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Highest Awards
Bronze. Silver. Gold. These represent the highest honors a Girl Scout can earn. Girls in 4th and 5th grade (Junior level) earn the Bronze; 6th, 7th, and 8th graders (Cadette level) earn Silver; and girls in 9th grade and up (Senior and Ambassador levels) earn Gold.
All three awards give your Girl Scout the chance to do big things while supporting an issue they care about. Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awardees address the root cause of an issue, and come up with sustainable, long- lasting solutions. They might plant a community garden at a school or inspire others to eat healthy foods for their Bronze, advocate for animal rights for Silver, or build a career network that encourages girls to become scientists and engineers for Gold. Whatever they choose, they’ll inspire others...and change the world for the better.
Visit gsep.org/highestawards to learn more.