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Donor Spotlight
This year marked the 25th anniversary of Take the Lead Lehigh Valley. On April 25, 2023, close to 500 community members gathered on a beautiful Tuesday evening at the ArtsQuest™ Center at SteelStacks in Bethlehem to witness four deserving high school-aged Girl Scouts present their mentors with the esteemed Take the Lead award. In addition to celebrating honorees Vicki Doulé, Michelle Kott, Lisa Liddington, and Darlene Pors, who exemplify Girl Scout values in their everyday lives, GSEP also recognized Premier sponsors—PPL and Michelle and Vincent Sorgi—who have been longstanding supporters and advocates of Girl Scouting. Take the Lead’s Anniversary sponsors—Air Products, CAI, Lutron, and Olympus—also generously increased their support for this year’s Take the Lead event to highlight the importance of the 25th anniversary and the impact Girl Scouting has had in the Lehigh Valley throughout the years. Due to the combined $135,000 investment of the Premier and Anniversary sponsors, Girl Scouting is able to remain strong in the Lehigh Valley for years to come. Funds raised at Take the Lead allow GSEP to provide our community of Girl Scouts with engaging and innovative programs, specifically tailored to the way in which girls learn. Throughout our history, Girl Scouts has traditionally been at the forefront of providing critical support to girls when they need it most. GSEP believes that all girls in our region deserve access to the high-quality programming that drives them to excel, which makes Take the Lead, and the generosity of our sponsors, so pivotal to fulfilling our mission.
