Matilda 1929 vol 06 no 01 jun

Page 1




~~ Jl ' X I'J,

Vol. 6,



PI{[( ' } ;: :{ -

IH' I'

l"iiing l f'l

Year , f'oJ)it"...

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.\:\ ()F'l!'lC'IAL THI')AB1'RR BAG OF O!·l llI·:HS·



VIC'rORJA. A FR'I' IL \ LIA. it It ~'t(lnr , fiG :\Im'ket St., }.rr::LBOURNJi:

OP<'JI Da ih' hom 1:?30 p.I11 .-.1.30 p.m . •\It"K r ll '\I·

I'I"~ S"

B"h""I"~'- fl'{""

1.\. P. CI"uthl'I·". 1'1"0" .1. ~lal\"el"J1 .

lO a .lll .-12 . :~ O p.m .

June, 1929,




to get to kno\\' lteL' l'pall,Y inlim,ltel)"

will ('orne to l'ag't'



l':ditoriaJ. Strakbl"oke l'1I" "Colliing Out" O( t11(' Girl U·uidp and ~l·Ollt. 1Iall OUI'


., Gllidl'~ "


nrownic PagE"

.\u tlllllll



Natul"(" Lj;1~l' 'L'hp Ol)('n .. \\' iar'y



Hang( ·J·s· "~atiablp t't11'1io:-o:itr" Tr(\:Jt Illt'nt of ::::'nnkl'oitf\ LOIl(' L.tllk-Ont IHvi~i\lll;iJ (';lIi(Lel'~'

to 7



J'I 'P:-;PlIliltinll and lh.'tlh-alioll (If ('nlnlll'~

K'I: h'll :-;inll



N otps


TpIH1('rfoot Bn(l~ p!, ";q11ip1l11'IIt I)('POI

!l !l

Tl'nillill .1.!'


{';t1npln!!'" . \ PPoillt 1I1{)lll:.: ;\rp('"till.C'~





11l 11l




H"j:i.tration- Registratiou Cprtitlcatt's hay\, now h""n issued for all Compallie, and l'ack~ whoxe Re, gi~tl'Ution Forms baye bcocll r('(!eivpd to date at ll NHlqn a ,·t !'rs, All)' Compani('s 01" P,l('ks wbich hav!' not h('('l1 rl'gixtl'r('(l ~ et should tberefore S(,ll<l in a 1'01'111 at onc!', ('unccssion :t. . arcs on TI'alnJ'l,_ rL'h c {'OnCNision of "" If, fa I'!' for Guides ill uniform applies to !tange rs . hilt not to Guiders. This o~llc~,~ioll is avuilablE' Oll I'n hl<' ao(l c'letric tram~. but (lops not nppl ." to bllsPs. "Gui,lf"I'"

Subscriptiolll'O,- Owing



in C'l"t':lsf'{l


eyery mouth


""ow slit

T'bat IS exciting,

'i,n'l it: HlJt thnl i,u'L all, She will be :l. little smal l,·), I "n" 1"')'111(')'1.1', but she will ('ust uuly :J/, pel yt'U I', Ol' :~:ixlH.·uu· tUd,) per cop,)", Tile rC'ason why weIII IIsl .-Iw I'g'e mO I'{' j'(t(' single t'Opil'S is lhai Wt' dOll't s('I J :111 1ilp UllOl'Oel't'd ~olJies , it:lO we must III:lkt' ~(Hllt' pl'ofit 10 eO\'el' tbe JO~8 ou Ul(! unsold Ol1l':-;, HilI if you ordl'l' "Jlalilda" [01' a yeu]', anti "OU)'S(' ,\'OU "'ill, tuis price "'ill not HO'ec t YOG, XIIW w .... utll:-;t hort' you with :50lOP fa (' t~ ~lnd figUl't':-i to :-:11<1\\ ItO\\ w(' tll'eft YOUI' ('C, - Opt'l'ntiull, ~\'t presl"'ut the-l'e fire oo,j (~lIid(ll's in \'il'tul'ia, ;Iud tht'J'(' ar\:' :! ....:! I't':..:-ular suhst,'ribtloL'S to "~lat ilU3 ," Of course, ;tlw:t,"~


lot" or p .. .,pJ(' bu,\' tll('ir ('O[l~' at U!'ucIquarters, but t lint )" t'thorl is )'IItiler nn('('rtain , alld you will realis( ill \'i(>\\' .. I' lhp IIl'\\' price tbat it is II111CO better to pa~' a .\'('11 )' 1.\' sllbsc,·i[ltloll. In shurt. \\', ",aut at least fiO() )',,;..:ul,11' s llb Scriher~ to "Matildll,"

If .\' 011 \\ant to do YOlll' hit to\\';II'(ls mnking' t1H' afln'JltUI'(, a .iO .\ 'fllI~ flUP: iI:-ok t'Y('I',\' (jniciPI' YOll IlIl't't

til i:-i IlUJllt u- "J)o .ron su bS(,!'j Lw to ':\ [atiJda'?" If :-,IlP ~a,\'s ":\'0," tht'n ,\'0\1 \\'1.11 !-in,r oIBut rOil J'eally must! U':.: ~o muc'h chenper llian buying- it 0(:(,,18iol1 IIIl,\', an,[ ';l (~lIi"" is thrifty.' ."011 know, It will be sO w'H-flll 10 Ilan' :1 lIIonthl.\· [Jap('L' wllil'h will be ft 1'(' t'o l'd of all the thillg':-: tllat han,~ hap))('IlC'c1 and an' :;oin;! ttl h:1ppen in th(\ \ 'i<:t(J['ian (.iui(l{\ \\'01'](1. and th('!'p II'P all killfls or intl'l'l':-:tiUg' :1l'tit'h':-t ill it h(' ~iflf'," \Vil h tlti~ kilHt of pI'Op:lg-nllti;1 \\'(' h()IH' thnt pPfJplp \\'110 h:IH' ht.'t'11 ohl'iyiotl~ of till' ('xi:-ol{'uc\:' f)f ".\Iatilfl:l", if lhpJ'l' :ll'f" all~", will lint only be :-'l1h :-,(·t'iht' I'~, hut w i II i)c contribn ting- 011'1 i(")(':-i ou 311 thpil' ,H·t ~ llbj e('t:-o in no timf'", ~O\\' l-h'lt \\'(l ha\"(' III nI')l mo!'t' !':P:l('(' :It OUI' (li:-,pus:l) \\'{, will Lw (Jul,\' too glad to heal' a ll sorts of it ('111:0-: of Di.~tl'i('t fllld ('1)111(1:111,\' 'H" Y~. Tf'lI us ::tll

"ust of 11O~tag(>. dne to h(>a"ipr "'l'ight, thp xtlbserip'

:lilolll yOlll' n ~xt 'lispla)~, IJflZ:I;1I', part,\" 01' hike,

t ion to .,r l'b~ Gni(l~r'J has h:H1 to b(' inCI'f"3Sf'rl to

will h:n'(' n pnA'C" to t- hC'III~('l\'('~, 0111(1 w e ('x PN't tbf'JIl to fill it ,,;th all ~01'tfo: of illt(\I' (':-:tin~ Tlnt{'s, !II r;H't. :.:hol'tl.r, \\'(' fpcl ~Ill'(' that 110 i::1IIJrPI' Com pall.\' 'w ill f(,f'I c.;atixfi('cl nntil it i)o: g(lttill,:.! itx lJl()l1thl~" (-o[l~· (If' ":\fatild;l:' nl'owllif'~, LOll('S nnd 'l ~xtens.ioLl~ will :111 tt'll YOU th ,,'il' 11l'\\'~ t'H('h IIHHtth. 0111' till:,l npPNll i:-:-(';lptftiLl~, tpll ,nun Li(,lJt~n­ :llIt~: Browtl O\\'l~, L'l'milld yonJ' rrnwlIip~ and RfiJl g'{" I' ('aJltflin~ talk to yonr llnDg'(' n; nhout th~ ll{'CP:": :-;it,\" of hnving- ":\ In.tihl u"' Oil ~'ollr ~'i:-:itill;:! 1i:-:t. •\ sk Ill? I' t f) N)Jll(\ to ~(\(' ~~Ol1 I'P;!l1 la I'I ,\" !

(i -

1>"" ~'pa I'

(po'tNl), "Guide" fooiubscrilltionl'oo,- (f two (:opi(l~ of I'Tbf" Gllidp" ill'(' {)I'clf"l'('d (I'OIll th0 ~ame 3ddl'(Io~~. postage will be' chal'g'f'c1 Oll onl.\ niH' ~1Ib!': 'l'ipliOll , F':xchana:f>.-F~xdlan~(' :-:hnnld br- added to ('ountl'~' ('hf'r]IH ':-i: I'(,('pipt"" ;H't' not JI(I:-;t('d fol' amonnt:-o nncl{l-r :i /- ,

Guide ~f>wl'l,-"~i ll (;.uid{-'l's notf" tbat (;.nhling news h:,n ill "Th (' .\ 1'g'1I~" on Tu esday morning. ilDcl in "The .\~€,!I on 'Y f"flne,'c13Y morning'? 1'hp It('W~ indudp~ al1 T1'flinin~ (,l:l~s notic(ls, ('ontributions,-Gnidl'l'~ al'(' reminded thut contri , hution s foL' til{' ,Trr;Y nllmoel' of "lIlatilda" Rhollid bp in not latN thaLl Tun(' 21st - ufteL'WRL'ds third F)'i , <1a," of Nl('h month so thnt " ~r"tlld,," ('an apllpaL' J'('glJ 1'11'1," on thp 1;,th or th(' nl'xt Ill.m til , "t}DI'fOltl,\L,



STR, \ flnUOKR

('I ' P ,

Thf' loll~ find dift-i<-Illt tn~l, of ('hof's in ~ :1 ('OI1\f}:1n.\· holfl th(' ~tr;ltlhr(lk~' Cnp fo1' nl1C' ~"('al' bn:-o nt la~t ('0111(' to nn t"II(1. .\ ~t:lnllnrrl of f:f'n(\)'31. :111 ,'on)Hl pflidpl1('~' \Yn~ I'xI'r('trd, ""11 thp six ('ompan , if':-i in th(\ tin:1.1~ W(,1'I\ aWfll'flt-'cl points, :lIHl phl('(lil a:-::


r"l1 (: "'~: -

(;lIiU{'I':O:, "~Iatil(la" i:-o :-if'ttill;:!' out on n C:I'Nlt :H1 Y(l'nt.lIre and, ;t!'; ~~Utl kno\\·. utln'ntures ('an be of two kitHls- p<'l'ilotll'; nnf'H 30(\ JuyOUS on~F:. 'Ve are su)'(

will all ",unt hl'L';; to bl' of thp joyo,,~ "a ' ," ~'ou'll hE' J!Jad t o hpa)' that it i8 in thp 1'0\\"('1" of' GnidC'I'!': to m:.l l.. f' "~ratilda's" !lOw'Intnl"f' n I1pl'f.,(,tl)' splendid uf'l'uir.








t'·!·I.,'. '['('!'haps that




bt'flo npp£lnring- qual'ii has hp(,11 a littl(' difll,

]"t P"1't ~r('lhollrll(" :\Inl\'f"rn (rpool'nk C'nll('g'p), 1~t n;Jmpton. 1 st FA'h!l('n, ]st KYIl('tnn, 1~t :"\'orth ritzro,", '1'1,,· ('III' \\',,~ J»'(,'(,llt('(j tl' ht Port )l~lhollrnp I hI' n",,"t~, )oitn!(' ('''l11l1lis~ionpl', l,a(I.\' ('h:111"p1. lfith 1IIn .... l~t

h~' 011

)( .\ '1' 1 L

.fuu{'. lU:.!U.


Ipt tel' fl'om the fOllnd!'I', i'il' Robel't 1:allrn , Powcll.) 'l'bis yr'ol' thC' Oil'l Guldt· :\l oyCtuent hns l'each ed t 11(' age or l'ightC"{'ll YfI'Hl's- tlHlo flg-C fOl' "co ming out." Sh(' is It w!'iI 'gI'O w" ~il'l for her ilge: IlIllee(l s b e i,. ill the ( lnitell Kin;;ll011l, bIgger thnn her twentr'onl' ypnr oltl bl'oth!'l'- t he Hor Scout mo\'cment, Shl' nnmbf.>l's 47:-1.:j:-,::' n~Lliu~t his 370, ~50. B oth of tb em ar!' stili gl'O\l ing I'apidly, But just as YOllng- p eop le nutg-l'ow thell' (' Ioth es, so this bl'otb!'l' nnd s is tel', ,,,ho hnve "0 fur Ilvl'tl togE-ther In tbl' "amI' h ou"I', hnn> now outgl'OWll t.heil' nccommolln, !Ion , nnd find tbem~I'l\'es hundlcnpped in thpir d e, '(>Iopml'nt b)' 'YllUt of r<,onl, )';0 thl' Gil'l Guilll' mO'l'!'m PlI t I" '(' IHling fOl'th hpl' R,O,~, ('n il (01' help, i'h(' w:lnl, to l'OIll!' nllt, Rh!' wlInt s 10 g"l't it ~f" P:ll':l tt· h Ollse' of 1t('I' n ?' l'r (lWII. . Jt'ol'tullnt ('l.r ~he llf1~ h C(,1l al)l c to ~(I('lIl'l' n ~;i t(l l1 ('x l t1nOT' t o Ill")' IlI'(lSC'llt 1I011l P.

UlOn f'~' to nlW : bllt

~II(\ hn ~ l'fl is('(l :-:utlici(lllt w1i t'1l :-; 11 (' h:l~ g'(It'

1,(I('JI hf'l' hotl:-; C' g'oil1l!

Ih !' hOllsc hn " ypt to IH' Imilt, nllil that i. going to cost m on!'y, ITrn ('(' thi" npIIl'nl to th(' "is t('l'hnod. ~11(' floC'~n·t w:lnt to ,:!O ('f1fl~ing nmong' tllp ))111>!i (", On th p ('o ntl'fll'Y. 1\110wi ng- t h f' l\ p(' nn C'ss awl t":lIll ' PI'ld0 nnll th!' joll)' "ph'it of 1l('lprllln ps, alllOl1/!: till' Ollit-It's . ~ lh' n1:-:0 1,II()W ~ thnt :-:11(' ",Ill tint HJ)J)("nl ill volin. anrl Ihnt ill th,' :-;i~tt'J'hnnd :111(1 :'Illon,:! it ~ fl'il' ll ,b [llml" will be fOl'th co ming, (~gll , ) ROBF.HT RADF.N -POWF.LT" Found l' l', (Copil'd fl'om the Mareh "G nlder, "J ,Tust a s a c hilli grows ou t of its clothes, Guiding bas (or S0 111e time been gl'owing ont of nil effol'ts to house its ol'ganis in g s tnft', 'J'he Guides huve now tleliI,iLPly outgl'own the bulldillg tbe y have s hul'ed for so long with their hrother Scouts, and the ex dUng moml'nt has al'l'l\'(>(1 when they Ul'e to hu,'!, n '('vnl'Ute H endrj uurt(' r" of thl'll' OWll. The silt.· is 1'uund, a IOll~ lHliJtiiug' h'n:o-:(' lias b(lf'" fll'l"ungpd; pinus n1'(' rend;r

Now comes th e task or

unllding, and this i" whel'e w te--t h e Commissioner" Guiders. H:lngel's, Guid p" nnll Bl'ownles-come In, If it is to bp our own H ellll']uul'ters , then w e mu st lIe lll to hulill it, '1'1'11 (', we might appeal in the public Pl'e~s for fuolls, hut woultl it then be our O'VN lI ('adqu:lrt('r~ '1 WII:lt about that littl!' clause in tbe B oo k or :nnles to whidl we hun' c illng with sucil J)l'iclp and t e na c ity fOl' so long. II, . . lllolley should 11 (' cu rn ed and not ~o li('\tPtl"! A "e w (' to g o bu c k on that

n o w?

'\.. C







\"l'lI will RN' that. like all rlitf\(oultl('~ , lhis pl'oblem

'l'Uy' " COMING-OUT" OF TIlE GIRl. O{1[f)y'S ,




" Never! us long :1' Guides LIre stl'ong e nougil 10 ea rn' their own lou(\." And WC' ARE s trong e nongh if tlH' will i< there, Wl'l'P it nut ~II, the piau" w o uld l1(\\' ~ r 1t~I\'f' h(,(\11 Ill:tlll". HOr Uli~ :.lIlPNll seut onto It will takp £7-I.~JOO (" huilll ,'n<l fUl'lli,h 0111' h o ns!', Dops that figul'(' ,1f1ullr ,",)11? It ('!' I'lainl." \loe' look rnth l' r big, hul thel'p nl'P 0\'('1' hnlf n million Guille" t o 111'1", III this gn'at totnl :lI'" inl'lllded Guides in t1lP O"er~ea" Dominion, allrl In ("'~l'.v POl't of tb c I~mllil'(\. For, of ( 'Ol1I'Sf'. WP :11'C" asking thela to (' olltl'ilJllt~, '1'hl' new H C'a.l'l lllll'tcl's is to b e tlieil's n~ lIHil:h as our" Indpcc\. pel'haps Its \':1111(' wilt S('('lll (, , '1' ,' gl'eater to Guides ,i.siting the ,{otherlund , We W:lllt them to hnve ltpl'C' n 1'!'31 home, ,,'hcl'!' Ihp)' will 01\\'3)'8 find n fl'l e nd I), w!' lro me ,

flf raisillg' '£7-1,500 (10(":0; not l ook RO f()l'll1id:thl~ wiH'JI it iR squHl't'ly fneeli - il1fl£'e(l. tll(lo task all'e:H.l.v H(\{llll~

Iighll'l', Whnt we Rllggest is tbis- that evel'Y mem bel' or the movement s llOU hI contl'ibute some pUl't of the bnllcling material.

BI'Y A mnCK FOR HALF -A ,C ROWN, It will be TII,"'ible fol' inll\l'I(\,"Il C1l1idl's to b(1)' (Ill,'

IJI'it-k, 01' COlnpnnles, Packs and

nl,tl'i ct~

may Ul'-

I ang"f' to buy fl ph\(:(- of n wall. pnrt tlr tllp sta ir'('!1sP, :l winduw, door. plllin. ~\t(:. 111 Ol'dP l' thnt thos(\ wlio 1'0111(' nftpl' liS ~ha II I~now ho'iY t h f' Gllifl('~ or lH:!H Ih' )p f'd to hllihl thp gn~ut Impfll'ial TTf'!}(lqll;ll' -

l{, I'S, n. Ho ll will he m:lde 0 11 ,;"hidl " 'ill be iuscl'lbNl Ih(' IH,IllI" or all thos(' who il e l]J('d to bulill it, 'l'hi, noll will h p kl'pt at TIeallqual't!'I'S, bllt Com , p:tniC's :lllll P:H' kg who btl." hl'icks will !'e('c h '(\ :1 ("(' 1' titi!':lte sigl\('ll il), th!' Chief l'C'lln t him ,!' lf, rOl' Ilis ' pin," in tli('il' o wn Cl ub room, RI,(JIlI<l th!'I'(" b)' nn," c' han!'!', Iw (l'i pil d, of th!' \fO\'(-ll1('lIt, within 0 1' wirhollt, \l'ho "'0"\(1 ull(l~l'tnk(' to IHO,'I<I!' 0 111' ro o m in th~ n ('w bnildlng, cO lllpl('tc,1," ('qllippp(\. t~oo npw:1rrls wOllld 1'0" ('1' th e cost " f Ihi s, :lnll th!' j'onll1 \\' Ollill bp n:lf1l<'l1 artPI' th!' 1'!'I'SOll 0)' }o('nlity pl"twitlin,K it. OJ' hy :lny O!h(,I'IHllnf\ S tl ~ ­ gf'stetl 1>,\' t}w ilOilOI'. Let liS nil !>1Ii1i! I 0g'1'1 h!'1' anll look ron"n ,',1 In ,!'(', ing thl:'/. :-:p )pndid npw hlli1din:? rhdllg' lJl'f\!J'(' 0111' P.rP~

a:-: 11


of 0111' own


fll1A("I'II',11. F ,\("I ' ~ ,\:>if) "'101 ' 1:1-:::: , Nl'al'i,l' SOO,OOO I)l' i!'k, will bp nl'l'll('(1. 1'hl'l'e will b(" ::00 ('(lI'U f' I' :-:to n (-'~. 1:30 window:-:. lUi (InoJ'~. lU(j ~ tn1J'c u~ (, e ti?p:-:. and :!l:!.OOO \\'o o d £'l ll fiCHU' hl oc k ~. I'HI t'I'; LIS'I' OF l:t ' II.UlNG '1.\'I'I·:H1ALS, i1l'iek:-; .. Stail'{'u:-l(' \\,iIHlow H Dool's .. COI'IIPI'



PUn sters . . . . . . Hoollls .. \,'onnd! Challli.>()1'

:?/ 6 eacb, '£~/lO/' I':lcli, Prom £(j to £(j() ('licll, Fl'om £1; to £:;0 cal'il. £10 l'ueh,


P3C l1 ,

From £500 tn £1000 {';\('h £~.OOO.

\Yhie-h wOllld )'0111' l'nmpnllY 01' Puck ]ll'efel' to do? Contl'ibul!' t11t' om oll"! for a bl'ick 01' stail', etc .. 0 1' give to one gC"ur:rul SUD! from Yictol'iu a s a wh o l(l': PIl'ase let rO UI' COlllUlis8ioner know wbicb y o u IVunt to uo ,


At tlt~ r lld of N on'mLel', 19:!8, tile comliiIw<l C1t1ide nlld Scout committee~ decided to j)Ul'dlU~ P u di s us od building from th l' ~ 1 ('lholltst ChUI'l'b 1'01' I U(, l1sP of I hI' Guide" and Scout, of ::'tunhlll)o>, In Fl'b I'll n 1')' tli!' bulhJing " "ns moved about tIV~Ot.l' mile~, fl'om '''nl'noga to '>hl\1hol1", ,l1ld plar'l'd Oll Inn(l killdl.l' l l':l~!'d to us b.l' MI', Llo)' (!. 'l'h(' ~ite I~ ideal. 'l'here Ilrl' about t\\'o und a linlf acres ·)f I;I'0llnd with shady It'res [Iud a large \\'nt(,l',hole, so thp l''' \l'i11 be no donger o f til'e \I' hl'll \\'1' do 0111' tire light, inlr t ps ls for RI'COlltl Cla~", AftN' some uit!'J'lltion" kud b(,Pll mude th,> olB c lal opening wa~ fixed tor April :17th, I!l:!!), ~li~" HolT, weyer kindly ~\l\·(:' liS a w("pk of he r tiulfl. itnd C,ULle

)lATILDA ~pealt on bebal! or the Guides. ;)11'. Toules tamc from Ben(ligo to speak tor tbe Scouts. There were j() Guides f"om tlbepparton and about 26 trom K~'ubralU, so that altogeth~I' there were about two huud,'od people pr('sent. ~liss Hol'fllleyer opened thc Hall. There WCl"<' spverill other speeches, tollowed by the National Authem. Then eyeryone playcd :;ulUes till ahout ij o·c1ock. when the visitors were given tea. As soon !\s it grf'W durk \Ye all gathered round a hugc cumi> ·fjre and illlng and listened to stories till 8.30. We concillded by ~inging "Taps" and the Nalionlll Anthem.

June, 1929.

all Ihe way from Melhournc to


\'isitiug' £.0. , tl'StiUg a recrui.l: "_loud ho\\'. for illstance, fIrc you gOing to try and (lo your dutr to the King 0" IDnthusitt&tic Brownie: "It I lived ncar I'd look arte)' llilll and take 11i:o;. <li1l1H'1' up!"






_\ day lit for the duek~! But not even tbe rain ('nultl dawp til{' e11thusia'w or tbp fe\\' Gniders who diel eOllle!


"Sometbing old, sometbing new, tlometl1ing magic, sometbing true, i"lnging in plenty, a story to tell, And sometbing to make you happy Bnd well." Por tbose wbo canllot ('UITY away "tunes in their

From the tram shed at Park Street ~1iss Paling \\'lLt('bed anxiously, as one tram nfter nnothel' passed. _I.t last one Guider arrived, equipped for tile wor"t. :111(1 the~' set out for the Kiosl.. ~'here they eventualI.,· 1UC't a f«w other Guiders who, like ,Johu, bau put th!'ir "iP'eut big \\'aterp,'ool ('oats" on, and deeid.,<1 that the "eatber did permit! "' hpu c,'erro1l(, was ('ou~OINI with u eu p ot tea :lIlel "the bun" whicb \\'f' had brought with us, ,ye ~(>ttle(l (iow1I to listen to .\Jiss Paling's description ot som(' ("xtl'emely intere5;ting Natul"l' gamE'S for Brown -


As the music to the followillg' ~ing'ing games ma)' b(' difficult or expensh'c to obtain, and as it is too I-xpensiye to publish nHl"ic in "~latilda, " a Brownie Guider bas kindly copied tbe notes of these tunes, with the words, into tll(' ;)Iusic Book In tbe Brownie Library at Headquarters, ",herc anyone can easily make 3. copy. Country Brownie Guider. can be sent 8. copy of 8ny of the tunes on a.pplication to Miss L. Hooper, Ilathwi<-k. St, George's Hone1. '1'oornk. ~Iay I l'(,lllind those \\'ho a"ail tbolllseiveli of thi. OPPOl1:tllllty to spnd :1 slampe!\ aud addressed envelope. Contributions to the :\luslc Book may be sent to ~I\ss IlOOPN, and will be vel',\' ",c\('ome. Contl·nt~.



be talcen





turD lip.


lsI TOO lUI\:. Oil .\fny 11th the 1':lck h:1l1 :I "'-'mit), Pnrt.,-" in hOllour of ~fiRS Nancy ~tol{e~. who is iPHving to be ""tlTie(1 In

l';lw was BrOlnl 0,,'1




T'flling' s ahsE:'Il{'P :lhl'oafl. and mO:-;l g'l'ateful to 11(,1' for kf't:~pinJ!' the Puek :-;0 sl11pudidly.

l:l~t )'!'Ilr

we fire togeth~l'

,,'11('11 ;111$8 l';tokes :IlTi"eel shl' founrl. instead or Rrownie~. It lnagic- o I"dl:-lI'cl , with nInny kindx of


bf!'aring fL'nit (t?:H·h "B1"owni(' l'PJ)1"t?xentil1g :1 fruit, alit] belonging to :1 tree). B("ing magic' fruit. tl'f'(\S

thr'.\· ('ou lrl "pe:1k. all(i ~ \II


l';tokE's yisir('d each tree.

Apple Pip g-nmc ('Hll:-:f"U

mil ch



Brnwnie l"tlRhNl to flud th(' ingrp(]ipnts neeued . \l'hi~h werp "('attererl about thr 1'00111. Then t.wo


Rl'o\ynicR toll1


1'hrcc rh('lel's (01'

a ·'.Fruity" :-:tOl'Y. ~Ii!':!': Rtok('x. Hnd takiltg' with IH'l"

th(' lw~t of Brownie wishe •. "he sai(l Goodhye tn ('"ell Bro" nie. Agaiu tbe magic orobftrd appeured. Rnrl ~fiss l';tokes ,,'('llt awny amidst the wflYing of sll the trllit trees.


Brown Owls are im'ited to send in contributions to ":\faUWa ." Eyery Park likes to bear about the ot-ber Packs: bow thi. .PMk spent its tbird Birthday Party: wbat is that Parl,'s fa.voll rite game: and wbat lin other P ;ack in its travels t.hrougb tbe conn try at it's last picnic. 13e ~ure llllq senel ill ijornethin~ iOOn 1


wltNI I aUt surf" man;v more


111 our lal'gc round ring. Cut Capers. Fairy Dance_ Rimble Bamble BUlldl('. A TUlle for a Pow " 'o\\' Cer(,lllOuy. The H('nr " rent O'"f'!' thfO ~'ollntnill. Four :Illd '£w(,l1t," '£lIllors. 'l'ht'l'e " -as a Crook('o Mall. '1'l'lI Green Bottles. .Tolln Brown's Bab~·. linder the Spreading Chestn 11 t 'J'I'PI'. F;arl." in tbe ~lol'l1ing. 'j'he Book J.s not

ies, which !'Juite cOlUpeu~ated us tor our drpncbiug'. In spitE' of the weather l'on(lition>, tile "ix Gui(\("'~ \\'bo ,,'er{' ther!' !'Juite !'njo)'l'(1 tbplUselves (the walk through th(' \\'et gardens was beautiful). :lull onc nlHl all are looking forwurd to tbo uext Pow-wow,

AU'l'U .\ rN


All thp AIlt.umn lpal'(,s



r:US3t't red and UI'l1cl,('u hl'Owu: Front til€' Onk lInll froll! the Elm tree 'rbe.v ('ome flying , fluttering down,


June, 192\l. And the LUerry winos so lUalily Twi rl ~wcl t,,·ist them a~ they blow Do,,·n the yellow-winding bigb -road '1'0 tue towllsiIil.J , Jn~t ucto\\". There tbey paint. th" lil"ty fvotl>atlts , Gleaming heap' ur \H"UWll a!lu red. Ever




- Dl'uwu · Cote-.

l'. H oE.

It has been thought tLHlt (711idl'rs wuuld al'predate a Natllre ~('CtiO!l ill ··~ I atildfl." 'Ye will ailU at pubIi:;i!illg one main article VIl a Nature !O\~llJject each ",uuth. aud will bp llelighted to have (71111lers' observatio"s O il any ollWuor tOllie. We woulcl "[,'0 like 10 print extracts fl'uw YUill' Unities' Nature lJial', IlS I his

sboulcl be wry ,·alnaIJIe in helping to develop Nature iu Gni(l~~. . The ,niter of ·'The 0\1<'11 .\\"I"r)·" I,a.· ve l)" kllldly otl'el'l.:.d to write 1"01' tlS :;liol'l sketches ol the bird inllabitallts ot till' adnr.'· cncll ",ontb. Hniu ers will l"('lllisc onr good fortull L' ill ·pcuring the 11('lp ot slll' h fin euthusia,l. :0

IOH' o(

THE OPEN AnARY. lSy "Uil'll-Lc, , 'Cl'/'

··Hast tho" nunwll all tile bit·lIs without a gUll ·! Loved the 'vood - rose and left it on its stalk·/ U, LH.' 1.11 \'


aud lwlvUlc to lie thine!1I

This tl,;iUl·Y is llO erection of posts anll wire uetlin!!. with half cocoalluts bauging frow dead boughs. It..~ Jilllitations an' the gardell anti gl'ounds of one's hOHll', LJe they small v,· large. ,,·ith trees, silrubs ant.!. lIowl"l'l"i unu, for till' r est, God's blue :sky aud au al -

lv"",,nco of lonl a"ll sYlUlJath.v for all His creatures. Fe\\" spots. whetbcr in tOWll or suburb, are without their l'l\gulnr bird luhaLJitauls. ('vell thOlU:;h St'Hlt)J1l l>,r Ull' UIlOU::H;.' l'nlllt. while ill lU01'C I'urul dis tricts their nUlllbl"t'~ anu nnieties 0.11'(', of t,;OUl'se, mUl'l'



A. sens e oJ fl"(~edolll


without UliY


D~_"A~·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3_

tbe tickling tongue ~earcbes your palm for Pl'otfercll duinUe~. Tho best lllC;,\ US or lUlrOUlll:tiou is a roomy bath of sb allow water placed iu tbe sbaue ot ,;ome bush or tree. :;lJ1all birlls ure fonu of tbeir daily ~p lasb, l,Ul are sby of tou lIeep w"tCr. 'l'bey know too well tbeir illability to tuke wing from it, und, lor tbis reasuu . tLLe batb mUit be sballow and, it large euough. :;uoultl coutuiu a !'3tolle 01' two 011 ,"vllicll

b'ancy tll'iVell , Fail')' le(l.

1>.-\Tt; I{I~



the 10.::;8 or

whiclJ wire-netting involves il:i soon culti-

,ateel iu the quic:k - n-ittecl little brains ot our uati\·e lJirus. and wben ouce their feathered brt~ asts ceaSe t'J palpitate witb fear at tlIe appt·oach of man, they rapiclly give their conlidence and friendsbip. 'rhere tHe (ew things in tife capabJe of gh'ing greater sat· iilftlcLion and unalloypd gladness tban the intel·course, ou lrienoly terms. ,,·ith these dainty wild things, which the exercise vf a little patieuce and thought(UIo10SB makes po" ible. Tlle fuct thllt to tbe bruiu 3n(l timorous br~ast til{' "'''iest. anll Ilet"haps tllP on I)". O! PIIl·Ofl(·ll lies through their little crops canllot be de lJied. but tbe epith e t of "cupboan[ love'· detracts no whit From the p10a,ure to hp 0"ppl"leucecl wben the), ,oIiglJt f('arlessl)" iJl'~i(le )"Ul\, or ,vileu their little teet cliug in confiden~e to YOIIJ' outstretched fingen, and

tlle bini can allgbt. Near tu this bath some suiwbl" rcCelJtade Lor their fooll should tben be arranged-tl J1tlt slall of stone 01' Wl old bOlli·d fixed a toot 01' so abu' e the grollnll will serve the purpose, and yet not iJe alarlllingly conspicuous. Two such banqneting iJuanls are desirable, placed "oUlewha.t apa.rt, one (or insectivorous iJiros, a-no the other for honey -eaters. As to mellu, the first way consist of small IJiece~ of ,"u(lketl llH.-'at uuu scrap' of p lain clleese, allu tue ."collll of sll:;ar or tl tj 'Lt tin ot honey. Wrens, yel10w-roiJins. tits, warblers, grey-thrushes Wld, in fact! IllOst insectivorous birlls. wh ose natural food COllsisl~








stmugel)" envugh, lllore ptlrtial to cooked meat tban to l"aW, ant.!. still wore strauge, they at once take to c.:llCe...;e! TIH.!sC




llI ..u.le.



now await tl,p gnests, anll here begins the necessity for IHltience unlL [Jerse'·erance. When the ba-th hal heeu disco,·el·et.!. auu malic use of by a bird or two a beginning may be maue SOllle morning by placing a ,"er.y little tood upon tbe respective receptacles. Neellle •• tv say, a-Il cats aud noisy little dogs must iJe religiously exclulled [,·om tbe sanctuary. It is well to invent a llistinctive ,call or Whistle to be invarialJlr used whell uejJositing tbe fresh fooo or, later Oil. wlten throwillg it l[uietly dowll to en tice a closer approach. It is wonderful how soon the binls come to recognise such calls, aud from w Itat it distance they will hear them. ' Vhen some measure of ,"'ccess bas been attained with one or two ot the "'0'·(: trustful birds, others will see thew and beeOUl(, L'Ulboldcned. :;0 tbe first and most difficult :-:ta;;('








th('renrter prove au ever-growing confidence and mu tual atta chllleut. In c ~urse of time it is not difficult to notice lllany interesting traits and dilferences of habit in various 1 81 ec;.es, ancl evell to identity peCUliarities of cha.racter iu indiYidual birds. Tbe why and Wherefore of man)· l·uriouS actio us ot our little bird trieuds musl always remain a m)·stery to liS, but that need !lot (leba!" our imaginations trom weaving around th~lll little histories, comedies aud tragedies, nor deny the nSSIIl"nllCe tbat such biograpbies are prohably ~! tru!' as most human ones, wbile the subjectl ot them, at least, aTe every bit as real.

'l'HE Jt AN(;ER·' "SA'l'I. ~ BLl'~ CU R TIOS I TY."

t)'H·P UpOll a time. 0 Best ReloYed, )"011 must know th"Il' \\"("·e some Rangers ,yho were Oiled with "sa.tiab l!' c·" .. tiosity. " 'l'heJ· asked tbeir a'ltute a u nt, Miss Came .. on , it tbey could learn of some iuterllsting 1)I;oCl'S, anel tbeit· astute Runt. l\fiss Cameron, an t. we red tha t sbe wonld cGllsider the questiou. 'I'hey

lit A T t :t b A

june, i92D,


u~ked th~ir tall annt, ,IiH~ Rurfus, what iuteresting places ther could leul'u about, and their tall auut, ~Iiss Bal'(us, ahuost ~qu~ltheel them with lha hard, !larc1 subj~ts ~he tuougltt "f, It was all their "satiable cllrtiosity," No,,', 0 Bl"t Bl'lovetl, the@c ".atiablc" maidells, togetber with tbeir astute aud tall alluts, arranged to meet at the P,G,A, room on ~Iay 18tb, to leal'll about some places ()f inter.,st. ,lost interesting information was irnpart~d by and to these maidens flll~'d with "satiable curtio"ity," Fliuc\ers Memorial, North }/clbourne ~(Nbodist Church, (.' Iagstall' Gardens, 8t. Klhla ltoad, Xt, Kilda ForeslJore an(l the Fire StaI ion w('re the subjects chosen, A ,err interesting pap. I' r('lating to the ('arly bistory of ~Ielbourn~, whirh ~(iss I"\winOtll'lI" hod written, was read by )Ji~~

}!a rfll:-: .

,'iow. U \:1·,1 Helo""el, tbe Rangers '''ere well satistied. and spent Ih .. t'('mainillg time together "isiting "e"rby Ga rdl'n~ . lite Cathedral, Fountains anel rnol1\1m('nt~. feastillg in truf' Ranger fa,hlou. and p.tliicJpnting- with gl'l'al ent'rgr and enthusiasm in till' past ' lime of CUUlltl'Y Dancing,

.top tbc pulse, and quite a good ili"a afil'r knotlwI; it is to pi,let> u piece of ,Iie'k thruugh a knot and lben t"'I~t the ~tick till tlw ligature is sulJicientJy tic:ht. j.lgatu!'es arc only 01 use if the bite is on a limb , 'l'be ligature is l'ut ou roullll L1,,' Iimu between tbe place bitten and llll' beart 'Ill a p"rl 01' the Iil\lb wbich contaius ollly one bOlle, It if; "0 g'ood J)lIttiug a Hgntul'e J'ol1ud the foL'f':))'1U OL' leg'. bN':lllS(' eacb or these parts contains ~ wo bt/IWS, and lh(' artery l'lillniug betw(,f'1l them lI aR fht! pn· ... :-il1l'n kl'pl oil' it by the bones, For the Jower Hnlb. therefore, the Hguture should IJut on above the knee unci for the 1J1)IH~r limb abo'" the elbow, If a ting-t'r is bittt'll a ligature , Iloulrl al,o he plnc'cel rOlltt(1 thl' hast' nf tlt(' lillA'e·r. b~

The lIg-atur(' shoulcl




lit """" wit.hout

allY d£lJay, and it is a guo (I I'lile Ni1~\· EH 10 go out illto th(· bush without a :-;tout pit'I'(' or eOI'd longt'l)ol1g>h alld strong enou:;h to :-ielTt' HS a Iigatun', ,,,,,I a "PI',\' shal'p, clean klliff'. Tile next thinA', Ita\' ing' IIPl'li('4L th (' ligature: i!S to wash all)' '·(' 110111-2.11.

,,-Itidl til"," he Oil tbc surfu"e oTl:l'i"e skill IH'UI' the hit .. , ,\ litt 1(' potassium p(,l'm3nganut.. (ColllI~"" ('I',\'slal:-:I ill til\' water is ul-Ieful. :t~ it ,'('Ho m with which it cornel:; iu con taet,

II\, VI',


l lllr('dor "I tilt' \Lllt.' r


j'J-; I.I.,\\\'.\ Y


,,: liza IInll



Jt('sl,:tI't'h. t

'1' 11 (' tlangl' r of ueing hilll'U loy a snake is fortunateI~'

Jlot a n'l',\' ~('rjoll:-: nlll'. """11 ",liell l'3.11111illg ill tile !lush. :-:i l!n' flur !'lIal\(':-t al'l', ~t'Jtel'alJr :-:pl'aking', l'at11l'J' 10


;'111£1 fjll' 1Il0l't' auxiOttN to get. awny tliall Pos:-.ibJ;\':.t1l \.·x('epliOll 111:1,\' h ..., Wildt' jll the



1li p





slIakt'. whit-II will uf'tt.'n :-:tl'ikl' at hefol"(' 1'('( n':.Itill~.

I·;:\t'pp tiltg' the (Il'atl! atldt,)" nUL' n'UOIl1(lUS R.UUkl'S 11:,,-·· :-:1I01't f:lllgs. alld ~H'(' Iwt ahle to dfllh'('l' muell

till'Ollg'h thi('k doth. 1)1'. Fnil'll',r's l'xpl'rilinn', ill (:H't, :-:110\\"11 thnt t\\"o tllicku l':;ses of )luth',' rUTIn it good pl'ott'dioll, ilnd ill tht' <:use of Iht~ dt'tlth allrlel' stout h'g'g'il1~ :-; should be sufficient.



(" rill' orili"ary w(t ,' ;t lIitl' "" the lpgs protected ill Ihi~ war would lit' 11 a 1'111 1(,:-;:-:, a:-= the f:lHg':O; ;t1'(' hHrdl~'


('uol1g'h to 1H'IH'lI':lh~. J;itl's in th(' un nJ'ott'('h'd :-:kil1 m;t~· IH' "t'r~' :-:1'1'iou:-:, It is th('l't'fOI"l' impurtant to H,'oid plnt'illg" OU('I':-; hand or :HIll ill pl:tN'R wh (, l"t, :-iIHlk('~ 111"1' likC'!y to Iw- fol" f'xctlliph', h()I.,,~ i n log-~ or rahhit h1l1'l'OWio:, Shotllrl :1n~T onp in ;t IHlI'I ~' Itt' 1Illfol'juuatt' t' llollg-ll to h(' hiUt'll h,r


tir,l thi"~ 10 do i" tn d,'e'idp ",hethl'r j':lu:-:ing- : lit' hilt' i:-: Yl'1l01ll01lS 01' 11lln Thl' bit€':-: oj' Yl'1I0Illlltl.') snnkps are di s-

l !lI ~\lish(' d


" ,,,,,ke', fl'" I h('



thu!-'p III' tilt' 1I0n - n'nOlllon~ b~' tl'w in!-'t(';tfi or lwo, t1l1't 't'" 1Jl' l'ul'(' I,\' fOil 1', 111:11''':-: in tllt' (';1:-:(' of ,'cnQIDQU8 snakes. the




gi\'(' nUUlcrous puncture "l'1l0mOllS, or if thf're 1f.; all,v (lmlbt, a ligature ~ltotlltl AT ONe.\'; h(' appii{'(1. VOl' lids )ltll'PO'C a ;:rood pjp,'P or tuiek rubber tub ill,t:' i:-: tht-' hf',-:t, but H stottl l'OI't! l'(t\'('rccl with han(l · I<Pt'e'hi~f" In , fop ils clIflin;: inlo fhr flc"h is th(' Iwxl b,·sl. Th~ li~;jtllrc Ullt,t 11(' pul eJll I it:ut ~ullugb to lItm·,'('HOIlH,lIS


If the snuke





IlJtu,lk"I'l'ilit'C could be used for tbis, or iF uo wllt('r "-N, ' at band, the hanelkel'l'bief cou!(l [I" "'I't with ,al;,' a, Tbc next thing tu do is to "ut ollf fhl' hiI<-, This is done with a \'('rr ~Il:trp kllif.,. tit!' :tn'" "f n.. ,11 in which the bite i" Iwing cut ouf cll'anll' b.r "lIl l ill~ I'o und «bout ~-incll olltsid<, thp puuetu res, :lIId allt,ul le,illelt deep, Tlte wound DI"Y then Iw :-:IIl'k{'d h~' sn1Ul~OUC with a mouth free from 'YOUndH, :0;0 1'(':-: 01' ('l':lc,:k:-i. and can be wusbed Ollt with :t ,,"pnk "Jin: inll u( CUllll)"s Crystals dissolveu in wuter to II"el", .1 dark piuk lJuid, The patient should be k e pt quid -not wll lkl'<l auout-NuTied-not allowed to w"lk. ""d " do <:tOl' obtailll'tl as soon as posf<ible, '1'11(' ~n:1I.. l' whleh l'n u~('(! tb(' hilt. . ;IlId IH'p1 for ith'Jltifh:ntiol1,


be Ldl1('d

llot ('01'1'(\(' is :I guod ~timlllilnt. antI til('l p:ltit'nt 111:1,'" Ie'l"" flellf if it i, ",'ailublp. It i' important to get the p:ttij'l!.l ill 1)l'1l and nt I'l'~ H:-; HOOll as possible,

If th!' du('(or ,'annot bl' got for one or t,yU bour" Ih .. li).:"tlll'l' ,houl,1 be left 011 until tlJ~u, 'rhe paiu fl'Hrll


lig-ahll'C' is very





" 'ise r

fl"t 10 r .. il'n 'I' tltt' li!!ature till tltt> ,lod('l' ~omc", If I hl'f'P 1" fu rther (klay in g ettiug a doctor, after two IlIlI1':-: tllp lig-ntuL'tl may

""e1 "1',"

t haI

uC:' reh'asptl

foL' :JO secollds


IhclI I'('fl ppli cll. being rl'lps 'ed aud reapplicd fl'w TIIill1ltj'S rll1l'inl'f' th(' ll('xt two h011l'S, Aftpl' jl


hp Wi!-:(-'T' to flisp PllSl' with thp ligature

louge r without all. slJould be tight enou!!h to stoll any the wounli, ..I. \)lllHlag,· plal'ecl rullllel aboye downwards starlin).: upl"w tile

I hong-Ii :-:Ollll' (loctors leave it on mnch

I·plt-a,ill).: it at '1'1", li~nlllr!' 1I1 ...' dillg- fl'OIll II", limh from

li;'::lfll1't' nnd bandaging tightly jf-i l-iolUetillle~ H U:-=(' ·


I'll I or ~'luel'r.lng out bloOll ",hidl was Oil lhe Iimh wltNI thp ligature wa~ applled, "tHl "0 w"shin~ nut "om" of tue ""nom with bloo,\. 'rill' patieut should bt' rea s",ll'l'll , and not :tJloweil to be"oIllP ulldul,\' fright,'u(>el. Thl' ~rp(LI majol'lt ~' of "Htke,uill!'11 l'<' I'SOUS l'e~O\'l'l' pnl'lil-ulltrl.,' if tit,,), lin' lIitf~n througlt dothill:'::, In fh~ ~"C'lIt of th!' hite hrin!! f'1,(>wllerf' thall un a limh flip nllly thillg to 11" rtnnp ls In w~"h thp ~kln. e'ur nut tha tI&sh round lhe bite, alld Ruck tbe


June. iV29. wuund iii tlJf' hOlJe of getting- uut as I1ll1cb or the J)o1son :IS pu:-::-\ihlp. IL i:-: h01H.'t1 b.\' Uw lInt! of th .. · YI.':l1' tbut :-l0111\' auti-"PlliIlV ";\ ill IJl' a\·uilalJll. . - thi:-:. It V Wt'\"ll 1'. will Ut' ~in\1l by tlOt'hH'S, as its lIIost :-.atisfllctoL',\' ~ulll rupiJ lIc·lion Is ohluint!d b,r jn,l('c: tillg' into U Yt.'il!. III Yktot'ia there ure fOil I' <':Oll111l01l VCllOmOllti ~nHkps- tJH\ ti gl' l' snake, till' 4'Ul'PPI' Ill'ud. thl' bl'oWIl ,Il:lk(" :l1ll1 the black snnk.·. ln bites by any of tbe'e til" lIle:lS'"'(,S d('H('l'ibf'f1 nh""r~JUlllli ";II'1'i"d UIII. 'l'hl' hit .. of :I hl''''k s,n:l kl' 's ,""'.\' ,,"Ii!,"ll' t lJ he [:Ita I. Tlml Ille tigel' HlIl,k{' iH till' most danger OilS. Ullt ewn witll tbis sunl,<, more pcop,," ~('t heUe" Iliun IIi .. if mensures Ul's('rib!'l1 Iw"" al'{' a.!upl~d . Of 4·("1l"~f'. \\ ith tlnti-Yl'uill~ ~i\"("lI p:II'!r l'1I01lg-h. nNlt'I," all hittt'll pCL':::ons should l"f'l'O'''' 'I', It J~ n'r;r pa ,..;.\" to l'P('og'till';(' tht, Llilr ~' Il'IIt. kiuu'S of ~n:tlH'!-I, 'I'lIl' blnyk :-:unkt' i ... hln('k alh)\"e auel l'erl IIn"Nlll·uth. :0;01111' o[ till' spal,·s the tuil are :-:illg-Il', uut thU~l' JH~n.l'l'r the tip arc pair(:d. 'Lh·..! ligvt' ~IIHI\t' 1:-; ubviollsl,r ban(iNI with tL':IUIi\'f, i'~\' band:-:. nlul t'lIll a lwttys he J'carlily )'t'('og-J) iSl'd ill \·kt(,ria, tlHHlgll ill Taslllllnia the~' 3)'(" IIlllch dHI'!<CI' in l',)lnul', and Illp halltls ;11'(.' illtlh.tinpt. ~rbe h,'Owo :o-llal;,,! aui! ('"1'1''''' hl':H1 UU''1'O\\','" in 11ll' h(·tIl1 than the lig('J' :-;11:11,4', 'I'hp c'OPPl'l'- hend i~ lIsually ('oppel',r culolll' anti .h1.l'l, "('d 011 Ille ai(1l". The ~111)(,ulldlll "wnlt· ... HI'P Hll(Ii"iflNl. '1'1,,' h"(lwn snak,," al'(' of tl.ll'e<· kiud" iu "ieto!'iu. hili 111'1' f:ti,·I.\' "itlknlt to I'I'('o)mi"!' from PUdl otlll'l'. 'I'll!'." :II'<' 1"'''\\'11 abo\'(' :lnd ~'p llo"'ish gl'cr on the III1.l .... -"'"·fn(·('. S"IlIf'tilUes 'HottlNl with pink. The ... 11 IlC'tlIIdal :-wui<.':-; arc lIudivl.u('d ill nIL of tht'm, 'I'h,,"~h a II 11111 !)p,' of Ih'aths h,,,·(' heell l'ulIsed h.,· hit,·" of Ihi~ last sunkI'. Ih,' hit(' is not so .'l'l'lous ns that of tht> tigPI" ~uukt' III' ('oPJ>f"I' · hNHl. 'I'tll' 1110:-:( cinllg'(,I'OIlS "0111111011 :-;11:11,(, ill .\1I:4t'nlia i~ UlllluulJtcrlly the .leuth :ld<lP'·. "'lIil'l, i. fonn,] ill







Wesl"m Quc(·n.lall(l. ill parts of




grpt·tl'u Uy



I[e:lj or LOlles,

:Snl,'s, 11. lil·anton. K \Jiliert, J. lIJaclleil, 2. Jermyn :llItI K \\·"lil'l'. The lil'~t Hession W:lS lipid on ~aturtla .\, Ulo!'lliul: III a sunllY spot amol1!-(st ,lie ti-tl'l'c, well jJl'otectL'll fJ'om tht\ wind , and J'l'Olll tllen Ull tLJ~l'C \\'t'l'e "cry illtcrcsliug Oib 'ussions nn 0.11 the . IIbj~...,ts that worry LOG .. Gulflpl's Finan'·.·. t·"'"pan.\' L!'ltel's 'Uld 01' gnnisatiol1,, 'J"·~t \Vorl, . Wha.t In 110 witll LOl1t.'~ who won't unsw('l' It.'llers, ct '. ~ ..)fll" t.; 'SSiODl5 \\,."" held uu thc beat'll . aud nL ul~bl rouutl (lie lire in the big :-o:it.tiUg' -l'OOIIl. anti jll IU'iwt't'll lh~l'C were wulks, ~",jll1l1ling I"~'



, 'l' I',V

lWl"tly) , :lnd



1(1(.' 38 Wt'l't"· l'xdlUU~cd


:S,fstCIHi!i tli:-;('lIii:-;t't"l.


fbu llca.d of Lnlle-s nwdp '"t'ry lIt.'lVful 1';1IggNHiullH. On Sllmlay 1I10l'lling tI ... lJuitlers attend('ll c burch , :lI1d iu th.· afto;l'lI()ulJ ~I,·". Lcggntl (fol'lI1el'ly ncat! (If Loucs). )llsH L':lIl1('l'OIl au<l MiJ.;f.: ,Ll'\'ing- CHill(' tu I hl' t ·oufpl'''"''(·. ;1 utl ~lis, t'umc.-on ga \'c a rCI·.'· j /1 t\·J't ... ~tillg





brauC'iI .

.\l lIighl Ih" ... • ,,'C1'(' JU"IIII'" llis(·us,iuns. ('olllvaur L"lh'l's







I,,"·cd. ;wel s.'·stems ('xplulll(·(1. A (,uidr'" OlYIJ W"s thell 1""ltl'H:tetl IJ." ~JiSH ?lul'tln UIIII. as this is always an impressl\'(' service, the Cou f('l'pn.·l' (111(1NI on 3. ~oh'lIJl1 noh-,

ln the 11I01'l1lng all "'as bu,Ue and cxl'it"lIIent. :l"

tile \JHidcrs hnrriecl on:, eacb OtiC anxlClIS to put hr'" new illp:ls into )I"ael ivl', 31l(l all wouhl lU(I't't again 1)('ful'(' \'e1'." long at



:llIotbt'I' ('011-

- R.K,\\·.



;In.1 in South ,\nslrnlia. It i" " ~hnrt. thirk - ijE't ,,11:11,,· witll U "Cl'r wid" Il('ad :Iud r:ll bod~·. "'hll'h it f1ntll'lIs Ollt wbE'1I nug'r.... It ha,; a liI'~' WOl'I11 - likr' tall. It Ii,'" (,Ililpd 111' ill Ih .. d" ... lilll". "lid ,,"I.,· IIlO"('~ aiJollt at tlig-bL 111 di~tl'kt:-: \\,11.'1'(' it i:-l ('om mon it is Wifo;(' to earl',\' .1 I:lLltel'll 01' tOl'dl al lIig-hl to avuid ~tPJlI)illg- 011 OIH',

t·L B.

intl'uUllcc(L to C~lt'll ulUl'l', Ullt it WI\S nol uHUI SutUl'UUY lllUJ'l1il1g that lluwes rcull." "W'J1l'lnlteu:' .I\J1S(~ .:\loJ'lOll wus lllt'J'p, UJHI .:\JiStoWS 1\, l'\'IU'i;t:, .B.



1l \\·us Li('utl·nunt. tOllched b.'- Il.Ic cJaillonrs of iso1;11",1 LOIl('s waitiug tu be t .. steu ill :';""uncl t'1:"~ \\ ""k , who ('OlI('piYNl I he bJ'illiant icit'a of' haxing a t ·(II1Jpan.r lloll \\·ltb wllid, to test :O;prailJctl Ankle l,aJlflagiJlg" aull ~lIak(.> · lJite t 1"(:'at 1JI('ut. .\I"'IIl'dingl.,·. Captain Sl·t unL I" bllY "" slilull Ull (""'"kuu,,· doll with nit·" "·),(s." 1·'01' til(' 1.1,'81 pu,·t of II,,· next I'ol'tuigbl "I,,· "emu'ctl ~Ielbolll'lle'h to.1' ,hops. (JIII~' I" lilld tllnt '"'~. dolls wilh thl! sllgllll'"t Id'('[(\J)cp

a.t shUIWI."





JUollels. w11o:-o(, chiua faC:l':oj ",oulll ~lUash tu at.OlllS OIl t I!f·iI· ti J'sl ,1oll1'1IPY b.\' POKt. At lengtb JH.!l'Spvt'r3IlCC WH:; n'\\'uI'lh'u, and, £01' a COID1HlI'lItl\'clr lIl(lfh·:-;t SlIlll, we b~cal11p Ihr o,,'nc'l's fit' a stul'dr tloll of mUlI'l'

t.1 II """rl'<pondl'ncc ~hould hI' ;lIltl"!,"S('I1 10 ~IiS" E. E. ~Iorall. "-iult'1' ~11'I·el. )Ia I \'('1'11. ~ . bJA.)

,'''('[lnt ('x p ... ·s'ioll. 1)11\ ",itll leg~ Ihut would b., an nssct to allY beauty LJ~lIet. It Was 1I11allimou~lr (lpcided that tbe doll ~hou1d ue fll'p~ser1 ild


Oth '·i'{ 'tol'i}Ul 1;011(\ !'itL whil{' the Cn1l1 -

I,:lny busied tlll'l11 ch'p - making her uniform. Lieu-

Connll'tl wHh a "Nalllt' ('0111 (·,,(ilion." Badl )Iembe,' of 'he (·r,lIIp:lU.'· \\':1" ill,·il .. 11 to sello in h{'l' fa\'ol'ilc uame, writt~'l in :.rorse. ;'C'Nllpss 10 sa,\'. sugge,tiolls "'NC m:J.IJ~- [lnrl r:.trietl, l'anglng from rOl'eign -s UlHlillg litll's made famoll" by pO)llll:lr songs, to tJw name or t 1)(' l[tll'~t cnlf. und \\'h('l1, al the ellrl .,1' IIIP 1II0nth . 111,·.\· W~l'e all ~·"t in :l hnt, Captain 111'(\\' "ut "Cbiquita." It'Jlant ollce tlg'fliu CUIlIt;'



]:;I.h ,\p,·il.

('nnff"'t'Wo", \\,:1:-; 11Plt! {I'OIll 1:!lh at th .. 1'.'1'.(,,,\. Jloli,1" ... liolllf'. :0;",, -



ford. ..l11

ttlP GuidpJ"

CVl>lll11g. feelillj!

~lI'I'iVf'd VOI'.'·





e:s:cllerl nnd I'lIl1h-r '!l.v. nil"


)[ A. l' 1 L

At the lilll!) ot writi II !,;, Ciliquita, snake, bitten 011 tbe II!fI I~!,; :lnu with a ~pralneu right ankle, iti Oll tbe eYe or ,t"j)arture for /)(,nlll GilllJ~land lor her Ilr~t trellllUcnt. "~1I re\'UlL', ClIiy.uita; 1I1tl~' yon 1I0lu togNh(' I' till tile cntire cuwllany have passeu Ilwi r I" irti[ .~ iu, anu l>)' tllnt lillie our ever, u tieful Li('utellau( lIal'e thougllt out sOlue equally bl'ighl way of h':-otiug I-'ire-lighting' :lut! t'ignHlliug 0,\' lJOiit. - £.,J ,~r.. Acting Captain , (jIb \'let, Loneti,

lH \ ' l "; l OXAL

GU JU E U S' <:OX1'E lt EX<:.t;,

.\ Guidors' Cuufel'eUn'


till' ;o-\Ulllb-~al:itern Sub-

Ilru, Uh'iHiou wati held (Ill "DWI',IH)" ~ I a.r ~LlI, at "L ;IIaLlhl'w', Uall. 1'1'tIh I'a II , aull \\a" llll~nllc(] u)' about ;:;0 lluiucrti fl'ol1l all varts vf llle Division, Tilt' Ui\'h;iolltl.l COlllmi.':s iou r. )11's. lI'au1 kw..'L'. llJ)t'Ul'd th~ Confel'en<:l', ;Hlll ill wl'icoming tlle Guill('rH ('xvlaiucd tllat th., oujed ur ~ ueb a meetill!,; \I'll" 1<. ClI:lule tbelll to !,;H 10 know one another, anti to beur each uthl't"S ri('\Ys und experiences ill 1"'I!Ur,1 to the 'jHe~tions whicb ball been ~ent in for tli~{,\1 ':o;iOll.

~ I r" " I,'uulkuel' alllJealed job~ they undertook


UII 110 ac("onut to

to tile Gniller~ to do witll all their lIIigbt, but

uLl{h'rtakc Il1(JI'l' till',"


;I("'l)lllpli:-;h witllout gh'iug nil their spart' I ime to Uuiding, Xhe suggc~t('(1 tlhlt if 'hl' GlliJe. were til(' bricks that were til help III huild up tlle world I he Guiders were, p!)rhaps, tll(' m ,Il'tu"r " alld mortal' wa~ made o( ~everal COItlPOIlt'lIt~ alld dppPlided for Its str{'ngtu on this YlII'iet," ol composition, A~ a Guider gi\'(,s a ba lanccd programllle to bel' Company, "0 ,be IIlU,t 1(,3d a balauC'ed Itfl) it he is to give hel' hp~t to th~ 1ll0\'Clneut. AIllOIl~st tbe qu('~tiolls uiHcussed ,yere :- the patrol "ysleru, and to what (>xtent leaden should t!'.acb thcir patrc,ls: hoI\' to make J\'lltul'<.' more interesting III ('olUpnnr meetillg~; ~bould th(' tendertoot test be OJ'i11 01' wt'ittc-u: in wbat WH,f' ('ould BJ'OWllic~. Uuide:-; and Hangers combiue in doing good turns outside tlH' Company, These allrl ll1ao~' otbel' Illattt'I's were r\lll~



adjournment tor tea and free time was follow('d b," ('OUlltI'Y Daucing ,10<1 a helpful 'ollk b), ~ I i," H,."wn on the ttt'a.tmcnt of snake-blt!', ~:hel'l' I\'as slw'ial (lisen sion on hoI\' ilinging might be il11j1l'o,'('(1 tnroughout the DIvision, Th{' Captain or 1st Prahl'an was thaok >u for lIer lielp in presiding over t be tea. arrangements, alJd HskNI to convey the tbanks ot the IllJid~i's to Ml3, Hracir tor her kinciness In allowing the use of the hall.


",Hurda,", ~Ia ,'- nth, II'H~ a ,C'l'cat da,\' in tbe hi" tory of thc 2nd Heidclberg Company anrI Rrowlli<.' Pack, Tbis was th(o cia", l'1loHen for UtI' prc,(outalion and rl{'(licottion of tlIPil' rnion Jack, Long befol'e 3 o'clock, with uniforlllR ~pick an.l ~pun, and bauges pollsh!'ll to the Intit deg l'l'c, the' GuiUes BliU Brownies WE're readl' to be taken to the


June, 1929,

big ball "'here the ceremouy wns to take place, It Wllti a perfect ~unny autumu aftcrnoou, with tbe I']ngli~h tlces all yello\\, aud golden iu till' \'allc~' , and tbe from till' IJospitul across 10 the blUe


!'ange:.i louldllg its best


..\lJout ~ . OO tue \·isitoJ.'~ I'Pgan to ill'l'ive, tile guest."i "r 1I0uuut' wen', lit COUI""', tile Captaiu aud three Ulli<1e~ frum tbf' 1st fJl'L"riuullUlll CowlJany, \\"110 Wcre lJl"e~;l-'utiJlg lilt.' Coloul" 10 :!ud lieidclb(\l'g. There

II"N't' also IlIemlJeI'S of llll' IJospital COUlwit tt'(', friends o( the Guiues anu BrlJ\\"nie~, some of th!) oWel' paticnt..l), },Jjs' irving, the ~tate ~ecl'ctal'YJ Mr', 1"uull{nl'l' all,l ,\lr~, BllUlulidson , DiI' i~iolial Commis' "iOIlCI'S, ~listi Call1\lbell, lieutl or ExteD~ion Guid!)s, and llui!l~~ aud GUiU('I'H {('(III( tbe 1st arIton, 1st :-;t. j~il(111, :!lId Ea:-;t ),J . t}Vt'I'II, ~ll(L InlUllol'. :!nd ~ I al · "'I'U , ]st ~]Isternwick and ht llawthorn Hangel'~, Th., ~ud llei<lplberg" 'ompHu,\' lI'ere ill CODljlauy rOl'lullliou iu tilt' ."cntl''' of lh .. hall, tillwe in bec1s~Ullll~ ULi chair:3 with thl' COlour Party ~ittil1g in frout; thp visitillg Guicit's fOl'lIleu a. hOI','(.'.slloe routHI Ihl' lleillelber!,; CODlpau,\" , "ud th .. Hl'Oll'lIil" wCl'e grouped at one siele, II'here thl',\" could see all that was going 011! Th~ ceremOllY began b," til(' ht D(,l'I'iulllluUl Colour 1'al't," hl'illgiug tht' <.'010111' to theil' Cliptain, ~UHS Maconachle, "'ho handed it to Ihe Hc", ,\1(', :'\a"llIith to I", rledil'atcd, After th~ ,lNlicatioo it '''as gil'(ou hack to ;\liss >lllconacbip, II'ho pre~('utt'!l it to the ~llli R('idelbe('g Colour Party, Mr, Nasmith ~pOke on tllp yery beautiful wt'uniug of t11l' Colour" The President of till' lIo"pital, ~ll' , G(,(>(01l 11'0011 " in speakiDg" to the Compan~', ~tres~cd tbe nlltl(, of the Guille tl'aining und thunk(>.1 the Guidel'~ for th(o \\'ol'k th!'~' lIr" doing, ,\fi", Campbell I'PtipOndNl on h(ohnl( or the Guieles, thanking the hospital Olllmitt., ,,, t he Matron anel Stall' for tb ('i l' help nnll 1

kiT,cl J le~~.

~Iii-:fi Tf}mbliug. Captain of :!nd I-Iei<1t'lb('J'S, secon(1 · .'rl t hi~, null toW the "i.ito('s u little of the ,york of Ih(' h"'pitlll ('ompauy,

,,'h(>11 the Hon.;esbot' IHItI h(loPU





gt'n(,l'Ousl,Y pl'oYirled h," th!' TIo""ital ('ommil t!)(o an(1. judjrin;! by th~ C'lwttel', ('yrl'~'OIl~ ('nj{)~'~d tlH'IU~ .. h'(>" tboroughly, '1'lu' \'isitin;! Guld~" ,y,'I'l' I'('al Rl'owllie~ and "lent a band" with th(' washin!'! UJl, I('al'ing th!' bali looking a" thOll!,!h 110 on(' bad 1)pC'n thel'<.' at all. ,'h(' F]xtPllsioD Rmuch 1Y0ul(l Ukp to thauk th .. ~ratron and h(>r stall' for a "el'," hotppy nfternoon, and '\'i~b the 1.t Derriunlinm and 2nd H!'id('lb(,I'/.( Compnllips (lyer)" stlcces!=o:, and "Good Guiding."

EXTEl'i,; l ON NOTE"; I-'Ol( ",\lATILOA,"

,\11 Guiders are inten 1'1,\' int!'restcd in the doin;:rs ot Companies and packs in tile Extension Branch, and UI'(' always anxious tn 1IE"ll', and tell their Com (Ianies, hnlY Guiding is helping girls who are han nicapp('cl phr"ieally to enjo~' a fuller life, ";\Iottilda" ha~ tlOW given llS tt p"lgf" for ~xten ion GUide news and note~! Captains and Owls ot ExtE'nsion COlllpaniE's and Packs, pleo"e 81'1111 alon~ lIl'c'ounts of ~'OUI' 1t,'Uviti('s! Hints for games anel ('ompl'titillns tor Ex tl'll"iulI Olli!l('~ "'ill b!' ;:I'ently appl'eelat.,<1 ,,1'0, ALISO:1\' A, MeA , CAMPBELL, Head of Extenwion Gl'Iides,


---- - ---

June, 11129.





B ,~DGEiS.




No -

,"em bel', l!l:!b, issue of "The Guidt'l"':-

"When a lSecretary or Guiuer com plains of th e 'l'endCl"foot badge llins ul'ealdllg, llcau<juarters in · variably writes and a~ks 11('[' to rcturu auy ,ylJicll Ila,'e bl'oke n soon after bl'LUg given out. In spite of thi~ tile nllmbcr of brok(,ll baoges returned is inli ~ nilesimul; perhap~ Ilalf " in " LUouth out or Ihe thousands wlli<:h are ~Cllt oul. It is, tllere!orc, Jla(ul"all~' ditliculL to COil Vlll ce lile manufacturers UnIt tbeir badges are not satis(uctor.y. "U Guiders would retu rn detective badges to their ('"unly St'<:retal"ies, it woulll ue a real h elp, dUU wou 1<1 enab le H~ad'luarte rs to tind out whi<:h or tb e UHln)" possible trpes of pius hi tbe best ." \Y l' shou lc.l lH.' glau if :-; 'Cl'ctal'ie:s hero would l'e llll"ll to us auy such badg('s. witb details, so that w(' lila,\" forwur<1 them to j·: ngland . SYBIL H. J [{YING, State ISecr 'tal".'·.


has not prcYionsly been nominated lllu~l brin!,: a :>10111inntion ForlU signed Ill' her Co mmlssion cr, .\ e harge or 3(1. PPl" nigbl is mad e, to ('0 "('1 ' expe~se of lightin g, ptp. Notices of 'J'ruining ' llI",cs. etc .. arc published III 'ru (:\:-, clay' s "Argus" and 'V p dn (' :-:d;l," '~ "~\.. ttC':' Ull(l Hl'e



the H ea(lqll ar l'<' l"s untie!' boal"d .

'l'lainin g Ch.1S)J('H fil'e ll P ld , llnle:-;s ot b(!1' wis (~ U()tt Ii~(l. :It (lil"l <iuid e H E"lll'JIHlr IN ~. 1;0 :\J,lrkpt ::;t r pet, Ht 7.-4·) p.m .

GPIDE TI!'-l.lNING. '1'h ,· l"ou I"tll Course t01" l!):!!) will be)!ln on ~IO. ·, \).~ Y. lOlh .lUlIl': Guidel" in Char)!!': )li s ~ 'l'hl'wlh. 1.'lUST-CLASS TH.\lNT:>1G. l :ltll )1'1'\"- ('o !llPO $s: Fir"t Ai(l. :!Oth :'llay- - Ilci gbts, ~l1mb('I':-:, 'J'im t'; ('OIl1PUSS G3111l':-(. 10th .JlIn~ \VE'ights, Di~tan" t'~ , S('(lnt~' 1'3("(,: )111[1 ping nll(l Kllowlpdg,' ur Ndg-hbourhou(\. 171h .f IIn( H n lf-Day Hikl': Origin ani! J)"vl'lopm('lIt 01 :\I o '-empnt; '1'nl " C'l'sio,cr, ~tth .11111' B:l(lg~ 'Y o 1"k : H~ lIlth HlIlt'~: On III (IS I h~rE'o n.

EqUll';\IENT nEl'O '!, .

Tlh.\ Nx("eutivC' Committee (lI'P g- Iatl 10 lie able to i nfoL'JU Guid~rs tl1at ~11'~, B " :111 Peill'Sl~ hus lJecl1 apPOinted II<>ad of thE' h:qUiplll'lIt llE' pot, aud lool, O"{'l" her respollsibility last month. ~1I·~ . Pl'ursE' would l.H~ glad of any 8 11g g(lo:stion~ frollt Uuitl t..' )'l'j iu 1'('· plI',j to the ll<>]lot. l'acking Del)ot- ln response to muuy reQuests trom (- fllIDtl'Y Guiders, w·e have l'eceutly instituted a s~'s· I(-Ill of p:.lcking ~lips, hut would be V(,I'Y g-Iud if (;Uitlt' I'S would regard these only as "s lips" for dled,illg" ]lurposes, and 1I0t as accounts-otherwlsc it l'o mplil'utes o ut' book - keeping " CI'Y mn c h , A cco uuts arc s('ul out at thE' begilllliug of ea,'h month , and u"c parable monthly . >;hoo •. - " 'E' no\\" stod, Ili ad, la('('- u p shoE'S in box ('atf (:!~ / ) and g lnce kid (:);)/ ); th e ~' are a plain , hup(' with Hat l · in, l]('ei. auft lllad,' by .f. H. Rbarwoocl. '1'h",,(' shoE'S are "tockl'd in halr -s iz~s, ;u both I) (nano",' .LOd E (broll(I) filtin!:,s . :Uagnzint> Subfo'Cril)tion"" - '.l'hl'ee lllOllthH ' notit' Q 1llllst be give]) [01' (li:-:('OlltinnnIU'(·' o·r slIb:-;criptiollFo;. t.o auy III agaziIH'. Guid (\t'~ will uncl~'l'st ..ll1f1 The llN!d for thiJoj , as we have t o pay all tll(" :-'lIh~('ription:-; in lHlnll1cC'.

Registered Eqllil)ment.- Will l flp[:1ins 1IINlS ~ Jlflt(' that th~ Guid(' EquipllIt'nt J)PlIot \\'i ll lIot ,upply 8n~' l"('gistel"E'(1 eq uipm e nt (i.e .. h('1Is 01" hudgps. G.G. 01'

nan .(n~r

h ~libil nds .

without a written Urowni." Ru s h

f' ith C' I' wOI'I\: p c..l 01' IIn\,' )l'l\:,ICl) fl'om thJ\ .'aptnin 'f Hat,.;, Thc- ~ ba.Pl~ aud s izl? of


Bl"owni e bats is being ('haugNl s li ghtl)'.



l"0 -

qllPst of Brown O\\'l~. and tbp IH~\" :-; hape will st..)rt I~' 1)(' available, wh('n tlU' old ~happ will 11 0 longer be stcIt·k(>(1. (;uidl' t ' nirorm~.-No altNation i~ hein;:: mad~ In th(' st~' l p of eith(,1" O"prall, or Rnt~ uutil IV (' l"(>(·";n 'IImp l"s from E nglau (l.


'1'HAINING W1mK. It is hoped to hold a 'l'rainillg W eel' ill Ihe S~p ­ ("!lib,,!, :,;chool V3cati"II . all<l a " ·(·('k · l';n cj fir Urowni (,\ unll Haug-el' 'rl'nining. PHI'th eJ' dt'lnil:-: will 11,· aUllnlln,'p(\ late!'. ~IElt





'I'mi ning.


\Y Eh:K.

Th pl'p will not be ~ '!' I'uiniug l'UU.lI) lllltil .1~1I1tl:l.l'r .

1!I:lO. >;BAli'OHD llULIDAY IJU)JK have I,)(le u made with Ule Young \\"onlPn's Ch ristia n A~ sociatio n so that Gultle r s, with or without a Ca mpe r' s Li cpn l·e. may t a ke tbeil' Gllid,'~ In "~ Iy ()ora'" th e LV,·.C .. \ . Holiday Hnn\(' at Sell ...\IT:UIg"L'llI ents

lord . ~Ilt'ch'l

( ' HmJ) .Permis~jon Vorm!!l Inm~t be tlllett in for el'"ry vitotlt. Perluibsioll F'orms and otht"[" 10 rornla(ion s.hould be obtained from Head(11I8rt(>r .. IH~­ I'ol'e Guiders make an." arrangenlents.


PF!Gl"HSIlA~I , IlEALBRYILLK Whil('. of o;PegN"~lJam , " ])on Hood. llea lt's -

dill'. Ilus " 1'1".'" gl'nerotlsl~' offl' red hN hOIllP for tll " 11:-1.(;' of Gt1ide~ and GlIieJ €'l ')O. and we .:11'(1 ,-p r,\" g"ruh' · ful in" ~Nl for h e l' SplE'll(lid o lre r.

'1'11 ' llOuse is f'Onvenientl.,· situated as regards J 'octOl", PO"t Offi cE', aud trallcslH'Oplp. au(1 is vel'." C'C1l'i,\+ toO 1'1In: nncl most Guinel':-; liDo\\, tilt' spJpllciid Oppol'llluitie:-; ttH~ Henlesvillt- (Ii:-;trit-t give:.; fol' t.I( ~ lightfni \\"alk s an(1 t or nature s tudy . np~ i(les g iviug Liceused Guidel's a c hll.Dce to tl\ke their Ouide" a \\":1)" to th ps~ ~nlT()lIll(lings. the housl' i~ /I"ullMhle for "'nrrant~d Guiders who would Jlk !' to ~pe no :-:OIl1(l dars tll (\ l'(, witb friel1d;;c . If «uid"" are token th ..y )IU T be in ch"rl:~ of .. (fl1id~r



CaJnl)t"r'H Licenct",

Any ' \ ' tlol'l·lt.nted Guider rna)' tal(t' a l)nrt~' or fri(>JI(I,., .

' I'HA INING CLARSER. G ui(I I'l's .-hou ld ClIllllllUJli cat(' with th('ir Commhl ,Ion l' belore attending classes, aud ('ve rr oue w40

Lie('nsetl Guiders taking Guides mu~t till in Ap I,lleu tion Forms. '.rh E'.'· s h o uld first ascertain trolll ][" a dCjll a l'tcrs whether the hou se is al"ailable 011


,I I ." 'I' 1 L D A

th .. riate ' they wiab. Guirh'rs goiu!;, with rrienos Il\Ust bUI'c wortl [l'OlJl 11 1':111 " 11:1 rll"'s Ihllt I ill' bOll 'c is anlilable, The house will hold eight \leo[llt', Till' lisl of kit II rce,sary to tuke, aud ot Ill'" llt::tlllls, including ex· lJl'n~es fot' ligbting. cleuuin!;, fUl'J, tlt(',/ 1II11st be oulaiuNI from Healhgtarters. 11'1' are '"""r aplll"'l:iati,·c of ;'Illss " 'hite's kiud l i t ' " in oJl'el'ing us tue IISI' of I'N home f!'('{! of tUllrgP, ,Ind Hllst Ihat (Jllldp,'s wi II mu I", I""'dlll 'lIld con~llIerate use or Illis jJl'it'i\!'gC, ~lEHLhl Bnnr, Head uf Cawpin::,

.U' ('0 1:-' 'I' ,II ~;:-ITS, r)I\' i~ioll


.\r'uL'nt. :-itawp)J, l't('.- :\I1's. 'I'. C. :\lnidmpnt . nHl'fnn

J':st a I P, .\Iuy sloll, ('allllJCl'llowlI, DorrlnnJllI'fl Hnu 'l'1'l'l\ng ~ll'S, 1':11 · wlIl'li ~lunifolli, \Vil'id gil. ('aDllwrduwn, ~11.rll"k r', ('al'amnt aud " '''''l'lIa ,"1>ool- .\ I ... , \\",1 . fonl .\Ianifuld, ;'Ilortl:lkp, HiP•• rieL ( 'oillmishiollersKpl\'- ~II'S, Fl'Ullk Tall', ~,I lIlll'P leuuI!. En;:t K cw, ~J,':;,

0Il11' u- ~liss Isla rears"" , Tltt' 1'llIt'S, OIllCO, I"lll~ , I"tl'atfonl nml ~lall'l':l - ~IJ", C, O(,III1I~, III:,



I"r" \\'ell- ~Irs, Wlufl('ltI ::ltlllYcll, Sl. KUda "nd L'aulllcid

~'Il\io illS ,



L,I'cll K~ltr , )lu'J lJulvel'Jl, S.MA. Ue"ufol'[ -~liss Jelln l{u ssell , Laugl Wllll, Skipton, nl"l'lullg (~)-~Ilss R, )ll'l\:ellu,', 1:11'11 PUl'k , Geelong, l'llk r , Ul',




( ' l\l)tnin~-


.\J" " 31 - ~liss


BN'IIH"- )liss

F, ,\tillmon,


1·~ .

LaJlJ.(' .


H"IIII:<wiek- ~Ii~s D, I'nlon , :!IHi l'olac'-)Jiss )1. B. la'own. J~t BUHt J)Hn(·il~t(,l'-.\liss I ·~. Hili:..;lwc'k . :h'tl Ot\(\lnIJ,A'- )Jbs JL .\ 1. J'uI'n(' 11. l:HIt (;('elong- )lIss I~, .\:<ltworlh,




K cw-~!lss



N, Uawl"". reichards ,

.t\rnlllld - ~Il's,

,IIKI<: '1' I)\(;



EXfo;(T'J'1\ ~~

( ' O .II.\II 'l"I' )O~E,

.1. llIeetillg of tbe liJx"cut11'1! Cowwlttee uf tlle Git'l UUldes' Associatloll, Yieturlu, was belt! uu l;:;tb Ma.\', 192<J

1" '('SN,t: Lady (,lmu",,1 (iu thl' (,IIlIil'); :lI"~ , L', JJ , ElilllUOlisUII, ~ll'~, p , Faulk '''''', :\l\ss BUSh, :\Iiss ~'vlJlbul'llt·. )!iss HlIl'llt"" 11. Iltt' ~Iut(' ~ f'(· l'(lt:II·Y . It \\'n~ ,lg"N:t! tb'l! "~ Ia tllda" sh01llli bp jJ1I1>lisupd tnnlltbly, 'l'11t~ dute or the Guiliers' (' 0111'('['1'111 '" wus Oxcli for l:lth Jull'. in th(' afternuolo anti enmlng, .\ IdLt'" lI'as relld fl'u," Du,"" j,ntilerinl' Furse, asking- for suggestious lUld hell' lI'ith "('gunl to "'l'h e t't.HIUdl J1'II'O;' the intcl'II:1tiullai Guide mUj.w.zioe. It lI'llS deddCtl tllnt for th(' 1"'('S('llt I:! co pies sbould be l"ke u by Victoria, with i I'l' ]Jro~p('et of 11101'(' as the fJUPl'"






Uuid('l's. It was lll'l:i!l('li that Gnili('s In \,idoriu be l'nC01l"1tg-I'tI tu co utribule to the aPIIt',,1 1'01' fundR fol' bniltl illg lhe H('atlqulll'tl'rs uf Ih .. Girl UuilieR' .\ssuciu . lion ill 1.1)11(/011 , 3JHl Ii II us decidcd I hat ('oll,panl(>s, ((I ' .. should bl' IIsk ld whl'lh,'r till'," lI'ish: la' 10 c'untrllJlll(> tu a ).rc'nl"',11 1'111111 1'1'0'" \'1('10,1([; ,ul to mak,' imllvldu:l1 "Ulltl'lUlltiulls I'u,' 1>t'ick., stall'S, e t c, (see ~Ial'c u "Ouilier:') 1r was dccided thill all ~olltl'ibuliollS shUll"] b .. ," "lIl th,'ulIgh Victoriall 1l1""lCl Ullt'te I", so that :t rp . eOI'd Inn,}' be kept. A llolic'(:' was to UC illSC'l'fPd ill lJ ·'.:\lnlllda and seot to l'OltlmiHl"hlJH'I':-;. Thp dJ'nrt Con~titlltion of th(' Cud(lt v.. \.n. \\"n~ (·ollsit It-loNI. and it wn~ tlg-I'pul that .\11s:o; XWillbul"lIt, a lld tll(l l"ecl'etar,l' sllollitl ('oll:<itiel' with lilp ('urlpl ' -.. \,n, COllllllitt('e tho d(,(lIil~ of uOililllioll, It was dpddf'<I that if l' (!:n Jlnnh\~ wlf.:h to WP:lI' ,qIO\'CR. th{lo~' muy weur lIilVY blup ht:-:t("ad of liln ~allntL('t


'1'11(' rpsign3tioll of ~r"R, Xorm3n nl'ookps frolll th~ Plounce Sub· oDlmittee wa~ r('('"h'cd with regr!'l. :I!r., 1';<1mo lld 8011 II'OH apl'o!lItNI tf'mpol':lI'," ('halt'1l1l111 or Iii" 1"1I b ,Co tnmitt('c. HCllIlIuo aod fiulIlIPill1 bllSill c~s I\'fl~ tJ'tlnsnded, 'I'lll' uut" or tbe n('xl llll'clIug W[ls flxt'd for WPll . lle~tlll~' , 19th Juu(',

1 ,t ~Iltcbulll - ~rs, lTadd ,v, 1st ::\Itlrl'unlb~enn- )li:-;s J." T'ipss('. ::1'(1 !\'ol'lhcotc--~liss r.:. "' lntPl', 1st Oaklclgh-i\liss A. Lee. ::",1 l"'P~tOIl-~It'S, (}uiurun, lsI I"r _\ "IlUIld ~II, ... n, ~I(,,'gtln Paylel', 1st " 'csr :l1('lholl"III' - ~II", K , Sh('IJIJOl'd,"utt"Jlun'&1,( ('hl·ltl'nhtltn -~Ii,:< J.:. IT, E,III'UOI1" ~Ii~s l. \\'ar,','o, 1s r ~tl'u{l'oJ'u -)Ii~~ ~. I:PI"'t':-:.

:I"d :\'nl'th('ot Urnwil

l:<L ('lIs[rl'lou )1"" Fill la,", ('hilw('11 Frr" 1,illtle"l:'u"I(,II,

(lpr>lollg- :lllss ('nHon, :!1I<i H('irlf'I\)",'g--~lls~ ~1. 0, HWII'Il,


('OMIXt; In' F.:-I'I' .



1st l( ,tJlistn-' Ii "~ l',

"'J!?IIlIlt'~ ,


1 'h' i~ioJ1C11 and District ~1~1°I"t't:1l01!':o( 011"(' ilz;tk (ld to ill d"tps anti pa"iit'III:II'~ or nu,\' Ib:lul'08 eon. 11('1'[('([ witl! thC'il' Dil'i:<ion Ill' Dist"i(,t whicl! tu(',' would lik(' lo hilI'!' bl'oll;:hr III' el r-" th(' notice otlt<-l' GlliUPJ's, Please statl' ir Guide' x Illay !'ome li.lso, 1.001-. fol' lh!' Cull'ndlll' of J-1\'enes ill next montlt's "~ latil([Il " ! "(" It I


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