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Becoming a Juliette
Product Programs
Juliettes can participate in the Treats and Keeps Program in the fall and the Cookie Program in the spring to fund their Girl Scout activities while learning useful business skills, which include goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills and business ethics.
Your Juliette Coordinators will provide information regarding these programs via email at the start of each program.
Treats and Keeps Program
Early September through Mid-November
Cookie Program
Early December through the end of March
Please note, Juliettes participate in the Cookie Program as their own individual troop. Troops must order cookies by the case and are nancially responsible for all cases purchased.
Troop Proceeds from Product Programs go to the overall
Juliette program, not directly to the Juliette Girl Scout.
However, sales-based "Cookie Dough" and other similar incentives are awarded individually and can go towards qualifying Girl Scout purchases.
To learn more, visit: www.girlscoutsatl.org/en/productprogram/girl-scout-cookie-program.html
Travel Opportunities
Through Girl Scout Destinations, Juliettes can experience leadership opportunities and cross-cultural understanding through regional, national and international travel.
Girl Scout travel opportunities allow girls to pack their bags full of inspiring, life-changing experiences and memories.
Highest Awards
The Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards are the highest awards in Girl Scouting. Juliettes can earn these awards by leading a take-action project to improve their local community. To learn all about the Girl Scout High Awards Process, including the quali cations, steps to apply, Young Women of Distinction, scholarship opportunities and to access the applications please visit: www.girlscoutsatl.org/en/our-program/highest-awards.html.
For more information on how to order Gold, Silver, and Bronze Award pins and emblems, visit: www.girlscoutshop.com/BADGES-PINS/GOLD-SILVER-BRONZE-AWARDS.
The following information breaks down each award, as well as the Juliette High Award...
The Bronze Award
Here are the Girl Scout Bronze Award quali cations:
Girl Scout is in fourth or fth grade (or equivalent)
Girl Scout is registered as a Girl Scout Junior
Girl Scout has completed a Junior Journey
Girl Scout has the support of a Bronze Award
Trained Girl Scout volunteer who is not related to them. If you are in need of assistance in nding a quali ed volunteer, your Juliette Coordinator can guide you and offer more information.
Visit www.girlscoutsatl.org/en/our-program/highest-awards/bronze-award.html to learn more and to download our Bronze Award Guidelines document.
After completing your project, please submit a Bronze Award Report Form found here: https://app.smarterselect.com/programs/41161-Girl-Scouts-Of-Greater-Atlanta.
Please note, the Bronze Award is awarded on the “On My Honor” system — meaning, once you have completed the Bronze Award Report, the Girl Scout has successfully achieved her Bronze Award and you can purchase the Bronze Award Insignia Pin.