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Council Programming
Council programming is available in Outside the Guide
Back by popular demand, with increased customizations and a new theme: Savvy Solutions. Collaborate with a council staff member to determine the best date, topic, and venue for your community, then we bring all the materials and lead the activities! The base event is described below, but can be customized for to meet your needs. To schedule, email info@gskh.org.
What do you need?
• Be a member of one of the eligible
Service Units: SU70 through SU86. • Know 15 or more girls interested in participating; age range can be K-12,
K-8, or just a specific program level. • Help to secure a venue in your community. • You and enough chaperones commit to attend to meet girl-to-adult ratio. • Sack lunches for each girl; SU can choose to provide or ask each girl to bring her own.
What do we provide?
• A 6-hour event with a suggested time frame of 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. • Lesson plans facilitated by council staff with the assistance of event chaperones. • Materials for all activities • Badge or fun patch (depending on exact details of event topic).
Price: $35 per girl

Lab Rats
[Lab·o·ra·to·ry] noun: a place for experimentation, observation or practicing; [lab rat] noun: an inquisitive Girl Scout ready to explore the mysteries of the world around her
Choose your own STEM adventure! Design a car and make something that lights up, get digital by practicing being a citizen scientist, make a field journal and map critters in your area, build earthquake resistant structures, or learn about how oil & water work together. You choose how to imagine and we will bring these interactive workshops to you.
Savvy Solutions [sav·vy] verb: know or understand; [sol·u·tion] noun: means of solving a problem
What better way to explore something unfamiliar than a day of mastering new skills? You may play a game, create a cool craft, make new friends, learn a super savvy skill, or find an untapped interest. This day is designed to help Girl Scouts with the skills and inspiration to accept challenges, overcome obstacles, and take the lead.

[Ad·ven·cher] noun: an exciting or very unusual experience; verb: to take the chance of; dare
Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone? Every Adventure event is a different combination of experiences that allows Girl Scouts to progress from newbie to master in the adventure activities available at the venue. Will we aim for a bulls-eye at the target range, blaze through the hiking trails, glide through the water on our kayaks, or test our outdoor survival skills? Whichever combination we choose; it's guaranteed to be exciting!