they found their message, they were greeted with great cheers from the rest of the Company. Each message contained the wordS, "Hlll'l'Y back to tea," and every,o ne obeyed the call as quickly as possihle, as all declarl€'d they \\'( ' I'C' "starving." The Nhow Committee lwd very kindly given 1I~ the llHf' of the pa.Yilion and tab!.es, As our Company colors are pale hllle. the tables were tastefully decorated in blue flowers and ribbon. .\ 11 Guides were called togetl'H' l' in ranks, and mal'cllf'cl 10 10a. Carving of the meat was in the capable hands of mH' Comissionel', and, as ('neh G llide pasflcd, slle was giYcn hcr supply, and holped lu? l'seJf to hl'pa(l. vVith all Guides standing with howed hen.ds, onr Captain repeuted "grace," after which we all "fell to with n. will." and did justiCt~ to all the good things, Ollic1f's Pearc(' and Butt offiCiated at tho te(.lpot und milk-jug; whil::;t Guide Winfield su\\' that oyel'yone ,\%S well supplied with hl'Pll(l. During' the meal s('Yeral toasts were tlnmk. One was to tl10 n('w _ recl'luits who \\' {,l" joining up. Our Commissioner proposed this t 011 st, and, Ia tel', "TIl e are jolly good fpllows" was well rendered by the Company. i\1 iss Roach responded on behalf of the new l'f'cl'11its. The next one was for our CommilssionN. who -originated our picnic, which was Jll'c)\~ing such a snccess. On responding, our Commissioner said she thought of a picnic for IIH, as she always loves a picnic herself, aI1\d, ;1 It 110l1.t.:'11 it was our first one, she assured us it wouldn't be the last. (Cheers and applause.) \\'t· all hope we "ill havE' "many happy J'( ' till' n s."


June, 1925

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The table was then cleared, each Guide washing-up her own dishes. ,\Ye then went ()utside fel' games, the til1st being a "centipede race." This caused great anlURement, <l~ it was very funny to see the younO'er girls getting' Dver the ground quickly with short stepf'i, whilst the bigger girls brought up the rear with long, slow strides. Next we had two relay races. The competition was n~ry keen .and close, the one side winning by only a couple of yards. The n(>xt 'was a flag race. and again the competition was yery close. By this time, 7 p.m., it was beginning to get da.rk, so we lit our Camp-fire and all gathered around it in a circle, and for the next hour the paddocks echoed wi th songs. Occasionally, during an intel'Yul. two old Kookaburras up in a gum-tree would join in with their song, as much as to say, "Do le.t us join in with you." It was now 8 p.m., in thf>. distance could be seen the approaching bead-lights of Mr. Lamond's lorry. so we put out our fire and returned t,O where Ollt' empty boxes were . . It was a tired but very happy load which al~rived back in Tallanga.tta, some going to see the pictures and others goingstraight home. -Eileen O'Leary.




In C(l\llmi~:-;i(\nl 1:-;

I'n 0'01 ~~ ~tt III .. .. .. .• .. ram phh't:;o; on. (3111di ng' (\ a rioll~) Pow- \y()\\,~ 1'01' \\·pl,. CullS . . . . Pa n'nt~' COnsl111 FonHs, lWI' dpzl'n Pn trol Rtlll 1~tl(lks t plld,l't siZt') Pt1 S1 C,ll'd:,:- I'rintt''''R ~[a I'~ .• .. •. TIll' Chil'" (:uidl' . . . , 1 )r,o tidl'll('~ H:Hlgt' l 't'rtifka h' 1~()()kl\.'l~ (\0 Dletr'il't ~I'vl"t'tnril':-; (lnl~) Hllh'8, l'oli('~ and ()I ·.~a n i:-;;\ t ion, 1 !l~i) 1 !l:!·l nth ,\ 11 11 tlH I HI'pol't ., ~("()llt as Handyman .. .. Pla~'s

~t ('p:;;

(01 '


to (;uiding




\Yo1t' Cuh



,d. !id. :id. ld . 1 / :~


!ld. :2 / :~

1/ 6 "!. /..

'2 /'2 / 1>


Magazines. (i\lidl'l"~ and




l'apt'r~ (~t'()lIt:-l) H~IIHIII(lol,


Id . I/ :~

..... .

Training Uil')s as (~lIhh's Union Jack Saints ., ,\Yig-wam

f'd. fill.

tid. "!. /'!. /-

~p\'t ~ix


('Ollllni:-i -

sioners, lWI' .\ t':\ r, post fl't'(' . . . . G.G. Gazettt', lWP ('om. ll1un lilly The Guide, per ~ <'al', post rrC'l' The Guide. PCI' l"()P~·. \\ 'I' ('l\I~ Matida. P(,I" YNI r. post frl'I' ,. Matilda, pet' COP.', q\ll\l'lt'l'l~ PORtag(' on odd ('upit'S . . . . . . . . . . . .

;i fId.

I:> / '!. :! ~d.

:J /.\ ~ld.


Music. Price List.




(illi<l( ' :-1

l\1'll'ciling· on

tlH' King-'s H igll\\ ay ..

Books. Ambulance Badge Booklet BabY of To-day Booklet .. Basket-making at Home .. Birthday Books-G.G. (Suede) . . . . " .. ,,(Cloth) .. .. Brl()wnie Games ., .. ., Brownie Handbook .. " . . . , .... Brown Magic .. .. .. " . Camp Book-Boy Scout .. oCampcraft for Girl Guides Company Roll Books .. .. Cub Games .. 'Company Record Book .. .. .. ., Drills for G. Guides " .. .. Flower Leg ends .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Footprints-A Play for Senior Guides -Games-Behrens .. .. .. .. .. Davidson . . . . . . " ., .. Trotter: Team Games .. .. Girl Guides' Book .. G.G. Book of Plays: The New Order Girl Guiding-Official Handbook .. .. G,G. Badges, and How to Win Them Guide Law Cards (small) G.G. Prayers and Hymns Guiding Book .. ., .. .. Guiding for the Guider .. Girl Guide Movement (pamphlet) How to Run Wolf Cubs .. .. ., .. Health Badge (booklet) .. .. .. .. How to Tell Stories to Children (Bryant) Knot Book--Boy Scout .. .. .. .. .. .. Land and Sea Tales for Scouts and Guides (Kipling) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Letters to a P.L. (Soouts) on 1st Class Tests .. " . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . Letters to a P.L. (Scouts) on Scout Law Letters to a P.L. (Scouts) on 1st and 2nd Class . . . , . . . , .. lIIemb€'rship Cards (with Law and Promise

5d. 5d. 2/-

5/2/6 1/3 8d. 2/6 2/3/6 9d. 2/6

3/1/3 2/6 1/6 2/3 1/3 1/3 7/6 9d. 2/6 4/6 3d. 9d.

7/6 9d. 4d.

2/3 4d.

6/1/6 6/9d. 9d. 9d.


'!. / 6

Hl'owni('s of thl' Wid(' - Widc World Hr.;n>. nil' :-';ong' Hoo), .. ,. " .. .. .. Hnowni<' Song' Hook (words only) .. .. Country






G.G. Song- Bool, .. .. .. G.(i. Song- Hook (words 0111.\) Song of t11t' Hr()\\'ni('s .' . . . , .. ..

Taps .. Children's Song (Kipling) ., ., G.G. Pl'a.\·I'I's :111(1 Hymns (TUlH'S) The

'!. / 6 '!./6

!In. 1/Ii / '!. / 6 fill. 'l. / Ii 1 ~d.

6<.1,. '!. / 6


Han<lag-es, plnin whitt' Be>lts-Bl'ownip

GuidE' .. .. (;uidf'l'

t riangnla I'



(Ioea I mal\(')

Guidel" (English maIH') . . . , HnttoI1R-Hlack, PC'I" do", n Brown, 1)('1' dOZ('ll .,



CarnplJeds ., .. .. .. ., .. .. (,hinstraps .. .. " .. .. .. .. ., ('ocka<1C's-

Hro\\"11 0\\ I, Tawny Owl

7 ~d.

1/ 1) 'J/4/7/;)<1.


22/6 ld.

1/ 9 1/9 1/ 9

('aptuin, Lit' llt('nant .. DiHtl'iet Captain DiHtl"ict ~(·cretJll'.'· .. .. 1/ 9 ]/9 DiRtl'ict ('ommisHioncr DiYisionaJ ('ommission('l' 2/3 2/3 :-.;tat(' EXf'cutiYe . . . . Coloul'f'-Hl'aHs- jointed Pole 11/Trefoil for I'ik(' .. 10/6 Australian }<~Iag- or Union Jack 22/6 C'umplf'tf', mOl.ll1t('d on Pike ., 42/COl1d for Knotting .. .. .. ~ yards (or 4d. 7 ~d. Emhlems-Hl'ownie, l"ead~' worked .. 1<1. Brownie', transfers fOI' .. •• .• GUide', felt with red ring ready worked .. 10~d. Gllide', felt, plain 2d. Guide, transfC11 .. " leI. First Aid Outfits, for Patrol 01' Company, in br.own canvas case, for carrying ., 17/6


12 ...

_ . ... _ .. _":


hrown gallntlet. all Si7.f,S Ha lila nds -Cade t Guide (official n.G . ) .. l' Silk .. Plain Cotton .. Rangel' (otftcial Trefoil) Ha ts -C~lIidt·. linen. stitciH'd .. nuide and (~uict('r. I'd t Drownie (l'uRh) " .. Rang'cl' (small slmpE') .. Hu t ~ccll1'en;-Patent ., .. .. Ha ~'ersacks .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Knives. with one hlad l'" and marlinespike Lanyards-Linen, white.. .. .. .. .. .. Dr·own (for Pack Leaders), Munition Clot)l. brown 01' na'·y. 36in .. per yard .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ 'arne' Tapes, to order, 3 do,,;. l'\amE' Tapes, to order, 6 do,,; .. O'-el'allH-AlI Si"; C H h£']ow: -Sizes. Neck. Slve. Lgth. in. in. in. in. 1 13 16~ 36 % 13! 17 39 3 14 18 42

• 5 6

14! 15 15~

19 20 21


• _, . . . ....,..

13/6 9d. 2/6 9d . 6d. 2/6 !/S/-

2/8/1/6 3/6 3/9d. 1/1/4 3/9 ;;/3

l:i .

45 49 52

Overcoats-Prices on application. Patrol Flags. ready to em broider Patrol Flag Poles, 6ft. .. .. .. .. Patrol Flags. transfer for emblem . . . , Paper Patterns. all sizes-O"eralls, G.G. Hl'ownie OYeralls Blouse .. .. .. .. Jumper .. Guider's Unifol'lu Pouches .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . Safety Chains .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . Semaphore Scouts " .. .. ., Shirt Blouses, navy munition cloth Signalling Stick-Blackwood Plain .. .. Shoulder Knots, all COlOUllS Stripes. P.L. or Se-cond, each stripe Swivels ... Ties-Guider's (nayy. brown. green, saxe, pale blue, red) .. .. ., .. Guide, triangular (pale hlue) Guide , triangular (other colours) Brownie, t1'1angular (brown) Whistles .. \Yritillg Pads. with Badge ..

6d. 2/2d. 1/3 1/1(1(-

1/6 9d. 1/1/3 5/6 1/9d. 2~d.

Id. 6d. 2/6 9d.

1/1/1/3 9d.

Badges. OnlY obtainable through District Secretary. unles~ there is none, in which case they are ohtainable direct from State Secretary.

June. _1925 '



j ~r()wnie

Recl'uit .. .. 2nd Class .. .. .. 1st Class .. .. .. .. Proficiency .. .. .. .. Wings . . . . . . . . . , . . . . Commi ttee, silver .. .. .. .. " (ommittee, Gellman silver .. .. Cords-Divisional Commissioner .. District Commissioner .. .. All Round . . . . . . . . . . . . Examiner's Badges .. .. .. .. .. " nll ide-Tenderfoot, brass .. .. .. .. .. 2nd Class . . . . . . . . " .. 1st Class . . . . . . . . . . . . Proficiency .. .. .. .. " .. Hostess, patrol .. .. ., .. .. .. .. .. Lone Guide Tenderfoot .. .. .. .. .. . Ranger-Tenderfoot Ranger Test' '... '... : .. :. .... .... .... Ranger Star .. ....... . ~ervice Stars--'Brownie, Guide. Guide·r, Ranger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Service Stars-Fiye-yeal1 .. .. Secretaries' Badges-District . Divisional Sash-President's " T .a ssels-Area Director .. ..':. Thanks Badge .. .. .. .. Victorian EX'e'cutive Council .. \Van'ant Brooches-Brown Owl Tawny Owl. Captain . . . . Lieu tenan t .. Ranger Captain

6d. 6d. 6d. 4d. 9d. 4/9d. 10/6/9 2/0 1/6d. 6d. 1/-

4d. 6d.


116d. 6d.

6d. 9d. 1/1/-


5/6 4/-

1/3 1/3' 1/6 1/1/6

Registrations. Cadet Company 2/Guide Company 2/Guide Annual Fee .. 3d. Guide RegistraUon (incl. Enrolment Card) . . . . . . . . 6d. Local Associations .. .. .. .. .. ., 2/Lone Guide Companies .. .. .. 1/Secretari·es .. .. 1/Study Circle .. .. .. " .. .. .. . .. .", 5/""arrant Fee-Guiders .. .. .. .. 6d. Postage extra on all orders.

Brown Wool is now stocked at Headquarters. at 1/- per skein, for making wQollen caps forBro'w nies for winter wear. Two skeins will make thl':ee caps. Directions for making will b e found in "The Guide," No. 39. FOR SALE.-Guider's Uniform, perfectly good; tailored at Lincoln, Stuart's; scarcely worili. May be tried on at Office; £4/10/- Ol~ offe r. Apply StatE' Secr€'tary for particulars.

Rameay Publishing Pty. Ltd .. 206 King Street, Melbourne.

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