Vol. 6. No.8.
·J AKUARY, 1930 .
onDER' l;\'I"omfATION
VI TORIA, AU81'RALIA. l'RICE: 3/- per Y~.r. 4/ - Posle,l. 8111&,1..
IlEA nQu ART.!'.:R., YICTORl A
Eoeh .
7th Flool', 60 Market St., MELBOURN F.
. Open Daily from 12.30 p.m.-5.30 p.m.
Saturday-fl'om 10 a.I11.-12.30 p.m.
McKellar Press (A. P. Cruthers, Prop,), Malveru .
January, 1930.
News " adi e1es, s tOI'I!'R, ' etc., for inclusion ill "Matilda" should be torwal'ded to the Editor, c/o. Girl Guidc Headquarters, 60 Market Street, ::-.rl'lhol1l'1le, C.l, hy twenty-khil'd of the mont.h.
Companies and 'Park at '1'nllallgatta, and the Company at Seymour. Shf' tested the ~irst recruits ill the Company which has Just been . t:lJ'trd nt B!'('chworth nnd formed loanl Committees at . COl')'~'ong, Alexalldrn, Beerh'\\'oliIL, :t Iso te ohllg' Guidcrs in the ,two last place. She visite(l Myrtlefol'(l Yaeknndnnoah a 11(1 Yea, ,,'hel'(, ~\' e hop!' Companies will be forme(l Intel', an(l at B('nalla. an(l1.Iarysl-ille te.te(l and ('nl'olloo Lo!!e Rangers. Everywhel'e ){iss Moore found n keen intcrest in Guiding, anel the' Companies :I1H1 Pnrk, cnthusinstic ano happ~T. Korumb~rra nnd: Foster were ',";sit,'rl !his month hy Miss Rassell, mainly fOl' testing Guir1cl'S in 2nd clnss "'ork, while Miss Moorc nnr1 :'fiss Tl'l'ing yi iteo Wonthaggi for n similar pUl'pose, nu,l for testing anr1 CllJ'011ing Gui des. Surh visits help 80 much townrds maintaining tlte fceling of unit.v hetwe!'n CountJ'~r nnd TO'Wn Guiilcs, an(l are full of intcrest for the tOWll Guio!'r , who ne\'er fails to fino ronsistent and loyal effor,t being made b~' Guioers nnrl Guides a1ikc to rn1'1''' on the "Game" in the tru(' spirit of chcp'ry he1pfulncs nn(l fl'i('nrllin('s~.
CONTENTS. Page Tmprl'ial Headquarters Bui1(ling Fund Count",r Visits •
2 2
N a tnre '8 .J oyous Riot Brownie PAge .. "ITel'e '8 to Us" " Erlension Echoes The Lone Look_Out .. .. . .
3 4-
.. ........ . .
6 7
Snburhs Rally
Rtl'adlJl'oke Competitions, 1 D30 Commissions and Warrants •.
Donations to _the Fund frol11 Victorian Guides now nm?un.t to £197, and we hope that the £200 111:1 rk WIll be well 'passe(l. It has been agrel'rl by the Australi:ln Statc that t,he! sl,:.oulc1 combine to give :1 TO om from Aust . :ba. he suggesti()n cnme from the Ap_ p('R;1 i5ecretary when she had to inform VictOl'Ja thM no st:d)'cases w('r(' :I\' nilable and now 'We are hoping that" Australia" wili be a worthy effoTt. Rooms cost from £500-£1000. So thl' nearer we get to fI £10(10, 111!' hettl'l'. -We know that thel'(, are still Companies who mean to contribute, Ih ut have not yet sent in their d~nations. 'Would they do so just as soon ns pOSSIble, 01' at least ll't us know wha,t tllP''' hopl' to senel ~ . . Any Compa~lies who have given money spe_ rlally fol' bl'lek or ronle1' stones ,,·ill hnl'e the'~(, built into "Australin."
S. 11.
By E'\ir Robert Baol'n -Pow('l1. 'J'hl:' sky, the earth, the Sl:'n~~no all that in them is. Th(' far-off ~"or1ns in l)ollndles sph!'r(ls of sparp, 'I'hl' sunshine brenthing life within OUI' Nother Bartl!, 'I'h(' or('nns with their tir1es nnd t('eming dl"pths,
'I'h(' sky, the sea, the earth-and all that in them is, Vnkeo 'neath the tl'illlH' arrr-of Hope nno Faith and I,ov!' (This, God's bow, glenllli.11g throu/rh the darkling forcst aisles . Tnspirl's the' light of rloi !:'ters hllilt hy mell ) . 'I'h(' ('(11'tll, the st-a, the s'k~r-an(l n11 thnt ill thl'm is. A Illotle~' , live and joyous fnmily, All plllsing hano in hand in goo(l nrcord To romrnrle in the Maker's mighty schrme.
COUNTRY VISITS, During the la t t.wo months ~evel'nl visits have been Ulnoe to new and to exi~ting pountr." (lilltrirts .• Mjss ~roore made nn ext')llsiv,' trip b;> rnl' to the ~ ortn-East of Victoria, and \'i ited th('
The Trefoil 1l1nl'ks an i1l1ler hnn(l of hlue-thr Guides, W h ose aim is laid to find , nnd how, t he ,,-ay; To pIny OUI' par.t in service £01' the whole, And 'b ring about !,rent nelLborn fruits of Love. -Taken fl'om the Guiding Book.
.tanuary, 1930
~~--------~------=------THE BROWNIES.
OUR BROWNIE PAGE. "Sumethillg old, something new, Something magic, something tru e, ~inginA' in plenty, a story to tell, Aud 1l0l11cthiug ot makl' you happy lind 11"011. '
ome BroWIl 0,,-18 may not yet have discovered that!; there are now two books stocked at H .Q. oU this sub,icct:J.-Browui e Games (Rhys Davie>!.) 2.-Brownie Games (E. Pelly). '1'his secoud book belug particularl.v helpful alii! "Brownie_ish."
The following bl!ok· have been added to the l.,ibrary:No. :?5-Winks-Australian Fairy '1'ales of Nature. ~(} tories of the Bircl~. 27-1.00 Singing Games. =? -Tales for Brownies. 29-Peter Pan lind Wendy. 'W ill Guiders please he rareful to enter all:" uook they borrow, ou the Il'ft·hlllld page, aud re·enter when retul'lling, immediately opposite, on the. right halHI page. Country Browni!' Gllidl'rs who would care tu borrll", from Libwrv arc asked to send stamped and addressed enve'lopc to 111 (' at 129 :M·arshall Street, Ivanhoe, N.21, and 1 will end a list of hooks to ehoo'e from, and post those asked fOI·. D. SEDGl!'JELD.
PACK NEWS. 1st South Yal'l'a Bl'ownies Ilave really been trying to "Lcnd a Hand," thcy eollectea " par_ eel of groceries, 1111(1 two parrels of clothing :lnll toys, 1'01' tIle POOl' people hit by the drought. Each Brownie also ',wed ISL'i!peuce of her ,"cry 0'1'11 to buy a rag doll, which she wOl'ked :t nd sent to the Babies ' Home at Christmas. One BI'ownie explained she diiln't have poeket mOlley, but sold some bottle. she found, and ga,'O B.O. the money.
(Adapted from Ol'lginal Story of "'1.'ho Browllie'," lJY !\Irs. J. H. Ewing.) ~cene
1:---1uside Cottager's Kitchen (poverty alld general ulltidine s . appar~nt~ . .J<'atbel':-B!tirlls are a ,burden (slghlllg). 1110ther (knitting) :-Bail'us are .. blessing. Father:-Al'e they? (emphatically) Look at Tommy-that boy does uo,t hing but whittle sticks from morning till night. 1 havo almost to Jug' him out of bed 0' morning. If 1 send him an errand he loi tel's. 1 'c1 have better have go ne myself. If 1 set him to do any,thing, I ha~e to tell him everything. I ould ooner do It III vself. ':Hother:-fl'he.re's Betty. he has a face like an apphJ. Father:-And about as useful (stumps out ) , (EII,ter two childl'en, Tommy anrl Betty). Tommy:--.l'm so hungry, and th('re's Duly dry bread for tea. Betty:-'l\![.ummy, flo tell u a story, so we WOll't think about it. Tell us about the Fairies. ~[other:-When I was a little girl my Mother used to call them Brownies. Betty:-What were they like, MUl1llllY? 11Ioth('\':-Like tiny wee folk, they say, dem'_ ies. ']'0l11111y:-What did they do~ Mother :-They ea me in hefol'e the family wel'O ull, a nd swept 1111 the hearth, and lighted the .fir('. alId set the breakfast, and tidied the 1'00111. and did all sorts of house work. But tIlI0y neyer could be se~I1, and "'erc off before any one II'HS about. . Be-tty:--Qh, ~\[ulUlU.", why did they go~ l\Iother:-'1'he Old 0,1'1 knows, Ill." deal', I don't. Betty:·--Who 's the Old Owl, Mummy~ lIIother :- r don't exactly know, my dear. It's what my :Mother used to say when we nsl<ed her anything that puz;dccl ner. Tomm y:-l wish the Bn)\l'Ilies 11'(1\11<1 ('Olll(' here. Betty:-They'd tid." the rOOlll'l.'ommy:-A ni! cut the wooclBctty:--<Anil pid< ull the thi.LJsTommy and B('tty:-Oh, I wish thE'Y hadn't gO~lC away. l\{other:-Go to bed now, children. I,}ND. OF SCENE I. eene 2-0utdoor s. ('l'Ollll1ly aneI Betty stealing through a dark pine wood. ) Betty:-[ wonder if tlle Olel Owl will be awake. Come Oll, To III 11l.v, we'll SOOll he thel'e no\\'. Toml1lY:~ wish the 11100n W:J.S up. OwJ:-Hoot! Hoo.t! 'I'll-whit, 'I'll · whoo! Uf-me IIp! Como up. (hoarsely ). 'rol11my:-Why, she can speak! Bebty:-Then it must be the 0111 1)",1 lIil)ther told LIS about.
January, 1930.
O\d:-Come up here! Come ,:!P he1'ol ~ Chil.J.ren climb up). Tommy:-Please, Mrs. Owl, can you tell UR w here ,to find the Brownies 1 Owl:-Oo_hool That's it, is it~ 1 know of two, ,but they don't !;ike work. TI,f'y are idle, they are bogga rts (shakes herself fiereely). Tommy:-'Then we don't want them. Betty:---What is the use of having Brownies jf they do nothing" to help us O\\'l:-Pe~aps they don't know how! Tommv:-I coulel tell them. OW'I:":"Could you? Oohoo! Oohoo! TOIDllly:-Of course 1 could. Thcy could light the tire, and set the tabl!'. and sweep the hOllSl', and all that svrt of thing. Besides, they could see what was wanted. The BrOW11il's did all t hat in Granny' young days, ~[other says. Betty:-Oh, there's lots to do. Owl:-8o there is! Oolloo! Oohoo! W!'ll,l (;Ul1 tell yon 'whe1'0 to find the Brownics. TOllllllV and Betty:-OhJ where 1 0\\'1:-00000! Oohoo! Now listen. You must go to the North side of the lake when the moon is shining, :Jnd tUl'll yourself round three times, anrl Ray this eharm: "Twist me and turn me, anl! show me the Elt., r lookerl in the water, anc1 thcro saw- f , Theu look in the water, and you \I'ill ~cl' til!, BrOI'-)lies, and think of a word that rhyme with the fir t lin!'. Tomtny:---<Al'c the' Browldes mermaids, that j hey lin! uuder wated Owl:-Go Dud (li5('ov!'r for yourself. 'ru-whit, 'l'u·"'hoo. Tomm.\' and Betty:-Goo(lbye, Mrs. Owl. (Childron go off.) (::IIoon shining brightly. Children g() t~) ~ol'th side of IHke. Turn round three times, and J'e'_ peH t aloud the Old Owl's Charm. Tin'.\' look ill u nil see nothillg but their ()wn rpficrtion ill the water ) . 'l'OUlom.v:-"Vhy, there's no one but us. Bettv:-\\'hat ran th !' word th e? Tom;ny:-Belf, Celf, DeH', b'elf, Gelf, Helf, .JeIE. What l'uhbi8h! There s rHn't he a word DO fit it. Bett.I' : -Self! I'ye got it, myself ! "Twist me ana turn o1!', and how me the El£!, I looked in the wr~ter, a nd there saw-myselfl" Oh, Tommy, we're the Browniesl (END OF OENE TWO. ) Scene 3-(Early morning. Children tr('('p soft· Iy into kitchen.) Tommy:-r' inn going to light the tire. You ('all tidv till the 1'0001-( buts work). Betty:-JWhat do you think I've fouIH1-F:tther's hamll1('l' that he lost last ~yeek! Tomm":-IGo'odo! That'A just a sort of things Brow]Jie~ do! IJook at m.\' fire! Isn ' t it .a beauty! (Children set breakfast and sweep up.) -I:{;)tnem'bel' we mustn't be caught. Let's run back to bect'. (Exit.) (Father comes in mystified). F:1,t her :-Why, would you !believe it! W~lO coulc! have done all tbis ~ J've hea.l'd tell of the Littl!' Poople. This is wonderful! ((lalls ~{othel' in).
:Mother:-Why, isn't this 101'e ly I (O hild(en dance in). Fathcr:-\\·lto's doue this I Tommy aud Betty:-Jt's the Brownies (dane. i Ilg' round). Uothel':-Wherc are the Brownies I Tommy and Betty:-TheY'l'e here I We are t h(' Bro;vnies! . . (Father passing hand over forehead.) Fa th('l':-I uppose r'llI ge.tting old. I can't !;ce da.vlight through this. Who has been d0111g this? Tommy and Bett.y:-We hayc. F'ath(,I': - How is it you n('\'el' did it before1 TOI11J11.r:-W!' \\'el'l' idle. Betty:- We were "Boggarts.' , Both :-Bu t we aTe Hot going to be any more. ?lroth('r:-~l.r two littlc Brownies I ~a ps th!'l1J both to her. ) END.
The jolliest camp tha t oyer was! That'ti us! Just imagine 41 very nice, very inturestillg Haugel'y Folk, living iu 20 ' ~\'oILbohaved tents, on an entrancing spot call cd " 11l1l1.v.;ide, " all([ .\'on ha \'e us. And when one of the .H is 1I1i s Barfus, ConL mandant (Oll!' Auntie Jessie, with a taste for speeches ancl two helpings of each (lourse) and another is Lf'na, (a Q.M. with a de ire to play hil'di!'s) is it auy wonder that \\'0 style ourselves ns above? ''i'hat do we c10! Oh, \\~e eat, we sleep, I\'e read, we talk, we swim, we sing, we work, (oh, ~'e ! 'I'Ve work!) and then w(' cat and talk :l1lc! 'leep some more. 'I'h!' \\'eather Clerk so far has iJf't'll wonderfully kin<1, and has sent tons of hot rays upon liS, with I'csnlt that First Aider is always on j hc run for "calsominr," anc1 we go about looking al! though each anrl everyone of us hac! fallen in to Q:1vL's flour. Of course II' h'I"H' our ups and dOWl\S- mosU.v Hilder our beels. But to b!' serious. Thl' Cnl11Jl is proving to be an in~pil'ation to many of u ', anel WI' aI'\? \'ery glad that there ar(' such thiug's as Rangel' Camps. W!' ll1t't for Rangers' 011'11, at sunset, on a slope facing the ~l' a , :1I1c1 with 't lle ealm beauty of the ell Ibefore u, and the' gooc1night hymns of ,Tatur!' around liS, the quiet wOl'ds of our COllL manc1a n,t, as h(' poke about «he h!':llthilless (If our spir1tual liyes, made us f!'el that Goel is very J\eal'. To all who camp in the future, we wish the joy and peac!' that tllis camp is bringing to 11S, and 'lVe do wish that many more roulc1 be sharing it ·.."ith n~. ~LW. &E.A. 21\(1 Com. Rang!')' Cump.
MA or i L f:> A
January, i930.
Thcle al'e now fOIU Bl'owllics and one recruit ill the Pa~ k . Since AUiust 28th, 1928, three Brownies hav e gOlle up to the Uo mpany, ono ha left ( ha "ing beeu absent from r hool fol' many mon ths owing to an ac.ciden t), and t \\'(1 littll' new ones h''''e joined, onc of \\'hol11 i not yet cnrolled. On August :!Hth we Welc.OllIed our Co nllnis_ sioner, Mrs. Bnll1y, who "isited the pat Ie for the fi I'~t time. On October 25th "'l' had our fir~t "going ujJ " ('('rcmoIlY. On 6th Det ember we took the Brown_ ics to all opell meet illg of the 1st 'l'oornk P'lI,l<. The," had llc" e r met other Brownies 'h efol'c, an(l \\,l'ro mo st intercsted in everything' thC',v dill. On December l'~th Mis Campbell (IH'all of J~x , tension ) came to the Pack and pre~entl'<1 til e B"o\\'nies with tile;,' f;"st Sl"" ' ;,·{, Rt:"" "'hi 'h \\':1S :t gr('a.t thrill fol' them. 'Vc aIL gathered a;:rain on Fcbrua I',y HI h, 19:2!1 , and on Feb. 29th to01, the Pack for a picnic to the Red Bl uff, whcre we have a lovel:v time buthing, the BI'0\\1Iil's not heing in tl.. e least frightcnctl of tilt' ,,'ateI', ;)11<1 "CI',)' k('C'1l to leaI'll to ~wi lll . Two friends :dso callle to help us. On F('l). 2 th ::\[i>s Broadhurst «':Iptaill of till' :?lIel Prahran Co.), anel thc Guilles ('allle to 1'1' , lcive another Browlde into their compnll,'" () ,' April lSth Miss Pulillg ( Head of Browllies) iJL "i t.e11 t Ill' Pack to go and SCl' he l' , WI' pla,\'('<l gamrs Oil ~he hnnl and listelled t o :1 story, aJl(1 th(' BrowlUes thoroughly en,j 0."('(] th('ir yi it. On May 9th the Pack wa s presellte<1 "'ith ' (1011 in a cmdle, which was heautifull.v ma(!e by the childrPlI of the "Littlp School" at " Ruy' ton." It was a Il'I'pat .io~' to thelll all. 11 11(:'" recruit aleo al'lind on that (lnv. On lIfay 16,th. the Brownies pack<'C1 u'P 30 pairs of bed soc'ks, \\'hi"h tll(',v had knittecl. fol' the Brownies at the An~tin Hospitnl :111c1 at "Kildollnn," sOllle being nlso scnt ;dth two
singlets, iu l'esponse to an appeal, to Lady Forster's }'ree Kind,erga.rtell. On ::\Iay 30th the C":1ptain and Guid~s ('lane again to receive another Brownie into the Compan)'. A littl e friend of one of the Brownies tame to the Pack several times, al1(1 was "er,v 1(ep1I to join as a Brownie. As our P;)(' k just at that time was So ,'ery small (o nl.v three Brown_ ies ), we made inquiries :l' to " ' het h r we coultl iJl,b'odnce 0111' 01' t\\'o chilcln'n from outsi(le, but the fnstitute fouu(l that it I\'o ulcl leac1 ,to com_ plications, and i was therefore ndYisabl e to keep the Pack ·c losl'd. On .June 27th a nelY little recl'ui.t not quite sc vell years old, a l'J'ivc<1 , Oll August lst another little recruit was (,n, rolled. On Sept. 5th th(, Pack \'lsited the 1st PJ'ahrau Bl'ownies and \l' e had :1 combined meeting. Ha\T_ ing ,tolcl the Brownies of the Brick Fund for the ncw Headquartcrs in London, they were Vl'fy keen to (10 sl)mf'thing to help. One of the older Brownies knitted a Brownie Oap whieh was Rold to another Puck, ano some of the others Imitotecl smaller thing. I've also dedded to ha1 C' an Ope n )[eeting, with an entrance chargC' of a silver COill, und it was heM on Sept. lUll. Our C"ommissioner wa s present, uncl th(' Pat k, us a l'PSlilt of their etrOlts, seut in 13/3 to the Fund. The 31st October was su~h a lovely day that we cletir1ed to go to the Botaui.ca I Gal'dem., wh e l'(' thr BrO\\,llles li tened to the birds a11(1 loved fill(lillg out the tlilIerellt tre('s an(1 flo\L 01'8, wllieh they ('oul,1 smell as 800n as WI' elltel' c1 the gardens. We finish ed b.v rolling (10\\' 11 the stcop grass s lopes, and just as we were about to leaY e, a stl'1111ger \\' ho, w'jth thl'ee other lIlen, haa heen wat ching the Brownies, ca me up f'nd aid he ea l11 e from Westl'rJl Au halia, an,] woul(l like to gi\'e something to till' Brownies, He woulil 1I0t tnl,e a refu nl, and we could not flo otherwise than nceept their k~lId gift of 19/10. On at., 9th ! ov., the Pal'l< joilll'd the l$t Toorak, and \\' P all dJ'o\'e off in a vall to tlll' Camp Copper Carnival at "RUytOll," wherG they hud a happy time. They all had entered for tlle Brownie Handcraft Competition, and ncuJ'ly all got a prize, and for klli.titecl bedsoe'ks nnother for a raffia basket, and the Ilbircl for a little basket made of plasticene. Two of the Brownies lUI' 'almoE/t, ready Ito receive 'their Golden Bar . Th e tests, as they are set out in the hook of th e Extellsioll Branch, hav o not had to be altered at all. The different roloul's of the different crosses of the lTlIion .Jaek are what they find most (lifi'i , ('lilt to J'C'm('lruber, a they do not conyey anything to them. l\Iis3 Enid Stokes, wlJose llelp ha,s been in , valuable, has agaiJl be('n Wi.t11 us a Tawny all through the year. We also wis'h to thauk the Superintendent, l\LatrOII allcl all the staff) who have dOlle all they could to help us ill every way.
.tanuary, 1930. 2nd HEIDELBERG (AUSTIN HOSPITAL.)
\\' e held our birthuay party on Saturday, De· cemiber 14th. The party was a Christmas pre. sent to us from 2ud St. Ki Ida. We were to have ha.d it Oll the lawn nuller the trees, but the weather was so unsettled we went to the Han instead. During the af,ternoon tIll' e HOW reeruits lI'ere enrolled, and Alma Hume, our first enrolled Guide, received her second serYice star. ome of the Sisters and Matron were our guesrts, alld after Alma Hume had lit the two candles Oll our birthllay l'ake, 'l \fatron cut it for us. W' e Wei
e pleased that aftel'lloon to w(llcomc sev.)ral ntw recruits, and Olle guide from Ward 9. This was our fir t gathering together. We all spent a very happy aftornoon, and are \'CI'Y g rateful to 2nd St. Kilda for their kiind thought in giving us the party. Another groat excitement was that 1st Annada Ie invited thc Captain and foul' Guides to go to Camp with them at hlel'l'icks, from Saturd:ly Illorning until lIfonday, ,an(l wc were delighted to be able to alCcept the invitation with Matron's remus ion. Very early 011 aturday morning we raIled for Kath.v lit the Hospital. She had been up sincc daybreak! Alld the others were picke(l up en route. We a1'l'ived about 11.30 allel, to our great de_ light, we were all put into patrols, so we really felt we Ib elonged to the camp. Never did Gtddc do their orclerly worl, so I'agcrly and keenly. It was all so strange :Jt first, but we soon settled down, and became quite at home. All too soon MOllday carne, and with many regrets we sa id "Goodbye" to 1st Armadale. On the "'<ty home we visited ] st Kooyong at Hendl'a, and stayed with them until after tea. At a. "disgracefully" late hour for a hospital, Kathy, a tin'c1 but very happy gui(le, ani \-ed home, and crept up the ramp to find a smiling nurse waiting for her. From the darkeneel venllldah and wards came. sleepy voices: "Thn t you, Kathy. Did you en_ joy youl'self~ Tell u~ :.Ill abuut it ill tho 1ll0l'll_ ing," and for many (lays to come Kathy will tell them of the marvellolls things she did in camp. ...:....A.E. Dear Matilda, 'W e have many rccl'Uits couring on a.t the Austin Ho pital. 'rhey all want uniform, and it is ha I'd work to finc1 uniforms for them all, so if any Guider 01' Gllides have allY old uui , forms to spare, we sllall be very glad to have ,them. It does lIOt matter if they arl' torn 01' faded. We can use them all. Yours sincerely, AMY }}MBLING, Captain, 2lld Heidelberg (Austin Hospital) Ooy. Windella, 258 High Strect, MalveTll.
correspondence shou ld be addressed to Miss E. Moran, Winter !'ltn'ct, 11011\' 0 1'11. H.BA.l
During .Ianuary a number of Lon<:s \nll lJo tamping, Lone Rangcl's are travelling from all llircctions to the Combined Ranger Oamps-allli Lono Guides from Gippsland aud the JOr thC1'Jl Division have been invj.ted to Company Camp!! at MOTlI ingtoll and Frankston. Camp is anticipatcd with gl'("lt joy hy tilO LOllt's. NC\'el' having ,seell Guides hcfore, and not even OWlling a uniform, it is tl'elllelltluusly \:lXciting to seuel to H.Q. fol' the thing 011 the kit list, a n<1 to Teceh-e and open the parcels, then to tra\'cl to town, to be ml't by your Cnptain, and perhaps to &tay with h l' overuight before ,ioining the Guides on the" rnmp tl'aill," is Ill! most thl'illillg in itself. ']'hen the arrival at camp; seeing yow' teut, filling your palliasso, and tnking part hI a Camp FiJ-e wHh 30 others, sta~- i ng thcrc a week, i" uniform every clay, (loing tests that yon have been IHnctising fol' mouths, being in a l'l'al paL I'ol-wt:'ll, t hero's 110 dOlubt that ~' Oll "I'l' a GU;llc ab~olutely. .It would he :1 spll'ndif\ idea if e"erv Lone company rcsoh'('d to cnd at least two member' to camp each year. More invitations from (Jompany Camps w'ere rcceived this sea on than wore appli 'ations, all(1 it is probably ,t he expellse il1voh-('(1 tllat prevented more LOlles from ap· plying. Train fares ill many eases wonld (~moullt to mOre than twite as much as the actual camp fee. It is advisable for each ('olllpany to havc its camp fnncl. This ctIn either be OIL the Saviugs BalIk sy tern, 01' is a gcneral fund to provide money for the cxpense of Lones going to camp -01' both. rn either case it i very neeessary to stll1'lt early in the year ancI gin' an account of hoI\' th e fun(1 is growing, iJl eal'h Compally LcttCl·. T'hi~ give each Guider a c1cfilJite intcrcst in camping as far as her company is eonc,el'ned. Ki,t lists also can bc eJ..'plailled carly in the
.Jannar,",1930, M A TILDA ----~--------------------------yC:II', allel dircctiOllS for making a nd mRrldllg
the articles required can be given Itt intervals in Company Letter, A Lone, 11'110 previously did not have any specinl iel('a of what she wantt'd for her hil,tlL (]n,)',
lIIay decide slle "would like a set of enalllcl
plat!'s an(] mugs, hng', or
n gl'onne]sheet, or a sponge
hoot :lnd badge cleaning outfit,
camp hnt, 01' cn'n a hathillg gown! Thrrc nr(' so mnny thing'S that shc will not have, and jt is not to ht' ('xp<'rtcc1 tlHlt h'~r paron ts ',1 ill pro· 1'ie]r th!'lll all for C'llI'ishnnsl ''Vhcrfl:1~ if Sll(' Imo\\'s r:1I'ly in the ~Tem', sh(' ran Ravc; 11(;1' Jlock r't mon<,y linn n.cqn1l'C' h('1' pel'sol1nl <'rlmp <'!]nipmC'llt h~' rlrg'l're, RE.1\r.
til!' 1\I[agazillc of the Lones, t t came ont" ngain nt Clni tmastime. Sb 2 .1.PI'I':11'3 twic<, a year-in June and December, Thel'c nl't' twenty pllgeR-thl'ee neV'qted 'to JJone Rangel's, Tho othcl's contain news from Lone companies, hnndcl'afts !lnd llicture, The ('ost i ~ ~hpenl!<', post<'n seY<'lrpenre. Thcre a 1'<' still som n ccpif's left if Imy one would likr onr . She has a covel' with It picture, t t
The bright sllnshine on the 30th November hailed by our folk with delight, for wae not thnt ,the day of our Division Rally our Gui!l" wny of snying "Welcome Home:'" t.o Lad,'T Somers, Ollr Stat!' Oommission('l" The special train carried us out to Eltham, IdlOl'C we proceed en to make ourselves at home "aeh Ol1i(](' Company and Brownie Pack in its allotted plrtce, inc1icated by l'fll"iOllS cololl1'en flag . During the hort" slack perion," "'hich foL lowed th<, first excited bustle we were much pleased and llattel'cd to discover ~omeolle taking mO\'i ng pictures of us. Of course, our most ol'illinllt smiles flashed out, and did our best to :l.ppear to adyantage, but that was soon forgotten lI'hen we dashed up the t110pe to form n Gual'd of Honoul' for t he Deputy Stnte Commis_ sionel', II'ho must have felt impressed by the two long lines of uniformed figures, standing straight 1111(1 still, then, hut rea(ly to jump to life :lnd activity at a word, The Deputy State W'lS
Commissioner WflS attended by the State ecretary, whom we n11 knew by her red cockade. After lye had hl'ol<:(,11 I'anl<:, Ollr I'uulling shoes WNe bro nght te light, anc1 we as embled to join in, 01' aprlaud the yarious I'aces, TIle flag·race raused great exeitement, the winning tenm being wilrlly cheer d for their gallant tinal effort, as th"il' pr08pects .iicl not appeal' very bright at thr beginning of the jblaI. Tn the intervals betwren gnmes, caments ~I'rl'e much in evidenee, an!l the sllnps ohtninp<1 will be hnppy ones to 100], hack 011 " ' hen "'e :11'(' !Ill 01<1 la(lic sit,ting in fll'nLehairs, wlltrhillg othel' grncl'ations of Guides ('omiJlg lip. The ice-Cl'C!llll tt emporium" too ,,-as milch in C'Yiilellre, and did a tt l'Oal'ing" tmde. A nothel' stl'llrtu l'r ,,-hirh stood g'l'imly auel quietly on the field was the hospital tent, but tho rupplicants for admission were, we are glnd to kno'\\', con picuol] by their n bsence. While our coppel' wa , wonrlprillg whetll!'!' to hoil or not, we wnnrle]'ecl I'ounel, and ilisro\"eJ'Nl !I wenlth of lo\"el\' nOWP1'S 'l1ld fcms on the 1.,anks of the cl'eek, which flowed b)'. The .Tllck_ ie_Kookas" up in tht' tr('Ps seemed to be enjoy, ing th e Rally as ml1rh as we were, and 1nl1g11ed and chucklec1 li'ke th(' hest of Guides. ,oon we tm'llcd our nttention to TEA, Th r billies appeared, nnd formed a qucue near thr ropper, which lln.d to be boiled and l'e·1)oilNl befo l'C tho thirsty o1'ow(1 was satisfied, THF,N camo the !Jusinc,s of the day, Campitlg places were ti.diecl up, rUllniug shoes werC' rc· moved, hats wel'e plae('(l at the correct angle, nnd rnnks w(\]'e f01'l11ecl in I'endilless for the )[arrh Past, Exciter] 'murmurs swellecY, and then died down as thp Stnte Commission· er aPllenrcc1. loooking so mueh on<, of OUL sr1\'('s in her Gu](1(' ullifOl·m. Then, with eneh Company ll('aclee] h~r its C'olour I'n 1' ty, we marched pnst Lacly Somers, who took the snlut<', looking pr011(1 of her hig
'Then tIle Guide IIOl'srshoe walS formed, and wc lia1"enecl whi1r Ladv Svmr~~ told of hoI' meeting with tIle C'hirf' Scout an(l Chief Oui(l(' in London, nnel llrged tiS OIl to gi't~,t pffol't~ to " Be Preparecl" in r\'el':' way for Theil- 'iRit to Austrn iin next ~'eal'. The Browllies nex.t ]lla,vC'c1 g'alllc" anel finishec1 up with the BrO\\'ni!' Howl, while the Guines, Rangcrs and Guiders tUl'nccl their attention to Countr)' Dancing. The gramaphone was bl'ought into play, -and we Ilung ourselves into the VnriOll! dances with gusto, now and again displaying 11101'C energy thnn aecuracy, J fear. But everyone enjoyed it, anI ,,·c kept it up till we could not do anothN step, Most of us found time for a short \I'all<: aftel' this, The SUll was setting, nnd the sight of the last ra,VS on the hills, with the shadows ga_
____________________~---------~--A--T--I-L-D-~A __________~____________~J~a~u~u~a~ 1'~~',~1~93~0~.
thel'ing in the \' alley~ h!' low, ;lI:!ade II and take a deep breath, for tll(' ~ anty snr· l'Ounded u . Bn.ck :Jgain t hen to ou I' CnI)]1.:fil'e, g r cn t success, mue11 to the re ' of fire_builders. 'We gathered roUl ",' voices in fn ,ourite songs and roun 'rh&' a-rous· ing dumb rh:11\<'1<1e contributed by 6nc company was hearti ly npplaucle<1. Our DiYision Commissioner then brought o Ill' happy day to a happy ending. She congratulated :111 nnd sundry 011 ,th eir yariou lnbours, taking no credit to he l' elf for her huge share in the Rucces of the day, But w{' triNl io thank hel' as well as Guid('~ :1Ild (luill('rs tOIl1i1 b\' hallll · elnps ana elleel's, nn(l 1\'[is Campbell us \\'('11, fo!' all h('r effol'tq townrcl~ t h(' Rllrr{'ss of the Tl-nll.v ' At, length, with th(' shll's :1PP"ll1'ing-, as though aclding their l)('I1{'llic-tion TO Olll' lnst rhe('rs ::I.llrl t l good_nig-ht,," 11'(' turne(l on our hOmeWll1'a wny, thankful for a 1()\'e1~' (la,v. T for one envi('(l the recruit who wa elll'oned at that rally. Her first dav of Guicll'hoo(l will he a lnsting and im· pl'eRRh'~ memor~' \\·ith her. JO .\:\' HOL)rBR, 1 t ~orthrot(' R:1.11gers,
l.- A N ature Diary, reprC'senting the work of t he whole COl\1pnn~', to he kept fro m 1st Jaml_ :lI'y to 30t11 R('pte mlh er, 1930. N.B ,-Val'ie-ty of su hjeds to h<' ta k('n into ronsicl('rntion. 2.- Handcraft. (a) fost useful and origilla1 :II-ti('l(' mlld(' 1'01' the lO" 'C'st pri('e (<lOCKets to be :dfixc.1) (b) Toy, gaJ'mellt 01' useful m'ticl(' foJ' (,lli lil up to th (' age of six "e:1I's. N.B.--' rn e::l('h part ( a ) a 11(1 (b) of "HA~·rJ). f'RAFT" entl'ies from (,:1('h Company to h(' )imited to t h re(' , these to be the wOl'k of (lif· f(,I'(,lIt Gu iclps 01' the comhined work of scyera1, 110 (lllillC' 10 ent(,I' illilil'i(lllnl \\'Ol'k in hoth S('I'_ 1ions. Method of .Judging.-All artie1('s for Section (B) to be ~('nt ill In- ('ompeti ng ()ompmlie~ 1)('· for(' 8th October, 1930. Points will h(, allotterl as 101l0w8:l.-·:\'ntul'e Dinr\' 30 points. ~,-TTml(l H:lft: ( n ) 2~3 points, (b) 25 points. Final .Judging. ('ompanies le:l(ling ill both these SECT10NS (A) nnd (B) will th(,11 h(' jurlg('d for th(' final r('slllt hv n ('I.mmittee IIppointed hy t he Dh ~ioll C'II;lInissionel's. ,., -
At thl' ('om missioners ' (,onfrrenee held ill Rept('mh('r, 192!l. it wn~ ngl't'Cf1 that ;11 r('fE'l'('n~(' to the l'erOmnH'IHlHtioll from th<? Guiders' Con· ferC'I1('I'-i.e., thnt the' Stl':ldbl'oke Cup he he1r1 in J 930 for a defillitp subjC'rt-the Di ,ision Commis ioners shou1<l form a CommittC'£' to draw up n R.vllabus for the eompe-tition. The Commis i01H'I'S felt that t he Guide Spirit was ,0 essential th:1t no form of competition \\'ou\(l be advisable that did lIOt take into COIL eic1el'ation the g-e'uend stan(lard of the company. It was thel'efore c1eridNl to hold t he cO lll;11et itioll for (a ) (lenelal ,t:111d:1I'(1 of the Compall~') ano ( h ) Two subjects, to br rlerided b~' the Dj · Yision 'ommissionel's. At a subsequent me eting of Di,ision Comm.is· sioner it was deeided tha t the details of these Rectiolls, (a) and (b) shoulcl he as £ollo\,"s:Section (a)-General standard of Company, Method of .Judging, Distril't Commissioner.' senl1 in b.v 8th September, 1930, :l. grade(l list (A, B, 0, D, etr.) of Companies competing in thei r Dist r ict to the COI11]letitio n Comm it t ee, Cvmpallies to he grMled on the hasis ofGuic1(' Spirit Patrol :vstem R('cl'e(ltion. ~houlrl
Section B.
l~l1qllir i ('s m n~' 1)(' acldr('ss('cl to .Mrs. F::tu 1 k n ll ~ 7 (,1)1110 A\' ell11c. South YalTa, S.Rl. Tmporbnt questions regarding th(' ('ompctition wlll be an· ~\\,('1'('(1 in th(' 1I£,,,t iF'H'" of "-:\I:rtilcl"," 80 that ('\'('r~' 011(' l1la~· helH'fit b .v thl' hlfol'matioll. R E)'TTD FAULKNER. HOI1. Sec ., Stra~bl'oke ('up Competition.
ResignatiOns. -- ~Iiss M. Tool'ak and Armada l(',
CUllIming, District
WARRANTS. Captains .J.th Geclong:-:'Iiss 1\1. W . .Tones, 7th Hawthorn : -:'fiss Ruth Denny, 2ml S:lluhingham:--<?lIi s \\'. y, William!, 1st Stanhope:-nIis. R Howell. Lieutenants :l,t Carlton : - )[1'8, Bell, 1st FootsCl'a,\': - M iss D, V, Aldis, I 'it HOJ'sham :-Miss Gny mith, ht Richmond :-~fis Amy Bennett. 3rcl RichmOll.I:--;Miss M:a\'is Cribb.