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Girl Leadership: Kick It Up a Notch!
Have you ever wondered how the people in charge of our Girl Scout Council make decisions? Do you want to be “in the room where it happens?”
YOU can be part of the group that advises GSEP’s Board of Directors and helps shape the future of Girl Scouting in our region!
In late fall, applications open for older girls to apply to be either a Girl Delegate or a Girl Advisor to the Board. Girls in these positions have the opportunity to discuss key issues directly with our CEO and Board.
Each year, three girls are selected as Girl Advisors to GSEP’s Board of Directors. Girl Advisors hold seats at the table during meetings of the Board of Directors, where they provide girl insight and perspective on crucial matters. Plus, 30 girls are elected as Girl Delegates to represent the nearly 30,000 Girl Scouts in GSEP’s nine-county footprint. Girl Delegates weigh in on important ideas at the Delegate Council Meetings and vote on new Board members and policies and procedures at GSEP’s Annual Meeting in May. There are many benefits to becoming a Girl Advisor or Girl Delegate. You’ll get a pin for your vest or sash, opportunities to network with adult volunteers and Board Members, plus hands-on experience practicing parliamentary procedure and public speaking. Additionally, Girl Governance positions look great on a college application or resume.
Girls who are at least 14 years old are also eligible to be elected as a Service Unit Delegate or Alternate! Talk to your troop leader or Service Unit Manager about this role, which is another vital part of GSEP Governance.