Matilda 1929 vol 06 no 07 dec

Page 1

Voi. 6, No.7.

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(l l l lD l':RR'

I ~FOR),rA'I' I O~


VICTORTA, AF8 rr HALl A. 8 '·

I' ~ r

S ln g l ft

I'RICE: Year. 4/ - P o. t ell . COllies


Gti .


Eac h .

7th Flool', 60 ) rnI"i<et St., :MP.LBOUH:XE

OPI'I1 Daily fl'ol11 ]2.30 p.I11.- :).30 p.m. ~ l cKell al'

Snturclny-fl'ol11 10 a.I11.-12.:{0 p .m.

Press (A . P . ('I'uthel's, Prop ,), i\l al\'em .


lIl'aclqllartc]'s Notic'('s . . . . . . " ') Why ")Ola ti Ida"! .. .. .. .. .. B]'o'lI·n;cs'. Gui(les' ltIL(l Rangers' Display 3 Annllal )Oleetinlr .. .. 3 Brownie Page .. .. .. .. 4 Al'nu~ I Report of Bl'o\l' lIies 4 Exten iOll Guidcrs .. .. " 5 OllltJine fo], Plant Life .. 5·6 'l'rt'utment fOI' 8ualH'hitc 6.7 An Appeal to J<nilt('I"s .. 7

HEADQUARTERS NOTICES. eellls to be some dOl~bt as lo who b('ll1ngs to ",hich department at 11l'l) (I. qual'tC'l's Guiders llIay be interested to know the 11t1 meB of people doing the yarion jobs: State Seecretary: )ofjss Irving. Head of Brownie: Miss A. Paling'. H('ad of Campilllr: ~liss :M. Eo Blish. C:llllpillg ecreta ry: ).Iiss E. H. PUl'll('!l. Camp Equipmenl ."Iecretal"Y : ~nss C. Broadhlll'st. Head of [~qujplllcnt: ·Mrs. l~vaJl fearce. Hea(l of Extension: )'li8 ' A. C:unpbell. licn(l of Lones: 1IIiss R )'loran. ~I aga7.inl' See L'ota r,Y: .Miss \\'. 8 ha1'\\·00rl. ").rntilrla" SecL'ctaries: ~[i8ses- P . St('phen and F. '1'hompson. 11rad of Post Box: ~[i"s K P;l\' IIP. HClll1 of Rangers: Miss '. ('llli1erOJl. U('arl of Tl'gt~ and Bndges: )[iss G. H. Swinhul'll(,. Hca(1 of Truillilllr: ~Ii s ~I. E. Bush. Tl'llrnillg e('rC'tnr~' : ·Mis. Barfus. Offi c& Holidays. TH(' Guid(' OtIi~e nll,l Equipment Depot ,,"ill be close<l from ;).30 p.m. 24th Decemb('r, 10~!). until l~.:{O p.m. Hth .Jnnnary, 1930. Fr. TRVTNG. As there

WHY " MATILDA ?" A"lI\' h:lrk ill th ~ 'ariy days .If (,.aiding in 'Iictoria, hefore wc had any iden that t11r mO\'C'lllPnt w(luM grow into thc widespl'ea(l thillg it js to·day thcre were little eompanies (lotted about our Stat(', ana mnny 'People rC:l(l~' to graSI) the i(lra of it all if only it \\'('I'e proped.\· presented to them. Till' \\'is(' II('opl(' wllo were, ill charge of Guiding dC('i(lrtl HInt if it wcre stnl·tNl at all it must be started on tight linC'~ so that only It ~'ear after the first Stat(' Exocuti,c was formp rl It requ('st was sent to England to ask if an I';ngli~h Guider of cxperienee ('Ollid lor 1PIlt llS 10 lI('lp 8Pl'C:1(1 thr gospel of Gni(lin!! 0\"('1' \,i(·toria. '1'hl' rrslllt \\'I1S that )riHH I ~. K. RolJillS01l

D('('cnl h('I".


was sent out to Victoria, and with her CaUltl h(·1' fricnd, 1\1iS5 .T. "-. HORarth. ~[iss Hogarth \\'IIS ycry quickly inniglcd into acting as honorary Stlnte ecretal'Y in plfl(,c of ~Iiss Hamilton', who resign d to go 1'01' :1 I l'ip to l·;nglnnd. ).[jss Robill~OIl and ~1iss Hogarth worked in ~[c1holll'ne, and trayelled prctty well over Y,idol'ia. helping to start Companies and Parks. nnd at tho same time picldng lip all sorts of .\ ulltl'n 1ian 'ways I:md nameR for things. They SOOll found that sol1lething was 1\eedcc1 to keep Guiders in eounh'Y Companies in touch with \\"hat was going on ill nov.-n, nnd Ict them rend nbout Stnte happenings whi~:I. of course, rlidn 't np:I~:lI' ill ",]' he <1a z('tte," as "Thl' Guider" ",ns then railed. We had no elaborate Sy,t(,lll of Htate (lr" g:llIisnfioll ns w(' hnve to"day so the ovel'\\"ol'k('(l ~('erelnr~'. answering all the l.'ttel's hf'l'sp1f. migilt \1"P1] hay(' fclt thnt :l pnper ","ulr1 ~:l\' l' work a' w 11 as help G~li,lill ' Y hy Ilrilllr a mC'nlls of scnding much useful i~fo;' llllltion to the eycl' growi1lg population of Guirl('r '. ).[i . Hogal"th aid in hel' firm wav: "Vvc lllU t ha\"(' a pnpcr," nnd with )[isR RobinOil' h('l)1 she wrote and (>oJle~trd suffiripnt ropy for thc first is m'. But then a lIall1e-8h(' felt it must ha\'c a llnll1C I\"hieh ,,"as fitting and original. Evcr~' " r.lIr knows that fI nalllc for :lllvthinO' be it bnb.\ ', (log, kittcll, 01' lll('rely th~ 'Loll(' "Guili('s' pn i jell t, 1I('c(18 cn I' eiul choosing. '1'1108(' of us who knew Miss Ilogarth in these (la~'s knOI\" thnt the Gnidel's' j\[agazine got ;!1J the)' thougM it desel'ved, anel Yl't it was thl'l' nt!'llrll \I"jlll having to nppear fOI' th(' liI:- t time' fit least without a namc, 01' perhaps \nth , Olll(, appcllation ns "X," like the welL 1\ll~1I- women's hoc];c)' team in 1I1elbourne,. wlul'il \\"nH horn(' about th!' ~ llIn" ti "· .~ a8 "~rntil(ln, "and till hear this illd('riuite tit1(' .. tl1 !JC(':\USl' the ill\"Cnting of n name was I!'ft to th!' poor Cnptni 11-1101 n Guider ill I ho~c dllY~. Not bcinlr of a \'(,1'." original t llrll cf HUlld, and unabl(' to g(,t any inspila~ioll frolll nth PI' member of th(' te'am, ~h(' ~:llIl dl'sT>el'ntc1,Y to thc Gencral Serrctary, who lI!)l urall)" rcfused to l'clristcr a ream without a namc, "rall it 'X' till we think .. f something." 'Ph i" \\"as !lot to he t>h(' fa te of the ncw 'lli(lcr~' magazine ho\\'e"or. thanks to the f:1rt t1,at its founder wns a Guider, and an oUBernlnt 011(' at that. \1iss TTolrarth in her tra\"('ls round YiC'toria ha(l [{('pt her cye OpCll and asllN1 quc tions :(1)(1 storN1 things in lIl'l' mcmon-. One llIol'lling from the bathroom that ,'l'CII(' of HO mall.\" gl'e3t inspirations, \,h('re the Sta.te Se~retary- was performing her HIOl'llinlr ahlutioHti, e~1lle the cry "t ha"e it! 0111' paper shall be called '~1ati1da '. th(' tren · em,' hna- of Guir1cr. ' information. POI' thos!' who lh"e in the countrv no ex" pl:>nation 8ho111(1 he 111'0<1('(1, hut for' us town

])errnlber, 1929,


folk perhaps a little telling is necessary, for \1'1.' dOll 't :\11 know that thc colored hand, k~l'ehit'f carried by ever," t,vpical sWllggi(' I\'ith (he foul' co mers tied into a neat l>unl11(' in which he puts aIr his tl'(>[lSUI' (,H ia his " M atilda,' , The Guide on the COH'r with her back turllcd! Well, beeaus<, we all know that ~Lis Hogarth wouldn't ' draw faces if she could 1I('lp it, especially if she was in a hUl'r,v, as of ,'ourse she "as by this timc, is Matilda ,i~nal;illg the initial letter of her name ill s(·lllaphol'e. 'rhat seems to be a" we nced say :> bout " )ratilr] :I,' e xcept, pel'haps, about her lcgs. 'J'h('v :11'(' Ii kc t Ira t. be"aus(' )[iss Ho/.rartll alll'a.I-8 drcl\" legs likc th"t. C.)LB.

ANNUAL MEETING. The history of Guiding in Vidoria during the past I:? nlontlls ,,-as read at the (ll1ullnl m ee ting (>f th" Girl Guides' As oeiation, ~Ield at the ) [('Jhourll{' 'rO\l'Jl Hall 011 XOI-e lllber 191th. Ladr , omerg was unable to prcside, as she was tOUl'illC: .the ?I[all('e " 'it h Lorcl Somers. he conveycd b.l- lette'r a warm appreciation of the work which C\JIlllllissiOllcrs and Cuid(' l's hrl'-',! dC'llc, nll(] wrote also of thr hapjJ~- "pirit :1llima~;llg ( Guidillg ill Victoria. , IJtHly Chau"cl presided as Deputy ;';tale Com IllissiOIL('r. She said that although this ."t'fU- k.a 'S('(' ll ILO grcat acl\'tlllce ill llumbel's. tho 1110\"eIU(,llt coultl "ollgratulate itseH on a ycnl"s c'(lllsol i<ln'tioll. Gui d in g a nd s tate Schools. 'fhp )Iinistcr of Education, :\1.1'. H . I. Cohen, )LL.C., expre sed his Ihm apprOi'll I (If Guiding. " ['('ople ha I'e suggested to mc tha t Guilling ,IIould bc made compulsory in State Schools, but J fcel that that lI'ou1c1 he contrary to the spirit of thp movcl1lclLt., " he The Illduca-tiolL n('partmcnt "'ill continue to gil'c every facility for tILe alh-rlIlccment of ,the move meut by placillg schoolroom.'. b" ket,bull COUI·ts alld S])O I·ts gl'OIIlICIR at th" dispo al of Guiders. "rr. Th c nl:ls I'(' prescnted the Bo.v Scouts' As·soci;ltion. He spoke of t,he wO I'k of Ithc Ex-tellRioJl l,mILch, which appeal ed to him greatly. 'rh!' co ut Illo'-e ntent wa eager itOI !p1ac(C tl'l>ops ill all lJO)-S' in titution. Guiding anti ~k()lIbing in sU('h places seemerl to h elp comp(,llsat(' tht' c·hildren for all Ithey 111i s ill par[' Iltal :drl'dion and home interests. Outposts of E m pire. )li ' Hope Pritcharll, of Jmperial Headquar trr-s, ElIg1:lntl. gaYe an account of the amazing growth of Guiding ill the outposts of the Bdti h Empil'('. "rn Canaela ther(' arc Korth American Tndian ('ompallies, one of wllieTI is thc prourl holdpr ~.f thc lirst aid challenge hielcl," shl' l'elM('rl. "J II lnelia Guiding is stronger than ('\'Cr, although the frtct that Guidel's arc (lrawn from a iemporary British l)Opulation l11ake~ IIrgani.ntiOIl \lilrieult. The Guides of thp three [ndiDll lepel' ~oll1rpnnie~ illSi tOIl doing tIle lImc

tests as healthy Guides, eveJl if it llH' tIlI~ t.ving kno'ts with two fingers, or exercising un olle leg." Gu icling spread Inst yenr ,to the l~alklnlld 18lawls, the Soudan ana Tanganyika, continued 1 [iss Pritchard. 'rherc were odd isolated com_ l'flnies ill eyer.v comer of the globe, carrying Oil "s best the~' could in 'hina , the Panama and ~ur·h ('OlllItries without coming into any COHtllct " ' ith other Guides. Thel'c arc nOli' 6'36 guides ill Victoria-an illcrea e of +30 oyer last year's ligurcs. TIl(' Guid('s hav e ,,-on 1:366 proficiency badges dm'iug the .n'ar. Thc laundrc s badge was most popular. ~ext in fal'or ramc the cook the c hildlIur«' :Incl the dOlllestic service badges. On' l' £1-};3 has so IJeen contributed by the Guides of Virtol'i" towal'ds the IllllJerial headqllarters building appeal for £74,500. The need for more Guiders is as acute as l·VCI' . "All over the State the fUl'ther del'c!0p_ ment of the movcment is assured, providcrl that more people will yohmteer a ]('aders " sta teR Lhe r<'port. n is to be deplored that thc Browni<, pack ~It "Yooralln" Hospital School has harl to (,lose in spite of wide appeals for a br01l'1I 01\'1.

At the allnual ex('cu'ti,e meeting ~Iiss )1. B. H. winburne "-ere re -eJected foS l'xeC'u.ti I'e membe l's, and Mrs. Eu:tn Littlejohn ~rJ'3. C. H. Edmondson, and )[rs. E'-ans Pearse were added to the executive, Visit of Founder, 'rhe foullder of the Guide 1lI0YClllent Lora Baden-Powell. au(1 the chief Guide, Lady BadenPOII'!'II . iHtelld to I-i it Austl'itlia in 1931. (Extract from "The Age." ) Bu~h :ill(l ~[jss G,

BROWNIES, GUIDES AND RANGERS ' DIS_ PLAY. (.>n Satul'lI'IY, XOI'ember 9th, tho BrOll'IIil'S, Gllah's alld Rangel's of the Oakleigh, ~IurruJn ­ beeua all [I C'al'lll"g-ie District heW a succes 'f lll rally and di:;play at " _Joyous Gar<1," the home of ~\Irs. Springthorpe, the Di trict UOllllllissioner, The Guidcrs formed a Guard of TTOll 011 I' fOl' :'III'S. ]0'. Jo'uulknCI', Di,-isional UOlllJlli:;siollcr for thr South-Eastel'll Suburbs, who took the saluie at tho lll:lI'th past. Dl11illg the af,tel'llOOn the Uomp:,nil's ~a I'C clispl:i,l's of signa lling, ]lhysical ~'XCI'tL '('8 , r~lJld n\lrse 'Work alld couIltry rlanl'ing. fhe Broll'Jlles played some games, and thl' Hall ~('r~ "rrst' II t('d :t g'll\-otte ill fancy costulur. An IIlltl' l'cstilig ('oll('<'Iiol1 of handcrafts was 011 llhol\', Aftcrnoon tea wa~ al'l':Jnged by thc Executive. Thanks arl' also due to the RetUl'lINI Sol(licl'~' B:JlI r[ alld the Oakleigh cout alld 'ub )Iastcr~ who l'l'lIdel' 'd gre~lt assistanc e by taking chal'g(: of the, gates. I,'-e rvhody thoroughl.v elljo'-('([ who ':1re tlH', :rft('r~loOIl, Hnd the Guider" thrIlled w~th the excellent result of the~I' first I'a ll y :Ire. llldebte([ to Dr. and lUI'S. Springthorpe for :lllolI'lllg' thrill to holt! it in sllc·II n I]rlio-htfnI sro['. .~ ),1. LEE, Dist. B('\·l'('t:n.'r.


_ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _


MA TIL DA _ _~~~=a=~~~______________~e~c~e~n~1~e~r, b ~~9~-~9. j" ~_£~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _~~~~~~~~

OUR BROWNIE PAGE. ~onlCth~llg old, :oruethilJ g new, ~?m~thll~g magic, something true,

JIIglllg 111 plenty, a story to tell, Ancl something to make you happy and well, WHERE ' S THAT SMILE ?

Brownie Snaps, B.U,: I , What docs a Brownie do e,ery day to make people happy i" Browllie : "(,loa11 her tueth!" B,O,: " Ho,,' docs a BJ'owllie hake hands?" Brownie: "]<'ull salute! " H OW BRO WNIE H E LPED, A Bro\\"nil.' once Ihcc1 in the trull k tl£ a ~reat big tree , ?\o one 1.'\' 1.'1' dl'eamt anyuod,\' 1In'tl there at all because you couldll' t sec a, door or windo\\' ·to t('11 :yo u there really lI' ns a tilly house therl.', but just there a Browllie did Ji \'l'. :\o\\' Bro\"nio w as 'l'I'Y s hy , and if it did Jlut its hea(l outside the door~becausc there was a (1001', a lthougll no one could scc it it was so Ii ke t ile t\'llnk of t he tree, ' 'ril l' minute It h('a1'(1 an,vthing it 1YOldd pop in 'i(iP again. [-;n'lI Ithl.' bir,ls, who wauted to hc' frilllds, h;u1 ha rdly cver scen Brownil', alld so they began to think it was fl YCI'~T gnllllpy and clisagrceablc perSOIl, and so tlley told 1hl'i I' bah ies to kcl',v :1 way-hut r eall y, ]lOOT Brownic was only Y'r,)' shy, and it .iust Itl ngl'c1 to do somethi ng tn show the l,il'Cls it I(" ,'ll thl'tli . \0'1' there li \'(' (l t\\'o littlc bjrd~ i.l the ynl'y same tree as BrowlIit', ollly awa,v up alllong thl' hr:lIH'hcs, nnd line day Browllic 11(':11'11 thpm tnlkillg, 'rh e \;Idy bird said "VI/e JIIust huild 'I l1i('(', .;oft Ill' ·t," Hllcl ~I \', BinI sa id " Yt'::; n,)," de ar, ""C Ill llst," Hl1(l ~nya'y he Jit'\\' to gnther SO IllC lli ~e mat e-rial for tIl('

nl'6t. :\o\\' Browllie hcnJ'll all this, :In(l tlid want to IIt' 111, '0 at last, pluckil1g up all its co ur:l ge, it I)OPPl'd outside the door a nd ~'·l' a<l.ll'(1 some 1 0iY~I,v sofl) ,\ nos from the door tel', and ]lut it out where the bircls wouM be SLUt' to tilltl it. It eyell ,,"cut a bit further ;,wa,v ;dlrI ga.thl l (; ll the softest of everything, thisth'doWll, ancl that lovely urO " "11 fluffy ~tutr that ('(Inll'S ,dlell thl.' cap eweecl 1l1'001)S, !lncl tll('p(, too she ]lut so the birds to uM sel.' t,hp,II, )[rs. Bil'll sa ,,' the little' h cap first, alld told MI', Bini, :\ nrl hI' ]'I'ough t it lip to :\lr ~, Bird hit hy bit till thl'Y had :t 10\'<' 1,\' tOSY lI l'st, 'rhey ,,'on(h-recl who hall Iwcn so hind as to h \'I JI thl'IlI, anel then rt heir sharp I'V('S S;I\\' BI'()\\'Ilie pecping at them, a nd th('l1 they kllC'w all ahout. it, MI', Bird then fl ew !lOW IJ and knocked at Brownie's door. Bl'owllie just pel'ped out, very s 'ared, you kilO"'. but Mr, Bird chirped out so bl'ightly " I ha \ '1.' come to say ,thank you' for l1 elping us," t ha t Brownie forgOit to hI' sO shy, :In(l smile(l find snitl, "01 That 's nil rig-ht. I wantl'cl to s how ~'()11 1 10vI.'d yo u, antl wouldn't hurt you for aJl tIll' \\'01'1(1," )[1', ~o

Bil'll thl'1l told Brownie tllat Ithere wor e thrce t ggs ill t hI' n est, and promised to bring th o hahh' s to sl.'e ht'l whcn tlll',V wert' olll cnough to tumblc out of the nest, And thell he fle\\" batk to lit.tle ~Jrs , Bird. The Bl'owni, wa s "cry happy, alld smil c'lI UJI at the lI est and suit! to herself "I will 1I0t be sh y lilly 1II0re, but 'will always ho on till' look out to h elp all llIy bush frionds."

K.Y.I'. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE VICTORIAN POST BROWNIES. TIr, ' Na;;ic l{illg of Post,B,'o ;;"lIi(,8 1: :1" 1!1't1 \\ JJ 'Illi te hig this y' a r-f rom three JJn " ',ll:Js to t'ight. Ent pl'ul.!ably it won ' t oe )Iwg before ~U II ll' of thelJl flyaway fro III liS to be the (lt ll('\' so l'l of B,'o,,'ni('s, wh o go and sec Brown Owl instead of BrO""11 Uwl co ming to sec thom, l',)st~ Browll Ow) se nu s cac h 011 of them a sto ry, puc III , lettl'l', Ilic,tlU'C story, and something to du, l'\'(' I'., r month, !:iOnll.'tilllCS thc t hillgs to do get \"('l'\' ha rd to find , as SOIllC of the Post Brown" ies (':lllIIOt I' ead ,01' '\\'rite, eithel' froll! lI Ot being able t<l u I' t hei l' hands, or because they hay e IlC\'l.'l' becn well l'nough to go to schoo l, How" e\"er, most peopl e Sl.'elll to lik e co lourillg pi ctUT es :In,d, clra,nng' all sorts of things, likc frogs, a ll (l fames a lltl f:\I' l1l ya rd s, If olle month thc Br(}WII jes 'with busy fingel's arc mal,jng sOlllcthing, the othl.'r rail ha\'e sOllll.'thiug t hat doesll't Jlce (~ fing'('rs, slll:h HS a riddle in rhyme to guc~s, ," ouid you lik e to bonow a pair of fairy "ll'gS, and fl y round Yictol'ia, yisiting our lillIe (:lIl1iJv~ , Onl' ]O;lI{Cst .iOUl'lll'Y would be to PCllshurst. This Brownil.' doesn't haye to s'tay in bcd but Hhe ta ll ' t go to Brownie meetings, She l{a s a spct'ialh' lIIagi (' 80rt of Brownie sm ile anll ll(lW wh,ellever her II10ther goes away, she" !Jurs tha t ~; 1111 1(' 011 , allll k(','ps it thcl'e, Thcl'e was OlleO a tilllll whell :Mot her ('oulll lHll'dly go :i \\'a), at all -bnt that just bows ho\\" ver,V magical thc Brownie smilc is. She is \"c ry good at writing let t e rll , a nd hI' 1I0t ollly an , weI'S every single 0111.' that P,ust Brown OWl writes her, but has writtc n to another Post Brownie 'Who belongs ~o F;t. Peter's I~u stel'll Hill pack, who h:1 s to lie lJl Ih ed all the time S1I is lIOt loue l,\', ' as thero is :1noth'er Brownie in lhe Yl'ry next beet They ha\'(' such f un to' godhcr, \\'h It ~ h('ir OWI1 Browli Owl ('omes to sec thelll, t ha t ;IIIO'tllcl' littlc girl wh o is ncar thl'lIl begall to wonder whHt it was all about. HIl,l now shc 'o nl ('tillll.'S .ioi 11. ill wi th tll(,111 whl.'JI ~rOIl'1l Owl ('0 111 ('8 . She will ha ve to w.lit a tOil/! Itune to b a I'l'al B ro wnie--ncal'ly t\\'o yeal'sbut perhaps she might get stories flncl poctr\' so met im es, lik e t he uthers , ' We'll ,i sit Cau lfi eld next. A BI'o\yuie belong" inl! to thl' l~L Caulfield Pack 11a had to polish lip hel' ErO""llil' Smile a lot lately, to keep it 1lI'lg'ht allel shill.\'. You ee,:1t the begillJlillg of t l1(' ,Year s hl' wa s /!oing alJo ut 011 ,'rutche h:l\"" ing (I loycly tim e, and oh! the good deeds sill' found to do! Washing up, (lust in g', getting clin_

De~ember. 1929.

M A tt L b A


ncr. all ~l'l't s of thillgs. 'Phen one ,lay she fell and hUI·t her pour old hip again, so she is back ;11 hN pram, a!ld WOlI't be able to gel up for a Jong ti III t'. She Wl'it c~ sUl:h lovely lette rs to Po~t Browll Owl. II t l<'ast 1I10thcr holds l}o1' hanLi , awl lht'y writ e t)IC letter betw ee n Ithclll. Some of 'the It' tters arc 0 long that th ey must have had SOJlle hard work over tll em. he 10,e8 her \lodo r anil ta iled onc of her dollg " X·R~\r" after hi1ll! She lias a gurden, ~\' hith she grows i 1\ fl o wer pols, so it ca ll be Ilca r her bed. Lust 1II0nth Ber.d sent Post Brown Owl a pietur ('an1 to be threaded wilh paper st rips, for OIlC of h\'\' OWII Bro\\'nie' to tlo. Thc Browni es liked it so much that they didn't ha\··c so m :III ,\' gallles a~ usual that day. A not her Brownie "' ho has a pram too, is \'I' I',V happy a,bou,t it, because she Il:I s been J.viH~ ill Il'd fOl' a long tim e, :t11d she t hin !{s it is JO\'l!ly to be wh ee led clown the st reet sO·'llctimcs. She has !lot be(,ll wen enough to do any tests l:p till lI OW . but she hopes l hat she will soon be a,l)i!' to be pnrolled, :111\[ Post Brown Owl is IOl1king £01' :r \\'i se Brown Owl to go nnc1 ~c~ 11(' 1' ~o lll d illl es. Oll e li ttle girl kno\\'s all sorts of thi ngs :1i,'Ollt I3rO\\'lIie s, as she used to he a Brownie \~ lI(·JI she was :1t thl' Austin H ospital, 'tIId hus hae1 Ill'r hnc1gc quite n long time. Now t1:hat she is :It hOlne s he has to li e yel'\' sti ll but Rhe lo\'c ~ he'r letters and th e sto ries 'that B'rowJI 0'-;-1 t c ll ~ her, especiall.v OJl~S about fl owc rs. \'''e have olle 1II 0 1'C vi sit to maltt'. this tillle to tilla some, one who liaS .iust be·e ll lIIaa c a I' ca l BI'owllie, and xll o hnd :.1 10\'el v time the dav ,that BrOWJl Owl ('allie to gin he r her hadge. All th e fairies frolll the Bro\\'n Owl's Patk ca lli e too, a lld they lII a de n F:ljr~' Hing unde r the pe:1I' trce ill the .'.a rtlell . r ound th e bcd. That, is t hc end of our flight, an d it wasn't ~o \'r rv far, was it, \\'h('11 you t hillk that all u\'er Yid ori,,-b ~' the sell. among t tho hill s, in th e fu ..... e re mu st he mallY other litt1\' P\'O]lll' lri<1dl'll. " 'u iting ,t o join our ~.f!1gir Circle, !Jut \I' it h no oll e to shol\' t hem thl' ",a.v. Eee·r your wi se, br ight e~7es opell, Brown Owls, :Ilia SOIlI(, cia," \\' ? lIIa y ga th er them :111 1I1H1 e r 0111.' lIIagi(·. spl'll. B. i\[cARTH\.lR Post 13rowlI Owl.


General Guide Trainin g. TiI(' til's t 'uurse of Trai uillg Classes fol' Guiders Hr,d lJrosp ectit'e Guidcrs will hegin on I~Rl Dc\. Y, 21)th Fe'bl'pary, 1930. 'fil e Cla sses wi \l be held at 7.+5 p.m. at Gui(l" H eadCllw rter s, GO ~[:l1'kct Street. ~r elbourn e; Miss S\vinburn c \\'il 1 he ill (·l",,'ge. li' ul·ther Co urses will be annollllced later ; the sC'fO llr1 COllrse will probably begin in Apdl. MER,L:ji: BUSH, Head of Training.


EXTENSION GUIDERS ' CONFERENCE. The seco nd allllual tOllferCllcc of J~xtd ll ti i on Guiders W:\ 8 held 011 the eyening of November 1 Zl h. The State Co mlllis i'01Ie1', Lady Somers, \I':lS presr-Ill for so me time during the eveningJ :111 ([ spo ke to Guiders 011 tJ: he va lue of the ,,-o l'k dOll e by the fo}xtellsioll branch. 'rIiiss A. G'amp. hell. Head of Bxtensions, was in the chan. ~l:lll.v Guid ers 101',her than those de.filli~ly ,"Olllll'ctc/l with the I~X: ' \it!-= i ,)jl Rl'an ch ,,'er(' Vl'f~· st' llt, illcluding Mrs. F. Faulkner, Mrs. Little, .iohll. ~Irs. Bainbridge, ~1iss IrYing, Miss Swill. Inun(' and Mi s Paling. ~[i ss Campbell t hnllked l'\'l'ry 011 for the interest sho wn in the Hr:lnch, which to uld be seen f"om the splendid at1cll· (lallce a t the co nfe re nce. R eports of the v ariOll8 ('UlllpU lIiP ' \I'e 1'(' I'ca d, and many questions (If intercst to - l~xt(, II sion Guiders were disc usseil .


OUTLINE F OR PLANT STUDY. Copied f rom a U.S.A . I,eallm. 1.


!);o teo

:\ame of plant. :1. Wh cre is the p laut foulld? [n open (kit!. hill~id(', I'ondsi(]\', garden, wood1:ll1d, S\I·:Imp. brookside, sho l'c of pond 01' sh ea rn , in l,r (,n wa t e r ? 4. lI uw high dol'~ t hi s plaut grow ~ .j. I ~ the ste m ~tiff pliable, st rnight, drooping. twining 01' crcqli ng I Smooth , dow II .\', rough or thorny~ 6. 1st here a si ngle stem 01' mnny l:omlng frum thc sa lli e root I s the stem branched? If t h(' plallt has a (· lilllbing habit, by whut 1I1l':I IIS docs it ding lo its supp ort! 7. I f the plallt is a weed, or cultivated, (>1' \'('l'y pl c n,tifuJ . study its rootM. But if it is a be:luiiul wild flo\\'er, do not disturb it, a it is WI'OIlI(' thus to spoil our \I·oods. I ~ the root fibrou s, or is it 11 tap rout 1 it a storeho use fo r food1 R. ])0 VOll know wh ethe r the lJ llln l g l'0 \\'8 ' \'cl'y year from the sced-nn [llIllual; 01' docs it livc lwo yc.urs-h bielll\i:i1; OJ' c1p('s it grow year after ye~J' fl'om tht' I'oot-:: i ' )'c ninl! 9. Do the lea,ycs grol\" from the root, at the base of the plant; or aionR' the stem' If


M A if I t D.::A:..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---=..:...::....;.:._.:.....:...._ _ ;IlonA' the stom, :Iro they opposite " .. ;,It('l'_ n(\te~ Is tllc lenf simple 01' compouuu 10, Are the lowl'r leans of the same siz(' and f6rm as tho \Ippcrlea,es~ Aro the Iran's polished, smooth, dO''I''ny, hair," or rough ~ 11. ' Sketch 01' trace a leaf boilLg careful to show its st('m, ,'eins, and especially to repl'('sent aecul'atcly_ the edges. I:? , Where OIL the planf arc lhe f10WI' :~ bol'llt' I . \\. h:lt is their g('ncral colour? 1 '3. Docs each Howel' stand by itseh or is it in a group with other {Jowers, If so, arc tho flowers Ul'l'anged ill a cluster 01' :llong thc l'ite ml H. Which f1o\\'ors blossom first-those nearest the tllJ of the stem, or these nearest the base~ In casc the flowers arc in Il. clus· tel', do the outside or the centI'e ones blossolll first? 15. Study a. singlc Hower, Is its stem short Ol' long, docs it rise from the base of the plant, 01' docs it ·branch off from the stel.lL of the TJlalLt If the latter is the case, IS t h('l'c always n leaf where it comes off the ·st!'1Il ~ 16, Stutly the calyx or sepalH. How many are there! Arc' they united for port, 01' for their entire lellgth 1 ]7. Study the bud, Do sepals proted ~o'~" (' I' wh(,11 in bud I Do they l)roteet flower ]f 11 t loses a t night, or dlll'ing storllly <la.vB to proted its pollen? 1 . Do sepals fall off early as with popP.'·, 01' do they remaill after seecls I'ipcn~ Do :the~' p l'otect the I'ipenillg seeds I U). What color are the sepals? Do they al\\'::J.)'s I'cmuin R:lme c?l?uI' 01' do (h~y ;ll:Illg~ ('0101', as with the hlies nn(l tubps. ~O. How many petals has the flower? 1I0w . a 1'0 they eolol'edl 21. Sketch a single (lower, show!ug Its sepals, pet.als, st:1lllt'ns, pistils anll then form IIl1cl nrrullgelllent, 2:? Is thl' blossom fragrant~ 18 there n IIcdn I'y ill the blossom? Watch the insects that ,:isit the blossom, an(l let them show "(Ill whel'o the lIertar is hidden. . 2:3. Do 11owcl's close during Jlights allil •lark, stonily days 1 If they don 't, do th('~' bel111 o\'Cr ~ lIow 10 these mO"cll1C'nts pl'O_ ted tll(, pol ll'lIi :?-!. Describe fruit . How arc ripening seeds pl'otrded! Is each seed in separate husk b~' it~el£ ~ Is it with othors in Il"d (,I' capsule (scecllJox ) '/ Are there mally see(ls togethN \\'ithill Due !:1II'CriJlg1 :!;). By what means is seed raI1'iC'd frOll! parent piant to ])Jace 11:0 grow~ ~(i. Skctch fruit and see(l. . :!i. Ts plant bellcfidal or of all,\' speCial imp0l'tance to us? Is it beautiful ~ A "'eed I Of usc to animals 01' bird81 Tf so, ~a~' ho"-.

TREATMENT FOR SNAKE-BITE, )[n n.1' rl'qu('sts hu VI' been mude by Guid,er~ for n summnr~' of treatm('nt f01' snoke bIt!'. We still henl' ,'ul'ion W:1 ."S of trenting

Rllakcbitc, but Ilftel' beillg' ill touch with Dr. Fairley ulld Dr. Kellnway, both of the .Eliz~1 Hall lnstitute fol' Reseal'ch. the followlllg 1 the way ill "'hieh T (Jow explaiu the suhject to Guiders:The lil'St lllatter of illlj)orta nee is ho\\' llOt to bC' bit tell by tl s na kr, i.c., thE' ol',1\uII'Y 1>1'(" cautiOIlH fOl' cOllntrl' walking. Don't walk carelessly through th(' 10llg' ~1':lSS; ,lolI't J'.llll)'l Ol'cr logs bt'tul'c loukillg; lIoll 'lt put bILUU6 dowu hollow logs. 01' in l'ahbit blll'l'owsj br Gareful neal' 'Water, espeeinlly at .J,lak. In tleating snake·bite. it is illlllOl'tunt to do th e right things in the right 01'(11'('. ThesE' al'l'. 011 an alarm of snake 1)itr:,(I ) If bite is all a limb, ligature above main j Oint, i.C' .. a bOH 'knc(' or elbow. N.B.\s the aim of the ligature is to stop th" cir· l'lllatioll. it Illust be applied tightly in till' firot illfjtuncc. 2. Look to ' P(, if pUlld\(I'l'~ r\PllOting' Bnlll«'· bite U I'e pres!'11 t. :I. If thcl' a",' , ,d pI.' tht' \\'('Ullt\. '\' h( ! I' 1111 lI'atel' is :. I'tlila bit' . moistI'll ;t ha IIllk(,I" dllcf \\'ith saliva . 4. Cut with ordinal,\' po ~ k('t kl'ifl'-t,he best method i~ by excisiun, ;.p .'ut:iug'lot",,1 the pun ctlll'es at' a distancl' of n C]tHIl1;('r of all illCh, and a quarter of all illth d("'ll. '1'1 is requircs IICI',·C ;(11(1 skill, :11111 I would hat t' til sec a child of I:! ('l' so attempting it. The Hex t best nlternati"e is tLl I'ut ~\\'iftly thnugh ('aclt punc'ture, the cut being half all in('h long with pUllcture ill the tl'lItrl'. anu to lilia/tel' of all ill ch dee,p. 'rhe snake attackR ~id '~ w:l.vs , and it is only I).\' t'utting each sillr of IJunetur(' w(' (' nn h(' ~U1'(' th(' p o i ~on nl'('a ;~ touched. ,j, uck the \\·Ollllc1 . . \ 8 tlo(' slIa kc illjc(' b; th e poison with force, it i ' 0111.1' uatural to txel'l the rev'rse for('(' of suckiug. DI'. Fairll'y stated (\1('1'(' was no risk of poi oninA' fOI' an,"Olle i II doing thi s. G, )[assage thc limb so that any blood Ill'PS(' ut when ligatlll't' w '!~ applied . I"ill h(' got rifl of. I f wound touhnues blee(h,ng, thr ligatur e 'I'a~ I ot put on pJ'operly in first pl:H'C <1ncl n111 ·t be tightened immediately . Th~ woulI ll ('illl be washed \\' ith a dilute solutio II of Condy's Crystals. 1£ sevoral people are avnilnble to hclp, th('~' can 110 URI'ful team \\'urk. i.e .. st'II.I for dodo I' :tnd Pl'(" 1"11'1' for making pati('nt r'llllfOl·tnhlr. If 011ly patient anfl on e other [10(' ahule tll'atllll'1I1 must he l'arri .1 out b,,£ore :lll,vthiug else. I f patiellt h:l~ fainh' d with shock of . bit~, leay(' 111'1' :. loIIP until ti,e tl't'atmellt (If J.nt(, · ts ('omplete<1; then bring her to , all(l tl' ellt for sIwek, That is: K eep ht' I' ''':11'111, comfortahlr :11111 resting (clon 't 1I':Ilk 10 0 1' ahout ); gi,·!' hN hot .1I'illk~. Prohabh- nn a hil{(', Htl'ong ten wOlild hl' 01111' hot l!rink Ql'ailahh'. H ot roffcc :lnd mill, aI'(' also good, Sal Yolatil(' ('un hr gi ,'ell, but 110t n stimuluut lik e hrllndy. 'I'h!' pHtient should be reassurcd anc! not :01 · 10\\'1'(1 to suffcr undnl~' from felli', If it is po~~ihl(' th(' Iig'rtllll'" ,11t!.1 !.' ',(, ·.,:'1 lint ,,11"'1',1 fm' :.Ill hour, all.1 thell I'l'lea'l,.1 for :;0 SI'collds.


1> __t'_'·_C'nl_lJ_c...;r'~];;.9:..~!l:..:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M = A TI L D and for 30 aeeonds at the lJllxt half hour. If 11 doctor is not available after second hOI11", Icl!':l~e cI'erv tell lIlinut(,R for ~O S('('· oncls, lind after t'hird hour could leave off altogether. Four hours is usually considered t Ite maximulll time to l(HlYO a ligaturo on. DI". F:lirley toW u~ a ligature could be rel('a~('(l ("'cr,' ~O minutes for 10 se('onds, for tIte fir,t two hours, but you ra n se(' there is a ri~k of the ligatur e not being I)rOpcri.'· I e-app li (:'c l , so it i~ afer therefore if the pa t ient call -tanil the pain to lea\"(' it untouched for t h(' first hour. Tt is e scntial that the ligature is applied qllickly. Thi . an only be learnt by plenty of l'I"fI<'tie(' in t he co mpany meeting. How 1"('1' fflr awa~' ;,h(' do ctor is, medical lr('ntlll('nt mnst he obtainNl. Th e pntient Illal' l1 1>p(,llr to han' re cove red, hut seton d:u-., · ('f'fC(·t~ may ocr ur whi('h only a cloctol' can t I"l'[lt 'LB.-For bites in parts where a lign t lIrc l-nnnot Ill' applied wipe th(' ,1'0 UlHl , cu t so that it bl~('rl8 freely, then SUCK. For lig-ntul'(' ~'ou can use 1:11'g(' hnn{l'kE'1'(·hi(,£8, , ilk co rd and thick I'ubb{'r tuhing. If ordilu\I" ro rd i usee1 you IllU . t pad und (' I'!,"ath \I'itlt haJl(lk('rchief 0 1' I'llg. In rou lltry /< nOI\' 1I to hc ' nflk(> infestN1, the w('nl'illg' of puttics is t h(' o nl~' I'enl Snf('g'uRrli ag:linst hl'ing bitten. The four Yiet{)riau I'cnomous snakes are tigcr, co pperhead, hrOlyn and black snakes. A slH'cific anti-"cnine for each snake has hern (1i8CO\'(,I'('(1. The e ('a t1 he i njer.t cd b~' :1 ( dol' hlto It I'pin an(l hal' C been proved a 100 p.('. CUI'C. II'CI'(, told th ese (, lIould be :lnlilahlC' by the end of th(> year 1'!'om th(> Institutl'. :mel ill ('?SCS of n; E'l'gellr:" rO I1I(l he H('nt h,' ncrol'lauC' .



illeh wide and 4 inehe~ long. Petticoa t : 2·ply wool, 110 stitCiJ?B on ut?l'c1Je I'or skirt; 55 stitche~ fur 1)001\('.1. Bone r,('cd les Ko. 7. l(>lIgth of skil't !l ine!I'Jsj ler:gtl. of bodic e .j in ches; length of j)ett icl):lt whelt fillishrd 16 inches. Shou lder ~tl'ap Cine blch lI'idr :lllll ;I, illch es long. :.\In!i.e skil'~. ttl(>11 ca st otr eYcr,- second stitch for hodice. Mode&tie s: Pale 'blue wool (pa'tterll " f col· ouJ' of 11'001 M IIeiHlqual'te rs). 60 stitchcs; 3· pl.," 11'001, :'\ 0. hone needles, sizc 10 i nches 'It bnck: sizc 8 112 in ches at front. Booties: 2-])ly wool, all white. Xo. 12 nec'l· Irs . .J.3 stitches. Pattcrns with squlll'e toeR nrc best. W ashers: About 12 inchcs Clnar(' of Tnrl( · is h tOIl'('llinj:!' huttonholed ronlli! ill -palc l,hH'. Omission- Owing' to all ovel"sight we regrot t hat no IJ:lm c was attached to a letter ~n t he ;'\ (I ve 111 hcr issuc, ,,-!lich should have 'heon signed fl. lli('k('lI, I,t Ol'n-nl (' Company.

CAMP NEWS. Guicle, and Hangers will be camping this Yl'll l', and \I·t' hope that thc camp scrihe8 lI'il1 not fOl'get to send ill accounts of their (':lmps to ")[atilda." We hope that thosc I'cad_ (' 1'8 who hllVc lIOt r~ l" I)("l " ' il1 f ee l almost as t hough I hey I!~ '" ,I :1 t 1:1.')' I' cad ::tIl tlte .iu!ly ili c idcnL: I ', J.ic· h II'l' hope to publish ill 'E'ebl'lI~Il' ~' and }[nl'eJI. ~fall\'





AN APPEAL T O KNITTERS. Th !' F'oulldling Ho s pital in East l\1olboUl'llc is al\\,:,Y8 in necd of Woollies for the Babies :Ill(l hn \'(, ask ed IlS to publish th'cir needs so that anv Guidcs 'or Rangel'S who would likC' 10 hl.'l, by knitting' so me garmel.lts may knol'~ Ihe si>.(' :Inri t,I'PC r('quil'etl. (~uite II numbor of Guicles and Hangers [1l'e already helpulg, hut the1'(' is a continuous need for kuittcd c·lothil:g, so perhaps morc will respond. All the woollies «'xcept the .Tumper~, which arc pHII' bluc ) should he made in whitl'. 2 or 3·ply 11-001; (I, pattE'l'll of the blu(' 11'('0 1 lIIav br ob'lainccl at H('a(\quRtters. All\' patteI'll Ula~' he U I'd in knitting the' \\·oollir~. as 101lj:!' as it is fail'1I' closc. If th l' r)atterll is too open, ('specially in tho jack ets. t hp babies catc.!l their fingers in them. The pnHel'lls I'I'hich ' aff! liked best ar~ those in the little bo ok " What to 11l11ke £01' Baby," hI' Ella Allan. . vests--2·pl~· ''iool, 34 sthrhl'. Oil need le, :-\0. hone nC!'dle; si:>:e ]3 iilehes fl'OUl shoul(1('1' to ('11(1 of w~t. Shoold!'r fftrar rlnt

CAMPING. Camp Equipment. . Non(' of the Headq uarters equipm('nt will btl :I " ~ Iilablc' dUJ'ing Deceml)cr and· . For li st, see August i sue. Seaford Holida y Home. l"ntil furthCI' notice 'the Y. W.O.A. Holiday 1I0m e at R(,llfo1'(1 will not be al-nilable for Guide hclidays. Peg ersh a m, Hea l'llsvllle , fi'0 1' (lct:tils s('c Scptember iRus('. Can.:p cl'af t Week, 'rhc 9th V i ctorian Cv,mpcraft 'Week will b e h(' ld :It H cnrlrrt, Frankston . from{ 18th t o '2 5th .Jal'uUI',V, 1!l:~0. Commllndallt: Miss Bush. MEHL' ~ ,;:-·:t 1: " 1 of Camping. WARRANTS. Ca.ptains.


C:aRtl c ll1aine-~Iiss

A. C. B. Cheny.

1 at l' ppcr Bcaconsticld-iMiss Loloh King.

1st Fcstcl'-:\[iss Bcryl Christie. 6th Victol' iall Lones-Mi&s .Jean Ma iJ X ~ il. L ieutena nts. 1st 'olli.ngw·ood---4I.iss Eth el :\L Temp/lRy. 1st Deln n nllu lll-Mlss Mad g o S/t{)nc. 1st Kernllg-l\'UsS H azel Albro<lu t . 1st KC'I\"-1Iiss Yvonn e QU ittlll1T.!ln, 1st )£ol'elall(l-iMiss 'Rita B ow,)IJ. l~t Pnlhral1 -:-,:\{i~~ Phyllis Ml!.rti l1.


MAT I L D;.A.:....._ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ D_e:.-l"_o_Il.l_b_o_I".:,..._H_':''_O.

Brown Owls1st DcrrinalJulll-l\Iiss Isobel l~t


PakcnlHlm-}[rs. Thwaites.

Tawny Owl1Ft




Ranger Capta inSt. ]{ilda and Cuulfield ~ri8S :JL Patienee.




Companyht Alcxan<1r:l. 1st )[urehison. 1 st Shtwcll. Ra.nge Company.L t . A rmaaulc. 1st Xorth Fit7.l"Oy. 1st l'rahr:ln. ,\. e IYish to (·once! 1"01"' mad'c hI ' Iwjt month's list of nppointmJents of Captains lI11il Lieutellu'lts. 'rhe fnllowing is th!' cOl'l'octed lis\.

Captains--5th Ballnrl1t-:'Iiss Bervl .Jackson. 2nu Bnllar:lt~;.riss A. O. Watson. 1,t ()alltcl·bnr.\·-~[jS9 .Jelln Cou(·hmnn. 1st )[erbein-J\Irs. Stant01!. 2nd :'Iilduru-,:'iiss .J ean Thomsnn. Lieutenant slqt K(lfUlllIJUlTa-:r.nss F. 'Vestern. ~n(1 ;'[i](lru·a-,M:iss N. TI]()fl] son. ht :'[onhulk---t\Iiss Hnzpl Grpcn.

GUIDE OVERALLS. Guiders 'i n the country often order Overalls by giving tho "ariouB measurerncHts of the 111 ' (livicluol Gnide for whom th (' o\'(~rnllis illt('n(l Nl. but frequently th()se do not tally ~xnctly with any of the stock sizcs we have 111 the Ouid(' Equipment Depot. Til snch cas('s we usc our ;j.uclglllellt. which is liable to cn, so are publishillg the measurements of the Overalls stocked, with the suggestion thu,t cOlllltry Guid ('rs should k('ep a copy for referencl' " ' h(,11 or(l('ring. It sirnplHl'c s packi'ng if the o,-ernlls {lr(' ordt'rl'd b.,' siz('s (8(,1' first eolumn). Length from Neck. Sleeve. Shoulder. Size 0 ]6in. 34in. 121!2 in . Sizc 1 lil 36 16¥.! Size ~ ]3% Ii 39 Si7.0 3 14 III ·t~ Rize -l HI -lii H% Si7.e .j

Size fi






LIBRARY LIST. Girl Guide P ubUca.tions. 'fho Alnbulunco Badge for Girl Guirl(,8. A Rook 011 H:ingel'S. . Th(' l~xt(,ll.~ion Bl'lJllI·II. Thl' Book Of Drills. Thr Girl Guirle Laws. <1irl Guiding.

Guiding for the Guider. Hints on Girl Guide Badges. lIints for Second Class (N.Z. ) . The Pnlrol System. RIII('s, Poliey uIlr1 Org::lnisa.tioll (1922 192:) incl.).. Sroutillll: for Girls. Saints (If t1r(' Flag. Shori Hints 011 Company )lallngl'mellt. StCPR to Girl Guiding.


Camping. The Boy Seout Camp Book. C:unpcraft for Girl Gnic1cs. Cnmpiug Out. Camp (,ooking and Catel'ing. Tho Qn:nteJ'll:!!'lStcl' ill Camp. Stnnding Camps. ,VIla t to Expect in Call1]l.

F iction. The Golden Age. Thr 1.,011(' Guide of .\Iel'l'.ifield.

Games. BI'ownie Gamos. The Girl Guide Book of G3n]('5 (Behr('ns). Girl Ouicl(' GnllJ('s ~1I(1 lTo\\' to Play Them ( DUI·idson). Competitive Games. 'Ph(, ;'fauI'e Book of Game. Rpcrcntil'o Games. A Book of Games for Hangers anrl C~ipts. Scouting' Games. A Book of Games for Heollt~. Sixty Indoor Games. • T('um Games (Trottor). Gilel'aft Book of Gamcs. Boy Scout P ublications. The Boy Scout and His Law. Boy cout Tests. Boy Scout Complete Signalling lnstructor_ The Boy's Book of wimming. Goorl Scouting. HoI\' to RUII a Troop. Hike and Trek Knotted and Splicing Ropes. Lqok Straight Ahead. L('ttel's to a P.J.,. on the Tl'IH11Hfoot aurT Serond Class Tests. L('tters to a P.L. 011 the First Class Test. L('tt('rs to a P.L. on th(' Seon! Law. Lettl'rs to a Wolf Cub. Maps and How te Read Them. Th(' ~ight SI{y. Pioneering and :"Iapm:l.king. Points for Pah'ol L('adprs. 'rhe QlI:!st of the Bo~·. Scouting Sketches. Sceuting and th(' Adolescent. Tho Seout Commissioner's fTanilhook. Scouting Out of Doors. Surl'e.ving :wd )Iallmaking. Saturday Aftel'lleon Scouting. Scout Prayers. Talks 011 Ambulance. Tribal Training. The \\igwlllll Papers.

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