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Deborah L. McCloud Administrative Award

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The mission of Noble is to expand opportunities and enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities and their families through individualized services. One of the ways Noble helps meet their mission is through a volunteer partnership with Girl Scouts of Central Indiana. We utilized volunteers from Noble over the last five years. This group of dedicated individuals come in monthly to perform various tasks that help the council carry out essential services. Over 1,000 troop leaders have handmade troop start up kits that were assembled by Noble volunteers in the last three years. Whether it is stuffing envelopes, thanking donors for their contributions, or putting together supplies that enhance girl programming, Noble volunteers come in ready to tackle each project with a smile on their face. Deborah L. McCloud Administrative Award

This award represents an individual who exemplifies Deborah L. McCloud’s dedication to the development of girls in central Indiana and to the financial stability of our council. Jane Pfaffenberger and Noraleen Young

2020 Volunteer Awards Noraleen Young and Jane Pfaffenberger have faithfully maintained the Girl Scouts of Central Indiana archives for many years. The archives contain more than 100 years of artifacts, memorabilia, photos, and precious memories. Until last year, Jane and Noraleen worked in rented storage units with limited lighting, heating and cooling. Under their leadership and organization, the archives were transported to a newly developed storage space inside the Leadership and Learning Center. Noraleen and Jane worked with council staff to prepare the new area to receive the archives, consulted on ideal shelving units, and organized the move so that it was a seamless process. They continue to make improvements to the archive storage, including consulting and sharing best practices with the Indiana State Museum. Noraleen and Jane are looking forward to the opportunities the new archive space will provide, such as behind the scenes archives tours, working with alum to help maintain the archives, and better access to share our archive pieces.


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