2025 Cookie Marketing Kit

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2025Cookie MarketingKit



Cookie Description Sheet

Cookie Ingredients Sheet

Cookie FAQs

Cookie Booth Bingo

Cookie Shop Flier

For even more resources to boost your cookie business, like the 2025 Cookie Social Media Kit and to make reprints of these materials, visit girlscoutsla.org/cookies.

Booth Essentials

Cookie Booth Guidelines

Cookie Booth Checklist

Price Per Package Booth Sign

5 for $30 Booth Sign

Cookies for the Community

Ripple Effect Flier

Cookies for the Community Booth Sign

Join Girl Scouts Business Card

All our cookies have...

NO High-Fructose Corn Syrup

NO Partially Hydrogenated Oils (PHOs)

Zero Grams Trans Fat per Serving

RSPO Certified (Mass Balance) Palm Oil

Halal Certification

2024 – 2025 Girl Scout Cookies® Ingredients and Food Allergen Guide







Cookie Frequently Asked Questions

Girl Scout Cookie Season is a very visible time for Girl Scouts, and as a representative, you may get asked a few questions. Below are suggested responses to help guide you. If you do not feel prepared to answer, refer customers to customercare@girlscoutsla.org.

Why are Girl Scout S’mores retiring?

We routinely reevaluate our cookie lineup to make room for new innovations Retiring Girl Scout S’mores may lead to something new and delicious So, this season is extra special for our beloved treat This season is your customers' last chance to enjoy this classic treat so encourage them to stock up!

Where do the cookie proceeds go?

Troops use their cookie money for activities, field trips, service projects, and more A portion also goes back to the local Girl Scout council (a nonprofit) to support their activities. This may include wildfire relief for impacted sister troops and/or first responders.

Did the price of a package change?

Our core seven varieties remain $6 per package, while the specialty cookies, Toffee-Tastic and Girl Scout S’mores, will be $7 per package. Cookies for the Community will remain $6 per package.

Do other areas sell their cookies at different prices?

Yes, each Girl Scout council determines the price of their cookies Prices vary nationwide, although most of our surrounding councils are selling theirs at $6-$7 a package this year

Do you have a new cookie?

No, we are not adding any new cookie flavors to the line-up in 2025.

Can I donate to Girl Scouts instead of buying cookies?

Yes! Through our Cookies for the Community program, customers can donate with cash or credit cards to send cookies to service members or to partner charities, including wildfire relief organizations. A donation can be of any size; it does not have to be the price of a package.

How do I get my daughter into Girl Scouts?

We would love to have you! Visit our website at girlscoutsla org; call 213-213-0123; or email join@girlscoutsla org

Are you selling cookies online this year?

Yes. With the Digital Cookie online program, Girl Scouts set up their own Girl Scout Digital Cookie storefront, learn about goal setting, communication, and send secure emails to customers to receive online orders and Cookies for the Community (C4C) donations Customers pay online, whether they request girl delivery or to have them shipped directly from the baker.

Have the cookies gotten smaller?

No, Girl Scout Cookies are the same size and weight per package

What do you do with your leftover cookies?

Cookies that don’t go to a customer are donated through the Cookies for the Community program. Many troops give their extra boxes to local charities

Do you use palm oil?

Palm oil is an ingredient found in the majority of baked snacks sold in the United States, and it remains a necessary ingredient in our cookies to ensure their shelf life, serve as an alternative to trans fats, and bring you the highest quality products, per GSUSA’s licensed bakers While we continue to explore alternatives, at this time, there are no viable or readily available alternatives. Girl Scouts and our licensed bakers have been members of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) for nearly 10 years. RSPO is a not-for-profit organization that ensures our bakers are sourcing palm oil from reputable, ethical, and sustainable producers by auditing farms and decertifying and decommissioning those that are not adhering to these strict guidelines Girl Scouts’ licensed bakers use RSPO-certified palm oil in their production of Girl Scout Cookies and include the RSPO mass balance logo on their packaging. For more information, visit littlebrowniebakers.com/pages/faq

Does Girl Scouts have a relationship with Planned Parenthood?

No Girl Scouts of the USA which includes Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles does not have a relationship or partnership with Planned Parenthood.

Does Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles (GSGLA) allow transgender children to join Girl Scouts?

Girl Scouts values diversity and is an all-inclusive organization that welcomes all girls.

Does Girl Scouts have a relationship with Boy Scouts?

No, Girl Scouts of the USA and Boy Scouts of America were founded separately, incorporated separately, and have existed as two completely separate and distinct organizations for more than a century.

Why are the S’mores & Lemon-Ups packages soft pack?

Our cookie company decided to package these cookies in a soft package, reducing the materials used and package size.

For questions that you do not feel prepared to answer, refer customers to customercare@girlscoutsla org Customers can call the 1-800 number on the cookie package to provide cookie feedback. Please refer to our website for all FAQs

Cookie Booth BINGO

Customer buys a whole case

Customer donates a package

Sell more than 5 packages to one customer

Sell out of a type of cookie

Customer buys Trefoils

Customer asks how you are spending your cookie proceeds

Customer asks about gluten-free options

Describe all the flavors to a customer

Tell customer to stock up on S’mores

Staff from booth site buys cookies

Customer buys Thin Mints Decorate your booth


Sings Girl Scout songs to attract


Sell to a former Girl Scout

Use the “Take a Payment” feature Customer buys Samoas

Make and display home-made signs at your cookie booth

Customer buys Tagalongs Rains during a booth

Recite the Girl Scout Promise or Law

Customer buys a speciality cookie

Customer lets you keep the change for a donation

Tell a customer your fave cookie

Share your cookie goal with a customer

Use this bingo card at your booth to engage your customers! Try to mark all the bingo squares throughout your boothing locations and times.

Cookie Booth Guideline Highlights

Find full boothing guidelines in the Cookie Family Guide, Troop Cookie Basics Guide, LBB eBudde system, and any other published guidelines.


Boothinghoursarebetween8a.m.and8 p.m.onweekends*,and2p.m.and8 p.m.onweekdays.**

*OnlyJuniorGirlScoutsandolder mayboothafter6p.m.

**Onlyhomeschooledortrack scheduleGirlScoutsmaybooth before2p.m.onweekdays,provided thereisaboothposterdisplayed explainingwhytheyarenotinschool. ADaisyGirlScoutshouldnotboothfor morethananhouratatime.


Ensureatleasttwoadultsarepresentat alltimes.

Haveaplanforsafeguardingmoney. EnsureadultshandleALLmoneyforDaisy GirlScouts

Donotfollowcustomersintoastoreor parkinglot

Neverapproachcarstomakeasale. FollowallGSGLAandGSUSAsafety guidelines.


GirlsshouldbeeasilyidentifiableasGirl Scoutsbywearingamembershippinand officialuniform,sash,vest,orotherGirl Scoutclothing.


Arriveontimeandstayuntilyourshiftis over.

Uponarrival,adultsshouldalwayscheckin withthestore/locationmanager. Bepoliteandcleanupafteryouaredone. Taketrashandemptycookiecaseswithyou. Followtheguidelinesandetiquetteoutlined byGSGLA.




Howyouwillgreetcustomersandkeep themengaged


CookiesfortheCommunity(C4C)andother optionsforpurchasingcookies

Yourgoal(s)andwhatyouplantodowith theproceeds


TheskillsyoulearnthroughtheCookie Program

Cookie Booth Checklist

Find full guidelines in the Cookie Family Guide, Troop Cookie Chair Basics Guide, LBB eBudde system, and any other published guidelines.

Deck out your booth with marketing accessories from your local GSGLA store.

Bring a printout confirming your troop's booth sign up.

Bring a table, chairs, and a Girl Scout or green tablecloth.

Place extra products and supplies under the table.

Make a poster to display the troop's goal and plans for using proceeds.

Display your Cookies for the Community sign.

Always mention the Cookies for the Community donation program, especially to customers who may not want to purchase cookies.

Have extra cash to make change for customers. (Tip: use a fanny pack or crossbody purse to keep money close.)

Recycle grocery bags into cookie shopping bags and save cookie case boxes for multiple item buyers.

Bring the telephone numbers of your service unit (SU) Boothing Chair, SU Cookie Program Chair, SU Manager, and Product Program Manager.

Take ALL trash with you when you leave Do not put empty cookie cases in the store's trash can

Follow all boothing and site-specific guidelines and booth etiquette.

Follow guidelines noted for each specific location in the LBB eBudde cookie tracking system.

Be sure to follow any and all GSGLA and GSUSA health and safety guidelines

What if another troop is in your spot when you arrive?

Print out a copy of your reservation confirmation and bring it with you. The troop with the printed or digital confirmation has permission to be at the site. Adults should settle disputes courteously and model good behavior for Girl Scouts.

5 for 5 for $30* $30*

Several of our C4C partners are providing wildfire

Cookies for the Community Ripple Effect

Your donation of a package of cookies to the Cookies for the Community program starts a ripple effect of support to your community.


Girl Scouts learn key business skills, such as goal setting, decision-making, money management, people skills, and business ethics.


You feel the heart-warming effects of donating to the community

How It Works:

• Girl Scouts can encourage customers to support our Cookies for the Community (C4C) partners by donating money for cookies that go to the C4C partners

• Customers provide monetary donations that the troop or the Girl Scout collects *

• The troop or Girl Scout does not hold or store actual cookie packages for C4C.


Girls earn funds for activities and community service projects.


Proceeds support innovative programs for Girl Scouts within the Greater Los Angeles area


The gift of Girl Scout Cookies brightens the days of our charity partner beneficiaries.

Last year, GSGLA donated 185,000+ packages of cookies to our community partners!

Every Girl Scout who sells 12 or more packages of cookies toward C4C earns a Cookie Heart Charm plus the opportunity to earn more rewards at various levels. Additionally, C4C top sellers will be invited to an event where they will see C4C in action. The 2025 event details are TBD.

Principal Community Partners

• The donations are tabulated and reported in eBudde as C4C packages.

• The GSGLA product programs team coordinates the delivery of the cookies to our community partners

Family and friends outside of the

GSGLA area are great groups to ask for C4C contributions! This allows them to support a girl’s cookie goals without incurring the cost of shipping cookies.

*All monies received as donations are considered a C4C donation. For example, if someone says, “Keep the change,” this money (the change) goes toward C4C C4C donations are tax- deductible; receipts can be provided to customers upon request. C4C receipts are available for download at girlscoutsla org

Donate Girl Scout Cookies!

Buy one package of Girl Scout Cookies® and donate another to GSGLA’s donation program, Cookies for the Community. It’s easy to help girls reach their goals while giving back!

We are happy to donate your Girl Scout Cookie™ purchase to our principal partners:

Bob Hope USO, Operation Gratitude*, Los Angeles Regional Food Bank*, and Blue Star Mothers.

*Indicates an organization that focuses on wildfire relief

Cut out business cards and pass them out at your booth! Need more? Go to girlscoutsla.org and print on cardstock.

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