Matilda 1926 vol 04 no 03 dec

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Vol. 4.




9 D.












7th Floor. 60 Market St .. MELBOURNE

Open Dai1v (SaturdaV' excepted) from 9.30 a.m.-S.30 p.m.

Decem bel'. 1926.


LETTER CABINET, Princess :\larv House nirl Guides' SCh601 of Guiding. Foxlpa~e, Lyndhurst, Rants. ~eptembel' 13. 19~6. Dc>ar Miss Irving, 1 am writing in the name of Foxlense to thank the Guides of Yictoria \'en! much for tIl(' )ovply letter cabinet which arrh'ed last Friday. It is so beautlful, and is stttndin~' in the hall in the alcove outside "Scotland," and w<'\s used [or the afternoon maL l)1) the \'ery tlay it arriyecl. 'Ve are ::tIl tremendously pleased '''ith it, and it is so 1m'ely ttl think thnt it is now looking aftel' the- whole ,)[ th<> Foxlease mail. \\'E' are haYing a \\'t'ek of Genel'al Traininghere no\\"" with Guiders from all parts of tlw ,,'orld, and they are so pleascd to see this yery t'ea} link in the eahle which th<> Guides of ,'iI-toria have given to us. \\'ill you pleast~ cmn'ey our very gTateful Lhal1k~ to an tlH' GlIides in \'i<'tol'i;\ fot' rlwit· W01Hlel'ful present. You 1'8 sineel'dy, (~igned) .JOYCg K \\'OL'rO).T, Guider in ('ha.rge.

RANGERS. Hangering is a point of view. Rangering is fun; it is only six years old, and we arc still dis('ovel'ing' the truck. 'Ve know where "'e want to go, and wha.t we ,,'ant to b<" hut how shall we do it '! "'hat will help us hest? The Rangel' work already prepared i~ a spiendio beginning, but the test work is only a part of the things P..nngers can do; the girls are always finding llf>W things and helping one another. 8very girl comes to an age at which s}w fea:s that her girlhood is passing, and it is then that she needs to have placed in her way the opportunities to discover her place in the world and to fit herself into it. The Hanger is a young woman; conscious of herself as an individual. She no longer loves to run with the cro,,'d and merge hen'lclf in the life of the Company; she has become a personality in her own eyes, and in the eyes of the world; ~11(' b~ uncolHwiously trying' to establish the diifel'~'n('e 1>et\\'el'n herself and eyery other perfHlI1. The Ranger Company should provide for every ~'(Iung 'woman the means of self-knowledgp, 148f-l'evel'ence and self-control, and the OPPOl'tunity for l'Psponsible pPl'sonal service in wh·1tevC'r way may be chosen, in distinction to the organised corporate service of the Guides, Since the Ranger realises herself as an individual, and claims that everyone else should realise it too, the responsibilities of a eitizen should he shown to her, She can be a powel' with the people among whom she liveR; what she thinks and does will really matter to her town and nation, and it is up to her to think out her ideas, to talk with peop e of experience, and to become a citizen in thought and act. There are 12,000 Rangers in England, ~mc1 (to quote our Gazette) "if 12,000 young women make up their minds about anything there is no limit to what they may do." Reading, singing, dancing, acting, organising games for children, magazines, hand,York of every ldnd-sur0ly each Rangel' will find some.thing to do really well, and, while she diRCOV(,l'S her own talents and possibilities, the "test work" prepares her for her future home, <ind

t'eveals the wllnl'lers of nature, and the Ranger her in Hympnthy With , As the H'll!:'e of personality I'll: "(·l()p~. a Y llngwoman \)ftt~1l lCE'ls lonely-a Ileed for companionship and for ~tl'l)J1g- guidance: fur talks nt\l\ (liscussions suitable- to people ()f her OWl1 ng(~ pl11y. At .this tirne tht:~ great h011d. of the C:uidt· ~i~tel'hth)(i will be hPI' gre:lI e8t help, 1I ('I' Promise will g-i"e h r a firm p'ip on the things that matt<>l', (,Yl'1l if she is doubtful and bl~g'in­ nin~ to explol'P th'" "why's" (li' life: thE' health~' :';':llllE'S, c~s stl'cnu,)u~ a~ silt' l~al' play, thp fl'et' l'Olll}):111ionBhip of the ""ompnny, shouhl say,' her from L (l much intl'tlsp('ctinn nnd nnlH'althy s0n tillH'll t. 80 Hang('ring' i~ not just a (lit'fm'pnt list of testR, a higher ~t;llHlal'd of I.HldgeH; it Rhould express and satisfy Ow ideas and H~plrationl'l which COllll' to every g'irl in hCI' nntural development. EYf'ry Captain shOUld be wP1\ sa tistiell when her Uuidf's of 17 tN'onw l'estlcRs: they art' the natu}'n I a nd normal g·irls. But when OuideR of 17 01' Hi an' not restless, and are vontent to work and play, not as It':Hlel'R with a sen:;,,,, of sen'ice, but just a~ one ()( the Guides, then the Captain must feel that something iR acking which it is her responsibility to supply. ']'he Guides may he Hhy at the thought of new companions or n. little lazy at the IdC'Cl of fresh adjustmen ts, hut if Guiding hns brought the real spirit of adventurE' thel''!C things may be lluicldy OVerCUllH', Everyon(\ loves to play with the children, but girls of 1~ and 1~) should pIny with the B1'o"'11i('R to help and train them -not with Glli(les of 12 and 13 as one of thf'lllsE'lves. If thE' girl of 18 is really HatiMled a~ a GUide', she needs our help n nd stl't:'ngth; sh(' must he urged to establish her own persona:ity -nevel' to linger on the edgE' of her childhood. hut to 1)(' engel' tn look forwnl't1 to her wid(')' world ns l'iti7.l!l1, woman and 1I10therl'e~ponsibility e~tallisheg the ",jdt'" '''01' <1.

"A h'l't

for the- adv<'nture that n waitcth liS -unkno\\'n." U-. H, S\V INBURNR

GEELONG RALLY. Novemhel' 13 WHS 11. great da.y [or our eleven nuide Companies and our fOUl' BrO\\'11ie PackR, as it was the ocC'asion of our ftt'st RaIl:\,. were grcatly honoured by the prN.;~nee of our ~tatE' Commis!':ioner, who at oncE' won nIl our hearts. ",'ith hel' came Miss Irving, and there wel'e also there Miss Barfus and Miss Paling. After th<' March Past and Inspection by La.dy Somers, the Brownies appeared to give their llance and rhymes, also songs and folk danceH, followed hy Inspeetion in the 'Fairy Ring and by t1H' Chand Howl to til(' State CommiRsioner, In quick succession the various Companies next gave an exhibition of Flag Signalling, Country Dancing, Physical Exercises and Bandaging, and finally competed in a.n InterCompany Flag Race, which rOllsed great enthusiasm, 'Chen the Companies formed Horseshoe, and, after hnnding the Cup to the captain of thE' winning team in the Flag Race, the State Commissioner gavt' us a. short but inspiring address. \Vith thE' National Anthem and the dismissal, our first Rally was at an end, It only rel1laine<l fol' us to form a Guard of Honoul' for Lady ~OmE'l'S as !'Ihe left the ground.



December. 1926. TH E LON E LOOK ·OUT.


\\'ell, Wl' h~l\'e heen tq the Land ol uur Lone:::, wondel'fu:. \\'(lIld0I'ful G-ippsland, In fact. tl) \\- ond er laJl(l. 'Ye lllel ~Iother Xaturt..' in her g-lH'geolls spring' garb, ~he was wearing- the lellllel't'st, l'edcl('st gum tips w("d I'Yel' seen, in her hail', HC'l' dress was of shnded g-l'N'n~, lilost rt:>stful, patterned here and thel'e with spray~ of tin~' g-Ulll hlos8onl~ ao(1 hundH's llf pall' c-(llll "'ai tIt'. with intoxicating perfume: while along the hem of her gown W:H~ a heautiful nnral horder of heath, shaded to deepest heart-hlood red. grel'l\ fuchsias, orchids of l'\'el'y delicate tint. wild bOl'onia pink-tint('o and ~Cl nte(l, il'is det..'p hluv and pure white, and a tall shruh with wee, deep mallye tiOWPl's like an o),chid, Hel' feet \\'cre encas"ll in soft gTl'en sandals of ferny nwss, ~he tl'Il11 1I1)On a {'arpet,. of gTt'('ll and hro,Yn. "'ith a fern pn t tet'n of deep. deep salmon pink and :":Tfcn, with hunches of tin~' wild Yiolet~, Mother ;\atul'l' "as \\ twdt'l'fully kind ttl tw: qile introduced us to 8011H' of he1' g'uests, and we sa\\' their homes. too, 1\)1', and Mrs, \\,hitpwinged Chough were giving th"it' young fami y tee\' up in their fiat in a tall gUlll tree when we en lIed, Thf'ir horne lookt-'tl '\'E'1')' (,OS:--" in appearance, Rome,,-hat Iil,(' '-1 n ('arthenwn.l't' melon with the side t,lken otT. ,,1n<1 the interior lined softl\" for the habies, Then 1\11'S, ,Mn.gnie \\'a~ at 110;11e alRIl in an ai1'Y gum tl'el' t1at on th(, top ~tOI'Y, "'hile OUI' tent "-as on the groun(I Hoot', :She \\'as very busy with till' lJrcakfHst and very proud or hel' family, The \Yag-tails wel'e a:l out having flying- lessollsvery inte1'eH ting to waleh; much patience wa:-; displayed 011 the part of the pal'euts, A whole tlock of (i'aug Gang- parrots took a l110l'ning "I'est-hour" in some tClll tl'(>I'S neal' our little white home one (13Y, Theil one day we met the I{ all:":'<lI'OO family -thrC'('-hut \ye didn't have much tal1{ ,,-ith them; lboy were in a such a hurry to get off to see a ::-lick relativE', l)ate1' we met a Lone T-{>tng':lroo; he -was off to ('atch the PX))l'l'SS, hut \\e were thrilled tl) meet them nIl. There wen' many other's we met, too-all so interesting and HO fond of their nea t, tidy hOllH'S, and proud of their families, gVf'rywhere they \\'01'e teaching the littJ:e ones to "Be PrenH.l'ed," so that when their turn to keep house ('omes, they know just how to begin, 80 We' thanked Mother Natul'C' 1'01' hel' ma~'­ nificent hospitality, and 1'cluetantly l'oturnNl home; but we found that Mothcr Natul'e had shown us that we "Lucky Lones" ctl'e, too, heing looked after by OUR mother, the Chief Guide and thf' Chipf Scout, who wish to he even morE' proud of us, their huge, huge family, thHll even Mother Chough is of h01':', so they \\,;tnt us to be prepare-d, and to If-'~ll'n \Vha t a gO}'~'eous thing it is to l)(,~ alive and to serve others in our turn, Melboul'l1C', Xovember 25,

and I,it hag~ \\'l'r(' p(>n:hed tIll eithl'l' 14ide of the SII you can imagilh \\"ha t t hey looked like, One 1,..It tIl(' trips was from Lak£'!' Entl'ant'C' ttl OIlWO, wlwl'l' thc~' \'i~it(',<'1 tilt' 1st Omeo ('(lIl1Pi\ll~', Miss h'Ying' W:l!' in thl' party {)!l this u'jP. alld they all had a Y()ry jnlly CVl'lling', The nmd t\1 OnH'11 fllil(lW8 tll(' 'r-~llllh\l Hh'E'1' (ll!' milt's and miles, :-\1,)l1H'tillH'S 011 II h'vl.'l. but nenrl:--.· always going' up (II' dt)\\'Il: til(' gums wel'e coYerI'd in hl'i,~'ht I'l't! lips. tilt' hil'd~ "'Pl'l' Ilt'st i~,:":', a nil :Spl'ing' \\'a~ t'Vl'1'~-\\'ht'1'l', Anotl1l'r trip \Va::: t(l Buchan. wht're thl'Y went thl'llUg'h the Cayes: th\'~' madt' 80mt' 11('\\' frit'nct:4 thE'l'e in fOUl' Ll11H' (~uidC' Hl'('I'uits, a nd foUl' 1.011(' gangt'1' 1~t'el'l1its: they are guing ont hi1\:in:..:' tn:..:-ethE'l', Tht' road tl) Buchnn W~1S in :lll A\\,I"l~L statl'. (lnd it \\':\8 quitt' a hal'll j(lh nnt til gl't l)tlggC'll: t \\'(1 l'all alnng' ill the lIIud a 11\1 adjustt.'d <l t'hain tlwt pel'sisted in slippin:..: niT. while the other tIl'OYt:', and they ~-ot thl'o\l~' h all rigilt. hut wen' /)()g-gC'~i latel' \ln' i;\ nnotl1<'), SPilt: TIH' best ll'ip was through to ~Ial\a('(lllta Inlet. l'l\Ie:::s OlH' h(ld hN'1l tilt'\'t' onc could hayc Illl id~a tit' til\' grandput' and distnnt'l' of it .;t11. (1)(' night the Camp "as pitehed (In till.' £'l'iIH'("S 11h.:'iI\\a~·. ahout :.!() lllii('s ful'tlH'l' 011 than Ol')l()st: this Wtls a heautifu.' p1a('c-tiw tall gums to\\'E'red over everything; till' gl'o'lnd :-;lopetI tlo\\ n from til!' nHld on OIH' xi<lp at 111 up on tIl(' other; the eal' was <il'ivPIl ofr tht' I'Pil!! along a tnll'1\. al tht' l'nd of :\, g'l'('Ht "haiqHIl" IH'lHl of thp 1'0:1<1, The next nighl was l'llH'nt 'It ('ann Hi\'PI', \\'hl'l'(' then' :11'C sl'vel':li i,(lIH'S IH'long'ing to tht' ~ntl ('olllpnny, At (':\1111 tlH'I'l' is only H Illail t\\il'(' H \\epk, :111(1:t1l the (;uidt's :11'l' yel'y husy 011 thl'il' f;II'!l1S and ill II)(,jl' hUlllf'S, 11(}'(' tlH' l'apt:liIlS tnt't ~lisH H(,I'l!l', or tIl(' t'hu\'('h of' l;~ngland Bush .\1(1 Hol'i<'ty, alld had tea <In<l hl'(':II.;J'H1-4t with lwr ill hel' <'ottag(': sh(' \\'<11-4 111 list l,in(I, alld \\':1:-; a (iuidel' 111 l'~ng)anll 1'01' s('vl'l'ai y('an~. so Hhe iH helping ttll' Lones no\\', 'l'he birds hel'(' :11'(' wonderful, ;llltI (HlP ('()ulLl 'tlllt in whole <laYH doing not !ling hut ~talklllg, Till' magpi('s, \\ l'ens. wi.lil' \\',lgtails, ",hislle}'s, allll \l1an~ otherH \\"()ulel play round tlH' t('nl itt sunrise, anc! ~WI1\,(' eV('l) ppppell in! 'I'll(' evening' at {':tlln Hi,,!,!, tonk the form or an infol'll1al (~llide diH('l.ISHio)) and plan-mal<ing out in the lnlsh: even'OIH' had Hu I1lllch to :18].;: ancl so 1)111<'h t.11 tell tl1,lt t!H'\' \\'('1'(' nlI very e-lwel'ful. Su(lclenlv tl1(' citv duiden; Wf:'J'(' sOlllE'what sladled hJ: a flying' !4<)\liITd, much tn the umusement of tlw Lone;.;: The next day the party \\'('l1L on to (;cnoa .ll1d Mullacoota; Genoa is 'I G miles 1'1'0111 Cann Hiver, and there is 011 y one hous(' on thp 1'011(1, Thf'1'(' is one Lone Uuide at Genoa, and h('1' ('aptain saw her on a pony outside tlw village and gucsse(l whu sh(' Was stl'aig-hl a\\'it\', The\' met <lfterwanls at tbe Post Office; they have only two mails there also. The tent was pikhed Lha l night H t M allue-oota I nlet, a \\"oll<h'l'flll place and indesC'l'ibahle: hut it had to 1)(' IMt illl too SOOB, Home days lat<'!' th(' l'etuI'\1 journcy fl'Oll1 Bail'nsdal~ was begun; it call waR nwdc at nlenalu.dale, where the'I'E' m'(' thl'E'c fa milies of Lones, who HI'(:' Clwfull:--.-' k<'<'11 nncl know all about the hush, Here th<'!'e \\'ere two 1'111'0111lE'nts-one in the a ftf'l'lHJOn and unothel' hv moonlight-it was all llJOst thrilling, rl~hes~' Guides are all member::; of the :!IHI Lone COlllpany, At Uundalaguah, neal' Sak, there WaR <tlwti1I'}' l<Jnrolment Ceremony, held after ~<.-,hool, of two sisten, who helong to the 4th Lone, 'rhese g-il'l. H know all ahollt the bush. too, ancl often go ()lIt tnl.cking' with their sister, \\'110 is a Guide also, ThC' next. day a visit was made to a Lone :It Kilmany, In the paddocks adjoining her h0111('



Dear Matilda, Two of our Lone Captains have recently returned from three whole weeks of Gippsl~.lnd, wl1('1'0 they went to visit Lone Gnides, 'rhey travelled by car and camped llY night JURt where they happened to be, Can you imaginp it, Matilda? They say it was too pel'fect, 'rh('y saw Lones everywhere they ,,,ent, and ('ov('\recl i.thout 1300 miles altog-ther, The CHI' was ~onde<1 with a wonderful assortment of things, inl:llHling a larder, and tents and blanket:'l, and t'l'yillg' pans, and billies, and axes, and everyLhing;

December. 1926.





Oil til' UllItlH'tn, teal'S, hlllt'~ in ~ h'i,~, hand:". and I)th('l' wp('d~ ~ll\'h H~ "( d. n't warit to," "I ('11\1'1." "I'll (pll PH ~'I)U." "I){l it ~'oul'seli." and m lll~' \)(I1£'1's hl'~ilh': Hut Wp


":-':omething old: something ne,,-, ~l\methil1g magic, something tl'U(', ~inging in plenty, a story to tell. And something to make y()U h€'allh~' :tnd ,,(>ll." That's a Bro\ynie lH'og-raml11c in a nUl ~h '11. don't you think it fits in \ery wt'll 1\11' the mottu uf OUl' Brownie page'? Something' i~ I)ound to be "old" to some -~oll1ething, we hUll(', will he "new:" thc "soll1E'thing- magit', I'tlllll't hin~ t l'," etc" \\'i 11 'c ~'l't ai n Iy depend llll


YOi,': CI,lntI'ihutiol1s an:> expected to pour in, CUl1lt' on, Brown and T:l\\'ny 0,," s: Let UIS sho\\' nUl' l'aptains \\'l1n t WE' en n dll, Only do it no\\"-uon't IE'd \"e it till ")'latildn" is out again,

A Little Talk That May Suggest Others SuitCoble at a Brownie Enrolment, TIH.'I'p \\ a:-; Olll'V a Ii Ule girl, and het' llallll.' Uaisy, :ShE' wcnL to school all the "eel;:, and 01\ ~(\ turda~" IlllH'nings she hellwd. l\lotht'J', In the afternoon shl' ",as <\I, owed to tIn ju:-t ",11ft t. ~he liked. Daisy loved Rkipving, bu t it was oftt'll too hol: she luved her doll <111(1 ;111 !tel' phlythings too, but, e\"(n 80, she nften wOllch red \"hat she could tlo, and Romelil1H.'H the ::-:atul'day 'Iftel'noons secmed rather long. One day Daisy grew pxtra tit'ed of playing, su Hhe \\"all<ed down to the C'lHI of the ganiPll wheJ'e he}' father was gankning', This day he Sf'fIlH'd p:ll'tkul,lI'ly 11<11'<1 at \\'Ol'k in the kitchell ~'ill'(len, and Iw looked yel',\' hot. DaiRY watchell hi1~1 for some time, in silence, then she said, (l'a t IH'J' ;tg'gra va ting')" to he sure!) I ., Poo)' lJaddy! You're always pulling out weeds:" "And what 1I0 YOLI tllinl{ \, uuld happE'1l if 1 tlion't '!" asked hpr father without lonking lIlJ, "\\,ha t, Daddy'!" asked D~lh;y, '''rhey would Slll'C'ao 11lOl'e and 111Orc, and gl'U\\' stroll gel' P\"ery day, and :<;oon theee wnuld Ill:' no I'oom a t all left [01' all the lovel) vI'gttal des I want. to gTOW 1'01' 11l0t 1.1Cl'." "I'll he. p you, Daddy," cried DaiRY, Huddt'llly, ;In<1 Hhe set to work straight away to pull up Home of t he nasty weeds. Daisy wurked 1-;0 \\'ell, anll her Daddy \I\"CtH so pleased with lwr that he gave Iw1' a COt'lH'l' of the kitchen garden a.Il to herHelf. He dug it up well and then left IH'1' to ('lear, it, and every 8ntul'day Daisy Cn,UH' to wOl'k with hel' father until her liLtie patcil was .ovely and smooth, and clear of all weeds, hits of old roots, and little stones. 'rhen her {',lt1H'1' showed her how to plant t.hings, and ~'OU can imagine h21' juy when lots of green littl(' plant.s at last appeared, and then flowers and then little beans and peas. And just imagine her excitment when these grew big enough fOI' Mother to come and piek and for evcryone to ('njoy! All this took months, of eourse, and all Ihis time Daisy went on ·weeding, and only the best. of everything was allowed to grow in hf'l' garden. Now I always think of Daisy's garden when a. Brownie is being en1'O led. \Vhen a Ii tUo girl comes to join our Pack she becomes .. Recruit, and for some weeks is learning alJ sol'ts of things, Like Daisy, she*i~ ph'paring her garden with Brown Owl's help. Then, whell everything is quite, quite ready, the grcat da~: comes and our little Recruit stands by the totem and makes her promise, No·w she 1':> Cl rcnl Bro·wnie, and her little garden is quit<, I'eady to start and plant things in, But, just as weeds grew in Daisy's garden, so they will persist in growing in a Browne's garden, too, \Veeds that simply must be pulled out, Such \\"(:~

P.l'ownies want :1 ~_:nl'llen just a~ good as Daisy's, \Yith lW WE't'ds in it at all, and f'\'l'l'~' tillll' a Bro\\ nil' i~ l'lll'pllt'd it 1'C'lilill,'lR 1I~ I'~ "'111' P\', l\ litth' ganh Il, ~() alI t!tl' \\'1'1'1' .let: liS w(ll'k hard :llHl pu:, !lut :\11 tllt" nasty !ittll> Wt'l'lb th:lt h:I\'I' L'Olllt" up l:'inl'p tht' last PI1\'Olllll nL anti It I liS make a fl'e~h stal'l, and tJ'y lll't til I"'t th€'111 grow again: It is t h\' \'(';111.\' tl'llly 1:1'\ \\'nk wIll) ke("p~ (\11 IHillin~' (lilt tilt' \\ 't'lls!

A General Test Game (on the Principle of "Oranges and Lemons") PI<lyed st the Last Brownie Training Class. • B.O, and '1',0, lllnke tilt' ('astll', Ttl 1;,O.'s helt will attach thems(" \"('s all tlw:-<\.' \\'hl' l':Illnot, S:1y, tit' t1H'ir (1\\,11 tit': t (l 'I',O,'s Iwll, 1111 t hosl' \\' ho l'H 11. A long line is flll'll1pd :It till' l'lIll nj' t hI' t'(lOm, .11111 ea(,h Ht'tl\Yllit' l!l kl'S or( IH'r tit' (HE'cl'uit:::; C:1.11 Iw g'i\'t'l1 <l tit'), '!'ht'll 1I1lt' I11'o\\'nit' :ll a , tillH' wall,-~ llJl to till' l';\sth-. ,11111 i::; asked to til' }1('I' tiE', Jr sht' is s{J('('i..'ss(lll sJu' g'OE'S behind T,O,; if sill' hus nnt leal'llt. it U\' hilS fOl'gottN1. shp gill'S hl'hind IU), 'I'his gnlllt' \Hll'ks .illst ,IS \\ ('II :\ \Ill is 1)\'1'1' nllll'1t ({uickl'I' if, at tl1l' stal'f.. f'\'l'I'\, Hl'o\\'nil' t:t\{ps (1ft: lwl' til' :lnd Hhal'-I'S it ollt;' I I It'll al .t giY('ll :-;ignnl tiE'S it again. J\t Hl1oth('I' giYl'l1 :-·.ignal the wlJOle .int' runs 11J~ to tIl\' ('nstle and endl Brownie ill 1\11'11 P1'l'St'llls 111'1' lip. 'I'll(> l)l'op(\rly-tl<,tlllll!'S rUll il{:'hi'ltl '1',(1, :t11<l thps('

not tied hehind RU, It. is quitE' l'<lSY to s('(' whil:h Hidl' ",illS h\? ('nunting' the numl>t'r Oil (';tell Hide, r:ut to 111\" mind who willS is by no llH'an~ the mos't itn]JOl't:lnt part of the gallll'. \Vhat lllatt(,l'H mos t i1'> 1'01' H.O, til 1'>11 I) llid l'!' 11('1' l't'S pOl1~ i hili t." and make it hel' iJusincl-;s thell and there l~l tea('h those who <lid llot win! ('I"l1e OdlCl'S Goultl he occupied wi th T.O,) It is not ('llOllP;h tll say "Deal' 111(' ~ ~ix Rl'owniC's WilD ha\'t' forgotten to tiC' tlwil' lip! (or wbat<'vf'l' it ll1;\) I)e), "rehat won't do ;Ii 1.111; wc'll have to P1':.1(:tise it 11100'('! No time (o-(I11Y -- next. week,

porhaVs!" l\1'\KI~ time to-day; allo\\" I'm' it in youI' pl'ogrHl1ll1H' \\'IW11 yuu are having- a test gume. Fol', ~lfter all, isn't. that. the mo:st impol'tant point about a (pst galliC '! Not so much to see how many <:n II tI0 the thil1l;', hu t to make sm'*:' of thuse who eannot. '



ltequil'ed:-,t, lil, thick rug woul. A two-shado onE' can lw made f1'On1 2 OZS, dal'k bl'oWIl \\'\lO], 2 OZS, light bro\\'ll woo. lllixp<l. Cul two ovals the same si;.:w, Hlld then slightly flatten olle end of e:lt'll. The measul'('l1lents Hhoul<l hE' 7 inches fl'tJIl1 the "pex of tIl\' oval to lhC' middle of flat base, and 4 incheH from side to sicle' across. 1'hen eut another oval inside the l:trgel' one, I inch 1'1'0111 tll(' edge, which leaves a hole in the centre. Cut the skt'in of w()ol once lhl'ough th(' middle, divide it illto ;] or -1 parts. and wind them l'otllld the cHnllloHnl ovals until the hole in the middle is neCl!'ly ft 10(} up, An f':txier way is to make the sk0in intI! !-llllalJ h;tlIs :111(1 wind thf'tn on sing-Iy, \\'hE'1l all the wool is Oil, ('ut l'(Jl~n(1 th!' uutc'l' Nlge of ovals, Hlip a IJie(,{l of strll1g b".twecn the tWI) cHnls, and ti(' I igh tlJ:' rl'h en· ( i ther tell I' t.h0. ('H 1'<1 \Joard off 01' Rlip the "'001 out very l;'i.l efully, The 0\\'1 is then ready to be ~jhaped, Til' (I•• piec.:c of \\"001 tightly round abuut a third ot the \vay down to make the neck. }-'or the I

MATILDA.. I'U l :! l'UlIIH;!:.; (If white 0" ,Yt' If/\\' ('Hl'rlhOHl'd, "IH1 se\\' thew till with }'OlllHI, i"hin) hInd " hlll(OI1~ in tl1l' (' '' 1I1I't's" HIll ('J,; Jinl's dl'<l\\"n fl'om thl' "d~t' ot" lh" P;IIIP1' to thl' (!Ilg'(' of th \'llttOI1 are :til iJlll>l'o\'l'lIlent. TIll! (':Irs ~11}(1 hpak (1)'(\ made' of small thl','f'-{'o)'neJ'l'<l


leadH'J', whi('h :IJ'i~ HPWll Oil <t11l1 into :-;lw]ll'. Tllf'l,; tlll' Il1 well into l}w wool. :IIHI the~' wili hold qui te lil'l11ly. ('Ul two 1;lj'.~I:I· p j (,(,(~ ~ .,1' :( athp}' fol' the I'(>('t, sllaJlPd ~ : (}lIlethillg HI,p a f1(\lll'-<1e-Iy~.




GUIDE CAMP AT BEXHILL-ON-SEA, 1 IHldly \\"antl'd to go to at 1east OIH' UUldp Camp whilt' in England, and was vel'y lu('\{y in bdng aide to alTangc it with MiH8 Kemlll, e,A. ffl" HerkRhil'e. I said I needed all the expe"il'rH:(' r could g'et: Miss J{emm toicl Ill(' la!C'!' Rhe smiled at that, :IS Rhe alwaYR provid<'(l mudl and val'ied expel'il' lll'l', I (,PI'tainly was allle to get Illy tUi'1l at most johs- \ Y.A,JJ.'ing (nothing- ~erious We' ,vprt' a healthy lot). (':1nt('el1, Q,l\I. an<l Cook, and 80me priY:1te si<1('-sh()w~ too. I st<u'ted I'i;:dn in tll<' ileginning of thi Ilgs "'ith an empty fiE-leI ",ith a wonderful sea yiew (onl~ ' ('atch, as at Foxlease: soil was cla)-'!), ..\n ('Hl'ly effort was the ('I'ection uf thC' 111:11'quee-Roll1e effnl't with only three; one (It riclg\' and t\\ 0 of Us Oil t ht· )'opes in tUl'n, The S'tl11(, m~ll'quee enURed us many thl'ill8; one stOl'IlIY eYening, when OUl' numlll 'j's were IIOWI1 to 14, \\" 0 were all feeding- in nne large bell tent. '1"11(' youngsters n Cil}' the clnoi' \\'E'l'P laughing, \,'111")1 asked why. they saifl: "Oh, the marquee 1001{s so funny!" It (liel, as it was executing a skirt dance with its legs in the <l i1': Exit Guiders, \\' ithout n word. OUl' first Guid(~s (lITi v('d ('arty \\'etlne:-;(Ia~' a1't(,I'nO(lI1, tl1l'ee of Dr, Dal'nal'do's among them, Thpy did enjoy themselvef3, and it was a pleaslire tn haye them. Among' other good qualities thf'Y sang delightfuL y: had evidently been well tl'uin€'fl in sehool. The crowel alTived at 6 J) m" ('ol1sidel'ably lntf', dC'spite all CelrE' and forethought . The IOlTies that \\'(,l'e to ('OI1\ey Guides <llld hag-gag'(' \\'l'i'e missing'. To I'ectify matters the authorities switched oil it bus thftt did not have a busy route, History does not relate ""hat the public thought. Somewhat Jater the haggagE' Hn'i\'Nl, and, df'spile tlw delay, we \\'ere ali fed, t£>nts 'pitched and in bed in good time. ,\"e were over -to for a \\'('el,-] 2 Guidel'R Hwl 1.its from 5 Companies f1'l>111 Berkshire, Hampshire. Brough ton-on - \'"a tel' in Glotlcestershire, and London, \'-e could must01' 5 Brown OW1R out of the 12. Q,M, Cll1cl ASRistant hath being Brown Owls. A 11<'ll1Wsakf' of mine wa~ hoth B.O. and Commissioner, :lnd some wag suggested ""e were l\luch ~lol'e ancl MOHt B,O. For pl'actice most of the Guiclf'l's took it in t urns to he Captain of the Day. T'hat meant 11 owing' the whistle and o['ganising the Pl'O;":'J'amme and Pl'HY(,I'S. It \\';'1 S found mu(,h simpler [01' each Patrol to do theil' own washing-ulJ; for serving- meals we lined up in a queue I not all the Guiders). It pl'obably \\'ar, quickel'" and any\\"ay never sc'cmed so long when on the move. Th(' 1,(·(1eh \Yas a nev('r-1'ailing inten'st. \\"(' Ilathec} most dHYH, Guides going in in gl'ClUpS and each Guidel' Ilf'ing l'esponsihle [01' HC'\'('l'al at a. time. Very fp\\" coulel swim, hut, with longer time, severa) w(Jul(l Boon J1a\"(~ been ablf> to do sn, One (If (}lJI' phlC'ki(,~t WIIH our ShH11J~'Hi , Guide. r)ne duy :tIl "'xcer;t Broughton -on - \\ra t('1' visited BexiliJ I Hnd IJought presents to taJ{(>

December, 1926

h OIl1<', Brough tOIl- OIl - \" ,l tl'l" t0ure(1 H a~ti llg's instead, In the cYf'nings we had Camp t'in' Ul' Cun('crt. Two 1it.tle London Guidp:.; \\"('re. being trained professionally, and they gave Home wonderful tUl'ns, Broughton-on- \\"atel' came {)l't>pared with item costumes ell-; well. One sehoo} Company favoured us with two plays writte'n on the spot-intense' melo(ll'am<l, but quite clever, ,M <1st of the' ('<11111> had just H week, It was some job getting off the hig cl'owd. It m('ant an ('<.trly stal't and a lung day's journey for them, It se('med strange to be just 14 and 3 (} uid el'S aftel' their departure, Th (~ Brough tonon- \Yater Captain, Evelyn Moore, and I took on Q,M.'ing and ('ooking. It is marvellous what soups you can make out of oddments. Custard illlU hlanc mange give a wonderful finish, A Berkshil'e Divisional Commissioner and her ('ol1lpany wPJ'e following us, Miss Kemm staying' on for a few days with them, That mean t very few tents had to com(' down, so \ye had a very easy fti tting, I was the to lea Y<'. after a lobster luncheon with the Commissioner and Miss Kemm! It seemed funny to see the Camp still Htanding as I passed in the train. It gave me quite u homesick feeling, especially n s I was very h1-tzy where I was spending the next night, and nearly did not hav(' a roof t\'C'e ~lt all-but that is another story" .1\1. MOOHE.

DISTRICT NEWS , The L:..Jchl ASHociation of the Hawthorn and Kew Girl Guides reports the fOl'mation of t,,·o new CompanieH and two Brownie' Packs during the year, The Annual Display and Exhibition of ""ork was most successfU·. In the Proficiency Badge Department, Examinations have been held in 18 subjects, aurl 269 Te~ts passed. On Saturday, December 11, an exhibition of ,,"ork done by the Ouides cumpeting for a handRome shield, presented hy OUj' enthusiastic niRtrict ('om missioner, Mrs, C, H. Edmondson, will he held at thC" Hawthorn Town Hall. Companies will be a warded points:1. Best model of a Sick Room; 2. Best collection of recipes fOl' plain tUS}H'H actually cooked hy the Gui,des; 3, Best collection of wild flowers, E, M. BRADSHA\\', Hon, Secretary, HAMILTON , COLERAINE AND DISTRICT RALLY, Thel'e WUH a guod attendance at the Bami'ton Botanical G'u'dens on November G. 19:2f), when tlH~ Hamil ton, CoJel'uine and ·District Oirl Guides held their I{ull y and Competition for the District Shield, whieh was won hy the 1st Hamilton Company, The;> Gal'dens were in eXt:ell('nt eonditivl1, and it waR all ideal spot for the purpose, About 75 Guides and ahout ,*0 Brownies were present, I'PI))'C'senting' the following ('ompanies and Packs :-1 st Hamilton, ::11<1 Hamilton, 31'd Hamilton, lRt \Ynllnon (l\Iounted), 1st Caslerton, 1 st I )ighy, Hnd Hanll iton and COl eraine Packs. Aftl'l' thE' presentation of n Colout' by the Hamilton Local ASSOCiation, public proceedings open(;r1 \\ ith ,\ Gual',l of HOllour for thp Divisional Comlllissioner (Ml's, vVintpl' Cooke) a,nel District Commissionel' fo l' Casterton (~Irs, McKay Shaw), Then the Brownies gave an

December, 1926,



action !-'lIng-, c(lllcludin~ \\'ith their "hll\\' !." Th is was fOlluwed b) a Guide Flag- !tapE': then ~l bed-making competition by team~ from each ()1 the three Hamilton Companies, Xext, the COlllpeting- teams lit riI'e on tht' path, The nuid{'~ Wt'l'C pr~)\'ided with wood a ud kin~lling, :l1H1 (c'ach team had to ~t'nd one {If it~ number tll ;":'et a hilly of ,,' ateI', while lh(' othel's prepared and lit tIH" fire, \\'hen the hi ly hoiled. tea W:l!"

made and atljudkated, During the ('losing stagt'R of this competition the BrL1wnif'~ \\'t"l', ' g-iYing an 'exhiJ itioll of Seotl'h Ball. Each Comp;;ny in turn tlwn had tp do ('ompany Dl'ill oil the lawn, and €':lch put into it all the smal'tne~s the\' knew, Aftel' an inten'al the Guide!" gav~' an excellent I:'Xhli1ititHl of old Eng'li~11 eountn' danct:.'s-Gntlwring: Pt't1sl'pdf':. BIad{ . Xag Hn~i ~\\'eet K;i.te, rrhe~l, \\ ith the (~uideH formed up in horseshm~ ft)l'In.\tion . .l\\l'S. "'inter Cooke pl'eRente-d tIn" ~hi('hl to till' 1 st Hamilton Company, She said i't had \wen fnil'\Y \\'on, and she ga\'e it into their l\:l:.'e-ping li I they all l1H't ag~\in. The points :t\\;lnled in tht' l'ompetition for tIll' Shield \\'el'e:-1st llmniltol1, GO: ::lHl H'lmilton, !):): 31'(1 Hamilton, ;ill, :\ll's. \\'irHpr ('noke said it wn~ eXclctly H Yl':\l ' sinee they ha(l helo rht'il' fil'st it..tlly. and sIll' had two mpsR;lges to giYE' them fl'tllll t\\ u of thl)se who wel'!, present last ye<ll'-one [l'(lIll thr·il' StatE' ~ecl'etary (l\1i~s ll'Ying'), who had teleg-nq)hed her }wst wisht";:;;, antI tlw uth(;'l' fl'ul11 Lao" Helena Rous, \\110 Ht'nt Iwl' ]ll'St wishes in' a lette1' of t11unks rOl' a 1)llOtograph Ilf tlwil' Hally last yenr, LRd~' Somers, their ~t<.tte Commissioner, wou (1 he ('uming' to Hamilton in Decemher, and had expl'l"ssed n wish to see llw Guides uf the District, It \\,IS nh'{' to think that they would Sl'f' theil' Stall' ('olllmiHsionC'l' su S\lOU' ill Ih I' penon in A \lHIl'alia,

(; uide!'1 had ,1, Rplenditl mot to "Be Pl'l")Hll't'( 1." 'I'lH> Cuides Pl'E'pctl't' d tlwlllsel\'t;>H to help ()tht·I'~. and to hel}) In'ing pence alJd happinl:'SH in tlL" I' ('\\"11 environment. Lord Sa1iHhul'Y, speakillg' to the Boy Scouts at l'~\I1hel'l'(t, Haicl the higheHl thing in life was S0l'vice. She wan ted IH'Oplt' to l'enlis(> that, although the (~uldeR got .1()~ fl'lJlll tlWil' gameR, they w('n~ thel'E' tin;l .Inti [oj'("nlust to SetTe, H n(\ to 11l:l ke thl'lllH('l V\'H lJ1111'( ' l'ttil'ien t 10 helv uthers, She was very HOlT,\' that 1st l\\oniVHf' Company, who won thl' Shi~'.t1 last yea]', wert' Pl'f>VE'llted by an ()utlll'eak 01 ,,"hOODing cough fn)l1} competing- this ),('Ul'. SlH hoped that within a yeai' or t\\'o t h<:'y wOlllCI l,e all (' to have a JJig Divi~ional or Guide:-t'1'0l11 Branxholllle, POl·tlancl <111<1 (lUlul' ('enll'(·'" ill th(' l18ighhuul'hood, I"ullowing the presentation, the' Bl'()\Vr:i('~, grouped themselves in H eil'clp, with Mnc \\ 'il1t('l' Cooke in the centi'e, while Bdna \Vuulfr was IH'psented with a F'in;L-cla:;::; Badg<', Bh<' was the only Brownie in the l>iHtrif'l to hav<' glline(l this Badge, After the singing of the National Anthel)), the Gui(les cleaned up the gTOU1H1, and tl1<' gal'(lens ,ve-l'e left (if it were possihle) <:'V~I, more tidy than they were hefo!'e the Ita Ily ('ommeneed, During the afternoon the music for mal'CheK 11 nd country dances was providerl by the l:Iamilton Brass Band; afternoon tea waH served bv Ml'R , C, p, Marshal! and mothers of 11(' Brownies, and a JUll1 hie Stall was run IIy M l'H, A l hert \\~hite and Mrs, r.rl'egonning,





1\.1' tilt' ... 'lll'th of h')ul' to the 1~( ('(1~t f' l' ­ { l i l t '()lll}lall~' c l' t1uhlt,~, rt~' ntly f(wlll ! in Ow I,'n-n. ~Iiss ni'!l1'(,l1~ l'E'aPlH'd .\ u~tnlliH ill .\I.\I'~'!l lust in PI'tlf'I' tu :l~:-:i~t th .\11 "tlllt' l1t in ,\ustl.liia. :\11d, at'tt:l' lnul'ing' Pl',ldi< ~1I1y :tll tilt' ~w1t>s. \\,:l~ tlljoYln,.; <l }HI!i{I;ty n~ tilt' g'\H~t or ~Iaj()l' - (~l'nl'l'al ~il' :'\<'"ill ~111~ til, \',t' .. HilI! I..lIdy Smvth ;1 t till:' l1tllllt ' ~t ':Id. KIIII:.!' \hHII, B:lh1101' a I, hotil ('I'r \\'l1oll1 \\'l'I" Ill't'~t'IH ;I i tilt' eel'l:'IlH)Il~' . :\1 t'~ , \\' illtPl' ('~)I)"\'. l)j y I~it\lllli t '(I!llllli:-;~intll 1', "';IS nl~\l pl'l'~t>nl, as \\ t'll liS tilt' \)i~tl'il't t '(llll Illis~innt>\' l'tH' Caslt. . l·ltlll ~i\ll's, .\Id-ny ~I\;I \\' ), In IHll"H' :-;h(le fOl'lllatillll, tilt" (illidl's :-4,lllg- till' Ullide La\\' Chant. >\ll'~, \\" illl('I' t'('o (ll,l' llwl1 ~a,'\." an ;\dlll'l_'~:-<, in wl1kh :-;IH' ~:lid th:!! thl' IHople Ill' C'dstt'rtnn IlHd din'l'tl~' gi\'PIl lIlt' t'ollHII', "'hil'll I'q)t'('s~""ntpd nll that til' (~lIidl' 1.;IW8 stll(Hl fl\I', hy :-lUh:,('l'ihing and h~' Plltl'()lli~ ­ ing' the ~I<lli at th!..' l'P('I'llt l'n~tt'l'tlln :-;lln\\', :tlld CouneilllH' Liltl(" Pl'l'sidl'nt or tIll' nlt'Il('lg ~hil'I' ('(.tllH'il, \\',IS going- lo I1.1J)(\ t hl' ('(Ilnlll' (\\'('1' t n thtm, .-\tldl'essillg tilt' (~lIid('s, sht' said: "YPII ;ll'P ,'(,'1':'> (\I'llIn:\tf' S(I (';\l'lr ill Yillil (;nidp lifl' to hilYP \\itll ypu :\Tiss I h'llI'PllS, \\hlt WIIS IIllt' or th<' Itadt'l'H of till.' Oil'l nui{\p ;'\IO\'I'llH'llt in 1'111'11 : <'1'



l-had of


\;I'itain, and,






in )-\11:-4

tralin, h;t' l :';P;lI'prl 11(1 vrTIII·ts t,1 Ilt'lp us nIl. ~11t' Ilns R»okt'n hpJ't'. t hl'l'(' <llld 1."'('l'YWIH'I'P, "nd Il'tll,\' JH'PIl an inspil':ltillll In ;111 tilt' .\loveIIWIlt." l\fiHs Hpl1l'Plls had ~h()\\ Il ;1 \\ ondpl't'ul l'x;t1l1ple hy Ill'l' pl.Ihli(' ~el'\'il'l' in tltv l\1(ltlH'I'1.\1)(1, As tilt' l\IarqUiH ~:lIi!-lh\1l'Y 11;1<1 ~;tid in a l'('('('nt addloHs in AUHtl'1tlia. lhe ~Tt:.'atpHt thing' ill allY lirt' \\'as ~(,I'\'it'(' ~£'J'\'il'(' til Gnd, ~el'\'ice to (lUI' l'tluntl'Y, and ~t'l'vic(' to (llIl' 1lt'Ig-hhotl1's, ~1H' \\'pule1 lil(' Ilw <:il'l Ollidps til PI'O\'(, that j t \\";ls til{' tl'll<' spirit or ~l'I·,'i('(\ t 11;1 I gn Vt' t \11'111 till' Illost ph';} SIll'\' :t nd SIll' ;! Iso \\'allt0d ttl' puJdi(' to I'P :llis(' th:l t tIll ' ;..:il·ls l't'IHle\'('(l t 11:1 t H0I'Yi('(', ('ol1ncill(lI' Lit tll' suh1 Ill' fell till' nil'l (lltitl(' Al UVe111(,lIl \\'ou It! lw nil i 1\ tllJCI1(,P 1'01' g(\(11 I, ~llld IH' waH pl('ased 10 thallk till' ('HSU'I'loll l>Uhli( ' rur J)l'ovi(ling tlH' ('010111' rO]' thl' <.'ast('I'lolI ('11111pany, II f' rull~ appt'eC'in I<:-'d t h(' wOl'ds sp(ll<~ ' ll hy l\t1J's. \\"inh'\' ('001\(', <1n!1 hO}H'd tlr" girls woul(l livl' up to thelll. If thl' y diel, tlH'Y W!luld i){' a l'1'('(1it ttl thenu'H,' lv(>s and the <1iHtl'i('t. Ill' had 1l1u('h pll'HSlll'f' ill ;lsl{ing' l\Jiss Ul'hl'(' n:-: to ;I('('(>]>t the t 'oloul' Oil hl'1wlt' of Ow ('Olll p:! ny, and thank('<1 l1H'1I1 fol' the illvitntioll ( I (;Ikl' pal't ill such lll1 i Illl'l'esting ('('\'(' II1OIIY. 1\1isR Hf'hl'PIlH, ;1I1<lI'PH:~il1g thet.:i1'lH or til<' ('olllll<lny, said: "It iH no 1'0111111011 tI:l~ tll;]t (,()I~('S to )OU (o-day, Till' ('oloul's HI'fI ;llt emhlf'1ll of duty, signifying raithrl1\l1l's~ to Uod. YOUI' King Hnd t'()Untl'Y, HIHl nil 1ll<ll1ldntl, I ha\,(' pl(':I:-ul'I' in handing tit£> f1ug f)V(;'I' to yuu "lHI hope you will l11aillt;lin it. ll11tal'llislwd <IS you j'e('eivl' it." .lV1l~}; Ih'hl'ens wpnt Oil to Hay lila t sill' had IIH·l ('lJll1palli~'<'; ill Afl'i<'n, \\'PSl.('\'U Australia, ~olltb Au~tnLlia, \'ictol'ia, QU('(-IlHltllul, Xl'\\' South \\'a10H :ul(l Tasmania, :-lillt'f' IpHving Englanel, Hnd they Wel'(' iink('d llP with (;uid t's ;dl (lV('I' the "'odd, C;ui<1eH Hhould 111'YPI' rol'!~I:'! what a hUg't-' happy LUllily tll,'y IH'long to , Each of tlH'm had Gl ~,!I!I!I HiHtel'H----:t11 one h g family, In fnet, then' w<'rt' (,'--\'(>11 1I111n' , as till' :\TOVf>l1H'llt \Vas sVl'eading all O\,(,t' t1w \\'orld. not (;111y OYC'}' tl1f~ British Elllp : t'l', 1>1',1)(,1'.,:-; Mal'y had given tllr'lll .t:lO,OOO to get OW 1\!UVI;.'ment going', and, if evel' a ny of theJll g-Ill til I'~ngland, th( y woulll find thpil' o\\'n (;uidp 110111<' waiting to l'ec:eivl' them, They had helll <l ('Ol1Yention in England some ti lue ago wIwn' 3~


Nov, 9, at 3 p ,m" Miss Behrens (member of the

fo]'(>ig-n countries had been I'epresentl'd, and eyel'y une of the delegates was bursting Wilh






T'hey held a camp


l~()O GUi<lPH


1 pal'ts of the world, H.epresf'ntatiYc!, from lIollan(1, II ungary and ('VUI (('elallll. and with such a ;,::atherill~ th('y I'ealised that the League of • "alions wa:-: J)ot <I <il"l'a)u. They hnd them 1hpl'C' f1'OI!1 SOlI til AlHl'I'iC'<I and t'hili-nll lllt'mllers of (til i.' I)l~ family, wholl) tlH'Y wpre plea:'ied to 111('l't aH nl1i<1e ::-;isters. Hhe received a heal'tv wplee-me at I·'relllantl(" where she saw the \vell-kllo",) lI11ifol'm ))('for(' t h(' n~ssel rene'hed th,' l>iE'r, H \\';1::; not only t h(' f-ame uniform, hut the S'lIlH' wann hf>al'ts under the uniform, Th('Y l'u',!d think of thl~mselv('s as linl{s in a l'hain of (lYE', hut the chaill would ht' no good unless tht'Y WI.'1'(, all good link1->. Calling- themselves Uuides was no good: it was BEl~O Cui(lps that meant something-living their pro." ISI.. ~ lha 1 "GaIly mattered. They pl'omised to help otherH; it might mean to nurse th(' sick, cook thl' men Is, do anythin!:~: that was nced0cl. Guides should do the right thing l.1t the right time, ilncl do it l'ight well. Find out the right thing til dl), :l11cl rush in and do Ow right thing at the l'i:::'ht time, They should keep their ey(IS on their ten La'ws, be true to God and theil' 1)l'lImi:;;es. then go forward-and they could do mc'n' with Him to help. ~lis:;; Behrens concluded a brigh t, happy, inspirationa.J address h.\' saying: "You are jolly lucl(y girls to have tllls Colour. and I wish you all good luck and lots of happiness, Y;)u'll get it, I know, because you are going to give happiness," 1'1'0111




BARNARDO GIRL GUIDES. A party of Barnardo Girl Guides in l'h1ll'gt' of l\Iiss Picton Turberville, Division COlllmissiuner, a governor of the Homes, and Miss LUckhurst, District Comm.issioner, passec1 through l\Ielbourne in October, on the11' way to Sydney to take up domestic work, DU1'ing their staY they were entcl'tain('cl by th<' LucCI I Associa tion ot' the Ha,,·thorn and Kew Guide:" of which :\l1's. C. H, Edmondson is Uistl'id Commissioner. On the first day the girls were giveJl a pic:nit' at the Botanicn.! Gardens, which thf'Y pnjoyed thoroughly: and on the follo\.... ing d:ay Miss Daniell kindly placed the grounds ot nuyton College at the disposal of the Committpl', Tlw Ruytol1 Guides played basket-ball eU\(1 (lOWl' g,Hnes with the Bar'nardo girl!", and later served afterno(ln tea ;dth fruit and. ~wectf;, It WHS a very happy pady, and the tillle to l'elll~'11 tl) llle "ThL'InistcclE's" e<l111e r011nd all (00 qu lek y,


SIGNALLING. On October I, 1926, the mornhly Uuidel's' ('I,as:,; taken hy Lieutpnan t D. ~kol, tht' subJ(·ct lJeing signalling. Lieute-nant Xicol explained the importance of l he si~nc.ds service in the army, and to lc1 of its amazing development of recent years, ,In ~he army the three methods of i~tercommun:('at:on are:-RE-g-imental Signallers, fur C0111mUnicatlOl1 lJetw0':1l L. nits: the COt'ps of Signals, for yl. ('oml11unication hetween G,H,Q, and Battahon H,Q.; and the Postal Corps, fo: all correspondence too lJulky to be sent In apy, othe~' mannel', The work of the Corps 01 ~lgni.lls ,,-as then discussed in more detail. ThIS 8el'-, vice, before the war and un til a bou t, the end o! 1 !115, was an offshoot of the Eng'meers, bu l was then created a service of i~S own, and from 1,600 in 1914 the numb~rs ~ncr~ased to -0 000 in 191 S, The Signals SerVIce IS callpd f , " "the 'Xerves of the Army. WAS

December, ' 192 6


In wartime. aircraft. j;5 used fOl' "spotting" for artillery and for rec'onnaissance work, l\lessagecarrying agencies used are Motor Cyclist Despatch Hi<1er~; Or'<1el'lies (eithel' mounted or on hiC'ycies); Runners (foot orderlies) functioning within the unitfl; Dogs, Pig~om;, Nress'tgE'carrying' Rockets (useful only for short distances). Lieutenant ~k()l explained the advantages and disadvant<u..:'es of \vireless telegraphy for military purposes, and told of some wondedul mventions to ('ounteract disadvantages of vH1'ious methods of sending, On the suJJjE'ct of visual signalling, L:f'ut('l1ant Xicol told how messages are con\'eyecl to aerovlalles hovering over th(' "Popham Panel." He explctined the Lucas Day ight SignallingLamp, the Heliogmph, which lltilise~ th(' hun's lays instead of artificiaJ light. Flag signalling, lhe mHhoc1 GuidI'S know. is done wi th two etyP(~S of flags: large" w~1ich is 3 feet square, on a pol(> 5 f('et 6 inciws long, tapering from 1 inch at t1w hlltt to i inch, a1 the tip, wJ1ite with J)lu(' Htl'ipe; a.nd small. \\hich is 2 fed square, on it pole ~ feet Ij in<-:hps long, tapering from :1 inch to ~ inch. Sft111E-' colour as large, Thc'<;e flag.., ~Il'e LHwd fOl' st"nc1ing Morse, but two of thE'Ill may Ilf' llsed for sending ~emaphor(', 'I'll<' range or \'lsi!Jilit~ (lepends on background, atmosphere, lypE' of telescope used; with a Rcrvice telescopl" Ow large flag call lJe read 1'l'onl foul' to five mile'S, small flag two to three miles, semaphore thl'e('quarters to one and a half miles; aIJout h:tU (1iRLl11ce without telE'sC'opt>,

SNAKES! BUl111ner-time is Snake Time, Autumn, n1:.;o, 1110]'(' so, GuideR, hf'\\,u,re!

and rathel'

N EV E R I'un through long grass', jump ovel' a h<l nd into a hollow log, pid.;: fel'ns-parti('ularly. IJeWal'e of maiden-hair, BE CAR E FU L when playing- hiding and stalking gan1l'H, BE W AR E pal'ticularly of UlH1el'gl'owth near water, ALWAYS ('<tl'I'Y a. lig'ht lithp sU('1< in snaky country, HIT l>ehinct the Jlead, log', put you

Can YOP tina things'! TJ'y~









An excl'llent suggestion regarding PaLrol Emblems has been made by Mr, A, D, tLudy, our tJxamirH'l' for the Nature'll i~t Badge, that a HolJi n Pn 11 01 should know \\'11 ieh l-tohin tlwil' pmhlem reprE'sents, The transfel' ~old at Heallquartpl's is the 1~l'c1-c<q)ped Hobin, but if Guid(ts m'e dnl \\'ing and WOl king their own emulems they should dec~de lwt\\'een the various nH'lllhel's of the species, This opens the whole question of thE' inaccurate naming of Australian birds and plants h~ the early comers to Australia. The Australian Itobin does not belong to the same family as the I0nglish Robin; our BlLle Crane is a Heron, and on(' of our tl'ue Cl'aIH'S is called a Nativ(' Companion, A. so with flowers-our Bluebell is quite diffel'('nt from the English flower of t.he Flame nanle, , Guides would find a good deal of interest in discovering these inaccuracies, and the i'eason (or the mistake, G.H.S.

, ere equl ped eworda aa4 shields. J)af.oted Lieutenant and & trl n4 -of "'hers sUe looldng vecetable as mbl~ms. ~ wore tlve woollen goiters, two cushions, <) uAi"guses" tn size etght boots, a consider e amount of hayband fashioned into a wig, a; Be nose and a bag tuntc, whUe his wife ped in somebody's borrowed hall curtalna a dress which the owner ( aptain' mot ba searched for to ear to the perform etf. . Th other was a Musical play ca\1ed the "Playlovers," which was published in the "Ladles' Home Journal" of August, 1922, tn blch two lazy dhildren learn that "all piSN. and no work" is quJte as dull as "all work al}d no play;' as the fairies we-.! know. The words are set to old-time popular airs, which "',. unearthed at Cole's, and in one instance, where we couldn't obtain the music, a musical friend composed it for us. We worked in a cou~try '! dance, and an interested friend ta.ught eight fairies a pretty 11ttie dance, which was very striking under the spotlight, and also did a most effective solo dance· for us. The dressing in this play was fer the



The H rainina ~. . . l{UI ~ recess flOm DeCember 4, 1921, tIlI-' the je(fo

week In lP.bruar-y, 1127.

A Course of R.....r T.:nainift, bas Ileen planned to begin in February, 1t27. Details. will be annouBced tater.

Browni, T.....i~in8 Cla~ wW res~ Fobru~y, 19~7. - It Is hope.d that these Classes wiD " ~eld. twice a. month during 1927. 'fon.tM¥ Lect\lre..-Dur1~ 1926 an e~eri­

ment 'W1!.8 JWlde of holding monthly lectur~ for Guiders. We shan be very glad to be f!V 4W any suggestions in regard to these lect'~ ~ their continuance, and the subjects dealt with, will depend on the suggestions received. Training Week.-The 12th Victorian Training Week wUl be held from DeceD)ber 80, 1926, January 6, 1927, at Alton, Macedon, through the kindness of Mrs. R. S. Whiting. Miss G. H. Swinbourne wfll be Commandant and Trainer, and Miss M. Sinclair Assistant "I'rainer. The Week 1s inteuded to provide tralBing In general Guide work tor those who have not yet had any opportunitJes for attending such a

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