Matilda 1929 vol 06 no 06 nov

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:'\OY J<:~r B I':R, 1929.

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Yo1. G,



L\' FOR~ [ ATlON

No . (),



P IUCE : 3 /-

l'~ar .


HEADQUAHTERS, YIrTORJA 7th F loO I', 60 ;,I:nket St., 1J8LI10URNfi:

Opel! Dail.v fro m ]2.30 p.m.-5.'10 p. m.

Sahmlay-fl'om 10 :l.m .- ]2.30 p.m.

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( ' Ol)les

4/ - Pos ted . "




(A. P. Crutbel's, Prop,) , Malvern .

MATILDA CONTENtS. Gllicliug in the C'oulltry ..

Page 2


Brownie Pagl' . , .. .. , " News of GuidcI's ' OvcI'S(':lS

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Guiding Ollrsc"' CS " I~xt cusion Ec hops " , ',

) I .3

Two Guirlel'S ill Sl'nrell of n ('fllllP Sitc " About Books " " ., , . " " " R:lilwn~' CorH' pssiGll S for Uanlps .,



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Camping, Tl'I·. illillg, \\' :1 1'1':111 t8, C'ol'l'e~pOlldcllcc, 6· / \Voodcraft, Guilir Ol'PI'fllls "



" GUIDING I N THE COUNTRY," "DolI't be laLe, and polish your ltadgel" Fol' (lays pnst that has been th(' only tory of tlll' Guide,Cflptain; she even so far forgot herself as to tell the Scou,tmaster (to whom such 'things are' (eye wash' ') to polish his ltadge. Grea t W:lS the excitement and the np]'\'ousness of he G.·C. for the Uommissiouer and " the Vjsi.ting·G~lirler· of·Grea.t ·Aceount were cominl{ to test her for ller wan,a nt. At last tlle great day illllYnrd, and by 9.30 a,m, we-thc G,C" S,M., tbe Visiting. Uuider·of·Little·"\ecoul1!t, the hanuner, nails, Troop colol', tl. dozen cups :llld saucrrs, teaspoons, <':l'ke baskets, a kettle full of watCl', whcn 'We ' lital-ted) and , a broolll-left by cal' for fhe Hall (the "Guide Hall," according to t~e G,-C, the "Scout Hull," according" to the S ..M.). . We stopped at the Store for breath, a length of bel1ding, nnd a window sash, which the S.n!. hrl;lon the running board with olle huml, while driving ' with the other, A rriving at- the hall, I\'e 8hoe-llo}')1ea each other out of the car 'a nd ~ staggered iu, Dumping el' erything , anywhore "'0 could, we 110\'0' began the real \\'(1rk of th(, day, First we clear ed out n il the '! juuk," IYC swept, we dusted, we swept, \\' e c leaned picturC's, we swe])t I1gain, we moved forllls, we s\\' ept 'with a broom, we cleared out more" jnnk," we swept wtth a straw broom, wc rolled up morse signalling f lags, and again we SWQpt. Then \H' hnd some fnn! The S,M, put in the windo\\', and it eel'tainly was fine, for one conld set through it, hut, the SeI'C'\\'S being mislaid, the fallligh.t had to he llailed up, and we were cau· tioned not to demonstrate hoI\' it werl)cd! Then foUl' pflncs of golnss harl 'to be put, in the WlllaO'' '' !n thc "Rovers' Den" (H's otrieial nnme, hilt it hecomes (tnything it is requiJ-ed for; this r]a~' it was the tea room, for we were to ha\'c tcn after our ,neluons labors of the aftel'JloOll) anrl the cups were very s()on filled with clust as :1 rrsult of the S.M. 's efforts to clear away t h e old putty ou the fnlme, At Illst the panes" were in-what mattered it that the putty w<:lS I)nly in place here and there1 At least the pnnrs stayed in, and ennblecl the primns to be lightN1. The V.G,C', ·of·L.A., no\\' gu\'e the-el;-Rovers '

XOI'ClJluer, 1929.

Den ;t finaL sweep and followed the S.M:. out to the cal', where the G,C. was hastily suatching a few minutes' rest ( ?) in the back se'llt, Her state of m ind may best 1>C' judged by a question which she asked OIl the way homc: "Are we goi ng the other ,,-ay ? " 'I' he poor d ca" could eat no dinner, and could only manage a few sips of n glass of milk It enderly administel'e cl by the V,G.C.-of·L.A, (wllo inwarclly thanked her lucky 'Stars she ""asn't being tested for h('r warrant, Ilu t aloud assured th e G,G, it was nothing to worr',v about; they only came in a fri endly spirit • and not to criti cise, etc, ) " After some dinner and hflstily a1'1'nying oursrlves ill Qur uniforms, " ' e again left fOl' thr hnll, accompanied this time b y the G,·C, 's si&t<'r ~n,l a rC' cruit, nlso the ten-pot, milk, tetl., sugnT, R c onc~, cakes, the primus, etc., etc, On nrrival willing' Guide hnnds seized the equipment al1rl oUI'selves, ancl dragged us illto the Hall-where Wl' were able to make th e final arrangements, i.e .. t ile Gllicle-Capinin pillliecl' up tile programme ( repl'esenting hours of careful thought), while t~lC' .M, hastily took down a)) AustraHl1n lIng whi c, h had becn on :the wall (sh! Jjnck to fi'ont ) f or some months. .Just all )re' s'liPl)e,d throll!!h t he hack door with the offeli{fing flag, th e G~m ­ mis~ioller nnd thr V.G. ·of-G,A. C'lItered by the frontl Little rnn he said of the inspection of tltr hooks (th e G,·C. 's facC' ])eing a delicate shadC' of rink by this time ) , th e arriYnl of Lieutenant, not latc. haclges polisher! and n trifle 11en' ousi Roll C,111, a knot rela", Patrol tinle , the famolls 'gl1mc of "Stew" (which , hy the way, was euten hut neyer cooked ) , Group time :tl1(l the singing, ( Blit why, olt why, did the V,·G. tea e h us "Th(' · '\·hnl<,"! For davs nft (' r\\'nl'ds \YC hncl it for I1lC'n1R-11ot lit(.r:ill~·' , hetweC'n m'pals. on thC' pinllo, 011 the S ,11. 's penny whistle, sung', whis· tlert, hummecl, anywhere nnr] e\' er~' whpre, until wr wish('(l we had 11 (, \' CI'. IH'\'(, I', 1lC' \'e r 1]('3rr] of t hp whnle! ) TIH'll the (' nrolment, fi\'(' II('\\' tn I'm bers of th(' gTC'at sisterhood wC'rp then' thnt rlnv-thel1 tl1<' ,rntionnl Authem, anrl ",hill' th e " grown ups " refresherl themselves with n hl1(11), neeclerl, nn(l, in the cases of the Commission c l', th(' V,G, of G,A. :tnc1 the poor Gui,lr "Cnptain ( now nll smiles) , \\'ell rles('l'\'erl e up of ten-the V,·G,-ofhA. watched th e Guides, ~ome on foot. somc 011 Pouics, weHe]ing th eir h011lCWflril ways, enell \\'ith n badge unf] :1 smile to sl1o\\' eYer,vone thc,\' :lrr guiflrs, 1l11(] , fig .-he wntc-h C' rl , hC'r thoughts wer e :-Ill nclmil':1tioll for Gllirle~. Guillel's ancl nuilling in tIle ('ountn', RLr T ]~ WRE~.

EQUI P M ENT, ',' h('n ordering hl1tbm1(]s, it would SfI\' e mista kes if Guiders \\,olllr] spcdfv whether It'lIr}' W:tllt plain 1'ibl)on ( 6(1. ) 01' ,,'ork ed G.G. hHlHh (2/6 ) . Tt is not l~ ossi hIe to 1'1' 111 ('rnllCl' \\'11 i(,h Idnrl cfle-h 00mpfln~' llSU:-lUV gd~, nnd if no dr · jails nrc give11 , we s('lld thc c heaper plain hat· band,




M A TILD A ~-------------------------------

OUR BROWNIE PAGE. "Sulllcthill'g' old, something new, SOlllething magic, somethillg true, SiJlgillg in plenty, a story to tell, AHd sO lllcthilJg to make you happy and 'WelL" P ACKLEAD~RS '

AFTERNOO:r.r AT HEIDELBERG. One Saturday in Octobcr II" C had a Pa<lklead·, ers' Aftcl'I1oon at Heidelb crg. Only fh·c of us arriv"d. I was rather surprised, as we had expected a whole 'train l ull, but perhaps if there had ·b een a cr(nvd we would not have enjoyed ourselves so much. W e met at- H eidelb erg statiOJl at three o'clo ck, and Intilted for a·b out tw enty minutes to see if ' :I nv 'others ,,-ould come, but as no one arrived 11" 0 started to walk to all old orcha.rd_ On the w:ly w e passed a c!uuch which, I thinle, is said to be onc of the oldest in Victorin, and we ~veut in to soe it. Th e stain ed glass windows were beautiful, but all the pews had doors, which J thillk would oue rather a "shut ill " feeling. \\'e proceeded blithely to the old orchard, " 'hi cI1 1'l1llS down to the l'iv er. All the trees " -C 1'e in blossom. n ',ya s the lov eliest sight J han) , secn for a long tiine. They say this pa1t is called , ' LovCl's' Lane." ' First we playc;d tll'O semapho rc games,. -a nd [li e n we leal'll.t j1 1I CW lJroll'nie game, then w c ha d :t I{Llllle like .n ~ 1;o sswD )'(l pu zzle, and it took a guod deal of 'workin/{ out. After that w e went for a walk along t he river, and by the.' 'time we ('a me back it was time to lig ht thc fire to Loil the billv. So we ga,thc,retl til ,e wood and lit the fire anc1 lle[l,l'ly got smokcd out. Wh en the watcl' boilee1 we had tea ancllwd to hurry to catch the traill, and so we wc n.t hom o. -looking- 'forward to our !lex t Pack L eadcrs' Afternoon, which wc hop e will ·b e very so'<+n~.,'

NEWS OF GUIDER S OV ERSEAS. :Miss Button (S iste r Lonna ) is und ergo ing ;r training co nrs e ill young people's wor'k at Christchurch (N,Z.). Tn :1. r ecellt letter she told ,If her varied wod~, lI'hidl includes six month s ' eXll erieJl Ce with the District ', Nursing Associa'tion; he l' e ~he finds scope for ll er Guide knowledge, visiting the patient's in their OWll homes. It is wondel·ful .ex perie nce in sick-nursing; as she says, "The lJ ca uty of it 'all (to me ) is that "-e h;:lVe time to be hUlllflll-tO treat psychologi(·a ll\, as w cll as medi callv-Illld reallv l ovc t he pati e nt s-not hurry f r01il bed to l;ecl, (l.S in hospit al w:lnls . . . . . " "T ofit e n look IJack to our dcmonstrations a t Howal'!1 Strcet (2 11e1 NO I·th ·) [elhollrne Guide> Company ) of hNlmakillg, am1 :th l , talk of 'wll3t would vo u rio i ~ t here , wel'e scy p. n blankets l' One 01(1 so ul of Ol'cr f)(\ "a s Jlin e blallk ds plus

rug, yuilt alld eiderdown. In w ea~ cases we .,ften tie u ropc ['0 the foot of the b cd, and.·put the otlIer eJld ill r each of the patient, so that he Or she cnn pull themselves into a sitting posture. On el1t erin~ the house of a very old couple, I found a piece of co rd clov e- hitched to t he bedpost, \\'hile in the other cnd was ~I p el'f ecit bowline! Politely commellting on tbese, the old man repli cd: 'Aye, the III '5 sailors' knots. ' 'Yes,' ] sa id quietly, 'you co uldn 't bea.t the dov e-hitch aud bowline t>here; they 'l'e just the thing.' ' Wh.\',' the old fellow shouted, and hi s c.ves Hcarly hit me, 'yo u know some;t hing about it l' Ever after, I was Imowll as 'the one who knows so mething about knols. ' " "1 ' Ill getting quite enthused un t he educatiollal si Ie of th e Youth Mo,-ement against al .. ('.ohol; ha ve been experime nting with alcoholic fumes on flo'wers, in sects, eggs, etc., and. de monstrati ng at publi c meetings. "It '8 most int eresti ng a nd CO llvin cing. Th ere's lots of fun in t.he house when Sister Lenua spends her 111011eV 011 nlco·hol !" OIL' n. walking tour last SUlllUl cr Miss Button was interestecl to meet a Ranger ; and four Guide rs from Aucklane1 H_Q. who wer e aJso on a trelc Shc has not much time f o r . Guide work, iJut is· keepillg' in touch, and i s "still ",el·.v much a G.G. nt h ea rt. "

GUIDING OURSELVES. DlIl'ing the SUllllller we all become 1.1)11." (lll ide~ for a little whil e, and IH' re lIl' e ~ollJe i,l c:ls ,dJo u-t a fe,,- thillgS we ~aJ~ rlo . .First of all, a renl rest is gO(l(l for "H'!'yonc, ;lIld if yo u forge t for a littl e whilc all ab out work for hadges and learning . Ilew, you "'ill co me bade ;111 the more fresll ;mel k cen. You will havc pl cnty of opportullity to look auel listcn, to feel a nel thinl" without being co nsci ous that yo u arc doing it as a Guide. If our Guicling is real to us, it grn dually becomes impossible to scpa rat c the things we do "for Guides," aui! t ho _TCSt of Our lil-es-we becollle one-through :\1).<1 through, and that is something wonclcrfl~l t<i. for. {So first-go out; do ns lllilll y different things as vo u .can fit into tho day, ;l1lc1 lying in 'the is one of thc most excell ent. When you hav e had your rcst, sec if you can begill a job aud carry jt through e ntir ely hy yoursclf . . Decide in yOUl' own mind tha·t YOll will prepnl'c for olle special badge, and mak e sure that yo u know what is n eeded befor e the Company closes. "Pathfind er" is a good o ne. Suppose thre e of YO ll try to cliscoycr nIl ahout It ce rtain area; 'Illee·t one clay, separate, and find out everything you nced without anyone of you catching sight of any . other! Do tllis several times_ Th e n YO U ",ill only 11 eed history of thc distdet !I1lcl if you begin' to tan, to ]leople yo u may fin~l out fol' YOUl'selYes, and go back and tell Ca ptain. YOll Clln plan t: lble:uL"{ of thl' c[lTly his to ry of your t.own, and t.llon WOll't th e OO lllpnuy tnk e notice!




," PathfiJldcr" leads 011 to " Sporlsw'om:tn," alld tha,t is ,just right for the holidays, ",[ake up your obser\'a tioll games, and if you tr,v to follow n tl'l1~, k you havo laid ,vourself, it is practiso in memOI'Y, as well as ill traeking, Summer is ,iust right fOl: the "Naturalist," Rementper \\'hat you filld, and describe it, aud disroyer the propel' name ill a book later Oil, :\[ix plaster of paris Hnd pOUl' it o\'er tracks of hil'(ls anrl animals, :~ ll(l whclI it is hanlcned you will han a good impression. Watch OliO fea, ture of each bird pnrtienlal'ly, compare beaks or f.('c,t 01' flight. Draw thc flight with cun'illg lllles across a page, or trarc it on the sall(l whil e you "'ateh a gull 01' <lott('rel. Xoticc pal" ticularly i!' ever), flower the relation betweell sprcad of lea \'es and rools, allcl '" hether the pistil rt lld t:1mcllS arc ill the same position in ne\\'ly opelled flo\\'er s, 11l1(1 flo\\'cr s ,that arc hc, ginllillg to fade. :Many insects can be found in ~nl11mer in ever,Y stage £xce}!t the pupa, ancl If you lea I'll to kilO,," thcl1l bv Februarv yOU will not haye long to wait for that. ' . The Sea and the Stars. They seem to ha \'e 1>e('u together el"{"r silll' e men fi;'st lost sight of land. Jf you are going to the sea, beg or bol" rOI\' or uuy "The Eas.v Guide to thc Southcl'll St:,,'s ' '-the Cross s\\'ings low in summer, be, fore ~'o u ;Ire sellt to b cd , anc! m<1.I· be difficult \0 sec from the hills. but the cliff is :l glorious plac e for watching- th e sk,v at lIight. Then you will \\,flI1t some handwork for the hluzin~ flayS ancl the pouring days. Ther(' are two lI'a."8 of tark lill g' Iwndwork: (1) I(x\l'u a lol nbout it beforc you begin ; (2) start right a\\'a~' fin'l the di/Ticulties for \I'ourse lf. :lnel sec hOI~ far you ("an go wjth .VOUL' O WII distoycrics. 'rite st'cond is thc Illnt iutl'l esting, but ~' ou must be prcpared to reg-nri] ,n ail' 1I'0rk all experiment nntil vou h:ll'e a "ker! so meone to show vou the right lI'n.v. 01' tell you whC'tlll'r 01' llot you have f ound it. Your things " ,ill prop ahl,v not be suit, aull' f o r n test tllc millute vou rome hack but you will lit' ne;] rly ready to' bcgill 011 yom.' tC!!t thillgS, and you will lHI\'e laid you]' own founda. , tion . B,v handwork I lllcan knittillg, lIc edle ' work, hasket 1I'0rk , el1lhroicler,", toymaking, and H) on. Of COUI'S(" if n town guide has the cha.ncc to lcarn to bc a dairvmaicl or :l hor se wol11all or :1 Inndworl,cr, shc sho'uld sei;'.c it with tll'O hands :01](1 a 11 h('r energ,v, Ancl on these glorious clays, wllell ,vou :lFe :donc, tht'rc :1I'e hook ~ f"l' Ollr "clight awl J ur )ll'n s to sea rth Ol~" ,,,in.!,. \\'e al'(, Guicles in CO lllpanies tha't 11'0 mal' I('arn to 5bncl :.loue, lIow JI1uth hal'e we il':lll;t of it b,v this suml1ler! Note: Th('s(' sugg-csti'):ls arc wl'itrel' !'Pall.v for Guide. Will Guidel's rllJ~~ 9 ]'fad the;,l to the romp,anies if th e,v fccl they WOUlfl be use , fur?

G. H.


Head of Tests nnd Badges. The scrics of :1l'tirles on First ClaRR ,'i ')I'k, to 1)(' puhlisherl f()rtnight.l~' ill "Th(' Guiclr"

frOIll Sej!tl'llIbcr 20th, should greatly assist Guides :lnd Guiders ill " Guiding Ourselves." See SI)P' "o-uhler " and "Notices" ill this issue "Ma' 1ilda.-Ed.

NOTICES. "Matilda" is noll' published regularl y on 16th of each month. Conces~ion Fares. We hn"e been notified uv the Gelleral Passel~gcr and Freight Agent that th c regulat io ns hal'c l'eecutly been :dtered, and that noll' th(' concession farcs a,pply for parties (,f SIX or morc (formerly eight or more ) tr.'el, ling- together, This will be a gr('at help to Com' panics on ocrasions \\'hcu only :1 ~l1lall p3l'ty a re travelling. Concessions on Trams appl.v to Gu.ides and Hangers in uuiform , but not to lhlid e rs. This half ,f:ll'e concession is available on r·able anti elre tric tranlS, but not on buses. "Gui.der·' Subscriptions: The pric(, of ., Thc Guider," posted, is now 6/ P('I' annum, 4./' jf c:!lled for. Th e paper has increased ill I~eight, and eO lls eq llcntly in cost of postagc. The Guide Subscriptions: I f two copies of " The Guide" ::Ire to be postell to the same ad, drcs~, postagc is charged on olll,Y onc suuscrip' tiOll, Ii is announced ,that a series of <trtich's on "Thc Fi rot Glass Test" will shortly be av' r ca ring' in "The Gllide, " whi ch \\'ill enable Guides to do :\ good deal On thei r own towarc11 gaining this badge. We shall ue glad to send ~pc('in ~e ]1 ro pi('s of this "Guide" magazine to :tny \\'ho l!a\'e not yet secn it. Excll ange. "'ould Guiders 8clluillg countr.,· ch('(luC~ in )lU.l'llicnt of their accounts please re, lllPl1Ihl'r to :tdrl exchange! Receipts for amollnts uuder 5/, are nOot postell hack , llllless a stUl1Ip ha:; becn cncloscd for re, turll postage. Guide News appear in 'I'uesday's (' Argus " ancl "SIIII, " and \\'edncsday 's "Age," a.nd G\li(Jel'~ ~houlc1 watch for aunoUncement made ill 1hese tO llllHlI S. Ann.ual Meeting, 1929. The Annual Mceting of the Gi rl Guides Associaotiou will ue held on 'I'uc~(la,I'. 19th Novemb er, a;t 3 p.m" at tll(l To\\' n Hall. 21felbourne. All Guidcs anel Gpidrrs :II'C' entitled to attcnc1, as it is for mcmbers of the Association, an<l for subscribers. Th c Allllual Report will bc a\'ail.abl e at Head, qua rtcrs ;tftcr the mceting. Contributions fo], each issue of '( 21fatilda " shollla rcal,h the Ec1itoT at Headquarters no,t la tcr than thc 23rd of thc pre ce ding month.

FOUND, A broo(' h was foulld nt the KindeJ'gartel1 I[oliclay Home some weeks ago, after It ~,'cek, (,11c1 a.t whir h Guid('rs had b~('n helping. It is IIO\\' :It H":l'lqnal'tel's, \\'n iting to h(' r lail11('<1.

~ OVaID hei, lim. MA. l' t ~~~~~~-------------------


L 1) A

~~------~----------~-----~ reyea led .the COttOll "'001 that coyers the elI'essings. Alld there on the Sh.3c't W!\8 the blue lIll'da I, with the \\'Ol'US ".1<;0 ~ .Fort.i tude." "She is a wonder," said M~tjo1' J acksou, the setretary of the hospital, aud his w01'els were edipsed by the nurse who looks aft"r her. For Ilc:lI'l v six mouths there has IH'Cll a dai!y fight !Jetwe'ell life and death, bu.t uow Betty is prolloullCcd "out of dallger." At first 1t was thought that onc hand aud arm would not be 8:1 \'ed, but surgical si{ill has a\'crtcd the calalllit,\' of al! amputation.


FOR, FORTITUDE. ~ Cultin)!

froll' a Londoll paper, 1929.)


7th August,

'rllere is a little girl lying ill the Queeu )Iary'~ Hospital for the East Euu rut Stra tford, who is, pel'haps, the 1Il0~t gallant child in the world. For mont hs she has endurcd almost unbearable :1 gOllY, yet she has facet! it not ouly bravely, but with a courage t hat is heartbrea1uug to sec. Last DeCf'Uli)er thirteen·year·old Betty Fite.h tame from her ho me at Bl'cntwood to stay with re lations at Stratford. Olle night, as she .stood in fro l~t 'of hcr bedroom fire 'her nigh tdress ('aught aUgh t. Her ,screams hrought help, but Ilot beforc the cit :Id 's body had beeu burllecl fr{J1Il shoulder to foot, anu ollly by a miracle was her face sa\·ed. 'rhe.v calTied her to the ho~pi· tal, :1 poor little torturec, seNlp of hUlIlanity, and fr011l th:~t day to this she bas lain motionless OIL her back, ufted." he lpless, alld with ouly her heau showing alJo \'e the COttOIl "-001 in which site is wrapp,cd. 'When the burllS Jtaye to be dressed Bettv has to be laid ill a bath filled with a special preparation before t he unballclagi II)! call be atteDlp.ted. Last week the Qucell, who is the paltrOIl of tllc hospita l, paid it a surprisc yisit with tI,e Duke of, who is lhe presidcnt. Bctt.v told me about it. "She asked me how 1 got !)ul'Ilcd," she s:ticl slowly, for it is still all cffort to speak, "Am1 whdlwl' 1 should be sClIl'l'cd much. And, do vou know (alld hel'c the whisper \,:lS eager ~1lc1 \\'ondering) she even noticed IlI,V bookrcst, :llId :Isked if 1 c'ould turn the pages myself." "AJH1 can ,VUll, Bet.ty 1" I ns·ked. "No," s:lid Betty, wit 11 a funny little smile, Bet.ty Fitch is H Girl Guide, and has been awardt'd the' most ('o\'ete<1 llledn I of the associat ion, Her mot,her. who stood with mc bv her bedside, told me about it, and picked lip ;]' little case fro m the loeker. It was empt,v, "It's pinned 011 me, llluJIlll1ie," \\'hispel'e<l a little voice, A nutse moved fonnll'<1 ~nc1 drew ha~k the hlue l)ecl-jackrt thnt spl'('~rl und<'l' the r·hilrl's chill and rOlllld hCI' Ca,,". i,"1f';' it wa~

"On suth u day as this," 1 iiaid to myself, as I wol{e to find the world bathed In spring SllllShiuc, <" one should disco\'er the ielcai camv ~itc." However, when I had pa('ked a spade aud Illy Lieutenant into the ear, and had explained the objet.t of our quest to the latter (1 mean the LicutclI:lIlt) she Jll.erel.v gnOl'ted, "There is 110 such thing," sll(, said, f' aud l'Ven w-h en there is someone else has alwa~-s bagged it. " Bu,t e\"C1l this illogical remark failed to damp m)' a nlOllr, and as we sped alollg thc roads 1 hall ros)' visions of grease-pits that llraillecl, soils which held tent pegs firmlY-1but not too firmly-alld sheltered glades where 110 willcls ever blcw illcoJl\'entontly. l Jnfol1tunatel.v, as the milos increased, .1 had to ad lIli t th:1 t the COUll tryside was not exaCitly uristlillg witll sitcs; though ~Ye penctr:lted back tracks whith threatencd to hold us ill their IllUddy grip, eithcr there was 110 watcr :tv:tilable 01' thc sito has surh a steep slope that eYell thc IllOSt seasoned camper \\'ould find it difficult to " stitk" Oil at lIight. Passing through a small tQwnship, we espied what \\'}18 surely the oldest inhabirtantl \Ve :!grcecl that if there was a r:lmp site ill the dist l'iet he 'l\'ould kllow of it. We hailed him and ~~ttecl our caso. As he cogiiated J felt in&tiIlCtively ·that he would lovc Girl Guides--T saw him ill the r,.lc of the tamp 's adopted uncle, ,·.. itlt tho qualities of a fail'Y godmother, if you know what T mean. At last he had" brain wa n~.. "Jus·t tile Yery pla~e," he crieel, "hup at 'ill's." He promiserl all introduction, and l\'O packed him illto the car, He was quitc l'ight about :th e "llUp. " I sincerely hoped that the equipment van would be able to "make the grade," as cal'l'ying heayy ridges and uprights up a slope will try the best advance party. (' There's the river for you." he rem:1l'keJI trilllllph:wtl,v a~ we nni\'ecl. Certaillly the Yarra was looking quite at·tracti\'e a 101lg, long way 1,('lo\\', Th!' site might h:I\'e bcen ]Homising, bu.t I did not neeclllly "Loot's" bright remark, "so nice and h:llldy for the pig bncket," to draw ill ,V attention to a Yl'ry odorous pig alld fOI\-1 run, Aftt'l' a glance at the yer,v rlilnpirlate(l outbuilding'S r cl!'cicled the best WfI," out of the difficulty "'as to explnin to our ellthusinstic

MA 'i' t LDA. ··




fdeut! that a large solid shelter was most dobimble_ Another inspiratioll soon had liS in the tar again, and lIla'killg our way clown the hill to thc Spor.ts GrOllnd, whi('h a lso boasted proximity to the l'i\-er. 1'hc olid shelter here "r as the gmnCi.-s~nnd, obYiously erect cd by :l wellllIe:tning working bee. 1 nlmost hoped that it IIlight be llecessnry to seek its shelter, for 1 10llged Ito see hov; comic roil'S of Guides would look sleeping OIL the narrow sea ts. IIOWe\'el', the Sports Ground seemed to haye possibilities, and we began to makc p lans. The .\llcif'nt was full of suggestiolls, such as using tho goal posts to "tie O!lr tents up to . " Hc was obviously disappoilltecl to hear tlmt the 500gallon hlllk would not SU1)pl~- the needs of 2:) Guides for a week. I have no (loubt he woult! 11<1\'0 had grave doubts as to the ohservance of I he uinth l:Jw, had hc knowlI wha t it was. Suddellly a cloud trllU(' over our frieud's face. "\\'un!t it bet\\-een Christmas a 11\] Kew Year, do YOll? 'W ell, you wouldu't mind takillg your tcnts do\\-n durhIg the da~', would .you? iVe'n' lent the ground to :1 young nWll'S t lul! fo r a ericket match. But if you take your tents out of the way, J. 'm sure the,Y WOll't milld," and hopefully, "it'll l)e something for ,Your girls to look at." Sadly we halle him farewelL The afternoon II-as drawing in, and stlil wc hnd 110 camp site. As we drove 110mI' we lwppened to meet a gir l \\'e had l,nown at s~Jloo l , alld gaye her a lif,t. \Vhcn she hear([ a bout our ('xpericnces she in,-itec1 us to come :tndlook at their paddock. Doubtfully wl' wellt and found-thl' petfect calllp sib'. ~l n'lllediHtel.v 0111' ('ouM see a perfl'd horseshoe of gil'alllilig white' tcnts-hNe was thc spot fOI' the ('ook house, quite ne:lr the rh-er, higher up 011 thl' hill was :1 spot for th,' tamp fire drtlc_ I~nthusiasti(':lll:v lYe promise to ('0111l' hac-k alld make a fuller in ·pectioll. "To-day" T lllu rJllul'ed as the car movecl orr ' I kl;d,,- T should find thc perfect camp site. ;, Itt may bc a eln.v soil," retorted Ill)' Lieuten:tllt. "A pessimist is all abomination to the Lorfl :111(1 ,'cry little help ill times of triumph," I re- J.B.L. Illarkcd saelly_

ABOUT BOOKS. The World of Lit tle Lives, lJy Gladys H. Froggatt. This very interestillgl~' IYrittl'n hook is now avaiJal)le in a nillepenny ('dition. 'III it will bl' found the story of thl' following:-Green 1lIollc1~y Cicada, Bulldog Ant. A nt-LiOlI, Rose AphIS, Rainbow Ant, White-Ant Clt,V. Nature' W?r1,mon, Stick-Insed, House-li'l,", Wrlter-S('Ol'p,on, Flower Beetle., Ora ngc Buttl'dly. -In a sequel, cal l1'd M ore About t he World of Little Lives, \\'ill hl' foullrl the stories, equally fnsrinnting, of t ,] ,(, Dr:lgon -f'ly, GrnRshollper, Bush Silkl\"oi'm, HOll1('-makl'l' \\'asp, Solit.nry W:lSP,

:\Ioti'luito, Cricket, }Jra.dlJg ~la n ti~, COt kthafCl: ncetle, L:lclylJirels, Coelo'oach, Gall-~Iakers. Fur Guides 'Who arc illtere,s te(l in insect life, :llld a rc sludyillg all.,· of t)lt'lll h,t" th,c.ii· Sl't'ond (J l :ls~ 'rest, these little books can be highly rctOlrunended. A Sl't of welcome . stories of t!11) Australian Bush has l,oen p u blishl'(l. 111 the' Reference LibJary we h:t\-e copil's of the following (pril'O fhL e:lth): !!, The Flower F a iries UIl(\ g!:hcr Stories, l)y Aniy EleulloJ' ~Iac-l~l ' The Gum Leaf 'That Flew, and other ::;.tol'it's, by Am.Y Eleanor ~Iack. ( The Birds ' Concert, aud other Stori"8, b~- Amy Ele·anor Mack_ Gllidl'l's who are wauting this type of SitO'ry :Jr<' 1'('('ommcndec1 -to inspett these_ All of ' these boo ks ca n be 0 btaihec1 th rough Headquartcu . A set of younger storil's, suitable fOI' little on('s, \\-ou ld hl' L ittle Ob elia, I)eiug the further a<1 "ellturcs of Ragged Blossom, Snugglepot :.lnd Ulldcllenie-1JIiss }Iav Gibbs' 1,-ell-Imoll'u charadl'J's_-The price of 'this hook is 1/-. -F.V_B.

RAlLWAY CONCESSIONS FOR CAMPS, ETC. During Christmas and New Yea r Holidays;

Lnst )"l'ar ,the Rai lways permittel] the tra ,-cl of Guides using concession forms Oll any trains,

a n v !late but it ,,-as llullerstood that this' a'll l'xpc;'imcnt II-hich might he withd r n"'nl. We have 1I0W been in touch with the Superinh'lltlcnt. of Passenger Train Sen-ites, whose lette'r is qllOtl'tl beloll-. "I desire to say that there lI"ili h,' 1\'0 R ESTR :rCTIO~ ,dth r('spet,t to the t'SlTAL GUl DE CO:\C I'~SSIOX FARE, pro,-i!ll'd that II-herc there is a large llllll\bel' travelling, previous notice of a few da .,-s shall be gi '-l'n of tIle destillation, train and clatc b.v which you pro]lose to travel, and tho uuml)ers :111c1 class, so that adequate accommodation may bo provided." Guiders are Tequested to notc that the Superintendc ll t of Passellger Train Serl'ltes should be i nforml'c] ill o-ood time re llarties of Guic1es Itraycl l ill~ iluring the holilln," wl'cks ( lllentioning that they will ha,'e extra, if going to (·amp). "Large paJ-,t ies" would probahlj· mean , :l1lr nu I11bl'r O\-cr 20.




CAMPING. Ca mp E quipment , NOlle of the J-Ieadqn:nters l'qllipm ent will be aV~lilahlc during December allc1 J:1nu:n·.y. }'or Ii t see Augusit issue. Sea ford Holiday Home. lhItil fmther Ilotirl' thl' y.W.e.A. Bolillav Rome nt erlfo]'(l will not he :wailal1le fOI' Gnfc1e holidays.

.' .

M: A T I 'L D A

NU\·OlUbcl',. 19:!D.



Pegersh am , Heale sville . .E'01" · details seo Septembei' issue. Combined Guide a nd R a nger Ca mps. For clet!1ils sec Sep~embel" issue. Campcra1t Week. Tf applications warrant it, a Campcraft week fOr Guiders (over 18 yea r s) l\"ill be held f '·om.18th to 25t h Jan uary inch isive, Ileal' ::VIornington; COI1lI1lHnilnn.t: lI1:iss BUi'h . Fl.'e 35/·. APplications; accompl111ied by deposit of 5/·, sho uld "be made in writing to Camping Secl'cbny at Headq u arters not later thnn 31'd December. lIf. E. BTTSH, HenrI of Cnll1piJlg.

TRAINING. .. Th[,l'e will he no yen 1", eithe " for Guiders. Training. For 'I'raining- \\' eek see

fll1·thel" Tra ining Cour ses tiliR Guide, Brownie 0" Hang-rl" detnils of 1!)th .O ctober issue.


WARRANTS. Ca ptains. 2nd M il dlll'a: :;\[iss N . Thomson. R a nger Oapta ins. . . I ~t, RUI'I'ey Hi ll s: 'Miss M. E. Mills. Lieutenants. 1 ~t Yallolll'll: JILl'S. Drummond. (Om itted from lnst list). .'jtlr Bnllarat : Miss Beryl :/arksOll. 2nd Ballarat: Miss A. 0 . W:1tson. 1st Ganierbll1'v: Miss .Jenn Couchman 1st KoruIl11111':l'a: }.Ii·s F. 'Vest('l'll. . I st· n-Ierbein: U ,·s. Sitall ton. 2nrl JI'pldu m: M iss .Tean Thomson. 1st Monbulk: )riss Hnz('1 Greell. Brown . Owls. 1st Preston: Miss R ?lL 'roll in. Secreta ri es. Division Secretm·.v, ~ol"t lr ·EasteI' II Suhu"hs:\Iiss B . Bedg-goo(l, :?1 :\[OUlI(" Stre(}(, Heidelbe"g, N.21. . . District SenetnJ'Y, South Y:rl'l':l: n:Hss W. EJ · Yin, Domaill Road, South Y ,11' l' a , ~.E.l. Oompa ny Registrationll. ;{1'(1 North Me l bou r lle 1St. .Alh'lll'S ). 211d Suney Hills. R a nger Oompany Registrations . 1st Colac (St. Anrlrf'w's ).


\\'e ha \-e just celebratrll Olll' first year as a COlllpany, aJl(l I thought .\,011 Illay be 'lnten' stcd in heal'ing about it. WhcII \\'e started a ycar ago \\'e hnd only SC\'en Uui([('s. \1'1' nOlI' ha\'e 22, with threc rccruits, and it has be~n such a happy year for us all that we telebr:l<terl it with a party. We had a birthday cake \\'ith "Gl'eetil'gs to 01'['\,a1e Guides," "Many hnpp~' rcturns," \\,1'itjen across the front, :,ud thc"e \\'l'S a fio\\'el', or b ir d, or some sutlr (J1'1Il1lllellt for each Guid e. The Guidcs an3uge(i the programme, all(l cnch p;"tl'o l was allowed 15 . minutes to do its sttlllt. A. group of fancy exercises, nlld a Law a cte d, \\,~I'e the star -performances. A song in ehal'nt;tel' :,ctccl by a leader was much :lpp laude(l. T hen, ror the visitors' pleasnre, Games were introduced, and much alllusellle'Lt "':IS nl'oused OY('1' thc Bag ,Game. 111 ~ase yon ha\'p II 0t trieci it, )latilda, 1 will tell you of it. We plac('[l 1':1 [Ie,' bngs a,t, the eJld of tIle Hall, the Gui(]rs ~t.nnr1lllg in pa't"ols at thc ot h er cnd, 011 the \\'histle cneh Girl rUIlS to the platform, picks up hN bng, blows i~ up, thel' bursts it, and nlllS hnc l! to h er pntrol J.t sounds easy, but try it, especially \\'heu oue is having a party, nnd is I'ather exeite(1. Thcn the llcxt piece of excite· 1lll'l1t was the cutting of t h ~ en ke. ~Jver'yhody "cceil-ed a piece, lind had to wish on it. 'I' he l('nrle,'S mnde impromptllspeeches . T hc lI rmne t he cro wning SllI'PI'iS(' of thf' 11 ftrl'l!OOll . The Hange,· Cnptain asked us to nc"(>l>t n ('o loul' f"am their company . \Ve con ld ha ,'dly be lieve we had hemel aright, us it I,ns nlwnys hecn 0'''' nlllbition to poss('ss n colour of onr own.

OOUNTRY DANCE RECORDS In Stock a t H .Q. Vlo\\"CI"s of Edill""rgh nlld Christchul'ch Bells P i,Jldng lip ,stirka 31111 Scotch Call-the Boatman . . . , . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Uhelsen TIear h :llIel HUllSdo11 House .. .. Jenny, P luck Pl'ars and The Old Mole " Newcas't le·S\\'eet Kate nud T he Black Mag· Gri nstock " . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . S h ('ph(lI'ds, Hey, anel Gotland's QUfldrillc .. :\ lo''I'i s: Bi ll e']j;yecl Stranger and Rigs 0' )[arlow . Oal'l'ouscl and' ]~:;n(l ;'u;~ :B'un'c'he's:1i~lTi~ ::


4/ 4/4/ 4/4/-

4/4/ -

DEDICATION OF FLAG. CORRESPONDENOE. D('~l" J\ [:ltilda, As our Comp~ll,y hns had S'lme exciting tillles of lntc. I ,thought J would let you know of ~M"(' of them, amI t hell perhnps other Guir["rs mr.v tt'll us of their doi ngs, fln(1 we IIlIW fintl ou;" ~('h'('s beinl!' of help to enpl, oth('r, \ 1'" know fl' o111 past experience just how harel it i to f ind interesting items fol' OUl' Guides,

r;, ,·

It wa.s au i mportnnt oC'('llsion in thr l,istOl'y of t he Oa.kleigJr Range,' ()ompnuy wlrr:Jl the fl ag- presentcc1 by th(' .ex('rutiye of the Oa.kleigh, ~Ju l'nl1nbeella and ()al'll~g- i e '}ui<l['s was ilcdi.ea te~l II t Holy Tri nit." C"lllll' .oil , ')akleigh. 'flw seJ"nce was conduC1i"t' d ,by the Rev. ·W. K Hnm ~h:r\\'. After the rlerlil'nt ion J\ fl's. Spring-thorpe t he J)istr iM Commissioner, "eeeil'e d thc flaa o~ vehalf of the Rangel's, .





Latter a party was held ill the Padsh H:lll to ('clebmte the nl'st bil'thda~' of the Ranger Com pany, at which about eight~, rangers, rovers aull friends were pl'('sent. Mrs. :;pl'i ng.thorpe cut t hl' 101'cly bi l't.hdu." c:II((', which I"as adorn ed "'ith oue 1'('<1 c:11t(lle. She recall ,d that thc lil'st guide coml)any, brownie pack and rangeI' c'ompany til thc di ' trict had bean formed a t Onkleigh, Th(' 1'1lUgCl'A were llssistll,l in organising' theIr sUfc('ssful part~- b," ~l1' , F. Dcnton,


Tllc Filzl'oy nnd CollingwoOd Distri(-t nl'c holding n .h{mblc Sale in the Fitzroy Tow ll lIn II on Dec('mher 2nd to help to dcfl'l1Y c:lmping pxp('nses. We will be extremely grntcflll for ally' cjoth~s 01' "w hitr ele,p hfllltS." A ny al'!iele, providNI it is CINlIl find fnirl," whole, will be wcleomerl. \\',e are particularly anxious to have fI good 1'(,AnIt flS, owillg to the distrcss t his ycar, mallY of thc children who fll'(' necding a holiday mos t will not b(' nble to go to cam.Q 'un less expenses Cfln he kept at a vNy low figl!.!'e. P fnccls ma\' Ix' left nt Hendqulll'tors, or anyone wishing ' to hnve Inl'g'c bundlcs call ed fol' should I'ing l\[iss A. :MeA. C'nmphell, Wind. :?O O!J , 01' "[iss H. Dunn, W.il84-2.


The following notes 011 trees m'a,\' prove valn able to Guiders OIL "th e wooder:-.ft trnil," (ither ill helping' th(,1ll to reeogllise. diffcl'~nt trees or in ennbling them to tellt theu b Ul'mnl:' qualitics. Peppermint. Very cIt-ooping habit, ncver YCl'y tall. Prob::!bl)' it wonld gil'c fin(' dl'." twigs for a fil'e. Sbe-{)a k. netognis:t1)I(' by its noedle-like greyish lur:llIC'lt lcts (impossible to di!!l~ing u is h OIlC spcl'ics fr')tll n lIoth('r wit hou t fruit) . Fine tJ'pes fOi' s,heltcl' fr0111 sun or rail1. Blue Gum or Mountain Grey Gum. ~ot distinll:uishahlc front one another wit hout buds or fruit, but [lilfel'ing' from ot.her gums in thcil' Y~I'.v tall, sllnft-like, hal'!" ribboned trunks_ Xot shelt('r tt'ees, hilt uscBul if light dry bark for ,n fi re is needed, Silver W a ttle.-Known by its sih'er-grecll fenth('ry foliagl'. It 's presente usually menus 1.hat lI;nter is llc:!r, L ightwood or Blackwood. Dark leafy branches nl)(l tompnrt hnhit al'c cltnl':1ctel'istie of these spccies. Good for shelter if one lI('el1s f i rewood. ' Red Gum. Gn:lI'lert, aged looking It'ees with pntchy bark. llsually indicntive of open parkiik,} cOlllltr)' lind we ll drained soil; per£ed fa:' f\ picnic sitc if ,I-OU h:\l-e 11':1 tel', but moM 1111 ~uitab l (' fO I' ,rnmping. "~ff,tildn" will be glad to receivc any results of Guiders' obscl'l-ntion and rese:lI'.ch of this character.


'1'hc Dis:tr id allnual meetiing 'Wns held nt t,lIe '1'own Hnll 011 October 31st. His WQrship t hc )1:Iyol' prt'.ided. After thc report alld ba lnllccsllcct had been rert([ and the COllllllUttee fol' tllc year ele!'tcd, :Miss Bush gayc a Vel'." iuteresti ng talk on Guicling, and :'[I's. li'aufkner, Dil'ision C'ollllUiEsioncr, b;riefly 'explai)led some of the, ,luties of a Locnl Association . Guides from thc I-nrious rompnnies, ill chnrge of ~fiss Sprague :lllci 2\[iss :'feKillllOIl, then gnvc a display which II'ns 1I'01"]{c<1 ill the fOl'm of rt compnny meeting, nlld bl'oll'lIics fl'om thc 7th Malvern Pack S:lJlg' two nl'tioll sOllgs.

011 .jrh Oc·.tobel' 1\'(' hnd 0111' secolld patrol IpnOronferencc, and nftel' it n combined Gu iders' nnd P.L's. cI·cning. 'rhe Guidcl's were invited to ten, find Intc.· we had g-nmes, rount!'.I- dl\ ueing find ~ongs. CI'S'

Sl'I'cml compnnil'S and packs have lind birth<lny prn'ti('s I'eccntl.\·, :lud six guid('s from 6th ) Inll-(,I'II :lJ'(' looking fonl-nl',l to a \\'('l>k'-end at P('g('rshnHl this month. Below is :I cop)' of 7th ;\Iall'ertt companv's (illid(' IT."nltl. Both thc words nnd t Ulle win'e wdtten hy n Gll ide i n the compnny, nnd wc have rtsked her ])rl'tnissioll to pu blish it in "MatilrIn," in cnse Otlt(,I' compn nics would likc it. The tnnc tould he slIppli('d to aJlyolle sending a st:tmpN1 nlHI nd(lressed ell\'clope to the Distr ic,t CommissionN, )[iss C. Brown, ]9 )fe)'CH H(.ad, :\fnlvC'l'll_ Oh. Guide of Glli(lcs! From Thee \\'c seek 'In coll'fld(,llce and 101'(' XC'\\' strcngth to face the coming week ThOll sendest from nbo\' cj i\ I'd olt! 1\'(' humblv nsk of ThE'e 'T It.1' hlessing on t l{i8 ( 'ompnIlY. Onc 'we ha\'c, and one idea l, Of fclloll'ship ancl gl':lC'E', 8efore aliI' ea"'er eves l'el'enl The v ision ~f Tliv fnce . Tltnt wc wtth courage cnl'nestl.v )Ln ," sct OUr ItCfll'tS to follow Thpc. Olt, Lord! Prcpnl'e us nll to meet AmI triumph oyer sin. FOl' olllv Thou eilll stnv our f('<'t, And i,ec]) us pure \'\'ltltin j Rut kc ep 'I'hv pl'csence e\-cl' IlC31', 'PhI' hn n(l to hold, Th,\' f:lr(' 'to che('r. Oh, ma ke us evcr glad to serv(' 'OUI' fellow-men that fa ll , And help us eyer to p t'escl'\'c A 10\'ing though t, for nIl, And sel'l'in~ gladly, by Th~' side, )[n ke 11S for them a wortl,y Gliil\tl,


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