1 minute read
How can YOU start being an Advocate for Change?
First, identify an issue you care about. There are lots of badges and Journeys for Girl Scouts of all ages that that can help you explore important topics like the environmental justice, democracy, media, and food systems.


Next, identify the people in power who you should talk to. Sometimes, this means working with elected officials and government agencies. These adults appreciate having youth coming to them with an issue that all community members can work on together. Any girl or troop can contact the office of an elected official to set up a visit or speak about an issue that is of importance to them. You can find their offices’ contact information on their respective websites. Reaching out is a terrific way to connect with people who are interested in how YOU are changing the world, too!
Finally, learn how to encourage other people to join you in promoting change. You may find that there are nonprofit organizations or other groups dedicated to an issue that you feel strongly about, and you can assist them in their efforts. Other times, it’s up to you to start a movement… and you can do it! After all, Juliette Gordon Low started our national organization with just 18 girls.