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Virtual Events
Virtual is Here to Stay
This past year and a half has been hard. We’ve had to adapt to so many changes, upsets, and things being put on hold. Luckily, Girl Scouts are resilient and we use our resources wisely! COVID couldn’t stop us from meeting virtually, earning badgework, safely engaging with our community, and maintaining the precious sisterhood that is a cornerstone of our movement. One thing has become clear, virtual programming allows everyone in our council access to great opportunities no matter where they are across the heartland. The overwhelmingly positive feedback has convinced us that these programs are here to stay! So, warm up your computers and smart devices, snuggle into a comfy chair, and enjoy the fellowship of virtual programming with us.
Upcoming Virtual Programming
Have fun with us while learning life skills, STEM, and outdoor mastery! When you sign up for the session, you will receive an electronic activity pack with fun, themed activites that relate to each month’s topic. Then, you will dial in for a live session for games, activities, and sisterhood.
Occurs on the following dates from 6 – 6:45pm CT:
Happy New Girl Scout Year
Bringing the Outside In 11/16/21 Koalas & Cookies 12/14/21 World Thinking Day 2/22/22 Girl Scout Proud 3/8/22 The Girl Scout Tree Promise
On December 3rd & 4th, join Girl Scouts from across the Heartland, as well as some friends from Whoville, as we celebrate with 3 live sessions. Watch your hearts grow a couple sizes as we create grinchy decorations, play holidayWho games, and make Grinch rice krispy treats fit for any feast. Whotastic activity supply pack included as well as a special prize that won't stink, stank, stunk! Dress up in all green with us and don’t miss the fun!
Cookie Countdown
Help our young entrepreneurs feel empowered to run their own business during this 5 week, 5-skill celebration! Each week, we’ll meet for an hour on Tuesday evening to play games, chat with community partners, make cookie-themed crafts, and SO much more. Receive an activity box that will help you complete Your Own Time Activities. Register by 12/13 for early bird pricing of $30 and to ensure your activity box arrives before the first session! Fun patch provided. The fun begins on January 11th, 2022.