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Frequently Asked Questions
Cookie Frequently Asked Qustions
How do I sign up for my Girl Scout for the Cookie Program?
All Girl Scouts registered for the 2022-2023 membership year are eligible to participate in the Cookie Program and will receive an email invitation from noreply@abcsmartcookies.com.
What if my Girl Scout’s troop does not have a Troop Cookie Manager?
You can volunteer! The Cookie Program does not have to be a one person’s job, multiple adults can share the position. Contact your Troop Leader or email memberservices@gsep.org with the subject “Troop Cookie Manager” to find out how you can help.
What if my daughter is a “Juliette” or Individually Registered Member?
Individually Registered Members or “Juliettes” who are not associated with a troop may sell cookies. Email us at memberservices@gsep.org, with the subject “Cookies” to get started.
Why do I have to be a registered member to help at a cookie booth?
Safety is a top priority for Girl Scouts. All adults who supervise girls or money must register and submit criminal background clearance documents to ensure the safety and well-being of our girl members. Additionally, as a registered member, you are covered under the Girl Scouts insurance policy.
How do I order and pick up cookies?
Contact your Troop Cookie Manager to discuss the troop’s process of ordering cookies. Request a receipt any time you are handing in money in exchange for cookies.
How are sales recorded?
All Direct Ship orders are automatically credited in ABC Smart Cookies. Girl Delivery, Order Card, and booth orders will be entered into ABC Smart Cookies by the Troop Cookie Manager.
Who do I give the money to?
The Troop Cookie Manager will instruct you on how to pay for the cookies you receive from troop inventory. Any credit card payments paid through ABC Smart Cookies will be automatically credited to the troop.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to get a receipt every time you turn in money.
Can I return cookies?
GSEP does not allow cookies to be returned by troops. Check with your Troop Cookie Manager about exchanging/transferring varieties with others in your troop or Service Unit. Parents and adult volunteers can also use social media to arrange swaps with other GSEP families.
Who sets the price of the cookies?
GSEP sets the sale price of cookies sold in our council. Cookie prices in Eastern Pennsylvania are $5/ package except for the Gluten Free Cookie which is $6/package. Cookie prices may not be adjusted.
It’s important to keep in touch with your Troop Cookie Manager as to how much money is owed to the troop. Money should be given to the Troop Cookie Manager in a timely manner or cookies should be paid for by credit card through ABC Smart Cookies.
The misuse of Cookie Program money may result in legal proceedings, denial of registration for programs and events, denial of use of GSEP facilities, and/or release from a volunteer position, if applicable.