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Operational Excellence
GSEP celebrated 626 Bronze Award Girl Scouts and held in-person award ceremonies for 160 Silver Award Girl Scouts and 63 Gold Award Girl Scouts. Moving into a more normal year after the effects of COVID-19, GSEP’s four resident camps and three day camps hit the ground running, serving 652 more campers than in MY21. GSEP was able to meet staffing requirements with greater ease than the previous summer, with internationals returning, and continued utilization of volunteers and some full-time staff. During the seven weeks of summer camp, GSEP provided 3,721 camp experiences. Of these 3,721, there were 1,425 registrations for day camp, and 2,296 registrations for resident camp.
Campers' Avg. Age Campers by Grade
24% 33% 43%
Daisies & Brownies (K-3)
Juniors (Grades 4-5)
Cadettes & Up (Grades 6-12)
All Campers:
Day Campers:
Resident Campers:
10.4 years 9.0 years
11.3 years
Girl Scouts Beyond Bars (GSBB) has been an important life-changing program at GSEP since the 1990s and is rebounding now after the shutdowns of the pandemic. GSEP continued to rebuild membership and in FY21, was able to get back into Riverside Correctional Facility so Girl Scouts could visit their mothers again. Prior to the pandemic, girls could visit their mothers twice a week, and the other two weeks of the month the girls met with one another as a troop. GSEP also worked on plans to launch a father and daughter GSBB program in the prison.
GSEP’s Community Engagement team along with additional staff served 718 girls in Summer Programs in Berks, Bucks, Delaware, Northampton, and Philadelphia counties at community centers, recreation centers, parks, and other partner sites. GSEP aimed to serve more girls through this program, however, many partner locations were struggling with basic staffing requirements and were unable to fulfill commitments for outside partners to come into their sites.
Fall Leadership Weekend 2022 brought together 124 participants from all over GSEP for a virtual day of learning, networking, and fun. The committee created impressive oceanicthemed decorations, while volunteers participated in workshops, listened to presenters, and had camp-filled fun time getting prepared to serve girls.
Planning began for the Girls Scouts 56th National Council Session, which will be held in July 2023. GSEP will send 16 NCS Delegates and 2 Alternates. Delegates from every council across the nation and USA Girl Scouts Overseas will meet to discuss, debate, and vote on issues important to the Girl Scout Movement, and elect national leaders for the next triennium.
The Volunteer Awards ceremony was held in person on November 9, 2021, at Camp Laughing Waters. It was a wonderful opportunity to thank Volunteers for going above and beyond during the pandemic to make sure Girl Scouts in their community had access to the GSLE, as best they could. 130 Volunteers and 7 Service Units were recognized for their exemplary service to GSEP during the Member Year. There were 32 numeral guard pins awarded, totaling 1,540 years of collective service to Girl Scouts. Eight recipients received the CEO Award, which recognizes the efforts of a Service Unit in moving its assigned area toward the goals and objectives of Service, Learning, and Growth in Membership Year 2021.