Matilda 1929 vol 06 no 05 oct

Page 1

OGrOBI~n , Ifl ~fl .



I IlI': Ri') ,

I ;,\FOn;, r l\TIO~



S/ - Jler Year. S ingl e

CO llies

4/ - l'o,ted. ..



Open Daily f rom 12.30 p.m.-5.30 p.m .

Tl EATlQ I' AHTlm.<::, YI C'TOmA

itl, Flcor. CO ;,rn rket


~J I ~ Ln()lJR:,\

S :ttllrt1:1.'"-frolll 10 n.m.- 12.:)O p.m.


1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....:M:.::...::A:.;T I L D A CONTENTS, Page

Extension Bt hoes ,. ,. .. " J n\'('stiturc of Pa trol J~l'n de "s O,nl Brownie Page .. Birds of the Open A\'inl':v-No, ~ Imperial lll'ndqunrtcl's' Buil,ling Fund Trainin,g- .. . .. ,., ....... . Canlping .. " . . . . . , , . . . . . " ;'Iel'ting of thl' Executh'c Committl'e ~altllre Knowlrclge Libral'.v List , .

., .J


., ;j

5 (j


EXTENSION "ECHOES, EXTENSION GUIDERS' CONFERENCE, A COhfcrcnee of Extl'nsion Guide,'s will hl' hl'le1 on ]2th NOI'emi1(',', It is hop ed thnt all Gu iders who nl'l' ,ntel'e ·ted, whl'ther fll'tinitel.v ronnected with this bl'nn"h 01' not, "'ill take the opportunity of nttending, and so hearing of the progre s of the work being done hy the J<.xten Aion Rl'[t1lch, FUl'thcr il<'tail ns to time nud plnrc will he nllnoulH'e,l ill the ".\ge " nod I I Al'gus,"

2nd HEIDELBERG. Scpt('mhl'" wns n I'e(\ -lettel' mOllth f01' the !!nd 1Il'id('lberg (Austin llospitnl ) L'onlJlnny. Thl'cc' I'C I'Y cxciting thing-. happcnerl .(0 us.. Two of (llll' patrol Il'ad('l's, who nl'e 11011' netinglicutcnants, went to Mfwedol1, training 10" a wh<ilc fortnight. Nl'ed less to sny, the:v had n wondcrful tim(', nnd h:1\,(' su(,h lots of IICWS to ,tell the Comnpu.l', and so man,)' snapshots to s how Uti, that it II':lS IIl'arl.I' as goo(l :IS heing I hel'c oUl'sclves, Seeondly, 1\1rs. Faulkner inl'ilNl us to her Division Cnmp nt E!(ham, and one perfed ,la~' tlll'ef' of liS wCl'e ,lllowec1 to go. We dl'ol'e right down into the ('elLt"e of the t:lmp, and hn,l aftel'lloon tell wilh the GlIiilers, We ~"e"e so th"ille!l with nil we saw we (]jdn 't wnnt to Il'nl'(" Finally, on i::i:ltlll'da.", 'ept('mller il h, g-lIidps from ::\[P1I tOile, C he'ltE' II hn Ill, ;'f 01',1 iallo" [111(1 l ' ark<1alc C:Ul1(' to Sfe liS. Th l'\' n .... ive,l ahont three o'clo cl" :lnd ;\1'Mron n .... ;lIIgl'd fo r n8 to l'ereive thell1 in IIl1iform on till' balron,I', wh(','e WI' generall.,' 1IoI,l ou,' Co mpn1l ,v llIl'E't·i ngs. Wc w(,l'e rr little shy :l t Ii"st, hut ,,'l' '-OOll got 01-('1' thnt, be<'allsc \\'e :Ire SIH'h a rh('l'rflll, happy ,'onrp:ln~', nnrl WI' Ir( 1'1' so pll'nsl'd to sl'e th('ll1. WI' (11) 1.11'(' s('eillg othl" (lui,lps, anrl hl':I"ing' 801111' of the things thl')' dn, DIII·i ng I hI' aft ('1' ',001' a n'I'.I' imjlOl·t:. nt ('('r{'moll.I' tool, pla"e, :ll1r1 w{' askl'd the visi,tors to form :I hors('shol' 1'011'1(1 (lil" he,ls al1d ehnirs, whil!' )fiss Cnmph('ll. llend (,f I~xtcnsiolls, pr(,So.' Ltf',l two second,(·lass hadg('S. These ha<1ges hn(l heen wcll nnd lruly WOIl, nnd :Ire the first hnrlg('s to be w on ill th e ('ompan~' by girls who 'Ire llot :lble to rlln ahollt lil,e other guj<1es. As fn I' :l s Jlossi hi,', ,thl' i I' tests w!'re t h e S-'lme ns all g'lIirl!'s hayl', hnt :lfljust'f'il to me('ot th(\il' 1'('(pli"l'lTlcnts, '1' r:I(·l;ing , ffll' ill'

OdoiJe.-, l!l!!!l,

~t:I'I\'(" , IIl&te:1U.

i, illlpossihle; hut \I'e hal'l' h: 'ill"s gall'c

For he1llllakillg \I'e hal'!, a millintll"c ~alllp bed ,,-hi"h l'a ll he easily mon,d allrl turned, amI i~te" sa id ou I' I'll I'elope cornel' wcrc exccllent. All1bul!lllce, for illstance, A guidc lying llnt (,n he,' b:1('k has to bandage an :Ill'kle. So \\'0 get someone to hoist hcr ankle up on to the bed -:l nd this is rliffirult, becausc the he(l is highanrl the guide proeee<1s to bandage it amid much Inug-ht"I', :IS the" patient" has to hold her ankle s(endv . . \ fir(' is fuun.I', too! A guide flat on hel' bnck hn n slllnll trll.I' on ncr "tulDmy", ' he is given difl('l'l'nt ;izerl 11'00<1 sticks and grnss, nnd starts (0 huild n lire tl'i!1oc1 fashion, 1£ she Inughs or lllol'es, 01'(>1' goes the' firc, nnrl it all has to Ill' ,10111' agnin. Knot. and ~Jorse we nll likf', and wc nrc very 1)1'011(1 of these. If you only hal- t.he use of one ha1l[1, it is a g"ent nchicvel1lcnt to tie SeYCll Imo( s. 'J'hen ou,' I'isitors went across to sec the Browuie~, \\'1'0 sndle(l a ,,-elrOllle at them, but 1I'("'e \'(>1'\' sh~', Thunk you so mnch for coming, Guif!es, we' \\,pre 0 pleased to see :VOl! , .Also we shoul,l like to thank 7th Geelong: i t Onkl~igh :11111 1s( Doncllstel' fo,' the hooks they gnl'e us, :01)(1 thl' (l onrrtion to OUl' funrls, aUfl ] t Del'rinnllulIl for !the inte,'esting Ilature spl'eill1l'lls th!'.,' ('oller.tNl ancl '(' nt us.

INVESTITURE OF PATROL LEADERS. Pn trol Leudcl s do !lot wen r thei l' stripes oJ' their spc<·iaJ hat bnclgcs nntil they nrc Sccond Cln ss Guifl!'s, till whell they :11'1" onl~' acting P.L.s. Patrol S('collds do not need to he Sccond ('1nss Gnirieo bl'forc the." wenr thl'i,' stripe, hut it is usunl for ('('onrl not to \Y(>nr thei,· tripeR until their P.L. has been invc tcel with 11('1'8. The ('errmony for J n\'estiturl' of P.L. is gi \'('1\ heloll', !Jut it may be simplified 0,· elahoratcd, a('('or,ling' to ei"euIll3tnn('es; it is nlwn.YJ'< impres. iI'", :lnd mnrks an epoch in the life of thl' Patrol nnd of the Compnn.'·. The C'ompany will hI' in hors eshoe formation, wIdth WI' lik(' to use onl ." fur spe('ial ol'('nsion~ SIH,h nR ihis, alld En,'olmellts. T'ntrol 1,enoer rOl1l(,s fonl'nl'(l (0 Commissione], 0"


COJllmi sioner: Uo von I'enlisl' YOII)' r!'sp()nsi· hiliti('s as :I Patrol Leadel'~ Patrol Lea <1<'1': Yes, ;'Indam, ('0l1l11li~sionl'l': Cnn T trust YOU to <10' ~'our he. t fo!' ~'0Ul' ('ompnny and ~;Olll' PntroT? Pntl'ol Lender: On my honon)' T ]>I'om1se to ),I'ml'mbl'r my 1'1' pon . ibiHtie. as a Pail'ol L('a· (1('.1', nnd to (10 m~' hest for my COlllpan~' :1ncl my Pntro1. ('c,mmissionl'" then inl'e5ts the P.T,. with thE' Trefoil nbol' r th badge on hp,' hat-bflnfl, and pins en h(',' Il'ft pocket the two white hrair\ ztripes, Shp will then shak e hands with the Learle,' (unless shl' hns flone 50 after the pl'omi e), P.T" ",ill then snlllte, anel hI' sent hack to her p:,trol h,I' the C'ommissionl'r,, I !I:!!',



OUR BROWNIE PAGE. "~Olllet;lillg

old, ~Ollll.'lhillg lICW, '()JIIcthillg ulugie, sOIlll'thiJlg' II'l!c, ~illgillg' ill plcnty, a story to loll, Alld somethillg ot mal\(' ,VOlt h;I1'I')" alld wcll."

OVERALLS AVAILABLE, The I~t Toorak Pack has ~ix Bl'O\Iinc UYl'r a lis and t 1\'0 ha ts that it \l'oul(\ Ii k(' to gi \'l' a\l'.lY to other Bl'owilies. 'Vould allY Brown 0\1'1 requirillg them please appl,l' to )fiss LYllie I I 00 1'01', St. George's Boad, 'l'ooruk, S.1<:.2,

~cllle knotty stories wcrc publisllcd ill la~t ,vcar'b e)Jtcm~cr issue of "Matilda," all (I as IIUlJly rcquests for mOl'c stories huYe sillce becn no;ocie, _the followillg hal'l' beell rolledcd . These stori l's, hOWl'H',., do 1I0t tcach the kllots, but arc IIll'1'el." illtl'lIlled to h('lp a ,B'I'oll"lIie to l'l'nlOmbel' thl'lII, Hrfol'e BrowJl O,d attempts to teach a kllot, hc ~houlcl be \'l'I',V SUl'l' of it herself, alld \\'hl'1I tl'aehillg it to her Borll'lIies, by lIleallS of kllotty stol'ics, shl' should yel'V slowly and dearI~' iliu t\'ate with rope ;18 'sh~ pro('eeds, and "hould Ul' p"('Plll'l' d t9 repeat the story many times, Reef K n ot, (Use difrel'pnt ('olo1'cd ell(ls-olI(, for h('lld anti (Ille for tail-for teaching this. ) ,

Once upon a tillle therc 11':1' a 'Iellder, sinuous, flithe'ry slInke, and his naDle was Slithersk in. One sleep,v sUllImer's day he woke up, ullcurled himsclf sloll'l,v, and started to iuyent a bralld I,ell' game that he eoulg play all by himsclf. HC' HAD to play ulolle, because all his little brothcl'S ("HI sistcrs, that he usecl to play with, had ~el'1I (':,ught aud C'ateu b' the blackfclJolI's, I\'ho Just L()V I~ roasted slIakc for their supper! \\'('11, this ,tilllC I'm telling vou a,bout S1i't lte l' f:kin invented such a splendid game; 'therc in th(' gras., a he I;lzilv uncurled himself he sal\' his Oll'lI shinv blil. ,iHo, ha!" suid Slithcrskill, " Over WC' go :Ind un der we come! " alld witlt that h(' dil' ('d on)' his tail all(l uack the other \l'ay ' underneath, like tIl is, . . . , ,'I'hat mnde I~im lo.ok likl' a groat big II'l'iggl,\' 1'lIlf.. alld, hc h~{ed It so much that he thought h(' H do Jt ag:l1n-and thcre was still th(' clIlI of his tail, so "ol-er" lI'e go and ullde\' 11'(' rome' '-he did ngaill, :1l1d that was anothcr \l'I'igglv I'illg, but a littlc\' Olle this tiBlc! SlitheJ'sldn was just chUCkling to himself [It the fUll of it whcn-out from the bu shes jumped t,,:,,o b~aekfel l o\\'s! Olle took his head, :lJld OIlC IllS tatl, ;llId the,v pulled, uncl Slithel'skin wl'igglcd, alld thc,v pulled :1l1rl SJi.thcl'skin wl'i""lec 1\11 f i I ~路ou rou Id n 't sec the li ttle w)'iggly"~'illg ~t [Ill" at nll, alld poor old Slithersldll's head nll(1 .tnl,1 wPl'e jUDlllled so tigh tly thnt h(' couldn't r-l'C'1l gn'C' :t last gasp hpfol'l' hf' clil'(l! Allrl ~" ou Mil gness II'h:1 t. thoRe t,wo hlackfC'l lows lInd for Slipper I - F,V,B.

--------------------------------~ PLAYS FOR THE COMPANY.

Two short plays ha \' c been sont ill by Miss -"'crguslln, Uaptain of 2nd Row, whu tells us lhry hal'\) been successfully produced by her Uompany, Modes e t Robes, DeCile: "A ,Modes :lIlCI Robes" room with hats und dresses, and u few silk scarves abouf, a table with SOIllO uright pieces of DlateJiaJ.. OHABAOTERS: Miss Cotton, the owner of the shop. A rather prim, sedatc lady dressed in black. M a r ia Woolley, shop ussistall t--rathcr a grownu lJ ail'. Petronella, J ather wistf ul little brirl of abou t 1.3, rather badly dressed, who comes to :\Iiss Cotton, asking for an a'Pprentiee's job. M ad a m Dubois, a French lady ,,-ho gets extited alld Wa\'e8 her hands about. Needs to be chesscd in bright coloms, and hat rather gaudily tri mm ed (a rath el' diflicult part). Mrs, Wragge and her two daughters, May a nd Lucy. A customer who hriJ~gs her two daughters f 0 get dresscs. 'l'alks a lot al1(l rathcr loudly;::et upset becausc hel' fashiollable daughters wants shcrt skirts. Oysters, 'rhis i' quite a 'imp le play for six girls, The hurdest chaructel' to sustain is that of au old路 fashiolled lady, wcaring old-fashioncd clothes, and who will Hen!' be parted from her umbrel路 lao Som('ollc who calt act well i Ileedecl for this part. The cenc is laid in a sittillg- rO ~ 1 of ,I sub路 ul'b:I!1 house, so 110 complicated properties arc /'cqull'ecl. The play ta kes about ,fifteen minutes. Anyon e illterestccl may sec eopie of these plays at Heaclquarters.

M.G.n. CAMP COPPER CARNIVAL. 'PhI' Kew Distl'id a l'o IJlallllillg a jo lly after ' 110011 1'0 1' ~O I'Cll l l.)('1' 9th, whl'lI a lIoH'1 carllivnl lI' ill be held at " Ruyton," Selborne Road, Kew, Xothillg is to ('ust the Yisitillg' BrOll'IIie8 Gludes Rangers ancl other fl'jcllds more t han Oll~ pennv!' 1"01' 0111' of th(,81' humble bl'oWJl friends YOU muv ('lItl'l' the gate, for [llIothel' vou mal' 'haxe :l~ iee cream, a cool cll'hk, 01' 11 t'UP of tea-accord illf(' to tllste and :Igc! 'rh eJI YOII may usc '( mothcl' to admit you to a show of hondwQI'k-a I' CI',I' good peJln),"'ol'th. lI'e hope this will hcnll(1 any pennie left mlly he us('tl to ('liter for I-a I'i ous compcti tioll-cven SII(, h th ri IIi IIg OIlI'S ;] , rhmper-makillg, ~ou will 80011 l'ecC'ive a bright little papcr tl' lI ~llg yo u a ll , nb?ut the eompetitioJls, b ut start S:ll'IlIg ,\' OW' lH'Jlllles lIOW.

A USEFUL KNOT, Captain (testing Becruit): "And what do we usc the OIo\'e Hitch for~" Recruit (after much deep thought ) : "Er .. T suppose it wou ldn't be '1111' usc if YOu wantecl to hang yourself, woul<1 lt1" '


4,-The Pa,l'dalote, A wond('rful en;..riJl0Cring f~ilt, ~;)lJo alldy Ilanks lind si.des of hills, is being p~rforlll('d :111 ol'er our ('ountr." e\,l'ry year in carly S~lmnH'r lJy thousnl}(ls of tin,v littl e biJ'(l~, en~h "nly about threc iucill's loug, liS frngi~" "nil :lS beautiful :lS they ar(' di11lillutil'p,

The bird is the lo\' c ~:: !ittl,' I'arclalotc, 01' Di:lmon<1 Binl, and the t'!1g'iJlI!~rillg labl,t.r which it l111d('rtakes i. for it~ nest, To I hi~ 1,;],1 a th('ular tU111'C! ahout :111 III 'h lI'idt" dn et tWt 1\'1' i ne hes long-, h:1S to be made, ;lllil ar. the far elld of it :I large c,hambel' C'xc'al"lr,.'tl to be linE'11 l;-ith oI\'~' grass and other soft 1II:ltc rial. Though no larger thllll :J mouse, I atul'e has yet found I'oom upon this little 'r eaturl' for thc displa,v of su('h a I'a l'id,v of <:(,lOI'S .I~ black, I\'hi.t(j, bluc, ."{·lIow, g'r:IY, buff rud (:ri.msoll, ("I~h ('0101' bright and distinct, Hne! Ithe whoi<.' pl'oduciug a st!'il,tug 'llIc! beautiful effcct. Spots of the white and ,H'llow, on wings aud head, 1,,1\'(, uggestecl thc nll"'C of Dial110ud Binl, h,v which he is gellerall~' knOll 11, alltl a fan('iful I('selllblance thl"Oujth these 10 th(' ('olivelltioll;!1 ('o~t(,l'Inollgel', 1(,,1 to the nid,IIame of "H'III"), ]f'llI'k:lls" being given to OIlC of the fami l " II'hi(,h ill ha bits our 11I'inl)" 1~1i7"I,

his lllnt(', is 1I0t so ~lIo,,'.r ill IIl'I' ('0.'sh(' po scsscs mallY of thc ~nl1le co lors ill quiet!'I' tones, El'ell hI', II owe I'('r, I,otll'ithstallding his bright plll llw ge, is so Flllali allti hns ~uth prcferell('c for th(' leafy "'01'111 of IOl'lIlo~t houghs tllat lt is Hl'al'cl'l," to be \1'011' IiN(,cl tlla t hi pre ell~c is sl'ld(l1l1 suspeded h,l' t h!' nIlIOl(,wing allcl nnr.bS(,I'I-allt. ! 1I11l(' ns he is, though

1':lrd:tiotes had'n be(,11 seen about th" "1' i;Il'.". hut the part,i('ltlar illtli\'icluul IOlQl\' 1l as Eli!.a (llll," callie under sp('('ial 1I0tic'" wh('l1 she was obsel""C'cl pC'(,I"ing amOIlg' 1h<.' gl'fI

Oll:l sanely

slO llP , IlwkiJlg a snat('h hcn" ::Ild [(!lotllcr thnt', ;!Iul }Il"('s(,lItl,Y bcillg juillc(l 1).1' hl'l' haJldwlIl!' IlIat", who thl'lI s('('llINl ('quall,v illtCI'{-,t('(l ill the J1!'rfOI'IlHII1('e, At lellgth the little pllil' mucl!' a n'i!'(,\illll, and thCll shll'ted illllllcdiateiv to ',,-ark at thpil' ('xc'll-atio'I, The spot ~hos(,Il' II'ns ('1111!lingl,\' hi<lcl!'1l frOIl! (':lsual ousel'\'atio!l b,' all t',I'('rh:lllgillg tuft of ('O:1 I'SC gl'nss, and this' ])111'tl;d 5('1'('('11 was carefull,'- pr('sel'l'ec1. 1~liza he ~all the digging, I"hil!' 1T(,IlI'." took lip his st:ltioll till the dl',I' liml) of a sheoak trec II'hich gl'e\l' II('al', Cl'atching quit-kl,v. liS a dog Illa.\' be 8cell III,tidn/< :t hol e wi-th his foJ'(' pall'R, 1,;liza's little feet thrcw a ~11I;tll stl'en111 of sall(l 11011'11 thl' hani{, and in ;Ill ~stollishillglv sllurt tim(' the hegillning' of the hole " '''s ~('oopell out, \\' hen it is ('ollsillered that if the l'arth be 1-('1'1- sallely or too rlrv, it " 'o ulel tunlhle in, that 'roots ;.;, ~tolles in thc lin!' 111'(' to h(' ;II'uide<l, ,that a slight'.1' upward trend musl IJ(' 111a(1" to the 1t1lllll'1 to PI('I'l'Ut "'l1tel' (It-aill ill l!' ill to t1o(' nl',t I'h~l1ld)!',', '111(1 tliat :ill the' II'IIrk ;lft"I' til(' (jl'~t ill t'h is r]OIle' ill tlit, ""il" II", ,ki ll ",,01 rlll"',ight l'I'linirl'd will 1'1' n'''dil.'' 11l:tI<'l"stoo·l, 'J'o the wonll!'r II'h;('iI

this :h(' ing I'('ot

Urtoher, l!l:!tI, eXI'ites is addeu surprise and curiosity at strang'e l'hoice of this Illethotl Ilf nest mukin little "'ing crcature , ,,-hich spclld the of their lil' cs in tl'ce tops,

Whl'lI J~liza gl'l' ''' lI'ear," of the burrowing, she Iluw : ',' the sheoa k while HI!Ill'V J lawkit;s tool, her plac ", aud so working alterliat'lly their job prugr('s I'd until knocking off for the day the dainty pail' flew of]' togethel' for foo,l und r('laxation, Next morning they wcre busily at it again alia by the ('l1d of a 'w()ek the tnJlllc:llillg hacl b('cu finishccl, and t!l(' Iininl{ of the "ham bel' b"'gun, Seeking IlCal' and far, in nndl'l'gl'owth or ()Il the Icc of t!'ces, soft dry grass "nd tiny strips of bark werc industriol13ly gathI'l'ed, and carried home, Pcrhaps fil'c hUII.j,.cJ Iligilt , possibly more, were requircd to prOl' ide ('nouglt ma,teria I, but nen'r once ill nil their .iournl'."~ did eithcr bird carry its ('olltl'iullTion direct to the hole, Prudence dictated a morc l'Olllldubout J11l'thod, and it 'was IIIntlsiug to II'l~t ch ('nth little ~'lI'l' i e l' :tlight upon a neighbol' ing' tl'ee 01' blish, inspect th sU1'l'oulldiugs, :lnd if :lll,V (':luse fol' slIspicion pl'('sellter1 itself l'emaill patientl~' waiting 1I1ltil tlte toa t was clear, and t hell dl'op quit'kl~' to the hole allel disappear, Bllt -00 11 our little Eliza lJc~al1le 110 more I'isIblp ill tile slI'eet s unshillc of thc outl'l' ~I'OI'III' and ollly ll !'lI l'y llall'kins was to bc seell, keeping a g-cnl'I':11 lI'ateh ill thc I'i\'init,", 01' gatllel'ing footl ill IOllcl," spll'Jldolll' n1l10ng the rell tippce[ .shoots of th(' 1I('ighbol'illg gUI1L tl'(,(,S, Shut lip jll till' r1nl'k "h"'llbl'I' undcl'gl'ound , ",ust Il0t thc tedious hOlll's hal'e sC(,111cc1 10llg to that little 1(11 ('I' (If the SUIl alld sky? Occai>";onally, of course, s he l'111(,I'l{el[ for brief illterval s of ('X('1'68(, ;l lId r!'freslimcllt. alld UII thesc occasions it was Pl'('t h' to S"!' thl' att('nti,'c belo'I\'iolll' uf H Cllrv. as j·he." ~[l('d awav togeth('r for a hnst,l' repast: So t Ilc clal" 1I'('lIt h" until the timc arril'('d whclI by l' nl'lollS tokclI~ it was l'ienr that thl' ('ggs had becn loa tt' hell. II ('111'1' n Ull' took n 1ll0l'C "din' , h;t:'e ill l1l'lttel'S, a;:c1 hath parents ('oulrl be S(,('lI ;ot frequent intel'l'uls going in nlld Ollt of the tnnnel as the." nltel'!'d for the growillg lip' petit<'s 01' the' littlc ~a\'l~ <!,,'C'llers within, At Il'lIl!'tlo Olll' hright SHIIII,\' nlOl'lIing H(,lIr,I' 11';IS 1I10rl' tha,l uHlI alh- a('.tin' alld ,t! ('I't ill the IIl'ighhouring Sh('O:I'I;, nlld th!'lI, in ICSpOIlSC to !tis J'l'[l('atcd ('ails of " Wit -c hn, ,. "wit-l'lIu," "wit-t'hu," l'llidl'ntl," 't('lling hl'l' 1 ha~ nil lI'as sn fe, the proml Eliz:1 C'o<lxc(l forth hel'c tin) :tll11ost fnll," fcatlJereti yOllng 01ll'8, Allcl ('(I!"i(' n, littl!' sprit('s thcI' "'I' ,'C, as thel' first ap]l('~rl'cl. I,linkill:': ill tI;e sUlllight; but th('1' too:< to it I'e r." kiJltlly ancl I'apidl.", aJld 11('\'(;]' 1" ,01'(' I'p t ul'llinp' to the discal'(lecl bul'I'ow tlt!'y I~lIiekh- ~aillcti-stl'l' ngth and ('olollr lllltil, e:lubl c'd ' 00'1 to reach the upper spnces, t",o 11101'(' bCI111t iflll littl e spal'klill!!, Diamond Birr1s II'!'I'(' snf('h' : d(["d to th(' jo,v of th" ,,'ol'lcl, • ][n,,' kill~

'J'loiti i~ thl' laM ,",th,ll' of th(' "Binls of th(' OP"II AI'iar.I"· s"ri,,~, TI"'Rl' al,ti('lps h;II'!' h{'(,11 ~rl';dl." "1'1"'''''i:oI('oI 1,,\' Gni(ll'S ,11111 fiuicl"I's alii"" \\'(, hOI'" 111"t ,01 SOlll(' futlll'P dat(' I\'P 111:11' I""'l' flll'lllPr eOlltl'ihutions from "Bil'(llol'cl' ,'"

():::.<::.:: to~b.:.. c,:...:. · . ....:J:..::!I.:. 29::..:._ _ _ _ _ _ _--,,_ _-,-_M_.A

IMPERIAL HEADQUARTERS BUILDING FUND. Brick s. A lli ounts acknoll'ledged in !}pt. issue £27 ]3 :{ JI) ] st \\'al'l'n3mbool Guides .. 1st Tall!ingatta Rangers . . . . .. . . I lJ J st Y:lIIOl!rJl Guides . . . . . . . . . . .. " (I ] st Beau fort Guidcs-sta il'case stc]> :! J:! 'rot:II for Bl'it.l,s, ell' . . . . . . . . . . . £::6 Gener al Sum from Victoria. A mounts aeknQ"'letlgecl in Sept. issue £36 Jst Co ll'l'ai n e Guides .. 1st (Joll'l'ainl' Pack .. 1st '['ral':! Igon Guide. .. 1st Tl':Ira lgon Rangers . . . . . . l Rt Ululles Gu ides . . . . . . . . .J J~t Chilli'S Pack .. .. .. .. Mi~s McDonalu, B.O .. Ul u lles 1st JIl'a les "ille Guides . . . . .J Bee"l' Lora l AssociatioH .. 1st O"k lcig h GuiLles . . . . ] t )[ul'l'u mbeena Guides .. 1st Oa kleigh l~nngel's .. .. ] t Cal'nl'gie Guides . . . . . . Oakleigh and )Iul'l'umbcena L.A. Ex. 1st Oaklei:.!'h Pack . . . . . . Oall deigh (Anonymous ) .. .. 1st Essen!lOll Guides .. 1st Esscndon Rangers .. I t St. J<ilda Guide 1st. Sta n hope Guides .. 1st Brighton Guides .. " .. . . :: I'd B I'iQ'h ton Guides .. .. .. 1st Rri;i-hton Beach Guides .. lsi .'I.: 2n!l Tool'ak College Guides 10 ;-.Jor l h ~ r l' l h . & Parkvi ll e L.A . .. I ).Ith. ~ I elb. & Parkville Di t. Rangers :3 T1'8 • .;I[ep haJl Ferguson .. .. :!nrl ).Iorth )IelbouJ'lle Guides .. 'olae and District L.A . . . Winchelsl'a L.A . . . . . . . . , .. 21111 Colae Guidc ' .. .. .) ?lUss J. Rininlllonth .. 1st I'lk iptoll Guides .. ht Orb03t Guidcs .. Gt'e long and District . . 7 ., I at Seymouj' Guides . . . . . . ) [ 1'$. R lac'k . . . . . . 2nd PrahJ"an Pack .. Ba ll a rat a nd D istrict () 1~t Altona Guides Total:-Rricks, ett. " Gl'nel':11 Bum ..


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TRAINING. General Guide Training. 1' he Course of Clas e8, II'hit'll beJ:(:In on :IOth Sl'pt('mhcr proNDA V), lI'ili end 011 U lh Noveml)el·. There will he 110 rUI·t her ComBes I his Y~:1I·. Brownie Tra ining Cla ss. '.r h(' (ill fi1 C'01ll'~(, /'()I' t his V(,:1l' will 1,(' :1 IHOI'n, i ni! ont', hegililling' 011 TlfirRSDA Y, 31 st Octo.

if i t

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bel'. The Classc lI'ill be held a.t the Y. W.C.A., Russe ll Street. ) Lc lbourJ1c. from 10.30 till 12 a.1II. '1'h('I'c will be six Class('s. ill charge of Miss Paling R a n ger Training. 'fhel'e will he 110 further Classes for Ranger Guidcrs this veal'. New Guiders requiring help should apply to t he Head of Rallgel's. aftcl' (· Oll· su1tatiol' "'HIt their ()\\,Jl Commission er. Tra ining Week. '.rhe 10th Victorian Training "Veek for Oenc· ral GuidI! Training will l)e held from 3!st De· c'ember to 'ith .)anuary illclusi"e, "t ,\[OI'OllgO, Pl'esh.,' terian Girls' College, Gee lclllg'. Commail'l ant: ~[jss lI'iuburne. Fce 30/,. Applicalions, :t('companipd h.' :1 dcposit of 3/·, shonl" be wade in writing' ,to the '!'l"liil;nl{ Secretary, at Hcadquarters, n ot later than 15th November. Deposits will net bo l'e1'lI11d",l \lJIless ,,-ithrlrawH I of app lication is madc a fortnigh t !,efol'e the beginlling of thc Weck. ~LI~ . BUSH. Hcad of '.rruini ll g. CAMPING. Seaford Holiday Home. For details s'Je September iSSllU. Pegersh a m, Healesville. F01' details sec Septembcr issuc. Camp Equipment. 1\'011c' of the Headquartcrs CqUipllH'lIt lI'ill be available !luring' Deccmbcr and Jallu:i1·.v. For list see August issue. Indoor Camp Test. The lectul'cs for this ('auJ'se, of II'ldth details lI'el'e published in· issue, ",ill be hC'Id at Headquarters at !..I5 p.'m. on the follo"'ing FR I DAY:':-DetoiJcl' 18th and 25tb; ~ovember 1st and 8tb. Quartennastering. '1'11'0 Ipdures on Camp Quartcrl11:l. t('l'ing will hc gi"cn at Heatlqu:lrtel's at 7.45 IJ.lI1. un Fri' ,lays. 1st and 13th N c ,·cmbcl'. The ledul'(' arc open to <lny Guider. Summer Ca mps. Thcrc will be two Combined Ranger Ca mps. in "barge of )liss Bar£us; :26th December to :!lIti .Tallu:llY. and 31'<1 to 11th .Julluar.,". At each Call1p, up to six repr esentatives will hI' ta.k ell from each of several ('ompallies, to a tota I of :\6 c'ampel' . Fee, 22/6 for eacb calliper. Applications, accompanied b~' a dcposit of ."i/, for each cmupel', should reach the ('limping Secretary at Headquarters not later thall 12tll October . 'I'here will l)e two Combi!le:l Guide Ca mps r.ear }Iornington :I.-From 2nd to 9th January-in ('hal'ge of }Iiss ~ethercote. 2.-From 6th to 13th Januarv-in l'hargc of Miss }Ioore. ' To each Qf ,tllese Camps fi\'(~ Companies (",hOSl' Captains have not a Camper's Licence ) lll:1y send six Guides :111d one Guider. Fcc 22/6 pe l' hell(]. (,~lIlLpers lI'ill be required to bl'ing their 011'11 jJ('j'sonn l kit, gl'oun!lsh('et, p:il linse,('o"(' I', 1I1:lIl1cet'8. Kit,lists will bl' s('nt to npplit:1llts. Applicntiolls, tating :i])}Hoximate ngc of


MAT I L D A Odobel', 1929. ----------------------~~~~~

Guidcs, anomp:U1ied 1»)" a deposit of 3/· per h"ad. should be made by Captaills not later than 6th )ion'mber to the CalUpill~ ~ecretary at Hea(lquartl'l's. WrittCIl permission must be ob· tainc(] from District UOlllmissiOLlCI' tlnd forward ('<l with applications. Guiders al'e askcd to state. whclI appl.villg. "'hd her the Company could attClld the othe r Calllp in the ("'ent of the OIlC £01' whieh they exprc~s preference being oyer·applied fOI·. Ca mp cr aft Week. If applications warrant it, a Camp· Craf t Week f or Guiders (over 18 yea r s) will be held froUl 18th to 25th J .anual',v illelusi\'e. Ileal' :Morningto ll ; ('olllmandant: ~[jss Bu h. Fcc 35/·. Applications, :lcc-ompallied h.v dcposit of .j/., ~houl<l be lIIadc in writing to Camping Secrctary at Headquarters. not later than 3rd December. )1. E. BUSH. Head of Camping. ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual )[ecting of Illeml)ers of t he Girl Buid(',' Assol'iation and subse ri bers will bt' held in the 'l'o\\'n Hall. }relboul'lle, 011 'rucsd;I~', H)th NO\'Clllber, at 3 p.m, COMMISSIONERS ' CONFERENCE. 'l'he 7th Vidorian Commissioncrs' Confcl'CII(,c was held in )[elbourne from 1 th to 20th Sep· tCIll1)e!'. On] ' th alld 19th, training sl'ssion ii \\,('1'" hel<l at thc HJG.A. 1'00111, Prcsbyterian Girls' Hostel. Bast )[clUOUl'nej un 20th, confer· t"nr(' ses 'ions \\'CI'C held at tIl(' L.yceulll Club, uy {'ourtcsy uf the Cluh~ -through DI·. Florence <"'-uop('1'. AWARDS. Certificate of M erit: Rita Sh('aJ'n, 1st )[icltllt' I'lll·" . WARRANTS. Ca ptainsht nalllpton-i~[is~ J. Harding. 31'<1 ~ul-tll l\lclbournc: )Iiss D. Wilks. :'.r(l South Yarra: fiss G, Onians. I st V erll1ont: :!\[iss ,r. Leslie. ]st. Yalloul'll: )[[·s. Dann. L ieutena ntsilJ'd Brie;hton: :Miss O. Brown. 1st Brighton: Miss W. Lucas. 1st Brighton Beach: :Miss O. Smith, 1st El&tcrnwick: :Mi8s A. f':. ClI nL m. 1st Kerang: ~Ijss J. R. HawtllOrne. ·Hh 'Ma]YCrll: j\Iiss 1\1. H. Cr03th\f:Ji.~('. 1st Murrumbeena: Miss S. 1\1:. StE'phc'llsoll. 1st Oakleigh: Miss M. Turner. R a n gel' Cap tains]st Cunterburv: Miss l\L ) l ool'E~. 1st Tallangatta: Miss W. Pen.\', Brownie Secreta ryMiss Lydia lioopel', St, George's Hoad, Tuo· rak, .E.2. Dizt r ict Commissioner: KOl'llllllJul·l·a-)Irs. ~IcWilli:nns, Guys Rd, Kor· Umhllrrfl.. LiRIllOI'" :Iud DCl'1'inallulIl-;\1 I·~. <-' Ii"e ('unit', Gnln, Lisll10l'e.

p()J'tlalltl~Irs. Quayle, liilld 't., Portlunu. Captalins : (hh Ballal'at~;\iiss 1. Stc\\'artson. ist LlllI('l'iield-)Ii s M. Green. 1st Ol'host-MI·s. Hughes. J 5t ''1ill ia IIIstO\\'Jl-~Lrs. Patersoll. Lieutenant s: Htll Gel'lolIg-l\I.iss 1'. C. Stringol'. ~nd I\':lnhoe-)[iss Ruth COIl'chill. 1st Middlc Park-)[iss )[iriam Bal'll('s. Brown Owl : l,t A I'arat-;\1i.s F . ).Lillmall. Jst KUl'lllllulIl'I'a-'lIiss Loma Walli~. Secreta ry : District ct'l'etary, Oaklcigh and )111 1'1'11111, hl'('lIa-::\1 iss ~L Lee, Allcn t., Oa II !(>igh.

COMPANIES AND PACKS REGISTERED SINCE 1st SEPTEMBER, 1929. P ~. cks.-]st Beetl(· j 3]'(1 Call1perdO\\,II; 1st ('astle· lIIai Ill'; 1st Kyabram: 1st Parkdu Ic, Compan ies-.lst Altonaj 1st Verlllollt' .1st Vic, tori:,11 Post Guides. ' R ~, nger Compa ny-:'fol'th )Ielbolll'1lc. MEETINGS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. June. TI.e Secretary was illstructcd -to express the Con,mittce's apprl'ciatioll of )[rs. Alston's tIo' 1I:lIion of t\\'(,lIty g'llil;eas. A ~rant of £5 for I' gistercd cqlliplllCllt \\'a~ mach' to the Lone Guidc Branch. The report and balance-Sheet for the IntoI" 8ta te Camp wcre rccei\'(~cl with approval. Qnal'tell,v rcports wcrc rceci,'ccl frolll thl' Hcatls of Bro\\']\,i es, Call1piug, Loncs :J lid 'l'rain· IIl ,r r.

July. • iI(' proposed 't1I1"tJttltiolL of tilt' ('adet \' ,A. I >. was I'O;I(] lwd appl'oYed, with olle 1IIt('I'ittioll, i.(', that the (·I:\u.·o l'elatillg- to Guides be separate fl'om the III:UII ,·lanse relating to CITiCil'IIl'Y in thl' Cadet V.A.D. I was 1Jgrce(\ that an elldcl\\'or be 1I1;ldl' to ;1I',por[ thl' Guide film, "The PouJ'th La\\'," bv aIT1JIIg-illg a r('le" 'e with Hovts '. • .\rr:1ngcllI('nt \\'(,I'C llIad~ fOI' tlte C'OIlIIlLis ,ioll'.)rs' ConferclI\:o to be held from 1 til to :20th ,scptembe r . It was a~rced th:lt Companies and Packs shou1d he ~sked to scnd monIes al1(l promises of . neh for ,t,he l.mpcl'ial IIeaclquartcrs Building Fund, to '1(,tOI'l3n Headquarters, by 30th Scptembcr. COl'I'cSpOndellce was read from the hOIl. secre· tal'Y, Vedcl'fll Council, in eOllllection with a let· tCI' from J?ame Katherine Furse, suggesting that a \\'orld'Wldc badge be adopted at next Confcr· ence, badgc to h;I\'e the thrce·leayed trefoil as hasis, on this to be super·imposed the cxisting emblem of each counlry's badge, should this lJe expedicnt. . I t ,.. as agreed that a sub <lOllIll1ittee, tOllsist· lIIg of three members-the Secretill'Y, one memo ber of the Executi\'e Committee, alld one other -h,' 1'01'111('(1 to ma k al'l'allg(,llIcll ts for 1I0!!pi· 1;J!itv to \'isiting Guidel' . :Mrs. Fnlll'kn('l' :Igl'('l'd to net 011 this committee.





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'1' IIl' folloll-illg I'C~OIJlIll('lId:ltioll~ frolll IIII' T1(':ld 'all1pillg' W('I'C ngl'('('(\ to:1.-'1'lIat all "!tldoor Camp 'fest be illstHutl'd, to ('I1:1111c U1ili('cllsrc1 \\':llTH11te(l Gl1iclcls to t:1ke Guides to fUI'11ishctl 01' unful'llishcrl houses which hayc 1)C('n passed by :I Cam-p Arlvisor, 2,-.,'l'hat CamjJ Ob$el'Yel'S be appo intl'(l to in, SPl'ct sites a11d camps, :tIl(l l'epol't thcl'con to thc Hcad of Camping, August, Thl' amou11t received to cI:lte fol' thl' Il11perial Headql1:1l't('1' Bui]ding Funr] was £6;)/17/" while :,n nddition:ll amount of £40/16/- hns bl'l'n pl'OI11 i sell. A lett('1' was rend from ~[is nanhur~' Wil, lial11s, intimnting that 'the EXl'rl1ti\'c ('ol11l11it tcc of Tl11pe1'ial HendqulU'ters hnrl nW:ll'(l('rl n Certific!ltc of :llerit to Guic1(' Rit:! 8h(,:lI'1I (l,t Middle Park), Tt, was agl'cerl thnt ~hc annual ~[ccting bc lleld' o'n 19th NQycmhl'l', SepteIllber, The followi11g' l'Ccol11l11c11rlations fl'ol11 til(' ('onnniesio11l'l's' C011ferl'ncc wer(' ratificd:l,-Tllat thl' Stl'adhl'oke Cup bl' cOl11petcd fill' in 19i1O on the following hnsis: (n) Th l' gC111'1':l1 stanr]al'(] of the Company; (h) two othcl' subjeets; and that District ('ol11mis' Si011I'I'8 fOl'1n :l snb -col11l11ittcc to :11'1':lllg<' (]('tails for the comp!'! ition, . 2.-Thnt th(' ('ommissionel's' C0l1f(,l'cncc in 1930 hc 1'('sidential, :1nd take -placc in September, after the school holidnys, and ])('fOI'(' t h (, RO~'f11 Agl'icultul'al Show. n w~s'eed thnt a Ie Met' he wl'itten to thc ('ollntl'v 'Voml'n's Assotiation regnl'cling thc possihility of coop(,l'ntioll between the two osSMi:ltiollS, panticul:lrl," ill l'l'gnl'rl to (]1'1110Ilstl'atiOIlS, Tt "was I'CPOI ted t h at tho Commission('l's' COIl fercllce har] elected }\fis' Shciln O:1I11('I'on to th" "r';xl'cuth'e COl11l1lihtl'c, yiec 1\1I'S, Erlmondson, \\'ho hall cl('ridccl not to stalld for 1'('-('lpctiOlI, Jt 'I\'ns 1'1'])ol·t('d thnt th(' Lord ~1:lYOl' wa ~ lrl'antinff t h!' lise of n room ,H thl' 'foWII TIall, 1\[l'lhouI'IIC, for th" A lIuu:l1 ~1eetillg, ill ;\fo\'('m hl'I·. ]t was report ell that Mrs. Quayll' hn(] ])(,(,11 :l])DointN] as District Commissjollc1' fol' 'Pol't lanrl, It was agl'c('rl to 'flsk 1\11'8, Er]warrl 2\fauifold :1 11 (] 2\fiss T. r..... Kininmonth to h('com;> :1l('m1)cl's of tllC St:l tl' Council. It "':lS !lgl'{'('r] to concur with thc pl'Op.lsul of the Au tl'nlinn Bl'o:J(h'nstiug ('ompqllv rlwt Tortnighlll.v tHlks on Girl Guir](' doings lw in~l'ituterl, Tt was agl'ec,] to :lsk Mrs. EU:ln Littlejohn I.) he I'r.ponsi1)lc for I1lnkiug' :ll'l':lngem('nts, • Tt was ng'I'eecl to S(,II(] :l delegate t 0 ~he E(luration Committe(' of ,the Austm]ion League of ;\fntions nion, anl{] to accept the oITe1' of h('lp in providi11g' speakel's on this sul~iect, ]it was :lgl'ecd to app1'OvC the l'pr"lTUflCndati011 that Mrs, .Ten·am be appointed Area IJil'cctor for a.F,R, Companics in Victorin,




S, FT. TRVTNG, Sbtc Sec1·'!'ury.

('Translated from the German of Dorn-~rarti! CO]ltain of Swi~s Girl Guides-publishcd in the S\\'iss Guide Montbly,) Many n Ca]ltain, and eyen Leaders, regularl~' postpone the naturc \\'ork from week to week, for do they not lOlO\\' that the rawe t I'ec'mit is ahead of them? Anel when we are in po itions of autlkority, ",-e clon't like getting "bumps' '! To prepare for t!le 2J1d Class 'Pest, :vou gd out a 11ature tudy 'book-now, is that real Guiding? No! Those who cannot find it in themsl'lves to turll the IiYing pages of Nature's o\\'n book, nl'e to be pitied indeed, TllOse who elo h:I\'e t he jo,vous I'eali iation that they are closc kiu to the animal lind plaut world, and tll:lt Ihc snme Powe1' <'I'ented them and ' gaye th('Jll a soul. How can we tackle (he naturc lorc, so that tht' ehildl'en will 10Ye it? Lct's go ont-into the fore'st, to thl' brook, on to t he meadow, I~aeh girl walks alone and looks for a pl:!nt Illat s('ems interesting to hOI', She secrctly oh8C'I'Y('S it closel.v, al1r1 t hen hides it. The group g:lth('1' together again, and each Guide i al . lowcd to de cribc her plant. The others tr,v to I'N' og'niSt, from thl' desc1'iption which plant it is. If tllcy succeed, there is grcat joy; if not, at le:lst tllei I' inte1'('st has Ib eon aI'oused,

For :t changl', somebody can try to drnw hcr pl:t 11 t. It i fun, if you let eaeh Guide describe her plant, but the.\' wl'ite down thc derll1ced nal11('~, instead of ayi11g thelll out louel. Then each gil'l g"O(,S out to find all the plnnts. Wllo('Y('l' hl'ing~ ill t h e right ones w in s. 1,1 this way Guides 11'31'11 to ol)ser"o nature, '1'11('1'c is no sensl' ill just leal'lling 11:11111'8, "'hnt use to U8 ar(' the lIames of pcoplC', if \\'(' han' 110 iden of thc person himsclf, his appearance, pcculiaritie , his rhnrnrtc]'? 1'hcl'(' must h(' somc ('onuedio1l , . .\. HI',)' interesting suhject for resl'al'ch is to hc foulld ill "Iif(' e0111ll1unities,' For instance, fincl Olet \yhat plallts scem to likc lh'illg in n h('('rll fOrest, Thel'c al'l' 50l11C plants \\"hieh g'l'O\I' only in heech forests. Or look fol' a lI('c]ge's boal'dcrs, Oh, what tl'casur(' \\'C find if wc (,I'('ep nbout 11 11 I1C1' a hazcl llUsh 01' among IlI'i:!1' roses! It iR rather fUll, too, to \'isit the inltnhilllllts of a hl'ook, 01' to h:l\-(, a clos('1' look n t a \\'om]), 01' eyen a eOl'llfi('lrl, TI·.I' it! Don't he schoolmistl'esses, alwa~'s tl:tlllltin~ their knOll"led!!'p-01IC thing onlv i~ 1IC('(lful! Thnt you shoul d open the ch ilrl l'('n'R

A Nature Game,

"E:lph P,L. numhr1's her Pntl'ol off. The Cnptain hilS ~ rol1l'C'tioll of l!'aYes-set~ of thc S:lll)('


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Hill'S. C'aplnin calls a lJumb£r, whose o\\'uel' l'OIll,'S lip, ;llId iH giYCI1 a Il'af to llxamine (with. Ollt th(' I'C t of thc liuillcs boillg able to gl'O it). Thcn the "numbel's" retul'fl to theil' Pn· 11'01 anti describe the leaf, without mel1tionillg I he lIame, of ('ourse. The Patrol that ~uessC's th<l 11:1I1H' of the leaf iir'st wins. This game rnn be played with nowers, grasscs, twigs, etc.

LIBRARY Ll 'f (Continucd). Patrol Lcader's ReC'onl Bool\' Physical Exel'('ise for Children. l'('tcr nllll V!'I'onil'u. The Oxford COl1ferel1C'c (l!):?O), Ho\\' to Learn the :Mol'sc Coel<,. Ta lks to Te:lc·hers. Recipes (?I[I·S. ~[ollntaill) . Th!' 'T'J'nnsmissioll of Lifc. 'T'h!' \\'orld Camp, ]924. The World Camp, ]fl:?-I- (Log R{1ol,-~Iiss E. K. Rohinson). 'T'hc .10~·01lS A<I\'Cnture pfl·s. Oaltorn 1'r:.1nn ) . P('rps nt fhr rnion .)ae·l"

H andcr aft . The A.B.C. of "Yeedlewol'k. Baskrl·~Ialdng at ITomr. Thr Play·Work Book. Profitnhic lIol;bics. SC'out Ha lIde·rafts. Sp:lI'r Timp Adi\'itirs.

N atur e. The Aim nnd ?lJethod of :-rntur!' ,tndy. Au~tl'n)jan :\aturc Studies (L('arll ) . Ausrmlian Bird Book (L('arh). 'fhe Book of \\'ooclcraft. 'fhe Bush Bov's Book. ('ensus of PI'ants of Yictorin. JJvrebirds at ?lIt. Bulfnlo. 'Pile Log of the SUII. Nature's Smallest Crcntul'(,s. 80llth Austmlian Orchiels. Uscful Bil'ds of Southern A u~trnlia (TTa11). Wild Animals of the \\'0 I'i (1. The World of Littlc Lh' (,s ·( Pl·oggntt). 'l'hc Girl Guic1r ~atlll'e Book. l'hc StOI'" of the rlnnts (Gr:1n! 1\lIrn ) .

P lays. E,·cl'·Rr:Hh· I'ln \'S. G.G. Book- of rinys. A F .. rel\'cll. . Form Hoom PI:1Ys. .Jade.,· 's \\'~Ixwork (from The Olel Curiosity Bhr,p). A List of Plays. Ladv Cathcrinc is Anno.vrel (fl'OI1l P:'id" all,l Prejl\{iiee). The :Mn~qu(' of EJllpirc. -;\[I·S. G~1l1P 's Tcapnrt.,· (fl'0111 )[:11 till r' . wit).

Tbe Quarrel ,' celle .(fI'OIIl 'fhe ,' dl():)l for )-;"iLllrla I). Thl'l'll Blilld Min'. Tops.,' vlld Enl (fl'olll l'n(']r T')II.·~ (:nh;Ir";. WOIllC'1l Will Gossip. Displays for Girl Gui(]C's.

stories, Yarns, Etc. Austl':llian ~Iyths :\lld Legl'nds. 'fhe Book of Sen·ice. Fricllel ,! of All the World. Golden Windows. In ']'hought, Word nnc1 Deed. ~lol'r U:jIllP Fire Yarns. Potted Stol'ics for Scouts a1\(1 Wolf ('nh~. The I·'irs! '['rail. The Sl'~OIl (I '1'1''' i 1. Tn Il'~ for Bro\\'lIi('s. YOll :1lId I. _\forp Stol'i('s, :lIld HoI\' to Tell Them. Tile fol1ol\'illg I\'ere tal,ell ont of thr, Lih. 1':lI'y \J('forc Ihe 1 , t .IUIIC, 192fl, and I\'e should hc' glad if they "ollld b(' rcturlled ns soon as pos· brbl~, ~o IlInt thc.\' ma.,· he inr]lIclrd ill thco lib· I' :\I'\, Iist:r~lIstl'alinll Xatlll'e tudil's (t\\'o ropirs . All r\lIstrnlian Birll Book (t\\'o ropirR). Camp Firsl Yal'Jls Eves alld :\0 ~~ve. A' Fricnd to An"imals. E'irst , tudies ill Plnnt Life «(1illirs). Oid Guides' I-lnIHl\-book. GlIidill!{ for thl' Gt;idt'r. Hillts (Ill Girl Guide Badgcs. 1f,"l4iC'lIt' .J ill~l('s. 1.0110 Guides. The LOlle Guicle of l\Ierfield. ~l:lps :llId 11 em' to Ht'atl 'fh(,l11. ~Ior(' Stories to Tl'll. :\:,th'l' 1'10\\'('1'8 of "idoria ('PI"Rcott). 1 h(, Pip('r of Pax.

P lays. ~[:lgic·. CCIlI'in ('hrissi('. Footprints. Fail'v Tnll' I'lflvs. G.G.-Rook of i> la,·s. 'I'he [Josl f)ifll11onci . ~lctllani('nl .Jane. Tit XC',' OrriN. '1'11(' P:llIi~. Plavs fOI' Gnidt'. :rlltl BI·,)\\'nies. Six' l'l:lvs for Gid (lui.l('s. 1~f)111' pi:lY~ fOI' ('hiltll't'll. SusiC' Va.,·s II \·isit. li:ottell Storirs. A Book Oil Un ngC'rs . Simp! .. Arts :llld Crafts fOI' Be·hool. 'f:'It's fol' Brownic . St. .John AlIIbl1lanr(' AssoC'intioll-L~irst Aid ·:-IflJll1al. Thl' TIII'('e G:l1'cleJlers. ([seiul Birds of Bouthcrll Anst\':lli:l. "'!.lItC' I(·rafts for Wolf·(,uh8. Thr ·Wooelrrafl Trail.



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