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If your Girl Scout would love to attend camp as a camper but doesn’t have the resources to do so, we may be able to help! Families can apply for Camperships by paying the initial $100 deposit for camp and submitting a Campership application. Applications open December 1, 2022, and can be completed once initial registration is made. Campership applications are due by March 1, 2023, and awards are granted after March 15, 2023. We recommend you send in the application as soon as you submit your online registration.
Camperships are awarded based on household size and income. Financial assistance is available only to registered members of GSNI. Applications will not be processed without the deposit and registration form. All campers who apply for Camperships must participate in GSNI’s Fall Product and Cookie Programs and should apply product rewards (Cookie Dough, Cashew Cash, or S’more Dough) towards their camp fees.
Camperships are only available for active registered Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois youth members. Adult Girl Scout members and members of other Girl Scout councils do not qualify.
Extra adventures, day camp overnights, Camper Care Kits, prepaid Trading Post account funds, CIT programs, the Ultimate Outdoor Adventure event, family camps adult fees, and troop camp fees for all participants are not covered by Camperships. Camperships cannot be requested for troops to cover members attending troop camping and troops should utilize Cookie Dough/Cashew Cash and troop fundraising to support. Due to third party activity fees, camp sessions related to horses or adventure camp will not be eligible for full-ride camperships and instead offered as a discount on the total camp session cost. The Ultimate Outdoor Adventure event at Wildman Resort is a GSNI Council-Sponsored travel event and financial assistance is not included in summer camp camperships. There is also no early registration discount for this trip. Due to optional add-on status, Camper Care Kits, prepaid Trading Post account funds, and day camp overnight fees will not be covered by or refunded through camperships.
Campers can only apply for financial assistance once per the 2023 season for overall registration, not individual sessions. If you wish to receive financial assistance for multiple sessions, one amount will be allotted across multiple sessions.
For more information or to apply for a campership, please visit www.girlscoutsni.org/camperships.