1 minute read

Summer STEM Activity

Nature Art

You will need:


• Cyanotype (sun print) paper

• An acrylic sheet or frame of glass

• Heavy cardboard base (or thick book)

• A sink/tub full of water

• Fun and interesting nature objects to print (flower petals, leaves, shells, etc.)


• Place your sun paper blue side up on a heavy cardboard base.

• Arrange your nature items on the sun paper. It is best to arrange them in a dark room as even a little bit of light exposure can start the chemical reaction in the paper.

• Place the acrylic sheet or glass on top of your arrangement so it will lay flat.

• Expose to the sun until your paper turns white. Check the time frame on your sun paper’s instructions, but it should be about 1 – 5 minutes. Do not overexpose.

• Rinse the paper with water for about 5 minutes and lay flat to dry.

• Enjoy your nature art!

Reflection Questions:

• Which nature objects make the coolest designs?

• On a sunny day, would it take longer or shorter to expose your art, than on a cloudy day?

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