Matilda 1925 vol 03 no 02 sep

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Vol. 3.


. .0. 2



9 D.

POlt 1d. .xtr. AN


















Open Daily (Saturdays excepted) from 9.30 a.m.-l p.m.; 1.30 p.m.-.5.l0 p.m.


September. 1925.







p('otf'c-tiOIl (If X:tth'p Birds ..

('onHl1iRsi()JH n~' 'I'l'aining Visi1 to l~.!:-'.s, "~eattle" :::\ e\n;


l<'oxlea.s0 makes YOU think of the Fifth La \\. a. plain unpretentious house [or its sizf'. and in 'wintcr thl' nakedness of the park tre('~ intc'm;ify its hardness, and it is not till yen l'n tPI' the hall 1hwt you fcc I tlH' graciousne~s of the place. Then daily you get to know jt );Ott0)', till it becomes a well-loved friend. It is not every house that has this ((nality of a personalit~'. vVl1ether it is a legacy from lhol;(' ,...,110 have lived under its ro')f, or from its first builders, or from tIle very land whereon it is huilt, who can say'? When oyerseas G·uiders corne to Foxlease they feel they hayf' come horne, and realis8 (perhaps for the first Lime) how widespread is the fami1~- to which they belong. The house stands in a park - wide gre('n paddvcks all set about_ with stately groups of heech and oak and chestnnt, hordt'red by thl New Forest on one ,side and a slow stream with alder- fringed banks on the other. In the front the drive turns round a triangular lawn where stands the flagstaff, to the rear of the h011se lie the rosebeds, and the paths wind up to tIle forest, to the side is a walled garden and beyond that again the 'nld thatched barn, now changed by a dancing floor to a recreation hall. Farther away again are the co\\'sheclp., now converted to shelter sheds and \Va;S11 h011S018' fOl" t11e compani('-!'; 'who come even' year to find canlping sites in thl' park. Tnsicle tIl(' 11011se ('Ycry J'OOlTI has a p8rsonal intere,st for some company. ::-;cotland furnished the big room round whose open hearth the Cuiders gather on the chilly nightR wlwn the camp-fire circk outside with its ringd logs is too draughty for comfort. Through tlle folding doors i,s London. elsewhere towns and courutie~ and countries haye furnished bedro.::·ms and given pictures until it is hard to know what more can he dOlle. Hut tlw Victorian Guider goes t111'0ugh Foxl0as(' \ 'ain l~­ seeking a message from home. The onl~­ representative of any Australian State is a heautiful hlackwood chaiJ' in tlH' l1all from Tasmania. The Foxlease training is a wonderful hell) to a Guidel', because the place gives dignit~­ and continuity and tradition which is hard to come by in ihe hUlTY nnd stress of .1 ('a sua I training week. Also it is impossible to place too highly the work of those ,,;o,'omen who hayE' done so much to make the n1"~st that could be made of this wonderful gift to guiding- tIlt' Guiders who are in charge of th0 training week'S and the pE'l'lTIanent staff. I t. is

Ha Ily ..

I >istl'i('t

Ill'ivil0gC·d tlWl'C, for \,'hen ('H'n the waiting list iR 1'1111 room will be found at a. training: \\'('('k for an oversea:,; Guider ",.. hose only opport unity fOJ" training it ma~' be.







.J .)





The Place nf Play Xinepin!'; ., Appointments .. Camping .. Trninipg "-eeks .. .. .. .. .. Training- ('lasses Pl'i<'e List ..

!J !J



]0 10 '11

NOTICES. \Y l ' now ha \-e a good stock of "Rules, Polic~' a ntI Organisation. 1925," the "10th "\nnual R('port'" and "Guiding for the Guider." a.ll of which are indispensable to a Guider. ncfol'l~ Chrbtmas we expect a ::mpply of Diaries, Christmas Cards, and Calendars. Captains are reminded t11at, bE'fol'e deciding' to hold any entertainments, the permission o( the Di,-isional or District Commissioner mnst fi 1'8t be robtained. Acting Captains and Lieutenants, whQ are withoti t; Di,-isional or District Commissioners, should apply to Headquarters for a paper to do for their \Varr-ants. Those with a Cornrnis~ sioner, of course, apply to 11(>1'. u Credit acco;un ts may be #opened by country (;llicler~. The accounts are sent out at the end of the month, and prompt- payment is appreciated. Exchange should be added to countl'Y cheques. In future receipts will only he sl'nt for amounts over 5/-. For the next issue of "Matilda," Distl'ict and Company new;;, and any literary contributions, should l:each Headquarters by N~)'vem~ 'lH'l' S. _-0 further reminder will be given.


The (-'state of Foxlease, in the middle of the Forest in Hampshire, was given to the Guide Association hy an _.\ mel'ican lady, Mrs. Archbold, and endowed hy Prince,ss Mary as a training school for Guiders, and as such it is of vi tal interest to CrU ide!'; all oyer the world. and though thousands of Guides do not corne into touch themselves with the place it has a personal interest for everyone, f,or it is the home of Guiding and it is impossible to ove1'~stimate its influence even on the most remot0 overseas company. For overseas Guides it seems to have a 'special welcome; indeed, we>

Just because FoxlC'uRC' is thc home of Uuiding the homeland of eyery Guide should be l"epl'£'sented within its walls. ,,"hile it would b0 wonderful if all _\ ul-ltl'nlia. oould combine in a gift the 'erg-a nisation makes it easier for eacll State to giv(' sepal-.ately. And while those Guiders who have themselves had the pleasure of being wt Foxlea:se will be first to wish to contribute every company should know about the Home of Guiding, and by your Clontribllting a small sum froll! the company funds WE' can send a gift really represenUng Victoria, and not just a very few Victorian Guiders. In asking for this contrihution, we arc asking



September. 1925.

to a,ail yoursel\-es of the priyUege which is yours to adorn the Homc of Guiding. D.l\I..\.


[In the last issue of "1\la tild.a." we asked for contributions from all Guiders and Guides in Yictol"ia. The response so far has been ycn" Rlow. We hope, howc\"(>1". that Guides will make their g'ift one really reprE'f'enta tin' or the entire ~k'lte and that thc r('spon~\.', th,'\l~'h slow. will he stll'('.-Ed.]

dl'struetion i~ going' on in ~llL'h a manlH'l' :U:; to i\~, tif~" tlH' bdid tlw t tla' In ws f(ll' t I)('ir prot(>etion an' ~llm()Rt a dl',\d l\.'~ tCl'. 'Vi I II .t lh' ohj('et of l)l'l'\'l'ntlng' this wa~t('t til dl'~t.l'lId IOn. thl mccting- pa~~l'd a. n'~ol\ltilm tlwt tilt' ~I Itl' .:\[inistn Ih' askl'd to initiatl' and CatTY lHl nllll'l' \'igOl ons nH'aslln.... ~ for th0il' Pl'ot('t'tinn. It wns ~llg-g'ested that t11t..' Po I il't' Pt'pal'tllH'nt. 111l' l<'i~h(rh"'R



Pl'p:u'tm " nl.



Edlll,'ntion J)t'})(utment ('ould I.'Hell Ill'lp in th il' s('\'cral Wa)R. It was at:.l·\'ed that the Ht)Y ::5eouts. Girl Guides, and puhlk st..'hol)1 ('hillln'll sh l1 11hl In'

:\sked tog'i\,(' t1ll'ir a"sistanet' tn the mon l1'h nt. The following letter \\ as rerci\"('d rrom tllt' Chief Guide too late fOl' publication in tlH' last i~"ue of "l\fn.tilda" :--


Bucking'ham Palace Road, London, 8. \Y.l Ja lllWO- 6t h. HI~ l.

Deal' (iuid0J's of Yictoria, l hu\"t' to-day 1 \.'cei\"ou Y lUI' ldlcr o( .\ll~ll~l 20th. telling- me o[ your appr('ciation of the work Miss Hogarth did while in youI' ~tat('. T want to thank you for ~'Ollr lettcr. [I}1(1 it was very good of ~'ou to write to 111(' so fully. I am \"en' glad l\Iiss Hogarth was ablc to l:elp YOll, and I hope Guiding- will ris<' to gT('at heights in Yictol'ia. and that it will h\.~ of 1'('(11 and lasting yaille to the girls who come under its influence. 'Vith again many thanks [or YOul' letter, and all good wishes to you all [0[, 1925, YOlWS sincerel:,,', (Sgd.) OLAVE B.':\DEN-PO\\TELh Ch ief Guide. STATE


The 2nd Victorian Sta.te Rally will be he-lel in thc gronnds of J:;"'ederal Govel'nl11cl1lt HOl1~() (.n !-'a tm·day. 3rd October. Guides will be asseml,lNl in groups composed of a nncle-us of l\Tf>lbOllI'lH' companies to which will he att<.l.cl1l'c1 the vari'ous country companif's which are COlY\mg to ~Ielbourne from such distant places u:-; Swan Hill, Hamilton 3.nd GippRland. It is t11m, hoped that Gui.lr6 will be able to rea.lly know each other. ATrangements are being made for country Guides to stay with Guides in l\lelbourne who have been able to offer such h ospitali ty. AN


We wish to express our thanks to the anonymous donor of a quantity of "chit" paper which was left during June at the G.G. office. This is still proving most useful.

COMMISSIONERS' TRAINING COURSE. '1"'11e 31'll Yldol'ian C'onnnissiOlH'l'S' Cont"l'l'l'IH'1' and Training' COUl'SI' waH hl'hl at ~tatl' (~nY l'rnmcnt ]lOllS(, from 11 III Ln 14tll .\l1g'l1sL. and thcs(' rOl1l' days we1'(' f11lcd "ith intel','sting and val'ied l1iscllssiollS upon many subjeets important to the furthC'l':lnce of Cuiding-. Unfortunately the Stat<' Commissioner, Lady Stracbl'okl" was pro\'('ntl'd by illness from \)('tng pres·cnt at the COnfl'l'C}We. 'rill' COllI'S{! was arrangcll by tIll' Acting' H('[l<l of Training', Miss M. E. RUSh, and was att<'ll<lcti by tile' [oUo\ving Conl1niFiHonel's. 1\11'~. L. LaI1HPll (DiY. Comm,iSRionel' Northern Djyj:-;ion), .\Iis~ H. Ilamilton (DiY. CommiSHiolH'r 1\[ <'llll1111'1H' and Sub' I'hl-;) , Dr. Flol'C'nct' C'OO}H'l' (DiH I rid COn1mii'J;~ion€'r Richmond) l\l iRS ~. Can1l'l'on (.\ding . \],('ll Dircclot' 1',U'4\' CiOJllpanil·s). ,1\ll'H. Dryscia.l<' (District C()l111niH.sionC'l· ~:lndl'ing-­ ham). Mrs. Edmondson (Disll'ic:l ('()llltl1i~Hi()JWl' Hawthorn ancI Kew) . .;\l1's. J-1aycH (Tasmania), 1\Irs. Keating (District C()mmi~sion('1' South J\Telllo 11 1 nc). 1\11'1-4. Kll'lX-Chapll1an (Dis,tdcl Commissioner, ~ wan Hill), 1\1 rH. 1\J ountain (District Oommissioner, Fcrntl'cc UulJy). Mrs. McLean (District Commissioner, st, .A rnaud), Mrs. Rundle (District Commissioner, Kel'ang), Mrs. P. .T. Slater (District Commissioner, Northcote), Mrs. C. H. D. Ste0le (District Commissioner, Camberwell), Mrs. Win tcr-Coo]{<, (District Commissioner, Hamilton and Coleraine), lVIrs. A. S. Woolcott (District Commissioner, St. Kilda).


Representatives of nature-loving societies, at a meeting <Jf the National Park section of the T.o wn-planning ASSOCiation, discussed the question of the protection of native birds, whose



On Saturday, August 1, the State Commissioner arranged that Gllides should visit the U.S.s, 8N\ttle. Over 600 Guid('s and nlliclcrs were glad to haye such an oPPul'llmity or seeing th0 FlagRhip, and spent a mo!:;t inter('sting morning, being shown all over tlw ship.

MATILDA. The 11'uping flam('!' dif'd clown; 10\\', J ~I'c.a nIP :t

IIPa p

the fire lJUrned

of" ~I()wi ng <'nli){'r!'l.



sa ng'

(hl/" p\"(Oning s'o ng, and sjJl'ntl" WI' lert 'I'll!' SlllO 1Iid pri n g' J ()g~, Th (' H"ta I'S Wf'l'f' gl Pet III i ng hl'igll t .\iJ()YI' liS in tlte depth:-; of th!.' gT('at HIme(';

God's "eacons in a, :wa or IHlI'plt, bht(-},; The' moon all()Y(' til(' tl'(>()-tops pec'pcd, a ball Of I'ltdd~' gold, whiclt, aii it mountC'u. clwngf'd To :-;i1 n:'I' whitt', and iinul.lI(»·, bl'ig-htc'r gTC'W; It.~ IighL m:.ul(' dancing patterns on the ground, Tlll'Ollg-h gtllll-Ipu\,('s wltich pla~'ed in til(> son h I'(,(,Z('. TI1(,




showecl .\ thollsand rUC('[::-; Tllt'n to m~' mind



lh ..Jt , pllre light. lIP wordH canl<' IHI('I\: "Tlrc'

]lO)'n in j


(H wal('I'. fin'-lil tr('e's, and glorious sturs Ik with rou Ihrough til(' hours of' tilt' nig-ht." Tlwn .sll't'p 1'011 on 1lH', anel til(' sLU':-;, l1lP moon, The tn'es. lil(' el'(~d,. and all wer(' hlotted out Tn (lar1{l1!'!-)s, :-·;jumhl:'r wrapping 111(> ;1.round.

September, 1925.'

CommiRsioner and several nE'W members WI10 /w \,(. joined the ASSOCiation. It was decided that Mis.s .\ndrews should be: :u.:;kc·d to come up [110m Headqual'terii to hold !-lom(' Training Classes herE:', which would be l\f'lpful to Guiuf'rs, in Company Management, (lnd to tIl(' old€'1' Ouicl('s Wl10 will lutpr hecom<' (~ llid('l's. In orciPl' to financ(' the Cla.c.;ses, it waR UIOl.lg-ht n(·ce:-;.:-;ary to gi\'e an ('ntertainment, hilt owing- to tll£' gcner()sit~· or the ladies at th(' mc'ding the full amount was donated. for which we are all most grateful. .:\oIl'S. McKenzie, one of our country members of Trawalla }<~state, has kindly inYited all the Compani('s to hold a rally early in the spring, to which tltc' GuideR ar0 looking forward with gTf'<.l.t dplig'llt. 'vV(> al'(, \'pry pleased that nearly all our Local .\ssociation members suhscribe to " .M atilda," as n'1W we }mow that they really have 111<' "I )'(>aSlll'C hag-" of G II ic1<' infol'ma tion for \Tictol'in.




Hamilton and Coleraine.-.\ District <1ispla~ is til 1)(' held shortly. The dn te was to hay" \II'Cll (lctubf'r 3, llllt owing to Yat'jolts difficulties which han' arisen, it ma~' hU'I:e to he hell1 a lilllp latvl'. rrhe Cumpanieii arC' prcparing fill' till' competitions arranged fO!' the diHplay da~·. .\ sllield <1onate'u by the Hamilton Local Asso('iation will he the posHe,ssion ,of 011' winning Company for one yea!". rrlw Commissioner ilas fuuna that at man~' (;lIidc entcrtainnwnts words of plays, l'ecitations, and songs c:.annot 1/(' heard. An pI cution prize iR thel'cful'P to j)(' competed for, open to all Companies within tile district. The two best (}lli<1e\.,-; in ('aell Company to compete will IH' plected ],~. tllt' Guiders in the Company. .\ny two of 1IIP following- three items may 1)(' t'llOSC>I1: -Recitation of a poem. "If," by Rut!~'ard Kipl ing. Song selected by Miss Cocks. G.G., m llsica! hadge examiner, Melbournf'. "It was a 10ye1' and his la:-;s," Morley setting. Readi ng at sight. Paragraph to be given ,on the day competition is judged. TIW prizf's (lst ancI ~nd) are to be books, and wi II uPl'onw th(' possesRion of the Companic's to which Ow winning competitors belong. (M. \\,in tPl' Coo);:(', District Commissioner).

Ba Ilarat.-\Ve an' v(-ry pleased to 1.)(' able to report in this issue of "Matilda" that we have a new Commissioner, and would lil,e to giv(' :'\Iiss }'J ontgomery the best wishes and hearty congratulations of all our Guides. We think it is pspecially g'ood of Miss Montgomery to have a('ct'pted the position of Commissioner, when she kne\\,' beforehand how arduous a task it would lJp, haxing been a mORt enthUSiastiC leader in the C;uide l\['ovement since it was begun in this distriCt. .-\. meeting of the Local Association was held at Bishop Court on June 16, when thc President, :\ll's. l\laxw('l1-GumlJlC'ton, welcomed tlw

1st Ballarat.-Thifl Company has increased its numh<'rB to 30, five new recruits havingpassed their Tenderfoot test and been enrolled during the last month. The Guide,s yet'Y pleased to havf' Miss Montgomery as thE:'ir Captain BtU!, and appl'ecirute her having beCiome :'-10 attached to them as a Company that she wisheR to continue as their Captain as well a,s COIumissionel', 'I'hey very luuch regTet tllC' l'('sig-nation of their Lieutenant, Miss Root, but are glad to wC'lcome lVIiss Isobel Graham as acting LiE'utel1ant until the end of tl1(' year. Thl'e0 Guides have pasHed their 2nd class tests and s('veral of the Ranger Patrol han' attended Miss Andrew's 'I'raining- Cla,s,ses. All the Guiders have found the classes mlost helpful, and are hC'g-inningo to hope that ROmt' day 11H'y may },(,:1('11 th(' Rtanda I'd of lRt ('laRS OuideR, 2nd Ballarat.-\Vol'k 11 a I-> Pl'og-l'e'ssed yel')" ,~atisfactorily in this Company during 010 laRt three months, The' Commissioncl' visited it a short time ago, and enrolled ten new GuidcH, making the numherR complete FO!' a full l'OI11pany 'Of 32. 3rd Ballarat.-The Company has been mE:'eting regularly with a good attendance' of the Guides, who are at present keenly practising for the Choir Competition to be held in October. They are fortunate in haYing' Mr. Oats to train ther~l, and We' hear that thE:'Y spend most :-;irenuous cYCningiS singing- the Guide Marching song, '.raps and others, bnt hopc that they \.vill not forg'E't that therc is other Un idC' work to be donc too. Each Company is I1lQst anxious 10 sho'w their al>ility as BongsterR, and to haye the shield to cIccnrat0 thC' walls of th('ir cluhroom. On ~atul'day, .Junc 6, the Company had a. field day at Bnninyong, and Hpent a yery jolly time climbing up the mount, at the top of which there was a 10VE:'ly Yicw of the !Surrounding country, and many thing'S of interest 10 be seen by the Guides. 4th Ballarat.- This Company has also increased its number to 32, 5 recruits having latf'ly 1>('('11 ('111'011(->(1. .\ g'reat deul or tl1<'il'


·September. 1925. Guidf'

en:'nings haY(' been takt'll up with practising for a Guide displa~". which tl1f'~ g'nn.' last month. and augmented tht~ir funds h~"


It was a most creditnhl(' displa~". hoth to tht' Guiders and Guides, and those that :-;'1." it realised \yhat \york it must h::ITE' llH'allt rOt' tlw Company in marching. singing-. knot tyim::.

signalling and first-aid worh.. It has been decided to purchuse ColourR. and a basket-ball for C'ompan~" nse. (K. :\Just. District Sec,), 1st Bairnsdale, St. John's.-l)uring' tlw laR! few months m:ost of Olll' Guides han~ heen working at 2nd class, and one of th€'tn hn~ successfully completed the test. \Yc huyc been endeayouring t(l Iwlp utlH'I':-;. a.nd on l\lay 2, when the local Ho" ~(\(\lIL" lwld :l. carniyul to raise money for their hall und tlw Rotan" Club, we willingly conscntC'd to d() Ottt' bit, and took charge of t hC' bnll1 dip, supplying all the a.rticles for samC', and helping' otherwise where help "as n(>('ded. Our open night on l\Iay 14 was H>I'~' Su~C('!:'­ ful, and w(> ,""ere indl"f>d gTatC'ful to hayC' OUI' DiHtrict CommissionC'l' with lIS thal night. Many who Wf'rp present ('xpressed Slll'Pl'is(' at tIl!' Yaried and useful instruction gin'l1 at 'Ulll' meetings, and H keC'n('r intet'N.;t in our mN't-

ings seemed to be created, .:'\ext month a 1'a11- Pacific 1:<jxhiuitiu11 is Ifeing heh1 hf'l'e, and we are staging a dialogup which includes all our Guides, S) w(' al'e no\\ busy practising 1'01' this, hoping' to makC' Olll' ('ffori worthy of UuidC's, (H. ~tokes, Captain), 2nd Bendigo.-TIH' glon' or 01(' HllllHhin(' on the morning of .Tunf' '27 waR excl'llpd only hy the radhlnc~' of thC' smiles that sholl(' f11' m (1)(' (aces or 18 CuidNl-nilH' of tlH'lll brand nt'\\' (the Guides, not the fac('s)-nnd tilt' six recl'uit..<.; who now compl'i!'H' t IH' '!.nd 1~f'IHlig'() G,G. Coy, KeY('r a sluggard was th('l'(, Uwl morning, though ('agC' I' anticipation had testified to many a sl(>eplcsR night. ..\ II this ecsta tic. Rt'ething, hnhbling' ('xdt(,l1lcnt waH becallse tlH' long-for all-day Hik<> with which we WC'I'(' to ('<'lehl'at<' "!lII' first hirthday waf> to han(l. Nothing could t'('sirain u:-;, The my:--;tC'l'Y of wl1f'I'(' tlw trail would lead :--;harcd t 11!' intcl'('st with the mYHt('r~' of' who W(TC' to 1ft' the sUl'!)t'ise guests to teu, though th(' Patrol ihat lost thC' trail had seriow-l doubt:-; as to wheth€'r ('HIler mystf'ry would 1)(' HoJYl'd by them. HIllWf'Vel', w(' all f'ventually al'rived, and Sf't to with grim (j('tel'mination horn 11('I'{'(' 111lng'€'1' to prepal'(' a l'Ppast 'which we think was uniC(Il€', But, alas, tlw ),('(>nnpsH (II' 0111' appetit<';s had hepn 1)(.\ l'f'ly Hatiatc(l wltC'n ominollH clouds appeared on tll(' horizon, and Hoon hid th(' glory I()f thf> sunshine', W(' I)(>ga n to wonder wheth(>/' our interviews with WC'atiw)'










boasted th<'m to be. We were not len sutticiently long in doubt to 1>(' able 10 clear awuy all traces or our calnp, and ]'f'/'01'(> w(' eould reach sh(>Itel' many or us Wf'l'C' drenchf'Cl. .\ nd aR WC' tl'udg(>(l home wt" just had to /)1" "Pollya.nnrus," and he glad of such a splf'n(lid oppor-

tunity 1'01' practising- Law 1\0. 8, and 0111' smiles, though com.;id('rahl~- climmC'd, sllOn(~ bravely, However the Weather Clerk ga\,C' liS pf'rfcct weather for our Church Parade on Sl1nda~" morning, which was our actual hi I'thday, und we turned up with never a tracE' of the hayne the storm ,of the previoll~ da~" had \\T011ght.

I ~C'r(\t'(' t hI' I 'al'adl~ WI' )\h'lll d a ldrl hda,' II 11'· from )11':;. l.AlnSI'II, Oil\' Pi\'isional CI)Illmi~sionl'l - tlw drt of a l ninn .I:ll'l,. of: ""ltiC'h



are 1'."('I>l.'din~·l)·

111'Ollli, and f'(\I' \\ hkll WI' I'~" ,~I':ltt'flll to )111' {'lllllllli:-;::-I(l\1t'I'. "',, hnpt' til n'pa\ IH'I' \,ill(\n('SS h~ pl'at'lh'al 1 () y:lIt~·. :ind hy acting on tIll' ,Hh'it'p --IH' g11\"" liS nl1 th(' pt'l'\inu:--; '\l()nda~', \\'IH'1\ slH' (':llllt' (I) l'Il/'nl ninc rel'ruits to "HI' tllo/'Il\tg'h" in all thing-s,





(,hlll'('11 I'ar:uh' W;IS Illost till h('\p or Ihl' IlH's~a"'I'

HelTing' g'aYI' flllfil





inspiring', and, Ill'

his St'l'lllnn, \\'i~h (Ill' !lltl'

.. \I'('ltdC':ll'(l1l

"" nt'\\



,,' ,',11'

rielH'I' t'Xpl'l'i I'll CI'S. tit'I'IH'l' Il'aining, aud ;1 IllPt· ~piril (II' st'l'\'icL' \\1' \H't'l' glad to Iw\"(' '\11'1', 1.:111S('11 :tnd till' lsi Ih'ndi,~'o C()~, wit'h 1I~ at (1\11' Hil'thd;I~' 1':11';111." \Y0 an' \\lll'king "l'l'~ 1t:ll'd rnl' ~nd l'1:1~~. 1)1', .la('ol)~ ha~ 1)('1'11 log'I\I' ll~ 1\\'0 1('('1 lin's on :!nd claSH amlnll:1nl'l' work ,\1 till' annual 1l1l'!'ling or tll(' J .11(':11 .\~~(1('i­ :tiilll1 in ,hllH', \\'ht'11 Lady :-;tl':ldb)'\ll\I' \ixi:tl'd 1~\'lHligo, W(' gH\'(' a di8p\n~ Jlh~~iI':11 t '\('rl'iHl'~, (r\, Oldtil'ld, ,\ding' ('"ptain),

\i\'itl l'l'alisatinn of tilE'


3rd Camberwell.

:-;inl'<' lasl "l\Lltilda" l1oli('I':O; I'it IN) t Itt' ('Olllpan.\ lias had :t \ ('I'Y 1'1111 t inH'. On .JUIU' 1 H WI' Iwld :t, slJ('t'('ssllll l'n\('1'tainl1lpnt ;Intl Illlu1a;.::t'd to I'lIiHI' £10, \\hklt \\,~I~ spl(,lldili, as it was 0111' ill'S! ('('fort. \Y<, \\'1'1'(' ]llpa.R('d tlw I l\lr~, :-;tl'('II'. 0111 J)isl rid COIll miRsion('T', was PI'ps('nL :llso so llH\n~' paITIlIl-i. \VI' Il'l\'(' IIt'PH ha\'ing' gJ'('at l\ll'I, 1\1, Il:tskt'thall (long' may it lasl). On .IIII~ 10 WI' 1'('1('· I,.'att'd 0\11' ;{I'd I>il'!!tda~, \\'1' !tnd ;1 qllid 1>1It. .iollr (\,'('ning all togd It I'!', and ('111 a cak(' d('col'1l!e<1 with thl'l'I' ('(111<11('1' into :~:! hils ill hl ,nolll' o/' 111(' ('\'('nt. Captain "as :tway rOl' 1.111'('(' rl'!tlu'sc1ays lakly. llnd Lit'lIt('n:lnt 1001< liS iIH,t('H(i. On .\lIg·usl 1. in ('oll1pnny with till' otlWl' Mt'lI)()lll'l1(' (illidl'H, \V(' \\l'l\t (lVl'l' tll(' If,:-;.~. ~('attk, It w\\,,, :\, tl'l'Ill!'IHI()\lH thrill, ;IS WI' W('t't' (l rraid such 111('k \V:lS no( coming 0111' WHY, (If', :-;a1111011, <'aptain). \\'('1'('


1st Carlton. W(' W('I'(' \'('n dl'lig-ltlPd i(l Ita \ I ' \'il'i t on ,TlIl~- 1-\ from ')111' ('Ollltll iSHionC>I', 1\11'1', 1I1I'pl1<1n 1<'f'I'gllHOn, so SOOll ;lrtl'I' 111'1' a.ppoint1110nll. \N(' fc,1t hOlH)III'!'(( to be 1111' firHt (:lIitll!H 10 hI' ,-jsit('(1. '1'11<' small \'IlI('I' wllieit (':\11('« (aeling on J)('I' own initiatin') Hnd til!' \ohlln(' of' HOllnd which /'ollowt'<I tpHtilil'd in t1HIIH('


"tl1l'('(' VIH'Pl'H" nlr(,<.Id~' 1wilwd ( 'ompan~-.

!low h('r:-;(~I/,



('ml1llliHHiol1l'\' ltn~ tll(' "('OIl't:--; of 1hl'

We' hnv(\ 11;1(1 n \'pry lHIHY tilll!' for six montllH P'IS!. Clli(\('s W('I'(' KuccesHflll in ()OI11('sti(: ~(,l'­ \ieC', ('Ilild NIlI'S(', and .. \mllll\anc(' nndg-~ ('XalnH,

On .\ptil 22 tIl(' ('()l1lpa.ny \\('t'l' invitvd to a ('\'C'ning- witlt the' It It Fitl'.Y'o\" Seout.s, ,\ most ('njoyah1t., c\'('nll1g wa.s SlH'I1L I)), l;\'pr.\"011t'>. Vv<' had int('ndpd g'l\'mg 0111' 1·('tlll'll ~HJ('ial in May, hut unavoidahly had to POl-itpon(' it until .Jtll1l" wlwl1 Ih(' ~('()lIts WI'1'I' loud in pl'a.isc'H ()r lll(' (',"C'ning' tIll'," lwd 1'1H'nt. On May '!.() W(' W('I'£' comp\C'(ply Lal{('11 by Slll'pl'iSf' h~" a first visit fl'otl) tlH' Stall' S<'cl·C''v; it waH i.t1HO till" first p\-C'ning' WC' had ~'lisH 'K 'T'l'il}(' with lIH, whl) is ae1 ing' as LiPlItC'na.nt. 1'01' :1 r('w \\'N'ks. ~on1<' of liS ha \'(, /)('('11 working hard 1'0,' tnontll~ making t()~'H, s('l'aps, and l)()st('arc! hooks, which w(, took to Ihp ('hilcll'l'n of' :-;(J('i;ll

t.1l(' .\UHtln

HWipi1uI on ,JlIllf' H. •\n (mjoyubl!'

picnic wus sf)(>n L at (Jn~('m'lbOI ()ug-h on .Tune S; Wf' were pleaHC'c1 to have tl11'(>(: of tile il'a.ining ('laSH with 11:-;, On .lUll(' 17 the Guides gayc

MATILDA. an i telll a,t 1he Young St rc('t 1\Tj~Rion Conc('rt. ()n .J lInl' :! land 29 w(' WP)'(' V(lIT fortunate in 11:1 \"ing- l()ssons in the va-riollR nH'th()d~ of rope H])lieing from ,:\11". Turner, Scout ~lnstp1"; the examplpf'; of n.ll s<'nt. in afterwardR 1)\' HotTIe of t h(' gil"1s WPI'P highly commonc1crl 1)\' tlH' inst 1"11('( t I'. Twcn l~'-one memhers W('l"(' ~.lhlc to g'o to tllp Ol'clwstl'al conc('rt in the Auditorium; t1IP offer was grf'atI~' apprpciatcd by every0lH' who thnl'Ollg'hly onjoyed it. It was 11)(' til~~t til1W that some of tIl<.' GuideR had ('\'1'1' heen to such a ('oncert, and it was a wondel'ftll eye-opener to tlwm, (fda L. ~rilson, Captain). 1st Essendon. -In F<:,1Jl'u:ll"~' 'we held a Dahlia Show-thh; SIlO\\,. which is combined with a :-;ale or girt:-;, has j,t'COlllO an annllal fes-tivit\'. This year ~liss h'Ying- Idndl,\' opened it for us: ·we cleared £20. which saved further anxiety 1'01' tlw ~·(' al'. In ~lay w(' rendered an operettta <.'nUtlpd tilt' "~\mC'rican Gil'l," the proceeds of whil'h is put asit1(' towal'ds 1'unc1[-; rol' a tonnis COllrt. Mr. and "':\frs. Little spent ITIuch tin1<' in training- the girls, So w(' gayC' t l1em a. case of siainl('ss cutlel'~', which was dl1)~' handed to them hy th(' ::\Iayor, Mr. l\Iitchell. The Church has ;tf'lu'c1 us tf) assist them at a fail' which takt's pltlC.'(· in .:\' m"emher. ¥h' ban' dE'cidccl on a. Yegetahle ~,tal1. ¥le have l'aist'd money to huy our Y('g-etahles, and have now time to de\'ote to Badge ,york. \Ve did not do much at Badge work last term, as the examinations fell at the same time as our operetta. W(' antenclNl a Girls' Rally during Church of Eng-land Congress, and enjoyed the service and an addl'esl-l by the Dean of Newcastle. vVe have spent some loyely Saturdays and holida~'s out in tIlE' paddock, and played Guide games. \Ye ha\'e joined liP with the l>asket1mll te'lm; we have played five games, of whicll ,vc won one, tied two. and lost two. Vile also had two enjoyable matches on our own ground ,yith tlle l\Ioreland Campfire Girls. \Ve an" m ucb in terested in Mission work, and Sister Xicholson, of Travancore, India, gave a. lantern lecture upon her work in hospital in Indi'!. \Ye are no\\" preparing R llOx which will 1)(' sent to her for Xmas. Tllis hox will c'.1ntain presents for the children and requisites fOl' the ho~pital in India. 'Yhen the American Fleet were here we joinpd other Guides and went oyer the l'~lag­ ship ~eattle, '\vhich was most instrnctiYe. One of our lieutenants, l\1iss Ethel Glover, suffered a sad loss: her mother died, and we nre n'n' sorry fOI' her. \Ve made a beautiful whitp CIO'8S and sent it to her; this loss neces~ sitated lieutenant leaving us and staying home to mind four brothers. • 'he has 0111' 10Ying :-;ympathy. (~. 'Vinston, Sec,). 1st Fitzroy.--The chief f'xcitement since Jast i!-;SllC' was ha '"Jng the ~tate Secretary, Miss TITing. with us for (me parade, when f-lhe gave out Pl'ofici(~nc~' Barlgf'f-l for Health, 1\] illinel', ~wimmel', Knitter, un(1 Child XUl'se, and im;ested a Patrol Leader. \Ve also had a singsong and learnt some very nice, new songs. One Saturday morning 12 of us went over the UOS.S. ~eattle and enjoyed onrselves very much. On July 9 we had a most successful jumble sale, and now at last have the Union Jack, of which we are all very proud. We would like to thank all the other Guiders and Guides who sent llS parcE'ls to ~wcll the ~al('.

Sepfember, 1925.

\Vo have all loved the fortnightly basket-ball 111a tchel') and meeting other Guides. and arc looking forward to the Rally in October, when we will he ablo to see some of them again. (A. Campbell, Captain), 3rd Fitzroy, St. Mary's, is growing stcadily. On .July f) .Miss Barfus came to the Company and enrolled five Guides. \Y(' ha "c only one 2nd class Guide in the Company at present, but w(' hope to have otlwl's '\"OI'YrsO'cn. We h.ave joined with 3rd :--;t. Kilda, and gone for hikes to Heidelberg and Studley Park. . We pla~' basket-ball eyery Saturday, and arC' 111 the "C" grade in the competition. 7th Geelong, All Saints.-Our first meeting was on ,Tune 14, 1924, with cight recruits; since then we have been slowly but surely growing, and hu'\"e now reached 18 12 of whom are dOing 2nd class. We have' had several hikes to Queen's Park, which have ))('en most successful. Wc chalJC'nged St. Andrew's, 9th Geelong. tlO a basket-1m 11 match, of which we' W<'1'e tlw proud winners, and spent a very Guidey afternoon, : finishing with a sing-song. They, in tm'n, challenged us, after which we spent a H'l'Y happ~· afternoon in the Eastern Park. We 11a vo lately had a visit from the District Captain (Miss Peters), when she enrolled two Cuides, and gavo us a nice Guidey talk. This is our first appearance in "Matilda but decidedly not the laRt, so, au revoir, until next time. (K. Diclcson, Acting Captain). 9th Geelong, St. Andrew's.-This \"oar has slipped away so quickly, leaving n' host of pleasant memories in its train. We have had seyeJ'al half-day hikcs, and arc II~Joking forward eagerl}' to a promilsed whole-day in thc open, when wc n r(' going to cook our own chops and sausages, and boil our billi('s 0'\"(']' our "CIT own firef-l, Ono afternoon abOll t half of liS went to Qucon's Parle with the 4th GeelongCoy., and did 0111' 2nd claRs fil'f'-ligh ting and running testH; 0111' morse flags a 1'e increa.sing in numb('l' e"cry week, so that soon we hope to see the con'ted little green t]'efoils adorning many a lert arm there are some serYico stal's due in a, 0uuple of months' time. a.nd w(' are hoping that they won't race tll(' badges. Wc arc a full Company now, and haye had to open a waiting list as well. ,\ t pl'esent we hayo three l'C'CI'UitS who are being- initiated into the intricacies of knots and Woodcl'aft signR, while the remainder of t.he Oompany is war1\:i ng hard for 2nd class as has been indicated. Thif-l year wp ha ye been ycry fortunate in ha "ing- two Yisits from our District Commissioner-one on l\Iay 1. when she cam(' down and enrolled five recruits, and thc second time on J uly 2~, when she caIne with l\1istS Barfus and our District Captain, Miss Peters, to watch an "ordinary" O~~y. meeting. l\1iRl3 Barrus inspC'C'ted us and fOllnd that our Rho111dc1' knots \\"P1'e not liP to the Rtandard of 0111' hright and shining badgcs. You should sec our shoulder knots now! (E. Walters, Acting Captain). 2nd Hamilton.-We were all very SOlTY to )ose our Captain, Miss Brake. who resigned ('arly this year owing to her marriage with Rev. Graham. We are glad she is living herc, as it does not seem as if we have cntirely lost her. Our Lieutenant and 1st P.L. were apPOinted Captain and Lieutenant respectively, and the to

• September, 1925,


~l..o\. TILDA.

Compan~' is losing none of its kl:'cnnl:'s!", \Yt' hayE' already had fiyC' cm'lnH'nt, this ~'(ar, and more recruits are still COIning:. .\ Itholl.~'h we haye just been giYen our SI'COlHI-yt'.u' !"CI'Yice stars, 0111' mpan~- is regarded :1S t hI' largest and keenest in thc' dL trict. The Training \YcE'k, wllich will h~' l1\'Id Iwn' during September, will he such n lH'lp tu Ol1l' Distr'ict, as we art> so short of Cllidl'I'S, \Y(' are looking fOl'ward to 'it Yen' much, Thc District Shield com}letHioll is qllickl~ drawing near .:.lnd 'we are ] oking rOl'ward to matching our 8trength a.gainst thc ot1H't' C()1l1panies of the District. Onr Compan~- kecps in constant toneh \\ it 11 the ~nd l\[ussclul'ough Co, in S('otla ntl h~ mcans of letters bet weC'n till' C;uidc's, It is 1110St ini.erE'sting and gi\'('s lW (luitl' n thrill. 3rd Hamilton.-In ~Iay \\'(.' wcn' sorn to j()!"I\ Olll' Captain, ~Miss 1\Iackie, hut Wp wish IWJ" ('\,('IT success in her new sphcrc, During tIll' wintC'1' montlls hikC's and fic-Ill (h~'s art' l'\'all~' imp ssil>l(', but last 1\[arcll W(' !"lll'nl a most ,'njoHlhl(' field day at the Hmnilton R<'St'I'\'oir :lnd a camp-fire at nig-ht. \YIWll tlw Inng-, warm da~'~ come again W(' " "i ll Yisit ~ll~tlH'I' 1'\ a tUI'C in 11('1' own 110111(' and "atch hC'1' \\'()l1clol'ful works, ~ 'V(' "erC' 1)IC'H8Cd to w('!COl1H' lWWI'VCrlli (s into Olll' Company tlli,s YCUI', TIl!'f'(' of tll1C'm lIavl' ]H'en BrowniC's, and \\'(' Ii\'" in t 11(' jOyf111 hopE' 'L f pOl'haps gC'tting ~onll' mOlT B!'owni(\s aR I'C'C I'U its, . \ t JH'C'scn t all 0111' f'lH'l'gies a 1'(' dil'ccted towards work 1'01' tlw District Shil'ldtho competition to tnkC' til(' fOl'm of' a l)ispl;I~' to Il(' hC'lcl in Octol)('r, (n, 1\1. .\ hllott, . . \('ling' Cnptain,),


1st Kew. -On Sunda~' l'\'(\lling, I\1:lr Li, \\1' had our Colou!' clc(lica ted, \Vc had a H'n impl'C'ssiYC' sC'l'\'iee. un(l W('I'(' pl('Hsl'd til<l t sn 1111Il1Y Otl101' (}lli<lN, and tlw K('w :--;c'oill.; W(,I'(' ahl(' , (. 1 Join with us, .... 11 t 11(' <111 i<l('s \\ hn ,11'1' mcml)('l's or Olll' chlll'ch atlpnd<'d 111(' COI11munion ~C'r\'il''' at ~ a,nl, on that <1a~, OUI' altcl'na 1i\'C' Sa tlll'clay ;\ I'tl'I'noons al'(' tnken lIP with hal-lkC't-haJl, as We' 11<1\,(' a t('HIll in the ".\." gl'ad!'; tiP to til(' pn':-:(\nl wp Im\'(' lost on(' match, won two anel drawn in til!' () tlH'r, rn May a pa I't~- of 16 fl'om 1his ('()mpan~ \\'('I'C' slHlwn over the Herald OfficC', 'which \\as \'t'I'~- int(\rCRiing, and help('e! liS to I'paliH(' til!' il11l11C'ns(' am'r lint or work an(l organisation lwcessary fOl' the production of a npwSpap('I', The dialogue "Mamzolle," Wllicll appear('d in <l recent issuo of the GuidC', \Va:-: rendo['('d by s<'YC'l'a I of our Guides at the Annual 1\1 ('ding of our District Af'ROciation, .\ good mURtel' a Hended at Port Mcll>ou1'lH' on the occaf>ion r f the inspection of the F,~,~, ~eattle . . \8 am' church is holding a l<~ett\ on OctobCl' ~ and 3, we are at present working to stocl, portion of a stall upon which we arC' helping, (1\1. Oliver, Captain),

1st Kyneton, St, Paul's,-On the cye .(),f Empire Day a pageant of gmpil'c waS given by the Guides, Scouts and Cubs for genC'l'al funds, It was very well performed and staged, and resulted in a profit of £18, Much valuable' help was given by the Local Associa tion in making the costumes, which were yery C'ffective, During the evening a shield, given to the Guides by Mr, Tulloh fol' Patrol competition, W.1;S lWN,0l1tC'd by 00.1. Hurry to tlw lVTagpi(~


Pa t rt)1. t It 1..' winnPl'!" 1)1' I h(' til'st qll:r I't "I'ly }IllCOl' t !l~,), TIlt P;I t 1'01 whkh has tilt' l1i~htSl f\g·gn'~·alt' for thl' ~':l1' will hll\( 01(' jll'i\'ilt'gl' tlt' ha\'in:..: its nanlt' in~t'l'll 1 d un tllt' ~hit'ld, Till' (~l1idl shan' Ilntil'I'I:.Ikt'n III 1001, ilft~'l' tl1\' hrass in Ille ('hlll'l'll t\\'o ('all'()I:,: 1:11';:1' l'har.~'I' ('tH' ;\ Ii1nnth, vll'lIning' it 1\ "l'l',\' \\('plc ;1 '('n lli.~' inl}lI'()\'c'llH'nl in till' aplll';tI':tIH'(' of 1111' hl'.ls!" has l'l'!:'lJlIt'd, .\ \'('I'Y htls~ s('I'n0 \\as dl'pivll'd onl' Fl'id:I~' nig·hl a fl\\\ \\'('f'ks ag' , \\ Ilt'l'l' S('\'t\n PI' I'ight Cnidl'!" WI'I'I\ indtlstl'it)l1sl~' ('lItting' III' Ilh'lnns, pint'appll's, tlnd ging'I'I', which \\'I'n' 1)(,\.\ d;l~ Itl 1'1' m:It!I' into jilm~ In all, 1.-, j<ll'S \\1'1'1' til\t\d ",ith ,i:lIll, and thl.' wholl' ('Oll1p'ln~ (11('11 tl)nk it liP to 1111' l'nH'toll llospital. "IH'I',\ il "';IS \'I'I'~' grall'ftlJJI~- !'('l'l'in'd, (1\:, SII'I'dwkl" <..':Ipt~lin), 1st Moreland, Durin:..: tIlt' "illkl' If\(lll( hs \\'1' bn\'(" h;ul SOIllI' hl'ight. I''~ahlt, 1"'I'nings, nil!! ;II'C' wOl'king hal'd no\\ ((ll' 1>I'()fll'il\IH'~' I~:rdgl\s, \\hit'h '''(' hUll!' I' \\in in (h'tl)111'I', .\1 tIlt' 1;lsI 11\~:ts \\1\ SI\I'IlI'I\d t!lI'I'P l'on!-!", t'ight {'hild 1)III'SI'S, ,In<1 I1IH\ 11\'111111, hnt \\\' ;11',' \\l1l'king 1'01' g'l'I'.ttC'I' Sl1l.'('\'''':-:; at 1111\ IlI"t tl'sls, \~; 1111'1'1' Iws h:'l'n SO lllllt'h \l11I'Inpl(l~ lllt'nL dlll'll1,~' lhi!" \\'in«'I', WI' dl\l'i(lt'd to Iwlp. if ol1lr in :t ~1l1;"1 \\': I ~, s () (10 n n t I'll [ t 1/- t () t hI' (. 0 hili' g' li 11t' III _ pl()~nl!'111 I·'und, ~("t\I':11 sociHI ('\\'ning's 11:1\'1' 1)(\('11 gin'l1 Il~ SOlll!' or till' <jllidl's' Jl:trl\llts (11 hl'IIl ntisl' 11111 IlI'~ fOl' 0111' "I~uilding' Fund," \\~\' long fOl' ;\ h:111 or OUI' (l\\n, ;lnll 111litl' in \\'ol'ldng In g'l'l 1111' 11,'1'(':-;:-; II ,\ rll11d~, (I I, 1\ 1;1 d Ii iSOJ1, ~('('1'\'1a I',"')' 1st Monbulk, (;il'l (:lIidillg' Il:ts \\1111 it:-; \\;1\' into (Il<' Ill'HI'(S or 11)(' hills, :Inll :tll'I\:lth tIlt' lsI 1\lonl>llll, ('n,\, (':tll 1001, b:ll'" UpOl1 " ~\ IlOll' ,\1':\1' ()r inlc'l'!'s!. \\'<, tind ,lllnil'I\I's llsillnishl'd nt till' 11111llbl'I' Ill' tltillg~ th,' (:llid,'s (',Ill do 10 .illstil'~' tl1l'il' (\Xist'lIH'\\, It is l';1thl'I' 1111'111ing, 1'01' ('XHIllPlt', t() :Issi:-:t: '11 I,'I'U's: :llld gl'l':lt \\ilS Oil!' dl'lighl in till' Ont' ol'g:lllis<'d h,\ 0111' ('Ol1l1tlissiol1t'I' :llltl I'I'il'llIIK ;1 ( SIlI'rl'I'ol,\' in i\lalTh, , \P:1I'( 1'1'0111 joining in:1 ('()l1lhilH'tI dlspb" W(\ ('11I(,I'('rl 1'01':\ singing VIIIll]l<'titi"IIl, \\Itll I Ill' I'('sult tllal I. 'ld~' FOl'sll'l' d('C'id"tI t 11:r1 \\'1' SII()l1lcl hl'in.~' til" Lo\ ('II·1\lollnt;lin silvl'l' ('UP (0 l\lonhllll" '1'\\ ('nt~' 111'(1\\ nil'S tI('('IIlIlP;llli('d liS ;u.; ;1 IIOd~ -gll<1l'd. ;t nd bl'o;t<l<';lsll'd t It(' 11('\\'S H long' tIll' I'oads 1'1'0111 tIl(' sidt's IIf 0111' III ()trO 1'\\ aggol1, ]<Jmpil '(' l)iI~ st:ln<i:-: UIlI as an(Jlltt'I' Ilnp]!.\' <'\'('nt, fOl' \\1' \'l (' 1'1' in\'i{('d II" till! S('I)C)() I (;Ollll(,jl 10 a ft<'ll<l [I\(, 1'\'1'11 i ng' dl'J1lrll1s1I';lt ion <I t tl1I' J\Ipcllanic's Instjtlllc, wh(m \V(' sang I'\·('I'yll1in.~' W(\ I< Ill'w! rr 11<' la Ht til 1'1'(' 1l1011lhs Ila VI; II('f'll rlill of tl1<' in I <'I'<'sl sllpplied h~ ~nd class \\'1' I'k, so that wl1PIl WI' (,pl{'lll'a((' lillI' hidlldi\\' on , \ llg'llSI Ij we hopc' to find al If'ast six 2nd '('Inss lladg('s as well U.s our stu I'S, .\ Iso on till' ('\-(,l1trul nigl11 fh'c I'ccruits UI'(' 10 1)(' 1'111'0111,(1 h~' OUt' Commil-lsionC'I', l\fl's, l\lo1lntain, <lnd {hilS W(' ('xpcd to stal't 11 pon (JUI' 2nd Yf'<I)' \\'it II [he stl'f'ngtlJ of 27, (K. H, . \l'l11stl'ong,), ht Mornington.-Oul' ('omp~lny Iw]d a social on Friday, .July 10, to say "1<'<11'('\\('11" to tIll' L('ucl('l' or t11c Kuokuhul'l'a. I'atl'o] -BoUy Crcig Who has gone to li\"(~ at. V\'onthagg-i, whe!'!' silC' lias joined the Guide Comp:tny, \\'c llav(' chosen OUt' Company Jl1otio-":--;tcel tl'll(, and bladc straight." On Satu I'day, :Ju Iy :31, w(' WI'I1 t for a Fit'lll Da~' to Langwarrin, W(' 10ft MOl'nington at 9 a,m" arrived at Langwurrin at 9,~O; we discovered a, splendid camping-ground aholl t a Ijuadr'/, of a mil(' from the station, . \ ftPI' !H,'ti tion



sllitnhk ('ornf'rs had l)('!'n I"hOH(,Tl, the ~wallow Patrol IiI thl"' fin·: Canaric>s w€>nt fur woon and

l";:ookahlllT:ts w(-nl rOl' WUt01". ~\ft('I ' Hnl's<'goa m('~ follow<'Ci \Vh ilo till' pota tm's WC'I"(' ("()ol,i ng-. Chops, all colon nj' -pi nk, black, hrr,wn. l'0c1-togctlwl' with somC' nicp mlll'ihvlooking, \\"('))-cook('d potatoes, 1'01'111('(1 o;n' ~tnhl(' nwal for micl-da~', not rm'getting somf' \'al'it'goa t('d <lainti('s for second course. Then rest IHHll', and a Xatllre St\ld~" talk by LiClllC'nant. \\.(' 11ac1 :t, gloriolls }'<lmhlf' throl1gh t.Jw hl.'all1 I)('[cl'o ten, ,,\rtf'\' t<'a. (':tcll patrol dranw,t is(~d OlH' or 1he La ws. Onp of tlw 1'(,('I'UltS Pl'O\lllCf'<l as Pow-wow a storY sh" had J11'arrl II~' \\·il'('l('ss. .\ sing-t;ong I:ound tlw ('amp-nl'!' closed a ;-wlden day, (R. 1\1. .\iekc'n, Captain. ), libo~'.

3rd St. Kilda.-- Th('I't' are now 18 in thC' ('OIllanll \\'(' llan' a happy time togptlw!'. On ,Jul.\' ao :\li~s In'ing- visit~d our C()~'., and PllroUed two GuideH. Heidellwrg" and ~tl1(lIC'\" I'ad, are pruving to he Y('n' popular with us for hikes. \Ve arC' going to 1Ht HL Kilda's hirthday party: We' aI'(' HO glad the~' invit('(1 pan~".


On ,Jllly ~6 Wt' had our til'Ht Cllurcll Pantelt'. minister, Rc\'. H, ('Iud... gan' a special sr'!'mOIl for th0 (;'lIid<,s. which W(' enjo.\'N1 Yen" lIlllch. (llIr

1st Northcote, The Epiphany.-We completcd first. year on A Ugllst f); W t' hav<, a COI11plt'te nH"mbel'~l1ip an(1 a \vaiting list. TIH' Pa trol Leac1P\'~ arf' just C'omple>ting t 11(' work Ii I' th<.' ~nd class {eHt, and will SO'JJ1 be invpst('(l. On tIw first Sunda:v in .\llg"llst we ha<1 a Church ParadC', Clnd tlw yjcal' preached to US on "Sel"viee." A!'> a ('o~', gooci turn we are adopting and maintaining a hlack baby on on<, of 1I10 .\ Ilstl'alian missioll Htn Lions. In April last tIll' Exeelltin' Commitl<'€> of Ollr Local .\sHuciation gave our Ormpan~' n social p,"('ning. and aftel' an enjoyable tim(' at gam"H and suppC'r. aliI' District Commissioner. on hf'half of the committeC'. presented tll0 ComJJun~- with a l-ninn J:lck 1''11011nt0(1 on a flagpole beal'ing tl1l' (.;'il'l (;llidf' Trefoi1. TIl<' (' 10111' waR dedicated on .\.nzac Da~', '\,h('n w(' w('I'e pl€>used to ha\,,(' ~Hss IITing and MiRs Darfus from Headqual'tel'H, and our Dish'ict Commir-;sionel' and otlw!' Olliclel's with tiS. (E. natten, .\cting Captain.). Ollt

Sale, St. Paul's.-Tlw Compan~" has c1o'\Yn to steacly work. and eight amlllllance badges ha \"f' he€>n won. .-\. grea t deal () r time and work was r-;}J<"'nt in working fOI' this hadgf'. a",-- onE' (~xtn.\ night puch '\\ E'ok was gi\"en liP to I(>ctllres. ptc. Sen'ral millil1f'rs and clerks' badges lla\" e alf'l~ b~en won. .\ libnll'Y has 1>(,0n opened, mOHt of tile iJooks !>('ing gi\"('n hy tlw Guides, who an' making good lIse of the reading ma ttel' pro\"ided. On .Tuly 2:; thr' Company jOll1'nf'Y<'c1 to TI';1J'ulgon to attf'ncl their first birthday. ..:\ Her haying- a photo of the two C ompanil's taken, most of t'lle Guides went to tlH' foothall match, but all l'eturnpd in good time for t0a in th(' pJ'f'ttily-clecoratpd h u l1. 'I'll(' Yalloul'n (~llidN; also a I'/'i "C'(l. maJdng- tlbOllt 70 1'011nd the ta hl£'5. Later in the e,'ening tll(' :--;ale (j.tli{h~:~ gan' 11 short demonstration of GuidE' drill with Colours. which was follo\VNl by games and songs. En' r.\'onp was SOITY wlH'n thr time eame to \(>a n'. 1st


September, 1925.

,\ halJ!>), afternoon was spent {Jut tracking f(,w w(,pl,s ago: the FOl'g'et-me-not Patrol \Hid thc' trail. and when everyone had arrived at tll{' )'1\"(,1' bank, fires were lit and aftcl'no .... n tNt prf'pared. Tracking afternoons are ",ery popular, and \-\"f' hope to have another one latel' on. (Lieutenant). 1st Toorak Pack have not been seen in print 1'01' ag<'H-Sl herE' goes! Had our first birthday party Jast May. Brownie Mothers were invited, also LiC'lItenant 1st TOOl'ak Coy. Unfortunately Captain was a wa~-, but fortunat('ly she did n'Ot fOI'g'C't, ano s<'nt the Pack "Many happy I'd urns" in tl1£' shape of a IO"ely story hook! Had 11.. Pack m(>(>ting first to give "Mother" sotne Idea of what we did-then tea (with a YC'nw'anc<'), then several Brownie items, and th!'n lots of gamE'!'; in which the plucky mothers joinC'd, Earh Bl'Ownie took this opportunity to pl'£'sent her mother with a kettle-holder which Hhe llad made. A t the Christmas party she presented hel' with a dl1l'ltel', which ~he had ])<'mmed. Our thro(> sixet's think that tl1l'Y are ready 1'01' 2nd class. rl",1(' l'<'st of us arc getting on tOO-Y<'l'Y sklwly. hut quite happily. r.rh('l'E' are 17 01' 18 of llH now-quite enough, too, at times! We ~lJent an afternoon at tl1f' Museum recently, and the Brownies hav<, not stopped telling' us yet all th('y S'aw then'! There'H lots more to t('1I, hut "~latilda" might "Hay" something if we don't run away. (A. E. F. Paling. Hrown Owl), (There> has be<'n a chanRe '0 f B)'own Owl in the 1st Toorak Pack-l\1is3 Giroud iH now Acting D.O.-Ed.). 1st Traralgon, St. James'.-Our Company wa~ formed 12 montJls ago by MiRS Warren, District Commissioner for ~ale. \1\"(, now have 30 Guides, 1fi of whom have recently gained ~heir ~nd clar-;s hadge, a~d two recruits, havmg lost two enrolled GUldf's through removal from th(' district. We are attached to St. .James' Church. and have the use of St. James' Hall free of charge. We are fortunate in having fom' YClT good Patrol Lea.der!';, who hayp heen of grC'(l t assistance in working up the Company. ,Curing the summc'l' we spent many pleasant afterDtLOns out hildng ano tracking. We spent the full day on F;a.ster Monday a t the Sandhank on thC' Latrobf' River. Our memhers an' all \'ery ]"een: some nrC' still working hard for 2nd clasR. others arE' now studying fol' Proficiency Badg·es. At ollr meeting on' the ~3rd inst. Sister l'~ry gave us a demonstration on how to treat and handag'(' simple cuts. At a meeting at an early dat(' we ho,pc to hav(' a Pow- wow from J\.'Irs, l\'J. Grant Bt'uce. OUI' first bil'thda~" part~r wa,~, held on .Jul~' 25. and proved a great RucceSR. l\l is:-; \Varr€>n was present, also 20 Guides from 111<' ~alf' Coy. and :,n l'fel'uits from Yallourn. In all we had 84 for tf':1. H was a, "honza" tea, arranged fntil'el~' byihe Guides. The tables were decorated in th<, Pa t!'ol Colours, and the whole reflected great credit on the girls concerned. A healltiful Birthday cake, including in its decorations the Guide Radgf' and Motto, was presented to tiS by 1\L1's. ~\. La~rton, President of the Local .\Rsociation. Doring the eyeningMiss \Vul'ren presented 2nd class and Proficiency Badges to the Guides ' who had won them. and also pinned tenderfoot badges on the hats of our Patrol Leadens. (Captain E. .:\f. ""'f'!..·t: .\cting LieutE.'nant, :vII's. G . .1, Hill.). a



September, 1925.

'>l:t~' is tht n't't)l't Olll' of Ow flllld'llllC'llof lift'. h:all t~l"Otl~ says: "\\'\' til) HilI pla~' IlI'l'IIIIS\' \\ I' a n,' ~ oung·. htlt \\ t' .ll'" Y()\IIl~' ill ol'lh I' I (l pla~·. aud tlw higlh'l' 11\(' sink .'1' f'iyilisalioll till' !tmgl'l' is tIlE:' Ill'I'it)d of pla~·." III ntll'lhpl'll t'Ollntl'ies lwnpk gTUW liP 1111ICIl 1l1ll1'C' sill" l~ than I)('opll ' in soutlh'I'n l'Pllllll'i!'s,

pby. tal~


,.,. ,

USE FOR COTTON-REELS, To malH' a toy out of an l'mpty <:otton-n't,j --cut the reel in half. and Hhal'lH'll down tlw part where the rcC'1 i~ cut. Tlwn lit a pit't!l' of wood in the hoh' in re('1. .\gain l"hnrpl'll off len'l with stem of ret'I. .\ How ('Hough wood-:->ufficient to catch hold of- to COIl1l' through tlw top of the l"l'cl. This will makl' u. top. Two of thCI:H' may he madp from (Hit' 1'('(' I.

TH E PLACE OF PLAY. }'Ian) people have tried to forlllulc.d(' a (klinition for pIa). ~omC' pC'ople hold that it is "action without SC'I'ious thoughL" nut can \\ C', I'pmembering' our own play, take t hi~ YH'W. To illustrate this is thC' example of th(' ('Oll('('ntration and serious thought involn'd in a 1iUII' child trying to fill a hucl(C't with sand, The sN'ond theory iH, that IJlay i:-; an Oil tlet for lmrplus enpl'gy. Children aI'£' most diRpOSNl to play when thC'y haye an ahundanc(' Df ph~'sical enel'gy, l~lIl this theory do(>s not <'xplain the reason fOI' ('hildl'('n playing WIH'll the), a rp tired. Kal'l Groos' Biol'ogical '1'1)('01'), is that t IJ{' lrl'1g111 of play lies in til(' need to cley<'lop i11stlncts not fully developed at hirth. In::-;tin('{s uppear in all young animals and arc' cleyC'loIH'<i throllgh play, and it ii; trut' in a deep s('ns(' that all young anmalH ar(' working when tlley (.l)'(' playing'. The play of 111(' kitten is the purpst instinctiv{' education, ]n chasing rapic1lymoving objects aCt'OSH a I'oorn it ii; teaclling itself to catch mice and birds, anJ teaching itself in the quickest way. rrhe young lamb in its seeming'!y purposeless gambol is tilting itself Cor mountain climbing later. ~imi1al'l~ tho human being from earliest babyhood is learning to adapt himself firi;Uy to his pUI'('lr animal needs; 'seoondly to his ('n"ironn1<'nt; and thil'dly to a highly complex world, In the fil'st years 'of life there is har-dly a movement, no matter how random, that does not play some part in the child's progress towards a higher stage of individual development. Thus, play is the exercise of facultif's (lll(l a. preparation for life. In




the human being, instincts preparation for life. Man pO'ssesses reasoning powers, and he must 1)(' trained to control his instincts when necessary. The child acquires imitatively and a.ctiycl~· 'u numher of powers for his indiyidllal needs, 1,:-'

are not Isufficient

;\0 sing'll' dl'tinilion Ill' I'I;I~' HI'\'IlIS \\'hnll~' a<!l'qll,t!l': tlh'I't' is in all :t ('nlllllltlll hilI inll 1111a Ill.:' t'll'mt'nt, lwn1t'I~. ,I\(' play spil'il. ","it'll l'11lbo<iil'S ti('sin', sl'lf-(':,\pl'l'ssilll1 :ll1d intl'\,\ st.

\\'Iwn \\ I' pla,\, \\ I' li\'I' fully hy dtling' t IWI"Illlglll,\ thost' thingl" W(' 11:1\'1' :I, natlll':11 (It-sirl' to dn, and, \\hpJ) \\'01'1\: and pla~ .11'1' sl'p:lr:ltl'd, ! 11l' 0111' hl'l'ol\l\':; 1lH'1't' d 1'llllg'vl", t hI' pt hI'" IlH'n' pal"tillll', ~ilH'(' a child's 111'1' 111Hlt-1" I\h; ()\\,a dil'Pl'tiol\ is t'olldll(:tl'd :111 in pla~', \\'h:tI 1'\-('1" l'ls(' \\lIil'It w(' \\ ish to intl'n'st him sllOlIld \)(' l':ll'l'il'd 1111 in that lllt'dilllll. :\\lthint~' i~ so tll !l'o tlgh, so natlll'ni 0)' so 1';111\1':';( :11' tllt' spont:IIWtllIS plnring' 01' :1 l'hild.

TItl' child IS nsst'l1tl;dIY:1 1'l'St!I'SS ht'ing, ikl1ing to he doing, rull or l'11)'iosity ~ Ind d('l'\il'l' III inYt'stig:tt(', 1'1111 of' \\ond('l' <Inti inslinvti\'I' l(ln~' ing'. Yt'! IH' 111 list )'('strain Ilis instincts illSl'hll;d. Ifi:,:; J'('a1 "Hutf; :\1'1' 111l1!:': ltisll('<1, :tlld Ill' \\(\1''':-; in d0finn<.'l' or spil'it. Intl'I'l'st 1llllHt II(' tlH' starling point in all \\1' do. 0)' \\ I' \\ ill not dn \\ ('11. \\'(' nlllS! I>l'in.~' tlIe pla~ spirit intu all 0111' \\01'].; 1>1'(':IIISI' It III a k('.s pl(';\ Hlll';1 I lit' PlIl 'S Il its \:11 \1,\ h II'. Ikfol'l' pla~' l'nn 1)(' inll'odIlCl'd tllOl'llllglll\ into Oil), wOl'k, \\ (' 111\1:-;(: haYl' SOIlI(' J.;.no\\'Il ' dg(' of tht' pl<l"\ or ('hildl·('Il. TIlt' JlI:\~ r ma~' Il\' diyidp(\ into s(<lg('s. '1'111' tin·d. st~lgl' is 1'-'< "l'l'illwntal Id<l~. \\Ideh ('onlinlH's PLlll,~lIly IIntil ti1l' ag<' of lIin<'. In tiliH sta,!.r<' pla,\ is pllr('I~ " individlltll, illlllginath'p and imitntin' TIH' lWX! stage is ('ompl'ti\\'(' pla.y. \\I\ell apIH':trs 1>('(\\'('('11 the agl'H of ninl' Hnd j:! Y('ilrH. TIll' tt' :1 111 spirit has not fllll~' (l{',-C'ln}ll'd Yl't: 1':1('11 <Ilild want.s to lc'ad in turn. In tht' third sl:tgl', wllich continll<'S through Ill!' a<\ol('s(!('nt pl'J'iud, W(' ha\-(' ill(' t('.ltl1 g-anw, and ('sprit til' ·cor ps i:-; d C' \'(' I O})(, d. Ln Guiding W(' pn(\<><l\-our to III( 'pt llH' nutural dpsil'f's of clllltll'l'll lo goty(' t1Wl1l PIII 'S llit·; wilich apPNLI to tl 10 III , and which Il'ad tl1I'Ill to It'll)'n r'lrl' thcl11s{'ly<,s Illany II Sf' rill (Tarts , 'I'll<' ('))ildren al'(' tn ugll t, t hl'ough tracking' Pl'uct icC's, games and compl'tl1 ions. K('{,l11H'sS i:; !len'l " lJluntecl, und til(' ma1l1 ohj<,<.:t or nIl g'HIl1PS :lnd pursuits is tu le'a d t1H'111 to liSt' 111l'i)' OWIl in\('lligl~nc(', ancl to stil11l1lall' theil' P()\\'C'I 'S or o))~eI'Yati(Jn of tIl(' hC'a\lt~ or natlll'( ' and tIll' tiling'S :l1'01l11<1 til!'))\.

NINEPINS. This is a danc(' g:Ullf! which ha:-; \ll 'o\'!'d \-(')'\ popular. .\ny ail' with a dlytlltll Id l'ig'II" llC'ats will elo. "J olin Peel," an<1 the J\in<\PI',.. garten 1UlW "Oats, Peas, B<"ans and Barky Grow" arC' both vC'I'Y :-;atisfacton'.

Danc<'J's arc in couples, and stand ill n sqllal'(', each couplp facing anot11cl', 'l'1H'1'<' is Ollt' odd Jancor, tlw "1"'i nopll1." .\ skipping- stC'p is usee! throughout. I"il'st figlll'f:- top ulld hott!).!1 coUpJ0s <,:ll<lng'(' plac('s (X l)('ats), pas_~ing' 1).\-


September, 1925.


tilt' I'ight. tllen back again (8 })f'ats). Sidps }'('P<'(l t. Second figul'(' - Top and l)()Uom men clancl' to 1Tl1,'C't ('<lell (lUw!' (I 1)('at8). turn ('ueh otll('1' by the right hand ( ,I IH'ats),' on to uPPO:-;itl' lady (1 h(>uts), turn ]1('}' h~' the right hand (l 1H'at:;;;). hac].; to the centl'(l (.1 }H'ats), 1\11'n oppo!-;itf' man (1 h('atR), hack to tlH'il' pal'tnpl' (4 beats). t !!I'll h"I' (I 1H'ats). Sid<'s

I'('Twat. Thi"d fig-un',

Tllp "nin('pin" no\\' COIl)!,H intI) adion and dallcl's rounel, tHI'ning paeh la<l~' I)~' t Ill' right hane!. \YllI:n sll(' has e0011>le1('(1 til" r·ollnd. the nwn join }landR with lwl' ;1 nd all

round in a ring till the music; stOll!"> llnexpcctedly. when all Ul(' mpn race for a pad lll'l". and UH' one> left out is the "ninl'pin" IH\xt time. H ~'011r compan~' lw!-; not a l11uHician, ill<' lI1usic Can ])C Hl1PpJi('d ({uit(' wC'lI h:-- tl1£' <i,lioC'}; sing'ing th(, tmH'. and cl;lPping' ()('C;tsiol1:Illy to l\:('ep th(' tim!;' stl'ict. 1n case of clash wlwn racing [01' ]la1'1 IWI'S, t 11(' "Iunn" \yins who comef; to tIl(' C'OIT0Ct :-;ith: of tIlt' larl~. i.e., the 10ft. It is a good plan always to have· the gallw t\\1(,0. and fot" 111(>n and wornC'l1 to changl' phtCI'S tll(, sl'('011(1 dane!'

tinH'. D.1\1 .. \.

APPOINTMENTS. District Commissioners. Day lesford-:\(rs. Day] l~sfOl'(l.






\,r om ba t




Collins St.,

).[elboul'ne. Sandringham-~lrs. ~a nd )'ing-I1alTI.




WARRANTS. Captains: . \rmstrong, K. H. BattE-n. E. F. Dickson, X. Engel, C. T. Hamilton, D. Scoullar, P. Spicer, E. ~. \\Talter. E. \'~ard .. \. T.

Pending til<' appointment of Camp Advisors for Vict'uria, t1w Victorian Executive has appointed l\Iiss Andt'ews, Miss Barfus and Misf.; Bush as Camp Inspectors. These Guider'S will act in the capacity of Camp .\<1\'iSOI"8, and will inspect Camp Sites heforf' u. Camp is held. and th(' Camp itself whil(' stan(\ing." (;\lidprs wh;!) hay,' endorsed Licf'nces and who wish to camp are reminded that, hefore ;Jny arn.l.ngemC'nts are made for thE' holding ()f a Camp, it is necessary for them to apply fOI' permission t'J their Commissioners, who wiJ I then get into t01lCh with the Head of Camping. In Districts where there is no' Commission(>r, Guiders' should apply direct to the HNtrl of Cn mping for p('rmission or information. Apvlica tions should he made 0n thE' special forms obtainable from HeadfJuarters. Tn view of the fact that the Camp Insp<'ctoJ's al'e busy folk, apart from Camping. it is urged that amplc' noti~(' he gin'n ,o f any Camps to he held. .\ pplica tion to t11p 1-1 f'ad of Camping for permission to hold the Camp should 1)(' made at least two montl1S before date of Camp. and as long' hefore this period as possible, to ayoid p()R~iI>le disaPPOintment 1'e inBp('ction of sitE'. j t sl1ol11(1 he noted a},s,o, that, unless under excpptional circumstances, no more than thirty (:uiclC's W011lcl Iw allowed to ('ach Camp; and that tho1-;(' planning the Camp would he responsil']p ('''1' til£' Camp Ins{)c'ctol"s expen!-;es. M. E. Bush, .\cting Head of Camping.

Lieutenants: Harper, .J. Witchel1, :\1. Brown Owls: Hipwell, D. Mool'f', 1\1. ""'i lliams, l\f rHo Tawny Owl: Forecaste . . \.

TRAINING WEEKS. ThC' State Commil:i~~ioner is arranging for Two Training Wpf'ks for Guiders t.o. he held early in J-anuary at (ioyt'l'nment Cottage, :l\Iacedon. There will also he a ,short course for Drownie training. Applications should be made to the Secretary, Training DepartmC'nt, 37 Spring 8t1'c('t, Melhourne. District Training Week. The 2nd Hamilton Training Week is being held at the High Rehool, Ha.milton, from 8eptemh!"r 18 to 2fi.

TRAINING CLASSES. Training Classes arf' held

weekly in


hournC'. as follows:-

CAMPING. State Rules (Fcb., 1924) :-"AlI ('amp SitCH mll:;t IJe il1spc·ct<'ll and app) OYC<1 hefor(' a Camp b~· one of the ~tate Camp advisors and the local Health Officer. \Vl1ere a local H<'altlJ Officer is not ayailahle, it should hc' inspected by t11(> Doctor. Th~ Camp shoul.d again he inspt·ct(>(1 ])y both whIle the Camp 1S standing." (.Junc.>, 192-1).-":\0 Camp may bC' 11(:ld hy an ' " Guider who. has not an endorsf'ci LlC(>nCE', an<l cannot IH' held unless on an appro.\"NI site. 'Camps' include Holiday Homes" tUI'nished HOllses. (>te. Programmes of an~- C~amps should 1)(' ~ent ])I' l"o1'0hand to Head of Campi ng I"nr approval."

The pl<1(;(, wlwl'c this is held is being changNl. P:ll'ticu:cH'S may he ohtained from the office. Tuesdays, 10.30 a.m., at Y.\V.C.A. Hall, Rl1SHell Street, :lVfelbourne. Miss D. 1\1. Andrews, Blue Cord Diploma, Guider in charge. Fridays, 8 p.m., at y.,,,r.C.A. Hall. Russell Street, 1\felhoul'ne. 1\1iss Darfus, Guider in charge. Tho fee for the above Classes is 3d. per olaBS. "isiting Connl ry Guidens arC' very welcome.

State Rule.--"~'\o Guider may start work in a Company or Pac]" (either as Captain, Lieutenant, R.O.or T.O.). unless she has passed Through an approved Training Class.



"Guiders unablt' to ath'ud an authnri:wtl TI'uining Class mn t undertake n cour::;~' {)f Training by Correspondence. and ~atiM:-.· an a uthorised Trainer that they are capahh' or undertaking the general management of a Company. Such a. Guider to he authorist'd 1'ot' CorrE'spondencE' Training 'Vorl - h:-.- tlh' HI'ad nt Training:' TIl<' C'orr('spondenc{' Training ('Olll'::-t'" 1'01' Guiders has now been definitel~- org-nni::;t'd. "Lessons" 'will he posted fortnightl~·. the po~t­ age heing defra~ t"'d by the Tra inN's. This postage. and the price of a few necessan tt'X thooks. will lw 1he onl~- E'xpense att:1e1wct tn tht' ('011 rse. A large numher ()[ country lH'O~lwcti\ t' Guiders are no\\~ in Training by COl'l'CSPOI1dt>ncc. .\.n~· Ictlwl's wishing- to tnkt'" adYUntagl' of thE' Cours£' !Should apply to tilt' Sl'Cl't'tan-, Training Dep:ll'tment. G.G. Headquarters, who will put t11l"'m in touch at oncE' with a Trninel·. Brownie Training. Training Classel". for Brownie Guiders will lit' held in the third week of each month, til!' actnal dates and place being posted on the N10tice Board at 1-1 eafiqu<ll'tel's, and nlso ndy('l'tis€'d in Tuesday's ",\l'g'UI'."

(~U)uts) ,Ill ~('U\1t Lnw P.L, (~\.'()lIts) on 1st and .. .. .. .. .. (.'<1 nl;,> t wi til La W :l11d

Lt'ttt'l'S to a 1'.1.. Lt~ttt'r;,> ~nd

to a l~las..."

::'.lNnlh rship }'l'Olll i:::t'


::'.lo1'l' Hints tl)


The Chi 'I' Unidl' ..





Guidt'l',s and

sionerH, pt'l' year, post Gn.ZC'ttl', TWP cop~·. )'<'1\1',








TIl<' Children's Hong (Kipling) .. ..


G.G. Prayers ;111d H ymnR (Tunl's)

1/3 2/6 1/6 2/3 1/3 1/3 7/6 9d,

2/6 4/6 3d. 9d.

7/6 9d. .fd.

2/3 4d.

6/1/6 6/9d.

:01 1/3

1/I :;


../ t) ~,

!hi. ~/;~

Ill. 'J/-



5/2/6 1/3 8d. 3/6 2/3/6

:it! .



Music. ..\(' tion ~ong' (~irl Cuid(:'1:; l\farchinp; on the King's Highway " HrownieH of the \Vid{'- \Vi<}(> vVol'ld Br·ow nie Song' Book .. .. .. .. .. .. Bl10wnie Song- Hook (wol'dR only) . . . . Country Danct's (Hingl p) " " (hound) G.G. ~ong Book .. .. ,. G.O. Song nook (word~ only) Song of the Brownies., . . . , . . . , Taps ..


:)(.L Id. ~l( I.

\Volt' Cub

Postagf' on odd copit's ., .. .. .. .. ..


Id. I/~

'l.1 .


'I'he (juidt', Jl('!' l'op~, WI (,\d~ Matida. per year, post fl'I'l' .. J\latilcla, P{'l' copy, q 11<1 rtpl'l y .,

Books. Ambulance Budge Booklet. Basket-making at Home .. Birthday Books-G.G. (SlH'dl') .. .. " " ,,(Cloth) .. .. Brownie' Games .. .. ,. Brownie Handbook . . . , . . . . . . . . Brown l\Jagic .. .. .. .. Camp Book-Boy Hcout .. Campcra ft for Girl (j·uidps .. .. .. Company Roll BooJ~s .. .. .. .. .. Cub Game.s .. Company Record Book .. .. " .. Drills for G. Guides .. Flower Leg·ends .. .. .. .. ., .. .. Footprints-A Play for Senior Guides Games-Behrens .. .. _. .. ., ., Davidson . . . . . . . . . . . . 'rrotter: Team Games . . . . Girl Guides' Book .. G.G. Book of Plays: The New Order Girl Guiding-Official AHandbook . . . . G.G. Badges, and How to Win Them Guide Law Cards .(small) G.G. Prayers and Hymns Guiding Book .. .. .. .. Guiding for the Guider .. Girl Guide Movement (pamphlet) How to Run Wolf Cubs .. .. .. .. Health Badge (booklet) .' ., " .. How to Tell Stories to Children (Bryant) Knot Book-Boy Scout . . . , . . . . . . . . Land and Sea Tales for Sconts and Guides (Kipling) .. .. .. .. " .. .. Letters to a P.L. (Scouts) on 1st Class Tests . . . , . . . . . . " .. , . . . . . . .


l'\'l'tifil':tII' 1~()pI-I{'t~ ~1'l'l't't;\I'il'S PIlI.\)



Tho <i-uidC', Pf't'

Price List.


(to Di$tl'iet Hul(:'s. l'olit·~ ,Ind (ll'g'anisatiuH. 1!I~:i ll)~ I TC'l1th ,\l)l1l1al Ikpol'l . . . . . . !:'cout as 11~'nd~llIan . . . . ~ix l'lays 1'01 <:irl (~Uilks . . Steps to Guiding- .. .. .. .. SmT('ying fOI' no~ ~l'O\lts •. TI'aining Uirls a~ Uuidl's II n i () n J a c k ~:I in t s .. .. .. \Vigwam l'apel':-; t~(,Ol1ts) .. ..


• d. 6,1.


Patrol !:'y::;tE'lH ., . . . • . . . . . . . . l';lIl1phh'ts on (;lIiding' ~ \ ",u·jpw.;) .• 1 '(1\\ - \\'{)\\ ~ 1'01' ""olt' Cuhs .. .. .. I'a l'l'nt:< Con~('nt 1<'O1'lll::-. TWI' dOZ01l Pa trol Roll Hool,~ (Pochd sizl') l'{)~t Card.::; P)'ilH'(,~~ l\lnn ..... l'l'~)fkit'nl~~


:) / ·td.

HI::! 2bd.

3/,' 9d. Iii .


2/6 ~/li

HIl • 1/ 6/2/li

9<1 'J:fi

1 ~d_ lid.


Equipment. Bandage~,

plain whit(' Belts- Brownic' .. Gnide ..




1 ft)




<iuidcr (local mal{(') (Juicler (I<Jnglish mak<,) . . . . Buttons- Black,



d02if n

Brown, p(>r dozen .. .. "

Cam plJNls .. .. .. .. .. Chinstraps .. ., .. .. .. .. .. .. Cockades- Brown Owl, Ta wn~' Owl Captain, Lieu tenan t .. District Captain District 8ecret.aI'Y .. .. District Commissioner Divisional Commissioncr State Executive ., ., .. Colours-Brass-jointed Polf> " Trefoil f.or Pike .. Australian Flag or Union Jack ('omplet€, mOllnt(>d on Pike ..

2/ -1/-

7/5<1. 6d.

22/6 4 <1. l /~ 1 /!~

1 /~

l/H 1/!1 2/:~ 2/:~

11/10/6 22/6 ·12 /-


rOl' Knotting' .. .. .. :! yards for 4d. EmblemH - Brownie, ready worked .. 7~d. Hrowni<" tr:1 nsfprs for .. .. .. 1d. Guide, fclt with ri'Cl ring- ready worked " 10~d. Guide, felt. plain . . .. 2d. Guide. transfcl' .. .. Id. First Aid Outfits, for Patrol 01' Company, in hl'{)Vvn canvas ea:. ;c> , for ealTying 17/6 13/6 CTlov<'s. brown g'auntlet. all SiZ(':-l 9d. H a thn nds- Cadet 2/6 Guide (official (-ton.) .. 9d. Plain ~ilk .. 6d. Plain Cotton .. 2/6 Ranget' (official Trefoil) 4/l-fatR- Guicle. linen, stitched .. 8/Guide and GUidE:'r. felt 2/Brownie (rush) . . . . 8/Ranger (small shape) .. 1/6 l-f a t ~{'cu rE:'rs--Pa tE:'n t .. .. ., 3/6 H a "er~acks .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3/Knh'es, with one blad t' and mal'linf'spike 9d. 1 Alnya.rds-Linen. whitc .. .. ., .. . . . . 1/Brown (for I 'aek LE:'a<1('l's) . ~I unit ion Cloth, bro\,. n OJ' na "y, 36in., 1/4 per yard . . . . ,. , . . . .. 3/9 Name Tapes. to order, 3 doz. !)/3 ~ame Tapes, to order, 6 do?: . Oyeralls-All sizE'S helow: Sizes. Neck. Sive. Lgth. in. in. in. in. 1 13 16~ 36 Z 13~ 17 39 l:i ,' J 14 18 42



4 5 6

141 16 15~

19 20 21

46 49 52

Overcoats-Pric-es on application. Patrol Flags, ready to embroider Patrol Flag Poles, 6ft. .. .. .. ., Patrol Flags, transfer for emhlem . . . . Paper Pattern~, all sizes-Overalls, G.G. Brownie O,reralls Blouse . . . . . , ., Jumper , . Guider's Uniform Pouches . . . . . . . , ., . . . . . . . , .. . Safety Chains .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., . Semaphore Scouts . Shirt Blouses, navy munition cloth ~ignalling stick-Blackwood Plain ., .. Shouldel' Kn{)ts, all colou t1S Stripes, P.L. or Second, {'ach stripe Swivels .. Ties--GuideJ"s (navy, brown, green, saxe, pale blue, red) ., .. .. ., . Guide, triangular (pale blue) .. Guide , triangular (other colours) Brownie, tr1iangular (brown) Whistles .. \Vriting Pads. with Badg-f' ., 0




6d. 2/2d. 1/3 1/1/1/1/6



5/6 1/9d.


September, 192t1.


Committee, silver ,. Committee, Gellman silYer .. .. Cords-Divisional Commissioner District Commissioner .. .. A 11 Round .. .. .. .. .. ., l']xaminer'lj BadgE:'R .. .. ,. .. .. .. (Tuine-Tenderfoot, brass .. .. .. ... 2nd Class .. .. . 1st Class .. .. .. .. .. .. ProfiCiency ,. .. .. .. .. Hostess, patrol .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... Lone Guide Tenderfoot ., .. .. .. . . . Ranger-Tenderfoot .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ranger Test .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ranger Star .. ~('l'vicc Stars-Brownie, G \tide, Guider, Ranger .. Service Stars-Fivc-yeal' ., .. Secretarif's' BadgE:'s-District . Divisiona I Sash-President's .. Tassels-Al'<,a Director .. .. .. Thanks Badge .. .. Yictorian E~ecutive Coullcil .. "'""arrant Brooches-Brown Owl Ta wny Owl . Captain .. .. Lieutenant .. Ranger Captain 0


9d. 10/6/9 2/6 1/6d. 6d. 1/4d. 6d. 1/1/6d. 6d .


6d. 9d.



4/1/3 1/3 1/6


Registrations. Cadet Company Guide Company (inc!. Enrolment Guide Registrotion Card) .. .. .. .. Local Associations .. .. .. .. .. . . Lone Guide Companies .. .. ., Secretari·es .. Study Circle .. .. .. .. .. .. .. vVan'ant Fee-Guiders .. .. .., .. Postage extra on a.ll orders.

. . . .... . . .



Brown Wool is now stocked at HeadquarterB, at 1/- per skein, for making- wo.ollen caps tor Brownies for winter wear. Two skeins will make thl~ee caps. Directions for making will he found in "'1~hc Guide," No. 39. FOR SALE.-Guider's Uniform, perfectly good; tailored at Lincoln, Stuart's; scarcely worIlJ. May be tried on at Office; £4/1()/- or offer. Apply State Secretary for particulars.

1d. 6d. 2/6 9d .


1/3 9d.

Badges. OnlY obtainable through District SecretarY, unless there is none, in which case they are obtainable direct from ~ta te Secretary. 6d. Brownie Recruit .. ., .. .. .. ., .. 6d. 2nd ., .. ad. 1st Class .. 4d. Proficiency ., .. \Vings ..



Rtlmu.)' Publlsblng Ply. Lt4., 2&6 Kin&' Street, Melbourne.


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